


英语初一下总复习知识点和常考作文(浓缩版) 篇1

人教版新目标英语七年级下册复习提纲 Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?


◆play chess 下国际象棋◆play the guitar 弹吉他◆play the violin 拉小提琴

◆play the piano 弹钢琴◆play the drums 敲鼓◆make friends 结交朋友

◆do kung fu 会(中国)功夫◆tell stories 讲故事◆play games 做游戏

◆speak English 说英语◆English club 英语俱乐部◆swimming club游泳俱乐部 ◆talk to/with sb.跟某人说◆on the weekends(在)周末


1.play +棋类/球类下……棋,打……球2.play the +西洋乐器弹/拉……乐器

3.be good at doing sth.擅长做某事4.be good with sb.善于与某人相处5.need sb.to do sth.需要某人做某事6.can + 动词原形能/会做某事7.a little + 不可数名词 一点儿……8.join the …club 加入…俱乐部9.like to do sth.=love to do sth.喜欢/喜爱做某事10.like ding sth.喜欢做某事11.help sb with sth在某一方面帮助某人help sb(to)do sth帮助某人做某事

三、句型 ◆1.Can you play the guitar?你会弹吉他吗? Yes, I can./ No, I can’t.◆2.What’s the weather like(+地点)?-It’s sunny./It’s cold and snowing.(2).--How’s it going? –Great./Not bad.It gets

better and better.It gets worse and worse.1、拿起电话,先说hi或hello Hello!May/Could I speak to …

Hello!Is that….(speaking)?你是…吗?

3、问对方是谁?Who’s that(speaking)? /Who’s speaking?

Unit 8Is there a post office near here?


1.post office 邮局across from 在...对面

go across river/road穿过河/马路(从表面穿过)go past the bank路过银行

3、in front of(外部的)在...前面in the front of 在….(内部的)前部between…and… 在...和...之间near here =around here=around me=in the neighborhood在附近

people.It is tall and strong.It has a long

4、on busy Central Street 在繁忙的中央大街上come and get your dumplings today 过来买今天的nose.Its teeth are long ,too.Its ears are very big be busy doing sth=be busy with sth忙于做某事饺子cook Chinese food 做中国菜like two fans.I like it very much.5、just go straight 仅径直走 a large/medium/small bowl 大碗/中碗/小碗 Unit 5---用现在进行时 写正在发生的事 turn left/ turn right 向左转/右转go down Bridge orange juice 桔汁green tea 绿茶It’s Sunday morning.My mother and I are going Street 沿着Bridge大街走on the right /left of

二、句型 to the park.There are a lot of people in the park.在…右边/左边

6、enjoy doing sth=enjoy oneself1)What kind of … would you like? 你想要…? Some children are running.A dog is running EG:--What kind of noodles would you like?-Beef 乐于on one’s right/left 在某人的右边/左边after them.Four women are sitting there They and tomato noodles.please.take a walk 散步go down(along)…沿着...走 are talking.Two girls are playing.Three old men 2)We have large ,medium,and small bowls.二、句型(1)----Is there a bank near here?这儿附are standing under a big tree.They are watching 3)I like dumplings,I don’t like noodles.the children.There is a river there.Many young近有银行吗?Yes, there is.It’s on Centre Street./ 三日常交际用语 people are dancing near it.There is a boat on the No, there isn’t.是的,有。它在中央大街。/不,(1)—Can I help you?--I’d like some noodles.please.river.Everyone is having a good time in the 没有。(2)Where’s the supermarket,please?/It’s(2)--what kind of noodles would you like?--I’d like park.We are having a good time, too.next to the library.请问超市在哪里?在图书馆隔mutton and potato noodles.Please.Unit 6----天气预报的短文 壁。(3)Do you know the way to the restaurant,(3)—Would you like a cup fo green tea?---Good morning!Here’s the weather report for please? 请问你知道去饭店的路吗?(4)Can you Yes,please./No,thanks some big cities in the world.Beijing is cloudy.tell me the way to the post office? 你能告诉我去would like后面还可以跟不定式.即:A:would like It’s very cold, so wear warm clothes when you 邮局的路吗?(5)How can I get to the hotel?我怎to do.sth.想要做某事.would like sb.to.do.sth.想go out.In Hong Kong there’s beautiful

样才能到宾馆?(1)Turn left/right at/onCenter 要某人做某事What would you like me to do.sunshine.(阳光灿烂).People will feel cool in the

