


英文散文诗歌 篇1

White Christmas

The sun is shining ,the grass is green

The orange and palm trees sway

There’s never been such a day

In beverly hills, land

But it’s December the 24th

And I’m longing to be up north

I’m dreaming of a white Christmas

Just like the ones Iused to know.Where the treetops glisten,To hear sleigh bells in the snow.I’m dreaming of a white Christmas

With every Christmas card Iwrite.May your days be merry and bright

And may all your Christmases be white.A March Snow

Let the old snow be covered with the new:

The trampled snow, so soiled, and stained,and sodden.Let it be hidden wholly from our view

By pure white dies,low at the sweet Spring’sfeet Let him be mantled in a clean,white sheet.Let the old life be covered by the new: The old past life so full of sad mistakes, Let it be wholly hidden from the view

By deeds as white and silent as snow-flakes.Ere this earth life melts in the eternal Spring Let the white mantle of repentance fling Soft drapery about it, fold on fold,Even as the new snow covers up the old.

英文散文诗歌 篇2




语言是意义的重要载体,但意义的展现并非只靠语言来传递,多种媒体如图像、声音、色彩等符号都可以表达意义。随着新媒介的出现,不同的媒介在意义的展现中发挥着重要作用。这些传递符号的物质手段应用到社会交际中,就形成了一套具有特定语法系统的表意手段 --- 模态。所谓多模态,是指由两种及以上符号编码实现意义的文本 (李战子2003)。


多模态话语是指运用各种感官,通过语言、动作、图像、声音等多种手段和符号资源进行交际的现象。多模态话语分析是建立在Halliday的社会符号学理论基础上的一个崭新的话语分析形式。它接受了系统功能语言学的语言观,认为语言是社会符号和意义潜势,语言以外的其他符号系统也是意义的源泉;多模态话语具有系统性; 多模态话语具有概念功能、人际功能和语篇功能; 语境因素和多模态话语的意义解读之间有着密不可分的联系。多模态话语分析的意义在于它可以将语言和其他相关的意义资源整合起来,通过分析看到语言系统在意义交换过程中所发挥的作用,以及其他符号系统在这个过程中所产生的效果,从而使话语意义的解读更加全面、更加准确 (朱永生2007)。



Kress & Van Leeuwen (1996) 认为图像不是语言文字的插图或示例,而是独立于语言文字之外的社会符号系统。他们根据系统功能语言学理论,分析组成视觉模态的图像元素,进而凸显图像等符号在构建语篇时的作用;并借用韩礼德的三大元语言功能,分别从再现意义、互动意义、构图意义三个层面来分析视觉符号的语义关系。

1.再现意义。再现意义对应概念功能,包括叙事再现和概念再现。再现意义主要探讨的是不同图像之间或同一图像中不同成分之间存在的概念关系。下面以William ShellyBurford的A Christmas Tree为例,分析印刷体式诗歌所呈现的叙事意义。


If you are

A love compassionate.

You will walk with us this year.

We face a glacial distance,who are here


At your feet.


2 . 互动意义。互动意义对应人际功能,涉及距离、接触、视角和情态四要素。互动意义探讨图像中参与者之间的社会关系、图像设计者的交际目的,以及读者对图像内容的解读程度等。下面以E.E Cummings的Me up at does为例,分析印刷体式诗歌所呈现的互动意义。

Me up at does

out of the floor

quietly Stare

a poisoned mouse

still who alive

is asking What

have i done that

You wouldn't have

这首诗描述的是一只中毒的老鼠,在行将死亡前与诗歌叙述者的对峙。根据Kress & Van Leeuwen的研究,诗歌的叙述者俯视趴在地上奄奄一息的老鼠,与其目光接触,构成了索取类图像。索取类图像是指利用图像中人物的表情、姿势或其他特点向观众索取更多的注意,当图像中人物的目光直指观众时,目光矢量在空间上形成接触,表达向观众“索取”的意义。诗歌的叙述者从高处往下俯瞰,表示人类在索取顺从;而从下往上仰视的老鼠,则在索取人类的怜悯。人与鼠之间的心理互动被淋漓尽致地展现出来,使读者融入其中,获得真切的感受。此外,老鼠做出的两个动作“stare”和“ask”被作者巧妙地分别安排在从两个诗节分界处算起的第二行里,这也构成了视觉上的篇章对称。


