


外企职位英文名称 篇1


2009/04/05 19:45 [未分类 ]


计算机/互联网/通讯 Technology/Internet

首席技术执行官 CTO/VP Engineering 技术总监/经理 Technical Director/Manager 信息技术经理 IT Manager 信息技术主管 IT Supervisor 信息技术专员 IT Specialist 项目经理/主管 Project Manager/Supervisor 项目执行/协调人员 Project Specialist / Coordinator 系统分析员 System Analyst 高级软件工程师 Senior Software Engineer 软件工程师 Software Engineer 系统工程师 System Engineer 高级硬件工程师 Senior Hardware Engineer 硬件工程师 Hardware Engineer 通信技术工程师 Communications Engineer ERP技术/应用顾问 ERP Technical/Application Consultant 数据库工程师 Database Engineer 技术支持经理 Technical Support Manager 技术支持工程师 Technical Support Engineer 品质经理 QA Manager 信息安全工程师 Information Security Engineer 软件测试工程师 Software QA Engineer 硬件测试工程师 Hardware QA Engineer 测试员 Test Engineer 网站营运经理/主管 Web Operations Manager/Supervisor 网络工程师 Network Engineer 系统管理员/网管 System Manager/Webmaster 网页设计/制作 Web Designer/Production 技术文员/助理 Technical Clerk/Assistant

销售 Sales

销售总监 Sales Director 销售经理 Sales Manager 区域销售经理 Regional Sales Manager 客户经理 Sales Account Manager 渠道/分销经理 Channel/Distribution Manager 渠道主管 Channel Supervisor 销售主管 Sales Supervisor 销售代表 Sales Representative / Executive 销售工程师 Sales Engineer 医药代表 Pharmaceutical Sales Representative 保险代理 Insurance Agent 销售助理 Sales Assistant / Trainee 商务经理 Business Manager 商务专员/助理 Business Executive/Assistant 销售行政经理 Sales Admin.Manager 销售行政主管 Sales Admin.Supervisor 售前/售后技术服务经理 Technical Service Manager 售前/售后技术服务主管 Technical Service Supervisor 售前/售后技术服务工程师 Technical Service Engineer 售后/客户服务(非技术)经理 Customer Service Manager 售后/客户服务(非技术)主管 Customer Service Supervisor 售后/客户服务(非技术)专员 Customer Service Executive 经销商 Distributor

—————————————————————————————————— 职称中英文对照^最新职能分类

计算机硬件 Computer, Hardware 高级硬件工程师 Senior Hardware Engineer 硬件工程师 Hardware Engineer 其他 Others

计算机软件 Computer, Software 高级软件工程师 Senior Software Engineer 软件工程师 Software Engineer ERP技术/开发应用 ERP Application R&D/Implementation 系统集成工程师 System Integration Engineer 系统分析员 System Analyst 系统工程师 System Engineer 数据库工程师/管理员 Database Engineer/Administrator 计算机辅助设计工程师 Computer Aided Design Engineer 其他 Others

互联网开发及应用 Internet 互联网软件开发工程师 Internet/E-Commerce Software Engineer 多媒体/游戏开发工程师 Multimedia/Game Development Engineer 网站营运经理/主管 Web Operations Manager/Supervisor 网络工程师 Network Engineer 系统管理员/网络管理员 System Manager/Webmaster 网站策划 Web Producer 网站编辑 Web Editor 网页设计/制作/美工 Web Designer/Production/Creative 网络信息安全工程师 Information Security Engineer 智能大厦/综合布线 Intelligent Building/Structure Cabling 其他 Others

IT-管理 IT-Management 首席技术执行官CTO/首席信息官CIO Chief Technology Officer CTO/Chief Information Officer CIO 技术总监/经理 Technical Director/Manager 信息技术经理/主管 IT Manager/Supervisor 信息技术专员 IT Specialist 项目总监 Project Director 项目经理 Project Manager 项目主管 Project Supervisor 项目执行/协调人员 Project Specialist / Coordinator 其他 Others

IT-品管、技术支持及其它 IT-QA, Technical Support...技术支持经理 Technical Support Manager 技术支持工程师 Technical Support Engineer 计量工程师 Measure Engineer 标准化工程师 Standardization Engineer 品质经理 Quality Assurance QA Manager 系统测试 Systems Testing QA 软件测试 Software Testing QA 硬件测试 Hardware Testing QA 测试员 Test Engineer /Tester 技术文员/助理 Technical Clerk/Assistant 其他 Others

