大连英文介绍 篇1
The squares of Dalian
Dalian is renowned for its emerald lawns and for its blooming flowers.The best way to see these splenders in all their delights is to visit one of Dalian's squares.The urban area of Dalian has approx.70 squares--that forms the striking feature of its town planning, which outshines any other major city in China.The numerous squares can be compared to inlaid pearls, or, resemble musical notes written in one's imagination.The comeliness of the Sea Melody Square, the manliness of Xinghai Square, the elegance of Zhongshan Square and the meaningfulness of the Renmin Square, all present a galaxy of pleasure to one's eyes, intoxicate one's heart and crystallize into a dulcet memory.As the city's drawing room, the citizens flock to these squares to relax, to communicate, and to exercise.Similar to an cosmopolitan European city, many of these squares are frequented by doves and have beautiful fountains, some even have Greek sculptures and Parisian lamps in them.Zhongshan Square(中山广场)
Built up in 1899 by Russians, this's the oldest square in Dalian.Its name evolved from the “Nicholas Square” under Tsarist Russian concession, to “Big Plaza” within the Japanese colonization, and then “Zhongshan”(the formal name of Mr.Sun Yat-sen)after the Liberation(1945).About 100 years ago, a group of Russian architects fascinated with France culture came to Dalian with the construction blueprint of Paris.They dreamed about rebuilding an oriental Paris here, hence the architectural style of the city was formed--to take squares as the center and radiate outwards, with Zhongshan Square being the focal point.The square is also the first musical square in China.In 1995, 36 sets of audio systems were equipped around it.At every dawn and dusk, people crowd here to play Chinese chess, kick shuttlecocks, dance, do Taijiquan or see an outdoor movie, watch an entertainment show or enjoy concerts companied by the flowing music in the air.Renmin Square(人民广场)
The square, formerly known as Stalin Square, was built for commemorating the Red Army of the Soviet Union's liberation over northeastern China.In 1999, the cenotaph in the center was moved to Lushun Soviet Army Martyr Cemetery, where memorial facilities for the Army are concentrated.Instead of the cenotaph a white marble waterfall cloister was built, and the musical fountain in front of it ranks the largest of its kind in the city.Every morning under the backdrop of the fountain mist one can view cheerful dancing of the natives.Women troopers who appear in fixed period are another highlight.North of the Square is located the City Hall.Youhao Square(友好广场)
In Chinese, “youhao” means “friendship”.The square was built in the Tsarist Russia colonial period, and changed its name to “West Plaza” under Japanese reign.Later for the sake of commemorating the friendship between PRC and the Soviet Union, the name of “Youhao” was initiated, and after renovation, in 1996 a giant “crystal ball” was set up.The ball is said to stand for the image of the city as the “China's Northern Pearl”, and the five colors of the “hands” upholding it represent the five different ethnic colors from the five continents.Xinghai Square(星海广场)
Xinhai Square was erected in 1997 to commemorate the reversion of Hong Kong.It sits at the center of the Xinghai business district, and maybe is roughly as big as two Tian?ˉanmen Squares in Beijing.The design of the square combines Chinese tradition and modern concepts: A tall, straight and pure-white marble ornamental column stands at the pivot of the square, ranking the largest across the country.The column is 19.97 meters high, with a 1.997 diameter, indicating that it was built in the year HK returned to the motherland.The base of the column has 8 carved dragons, and the arch is carved with another huge dragon, implying that Chinese are descendants of the dragon.To the north of the square lies Xinghai Convention & Exhibition Center and to its south is the sea.Nearby the sea is located the city centennial sculpture.The sculpture is just like an opened book, and on it is written the history of the city, showing that the locals are confident to open a new historic page and march into the new era.The square has become a major stage for city galas like the Fashion Festival and the Spring Festival Fireworks &.Firecrackers Gathering.On the other side, if you know the history that only several years ago, the site of the square was covered by a large-scale stinking dump and at that time the land-value of it was under RMB1000, while at present the value has risen to over RMB10,000--what will you think of the city's creativity?