3.构图意义。构图意义是语篇单位的组成设计和突显(张旭红2010)。印刷体式是通过突显字母的形状、大小写、标点符号等构成前景化来实现构图意义的。下面以E.E Cummings的代表作L(a为例,分析印刷体式诗歌所呈现的构图意义。

这首诗以生动的视觉形象再现了一片落叶缓缓飘落的画面。全诗仅由四个单词构成(a leaf falls loneliness),诗人刻意将单词拆分成五个诗节,并垂直排列来模拟树叶时快时慢地飘摇下落的情形,将一个静态的秋日景色以动态的形式呈现在读者的眼前。

诗歌第一行的两个字母“l”和“a”由半个括号连接,形象地预示树叶即将飘落。第三和第四行的相同字母的不同组合“af”、“fa”,犹如叶子落下时飘摇的状态。第五行的“ll”再次重复主题“一个”和“孤独”。第六行只有一个字母“s”和另外半个括号,表示树叶落地并发出轻微的摩擦声,造成视听双重效果。在诗节的最后一行,诗人把“ness”(构成抽象名词的后缀)与“i”放在一起,并且从排版上加以突显,以抒发内心的强烈感情,这是全诗的主旨所在。诗人巧妙地使用括号,把“loneliness”和“a leaffalls”连接起来,从而构成了一个形式上连贯的语篇。在意义层面上,括号里信息是相对次要、起陪衬作用的,而“loneliness”则是被突出的主题。通过标点符号的特殊处理,从侧面进一步再现了文本所传递的意义。




英文诗歌的翻译方法探究 篇3




“译事三难,信达雅也”, 翻译家严复用三个字就提炼出英汉翻译之精髓。 信,即译文必须要忠实原诗的本意,不能偷换概念,不能随意发挥;达,指译文的语句要通顺,翻译并不是一字不漏地将原诗生搬硬套过来,而要讲究译诗的流畅自然;雅,美好优雅,指译文要能够传达出原诗的意境与神韵。例如英国小诗《Finis》:

“I strove with none, for none was worth my strife;

Nature I loved, and next to Nature, Art;

I warm’d both hands before the fire of Life;

It sinks; and I am ready to depart.”











“The fair breeze blew, the white foam flew,

The furrow followed free,

We were the first that ever burst,

Into that silent sea.”









“If by life you were deceived,

Don't be dismal, don't be wild!

In the day of grief, be mild.

Merry days will come, believe……”










“If you were a tear-drop;

In my eye, For fear of losing you,

I would never cry,

And if the golden sun,

Should cease to shine its light,

Just one smile from you, would make my whole world bright.”









[1] 崔丞.刍议诗歌翻译的创造性[J].湖北经济学院学报,2010(10).

[2] 熊帝任.英文诗歌翻译的一个要点[J].科技资讯,2008.

[3] 孙幼平.中西诗歌翻译的改写与诗体移植[J].南京工程学院学报,2008(08).

英文诗歌朗诵 篇4

there’s a spot in my heart

which no colleen may own;

there’s a depth in my soul

never sounded or known;

there’s a place in my memory

my life that you feel;

no other can take it

no one ever will;

every sorrow or care

in the dear days gone by;

was made me bright by the light

of the smile in your eye;

like a candle that’s set

in a window at night;

your found love has cheered me

and guided me right;

sure i love the dear silver

that shines in your hair;

and the brow that’s all furrowed

and wrinkled with care;

i kiss the dear fingers

so toilwarm for me;

oh! god bless you and keep you

mother machree!


today and tomorrow

yesterday's tomorrow is today,

tomorrow's yesterday is today,

today ,as a bridge,is more important,so do cherish today!

today is the first day of new week.not a good begin i think ,

i lose something and feel so sad, i know i am growing up.

never look back ,cherish what i have now and make my future brighter!!

i should learnt how to live how to deal with thing and learn to do everything as a infant. the world changes so quickly!!

people change so quickly, just find i am so puerility that didn't know how to deal well with the relationship between people and made myself so hard.

i think i am a simple boy but frankly i find i think too much and most of the thing i thought will never happen.

anyway! don't worry be happy!! you have so many great friends!!

