


英文初次打招呼常用语 篇1

2. What does your father do? 你父亲做什么工作?

3. He is a doctor. He has his own practice. 他是个医生,他自己开业。

4. Do you have any plans for your career? 你对未来有什么计划吗?

5. I want to be a pilot if possible. 如果可能的话,我想做个飞行员。

6. I hope that I can get a decent job with a good salary. 我希望有一份既体面,收入又高的工作。

7. I have an interview next week. 我下周要参加考试。

8. Tom has opened his own business while his classmates are still slogging away at school. 当汤姆的同学还在学校苦读时,他已经开始了自己的事业。

9. I like writing, but I wouldn’t take it as my career. 我喜欢写作但不愿以此为职业。

10. I worked as an intern in that firm last summer. 去年夏天我在那家商行实习。

11. He’s a very efficient young man though a little proud. 他是个很有能力的人,但是有点骄傲。

12. He made a successful career in business. 他的商务生涯十分成功。

13. My cousin has just been promoted to the rank of major. 我表兄刚被提升为上校。

14. He is a manager of a famous corporation. 他是一家著名公司的经理。

15. The statesman retired as the mayor of New York. 那位政治家退休时是纽约市市长。

16. He was appointed president of the committee recently. 他最近被任命为那个革命会的总裁。

17. This area is noted for its rich soil. 这个地区以土壤肥沃著称。

18. The place is too stony for farming. 这地方太多石块,不适合耕种。

19. In the flat country, people grow wheat and raise cattle. 在这平坦的乡间,人们种植小麦,饲养牲畜。

日常见面打招呼用语 篇2

2. 有些人,去死都和我没关系。有些人,弄死我我都放不下。

3. 我一生气就想买东西,一买东西就得花钱,一花钱钱就少,钱一少我就生气……

4. 据说这是最早的呻吟体:…密…封…线…内…不…准…答…题…

5. 春眠不觉晓,挂Q莫骚扰。突闻QQ声,实话有多少?

6. 我恨秦始皇,他烧书,竟然没有烧完。

7. 我给我对象打电话,她对象接的。

8. 今天刚看完泰坦尼克号3D,就在散场的时候,一个2B大声喊:让妇女和孩子先走!

9. 所谓兄弟就是,发财不见面。受难大团圆。