通信技术 Communication Technology 通信技术工程师 Communication Engineer 有线传输工程师 Wired Transmission Engineer 无线通信工程师 Wireless Communication Engineer 电信交换工程师 Telecommunication Exchange Engineer 数据通信工程师 Data Communication Engineer 移动通信工程师 Mobile Communication Engineer 电信网络工程师 Telecommunication Network Engineer 通信电源工程师 Communication Power Supply Engineer 其他 Others 电子/电器/半导体/仪器仪表 Electronics/Wiring/Semiconductor/Instrument/Industry 集成电路IC设计/应用工程师 IC Design/Application Engineer IC验证工程师 IC Verification Engineer 电子工程师/技术员 Electronics Engineer 电气工程师/技术员 Electrical Engineer 电路工程师/技术员 Electronic Circuit Engineer 电声/音响工程师/技术员 Electroacoustics Engineer 半导体技术 Semiconductor Technology 自动控制工程师/技术员 Autocontrol Engineer/Technician 电子软件开发(ARM/MCU...)Electronics Software(ARM/MCU…)

嵌入式软件开发(Linux/单片机/DLC/DSP…)Embedded Software Engineer(Linux/SCM/DLC/DSP…)

电池/电源开发 Battery/Power Engineer FAE 现场应用工程师 Field Application Engineer(FAE)家用电器/数码产品研发 Household Electronics/Digital Products Development 仪器/仪表/计量 Instrument/Measurement 测试工程师 Quality Testing Engineer 其他 Others

销售管理 Sales Management 销售总监 Sales Director 销售经理 Sales Manager 销售主管 Sales Supervisor 渠道/分销经理 Channel/Distribution Manager 渠道/分销主管 Channel/Distribution Supervisor 客户经理 Sales Account Manager 区域销售总监 Regional Sales Director 区域销售经理 Regional Sales Manager 其他 Others

销售人员 Salespersons 销售代表 Sales Representative / Executive 渠道/分销专员 Channel/Distribution Representative 客户代表 Sales Account Representative 销售工程师 Sales Engineer 电话销售 Telesales 经销商 Distributor 其他 Others

销售行政及商务 Sales Administration 销售行政经理/主管 Sales Admin.Manager/Supervisor 销售行政专员/助理 Sales Admin.Executive/Assistant 商务经理 Business Manager 商务主管/专员 Business Supervisor/Executive 商务助理 Business Assistant 销售助理 Sales Assistant / Trainee 其他 Others

客服及技术支持 Customer Service and Technical Support 客服总监(非技术)Customer Service Director 客服经理(非技术)Customer Service Manager 客服主管(非技术)Customer Service Supervisor 客服专员/助理(非技术)Customer Service Executive/Assistant 售前/售后技术支持经理 Technical Support Manager 售前/售后技术支持主管 Technical Support Supervisor 售前/售后技术支持工程师 Technical Support Engineer 咨询热线/呼叫中心服务人员 Customer Hot Line/Call Center Staff 其他 Others

财务/审计/税务 Finance/Accounting/Audit/Tax 首席财务官 CFO Chief Financial Officer CFO 财务总监 Finance Director 财务经理 Finance Manager 财务顾问 Finance Consultant 财务主管/总帐主管 Finance Supervisor 会计经理/会计主管 Accounting Manager/Supervisor 会计 Accountant / Accounting Trainee 出纳员 Cashier 财务/会计助理 Finance/Accounting Assistant 财务分析经理/主管 Financial Analysis Manager/Supervisor 财务分析员 Financial Analyst 成本经理/成本主管 Cost Accounting Manager/Supervisor 成本管理员 Cost Accounting Specialist 审计经理/主管 Audit Manager/Supervisor 审计专员/助理 Audit Executive/Assistant 税务经理/税务主管 Tax Manager/Supervisor 税务专员/助理 Tax Executive/Assistant 统计员 Statistician 其他 Others

证券/金融/投资 Securities/Finance/Investment 证券/期货/外汇经纪人 Securities Broker 证券分析师 Securities Analyst 股票/期货操盘手 Stocks/Futures Operator 金融/经济研究员 Financial Analyst/Economist 投资/基金项目经理 Investment Manager/Fund Manager 投资/理财顾问 Investment/Financial Management Advisor 投资银行业务 Investment Banking Specialist 融资经理/融资主管 Treasury Manager/Supervisor 融资专员 Treasury Specialist 拍卖师 Auction 其他 Others