Victory Plaza(胜利广场)
Someone said that Dalian is the “drawing room of the Northeast China”, and to apply it in this way we can say Victory Plaza is the drawing room of Dalian.Located in front of the central railway station, the Plaza is a point where any visitor to the city has to pass.Just like what they had drummed up in the ads, the Plaza is a comprehensive shopping mall that sets multi-functions like dining, recreation and shopping under one roof.On a Romanesque square in the north of the Plaza many art shows and commercial promotions are held.Olympic(奥林匹克广场)
In 1932, Liu Changchun, a Dalian local resident, competed in the 10th Olympic Games held in Los Angeles.Liu was the first Chinese to take part in the Games.Decades have passed, the spirit of sport loving is inherited and now Dalian is known as a “Soccer City” and the “Home of Track & Field”.In September 1999, Mr.Samaranch, Chairman of the Int'l Olympic Committee of the day, attended the foundation-stone laying ceremony for the Square.To the south of the square stands the city's central stadium where its soccer team calls home.Haizhiyun Square(海之韵广场)
Haizhiyun means sea melody in English.The square is located at the eastern entrance of Binhai(Seaside)Rd.It faces the vast sea to the north, and is backed by a barrier-like mountain to the south;to its east is Laojiangou Bathing Beach, and to the southwest is the newly-built Huale Street.Built in June 1996, it has won the grand award for sightseeing planning in the National Art Design Competition.There is a main sculpture and 26 super-realistic sculptures that are divided into 9 groups on the square.The fact that such amounts of super-realistic sculptures are set on one square is rare not only in China but also throughout the world.Navy Square(海军广场)
The square was set up in Sept.2000.It's the third square named after navy following the ones in the U.K.and the U.S.A
大连英文介绍 篇2
1.普查范围。根据大连城市规划区和城建档案馆1:500电子地形图情况, 确定地面建筑普查的范围为市内四区及高新园区, 总面积约300平方公里。初步估计, 普查区域内单体建筑总数量大约为28000个。
2.普查的内容。以建筑档案普查为主要内容, 同时收集城市公用建筑信息, 核查城市路街名、建筑门牌号等信息, 拍摄建筑照片, 建立地面建筑GIS数据库, 为建筑档案定位和查询提供准确信息。
(1) 建筑普查的分类。系统建筑图层分为民用建筑、工业建筑、市政工程、交通运输和其他五大类, 其中:民用建筑类:住宅、办公用房、文化教育、卫生、体育、酒店餐饮商业金融等6类;工业建筑类:工厂、电站、矿山、仓储等4类;市政工程类:道路、广场、桥梁、涵洞 (暗渠) 、隧道、环境卫生、地下工程等7类;交通运输类:铁路、公路、水运 (港口、码头) 、航空等4类;其他类:公用设施、名胜古迹、拆迁等3类17个分类。拆迁类主要根据拆迁建筑档案录入、存储、显示和查询需要, 对拆迁建筑进行分层归类处理。
(2) 建筑档案信息。基本库包括自然属性库和档案属性库, 其中自然属性库结构包括:实体名称、实体编码、实体图幅号、实体地址或门牌号、实体类型、实体内容、建筑面积、层数、照片和备注等;档案属性包括:实体名称、实体地址或门牌号、工程名称、建设单位、联建单位、监理单位、施工单位、设计单位、开工日期、竣工日期、竣工档案是否进馆、竣工档案进馆时间、档案目录总编号、档案类别、案卷号、库房存放位置、文字卷、文字数、图纸卷、图纸数、照片张数、光盘张数、光盘存放位置、保存期限、密级、规划审批档案等。
