新目标英语七年级3单元教案(新目标版七年级英语下册教案教学设计) 篇1
1.When is your birthday ? My birthday is November 11th .
2.How old are you ? I’m thirteen years old .
3.What events do you have at your school ?
We have an Art Festival each year .
4.Do you have a pop concert ?Sorry ,I don’t know .
5.When is the school trip ? It’s in April .
6.When were you born ? I was born in ….
课时1: p47-p48 2c
课时2: p482d-p49
课时3: p50 Section B-p51 3b
课时4: p51 (4) groupwork-p52 selfcheck
Period One
1. Showing the students a large calendar.
Teaching the words : when , January , February , March , April , May , June , July , August , September ,October , November , December.. birthday.
2. T: When is your birthday ?
S1: My birthday is -----
T: When is his /her birthday ?
S2: His /Her birthday is ----
Teaching : first , second , third , fourth , fifth , sixth , seventh , eighth , ninth , tenth , … , twentieth , thirtieth,twenty-first -----
3. Training the ordinal numbers together .
4. Listening to the tape recorder of 1a . The students try to remember the words of the months .
5. Listening to 2b conversations and number them 1-3.
6. Pairwork : Practise the conversations “When is your/his /her birthday ?” “…”
7. 2a. Listen to the recorder several times and repeat them.
8. Ss try to find the rule of the ordinal numbers and the teacher writes them on the Bb.
9. 2b,2c : Listen and match the names , months , days.
10. Homework: Workbook , Copy new words and setences.
Period Two
1. Duty report,
Review words of the months and the ordinal numbers .
2. T: When is your birthday ?---When were you born ?
S: My birthday is …. ---I was born in /on …
3. Help the students to learn the festivals of the year .
The students discuss them while the teacher write some of them on the Bb .
4. Pairs work : Practise “ When is your birthday ? / When were you born ? ’ How old are you ?…
5. 3a : Point out the conversations and read with students , practise“How old are you ?”
Point to the three ID cards ask questions about them .
6. 3b: Pairwork
First students make their own ID cards . Then pairs ask and answer.
7. Dictate the sentences .
8. Homework : Workbook , 评价手册 ,让学生制作家人生日卡。
9. If there is time , the whole class play games about birthday , age , name one by one.
Period Three
1. Let the students say out their family members’ names, birthdays , ages ,
2. Section B
Match the pictures and the events :
1. speech contest d
2. party c
3. school trip b
4. basketball game a
Teaching new words : speech , contest , party , school trip , basketball games , event, art , festival , pop , concert , chorus , lecture , music .
3. Listen and check the events above 1.
4. 2b : Listen again , fill in Joe’s calendar
Write 2b conversation on the Bb . Point to the calendar and show the September and October dates . Students listen to the recorder several times
And fill in Joe’s calendar
5. 2c : Ask two students to read the conversation to the class .
Students pairs do .
6. 3a Pair work
Ask students to do in pairs . Look at p51 3a and p97 , complete the schedule .
7. 3b : Practise the dialogue like the model : School Days , Art Festivals , Chorus Competition , Lecture , English Party .
Yes No I don’t
Know Month Do you like it?
School Day
Art Festival
Music Festival
English Party
8. Ask the students in small groups .
9. Ask the students to read the lists to the class .
10. Let the students copy these in their notebook .
11. Homework .
Period Four
1. P51 4 Group work : Write five things about yourself on a piece of paper . Another student will read to the class .
2. Have the students guess who the student is .
3. Self check
1.) Students remember the words
2.) Dictate the words
4. Write the words in the vocabulary builder by the students themselves .
5. Show the pictures of the famous people . Help the students to find their names and their birthdays
6. Home work : Students writing something about themselves including their names , ages , birthdays , the school events etc. .
新目标英语七年级3单元教案(新目标版七年级英语下册教案教学设计) 篇2
我国基础教育《英语课程标准》在其基本教学理念中倡导“让学生在教师的指导下, 通过感知、体验、实践、参与和合作等方式, 实现任务的目标, 感受成功。”这要求英语教师从组织教学活动入手, 加强对学生实际语言能力的培养。
因此, 本节课主要借助多媒体手段, 采用视听法、情景模拟、情感激励及任务型教学等相结合的方法, 导入、练习、归纳过去进行时态的陈述句与疑问句, 通过听说读写等多种语言实践活动交替进行, 使学生认识到语言学习过程的多样性。学生通过自主学习, 角色扮演, 实践体验, 合作与互助等学习方式, 来掌握本课的知识和技能, 从而开发学生的思维能力, 尊重学生的个性发展, 使学生学习语言的过程同时成为学生形成积极的情感态度、主动思维、大胆实践的过程, 使枯燥的语言变得丰富多彩, 易于接受。
(一) 教学内容分析
Unit3以“What were you doing when the UFO arrived”为课题, 谈论过去某一时刻正在发生的动作或状态。如何在各项语言实践中正确使用过去进行时态是本单元的重、难点。本课是Unit3的第一课时, 围绕着UFO到达时人物在做什么这一话题展开, 主要通过听说形式让学生初步学习、应用过去进行时态, 让学生能使用这一时态表述在过去某一时刻正在发生的事情或状态, 从而为本单元接下来的语言教学打下基础。本课教学内容容易激发学生学习兴趣, 并贴近生活实际, 易于引发学生使用目标语言进行简单的交际与交流。在学习活动中, 通过观察图片、情景思维、俩俩对话, 角色扮演等形式, 使学生能够自主学习, 合作交流, 完成任务, 培养学生的语言综合运用能力和实践能力。
(二) 学生情况分析
本课的主要目标是学习掌握过去进行时态的陈述句和疑问句, 学会描述过去正在发生的事情或状态, 它是在学生已经学习了现在进行时态和一般过去时态的基础上进行的。对于八年级的学生来说, 他们已经有了一定的词汇量, 特别是对要用到的一些动词, 大部分学生有了一定的基础, 这样便于教学内容的突破。教材选编了富有科普意义的UFO作为话题的引入, 能激发学生的好奇心和学习兴趣。所以对于本课的学习内容, 学生应该能较为轻松地掌握。
(一) 知识与技能目标
大部分学生能认读、听懂、理解目标词汇和过去进行时态的陈述句和疑问句;90% 的学生能根据教师提供的分层情境, 两人或多人运用过去进行时态进行对话。
(二) 过程与方法目标
通过创设贴近学生日常生活的语言情境, 采取小组合作互动的方法, 开展对过去进行时态的学习, 尊重学生个性特点, 在自主学习的基础上合作探究, 解决问题。
(四) 情感与价值目标
通过创设新闻播报、抓凶手等情境, 激发学生的兴趣, 使他们亲身感受和体验语言, 学以致用, 培养他们自主学习、合作学习、善于学习的习惯, 并让他们在实践中体验成功。
