


7年级寒假作业答案 篇1




dǎo pēng huái tuì











焕然一新 3.解释词义




人们都爱春天,爱她的勃勃生机,爱她的欣欣向荣; 人们都爱梅花,爱她的凌凌傲骨,爱她的冰清玉洁。人们都爱夏天,爱她的热情似火,爱她的枝繁叶茂。人们都爱冬天,爱她的千里冰封,爱她的银装素裹。仿写句式、用词(四字短语)恰当即可.5.①A.陆鹤(秃鹤)B.买鸽子。②杜小康 曾经那么优越的杜小康,在经历了坎坷的命运后,走出了孤独和困境,小小年纪就勇敢地挑起了生活的重担。他的经历令人心酸,又令人欣慰。我们也相信,假以时日,这个聪明而坚定的少年必成大器。所以桑校长如此看好杜小康。(人物形象把握正确,能结合选段内容分析。)6.律诗(五律)颔联

7.苍翠的树木在村边环绕,似把村庄环抱相拥;青翠的远山在村外横斜,与村庄依依相伴。句意理解正确;在此基础上加入合理的想象,能生动展现画面。8.这首诗表现了作者对田园生活的热爱之情和回归自然的情趣。9.丘 仲尼 春秋 儒 10.“说”通“悦”愉快,高兴.迷惑,这里指感到迷茫而无所适从











4.含义:内心纯净、淳朴、天真的学生。作用:老师的赞扬是对 “我”的支持和安慰,表现老师的慈爱和教育的艺术性。5.C 抒情 课外篇


2.动作 神态描写 坚强冷静,成熟倔强 3.为自己的自私而难过;为误解张小凡而难过;为不关心父亲不懂得维护父亲的尊严而难过;为自己没有张小凡懂事而难过。






3.略 4.D 5.她点燃了我们沸腾的热血

她召唤我们勇敢前行 6.陆鹤;为了演好杨大秃瓢这个角色,陆鹤勤学苦练。可见他是个有集体荣誉感,坚持认真,用自己的努力赢得自尊的好孩子。





其它 13.投笔从戎


课内篇一 1.“妙”字。空间顺序安排。“山上”“山尖”“山坡上”“山腰上”。2.“顶”字准确地表现了树尖上一髻儿白花的位置和形状,形象感动态感强。用“覆盖”则与小雪不吻合。

3.“就是”是“仅、只”的意思。“太秀气”采用拟人的修辞写法,写出了冬天济南山的美 丽和娇弱,流露出作者的爱怜之情。课内篇二


2.不能颠倒。因为它们是按照喻体的成长顺序排列的,从“娃娃”到 “小姑娘”到“青年”,形象点明了春天的成长过程。最后一个比喻表达了作者追求美好未来的强烈愿望。3.略 课外篇





一、基础知识 1.生字生词

葱茏 海枯石烂 篝火 喧嚣 窸窣 溅落 喇叭 凯歌 Lán he jī huo bì 2.词语解释









7.⑴靠近⑵倒塌 ⑶经历 ⑷只

8.⑴这样 判断动词 ⑵事物的道理 物理学 9.C 10.D 11.⑴这不是木片,怎么能被河水冲走呢?


12.事物的变化是很多的,不能凭主观臆断去判断事物。(遇到问题要从实际出发,而不能主观臆断。)(言之成理即可)13.有的人、有人 短处、缺点






1.D 2.(1)卷云(2)卷积云(3)积云(4)高积云








1.⑴挑种种地 ⑵种下瘪种





7年级寒假作业答案 篇2

一、选择题 ( 本题包括20 个小题, 每小题2 分, 共40 分)

1. 诗词是民族灿烂文化的瑰宝。下列著名诗句中只含有物理变化的是 ()

A. 野火烧不尽, 春风吹又生

B.粉身碎骨浑不怕, 要留清白在人间

C.夜来风雨声, 花落知多少

D. 春蚕到死丝方尽, 蜡炬成灰泪始干

2. 下列物质中, 属于氧化物的是 ()

A.O3B.Cu (OH) 2C.Ca O D.NH4NO3

3. 下列关于空气的说法中, 错误的是 ()