银行 Banks 行长/副行长 President/Vice-President/Branch Manager 资产评估/分析 Assets Valuation/Analyst 风险控制 Risk Management 信贷管理/信用调查/分析人员 Loan/Credit Officer 进出口/信用证结算 Trading / LC Officer 外汇交易 Foreign Exchange 清算人员 Settlement Officer 高级客户经理/客户经理 Senior Relationship Manager 客户主管/专员 Relationship Supervisor/Executive 银行柜员 Bank Teller 银行卡、电子银行业务推广 Credit Card/E-banking business Develop 其他 Others

保险 Insurance 保险精算师 Actuary 保险产品开发/项目策划 Product Development/Planner 保险业务经理/主管 Business Manager/Supervisor 保险代理/经纪人/客户经理 Agent/Broker/Account Manager 理财顾问/财务规划师 Financial Advisor/Financial Planner 储备经理人 Agency Management Associate 保险核保 Underwriting 保险理赔 Claim Management 保险客户服务/续期管理 Customer Service 保险培训师 Trainer 保险内勤 Staff 其他 Others

生产/营运 Manufacturing/Operation 工厂经理/厂长 Plant/Factory Manager 总工程师/副总工程师 Chief Engineer 项目经理/主管 Project Manager/Supervisor 项目工程师 Project Engineer 营运经理 Operations Manager 营运主管 Operations Supervisor 生产经理/车间主任 Production Manager/Workshop Supervisor 生产计划协调员 Production Planning Executive/Officer 生产主管/督导/领班 Production Supervisor/Team Leader 化验员 Laboratory Technician 其他 Others

质量/安全管理 Quality/Safety Management 质量管理/测试经理(QA/QC经理)QA/QC Manager 质量管理/测试主管(QA/QC主管)QA/QC Supervisor 质量管理/测试工程师(QA/QC工程师)QA/QC Engineer 质量检验员/测试员 Quality Inspector/Tester 可靠度工程师 Reliability Engineer 故障分析工程师 Failure Analysis Engineer 认证工程师/审核员 Certification Engineer/Auditor 体系工程师/审核员 Systems Engineer/Auditor 安全/健康/环境经理/主管 Safety/Health/Environmental Manager/Supervisor 安全/健康/环境工程师 Safety/Health/Environmental Engineer 供应商管理 Supplier/Vendor Management 采购材料、设备质量管理 Supplies & Equipment Quality Management 其他 Others

工程/机械/能源 Engineering/Mechanical/Energy 技术研发经理/主管 Technical Design Mgr./Spvr.技术研发工程师 Technical Design Engineer 产品工艺/制程工程师 Process Engineer 产品规划工程师 Product Planing Engineer 实验室负责人/工程师 Lab Manager/Engineer 工程/设备经理 Engineering/Facility Manager 工程/设备主管 Engineering/Facility Supervisor 工程/设备工程师 Engineering/Facility Engineer 工程/机械绘图员 Project Drafting Specialist/Mechanical Drawing 工业工程师 Industrial Engineer 机械工程师 Mechanical Engineer 结构工程师 Structrual Engineer 模具工程师 Tooling Engineer 机电工程师 Electrical & Mechanical Engineer 维修工程师 Maintenance Engineer 铸造/锻造工程师 Casting/Forging Engineer 注塑工程师 Injection Engineer 焊接工程师 Welding Engineer 夹具工程师 Clamp Engineer CNC工程师 CNC Engineer 冲压工程师 Punch Engineer 锅炉工程师 Boiler Engineer 电力工程师/技术员 Electric Power Engineer 光源与照明工程 Lighting Engineer 汽车/摩托车工程师 Automotive Engineer 船舶工程师 Shipping Engineer 飞行器设计与制造 Aircraft Design & Manufacture 其他 Others

技工 Technician / Engineer Trainee 技工 Technician / Engineer Trainee 钳工/机修工/钣金工 Locksmith/Mechanic/Repairer 电焊工/铆焊工 Electric Welding Worker 车工/磨工/铣工/冲压工/锣工 Latheman/Grinder/Miller/Puncher/Turner 模具工 Mould Worker 电工 Electrician 叉车工 Forklift Worker 空调工/电梯工/锅炉工 Air-Condition Worker/Lift Worker/Steam Worker 水工/木工/油漆工 Plumber/Carpenter/Painter 普工 General Worker 裁剪车缝熨烫 Tailor 汽车修理工 Auto Repairing 其他 Others

服装/纺织/皮革 Apparels/Textiles/Leather Goods 服装/纺织设计 Fashion/Textiles Designer 面料辅料开发 Fabric/Accessories Development 面料辅料采购 Fabric/Accessories Purchasing 服装/纺织/皮革跟单 Apparels/Textiles/Leather Goods Merchandiser 质量管理/验货员(QA/QC)Quality Management QA/QC 板房/楦头/底格出格师 Shoe Tree Design 服装打样/制版 Apparels Sample Production 纸样师/车板工 Paper Sample 裁床 Cut Bed 其他 Others

采购 Purchasing 采购总监 Purchasing Director 采购经理 Purchasing Manager 采购主管 Purchasing Supervisor 采购员 Purchasing Specialist/Staff 采购助理 Purchasing Assistant 选址拓展 Location Development

外企职位英文名称 篇2




Q: How much do you know about our products?


