


unit13词组复习 篇1

建议某人做某事 suggest doing sth; advise sb to do sth, advise doing sth 努力做某事 take pains to do sth, take pains in/over doing sth

养成……的习惯 develop/form/get into/be in the habit of

革除……的习惯 get out of/get rid of the habit of

跟上,不落后 keep up with 对……作出选择 make a choice/choices about

从……中选择,挑选 choose from 选择做某事 choose to do sth

对……有益,有好处;适宜,有效 be good for 对……好 be good to

擅长做某事 be good at 适用于某人/物 go for sb/sth

减肥 lose weight; be/go on a diet 增肥 put on/gain weight

做……的方式 way to do sth, way of doing sth

准备做某事 be ready for/to do sth; be prepared for/to do sth; make preparations for sth

即使,尽管 jeven if/ though 不时地,偶尔 now and then

缺乏,短缺 be short of 是……的缩写 be short for

一点也不 not a bit 一点 a bit/little, alittle bit

很多,非常 not a little 在将来 in the future

使……强壮 make…strong 小心做某事 be careful to do sth

小心某事/物 be careful with sth 垃圾食品 junk food

……的原因 reasons for… 列单子,造单 make a list of

给某人一些建议 give some advice on sth 发烧 have a fever

感冒 have/catch a cold 一直 all the time

大量,许多 plenty of 抵抗疾病 fight disease

对……有害 be harmful to, do harm to 保持健康 keep fit

Unit 14. Festivals

以……而著名,闻名 be celebrated for 盛装打扮 dress up as/in

听说有关的人/事 hear about 听说过某人/物 hear of

了解有关……人/事的情况 know about 听说过,知道(有)…… know of

聚集,团聚 get together 在接下来的几天中 in the following days

有能力做某事 be able to do sth

允许某人做某事,允许做某事 allow sb to do sth, allow doing sth

与……相似之处 be similar to出于对某人的敬意,为了纪念…… in honour of

不仅…而且…;既…又… as well as 尽可能…… as… as one can

信赖,信仰;支持;主张 believe in 捉弄,戏弄某人 play tricks/ a trick on sb

欺骗,吸收,摄入,理解 take in 起飞,成名 take off

占据(时间/空间);开始从事 take up 呈现 take on

将A与B比较 compare A with B 将A比喻为B compare A to B

与……比较 compared with/to 要求某物 ask for sth

过去常常做某事 used to do sth 事实上 in fact

主题歌 theme song 问候某人 greet sb

与某人分享某物 share sth with sb 与……相似 be similar to

以……为根据,依据 base on; be based on 不得不 have (got) to

该轮到某人做某事 it is one’s turn to do sth

Unit 15. The necklace

认识/识别某人/物 recognise sb/sth (by sth) 毕竟;然而 after all

承认某人/物有效,认可recognise sb/sth (as sth)

因为,由于 because of 最重要的,首先 above all 与某人结婚 marry sb; get/be married to sb 编造 make up

A将B嫁给C A marry B to C 访问某人;号召,呼吁 call on sb

访问某地 call at sp 打电话 call up

回电 call back 要求;邀某人同往 call for

取消 call off 试穿/戴 try on

付款买 pay for 偿还 pay back

还清债务 pay off 记下,写下 write down

值得做某事 be worth doing sth; be worthy of being done; it is worthwhile doing sth/to do sth

提出,想出 come up with 将……扮演出来,将……付诸行动 act out 在某人去某地的路上 on one’s way to

扮演角色 play a role in 日日夜夜 day and night

被邀请去 be invited to 至多 at most

至少 at least 宁愿(不)做某事 would rather (not) do sth

继续做某事 continue to do sth 十年的辛苦工作 ten years of hard work

解开谜团 solve the mystery 在舞会上 at the ball

不幸运 without luck 为什么不做某事 why don’t you/why not do sth

选择A而不选择B prefer A to B

选择做某事而不选择做某事 prefer doing sth to doing sth; prefer to do sth rather than do sth

选择某人做某事 prefer sb to sth 拿回来,使恢复 bring back

Unit 16. Scientists at work

浪费某事 a waste of sth 浪费……做某事 waste sth on sth/in doing sth

在将来 in (the) future 利用,使用 make use of, take advantage of

做某事仔细,小心be careful doing/with/about sth 对某人有利to one’s advatage 免费地 free of charge 负责,掌管 in charge of