A.空气质量报告中所列的空气质量级别越小, 空气质量越好


C. 按质量计算, 空气中约含氮气78% , 氧气21% , 其他气体和杂质约占1%

D. 空气中的稀有气体一般不跟其他物质反应, 曾被称为“惰性气体”

4. 核电站中可用硼酸 ( H3BO3) 吸收中子, 阻断核辐射。硼酸中硼元素的化合价是 ()

A.+1 B.+2 C.+3 D.+4

5. 下列做法正确的是 ()

A.厨房煤气管道漏气, 马上打开抽风机


C.实验桌上少量酒精着火, 迅速用湿布盖灭

D.炒菜时油锅着火, 立即浇水灭火

6.“绿色化学”有助于解决环境污染问题。下列做法不符合“绿色化学”理念的是 ()

A.因地制宜, 大力发展风力发电

B.废旧电池集中回收, 并填埋处理

C.大力发展公共交通, 提倡绿色出行

D.使用可降解塑料, 减少“白色污染”

7 . 古代“银针验毒”的原理是4 Ag + 2 H2S + O2=2 X + 2 H2O , X的化学式为 ()

A.Ag2O B.Ag S C.Ag2O2D.Ag2S

8. 在密闭容器中有甲、乙、丙、丁四种物质, 在一定条件下充分反应, 测得反应前后各物质的质量分数如下图所示。下列说法正确的是 ()

A. 丙可能是单质



D. 甲和乙的质量之和一定等于生成丙的质量

9 . 下列说法正确的是 ()



C. 图书档案起火宜用水基型灭火器扑灭

D.不慎碰倒酒精灯, 酒精在桌面燃烧, 用水来灭火

10.关于电解水的实验中, 以下说法的是 ()

A. 该实验可以证明水是由氢元素和氧元素组成的




11 . 已知某氮氧化合物中氮元素和氧元素的质量比为7 ∶ 16 , 则该化合物是 ()


12 . 分析推理是化学学习过程中的常用方法, 下列推理正确的是 ()

A. 物质和氧气发生的反应是氧化反应, 所以发生氧化反应一定有氧气参加

B. 分子、原子可以构成物质, 所以物质一定是由分子、原子构成的

C. 可燃物燃烧时温度需要达到着火点, 所以可燃物的温度达到着火点一定能燃烧

D. 化合物是含有不同元素的纯净物, 所以含有不同种元素的纯净物一定是化合物

13.下列有关元素符号“Cu”表示的意义中的是 ()



14. 用如下所示装置探究燃烧的条件, 有关该实验的说法正确的是 ()

A. 该实验只能得出燃烧需要氧气这一结论

B. 该实验使用了相同的可燃物

C.该实验现象是铜片上的白磷不燃烧, 红磷燃烧


15 . 氢氧化钠溶液能和二氧化碳反应, 右图装置可用于气体的收集、检验、除杂和体积的测量等, 不能完成的实验是 ()

A. 气体从b端通入, 收集氧气

B. 瓶内装有澄清石灰水, 检验氧气中是否混有二氧化碳

C.瓶内装有氢氧化钠溶液, 吸收一氧化碳中混有的二氧化碳

D.在a端接量筒, 瓶内装满水, 测量气体的体积

16. 节能减排对发展经济、保护环境有着重要意义。下列措施不符合“节能减排”理念的是 ()

17. 走进化学实验室, 同学们能够学会最基本的操作。以下操作不正确的是 ()

A. 读取液体体积B. 倾倒液体


18.以下事实对应的解释错误的是 ()

19.下列化学用语所表达的意义正确的是 ()



20. 人在剧烈运动后, 血液中会产生较多的乳酸 ( 化学式为C3H6O3) , 使肌肉酸痛。放松一段时间后, 由于乳酸与吸入的氧气反应生成二氧化碳和水, 从而使肌肉的酸痛感消失。下列关于乳酸的表述不正确的是 ()





二、填空题 ( 共20 分)

21. ( 6 分) 江西龙虎山因特有的丹霞地貌被誉为“中国红石公园”, 其红色砂砾岩由石灰岩、氢氧化铁、石膏等成分组成。请用恰当的化学用语表示下列带点部分:

(1) 石灰岩中含有的______________。

(2) 石膏主要成分硫酸钙中含有的__________。

(3) 岩石呈红色是含氢氧化铁所致, __________。

22. (6分) (1) 除去水中难溶性固体杂质的操作是__________。

(2) 生活中既能降低水的硬度, 又能杀菌消毒的方法是__________。

(3) “水是生命之源”。下列关于水的说法正确的是_________。

A.水是化合物, 是维持生命必不可少的物质

B.水是一种很好的溶剂, 能维持人体的体液平衡


D.水中氧元素含量很高, 能提供人体所需的氧气

23. (8分) 空气是一种宝贵的自然资源。

( 1) 右图是测定空气中氧气体积分数的实验示意图。

①实验时, 取下橡皮塞, 点燃红磷迅速伸入集气瓶中并塞紧橡皮塞, 待反应结束装置冷却至室温后, 打开弹簧夹, 能观察到的现象是______________________________________________________________。

②若实验测得空气中氧气的含量偏低, 可能的原因是________________ (填序号) 。



( 2) 目前人类使用的主要能源是三大化石燃料, 包括煤、石油和天然气。

①燃烧化石燃料会使空气中二氧化碳含量增加, 造成的环境问题是___________, 不仅如此, 还会造成资源的浪费。因此, 我们既要节约使用化石燃料, 又要开发利用新能源。

②我国已经开发和推广使用乙醇汽油, 其中含乙醇10% , 使用这种乙醇汽油的好处是___________ ( 写出一点) 。

三、实验题 ( 共26 分)

24 . ( 14 分) 根据下列装置图, 按要求回答有关问题:

( 1) 写出图中带有标号仪器的名称: a_____________________。

(2) 实验室用大理石和稀盐酸制取并收集二氧化碳应选用的装置为_________ (填序号) , 检验二氧化碳已经收集满的方法是_____________。

( 3) 实验室用加热氯酸钾和二氧化锰混合物的方法制取并收集较干燥的氧气时, 应选用的装置是_________ ( 填序号) , 反应的化学方程式为_________________________;

若实验室用加热高锰酸钾的方法制取并用排水法收集氧气, 停止加热时, 应先将导管移出水面, 然后再___________________。

( 4) 实验室还可以用分解过氧化氢溶液的方法制取氧气。常温下, 在试管中分别加入下列物质, 把带火星的木条伸入试管, 不能使木条复燃的是_______________。

A. 5 m L 5 % 的过氧化氢溶液

B. 5 m L 5 % 的过氧化氢溶液和少量二氧化锰

C.5 m L 5%的过氧化氢溶液和少量硫酸铜溶液

D.5 m L 5%的过氧化氢溶液和少量红砖粉末

25 . ( 12 分) 下列装置用于实验室中CO2的制备、净化、检验, 最后收集一瓶干燥的CO2。请回答下列问题:

( 1) 对实验室制取二氧化碳药品选择的探究实验, 记录如下:

从制取和收集的角度分析, 一般选择第______ ( 填序号) 组药品, 所发生反应的化学方程式为__________________________。

(2) C装置用于检验二氧化碳气体, 则C中所盛放的物质是______________, 发生反应的化学方程式是______________。

(3) 反应过程中将弹簧夹关闭, 在A中观察到的现象是_____________________________________。

(4) E收集方法说明二氧化碳具有的物理性质是____________________________。

四、计算题 ( 共14 分)

26 . ( 6 分) 在现代生活中, 人们越来越注重微量元素的摄取。碘元素对人体有着至关重要的作用。

上图是某地市场销售的一种“加碘食盐”包装袋上的部分说明, 请回答下列问题:

(1) “食用碘盐”属于_____________ (填“纯净物”或“混合物”) 。

(2) 碘酸钾 (KIO3) 中钾元素、碘元素的质量比是___________。

( 3) 碘酸钾 ( KIO3) 中碘元素的质量分数是____________。 ( 计算结果精确到0. 1% )

27. ( 8 分) 用100 g KCl O3和Mn O2的混合物制取氧气, 反应前测得Mn O2占混合物总质量的25% , 反应一段时间后, 又测得Mn O2占30% 。求: 此时分解的KCl O3的质量是多少? 制得的氧气的质量是多少?