参考回答:To be honest, I have known about your company and products for five years. One of my friends who studied in Germany recommended this brand to me. I know the company is famous for high-quality knives and other kitchen gadgets (配件). The design of your products is personalized, and your marketing strategies are innovative. In particular, I’d like to mention that your MD123 Knife has one of the most interesting marketing strategies. It is being nicely promoted by the use of traditional and digital media. I would also like to say that the marketing of the product would be strengthened if you try more online promotion.


☆ Are you familiar with our products? What are your views on our product display?

☆ What do you think is the importance of new product development?

☆ Given a particular product, how will you identify your target market?



Q: How do you normally price a new product?


参考回答:When setting a price for a new product, we must first make sure that the price we set will allow our business to be profitable. We must also take note of where our product stands when compared with our competition. Additionally, in the actual pricing process, we should do a number of tasks such as marking up our cost of production, evaluating product features and customer benefits, undercutting our competitors’ prices, getting feedback from our salespeople and key customers, understanding typical customers’ disposable income, soliciting (征求) advice from consultants, and business associates, etc.


☆ Why is the perfect price so important?

☆ What common pricing tactics do you use?

☆ What factors did you consider when setting a price for your products?



Q: How can you convert website visitors into actual buyers?


参考回答:First of all, describe the products in a comprehensive way by highlighting their core features and benefits. Secondly, eliminate time-consuming registration and check-out processes on the online store and allow visitors to start shopping sooner. Thirdly, always offer a variety of discounts and rebates (折扣) to keep customers coming back to the store. Encourage swift buying by specifying time deadlines for discounted prices. Finally, treat repeat customers differently by giving them special loyalty discounts or providing them with special coupons (礼券) or gifts. Encourage repeat customers to write product reviews on the online store to attract more customers.


☆How can we choose the right distribution channels for our products?

☆What are the effective ways to manage distribution channels?

☆What technologies or ways should you use to productively reach your clients?



Q: Describe a marketing plan you developed. What was the result of implementing that plan?


参考回答:One of the products in our company was entering into the maturity stage from the growth stage of the product life cycle. As such it was necessary to plan out another marketing strategy that would be effective at this level. Stress was given to factors like market retention and expansion while drafting the plan. The draft included a reevaluation of the purpose of manufacturing the product, market scope, target audience, existing competitors, pricing of the product, brand creation, packaging and promotion channels. The plan was effective in strengthening the position of the product in the market.


☆ What marketing tools do you use for achieving marketing goals?

☆What online marketing tools are you familiar with and how do you implement these tools?

☆ Can you supply an example of a successful advertising campaign? What were the strategies and tools implemented that made the campaign successful?



Q: What are the biggest challenges a marketing manager faces today?


参考回答:There are several big challenges a marketing manager must face today. First of all, coming up with new and effective strategies to market a product in such a tight economy is a tough challenge. There is also enormous accountability for marketing managers to ensure that the marketing operation is efficient and cost-effective and to ensure that marketing expenditure translates into growth and profitability for the company. Additionally, in such a highly competitive market, understanding rivals and standing out from them is an ongoing challenge. Finally, there is the pressure to keep up with technology and to use it optimally for marketing activities.


☆Tell me about a marketing project that you brought in on time and under budget.

☆Have you ever led a team on conducting survey analysis and launching new products?

☆ How would you go about persuading a customer that our products are better than any other?



Q: What is marketing?


参考回答:Marketing is a medium through which the producers anticipate the demand of consumers and sell the required product or service to satisfy their want. It is a broad platform where activities like brand management, brand promotion, and sales are all combined towards reaching the ultimate objective of creating and retaining a market.


☆Would you agree that customer retention and customer loyalty are the same thing?

☆What is 4C’s marketing rule?

外企常用英文 篇3



新员工试用期:3 months probation







stand tree

“I stand tree this time.”这次我请客。

go dutch




lunch break


外企公司常用缩写:RGDS: regards

TKS: thanks

ASAP: as soon as posible

BTW: by the way

FW: foward

COD: code of conduct 公司行为规范准则

OL: office lady

EG: for example

FYI: for you information

ETC: esmated time of complete

ETS: esmated time of shipping

NG: no good

NFG: no fxxking good

FNG: fxxking new guy 常指把事情搞得一团糟的新员工

SOB: son of a bitch 我的口头禅

cc: copies send to

bcc: copies send to undisclosed-recipients 这一招很阴毒,发文骂人,bcc老板,而受文者看不到你告状stand up meeting







聚一聚,“Let’s have a gettogether this weekend.”