被/由……管理 in the charge of 结果证明是 prove to be/turn out

突然哭起来 burst into tears 含泪,流着眼泪 in tears

将某物撕成碎片 tear sth into pieces 扯下,拆毁 tear down

撕裂/毁 tear up 由……组成,构成 be made up of

由……制成(看不出)be made from (看出)be made of

把……制成…… be made into 在……生长,产 be made in

毫无疑问的 there is no doubt that; without/beyond/no doubt

怀疑地 in doubt 依某人看来 in one’s opinion/in the opinion of sb 将……和……联系在一起/将……和……绑/系在一起 tie…to…

将……和……绑/系在一起fasten…to… 保护……免受……protect…from…

为争取……而斗争 fight for 为反对……而斗争 fight against/with

和……并肩作战 fight with 在……(身上)做实验 test on

处理 do/deal with 挑选,辨别出 pick out 接收,捡起,中途搭载,无意中学会 pick up 接近,靠近get close to 制造噪音make noise

对……有益 be good for 对……有害be bad for/harmful to

因……而闻名be famous/known for 作为……而文明 be famous/known as

为……所熟知 be famous/known to sb 全世界 all over the world

在十八世纪 in the eighteenth century 做实验 do/conduct/carry out experiments; do/conduct/carry out an experiment

站立 stand up 将……加到……上 add…to… 加起来达到 add up to

在某人的控制之中 in the control of sb; under control失去控制 out of control 阻止做某事 prevent/stop/keep…from… 至少/多at least/most

例如such as 照顾 take care of 当心,小心 take care, look out, be careful

有/没有权利做某事 have right/no right to do sth

遵守/违背法律 obey/break the law

弄清楚 make clear 违背,反对 go against

大量,许多A number of, a great many, a great deal of, plenty of, lots of, a lot of

unit13词组复习 篇2

In this unit, students learn to talk about how things affect them.

II.Te a ching ke y a nd difficult points:


bright, soft, sad, energetic, stressedout, tense, scientific, lighting

B.Target language

a.Loud music makes me tense.

b.That movie made her sad.

c.Loud music makes me want to dance.


make (s) me+infinitive, make (s) me+adjective

III.Te a ching me thods:audio-lingual methods

IV.Te a ching a ids:a tape, a tape recorder, PPT

V.Te a ching proce dure:

Step 1.Revision

Task 1.Check the homework.

Task 2.Revise the vocabulary.

Step 2.Warming up

Task1.Write the following list of activities on the blackboard:

parties, exams, school vacations, gym class.

Task 2.Ask students how they feel about the activities.

Step 3.Grammar focus

Task 1.Read the three target sentences and try to understand their structure.

Task 2.Students are supposed to make as many sentences with“make (s) me+infinitive”, “make (s) me+adjective”structures as possible.

Step 4.Viewing and saying

Talkaboutthepictureof restaurants on page 102.

Which one would you like to go and why?

◆I like to go to the one on the left because the music there would make me excited.

◆I like to go to the one on the rightbecausethemusicthere wouldmake me quiet.

◆I like to go to the one on the left because the pictures there would make me tense.

◆I like to go to the one on the right because the things there would make me happy.

Step 5.Listening and completing

Task 1.Listen to a conversation between Amy and Tina talking about eating in restaurants.While listening, pay attention to the“make (s) me+infinitive”, “make (s) me+adjective”structures.

Task 3.After listening, complete the unfinished sentences in the chart on page 102.

Step 6.Doing pairwork

Task 1.According to the sample conversation, ask and answer in pairs.

Task 2.Then ask and answer in pairs in class.

P P TCultureba ckground, gra mma r focus a nd pra ctice.

1.Some wonderful slogans of advertisements.

Trust me, you can make it. (美容)

When there is no tomorrow. (快递)

Good to the last drop. (咖啡)

Things go better with coke. (可乐)

Don’t leave home without it. (美国通卡)

Everything we do is driving by you. (汽车)

A diamond is forever. (钻石)

We do chicken right. (炸鸡)

Ford has a better idea. (汽车)

Air France making the sky best place on earth. (航空)


(1) make作使役动词时为“迫使”, “导致” (某人/物怎么样) 之义, 这时常见下面结构形式:

(1) make sb./sth. (+形容词) 使某人/物…… (怎么样) ;导致某人/物…… (怎么样) , 即在make的宾语某人/物后直接用形容词作宾语补足语。

eg Rainy days often make me sad.Mr.Li usually makes his lessons interesting so that we all like to listen to him in class.