21. (1) Ca; (2) SO2-4; (3) 。

22. (1) 过滤; (2) 煮沸; (3) AB。

23. (1) ①烧杯中的水倒流入集气瓶内, 约到刻度1处②AB

(2) ①温室效应②节省石油资源。

24. (1) 集气瓶

(2) BC将燃着的木条放在集气瓶口, 若木条熄灭则二氧化碳已集满

(4) A

25. (1) ③Ca CO3+2HCl=Ca Cl2+H2O+CO2↑

(2) 澄清石灰水CO2+Ca (OH) 2=Ca CO3↓+H2O

(3) A中锥形瓶内液面下降, 长颈漏斗内液面上升

(4) 二氧化碳的密度比空气的大。

26 (1) 混合物; (2) 39∶127; (3) 59.3%。


Mn O2的质量为100g×25%=25g;KCl O3的质量为100g-25g=75g。



设已分解的KCl O3的质量为x。

新目标英语七年级(上)寒假作业 篇3

A) 根据句意及首字母提示,写出空白处所缺的单词。

1. December is the t______month of the year.

2. My father likes s_________. He can play baseball and soccer.

3. Yao Ming is a basketball s_________. We all like him.

4. Please w______to me and tell me about your family.

5. They work all n______every day,from 22:00 pm to 6:00 am.

B) 根据句意及汉语提示,写出空白处所缺的单词或短语。

1. The musician has two______(钢琴).

2. My brother often______(起床) at six o’clock in the morning.

3. You can______(打电话) me at 6881556.

4. We have sweaters for only 25 yuan;______(任何人) can afford this price.

5. Our P.E. teacher is very strict with us,and I’m usually very______(累) after class.

C) 用括号中所给动词的适当形式填空。

1. Can you______(play) the guitar for us?

2. Let’s go and______(see) Beijing Opera on weekends.

3. My sister______(not like) thrillers because they are very scary.

4. There______(be) some coffee in the glass.

5. She is always the last one______(get) to the school.

Ⅱ. 单项选择

1. Emma can play______violin,she can also play______volleyball.

A. the; the B. ×; the C. the; × D. a; a

2. —______is your birthday?

—It’s March 14th.

A. When B. What C. Where D. Who

3. He often______at 6:30______the morning.

A. have breakfast; in B. have the breakfast; on

C. has breakfast; in D. has the breakfast; on

4. Do you know______?

A. what is Linda’s job B. what does Linda do

C. what does Linda’s job is D. what Linda’s job is

5.______is between(在……之间) twelve and fourteen.

A. Ten B. Thirteen C. Fifteen D. Seventeen

6. We have great bags______sports______only 20 yuan.

A. at; for B. for; for C. for; in D. in; for

7. —Can I help you?


A. Here you are B. Thanks a lot

C. You are welcome D. Yes,please

8. I like music,I want______the music club.

A. join B. to join C. joins D. to go

9. —_________. Is this your coat?

—No,it isn’t.

A. Sorry B. Thanks C. Excuse me D. OK

10. My son,please______these books to your brother. He’s at school now.

A. take B. bring C. want D. see

11. There are many______in the dish on the table.

A. food B. eggs C. pear D. milk

12. She is my sister,and______name is Kate.

A. her B. its C. his D. she

13. —______is your daughter?


A. How many B. How much C. How old D. How

14. I can dance,______I can’t dance well.

A. so B. or C. and D. but

15. —How much______these shorts?

—______two dollars.

A. are; It’s B. is; It’s C. are; They’re D. is; They’re

16. —What time do you go to school every morning?


A. At B. On C. In D. From

17. —Who’s the boy in a yellow hat?


A. I don’t know B. She is Tom’s friend

C. He is at school D. He is four

18. —Why don’t you like science?

—Because I think it’s______.

A. exciting B. funny C. boring D. interesting

19. —______is your Chinese teacher?

—Miss Yang.

A. How B. Who C. What D. Where

20. —Thank you very much.


A. That’s right B. Right

C. You’re right D. That’s all right

Ⅲ. 句型转换 按括号内的要求改写下列句子,每空限填一词。

1. Jennifer does her homework at 6:30. (改为同义句)

Jennifer does her homework at____ _______ ______.

