湘鲁版五下英语Unit10 it


湘鲁版五下英语Unit10 it(共3篇)

湘鲁版五下英语Unit10 it 篇1

Unit10 it’s one of the famous mountains in China.第1课时



2.听懂会用所学句型There is a famous mountain in Hunan.You must go to Dongting Lake.进行问答对话,掌握生词。教学内容

词汇:famous mountain temple travel try dish 句型:There is a famous mountain in Hunan.You must go to Dongting Lake.You can try some fried tofu.教学过程 1.warm up 自由讨论风景名胜,引出课题。2.任务1(1)看look, listen and act的教学内容。

对话中出现了什么人物,他们在谈论什么,提到了哪些风景名胜和地方特色? 将有关生词写到黑板上。(2)简单讲解黑板上的生词,教学生认读、跟读和记忆。(3)播放录音。先听两遍,让学生带着问题、带着目的去听。


(5)分小组角色扮演。3.任务2(1)看listen and say的教学内容

带领学生朗读a famous mountain temple travel try dish这些单词。(2)播放录音。






2.听懂会用所学句型There are many famous places in Beijing.You can visit the temple of heaven and the great wall.进行对话和交流。教学内容

词汇:the great wall 句型:There are many famous places in Beijing.You can visit the temple of heaven and the great wall.Beijing duck is a famous dish.教学过程 1.任务3(1)看listen and tick的教学内容。浏览,了解大意和要求。

(2)播放录音。先认真听两遍,听清人物的对话内容。(3)根据录音内容,完成练习。(4)学生互相检查,看是否正确。2.任务4(1)看look and tick的教学内容 浏览,了解大意和要求。

(2)两人一组,仿照图片内容进行对话练习。(3)展示一些美食和地方特色,学生回答老师提问; 学生分组,分别提问和回答,巩固所学句型。

六年级英语(湘鲁版) 篇2

John has two aunts.(3课时)Content: Jonh’s aunts and cousin Harry are coming to visit his family from the UK.1.单词VOCAB:

new words : parents, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, cousin(niece, nephew)revise words: son, daughter, grandma, grandpa, grandson, granddaughter, husband, wife 2.语法GRAMMAR:

Simple present tense(一般现在时)Questions in the plural form 3.句型STRUCTURES:

Who are they?They are Aunt Maggie and Aunt Lucy.Where are they? Where are Uncle Ted and Aunt Maggie? 4.技能SKILLS:

Listen, read and act: Describing people--Analyze and explain Listen and read

Read and write--Read and spell――uncle, cycle, buckle 5.任务TASKS: ⑴ Ask and find out: Family tree Draw your family tree.⑵ Guess and match: Who are they? 教学参考:1.IQ Quiz: About family members Who’s your father’s sister? Who’s the son of your father’s sister? Who’s the son of your grandfather’s son? 2.Finding the family members

给学生分发纸片,通过自由寻找与交流(Eg: Excuse me, what’s your name, please? How old are you? Thank you!), 找到自己的家庭成员并填好他们的信息。

例如几个不同家庭之一的White 一家的家庭成员的卡片可以设计如下:

一定时间完成任务后,一个大家族上台,分别/个别介绍自己的家庭成员。Eg:Hello, my name is Tom..I’m 11 years old.This is my father, John White, he is 38.He is a doctor.This is my aunt, she is Lucy, she is 35 and she is a teacher.This is my cousin Lily, she is only 5.对于层次好的部分学生可以引导他们运用课文中的… has got ….来描绘他人的特征。3.Guessing game(Talk about the photos):.S1: Look, this is my family photo.Can you find my aunt? She has got… Others guess.Unit 2 Harry finds the way.(3课时)Content: Jonh and his friend are showing Harry arround the city.1.单词VOCAB:

new words :beside(可以与behind, between比较记忆)next to, North, South, East, West revise words : turn left, turn right, go straight 2.语法GRAMMAR:

Prepositions(beside, next to, in the north/south/east/west/middle of….)Sequencing – then, finally

Modal verb ―will‖----mean certainty 3.句型STRUCTURES:

Next to the bookstore, is a big shopping mall.Beside the shopping mall, is a famous park.Turn South and go straight.You will see a temple.4.技能SKILLS:

Listen, read and act--Then draw a route Listen and read—Listen, discuss and mark the route Read and write--Read and spell――mouth, south , teeth, tooth, north

我们可以用自然拼音法来训练学生,加强他们拼读单词的能力,提高他们的自学能力以及科学记忆、联想的能力, 降低单词学习的难度。5.任务TASKS:

Give directions, Tell and draw 教学参考:1.TPR 教学法 2.An antonym match:

教师将已学过的反义词和本课的四个方位词一起列出,让学生预先复习至熟练, 然后再



east—west, south—north, come—go,down—up,day—night,bad—good close—open,big—small/little,old----new/young, in---out,long/tall—short, love—hate, ask—answer,slow—fast,heavy—light,happy—sad,hot—cold ,laugh—cry,right—wrong, sunny—rainy, fat—thin, here—there,right—left, dirty—clean, ugly—beautiful 3.Guessing game(Talk about the places):.S1: I went to a city in the summer holiday , it is in the south of China.it is very beautiful.I like it.Can you guess? Others:Guess the name of the place.S2: I want to visit …, it is in the … of ….I will visit….It is ….Unit 3 What does your uncle do?

(3课时)Content: Jonh and his cousin, harry and LiWei are in a shopping mall and they are talking about Harry’s father’s job.1.单词VOCAB:

words and phrases : clothes shop, shoes shop, toys shop, cake shop, noodles shop, bread shop, friendly, smile revise words :clothes/milk/food/ice-cream/computer/newspaper/telephone company 2.语法GRAMMAR: Compound nouns 3.句型STRUCTURES: What does your uncle do? He works in a toys shop.He always smiles.He is friendly.4.技能SKILLS: Listen, read and act

Listen and read(story: A friendly shop)Read and write--Read and spell――shop, top, hop(mop, pop)5.任务TASKS:

⑴ Draw and ask(Let the Ss draw some pictures and then ask each other about his/her shop: Is it a …shop?)Role-play: a shop-keeper(Tell your friends what you have in your shop).⑵ Checklist(Finish the checklist after listening to the story)教学参考:1.Survey /Guessing game(Talk about other’s job)S1: What does your father/mother do? S2: Guess , please.(Do an action)S1 guess and then write it down..2.学生动手制作自己的家庭成员名片,然后与同伴交流、介绍、3..Word Game:Words in words 老师出示一些较长的单词,请学生用其中的字母造出其他新的单词。

如本课中的telephone一词中可找出words made from the letters of TELEPHONE: he, on, one, phone, ten, help, to, the, then, pen, hope, tone, teen

其他还有: dictionary(an, and, any, art, at, act, no, not, rain, air, actor, road, day, do, dry, I in, into, it, iron, can, car, card, cat, city, coat, coin, cry, to, try, train, today, on, or, radio, dirt, nation, yard, actor, Dr.)afternoon(a, are, an at, after, ear, eat, far, foot, for, front, near, no, nor, not, noon, of , often, on, one, or, ten, fan, tea, to, too, fat, ant,))homework(home, work, how, oh, me, more, he, her, room, or, OK)basketball(a, as, all, ball, basket, tall, last, ask, eat, ate, tea, at, bat, beast, best, least, east, base, baseball, beat , lake, take, sake, teak, lab, lake)blackboard(a, lack, back, lake, lad, lock, black, board, cold, bad, road, rock, rob, lab, card, lord, sock)

课文中其他几个较长的单词: P13television , hospital , shopping mall 也可以设计成这种游戏

Unit 4 It is like an English pancake.(3课时)Content: Jonh’s family and Tingting’s family are having dinner together , they are talking about Chinese food.1.单词VOCAB:

new words : jelly, pancake, pie, soup, salad, cold dish revise words :food, drinks, meat, vegetables 2.语法GRAMMAR:

Making comparisons--is like/ is not like(注意与like doing 的区别)Questions using comparisons 3.句型STRUCTURES: It is like an English salad.It is not like English chicken soup.Is it like an English pancake? Yes, it is.4.技能SKILLS:

Listen, read and act--Identify similar features--Compare and contrast Listen and read--Imagination and creativity Read and write--Read and spell 5.任务TASKS:

⑴ Look and compare ――Thinking game(Is a cat like a lion? Ask the Ss think of 2 things that are like each other.)⑵ Make new names for your dishes.教学参考:1.http://es quickly.Also, it is not too expensive, and the restaurants are always clean and bright.People can eat in it or take their food away.Chinese families love to eat in fast food restaurants, too.There are two kinds of fast food restaurants in China.There are Western fast food restaurants, and there are Chinese ones.Western fast food restaurants sell hamburgers, fresh fries, fried chicken legs, chicken nuggets, drinks and so on.The Chinese fast food restaurants sell dumplings, noodles, spring rolls, and other Chinese snacks.My family likes fast food, but we don’t eat at Western fast food restaurants very often.My mum says some fast food is bad for us.It is usually high in fat, so it is not good for our health.Unit 6 I hurt my knee.(3课时)Content: A girl is hurt.Joe and Carly are talking with the girl and trying to help her.1.单词VOCAB: word and phrases : hurt, help me revise words : parts of body, fireman, policeman, hospital 2.语法GRAMMAR:

Change from first-person to third-person reportP25 Passive verb – is hurt, has hurt Possibility – can 3.句型STRUCTURES: I’m hurt.–I/She hurt my/her knees.Be careful.Don’t get hurt.--It can hurt my ear.4.技能SKILLS: Listen, read and act Talk about Emergency numbers to call Listen and read.Understanding picture clues.Make own sentences about the pictures.(It can hurt)Read and write Read and spell 5.任务TASKS:

⑴ Play and act.Use a toy.Talk about where it is hurt.Find out the numbers.⑵ Look at the picture.Talk about the dangers in each.(The pen can hurt my…)—与安全教育联系起来, 如何避开危险,保护自己。同时让学生有关爱他人,帮助他人的意识。

Unit 7 I’m ill today.(3课时)Content: Joe is ill today and he is making a call to his teacher to ask for a leave.1.单词VOCAB: Words and phrases : ill, fever, cough, ache, stomachache, headache, toothache, medicine, get-well card revise words : parts of body in unit 6 2.语法GRAMMAR:

Change from third-person narrative to first-person account P33 Greetings in telephoning 3.句型STRUCTURES:

He is ill.He has a fever.--I am ill.I have a fever.Hello, may I speak to Mr Qi, please? Hello, Mr Qi speaking.How are you today?--I’m ill.How do you feel?--I have a cough.Do you have a headache? 4.技能SKILLS: Listen, read and act Speaking on the phone.Talk about illness.Read and write Read and spell 5.任务TASKS:

⑴ Role-play: Phone your teacher to say you are ill.⑵ Make a get-well card for a friend who is ill.Show your concern(get well soon).⑶ Role-play a doctor and a nurse 教学参考:

Telephone calling –模拟打电话(学生和老师/学生和朋友/妈妈和老师打电话)

Unit 8 It is upstairs.第一课时

Content: A visitor is asking Li Wei the way around his school.1.单词VOCAB:

Words and phrases : Principal’s office, Teachers’ room, washrooms, upstairs, downstairs, 1st floor, 2nd floor, 3rd floor, newsletter revise words : go straight, turn right/left 2.语法GRAMMAR: Asking for directions Demonstrative pronouns – this way, that way;these, those 3.句型STRUCTURES:

Where’s the Principal’s office?--It is that way.It’s upstairs.Can you show me the way to the washroom?—This way please.4.技能SKILLS:

Listen, read and act Give directions /Give instructions Read and write Read and spell 5.任务TASKS:

⑴ Look at diagram and tell your friend where it is.⑵ Look out your class window.Point and tell.⑶ Make signs for your school 教学参考:Asking the way



Principal’s office, Teachers’ room, washrooms, upstairs, downstairs, 1st floor, 2nd floor, 3rd floor, newsletter revise words : go straight, turn right/left


Asking for directions Demonstrative pronouns – this way, that way;these, those

Where’s the Principal’s office?--It is that way.It’s upstairs.Can you show me the way to the washroom?—This way please.Listen, read and act Give directions /Give instructions Read and write Read and spell 巩固:

Listen, read and act Give directions /Give instructions Read and write Read and spell

Unit 9 I’m good at sports.第一课时

Content: In the school Sprts Day, the kids are talking about what they are good at.1.单词VOCAB: words and phrases : sports, art and crafts, games, 1st, 2nd, 3rd , good at, great on revise words : race, different kinds of subjects and sports 2.语法GRAMMAR: good at + noungood at +gerund Ordinal numbers – 1st, 2nd, 3rd 3.句型STRUCTURES:

I’m good at sports.John is good at games..Are you good at sports? Yes, I am./ No, I’m not.4.技能SKILLS:

Listen, read and act Talk about your friend’s abilities.Listen and readTalk about your abilities.Positive self-esteem.Read and writeRead and spell:sports, shorts, pork(fork, north)