英文诗歌(经典) 篇5


A little girl needs Daddy


For many, many things:


Like holding her high off the ground


Where the sunlight sings!


Like being the deep music


That tells her all is right


When she awakens frantic with


The terrors of the night.


Like being the great mountain


That rises in her heart


And shows her how she might get home


When all else falls apart.


Like giving her the love


That is her sea and air,


So diving deep or soaring high

英文诗歌经典青春 篇6

Walking so early;

Sweet Robin sits on the bush,

Singing so rarely.

“tell me ,thou bonny bird,

when shall I marry me?“

“when six braw gentlemen kirkward shall carry ye.“

“who makes the bridal bed,birdie, say truly?“

“The gray-headed sexton

That delves the grave duly.

“The glowworm o‘er grave and stone

Shall light thee steady;

The owl from the steeple sing,

Welcome, proud lady.“
















英文散文诗歌 篇7

现代诗歌受到现代绘画的影响,史蒂文斯的诗歌也不例外。他说:“To a large extent,the problems of poets are the problems of painters and poets must often turn to the literature of painting for a discussion of their own problems.”(“在很大程度上,诗人的问题就是画家的问题,诗人必须经常地转向绘画的文学,来讨论他们自己的问题”)。史蒂文斯从出生的19世纪末到去世的20世纪中期,正是西方美术从后印象派到立体主义,抽象主义,再到超现实主义等绘画思潮此起彼伏的时期。这些美术思潮广泛传播到美国本土,对史蒂文斯产生了影响。



史蒂文斯的名诗Disillusionment of Ten O’Clock(《十点钟的觉醒》)是一首具有汉赋铺排特征的诗歌,特点是以大量的铺排营造宏大的气势。这首诗特别强调对色彩的罗列与渲染,以使诗歌形成强烈的视觉冲击力:

The houses are haunted那些房子里游荡着

By white night-gowns.身穿雪白睡衣的幽灵。

None are green,没有绿色的,

Or purple with green rings,也没有紫色镶绿边的,

Or green with yellow rings,也没有绿色镶金边的,

Or yellow with blue rings.也没有金色蓝边的。

None of them are strange,没有一个是陌生的,

With socks of lace穿着绣花锦袜束着珠饰彩带。

And beaded ceintures.人们不会梦见狒狒和玉黍螺。

People are not going这里那里,

To dream of baboons and periwinkles.只有一个老水手

Only,here and there,an old sailor,喝醉了穿着靴子睡觉,

Drunk and asleep in his boots,在红色的天气里

Catches tigers捕捉老虎。

In red weather.





史蒂文斯的《对两只梨的观察》(Study Of Two Pears)就是用毕加索和勃拉克代表的立体派的“破坏”与“解构”思路来写的。毕加索在技法层面上破坏掉了形象,让形象变得零碎。在更深层次上,那就是“在创造过程中要不断把概念化的、程序化的、你知道缘由的东西破坏掉,重新开始。这一点是现代艺术的精髓,是由塞尚感悟到,在毕加索那里达到自觉的”。



现成品艺术的始作俑者是杜尚。1917年,杜尚从商店买来一个男性所用的小便器,在上面标上“R.Mutt 1917”后匿名送到美国独立艺术家展览进行展出,轰动一时。人们对于这件作品的批评和谩骂甚多。虽然杜尚并没有自己亲自创作了这个小便器,只是签个名字和日期,但决定这件人工制品的是展览馆的整个空间,就像语言的语境促使词语意义的生成一样,展览馆这样语境空间赋予了这个小便器一定的意义。小便器改变了它周围事物的空间关系,成为他强调艺术与生活合一这样一个艺术观念的表达。

史蒂文斯的《坛子的轶事》(Anecdote of the Jar)一诗与杜尚的现成品艺术极其类似:




史蒂文斯在《诗歌与绘画的关系》(Relations Between Poetry and Painting,1951)一文中提出了一个著名观点:“诗歌既是词中诗又是画中诗”,诗歌“既是写成的又是画成的”。因此,我们可以去欣赏和研究诗歌中的绘画色彩,也就是史蒂文斯所说的“通过眼睛来思考”。





[4]陈东东.弹蓝吉他者:形态·音乐·词语[EB/L].诗生活网:http://www.poemlife.com/Wenku/wenku.asp?vnews Id=56.