(一) 教学重点
(二) 教学难点
课前:歌曲欣赏 :“Yesterday once more”《昨日重现》。
(一) 学习目标
1. To be able to read, listen and understand the statements and questions with the Past Progressive.
2. To learn to talk about the past events by using the Past Progressive.
3. To be able to cooperate with your partners and use the target language to solve the real problems..
能在小组内与同伴进行合作互助学习, 并学以致用。
(二) 新课导入
1. 图片导入
T: Look at the picture. What’s this? (老师指着图中的UFO)
T: What’s the man doing?
S: He’s looking at the UFO standing...
T: Yesterday afternoon a UFO arrived on the earth. At that time a man was standing near it. What were you doing when the UFO arrived?
S1: I was doing my homework.
S2: I was cleaning my room. ….
T : V e r y g o o d . T h i s c l a s s w e ’ l l l e a r n “ u n i t 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived?”
First let’s look at some pictures of places.
设计意图:导入课题, 为本节课的学习打下基础。
2. 出示图片
bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, barber, barber shop, barber chair… (新词呈现)
T: What place is it? (依次指着图片, 让学生猜什么地方)
S: It’s a bedroom…
(三) 图片展示
T: Where was the girl when the UFO arrived? (老师指向图中人物a发问)
S: She was in front of the library. (老师依次提问人物b-f)
T: Now imagine you are one of the persons. Talk about what you were doing when the UFO arrived with your partner.
Pair Work:
A: Where were you when the UFO arrived?
B: I was in the front of the library.
(四) 猜一猜:
依次出示五张图片:T:What was she he doingat 9:00 yesterday morning …?
引导学生回答S: Was she he doing sth. ?
T: Yes, she was. No, she wasn’t. She wasdoing sth.
设计意图:通过此环节创设情境, 呈现目标语言。
(五) A flash:“What were you doing when theUFO arrived?”
T: What was he doing when the UFO arrived? (老师引导学生进行复述)
S: He was…
设计意图: 通过观看flash, 使学生能 说出当UFO到达时flash中的人物分别正在做什么, 练习由第一人称变为第三人称。
(六) 听录音, 排顺序
这一环节旨在通过听力练习目标语言, 培养学生捕捉关键词语的能力。
(七) Pairwork
W h a t w a s h e / s h e d o i n g w h e n t h e U F O arrived?
He/ She/ was doing……..
设计意图:由学生结组谈论当UFO到达时图片中不同的人物活动, 进一步练习目标语言。
(八) News Report
昨天晚上10点钟一个不明飞行物降落在我们学校, 当时你正在哪里?在做什么?
A: Where were you when the UFO arrived?
B: I was in the barber shop.
A: What were you doing at that time?
B: I was cutting hair.
(活动要求:可以小组内两两对话进行展示, 也可由一人提问, 轮流回答。最后由一人进行汇报。)
设计意图:通过这一环节, 使学生在亲身经历中运用过去进行时进行交流和汇报, 使学生熟练掌握重点句型。
(九) Activity: Catch the Killer
昨天夜里, 一名男子被谋杀了。张警官对此事进行了调查。但是每名嫌疑人都能说出当时他在做什么。凶手到底是谁?请你来当“一分钟警官”。
(游戏规则:请每组扮演警官的同学在一分钟内, 尽可能多地询问其它小组同学, 那时他在哪里、在做什么?无法回答或回答不符合逻辑的同学即为“凶手”。完成任务最多的警官即为“最佳警官”。被抓到的“凶手”在课后要完成警官布置的额外作业。)
设计意图:通过设计一个学生感兴趣的情景, 在游戏中再一次复习了重点句型。
(十) Group Work: A Lifestyle Survey
请学生调查组内的其它同学上周一晚上8点分别在做什么, 然后由调查人进行汇报。
设计意图:在这一活动中, 进一步使用目标句型进行交流, 增进对彼此生活的了解, 让学生懂得要拥有健康的生活方式。
(十一) Summary
小组合作归纳过去进行时的用法 (过去进行时表示什么样的动作或状态, 你认为常与哪些时间状语连用。)
设计意图:通过让学生自己归纳, 加深他们对重点、难点的印象, 让学生学会小结、反思, 知道自己对本单元知识的掌握情况, 做到有的放矢。
(十二) 课堂即时性评价
每个小组准备一套题 (每人一份) , 八个小组交换题目, 当堂完成, 由出题的小组对其进行现场评价。最后老师和同学们共同评出最佳出题小组, 最佳完成小组, 本课最佳合作小组、明星小组各一个, 其余小组为希望小组。
设计意图:在这一过程中锻炼学生自己发现问题、解决问题的能力, 让他们成为学习的主人。
(十三) 布置作业
以“Yesterday Once More” (昨日重现) 为题, 写一写在昨天这些不同的时刻你和家人在哪里、在做什么, 60词左右。
设计意图:作业设计旨在通过写作的形式使学生灵活地应用目标语言, 达到举一反三的效果。
板书设计:Unit3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived?
T: Where was the girl when the UFO arrived?
S: She was in front of the library.
T: What was he / she doing when the UFO arrived?
S: He/ She was……..
(一) 评价内容:
1. 教师在教学过程中采取一些激发学生学习兴趣的活动, 例如:提问、竞争、表演、游戏、调查等, 使全体学生参与其中, 让他们能够在情境中较好地掌握和理解这两种语言的差别。同时对学生在这些活动中的合作、创新和探究能力进行评价, 这有益于学生更好地认识自我, 树立自信。评价的主体既包括教师, 也包括学生。
2. 针对本课所学语言点, 由学生小组互相评价。这有助于帮助学生反思和调控自己的学习过程, 关注学生的个体思维方式, 培养学生乐于合作, 勇于创新的精神, 起到促进学生发展的作用。
(二) 评价方法:
1. 观察法。
新目标英语七年级3单元教案(新目标版七年级英语下册教案教学设计) 篇3
Good morning./Good afternoon/Good evening.
