


读后感老人与海的英语作文 篇1


I read a novel named “the old man and the sea” written by a famous writer Ernest Hemingway.After reading it, I very admire the will of the protagonist of the novel an old fisherman, he let me know that the key to a person’ success is persistence.The novel described an old fisherman who was nearly sixty years old, he caught a big fish in a time when he went fishing in the sea by himself, but he couldn’t pull the big fish up.After he worked with the fish for a few days, he found that the fish was several times bigger than his fishing boat.Although knowing is hard to win the big fish, he didn’t give up.Then a few groups of sharks attracted by the smell of the big fish’s wound, but the old fisherman still didn’t want to give up.Finally he succeeded and took big fish back to the fishing port.After seeing this, the other fishermen all admired the old fisherman.This novel let me thought up an old saying goes “where there is a will there is a way有志者事竟成”

本书的主人公是来自外星球的小王子。书中以一位飞行员作为故事叙述者,讲述了小王子从自己星球出发前往地球的过程中,所经历的各种历险。圣·埃克苏佩里在这部童话小说里,通过一颗小星球上的一个小王子旅行宇宙的经历,表达了对人类“童年”消逝的无限感叹。小王子在旅途中到过六个星球,碰到过一个目空一切的国王,一个爱慕虚荣的人,一个消磨光阴的酒鬼,一个唯利是图的商人,一个循规蹈矩的点灯人和一个学究式的地理学家,最后才到达地球,在浩瀚的撒哈拉大沙漠上遇到了“我”。作者以小王子的孩子式的眼光,透视出成人的空虚、盲目和愚妄,用浅显天真的语言写出了人类的孤独寂寞、没有根基随风流浪的命运。同时,也表达出作者对金钱关系的批判,对真善美的讴歌.在作者看来,爱就要像小王子住的星球上的火山一样炽热,友情就要像小王子那样兢兢业业为玫瑰花铲除恶草.The hero of this book is a little prince from an outer planet.A pilot as the narrator in this book, telling that the experience of all kinds of adventures the prince went through during him set up from his own planet for the earth.During the trip, the prince missed A Cavalier King, a vain man, a kill time drunkard, a businessman who seeks nothing but profits, a lamplighter who hewed to a line and a pedantic geographer, finally reaching the earth, then meted the person “me” in the vast Sahara desert".The writer of the book used children’s vision to perspective the emptiness, blind and foolish of the adult.He also used some native language to write out the loneliness and happy-go-lucky life of human beings.At the same time, the book also expresses the criticism of money and the praise of beauty from the writer.In the writer’ opinion, love is hot like the volcano on the planet the prince lived on, friendship is doing one’s best to each other like the prince kill weeds for the roses.

耄耋老人的疯狂英语 篇2


While at university I studied to be an engineer,

in public I'm honored as an English professor,

I show off these works of mine as a 90 microcalligrapher,

based on devotion, thanksgiving and self-existence.





这是胡文彬老人对自己的一生所为简单概括的一首小诗,短短的几行字,却引尽了大家无限的遐想与好奇。且不说 “科班工程师”为何会被称为“英语教授”,单是“微书”二字,对于大部分人来说,就已经够陌生的了。















People live together in society

during their life times,

Some of them talk freely within

a room; others, regardless of any

traditional restrictions upon their

careers, seek what they long for.





No matter what different kinds of

life styles they have and no matter

how progressive or conservatively

they behave when something joyful

happens to them, even temporarily

they are pleased and satisfied

forgetting that their time is





Tired of being excited with the pleasure,

they sigh at last as the emotions

change with the altering of their






When what they have been delighted

with has become the past experience,

it is inevitable to feel sentimental.

Furthermore, as one's life span,

long or short, is determined by the will

of the Heaven, everyone is doomed

to leave behind their mortal coil.



Our father has said, 'Life or death

is a matter of great importance. '

How sad it is!


1. What is your idea of perfect happiness?

Because we are confronted with clatter and rigidity around us, it seems that there is no perfect happiness.

2. What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?

Being unable to control myself while facing difficulty.

3. What is the trait you most deplore in others?

Dishonesty and selfishness.