(2) make sb./sth.do sth.使某人/物做某事, 一般作使役动词宾语补足语的不定式结构在该使役动词用在主动语态句中时, 要省去不定式符号“to”。

eg Some scientists are trying to make robots look like human beings.

You mustn’t make others wait for you too long.You’d better get there ahead of time.

(3) 注:当make, 包括其他使役动词在被动语态句中运用时, 作其宾语补足语的不定式结构不省去to, 即用成“be made to do sth.”———“被使去做某事”。

eg The boy was made to apologize because he came to school late.

(2) make作一般实义动词用, 意为制作;做。后跟表示金钱的名词等时, 还有“赚取”;后跟有“mistake”等时, 则有“犯错”等意思, 已学相关宾语如下:

make meals做饭

make tea泡茶

make kites制作风筝

make the bed整理床铺

make sentences造句

make noises制造噪音

make mistakes犯错

make money赚钱

make friends with...与……交朋友

另:make作“制作”等含义时, 用在被动语态句中的重要短语结构有:

be made of...被用……制成, 后跟原料, 原料在制成成品后看得出原料;

be made from...被用……制成, 后跟原料, 原料在制成成品后已看不出原料;

be made into...被制成……, 后跟成品, 此时, 做句子主语的是表示原材料的名词或代词;

be made up of...由……构成, 相当于“consist of”。

eg The table is made up of wood, and the bread is made from wheat (小麦) !

Our class is made up of/consists of 28 boys and 26 girls.


(1) Why don’t you make your wife_____?

A.sad B.sadly C.happily D.happy

(2) Hard seats also make customers want__eat quickly and leave.

A.of B.to C.in D.for

(3) The children were made___homework first.

A.do B.to do C.did D.doing

(4) They make__clear to the public that they’re doing a necessary job.

A.it B.that C.this D.its

(5) Colorscanchangeour moods and make us____happy or sad, energetic or sleepy.

A.to feel B.feeling C.felt D.feel

(6) —I tried to make Amy____her mind, but I found it hard.

—Well, I saw you___that when I went past.

A.change, do B.changes, doing

unit13词组复习 篇3

eg. (1)She would lie awake at nights worrying.


(2)They laid the table for dinner.


2.be rich in在……方面充足;富含……

be low in在……方面缺乏(含量低)

be poor in在……方面贫乏

be high in在……方面含量高

eg.Our country is rich in natural resources. 我们国家自然资源丰富。

3.a bit of salt=a little salt

a bit hungry(angry) 有点饿(生气)

not a bit=not at all一点也不

not a little(=very)很;非常

eg. (1)I’m not a bit hungry. 我一点也不饿。

(2)I’m not a little hungry. 我很饿了。



sb. (not) to do sth.


doing sth. 建议做某事


(sb.) that+主语+(should) do sth.


eg.(1)He advised

an early start.

me to start early.

starting early.

(me) that I (should) start early.

(2)Could you advise me what to do next?

5. prepare vt.准备、筹备,可用如下结构

prepare (sth.)to do…for… prepare oneself for…be/get preparedfor…to do…

eg. (1)Please prepare the table for dinner.


(2)He is preparing himself for the examination for Harvard.


(3)You must be well prepared for the worst. 你必须对最坏的情况有个思想准备。

6.compare…with/to… 把……与……相比

compare…to… 把……比作……

compared with/to… 与……相比

eg.(1)How can you compare a man with/to a mouse? 你怎么能把人同鼠相比呢?

(2)Compared with/to Japan, the United States has far wider land.


7. play a trick on 捉弄(某人),开玩笑 trick是可数名词,也写作play tricks on。


. make fun of取笑,捉弄(某人);

laugh at嘲笑;

make a fool of


play a joke with和(某人)开玩笑;

joke with和(某人)开玩笑

8. have (little, some) faith in sb. (sth.)


lack faith in sb. (sth.)


lose faith in sb.对某人失去信任

put faith in sb. (sth.)相信某人(某事)

unit13词组复习 篇4

Pre-class task: 1.Copy and preview new vocabulary of Unit 5.

2. In groups, find out the information about six men :Nelson Mandela, William Tyndale, Norman Bethune, Sun Yat-sen, Gandhi, Neil Armstrong (nationality, career, important events, etc.)

Step 1 Word competition

Part 1: Each group get 5 words to read. Ten points for each.