2. Jimmy does his homework every day. (改为一般疑问句)

______Jimmy______his homework every day?

3. Mr Black usually gets up at 5:30. (对画线部分提问)

______ ______ _____Mr Black usually_______ ________?

4. He is always late for school because he wants to sleep a litter longer. (对画线部分提问)

________ _______he always late for school?

5. She has breakfast at 7:00. (把主语She改为They)

________ _______breakfast at 7:00.

Ⅳ. 连词成句 根据横线后的标点符号,连词成句。

1. my,is,book,where,math

________________________________________________ ?

2. favorite,is,your,what,sport

________________________________________________ ?

3. at,has,Miss Barnes,usually,school,lunch

________________________________________________ .

4. fun,because,physical education,likes,she,it’s

________________________________________________ .

5. go,on,doesn’t,Kim,school,to,Sundays

________________________________________________ .

Ⅴ. 补全对话 根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的句子填空,完成对话。其中有两个句子是多余的。

A:Hi,Li Lei. __1__

B:I want to join the music club.

A:Oh. __2__

B:Yes,I can. I can sing well. __3__

A:No. __4__. I can play chess well.

B:I can play it,too.

A:Really? __5__


A. Can you play chess?

B. What club do you want to join?

C. Can you sing?

D. Do you want to join the music club?

E. Let’s sing a song.

F. I want to join the chess club.

G. Let’s play it now.

Ⅵ. 完形填空

Joe is an English boy. He is __1__ years old. He comes __2__ China with his parents. He is a student of Guangming Middle School of Beijing.

__3__ favorite subject is __4__. He thinks it is very __5__. But he __6__ speak Chinese well and he thinks it is difficult. He __7__ a Chinese club. He goes to __8__ club every day. And he goes to __9__ Chinese movies every Sunday. Then he can speak Chinese __10__.

1. A. thirty B. thirteen C. third D. three

2. A. to B. from C. for D. at

3. A. Her B. He C. His D. She

4. A. math B. Chinese C. English D. P.E

5. A. boring B. scary C. interesting D. busy

6. A. can B. not C. can’t D. don’t

7. A. wants B. joins C. likes D. helps

8. A. × B. a C. an D. the

9. A. paint B. learn C. look D. see

10. A. well B. also C. good D. nice

Ⅶ. 阅读理解


Mr White is from England. He is an English teacher now. His class is very interesting. He likes us and we like him,too. Mr White has two children,Tom and Lucy. Tom is seven and his sister is four. Tom goes to school but his sister doesn’t. Mr White likes to wear a T-shirt and jeans. Soccer is his favorite sport. After school we usually have a basketball match. Sometimes Mr White watches us play and sometimes he joins us. He plays basketball just for fun.


1. Mr White is______.

A. a Chinese teacher B. an English teacher

C. an English student D. a math teacher

2. How many daughters does Mr White have?

A. First. B. Two.C. Three. D. One.

3. Lucy doesn’t go to school because______.

A. she doesn’t want to go B. she doesn’t like school

C. she is too young D. her father doesn’t like her

4.______is Mr White’s favorite sport.

A. Volleyball B. Soccer C. Basketball D. Baseball

5. Which of the following is right?

A. After school we have a soccer match.

B. Sometimes Mr White watches our soccer match.

C. Sometimes Mr White joins us in our basketball match.

D. Mr White plays soccer just for fun.



6. How many English classes does Mary have in a week?

A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.

7. Does Mary have classes at 10:30 am on Thursday?

A. Yes,she has. B. No,she doesn’t.

C. We don’t know. D. Yes,she has P.E..

8. When dose the football game start?

A. At 3:00 pm on Tuesday. B. At 2:00 pm on Thursday.

C. At 3:00 pm on Thursday. D. At 10:30 am on Tuesday.

9. Mary has a music class on______.

A. Monday afternoon B. Tuesday morning

C. Thursday afternoon D. Monday morning

10. —What does Mary do after English class on Friday?