4. What is your current state of mind?

Plainly speaking, I always have a good state of mind.

5. On what occasion do you lie?

Do I have to tell the truth before one who tells me a lie?

6. Which living person do you most despise?

A man who has 'A' in his mind but tells others 'B'.

7. What is the quality you most like in a man?

Having the quality of benevolence towards people.

8. When and where were you happiest?

It was a time and place when my efforts were known by the people.

9. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

Not to be born in war time.

10. If you were to die and come back as a person or a thing, what would it be?

I would follow the words said by Bertrand Russell ' I would gladly live it again if life were offered me. '

11. What is your most treasured possession?

My intellectual property of micro-calligraphic artistic works.

12. Who are your favorite writers?

Confucius, Bertrand Russell, Sir Winston Churchill,

13. Who is your hero of fiction?

Sun Wukong(孙悟空),

14. Which historical figure do you most identify with?

Zhu Geliang(诸葛亮),

15. What is your greatest regret?

If I had not lived in the age of war, I could have done my best.

16. How would you like to die?

To die means to leave the earth forever. A famous American poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow said 'dust thou art, to dust returnest. ' (来自尘土,回归尘土). Follow these words to die.

17. What is your motto?

《老人与海》英语读后感 篇3

The villagers are split into two groups. The older fishermen that respect Santiago and wish him luck, and the younger fishermen that see him as little more than bad luck. While neither group is particularly important to the plot, each of their views sets an ambiance of Santiagoa?s forthcoming adventure. Without their views Santiago would be little more than a lucky old fisherman.

Santiago has a resolute grip upon reality and lives by it. He sees himself as a man with little direction but enough determination and experience to live. He chose not to see what others thought but instead lived by how he perceived the world. His constant struggles and his persistent resolve to overcome the marlin and himself show his earnest desires to live and fish.

The boy is a crucial element to Santiagoa?s world. Manolin is always at the edge of Santiagoa?s mind when he thinks of convenience. At times with the fish, Santiago thinks to the boy and then to his own lack of ability. He may deny it, but at times it is his relationship with the boy that both makes him realize he needs help, and compels him to go on.

Christian imagery and concepts are important assets to the old fishermana?s personality. He is seen as a kind man, and although expresses his frustration towards certain points, only conveys his anger towards the evil representation of the sharks. His kind, infinite eyes, and he carrying his mast like Jesus and his cross only augment his Christ-like personage. His loneliness and greatness are both shown as Manolin is assigned a new boat after 40 days with Santiago, the same length of time as Christ spent in the wilderness.

Santiagoa?s change at the end of the novella turns him into almost a universal hero. By being at sea, his ventures were never limited and the events of the story just seemed to happen. After he rebukes himself for his arrogance with the marlin, Santiago goes home and dreams of the lions playing in Africa, signaling a cycle of a child-like rebirth through Manolin.

Throughout the story many aspects can be found about Santiagoa?s personality merely by the content of his 3-day fight with the marlin. The ideology that encompasses the story is only consumed by Santiagoa?s pure will to persevere. Certainly Santiago is a man of many themes and personality traits.

I believe that in the past three decades, the way society has treated he elderly has remained primarily the same. Some younger citizens have looked up to the elderly with respect, yet most continue to shun them and

consider them useless and hopeless in a society such as ours. I think that the elderly population is continually losing respect from the new generations. Santiago, the elderly man in the novel The Old Man and the Sea, is respected by a young boy, Manolin, yet he is also looked down upon

by many of the younger fishermen in the Cuban fishing village where he lives. This book is set in the late 1930“s and, I as I see it, shows that societies all around the world have had a decline in respect for the older people in their environment since the beginning of the nineteenth century.