英文散文诗歌 篇8

如果信件不是邮寄,而是托人转交,可在信封的左下角写上Kindness of...(受托人的姓名)或By courtesy of...(受托人的姓名)或By favour of...(受托人的姓名)。以上这些字样都等于中文的“敬烦某某转交”。

如果是介绍信,由被介绍人面交,可在信封左上角写上Introducing Mr. (Mrs., Miss, etc.)(姓名)或To introduce...(姓名)或Recommending...(姓名)。以上这些字样等于中文中的“兹介绍某人……”。

在信封的左下角可以写上信件的性质,如Personal或Confidential或Private,这些字样等于中文的“亲启”或“绝密”。如果需要还可以注明Immediate或 Urgent或Rush,这些字样等于中文的“急件”。视需要也可以注明Attention of... ,等于中文的“请某人拆阅”或“请某人处理”。


写在信封左上角 “A”的位置的字样,如:

→If undelivered, please return to(无法投递,退回原处)

→After 10 days, please return to(十天后请寄回)

→Return Postage Guaranteed(回信邮资已付)

→Via San Francisco(经由旧金山)

→By airmail to San Francisco, by train to Hong Kong.



→Printed Matter(印刷品) →Sample(样品)

→Sample of No Value(无价值的样品)

→With Compliments(赠品)

→Photo Only(内有像片,请勿折叠)


→Via Airmail; By Airmail; Par Avion(航空)


→Introducing Mr...(兹介绍……先生)

→Kindness of Mr...(敬烦……先生转交)

→Per favor of Mr...(敬烦……先生转交)

→Private(亲启) →Personal(私函)


→Registered (Reg., Regd.)(挂号)

→Urgent(急件) →Immediate(急件)


→Care of (c/o)(请……转交)

四化Four Modernizations

中国电信China Telecom

中国移动China Mobile

希望工程Project Hope

扶贫工程Anti-Poverty Project

外出打工人员migrant workers

外资企业overseas-funded enterprises

下岗职工laid-off workers

素质教育education for all-round development

应试教育exam-oriented education

义务教育compulsory education

豆腐渣工程jerry-built projects

西部大开发Development of the West Regions, Go-West Campaign

新新人类New Human Being, X Generation

充电recharge one's batteries; update one's knowledge

早恋puppy love

网吧Internet bar

网民netizen, net citizen

网恋online love affair

网友net friend

网上冲浪surf the Internet

菜鸟,新手green hand

摇钱树cash cow

大专生junior college student

青春励志英文诗歌 篇9

edna st. vincent millay?

april this year, not otherwise

than april of a year ago,

is full of whispers, full of sighs,

of dazzling mud and dingy snow;

hepaticas that pleased you so

are here again, and butterflies.

there rings a hammering all day,

and shingles lie about the doors;

in orchards near and far away

the grey wood-pecker taps and bores;

the men are merry at their chores,

and children earnest at their play.

the larger streams run still and deep,

noisy?and swift the small brooks run

among the nullein stalks the sheep

go up the hillside in the sun,

pensively, ─ only you are gone,

you that alone i cared to keep.




低语阵阵, 叹息声声,















唯一的牵挂, 不尽的惆怅。

浪漫的英文诗歌 篇10

If you were a teardrop,In my eye,For fear of losing you,I would never cry.And if the golden sun,Should cease to shine its light,Just one smile from you,Would make my whole world bright. Hannah Jo Kee


汽车与英文代号 篇11

Agrivehicle:农用运输车。为Agricultural Vehicle的缩写,又名为Farm Transporter,在目前的英文词典上还没有该词,其最早出现于《中国汽车报》。农用运输车这是一个概念模糊的名词。它的含义是供农村运输,价格低廉,享有一定的优惠政策的小型货车,它分为三轮农用车和四轮农用车两种。最初于70年代末诞生在安徽皖南山区一带,后扩散到全国。现年产量已突破300万辆,全社会保有量已超过1500万辆,为我国农村经济的发展作出了重大贡献。




EV:即Electric Vehicle电动汽车。狭义上说是以电池为动力的汽车。世界上第一台电动车在法国诞生。这是在1881年法国一位电气工程师古塔夫·特鲁夫试制的一台重120磅,时速达7.5英里的电动三轮车。当在巴黎展出时,引起了相当的轰动,当时人们把这一变革称为“不流血的革命”。如今,随着环境保护意识的深入,电动车的研究开发及使用在世界各国都非常重视。