A. plays footballB. plays volleyball

C. goes to a movie D. plays the piano

Ⅷ. 书面表达

假设Maria是你的好朋友,她是一位英国女孩,今年11岁,她的生日是五月五日,最喜欢的运动是足球和网球,最喜欢的学科是数学,经常在周末去看电影。请你根据上面提供的信息,以“My Good Friend”为题写一篇50个词左右的英语短文。


Ⅰ. A) 1. twelfth 2. sports 3. star 4. write 5. night

B) 1. pianos 2. gets up 3. call/phone 4. anybody/anyone 5. tired

C) 1. play 2. see 3. doesn’t like 4. is 5. to get

Ⅱ. 1-5 CACDB 6-10 BDBCA 11-15 BACDC 16-20 AACBD

Ⅲ. 1. half,past,six 2. Does,do 3. What,time,does,get,up

4. Why,is 5. They,have

Ⅳ. 1. Where is my math book

2. What is your favorite sport

3. Miss Barnes usually has lunch at school

4. She likes physical education because it’s fun

5. Kim doesn’t go to school on Sundays

Ⅴ. 1-5 BCDFG

Ⅵ. 1-5 BACBC 6-10 CBDDA

Ⅶ. 1-5 BDCBC 6-10 BBCAD

Ⅷ. One possible version:

My Good Friend

九年级寒假作业Unit 7 篇4

1.I’ll never forget the day the great scientist came to our school and gave us a speech.A that B which C when D where 2.I hope tell us the truth.A.you to B.to you C.to you to D that you can 3.HanHan is a popular writer.His new book will this September.A.come up B.come in C..come out D.come on 4.Not only Jam but also his parents a few interesting places since they came to China.A.will visit B.has visited C.have visited D visited 5.Half of the work by now.A.has finished B.has been finished C.have been finished 6.—Look, what have they done?----Sorry, I think if I another chance, I’ll do it better.A.give B.will be given C.will give D.am given 7.Disney is an amusement park you can find all the normal attractions and Disney movies and characters.A.which B.where C.that D.when 8.---Can a plane fly the Atlantic Ocean?----Yes, but it needs to go the clouds for hours.A.across, through B.through, across C.across, across 9.He doesn’t mind at by his classmates A.to laugh B.laughing C.to be laughed D.being laughed 10.----Do you know this dictionary belongs to ?---Let me see.Oh, it’s.A.whose, mine.B.who, me C.who, mine 11.The room as a meeting room.A.used to being used B.was used to be used C.was used to being used D.used to be used 12.When your money , please come to me for help.A.runs out B.is run out of C.run out of D.was run out of 13.He pretended a book when his father came back.A.to read B.to be reading C.reading D.to be read 14.The last time I Jane, she cotton in the field.A.had seen, was picking B.saw, picked C.had seen, picked D.saw, was picking 15.Please don’t make the radio noisy, ? A.do you B.will you C.will he D, are you 16.The Internet makes easy much new information in a short time.A.it, to get B.this, getting C.that, get D.what, to getting 17.He likes the place he used to live.A.which B.what C.where D.that 18.Last weekend, we visited the factory my cousin worked six years ago.A.in that B, which C, in where D.in which 19.No matter , you can’t believe him.A.what will he say B what he says C what to say D.how will he say 20.The final exam is only.Let’s work hard.A.half month away from B.half a month from now C.month a half now from D.a month half from away 二.英汉互译

1.Travelling around Paris by taxi can cost a lot of money, but it’s usually quite convenient to take the underground train to most places.2.It seems that some students would like to start work as soon as possible, so that they can help provide better lives for their parents.3.It is played by more than 100 million people in over 200coutries including China, where basketball has been played in parks, schools, and even in factories.4.Here are sorne of the findings of a survey about hopes and dreams ,in which thousands of students across China took part.5.他的办法收效很好,它帮助我们摆脱了困境。






三. 完形填空

Radio, telephone and televison are widely used in the world.When you 1 the radio, you can listen.But when you use telephone, not only can you listen to others 2 you can chat with them, however, you can’t see the other one at all.Television is 3 than both of them.People can watch TV and listen to it, 4 you can’t take part in what you see.Today, some people are using a type of telephone 5 vision—phone(可视电话)。Two persons who are talking can see each other 6 it.Vision-phones can be of great use when you have something 7 the person whom you are calling.It may also have other uses in the future.Some day you may be able to call up a 8 and ask to read a book right over your vision-phone.You may be able to do the shopping through it, too.Perhaps 9 the near future, vision-phone will come into wider uses in our 10 life.()1.A.turn B turn off C turn down D turn up()2.A.and B.but too C.but also D.so()3.A more better B.much worse C.very good D.much better()4.A or B.but C.while D and()5.A.calling B.calls C.called D.are called()6.A without B.with C.for D.into()7.A.to show B.showing C.to be shown D.shown()8.A.bank B.hospital C.park D.library()9.A in B.on C.by D.without()10.A.someday B every day C.one day D everyday 四. 根据短文内容,回答问题。