这三个句子是已相识的人们在早上、下午或晚上首次见面时常用的问候语,多用在较为正式的场合。但要注意“Good night.”,为晚间道别语,意思为“晚安”,不要误以为是“晚上好”。
两者通常用于熟人、朋友、年青人之间的问候,意思为“你好”。 Hi 也可用于引起别人的注意,意思为“喂”。 hi 是由 hello 一词简化来的,和 hello 相比,hi更为简练上口,易记易写,语气更为随和,因此,它更为人们,特别是英、美国家的年轻人所采用,主要用于非正式场合。有一点要注意: Hello 或 Hi 一般不用于向师长、上级、年长者以及有体面的人打招呼,以免显得对长辈不够尊重,向上述人打招呼常用“Good morning./Good afternoon./Good evening.”。
How are you?
“How are you?”是熟人、朋友见面时说的客套话,意为“你好吗?”。朋友见面说这句话,目的在于问候,而并非真地要询问对方的身体状况。一般情况下,用“Fine, thank you.”回答即可。例如:
—How are you, Cindy?(你好吗, 辛蒂?)
—I’m fine. Thank you.(好,谢谢你。)
人们初次相识时,也可用“How do you do?”来问候,这个句式的末尾标点为问号,但表示的意思为“你好”,答语同样用“How do you do?”。
1. ① —Good morning, Helen!
—Good morning, Dale!
② —Good afternoon, Eric!
—Good afternoon, Frank!
③ —Good evening, Bob!
—Good evening, Alice! (P3)
一般来说, morning, afternoon, evening 分别是指天亮到中午12点或中午12点至日落、日落到就寝之间的时间。
“Good morning.”,“Good afternoon.”,“Good evening.”分别是人们在早上、下午、晚上见面时的打招呼用语,回答也分别用“Good morning.”,“Good afternoon.”和“Good evening.”。
2. —I’m fine, thanks. How are you?
—I’m OK. (P4)
OK 可以用于多種场合,这里我们学的“OK”用作“How are you?”的答语,表示“身体好”,相当于: Fine, I’m OK./I’m fine.
1. A: Good afternoon, John.
B:_______, Li Wei. [补全对话](2004年陕西)
2. —It’s nearly twelve o’clock. It’s time for you to go to bed, Jane.
—OK._______, Mum.
A. Good nightB. Goodbye
C. Good eveningD. See you(2004年甘肃)
3. —How do you do?
A. I’m fine, thank you.B. How do you do?
C. How are you?D. I’m OK.(2003年哈尔滨市)
Key: 1. Good afternoon2. A3. B
Unit 2What’s this in English?
What is this in English?
“What is this in English?”用来询问如何用英语表示某物,意思为“这用英语如何表达?”,这句话也可用“What’s the English for this?”表述。例如:
—What’s this in English?/What’s the English for this?(这用英语如何表达?)
—It’s a map.(是一幅地图。)
1. —What’s this in English?
—It’s an orange. (P7)
问句中的 in 与语言类名词搭配,意思为“用(…… 语言)”,表示方式。例如:
I can tell the story in English.(我能用英语讲这个故事。)
a, an 都用来表示“一(个;件……)”,是英语中的不定冠词。 an用在元音音素开头的单词之前;a用在辅音音素开头的单词之前。有关这一语法知识点,同学们将会在日后详细学习。
是一个常见禁令标志,图标所示内涵为“No Parking!”, 意为“禁止停车”;NBA是“American Basketball Association”的缩写,意为“美国篮球协会”; kg 是 kilogram 的缩写,意思为“千克”或“公斤”, g 是gram的缩写,意为“克”。
3. —Spell it, please.
—R-U-L-E-R. (P10)
spell 意为“拼写”,拼写单词时要按单词中字母的先后顺序逐一拼写。
1. —What is this _______English?
—It’s called keyboard.
A. byB. inC. onD. with(2004年宁夏)
2. —What color is_______ orange?
—It’s_______ orange.
A. an, anB. an, the
C. an, ×D. ×, an(2005年甘肃天水、陇南)
3. When you see the sign , you can’t_______ your car here.
A. parkB. drive
C. cleanD. repair(2005年北京崇文区)
4. What is the reading shown on the picture?
A. 5g.
B. 500g.
C. 150g.
D. 0.5g(2004年襄樊市)
Key: 1. B2. C3. A4. D
Unit 3What color is it?
What color is it?
“What color is it?”用来询问某物的颜色, 回答要用“It’s + 表颜色的词”。例如:
—What color is this key?(这把钥匙是什么颜色?)
—It’s yellow.(是黄色的。)
(1) 英语字母的分类
① Aa, Ee, Ii, Oo, Uu 五个字母为元音字母;
② Ba, Cc, Dd, Ff, Gg, Hh, Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn, Pp, Qq, Rr, Ss, Tt, Vv, Ww, Xx, Zz 为辅音字母;
③ Yy 有时用作元音字母,有时用作辅音字母。
① Aa, Hh, Jj, Kk 四个字母都含有[ei]音;
② Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee, Gg, Pp, Tt, Vv 八个字母都含有[i:]音;
③ Ef, Ll, Mm, Nn, Ss, Xx, Zz七个字母含有[e]音;
④ Ii, Yy 两个字母都含有[ai]音;
⑤ Uu, Qq, Ww 三个字母都含有[ju:]音;
⑥ Oo, Rr 两个字母无法归类, 它们的读音分别是[?藜u:]和[?藁:]。
(2) 英语字母的写法
1. 从书写上看,26个英语字母分印刷体和书写体两种, 每个字母又分大、小写两种形式。所有字母的大写都占四线三格中的上两格。26个字母的小写分以下五种情况:
(1) 书写b, d, h, k, l 五個“有头”的字母是占上两格;
(2) 书写g, q, y, p 四个“有脚”的字母是占下两格;
(3) 书写a, c, e, m, n, o, r, s, u, v, w, x, z十三个“无头无脚”的字母是占中间格;
(4) i, t两个字母占中格加上半格;
(5) j占中、下两格加上半格;f占三格。
2. 所有的字母都要按照正确的笔划书写,所有字母的大、小要匀称,间隔要均匀、适当,所有的字母书写时都略向右斜,斜度要一致。
3. 单词之间必须有适当的距离,一般空一个小写字母a的距离即可。一个句子开头的第一个单词的首字母要大写。
1. —What color is it?