Group A : hero, accept, period, equal, violence

Group B: peaceful, terror, leader, continue, position

Group C: prison, degree, reward, active, educated

Group D: advise, blanket, youth, principle, quality

Part 2: The quickest to read out the word correctly can get 20 points for his/ her group, but if the answer is wrong,

10 points will be lost. And the students in other groups have a chance to try.

invader, republic, nationalism, livelihood, cruelty, criminal, president, sincerely, Nelson Mandela, William Tyndale, Bible, Gandhi, Elias

Part 3: Ss in any group can participate it. The quickest who gives the correct Chinese/ English meaning of each phrase will get extra 10 points. The wrongs won’t lose points.

lose heart, in trouble, out of work, Youth League, blow up, as a matter of fact, put…in prison, come to power

Step 2 Warming up

1. Get Ss to name some great people.

2. T shows some great people’s pictures.

3. Get Ss to discuss what qualities a great person should have.

(smart, modest, unselfish, warm-hearted, confident, determined, active, honest, brave, persistent,

As a great person,

Should he/she help others?

Should he/she get on well with others?

Should he/she be willing to do public service?

Should he/she be active in society activities?

Should he/she never lose heart when he/she is in great trouble?

(As a great person, he/she should help others, get on well with others, be willing to do public service, be active in society activities and never lose heart when he/she is in great trouble and so on..)

4. Get Ss to decide “What kind of person are you? Do you have the qualities to be a great person?” by finishing the questionnaire on P33.

Step 3 Pre-reading

1. Get Ss to present some information about six men (Nelson Mandela, William Tyndale, Norman Bethune, Sun Yat-sen, Gandhi, Neil Armstrong)

2. Get Ss to discuss “Are they great people? Why?”

4. Go through the information about six men on P33-34.

Step 4 Talking (on P69)

Step 5 Homework

1. Review new words and expressions of Unit 5, and get ready for the dictation.

2. Do SB P35-36 Ex. 1. 2.

3. “中华一题”Section I

4. “English Weekly” Reading Comprehension A

Period 2

Step 1 Dictation (10 words)

Step 2 Homework checking

Step 3 Introduction and lead-in

Re-talk about Nelson Mandela.

Step 4 Reading comprehension

Read the text

1st time: Read the text while listening to the tape and get the general idea of the passage

Q: How many parts can we divide the text into? What’s the main idea of each part?

Part 1 (Para 1-2): The life of Elias before he met Nelson Mandela.

Part 2 (Para3-5): The change of Elias’ life after he met Nelson Mandela and what Mandela did.

2nd time: Read the text again carefully to obtain some details.

Finish Ex 1,2 on P35.

( Ex1: true 2,4

Ex2: 1940 He was born.

1946 He began school.

1948 He left school.

1952 Nelson Mandela opened his law firm.)

Step 5 Discussion

Pair work, discuss

1. How the ANC Youth League fights the government?

2. What can we learn from the text about Nelson Mandela?

(1. At first, the ANC Youth League fought against the government in a peaceful way. But when they failed, they began to use violence.

(2. From the text, we can learn from Mandela the qualities of bravery, persistence, kindness and determination.)

Step 6 Extensive reading

Get Ss to learn more about Nelson Mandela.

1st time: Read the text while listening to the tape.

2nd time: Read the text again carefully to obtain some details.

1) Finish Ex on P38 ( D D B A)

2) Answer the questions: When did Elias lose his job? ( In 1973)

Does Elias like his present work? (Yes. Now at 51 I am proud to…)

Step 7 Homework

1. Read “ Notes to the text” for U5 ( P84-86)

2. Do WB P70 Ex. 1

3. Do SB P37 Ex. 1. 2.

4. “English Weekly” Reading Comprehension B

5. Find out the phrases and expressions according to the Chinese T gives.

Period 3

Step 1 Homework checking

Step 2 Language points

1. fight

1)vt. 和…战斗, 和…打

eg. English fought Germany.

vi. 作战,战斗

*fight for… 为…而战斗

eg. He told the workers to fight for their rights.

*fight against/with… 为反对…而斗争, 和…作斗争

eg. You will have to fight against/with difficulties.

England fought against/with Germany in the war of 1941-1948.

*fight with… 和…一起作战

eg. They fought with the Italians in the last war.

2. advise v.

*advise sb on sth 就…给某人出主意

eg. I have advised you on that subject.

The teacher advised me on how to learn English.

*advise sb to do sth 建议某人干…

eg. The teacher advises me to practise more spoken English.

*advise that sb (should) do sth

eg. I advise that you (should) not eat this kind of fruit.

advice n.[u]

a piece of advice

give sb advice on… 关于….给某人建议

eg. In one of his books, Marx gave some advice on how to learn English.