Internet is educational.Many people think children should be allowed to surf the Internet as they wish.In this way, they can look through different subjects on different kinds of websites according to their own internets.But in my opinion, children should always be watched while surfing the internet.Many websites have information and pictures that children should not see.There are many things that children don’t understand.All of these may have some bad influence on children’s development.Also, it is dangerous to let children use chat rooms by themselves.Many parents tell their children not to talk to strangers on the street, so they should be careful of whom their children talk to on the Internet, too.What’ more, sitting in the front of a computer for a long time isn’t good for children’s eyes, so parents should monitor the time that children spend on the Internet.In a word, children should be kept away anything that could be bad for them.I strongly believe that it is necessary for parents to watch their children when they use Internet.1.Is the Internet educational all the time? 2.What do the parents tell children to do when they meet strangers on the street? 3.Why shouldn’t children sit in front of a computer for a long time? 4.Who can help children stay away from the bad influence on the Internet? 5.What does the writer want to tell us in the passage? 五. 短文填空(首字母给出)

Most American families are smaller than the families in othet countries.Children in the USA will leave their p 1 homes when they grow up.They usually live far from their parents brcause they want to find good j 2.They often w 3 letters to their parents or make t 4 calls to them.And they often go to see their parents on their h 5.Parents usually let their children choose their own jobs.Americans think it important f 6 young people to decide on their life by t 7.Children are asked to do some work a 8 their houses.And in many families, children are paid 9 doing housework so 10 they can learn how to make money for their own use.六. 语篇翻译。

One day, Mr.White told the class to get ready for a hobby show.All the students had the whole morning to get what they were going to show.1.除了鲍勃以外的所有学生都准时回来, the laziest boy in his classmates’eyes.It was very difficult to believe that such a boy could have a hobby.2.But to their surprise, Bob came back with many beautiful stamps in his hand.Mr.White was very happy after watching them.However, Bob was going to take them back.3.’Bob, you can’t take them back until the others watch them this afternoom,” said Mr.White.‘But I’m sorry they are my brother’s,” he answered.” He doesn’t want them to be out of our home for long.He’s afraid that they will be lost.”

六年级寒假作业答案 篇5

2012-01-17 09:34:18| 分类: 易学简算|举报|字号 订阅









4/9 5/3


5/6 涂色


37.5% 按规律填空


3/7,37.5%规律是:分子是3,分母后一个比前一个增加1 6/5,60%1.3 规律是:奇数位上减去0.1,偶数位上增加0.1 40%,1.4, 33/20


规律是:后一项比前一项增加0.25 求面积 1、10X12-3.14X(10/2)平方=41.5(平方厘米)2、4X6/2+3.14X(4/2)平方/2=18.28(平方厘米)




3/47/15 =6y8/15

=(1-1/20)x6 =6-3/10 =5y7/10 =(99-1)x

5/99 =5-5/99 =4y94/99


4/25 =20+ 8/25

=20y 8/25

动脑筋 一样多

设正方形边长为a 甲:axa-πx(a/2/2)平方x4=a平方-π/4a平方

乙: axa-πx(a/3/2)平方x9=a平方-π/4a平方






3/10,10/27 填空 1、4厘米


12.56平方厘米 2、1.5,9.42,7.065,18 选择

B,B,C 看图计算




127/128 看图编题并解答


48x(5/6 +1/3-1)= 8(人)


7年级寒假作业答案 篇6

Ⅰ.1.remove 2.evidence 3.entrance 4.sink 5.debate

Ⅱ.1~5. DCBAD

Ⅲ.1.to her surprise 2.searched for 3.in return 4.think highly of 5.rather than


Ⅰ.1.agree to this opinion 2.care about 3.by the light of the moon 4.see for oneself 5.the entrance to the mine

Ⅱ.1.Before I could think of a reply,she walked away.

2.There is no doubt that she will succeed in passing the driving test.

.She could not speak,nor could she understand anything we said.


Ⅳ.1.what happened to the Amber Room 2.than any other country in the world 3.what someone believes is true.



1 答案:A

2. 答案:B

3. 答案:B

4. 答案:A