1.选定试点区域, 确定普查方案。2003年底, 开始总体设计建筑档案普查工作, 选择三八广场附近0.5平方公里的区域进行试点, 进行系统规划、库房定位、外业普查和软件开发工作, 完成了试验区内200多个建筑物的普查试点工作。根据试点情况, 进一步修改完善普查和计算机管理系统方案, 为全面开展建筑物普查工作积累了一定的工作经验。
2.发动全市力量, 进行建筑物自然属性普查。根据试点我们得知, 建筑物档案普查不是一件容易的事情。建筑物内业普查需要准确将建筑物定位到电子地图上, 存在着较多的技术难点;而建筑物外业普查需要将每个建筑物的自然属性普查清楚, 然后对每个建筑物照相, 要对全市近三万个建筑物进行外业普查, 工作量可想而知。通过讨论, 我们决定依靠全社会力量, 首先动员各街道社区的工作人员, 开展全市的建筑物自然属性的普查工作。
2004年2月, 在做了大量前期准备工作的基础上, 我们选择西岗区日新街道广和社区为试点, 开展了城建档案普查的试点工作, 为期两周, 获得近200张普查表, 达到了试点的目的。2004年4月, 我们以市建委的名义下发了《关于开展全市城市建设档案普查工作的通知》 (大建档发[2004]53号) , 成立了大连市城建档案普查领导小组和办公室, 全市统一部署、统一行动。对中山区、沙河口区、西岗区、甘井子区、高新园区39个街道、406个社区约2000名城建档案普查人员进行了技术培训, 共下发普查表五万张。全市城建档案普查工作正式拉开序幕以后, 我们对各街道、社区在普查过程中遇到的种种困难, 能耐心细致地做一些协调工作, 帮助普查人员解决实际问题, 使得三个月内共完成21114张城建档案普查表的填写任务。
我们在获得各街道、社区普查表信息的同时, 将各街道、社区的城建档案普查数据刻录成光盘, 陆续发放到社区, 为街道、社区的建设服务。一方面, 各街道社区和我们实现了信息共享, 另一方面, 由于各街道社区获得了很多他们没有的建筑物信息, 大大调动了他们的普查积极性。
3.突破技术难点, 开展库房档案定位普查工作。建筑物普查工作的技术难点是库房档案核对定位工作。这项工作难度非常大, 工作人员感到压力大, 一时无从下手。为了最终确定建筑物内业普查的方法, 摸清其中的细小环节, 决定以广和社区为试点。
在试点中我们发现有两种普查方法, 一种是根据建筑物的开发单位或工程名称以及我们已有的城建档案目录查询系统, 判断该建筑物档案有没有进馆, 档案存放在何处, 即“由外向内普查”;另一种是根据档案的分类目录账本, 翻阅相应的档案资料, 通过总平面图或其他的一些档案信息, 对每一个档案进行空间定位和核查, 即“由内向外定位”。由于库房档案时间久远, 工程地址和建筑物的门牌号对应不上, 建设单位和使用单位也大相径庭, 用“由外向内普查”方法难度大, 容易遗漏, 用“由内向外定位”方法稳妥, 扎实可行, 从而确定了建筑物内业普查“由内向外定位”的大方向。
(1) 在实际定位工作中, 首先碰到的难题是建筑物图纸如何定位, 解决问题的着眼点是分析工程竣工档案中的反映工程位置的多种信息, 如建筑物门牌号、图纸路街名称、总平面图等。根据街道名称、建筑名称等信息在电子地形图上查找相应路街位置, 对照确定具体建筑物。在实际工作中发现有些建筑物道路名称与现状不一致甚至没有标注, 定位很难。经过摸索, 发现图纸建筑物坐标与电子地形图坐标是一致的, 考虑采用坐标定位, 实践证明这种方式既快速又准确。
(2) 接下来碰到的难题是如何正确填写属性表格, 解决问题的关键在于从繁多的案卷中快速找到需要的内容。在大批量翻阅档案的过程中, 我们逐渐摸索出一些便捷的查询方式, 如:在施工文件的管理资料中最容易找到工程的自然属性信息, 在竣工图的设计说明中往往能得到该项目的用地批复号等。我们将这些规律性的查询办法认真总结下来, 使得普查属性表中每一项内容都能直接对应到档案具体位置中, 从而大大提高了属性表填写速度和准确性。
4.依据细则, 集中力量开展库房档案普查工作。依据《建筑普查工作流程及方法》、《建筑普查表格录入细则》, 我们在6月底招聘两名临时工, 按照这种方法进行档案数据的查找录入, 全馆人员也利用星期六、星期天休息时间加班加点, 进行库房档案地普查工作。完成了住宅类14000项工程的普查工作, 共定位录入3790个工程的属性资料。
春节英文小介绍 篇3
Introducing Spring Festival
The Spring Festival is the most important festival for the Chinese people and is when all family members get together, just like Christmas in the West. It originated[起源] in the Shang Dynasty from the people’s sacrifices[祭品] to gods and ancestors[祖先] at the end of an old year and the beginning of a new one.
During the last ten days before Spring Festival, store owners are busy as everybody goes out to purchase[购买] necessities for the New Year. Materials not only include edible[食用的] oil, rice, poultry[家禽], fish and meat, but also fruit, candies and all kinds of nuts. What’s more, various decorations, new clothes and shoes for the children as well as gifts for the elderly, friends and relatives are all on the list of purchasing.