—It’s black and white.(P13)
询问某一物体的颜色要用“What color is...?”句式,询问某些物体的颜色要用“What color are...?”。例如:
—What color are the desks?(这些桌子是什么颜色的?)
—They are yellow.(它们是黄色的。)
2. 请注意下列各组大写字母的意义。
S/M/L_______ UFOCCTV_______ UN
表示衣服尺码时,“S(small)”表示小号,“M(medium)”表示中号、“L(large)”表示大号;UFO是“unknown flying object”的缩写,意为“不明飞行物”;CCTV是“China Central TV Station”的缩写,意为“中国中央电视台”;UN是“United Nations”的缩写,意为“联合国”。
1. —?
—Orange, I think.
A. What is it
B. How is the food
C. What color do you think it is
D. Is there any fruit around here(2003年武汉市)
2. We watch evening news on Channel 1 of_______ at 7:00 in the evening.
C. CCTVD. WTO(2004年广西南宁课改区)
新目标英语七年级3单元教案(新目标版七年级英语下册教案教学设计) 篇4
新目标英语七年级下册Unit 11: What do you think of game shows? Language goals to this unit students learn to state their opinions and talk about likes and dislikes. New language What do you think of soap operas? I dont like soap operas. What does he think of sports shows? He loves sports shows. What does she think of Maria? She likes Maria. What do they think of Tommy? They cant stand Tommy. Section A Additional materials to bring to class: a local television listing list the names of several foods on the board.For example: pizza, broccoli, ice cream, mushrooms. Next to that list, write the sentence, What do you think of ___ ? and leave a blank at the end. Ask a student the question, substituting the word pizza: What do you think of pizza? Help him or her answer / like pizza ot I dont like pizza, Point to the other foods one by one. Ask a student the question and help him or her answer J like...or I dont like.... Then point to the sentence. What do you think of ___ ? Point to a food name on the board and choose a student to ask the question: What do you think of (mushrooms)? Then point to a student to answer. Repeat the activity several times, giving several students chances to ask and answer the question. 1 a This activity introduces the key vocabulary. Focus attention on the five TVs. Say, Each TV shows different kind of TV show. In TV picture a, there is a an playing baseball. This is called a sports show. Talk about the other kinds of shows and ask students what they see. Tell the name of each kind of show as you discuss the picture. Ask students to repeat the names of the shows. Write the word sitcom on the board. Under it write the words situation comedy. Say, The word sitcom comes from the two words situation comedy. A sitcom is a funny show. The people in sitcoms do or say things that make TV watchers laugh. Point out the numbered list of shows. Say each one again and ask students to repeat it. Then ask students to match each TV picture with one of the words. Say, Write the letter of each kind of show next to the correct word. Point out the sample answer. 1 b This activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation. Point to the smiley faces and the frowny faces and the words next to them. Read the words to the class or have a student do this. Say, These faces show you what the words mean. If you dont mind something, you dont either like it or dislike it. If you cant stand something, you dislike it very strongly. Your least favorite food is something you cant stand. If you love something, you like it very, very much. Your favorite food is something you love. Say, Now I will play a recording. Listen to what Mark says about the TV shows in la. Write the letter of the TV shows next to the words he uses. Play the recording the first time. Students only listen. Play the recording a second time. Point to the lettered pictures. Say, Each picture has a letter. Point out the blank spaces before the words. Say, Each word or phrase has a space in front of it. Listen to the tape and write the letter of a TV show picture in each blank. Point out the sample answer. Correct the answers. 1 c This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language. Point to the pictures of TV shows in activity la and ask students to say the name of each kind of show. Point out the example conversation. Ask two students to read it to the class. Then ask the class to point to the picture of the sitcom. Say a dialogue with a student. Have the student ask ou a question. Then answer it truthfully. Point to the ppropriate picture as you answer. Say, Now work with a partner. Ask and answer the qstions. Have students work in pairs. As they talk, move round the room monitoring their work. Offer anguage or pronunciation support as needed. 2a This activity provides listening practice using the target language. Call attention to the list of five words and expressions.Point out the blank in front of each one. Ask a student to read the list to the class. Say, The people on the recording are talking about TV shows. They use these words and phrases as they talk about the shows. You will number these words and phrases 1-5 in the order you hear them on the recording. Play the recording the first time. Students only listen. Point out the sample answer 1 in front of the word love. Say, The first word on the recording is love in the sentence I love it. So the answer in front o/love is number 1. Play the recording again. Ask students to write a number from 1 to 5 in front of each of the words and phrases. Check the answers. 2b This activity provides more listening practice using the target language. Point out the dialogue with blanks. Read it to the class saying blank each time you come to a blank. Say, Listen to the recording again. This time/ill in each blank with a word or phrase from the list in 2a. Play the recording. Students write words in the blanks. Check the answers. 2c This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language. Call attention to the dialogue students completed in activity 2b. Say, Read the dialogue with a partner. Help students find partners. Have the students practice the dialogue several times. Then say, Now talk about a TV show you both know.Tell what you like and dont like about the show and the people in it. As students work together, move around the room answering questions and offering language sup- sport as needed. Ask some pairs of students to present their dialogue!to the class. 3a This activity provides pral and writing practice using the target language. Call attention to the list of TV shows and ask a student to read the names to the class. Say, In this activity you ask each other questions about TV shows. Ask students to work in pairs. Ask student A in each pair to look at the chart on page 67. Ask student B to look at the chart on page 86. Remind students not to look at their partners pages. Say the first question and answer with a student. Pretend you are student A and work with a student partner.Say What does Stuart think of Sports News? Have student B look at the answer on his or her chart on page 86.Student B answers, Stuart loves Sports News. Show students that you are writing in the word loves after Stuarts name on the chart on page 67. Then say to your partner, Ask me about Stuart Student B asks, What does Stuart think of Sports News? You answer, Stuart likes Sports News. Have the student write the word likes after Stuarts name on the chart on page 86. Ask the pairs to continue on their own. Move around the room monitoring the progress of the pairs. Go over the answers. 3b This activity provides guided reading practice using the target language. Read the dialogue with a student. Every time one of you conies to a blank, say blank. Call attention to the chart students completed in activity 3a. Say, Use the words in this chart to fill in the blanks in the dialogue in activity 3b. 4 This activity provides listening, speaking, and writing practice using the target language. Read the instructions to the class. Then ask students to name some TV shows they know about. Write the list on the board. Try to include some that students like and some they dont like. Point out the dialogue in the speech bubbles. Have two students read it to the class. Then point out the sample answer in the chart. Say,This TV show is called Tell it like it is! I love it, and Lin Peng does, too. I write I love it under What I think and I write Lin Peng under Student who agrees with me. Say, Now go around the class. Ask students about TV shows you know. Find students who agree with you. After five minutes ask students to sit down. Then ask some students to read the information from their charts to the class. Ask students to make statements such as I dont like The Crime Files. Carlos doesnt like The Crime Files, too. Alternative: If you do not want st
新目标英语七年级3单元教案(新目标版七年级英语下册教案教学设计) 篇5
Identify ownership
Talk about the things.