An enormous number of issues have changed since Santiago”s time, allowing the elderly to have the ability to do more in their old age and live in areas specifically designed for their needs. However, there is still an enormous lack of respect for the older people in society, and it is becoming worse every day. Younger citizens of our country make fun of older people, call them names, and believe that they are incapable of doing most things that the younger ones are capable of doing. When we believe they can no longer support themselves, we place our elderly relatives into retirement homes and old folks“ homes as many call them. Sometimes they, themselves, do not wish to go to such a place, but we force them to, which many times is the wrong choice. Some younger people help the elderly, though, and try to support them, but few of these people can be found. It is a fact that when people get beyond a certain age, their memories begin depleting and they atrophy physically. However, as Santiago shows in the novel, older people have much knowledge about the world around them and enough strength to make it through hard situations if they are determined and have the will and courage to believe in a better tomorrow.

In Santiago”s community, it is shown that their is still a natural respect for elders, as is seen in Manolin“s support of the old man. He was one of the dying breed that truly looked up to his elders and regarded their feelings and experiences with much respect. He greatly aided Santiago by giving him support and courage and helping him through every day chores. Their are still some people with such feelings in the world today, yet many have had their opinions swayed by others and begin to think badly of the elderly.

Their is also a lack of respect for Santiago and the elderly in the novel, which can be found in the actions of the young fisherman. Some laugh at him when he passed by, and some thought of him to be too old to be a fisherman. They believed he was not in good enough shape to catch a fish, yet it was only his bad luck that deterred him from doing such a thing. He was much better and more exact than most of the other fisherman in the village, yet they could not see past his age to view his accomplishments.

读后感老人与海的英语作文 篇4

——Read “The old man and the sea”Thoughts Nowadays,many people may be confused on the true sense of our lives.Some people are eager to succeed and to realize their so-called sense of lives.Maybe,so do I.However,after I read this famous novel--The old man and the sea.I was shocked by this amazing novel and Hemingway.Because it told me what the true sense is of our lives:We may be tiny,but our thought,heart,soul and spirit can be mighty.The novel tells us a story that happened a long time ago,in Cuba,an old fisher called Santiago always went fishing alone.And unfortunately,he even hadn’t caught any fishes for eighty-four days,while in the eighty-fifth day,he caught a very huge marlin fish,it is nearly two feet longer than the boat.And after two days’ drifting, Santiago stabed the marlin fish into death,and during this time,the old fisher suffered from many tough hardships that he had never gone

through.Howerver,at this time,the blood of the dead marlin fish attracted some sharks.Although the old man had a life-and-death fight with those bad guys,but as a result,the marlin fish had been eaten out by the sharks while only the bare skeleton was left.The old man returned to the harbour with his tired body but no gain.Soon he fell asleep.And in his dream,he saw a lion.And in this chapter,the author revealed the subject of this novel:”A man is not for defeat,a man can be destroyed but not defeated!”

During my reading,I found that the expressions of this novel is so wonderful that I am

attrcted by them.For example,”The clouds over the land now rose like mountains and the coast was only a long green line with the gray blue hills behind it.The water was a dark blue now,so dark that it was almost purple.”

After my thinking,I have many thoughts about Santiago,this novel or even Hemingway.I feel my spirit has been even just the same as him.It’s true that we can not deny that Santiago is a tiny fisher:he is old and poor.But the more important matter is that he is also a mighty man:he has a brave and benevolent heart,a firm belief and a strong spirit.Is he just like Hemingway?Just like John F.Kennedy said:”No one can exceed him,he is the symbol of the spirit of the United States.” Hemingway and Santiago,they both bore the heavy burden at their times,but they still took their courage in both hands,even though they might be injured or lose their lives.Undoubtedly,in our

lives,we may meet a lot of hardships,but we are born to eradicate them,but not to suffer from them.In this novel,the old man had never yielded to the tough surroundings,this is his victory!

英语作文老人与海 篇5


Despite opposition from some residents of West Roseville, the arguments in favor of merging the townships of Roseville and West Roseville are overwhelming. First, residents in both townships are confused about which authority to contact when they need a service; for example, the police department in Roseville receives many calls from residents of West Roseville.

This sort of confusion would be eliminated with the merger. Second, the savings in administrative costs would be enormous, since services would no longer be duplicated: we would have only one fire chief, one tax department, one mayor, and so on. And no jobs in city government would be lost-employees could simply be reassigned. Most importantly, the merger will undoubtedly attract business investments as it did when the townships of Hamden and North Hamden merged ten years ago.