Before the New Year comes, people completely clean the inside and outside of their homes. Then they begin decorating[装饰] their clean rooms with an atmosphere[气氛] of joy and festivity[欢庆]. All the door panels will be pasted with Spring Festival couplets[对联]. Also, pictures of the gods of doors and wealth will be posted on front doors to ward off[避开] evil spirits and welcome peace and abundance[充裕]. Red paper-cuttings can be seen on window glass.
According to custom, each family will stay up to count down for the New Year on the eve of the Spring Festival. Lighting firecrackers[爆竹] was once the most typical custom during the Spring Festival. People thought the banging and popping could help drive away evil spirits. Children will get money as a New Year’s gift, wrapped[包裹] up in red packets. A series of activities such as lion dancing, dragon lantern[灯笼] dancing, lantern festivals and temple fairs will be held for days. The Spring Festival then comes to an end when the Lantern Festival is over.
大连英文介绍 篇4
Founded in Dec.2004, Sino-Korea joint venture Dalian Hailin Aquatic Products Foodstuff Co., Ltd., has 12000 m2 workshop areas, 9000-Mu aquaculture base, and total investment of over 25,000,000 Yuan.The company has set up ancillary facilities for production and living over 7000 m2, built 2000-ton refrigeratory, and possessed of three production lines: live shellfish, frozen shellfish, and ready to eat shellfish.Now there are more than 500 employees with senior technician and management staff over 30.The company is mainly engaged in intensive processing and refinement packing of shellfish, the varieties of products amounted to 40, with annual capacity of 8000 ton.Hailin Company has mastered superior technique in cultivation and intensive processing of marine products, and formed to a complete production chain of products cultivation — new product development — product intensive processing — sales and marketing, in the meantime is approved by ISO22000 Certification, certification of HACCP, QS, as well as Certification of Pollution-free Origin and Agricultural Product.Products of Hailin Company has registered the brand trademark of “Beierxian” in State Administration for Industry and Commerce, the products is possessed of high quality attribute such as: no sand, pollution free, and original taste and flavor etc., and is prestigious in the market, 80% of total products are exported to Japan, Korea, Europe and America etc.Taking the tenet of oceanic pasture, industrial development, prosperity of the enterprise with science and technology and business integrity, depending on specialized production, scale operation and scientific management, Hailin Company develops steadily.Dalian Hailin Aquatic Products Foodstuff Co., Ltd.will sincerely cooperate
with friends from all circles to work together for the more bright future.
大连,提档介绍信 篇5
___________________: 兹有___________的档案属于贵单位管理,现因本公司招聘___________到本公司任职,签订正式劳动合同,从___________起生效,在此期间,本公司管理该员工的档案,负责该员工与档案有关的各项事宜。
介 绍 信
柳州广菱模具技术有限公司 二○○八年十一月十二日 介 绍 信
兹有我公司员工梁捷到贵中心提取黄旻晟的档案,请给予办理。谢谢支持。柳州广菱模具技术有限公司 二○○九年四月八日 介 绍 信
柳州广菱模具技术有限公司 二○○九年十二月十七日篇三:大连市人事关系转移2
1、填写 《干部调动报告表》(一式三份),持表到大连市人才服务中心档案管理处审核盖章并出具《档案转递通知书》,经调出单位签署调出意见并盖章。
1、全日制大、中专毕业生工作满一年,持《流动人员档案管理手册》到大连市人才服务中心档案管理处窗口领取并填写《大、中专毕业生确定专业技术职务资格审 批表》和《毕业生确定职务工资审批表》经工作单位审核盖章后,连同毕业证原件、复印件,一张2寸照片一并交到大连市人才服务中心档案管理处窗口办理确定专 业技术资格和确定职务工资审批手续。
大连市人才服务中心流动人员党委是流动党员组织关系接转的主管部门。在大连市人才服务中心托管人事关系、人事档案的党员,其党员组织关系应转至本人工作单 位党组织,工作单位没有党组织应转至工作单位所在地街道或本人户籍所在街道党组织。没有工作单位的流动党员,其党员组织关系转到大连市人才服务中心流动人 员党委所属流动党支部,待有工作单位后再按去向办理转出手续。
大连介绍的日语导游词 篇6
张存浩同志事迹介绍 - 中国科学院大连化学物理研究所07-03
面试英文介绍 面试问答英文09-26