Demonstratives this, that. What questions. Yes/No questions and short answers
The letters, pencil, pen, book, eraser, ruler, pencil case, backpack. ID card, baseball, watch, key, computer game, notebook, ring, dictionary.
Target language:
Is this your pencil? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t. What’s this in English? It’s a pencil. How do you spell pencil?
Learning strategies:
Use context, guessing.
Four periods
Period 1
Step1 Revision
Revise introduce themselves. My name is… My phone number is…
Step 2 Presentation
1. Locate actual items in the classroom. Hold up each one and say its name. Ask them to repeat. Include: pencil, pen, book. Eraser, ruler, pencil case, backpack, pencil sharpener, dictionary.
2. Match the words and the objects. Do 1a
3. Listen. Do 1b.
Step 3 Pairwork
1. Say the sample conversations. Have them repeat.
2. Ask them to practice the conversations in pairs.
Step 3 Task
Gather some things on the desk and invite students to take turns coming to the front and find the owners? Let’s see who can find all the owners first and write the owners’ names in the chart? Ask Is this your…?
Period 2
Step 1. Revision
Revise is this your …? Is that your…?
Step2. Listening
1. Point to the objects in the illustration and ask students to name each one.
2. Play the recording. Do 2a
3. Do 2b. point to the words in the box and ask them to read them aloud. Listen. Write one of the words form the box on each blank line. Check their answers.
Step 3 Pairwork
Practice the conversation in the picture with a student.
Practice the conversation in the picture with a partner.
Step 4 Grammar focus
1. Ask students to say the questions and answers
2. Point out that the word that shows ownership comes before the item we are talking about.
Step 5 Listen
1. Do 3a.
2. Do 3b. Ask pairs of them to practice the example conversation. Ask them to say the name of each picture.
3. Ask them to work in pairs again. Have them practice the conversation again, substituting the words shown in the pictures.
Step 6 Task
Put some things in a paper bag- your pen, pencil or some thing else. Another student will take sth out of the bag. He or she will ask questions to find out who it belongs to.
Do 4a.4b. Point to the conversation in the picture, ask them to repeat.
Period 3.
Step 1 Revision
Revise is this your…?
Ask students to repeat the words: baseball, watch. Computer game, ID card, key, notebook, ring and pen. Match the words and objects in the picture. Do 1a
Step 2 Practice
1. 1b. Say the conversation with a student. Ask pairs of students to say the example conversation. Ask some to perform one of their conversations for the class.
2. They draw a picture of one of the objects in the picture and write out the conversation they had about that object.
Step 3 Listening
1. Read the words in 1a
2. Listen. Do 2a.
3. Listen. Do 2b.
Step 4. Task
1. Student A will look at p94. Student B will look at P98. Each student has only part of the information needed to complete the activity.
2.Give an example of the first question and answer.
3. A: is this her key?
B. No, it’s his key.
4. Divide the class into pairs.
5. Do 2c. check their answers.
Step 5. Practice
1. Look back at p10. Have them read the list of words.
2. Read the notices and circle the words that were used in 1a.Do 3a
3. Check the answers.
4. Do 3b.
Step 6 Task
Tell them that they will each write a message like one of these. Do a sample in together in class.
Ask them to write their bulletin board messages and write their messages on the board.
Step 7 Task
Most of people have pecked up others’ things. Do you know how to give it back it back to the owners? Do you know how to write Lost & Found?
Period 4
Step 1 Revision
Revise what they learned in this unit
Step 1 Self check
1. Do 1. Ask them to check all the words they know. Find out the meanings of any words they don’t know.
2.Write five new words in their Vocab-builder on p108. share their lists with other students.
3 Complete the questions and answers individually for the other three situations.
4 Read just for fun. Discuss where the humor comes from. Invite pairs of students to present this dialogue to the rest of the class.
Step 3 play the game
Ask them to write their first name, last names and telephone numbers in random order on the board. Next have some other students draw on the board pictures of things they own among the names and numbers. Ask students to use only things whose names they have studied in class. Then ask them to take turns pointing to an item on the board and asking questions such as: Is this your last name?… The student then calls on another student to answer the question with Yes or No.
Step 4 Task
Have you ever lost anything? How could you find it? Do you know how to write Lost & Found?