3. prison

*be in prison 坐牢

be in the prison 在监狱里,可能坐牢,可能工作

eg. He told me that he had been in prison for three years.

*put sb in prison 把…投入监狱

The robber has been put in prison.

*sb be kept/held prisoner 被囚禁

4. accept 接受,指的是主观上接受了

receive 收到,指客观上收到,不一定接受

eg. I received his invitation, but I didn’t accept it.

5. stop…(from) doing sth 阻止...做某事

eg. You must stop him (from) telling his father.

I really want to stop you (from) smoking.

6. educated adj. 受过教育的,有教养的

better educated 是well educated的比较级

7. be sentenced to sth 被判刑

eg. He was sentenced to 3 years in prison.他被判3年监禁.

He was sentenced to death. 他被判死刑.

Step 3 Sentence focus:

1. The school where I had studied only two years was three kilometers away.

be…away 有…远, 可以指距离, 也可以指时间

eg. The new house is about three miles away.

The exams are still three weeks away.

2. After trying hard, I got a job in a gold mine.

after doing 介词短语作状语用,表示时间。*其逻辑主语要与主句主语一致

eg. After getting up, he always drinks a glass of water.

After his mother went out, he began to watch TV. (T)

After going out, he began to watch TV. (F)

3. The last thirty years have seen the greatest number of laws stopping our rights and progress


eg. Yesterday saw a terrible car accident in front of our school.

4. The parts of town where they lived were places decided by white people.

主句是The parts of town were places. 定语从句是where they lived

decided by white people 是过去分词作定语,相当于which is decided by white people, 修饰places

5. We were put in a position in which we had either to accept we were less important, or fight the Government.

either…or… 或者…或者…

less + adj./adv.(原级) + than 是形容词(副词)比较级的一种,表示前者不及后者。

此句中,less important是less important than the White 的省略结构

eg. In his life, he has always tried to help those who are less fortunate than he.

6. only then did we decide to answer violence with violence. 只有在这时,我们才决定用暴力反抗暴力。

这是一个倒装句。结构:Only + 状语 + 部分倒装



eg. Only yesterday did his father tell him the truth.

Only by shouting was he able to make people hear him.

Only when his father came back did he go to bed.


eg. Only he can work out this problem.

7. But I was happy to help because I knew it was to realize our dream of making black and white people equal.

was to do 在此处意为注定将会…

eg. You were to regret your decision later.

8.I felt bad the first time I talked to a group. 第一次给旅行团作讲解时,我的心情很不好。

the first time 起连词的作用,引导时间状语从句

eg. The first time I met him, I thought him nice.

9. We read books under our blankets and used anything we could find to make candles to see the words.

we could find 是定语从句,修饰anything

to make candles及to see the words 是目的状语

10.As they were not cleverer than me, but did pass their exams.

did pass 是强调结构,强调谓语动词时,在动词原形前do / does / did

eg. I do hope you have a nice trip.

He does speak English well.

Step 4 Homework

1. Recite paragraph of the text

2. Do WB P71 Ex 2 Translation (on Ex book)

3. “English Weekly” Multiple choice ,Reading Comprehension C & Cloze test

4. Read P92

Period 4

Step 1 Homework checking

Step 2 Grammar

The Attributive Clause (II)---由关系副词when, where, why引导的定语从句

Basic Rules:

1. 关系副词when在从句中作时间状语

eg. I still remember the day when I first met you.

2. 关系副词where在从句中作地点状语

eg. This shop is the place where I first met you.

3. 关系副词why在从句中作原因状语(先行词只有reason一词)

eg. The reason why he was late was that he missed his train.

4. how不能用作关系副词, 也不能引导定语从句.

This is the way how he did it. (F)

This isthe way (that/ in which ) he did it. (T)

* “English Weekly” when, where, why引导定语从句四注意

Step 3 Practice

Step 4. Homework

1. Do WB P71 Ex 1,2 (on Ex book)

unit13词组复习 篇5

I. 词汇

A. 单词:fat; stomach; fever; ripe; ought; examine; plenty; diet; fit; gain; energy; soft; bar; fuel; chemical; balance; tasty; boil; mixture; sleepy; brain; steam; theme; parade; fighting; conflict; argument; major; probably; honour; ancestor; principle; nation; purpose; creativity; faith; commercial; joy; light; similar; generation; salute; kiss; cheek; nod; celebration; respect; gift; cycle; fool; invitation