第二课时: 书写:

words and phrases : sports, art and crafts, games, 1st, 2nd, 3rd , good at, great on revise words : race, different kinds of subjects and sports 练习:

good at + noungood at +gerund Ordinal numbers – 1st, 2nd, 3rd

I’m good at sports.John is good at games..Are you good at sports? Yes, I am./ No, I’m not.听写:

sports, art and crafts, games, 1st, 2nd, 3rd , good at, great on revise words : race, different kinds of subjects and sports

第三课时: 任务:TASKS:

⑴ Ask and answer(Are you good at…?)⑵ Make a list of what your classmates are good at(赏识他人)⑶ Make a list of what you are good atMake a medal for yourself.教学参考:: 学校校运会的报名

Game: 接龙游戏(Say one by one)

将学生分组后请他们说出一个。每组每次只能说一个,轮流进行。评出优胜组。请S1说出学习课程或各类运动、活动的名称中的一个,S2 repeat 后再加上一个,S3将前面两位同学说的两个单词重复后自己再说出一个。。顺序可以是分组轮或是老师自由点。(Unit 10)

Unit 10 Do you enjoy playing tennis?


Content: The kids are talking about sports and activities.1.单词VOCAB: Words and phrases : enjoy, roller-skating, skateboarding, flying a kite, volleyball, table tennis, tennis , Olympics, Gold, Silver, Bronze, diving revise words : the words in Unit 9 2.语法GRAMMAR: Enjoy + nounEnjoy + gerund 3.句型STRUCTURES:

Do you enjoy playing tennis? Yes, I do.I also enjoy roller-skating.4.技能SKILLS:

Listen, read and actTalk about what you enjoy doing.Listen and readUnderstanding graphic symbolsP44 Read and write Read and spell 5.任务TASKS:

⑴ Fill in a form for a penfriend.⑵ Class survey ⑶ Identify the Olympic sport 教学参考:: 1.班集兴趣小组的报名

2. Ask and answer: What can you do for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games?

第二课时: 书写:

enjoy, roller-skating, skateboarding, flying a kite, volleyball, table tennis, tennis , Olympics, Gold, Silver, Bronze, diving 练习:

Enjoy + nounEnjoy + gerund Do you enjoy playing tennis? Yes, I do.I also enjoy roller-skating.巩固:

Listen, read and actTalk about what you enjoy doing.Listen and readUnderstanding graphic symbolsP44 Read and write Read and spell ⑴ Fill in a form for a penfriend.⑵ Class survey ⑶ Identify the Olympic sport

Unit 11 When is your birthday?


Content: The kids are talking about Li Wei’s birthday.1.单词VOCAB: Words and phrases : January – Jan., February – Feb., March – Mar., April – Apr., May – May, June – Jun., whisper, birthday party, invitation card, date, game-boy 2.语法GRAMMAR:

More ordinal numbers5th, 10th, 15th, 20th, 30th Prepositions ―in‖ and ―on‖ for month and date Expressing feelings When is your birthday? My birthday is in January./My birthday is on January 15th.Wow!That’s great!How exciting!


Listen, read and act Read and write dates Read and write

Read and spell:whisper, whistle, wheel(what, where, when, which)

Unit 12 What’s your favourite month?


Content: The Spring Festival is coming.The kids are talking about holidays.1.单词VOCAB:

Words and phrases : July – Jul., August – Aug., September –Sep., October –Oct., November – Nov., December –Dec.,holidays, celebrate, lanterns, fireworks revise words : months in Unit 11 2.语法GRAMMAR:

Ordinal numbers – 12th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 25th, 31 Simple past tenseP52 The story of two festivals 3.句型STRUCTURES:

What is your favourite month?My favourite month is February.The Mid-autumn Festival is in Sep.Halloween is in October.4.技能SKILLS:

Listen, read and actListening for key wordsDiscuss and describe Listen and read Compare two events Read and write

Read and spell: with, fifth, month(thank, think, thin, south, north)5.任务TASKS:⑴ Listen and circle ⑵ Make a list of holidays and festivals in China.Talk about them.⑶ Make a greeting card for a Chinese festival you celebrate.第二课时: 书写:

July – Jul., August – Aug., September –Sep., October –Oct., November – Nov., December –Dec.,holidays, celebrate, lanterns, fireworks


Ordinal numbers – 12th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 25th, 31 Simple past tenseP52 The story of two festivals What is your favourite month?My favourite month is February.The Mid-autumn Festival is in Sep.Halloween is in October.巩固:

Listen, read and actListening for key wordsDiscuss and describe Listen and read Compare two events Read and write

湘鲁版五下英语Unit10 it 篇3