My English is …
My name is…
新目标英语七年级3单元教案(新目标版七年级英语下册教案教学设计) 篇6
新目标英语七年级下册第十二单元第二课时教案 教学目标 1.知识目标: 单词:gym class, uniform, have to. 句型:John, you have to wear sports shoes for gym class. At school, we have to clean the classroom. 2.能力目标: 训练学生在文章中使用词语的能力。 训练学生的口语能力。 区别have to和can的用法。 教学重点 “have to”和“can”的用法。 教学难点 “have to”和“can”的用法。 教学过程 一、复习(Revision) T: Hello. What day is it today? What’s the weather like today? T: It is a good day today. Can we play pingpong outside? Can we run outside/in the hallways? Can we fight in the classrooms? Can we eat an apple in a dining hall? Do you like movies?Do you want to go to a movie? Today we are going to watch a short play about rules. It is made by our classmates. When you are watching the play, you should to remember what rules they are breaking. Use the sentence like : Don’t … S1: Don’t arrive late for school. S2: Don’t talk in class. S3: Don’t listen to music in class. S4:… 说明:让学生课前去准备一个校园小短剧,不能出现声音,只能运用一些手势,动作。然后让学生用祈使句说出那些rules. 可采用小组比赛的形式。 二、导入 T: Excuse me. What time does the school begin in the morning? S: It begins at … T: Yeh, so I have to arrive at school at ….What about you? What time do you have to arrive at school in the morning? S: I have to arrive at school at… T: As students, what do you have to do in the school? S: We have to T: What can you do at school? S: I can T: What can’t you do at school? S: We can’t T: What can you do at home? S: I can play computer/watch TV/sleep/talk/…at home. T: What can’t you do at home? T: What you don’t have to do at home? S: I don’t have to wash…/have classes/… 说明:该部分主要是让学生发挥想象,充分运用自己所学的知识。同时也是在区分can和have to的用法。 三、操练 T: Where do you like to stay, at home or at school? Now I’ll give you 2 minutes to prepare for it. S1: At school, I can…. I don’t have to …. At home, I can’t …. I have to… So I like to stay at school. S2: At home, I can… I don’t have to… At school, I can’t… I have to … So I like to stay at home. 说明:Can, can’t, have to, don’t have to的.综合运用.同时也是发表学生自己的看法。 四、教学sectiona-3a,3b 1. T: As you know, we have seven classes in a day. What can you do in an English class? S: We can speak English/learn English songs/… T: What can you do in the painting class? S: We can draw some pictures. T: What do you have to bring for the painting class? S: We have to bring our color pencils. T: What can you do in the PE class? Or we can say, what can you do in gym class? S: We can play …/run outside. T: What do you have to wear for gym class? S: We have to wear sports shoes for gym class. T: Do you have to wear a uniform for gym class? (T points at their uniforms to make sure they can understand the meaning of uniform.) S: Yes, we do. T: Do you have to wear a uniform at home? S: … T: Now, please open your books to 73. Fill in the blanks with the correct words in the box as soon as possible. 2. Design your ideal school T: As you are students, you have to obey the rules. Now if you have the chance to be a headmaster, what kind of school do you want to make? Please tell us the rules of your ideal school. You can work with your group, ask and answer like: A: Can the students….? B: Yes, they can. / No, they can’t. Report: In our school, the students can …。 They can’t …. They have to …. They don’t have to…. Do you like our school? 说明:让学生说出自己理想的学校规则,然后叫一些同学来投票,看谁心目中的学校最能吸引其它的同学。 五、教学4 关于学校规则,谈谈自己的看法,在纸条上写出六条,然后把纸条放在包里,拿出另外一张不同的照片,并找出拿着自己纸片的同学。 六、作业 1.记忆新单词。 2.设计自己理想的学校规则并写下来。新目标英语七年级3单元教案(新目标版七年级英语下册教案教学设计) 篇7
新课程提倡学生在教师指导下进 行自主、合作、探 究的学习,让每一位学生能在课堂上感受到学习语言的喜悦和成就感,进而促进学生积极参与良性发展,提高语言综合运用能力。《义务教育英语课程标准》(2011版解读)对初一学生语言技能阅读的标准为:(1)能正确地朗读课文。(2)能理解并执行有关学习活动的简短书面指令。(3)能读懂简单故事和短文并抓住大意。(4)能初步使用简单的工具书。(5)课外阅读量应累计达到4万词以上。如何让学生随着知识和词汇的增加逐步提高阅读水平,增强阅读兴趣,养成良好的阅读习惯,就需要教师立足课堂教学,开展有效的阅读教学。在阅读教学中,我一般采用 以下四个 策略,即导入策 略、词汇策略、分析理解策略和课后巩固策略。
在现实教学中有相当一部分教师开始阅读课前,都会要求学生在家做好预习工作,将课文进行翻译,划出生字词等。学生在阅读过程中享受不到阅读文章的乐趣,更不用谈从中得到阅读技巧的提高。学生不了解阅读材料的背景知识,阅读在学生单个的沉默阅读活动中进行,学生没有阅读欲望和兴趣,思维的空间受到限制。随之而来的是 教师课堂 缺少创新 活力,效率得不 到提高。因此,如何导入阅读课,激发学生阅读兴趣 在开始上课前就显得尤为重要。根据阅读单元内容的不同,通常采用以下灵 活多变的 策略和方 法创设情 境,导入新课:
1.对故事性较强的阅读课文,以设问导入。如进行七年级下册(外研版新 标准)Module 8Story time教学时,学生通过学习unit1的故事,对Goldilocks这个小女孩非常感兴趣,想知道小女孩在进入小熊家之后发生了什么事,于是在上unit2阅读课时,我通过设计问题来引入阅读课文:What did Goldilocks do when she saw the three bears?Did Goldilocks go for a walk in the forest again?通过提问激起学生学习的兴趣,因为兴趣是促 成他们阅读的动力。
2.对学生感兴趣的话题,以讨论导入。如进行七年级上册(外研版新 标准)Module 5 My school day教学时,因为学生对贴近学习生活的话题比较感兴趣,因此上课时我以What is your school day like?为主线,让学生以小组为单 位进行讨 论,以表格的 形式将日 常的学习、生活时间、具体内容呈现在活动卡 上,讨论结束 后, 小组成员还可以到其他组参观其他成果,讨论的气氛变得相当热烈。这样对于转入阅读课文就很自然,学生的课堂状态很好,阅读欲望很高,阅读效率自然就高。