11课1.school trip 学校旅行2.go for a walk 去散Street.在中央大街处往左/右拐。daytime.It is sunny in New York , but there’s a

strong wind(大风)in the afternoon.It will be(2)Go along/down this street/road.沿着这条街往步.milk a cow 给奶牛挤奶4.ride a horse 骑马

rainy in Sydney but very hot.The day after 前走。(4)It’s across from/near/next to /behind/in 5.feed chickens 喂鸡6.talk with the farmer和农民

tomorrow(后天)will be sunny.That’s the front of the bank.它在银行的对面/附近/隔壁/后交谈7.take photos /a photo拍照8.quite a lot许多

weather report for today.Thank you for 18.visit my grangparents看望我的祖父母.go 面/前面。(5)It’s about 100 meters/2 kilometers listening.(谢谢收听)from here.大约离这儿有一百米/两公里。(6)Just fishing 去钓鱼20.so much 如此多的.so clean 那

go straight and turn left.只需要直走再右拐就行么干净22.watch the stars 看星星.go to the zoo去Unit 7----描述长相Tom is tall,and he is of

medium bulid.He has short blonde straight 动物园24.go to a farm去农场28.climb the 了。(7)Let me tell you the way to my house.hair.He can speak English and a little Unit 9What does he look like? mountains 爬山29.a lot of flowers 许多花儿Chinese.He likes reading books and playing


1、◆ look like 看起来像....◆ tall/short30.eat lunch 吃午饭31.play games 做游戏 basketball.His favorite animals are panadas and 高/矮◆ thin/fat/heavy瘦/胖◆ strong/weak/ill/sick 英语作文自我介绍,例如:姓名、年龄、国dolphins.He thinks panadas are cute and 强壮/弱◆ longhair/short hair/curly hair/straight 家、现居住地、爱好、最喜欢的科目 dolphins are clever.hair长发/短发/卷发/直发◆ be of medium height Dear friend , Unit 8---假如你是披萨店的老板,请写一则广告I’m Liu Fang.I’m 14 years old.I’m in 中等个头◆ be of medium build中等身材介绍一下你店里披萨的种类。HuiLi ,China.I have no brothers or sisters in my quiet/outgoing安静/外向bald/beard秃头的/有Would you like some pizzas? Please come to the family.I can speak Chinese and a little Engliah.House of Pizza.There are all kinds of Pizzas 小胡子的2、◆

1、stop doing表示停下来动名词My favorite subject in school is English , here—small ones ,medium ones and large(doing)的动作He stopps smoking.他停止(不再)because I think it’s very interesting.I also like ones.We also have two specials.One is onions 吸烟.stop to do 表”停下”其他事情,去做不定式(to)music and art very much.I can sing and draw and salad,and the other is tomotoes, potatoes and 的动作He stops to smoke.他停下来来吸烟.◆ well ,too.I like playing the piano and playing cheese.The prices are quite

2、remember to do 记着即将要做的事remember basketball on weekends.How about you? I like reasonable.Welcome to the House of Pizza.I doing 记着已经做过的事wear glasses 戴眼镜◆ to go to movies with my friends.My favorite think you will like them.4、go shopping 去商店go doing都表示体育运动 movie is Beauty and Beast.Now I live with my Unit 9根据下面的提示词,描述一下你家人一日parents.I want a pen pal in Australia.I want to go swimming/shopping◆

5、do some doingdo 三餐的饮食情况。learn about your country I want a pen pal in some shopping一般的否定句需要变的是:There are three people in my family.They are my Australia.I think Australia is an interesting some—anyand---oralready---yet parents and I.My father and my mother like country.But I know it only a little.二、句型1)--What does he look like?--He’s eggs and porridge for breakfast.But I like Can you write and tell me something about really short.He has short hair.noddles.My father eats dumplings for lunch.My yourself?(Can you write to me soon ?)2)--She has beautiful, long black hair.mother and I have beef and rice for lunch.ForYours, dinner,my parents like to eat cabbage ,fish,onion 4)--What do you look like? I’m tall.I’m thin.5)Liu Fang and noddles ,but I like onion dumplings.--What do they look like? Unit 2----介绍怎样去某个地方---They are medium height.Unit 10----描述一下你上周末是怎么样度过的。Dear Tina , Unit 10I’d like some noodles.(注意过去时态)I’m very glad you are coming to my school.let

一、词组would like + n.=want sth[I would like me tell you the way to my school.There is aI had a busy weekend.On Saturday morning ,I got

some noodles.]noodlesrice map for you.Go along this road and turn right at up early in the morning.Then I cleaned my would like to do= want to do sthbedroom and had breakfast quickly ,because I the second crossing.Go across the Bridge,then a medium bowl of(noodles)一个中碗(面条)turn right and you’ll see a hospital.Our school is wanted to help my uncle to do some farm work.I

worked hard all day.In the evening,I went mid-middle next to the hospital.our school is next to the home.On Sunday morning ,I did my homework hospital.The name of our school is Luchang some +不可数名词[mutton羊肉,beef牛肉] 一at home.And it was a little difficult.In the Middle School.些….some+可数名词[strawberries, oranges] 一afternoon , I played football with my 些….what size bowl of… 多大碗…what kind Unit 3---介绍喜欢的动物 classmates.I was tired but I was happy last of… 哪种…at the house of dumplings在饺子馆There is a baby elephant in the zoo.Its name is weekend.Larry.It comes from Africa.It’s 7 years old.It some great specials一些特价just RMB10 for 15 likes eating fruit and grass.It’s friendly to 15个仅卖10元 people.It likes playing with water and the