B. 短语:ought to; plenty of; keep up with; make a right choice; short of; now and then; roll up; dress up; in one’s opinion; give thanks to; play a trick on sb; take in; cut… into pieces; lead a…life

II. 重点精讲

A. 重点单词

1. fit:可作动词、名词和形容词。主要义项有:合身的衣服,适合,合适的,适合……的。

注意:fit用作名词时常与不定冠词连用;Eg. The coat is a bad fit.那套外套不合身。


Eg. This jacket fits me well.这件夹克很合我的身。

2. purpose:常用作名词,有两个义项:


Eg. For what purpose did you go to Africa?你到非洲去有什么目的。

answer/serve one’s purpose符合需要;carry out a purpose实现目标


Eg. What’s the main purpose of this building?这栋建筑物的主要用途是什么?

注意:on purpose(故意)的反义词为by chance或by accident“偶然”。

3. respect:可用作名词和动词。主要义项有:尊敬;尊重;考虑;重视。作名词时常为不可数名词,复数respects的意思是问候,问好,相当于regards, whishes。

Eg. Children should show respect for their teachers. 孩子应该尊敬老师。

My mother sends her respects to you.我母亲向你问好。

注意:respect构成的短语:pay respect to考虑;并重;with respect to关于;without respect to不管;不考虑;in respect of涉及,关于,在……方面;as respects就……而言,关于。

4. gift:用作名词,有两个义项:


Eg. He made a gift of $10,000 to his old high school.他给他的高中母校捐赠了10,000美元。


Eg. He is a boy of many gifts. 他是一个多才多艺的孩子。

gifted为形容词,“有天赋的,有天资的”。a gifted musician一位有天赋的音乐家。


B. 重点短语

1. take in:接受, 接待, 吸收, 理解, 包括, 轻信, 注意到, 欺骗

相关归纳:(1)take along带……一起去

Eg. It’s going to rain; you’d better take along a raincoat with you.

(2)take away拿走

Eg. The child was taken away from school.那孩子不被允许上学了。

(3)take back取回;归还

Eg. I take back what I said.

(4)take off除去;脱掉;动身;起飞(5)take on雇用,承担,呈现

Eg. The manager will take on a new secretary.

Don’t take on more work than you can do.不要接受超过你所能负担的工作量。

(6)take up拿起;占空间;消耗时间;开始从事;继续

Eg. John took up art while at school.约翰在学校期间开始学习艺术。

I’ll take up the story where I finished yesterday.我将在昨天结束的地方继续这个故事。

2. dress up:盛装, 打扮, 装饰, 伪装

相关归纳:(1)be dressed up in穿着(2)dress down责骂某人;穿着随便

Eg. He dressed down while working in the field.在地里干活时他穿着很随便。

注意:表示“穿”的词的比较,可以从表示动作表示状态和所跟宾语三个方面去区别。表示动作的有:put on; try on;表示状态的有wear; be dressed in; be in; have…on; dress的宾语为“人”,其他动词的宾语均为衣物。

3. send away:发送, 派遣, 驱逐, 解雇

相关归纳:(1)send out分发;发出;派出;长出

Eg. The sun sends out light and warmth.

The trees send out new leaves in spring.

(2)send off为某人送行=see sb. off

Eg. Many of his friends went to the airport to send him off.

(3)send up发射;使上升

Eg. The good news sent prices up on the market.这个好消息使物价上涨了。

(4)send for派人去叫某人;派人去拿某物

Eg. Please keep these things until I send for them.请替我保存这些东西,等我派人来取。

注意:send away在表示“开除;解雇”时,其同义词为dismiss;反义词为take on或employ“雇用”。

C. 必背句型

1. only引导的倒装句型:只有only引导的状语成分位于句首时,主句才使用主谓倒装的句式,即一般疑问句的语序。

Eg. Only then did I realize that I was wrong.

2. instead (of)构成的句型:instead of后面可以跟名词、代词或动名词,同义词为in place of。另外,instead还可以用作副词,表示“代替,而是”的意思。

Eg. He will attend the meeting instead of me.

I was ill so he went to attend the meeting instead.

She never studies. Instead, she plays tennis all day.

3. each time引导状语从句:each time相当于连接副词的作用,引导时间状语从句。表示动作的习惯性、经常性,即从句描述的不是一次性动作,而是经常发生的习惯性动作。也可以用every time表示。

Eg. Every time I saw him, I was overcome by his brilliance.每次见到他,都为他的聪颖倾倒。

另外,the first time, next time, the time, the moment也可以用来引导状语从句。

Eg. Be sure to call on us next time you come to town.下次你进城一定要来看我们。

She rushed into the room immediately/the moment she heard the noise.