3.对文化意识的话题,以视听形式导入。根据课文内容选出一些话题,用视听的形式呈现,吸引学生的注意力。如进行七年级下册(外研版新标准)Module 6Around town的教学时,通过课前 播放视频,让学生了 解英国首都伦敦的一些著名景点,从而进一步自然过渡到课文的学习。
从上述可知,无论采用哪种导入方 式,目的都是 为了激发学生的阅读兴趣和学习主动性,没有前面导入的铺垫,就不会有后面高效的阅读理解。
我们教师常见的词汇教学模式是:教师先把生词写在黑板上,或让学生看课本的词汇表,之后领读生词,直接告诉学生词义,然后给出例句,让学生记下例句,最后让学生拼写并记忆单词。这样,词语的意蕴,情感都没 有得到应有的开掘,如此的词汇教学,简单而缺乏生命力。那么,如何让学生有效地理解阅读文章中的重点词汇,使词汇教学活力四射呢?我认为,在阅读教 学中应该让词汇教学贯穿于整个阅读教学过程。
运用表演法进行词汇教学。表演法就 是教师运 用动作(body language)和表情来 教学具有 动感或感 情色彩的词汇。实际上,表演也是创设真实情景的有效手段之一,教师可以与学生一起做动作,促进学生积极参与词汇学习活动。如在学到 七年级下 册(外研版新 标准) Module 8Unit 2Goldilocks hurried out of the house时, 让学生进行与这个主题相关的词汇演绎活动,根据新单词asleep、return、cry、shout、jump、point at、in pieces,学生以两人为单位,一位学生读单词,另一位学生做动作, 这样既提高了单词记忆效率,又激发了学生学习后面阅读课文的兴趣,有效地促进了后面阅读课文的理解。
词汇的意义在于特定的语境中,只有在上下文中词义才能明确和具体,如果脱离语境进行词汇教学,即使学生记住了词汇的形式和意义,也很难将其运用于实际交际活动中。因此,词汇教学应融入句子和语篇的教学中,做到词不离句,句不离篇。教师应为学生创 设运用所学语言的语境,深化学生在语境中熟悉词义,掌握其用法,理解词汇的 意蕴。针对 学生学习 词汇的这 种倾向,在阅读教学中有意识地创设情境教学,让学生参与到学习理解生词的教学活动中,通过上下文的语境来理解识记,而不是死记硬背。在进行七年上册(外研版新标准)Module 7Computers的阅读单元时 ,我设计了一段话让学生猜词,You can use your computer to do lots of things on the Internet.you can listen to music or watch movies on it.You can search information.If you want to travel,you can buy train tickets on it.You can also check your email,or send emails to friends.When you are free,you can play lots of computer games.通过上下文语境的联系,大多数学生都能猜测、理解和掌握这些词语,在真正的语言环境中理解了词语的含义。
学生对阅读理解课中的词汇掌握不是单靠一两 个环节就可完成,需要不断地重复、加强和巩固。特 别是对于七年级学生来说,由于没有较多的英语知识积累, 学得快忘得快,因此需要以不同的方式不断呈现巩固。通常在教完一篇阅读课文后,让学生用所学的关键词汇来概括归纳或缩写课文,在语境中运用词汇,熟悉课文内容,巩固所学词汇,做到学以致用,切实地提高了他们的阅读理解能力。例如,学完七年级下册(外研版新标准)module 7的阅读单元,我就设计了短文填空,让学生运用刚学到的重要的单词、短语来完成短文。Quincy is a small town on the east coast of America,two presidents of the US were born here.Betty was also born there twelve years ago.She lived in a comfortable house with a big living room,a kitchen,a bathroom and three bedrooms.Behind the house ,there was a big garden with lots of trees and there was a small lake with fish in it.There was lots to do there,so Betty wasn’t bored.
著名教育家叶圣陶先生说:“教是为了不教”。吕叔湘先生也指出:“教学 ,教学,就是教学生学”。可见教师的主导作用还在于做好学生学习的向导,使学生不仅学到知识,而且懂得如何去学。
首先,要教会学生猜 测、概括或推 理的策略。教 师要指导学生选择合适的猜词技巧:根据上下文提供的内容猜测;根据题目来猜测。其次要鼓励学生对每一篇文章运用自己的背景知识来分析文中可能会出现的观点或情景。如在进行七年级下册(外研版新标准)Module 3Unit 2We are going to cheer the players这篇文章的教学时,要求学生讨论自己在周末或假期时打算做的事, 带着自己的计划走 入文中,感受be going to结构的用 法。
其次,要教给学生快 速阅读的 策略。例如,当学生阅读文章时,选用what、who、when、where、why和how提问方法就可以帮助学生快速理清文章脉络,了解主体及其情节发展脉络。这些问题可以引导学生在阅读中有意识地捕捉主要信息。
最后,要教给学生精读的策略。精读的目的在于理清句、篇的正确意思。当阅读遇到一些生词、难句,教会学生正确利用语境理解文章思想和内涵。如在进行七年级下册(外研版新标准)Module5Shopping中take一词教学中,因为之前已经接触过take的两种意思,这单元的出现已是第三种意思了,所以应该适当讲解。但还是通过句、篇理 解更为恰 当,如:1.Tom often takes a bike to school.2.I will take this T-shirt.3.Shopping usually takes a lot of time.通过以上句子的比较,让学生自己体验take在不同句子中的不同意思和用法。
在经过了导入和阅读阶段的训练,学生对文章的整体有了较好的理解。为了帮助学生构建知识框架,深化文章内涵领悟,教师有必要设计形式多样的练习,以巩固学习的效果,如:复述或角色表演、提炼文章、背 诵课文、书面表达等。如在学习七年级下册(外研版新标准) Module 8Unit 2Goldilocks hurried out of the house后, 可以让学生分组将故事情节进行表演,每位学生都参与到表演中,再次升华学习的内容,充分调动学生的学习兴趣。此外,七年级英语教材中,每个单元都有 一个话题。学生经过了以上阅读知识的输入和大量的练习 巩固后,可以根据每单元的话题,借鉴课文中背诵的经典词句,进行拓展性的书面写作,提高学生学习后的综合运用能力。
新目标英语七年级3单元教案(新目标版七年级英语下册教案教学设计) 篇8
Part One 听力部分 (20分)
Ⅰ. 听录音,选出你所听到的单词或词组。读一遍。(每小题1分,共5分)
()1. A. JuneB. JulyC. April
()2. A. four B. fourteenC. fourth
()3. A. date B. dayC. time
()4. A. November 8thB. December 8th C. December 18th
()5. A. Music FestivalB. Art Festival C. Sports Festival
Ⅱ. 听对话, 根据对话内容选择正确答案。读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分)
()6. When is Henrys sisters birthday?
A. Its June 6th. B. Its May 27th. C. Its June 1st.
()7. When is the English contest?
A. Its on this Friday. B. On Saturday. C. On Fridays.
()8. Whats the date today?
A. Its October 9th. B. September 9th. C. September 10th.
()9. When does Ann have a Music Festival?
A. In April. B. In May. C. In October every year.
()10. How old is Jane now?
A. She is twelve. B. She is thirteen. C. She is fourteen.
Ⅲ. 听一段长对话,根据对话内容选出最佳选项。读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分)
()11. Why does the man want to buy a cake for his father?
A. Its his fathers birthday. B. His father wants to eat.
C. They want to eat.
()12. How old is Jacks father?
A. Fifty-five. B. Sixty. C. Sixty-five.
()13. When is Jacks fathers birthday?
A. Its September 4th. B. Its September 14th. C. Its December 14th.
()14. Whats Jacks telephone number?
A. Its 235-7809. B. Its 235-7899. C. Its 235-7890.
()15. When will Jack take the cake?