提醒一下,“Just a kind reminder.”表示你可能miss掉了一些事情,人家不方便指责你,所以“善意提醒”;


这几年各大公司流行这个词,是老外挂在中层本地骨干前面的胡萝卜。“localize the management level”cell

对手机比较地道的说法,“Call my cell if you can’t find me in the office.” 说 mobil phone比较土,说hand phone就土掉渣了;


传呼,BB机流行的年代常用。“Page me.” 说“Call me.”的很土;







pain in the ass



忙碌了一段时间,或一个重要项目完成后,老板带大家出去疯一次,当然是公费,一般是星期五方一天假,再加上周末两天;用travel 或 tour 相当不地道,很土;



fall guy


face music


kick somebody’s ass


go by book




day in and day out








screw up

弄砸事情,常用纯口语,正式一点的说法是“You did it wrong.”公司里面一般说“You screw it up.”


creative / creativity


petty cash


sign off






in charge / follow up / responsible for


in charge 表示对一个部门,一项有一定重要性的事务负责,也可以对人,与权力相关,follow up 表示具体跟进某事,与事情的重要性,与人,与权力无关,responsible for 的程度介乎前两种表达之间;


不是信用卡那个信用的意思,指员工在公司内积累的口碑,信任度和价值,“Good job, this will add your credit in the company.”这句话的意思是老板以后会更重视你,因为你这件事干得好。



lay off: 解雇;

extension: 分机,常简作:ext#










包裹,所谓“一揽子计划”就由此而来,比如你去某公司interview,最后让你提问,比较地道的说法是“What’s the package?”问的是你们能给的待遇乱七八糟加起来有些什么?

harassment :骚扰

headquarters :总公司,总部

LO :liaison office,当地国家的分部;

recognize :认可,recgnized supplier,指认可的供应商;

amotize :分摊,“The expenses are to be amotized by the LOs.”由各分公司分摊费用;

on shifts :轮班;

外企英文简历 篇4


1234, West 67 Street,

Carlisle, MA 01741,

(123)-456 7890.


Seeking an entry-level position within the Engineering Department of a manufacturing facility.


Castle Island Engineering Works, South Boston, MA

May – Sept

Summer Placement

Performed time studies on each process in a large manufacturing area.

Planned the floor layout for a new automated production line.

Completed Auto-CAD drawings for the Senior Engineer on line layout and ergonomic space-saving concepts.

Identified potential bottlenecks to production, and developed methods to reduce and prevent these impediments to efficiency.

Completed change requests on production procedures and drawings.

Douglas Engineering Co. Ltd., Cambridge, MA

June – Sept

Summer Placement

Completed Auto-CAD drawings of proposed layouts for a large production facility in Boston.

Reviewed production procedures and engineering specs including machine drawings prior to submittal for review in the change process.

Developed and maintained a database for tracking tech files, equipment specs, equipment installation checklists etc.


Boston University, Boston, MA

2000 - Present

BS in Mechanical Engineering, Graduated with Honours.

Boston College, Boston, MA


BS in Computer Science


Proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Auto-CAD and Java.

Participated in a two-week course in Machine Design, Christmas 2000.

Other interests include Aircraft Model making and design, carpentry and tool making.

外企英文简历介绍 篇5


Name: YJBYS gender:

Date of birth: age:

Native: national:

Political outlook: health:

Contact: zip code:


The telephone number:

Employment intention

Hope to enter an enterprise for foreign trade or marketing work

Self assessment

I I am cheerful, positive, happy to communicate with the people, like to meet new challenges. And have a good hungry team cooperation spirit, has the strong organization ability to communicate.

Education experience

2003-2006 enrolled in xx university xx is xx professional

2001-2003 enrolled in xx high school

Social practice

2005.9-2005.11 in xx enterprise as a waiter

2006.3-2006.10 xx university library humanities college as an assistant

2006.10-2007.3 xx evening news as a trainee reporter

Skills and expertise


Computer level:

Putonghua level:

Professional level qualifications:

Honor rewards

2004-2005 by the university scholarships

2004 get college “courtyard excellent league members” title

Interests and hobbies

Is the biological extracurricular activities group and geographical extracurricular activities group backbone, attended many field practice and indoor practice activities.