III. 疑难突破

1. keep up, keep sb. up, keep up with, catch up with

keep up“振作,使不低落”,后跟名词。

keep sb. up“使……迟睡”比较:stay up“熬夜,不睡觉”。

keep up with“赶上,不落后”,侧重于“不被拉下”。

catch up with“追赶上”,侧重表示“从落后的状态追赶上”


(1). _____ your courage/spirits.

(2). Go on in front, I’ll soon ______ you.

(3). Generally speaking, people in the country can ______ old customs.

(4). It’s wrong to ______ the children ______ so late.

(5). Teachers ought to especially care for those who can’t _____ the class.

2. check, examine, test, look up




look up:v.查阅(词典等工具书)以获取有关的信息。


(1). I ______ my schoolbag to see if I’ve left the pen.

(2). You must do an experiment to ______ what he said.

(3). A policeman ______ his bag to see if there were any drugs.

(4). When I ______ my shopping list, I found I’d forgotten to buy eggs.

(5). You’d better ______ the word in the dictionary if you don’t know how to use it.

unit 6-10词组 篇6

3.comprter programmer 电脑程序师 4.take acting lessons 上表演课 5.practice doing sth 练习做某事 6.finish doing sth 完成做某事 7.keep on doing sth 坚持做某事

8.I’m not sure about that.我对那不太确定 9.Don’t worry.不要担心

10.Not everyone knows what they want to be.不是所有人都知道他们想做什么。11.Just make sure you try your best.就确保尽你最大努力。

12.Then you can be anything you want.那么你就能成就你想做的事。13.move to

搬到-----14.finish high school 高中毕业 15.a race car driver 一个赛车手 16.buy a fast car

买一辆跑车 17.take singing lessons 上演唱课 18.study medicine 学习医学 19.study education 学习教育学

20.go to a cooking school 去烹饪学校

21.send------to 把------寄到-----,把----送到----22.New Year’s resolutions 新年决心 23.learn to do sth 学习做某事

24.make the soccer team 组建足球队 25.get good grades 取得好成绩

26.eat healthier food 吃更健康的食物 27.get lots of exercise 得到大量的锻炼 28.learn another foreign language

学习另一种外国语言 29.make resolutions 制定决心 30.be able to do sth 能做某事 31.keep resolutions 执行决心 32.promise to do sth承诺做某事

33.promise sb to do sth承诺某人做某事 34.make promises to sb向某人承诺

35.at the beginning of the year新年的开始 36.write down午写下

37.physical health 成长身体健康 38.have to do with 与-----有关

39.take up a hobby 开始(培养)一种爱好 40.make a weekly plan/make a plan every week



=not-----enough to do sth


42.the best resolutions is to have no resolutions

最好的决心就是没有决心。43.for this reason 由于这个原因

44.my own personal improvement我自己的个人提高

45.improve my relationship with my family


46.drive to work 开车去上班

47.Sounds like a good plan.听起来像一个好计划

unit 7

1.on computers 在电脑上

2.Everything will be free.每一件东西都将是免费的

3.live to be-----years old 活到----岁 4.in 100 years

一百年以后 5.use-------less 少用------

6.There will be more pollution.将会有更多的污染

7.Cities will be more polluted.城市将是更污染的

8.in great danger 处于极大的危险之中 9.on the earth 在地球上

10.play a part in saving the earth.参与到拯救地球的活动中 11.I hope so.我希望如此 12.in the sea 在海里 13.fresh water淡水

14.do the same jobs as------do做和----一样的工作

15.in an apartment在公寓

16.take a train to------乘火车去-----

17.fly rockets to the moon 乘火箭去月球 18.on a space station在太空站上 19.there are sb doing sth有某人正在做某事 20.over and over again反复地 21.help to build cars帮助造车 22.get bored变得厌烦的

23.make sth look like----使某物看起来像---24.wake up醒来,叫醒某人 25.agree with sb同意某人 26.hundreds of 数百

27.buildings fall down with people inside

有人的建筑物倒塌 28.look for


29.seem impossible 似乎不可能

30.we never know what will happen

我们永远不知道将会发生什么 31.in the future在将来

32.which side do you agree with?