A. At five in the afternoon. B. At four in the morning.
C. At four in the afternoon.
Ⅳ. 听短文,选出最佳答案。读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分)
()16. When is Tinas mothers birthday?
A. In the first month of the year. B. In the second month of the year.
C. In the third month of the year.
()17. There are three birthdays in Tinas family in ______.
A. JanuaryB. March C. August
()18. What date is Tinas birthday?
A. March 12th. B. March 15th. C. December 24th.
()19. There are ______ people in Tinas family.
A. fiveB. sixC. seven
()20. Tinas fathers birthday is in the ______ month of the year.
A. eleventhB. eighthC. twelfth
Part Two 笔试部分 (80分)
Ⅴ. 单项选择。(每小题1分,共10分)
()21. —______ is the school trip?—______ October.
A. When; InB. What; OnC. Where; In D. When; On
()22. My birthday is ______.
A. 1996 October, 5thB. October 5th, 1996
C. 1996 5th of OctoberD. 5th, 1996 October
()23. ______ comes before December, but after October.
A. NovemberB. SeptemberC. AugustD. January
()24. —Happy birthday to you!—______.
A. Not at allB. Youre welcomeC. Thank youD. See you
( )25. —______ is Robert?
—Hes eleven.
A. WhenB. How oldC. What timeD. Who
()26. Mrs Green is ______ mother.
A. Kate and JimB. Kates and JimsC. Kate and JimsD. Kates and Jim
()27. Childrens Day is ______ June 1st.
A. inB. atC. onD. to
()28. Vera was born (出生) in 1991. She is 17 ______ old.
A. daysB. monthsC. yearsD. year
()29. We often play computer games ______ Sunday.
A. toB. onC. inD. at
()30. There are ______ days in a week. ______ day is Sunday.
A. seven; The oneB. seven; The first C. seven; The seventhD. seventh; The second
Ⅵ. 翻译下列句子,每空一词。(15分)
31. —你父母多大了?
—How old ______ your ______?
—______ both (两者都) forty.
32. 你们过艺术节吗?
Do you ______ an ______ ______?
33. 英语演讲比赛是什么时候?
When is the ______ ______ ______?
34. 你妈妈的生日是什么时候?
______ is your ______ ______?
35. 杰夫的生日是十二月三日。
Jeffs ______ ______ ______ 3rd.
Ⅶ. 完形填空。(每小题1分,共10分)
Today is____36____15. Its Leilas____37____. Theres a party for her. Her friends____38____here. Theyre Linda, Tom, Jack and Lily.____39____parents are here too. There is a big____40____in the middle(中间) of the table. There are fourteen candles(蜡烛)____41____the cake. There is____42____salad, hamburgers, fish, eggs and drinks on the table. They____43____the song “HappyBirthday” to Leila. Leila gets many gifts (礼物)____44____her friends. Leila is very ____45____.
()36. A. fineB. SundayC. sunnyD. October
()37. A. dayB. birthdayC. friendD. school
()38. A. amB. isC. areD. be
()39. A. HerB. HisC. ItsD. She
()40. A. cakeB. appleC. chairD. book
()41. A. atB. underC. onD. next
()42. A. orB. andC. tooD. also
()43. A. singsB. singingC. singD. to sing
()44. A. ofB. fromC. toD. at
()45. A. sadB. happyC. interestingD. difficult
Ⅷ. 阅读理解。(每小题2分,共20分)
Dear Tony,
How are you? Are you still(仍然) coming to my birthday party in July? My family, my friends and my classmates are all coming. The party is on Saturday, July 2nd, at around 6:30. Its at Uncle Bills restaurant in the city. First, we can eat and drink from 6:30 to 7:45. After that we can go to a concert at 8:00. I hope you can come. You can meet my friends and sisters, too.
Please write to me soon (不久).
()46. What does Emily talk about in her letter (信)?
A. Tonys birthday.B. Her birthday.
C. Uncle Bills birthday.D. Her mothers birthday.
()47. Where are they going to have the party?
A. In Central Park. B. Near Bills restaurant.
C. At Uncle Bills restaurant.D. At Emilys home.
()48. They can ______ from 6:30 to 7:45.
A. go to a concertB. eat and drink
C. go to the museum (博物馆) D. sing and dance
()49. The party starts at about ______.
A. 6:30B. 7:45C. 8:30D. 9:00
()50. Is there a free (免费的) concert at 8:00 every Saturday night?
A. Yes, there is.B. No, there isnt.
C. No, there is a free concert at 6:00.D. We dont know.
Look at the three people in the picture. The Chinese boy is Lin Tao. Hes fourteen years old now and he was born in 1994. His birthday is May eleventh. The short boy is Lin Taos good friend. They are in the same(相同的) class. His name is Jack. Hes an American boy. He was born in 1990. Tina is their English teacher. She is from England. But they dont know how old she is. When they ask her age, she always (总是) says, “It is a secret (秘密)!”
()51. Lin Taos birthday is ______.
A. May 10thB. May 11th C. April 10thD. April 11th
()52. Lin Tao comes from ______.
A. AmericaB. JapanC. ChinaD. England
()53. Whats the age of Jack?
A. 14.B. 15.C. 17.D. 18.
()54. What does Tina teach?
A. English.B. Math. C. Chinese.D. We dont know.
()55. How old is Tina?
A. 40.B. 30.C. 35. D. We dont know.
Ⅸ. 短文填空。(每小题1分,共10分)
J____56____1st is New Years Day (新年). Womens Day (妇女节) is on March 8th. The f____57____day of May is May Day (劳动节). Chinas Youth (青年) Day comes after i____58____. Its on thet____59____day after May Day. Childrens Day(儿童节) is on____60____1st. July 1st is our Partys birthday. August 1st is the Army Day (建军节). T____61____Day is on the t____62____day of September and O____63____1st is our National Day(国庆节). Then we come to Christmas Day (圣诞节). Its D____64____25th. Then we have winter(冬天) holidays in February. We have a lot of f____65____on these days.
56. J______57. f______58. i______59. t______60. J______
61. T______ 62. t______63. O______64. D______65. f______
Ⅹ. 书面表达。(15分)
学校里新来了一名叫John的外籍老师,假设你叫Tim,请你给他写一封短信,简单介绍你自己的基本情况。(提示: Age:11 Hobbies(爱好): Listen to music and watch TV, eat fruits and vegetables)
七年级上册英语复习教案 Unit IV (新目标版英语七年级)07-02