你同意哪方面意见? 33.keep a bird.养一只鸟

34.during the week在工作日期间 35.take a holiday in Hong Kong

when possible有可能的时候在香港度假 36.there will be both good and bad

things in life.生活中有好事情也有坏事情 37.fly up into the sky 飞向天空 Unit 8 1.turn on 打开

turn off 关闭

turn up(声音)调大 turn down(声音)调小 2.cut-----up 把----切碎

3.cut----into 把----切成-----4.pour---into 把----倒入 5.put----in----把----放入 6.add---to----往---加 7.mix up 把-----混合

8.mix---together 把-----混合一起 9.fill----with----往---装满---10.cover----with----把---盖在----上

11.place-----on a plate把------放在盘子上 12.milk shake奶昔

13.how many后接可数名词复数形式 14.how much后接不可数名词,表数量 15.how much 后接be动词询问价钱 16.a cup of yogurt一杯酸奶 17.two spoons of honey两勺蜂蜜 18.fruit salad水果沙拉 19.Russian soup罗宋汤

20.cook-----for 30 minutes烹制30分钟 21.another ten minutes别外10分钟 22.one more thing别一件事

23.Don’t forget to do sth不要忘了要做某事 24.half a cup半杯 25.dig a hole挖个坑

26.take out-----from----把----从-----拿出来 27.traditional food 传统食物

28.on special holidays在特别的节日

29.give thanks for food and life感恩食物和


30.the first travelers第一批漂泊者

31.have a long, hard winter过一个漫长艰难的冬天

32.this idea of giving thanks 感恩的思想 33.have a big meal吃一顿大餐 34.serve-----to sb拿----招待某人

35.at a very high temperature在很高的温度 36.one by one一个接一个的 37.rice noodles米线

38.it’s time to do sth是做某事的时间

Unit 9

1.study for a test为考试而学习

prepare for an exam 备考 2.go to the doctor去看医生

go to the dentist去看牙医 3.have the flu患流感

4.help my parents帮助我的父母 5.meet my friends和我的朋友见面 6.go to the party去参加聚会

7.too much 太多 后面接不可数名词 8.too many

后面接可数名词复数 9.much too 太

后面接形容词 10.another time 下次,另外一次 11.go bike riding骑自行车


= not----before

= after

13.hang out 闲逛

14.catch you on Monday星期一见 15.I’m afraid not.我恐怕不行。16.the day before yesterday 前天 17.the day after tomorrow

后天 18.look after


take care of

19.accept an invitation 接受邀请 20.make an invitation 发出邀请 21.turn down an invitation 拒绝邀请 22.be sad to do sth 难过做某事 23.be glad to sth



把------带到------25.take a trip


26.at the end of-----在-------的结尾,尽头 27.help out with

帮忙解决------28.go back to------回到-----29.have to a surprise party for sb

为某人办一个惊喜派对 30.be surprised 感到惊喜的

31.look forward to doing sth 期望做某事 32.hear from

收到------33.a housewarming party 乔迁派对 34.A party is more fun with more people.聚会人越多越有趣

35.Hope you can make it.希望你能来 36.invite sb to-----邀请某人-------37.the opening of-------------的落成

38.bring one book as a gift for the new library 为新图书馆带一本书作为礼物 39.reply in writing to the invitation 用书面形式回复邀请

40.reply to-----回复某人/某事

Unit 10 1.take the bus to------乘汽车去----2.when to have------什么时候举行 3.half the class

一半的同学 4.watch a video


5.order food from-------从----订食物 6.what to do 做什么

7.how to go-----怎样去-----8.be happy 开心的 9.be famous 出名的----10.travel around the world周游世界 11.make a lot of money 挣许多钱 12.get an education 得到教育 13.go to college 上大学

14.get advice from-----从---得到建议 15.keep-----to themselves 保守秘密 16.talk to------与----交谈

17.have problems with-----在---方面有问题 18.the worst thing is to do nothing.最糟糕的事情是什么也不做 19.be worried about 担心---20.be afraid to------害怕做----21.in the end

= at last 最后

22.make mistakes 犯错误

23.it is best not to do sth 最好不要做----24.run away from 回避-----,从---逃跑 25.the first step is to do sth 第一步是做----26.be always there to do

总是(乐于)做,总是随时做----27.cut-----in half 把----切成一半 28.be halfway to doing sth 完成或做某事的部分

29.old people’s home 老人之家 30.school clean-up 学校大扫除 31.children’s hospital 儿童医院 32.travel to-----去----旅行

33.stay out too late 呆在外面很晚 34.go to the concert 去听音乐会 35.miss the bus 错过公交车