HEV:Hybrid Electric Vehicle,混合动力汽车。混合动力也就是说其动力系统是非单一的,它既有内燃发动机,又有电子驱动系统。在高速及高负荷条件下,HEV使用内燃机驱动;在低速及城区道路环境下,使用电力驱动。它综合了内燃机系统(宽广的转速范围、良好的工作性能、低廉的生产成本)及电力驱动系统(低噪声、无排放污染、无需石油)的优点。美国早在1993年开始推行了一项名为PNGV混合动力汽车发展计划。在2000年1月的北美国际车展上,已推出一辆全功能、混合动力及电动的“新规程”,这是世界上目前最先进的汽车,在世界上处于领先水平。



英文散文诗歌 篇12

1 Ideological Concerns of Modernism

Throughout the world history of literature,the most shocking and influential innovation should be renaissance,romanticism and modernism.Among the three,modernism is the most complicated one,for modern writers crave for the distortion and alienation brought by capitalism,wars and machine culture.As an artistic form which profoundly reflects westerners’modern sense and experience,modernism intensely embodies English writers’innovation and artistic potential.Same as other modern school of thoughts,modernism also began with anti-tradition and rooted in the social upheavals,skepticism and disillusion of capitalism and promoted by the new ideas and thoughts.

Ideologically speaking,western philosophical thoughts such as Schopenhauer’s voluntarism,Bergson’s intuitionalism and western existentialism all act as catalyst for modernism.Besides,this movement is also influenced by the development of western psychology New discovery about men’s sub-consciousness greatly enriches modern writers and lifts the understanding of psychic to a new level,so that modern writers finally get to divert their eyesight from the exterior world to the inner realm of spirit.Undoubtedly,Freud’s analytical psychology is the most influential one for modernism.In science and technology,new concepts of time and space are provided by Einstein’s theory of relativity.Rapid scientific and technologica development also greatly changes the way people work and communicate.All these incite modern writers to make new explorations on human natures and human relationships.

Almost all of the modern works try to intentionally depict the agony and morbidity as well as the alienation,anxiety and despair of modern men.In this turbulent era,God is dead.With his death modern men lost their usual spiritual center.Their life became purposeless and disorderly.Human nature is greatly constrained and deformed.There is a growing sense of loneliness and alienation among people.

Robert Frost’s most prolific period of creation was during high modernism.In this time,the on-going social changes were defining western world in a completely new way.People’s main concern was to pursue material instead of spiritual pleasure.Human relationships became distant and alienated.Therefore,modern writers often conveyed such a message that western civilization was on the decline.As a poet of this period,Frost was surely influenced by this pessimistic feeling.He depicted everything around him from a unique perspective.

2 Crises in Frost’s Poetry

2.1 Crisis of man and nature

Many critics consider Frost as a pastoral poet or a natural poet.However,different from romanticists,nature for Frost is not a way to escape but a way to symbolize.On the surface,he is depicting natural sceneries,but deeply he is using nature to reflect modern men’s painful and chaotic situation.As a farmer,he knows New England like the back of his hand:beautiful mountains,ripe apples,wild flowers and grass dotted everywhere,together with cold winter days,snow-covered forests,waste land,birches,pond,stone walls and dead night all stirred up his inspiration.Nevertheless,contrary to the usual harmony between man and nature under Romanticists’pen,nature in his poems is so close to us yet it is so cold,so dark,so mysterious,so nonchalant and objective and it doesn’t care human feeling.

In Frost’s poetry,nature always takes on a mysterious and horrifying look.This trait is fully exemplified in such poems as“Once by the Pacific”,“Design”,“Desert Places”and“The Wood Pile”.“Once by the Pacific”is one of Frost’s sonnets describing the brutality of nature.“The clouds were low and hairy in the skies,/Like locks blown forward in the gleam of eyes.”“It looked as if a night of dark intent/Was coming,and not only a night,an age.”Low clouds,malicious night,disastrous tsunami!What a terrifying sight!Such nature like storm is terrible and nasty.Nature brought people terror and adversity instead of peace and harmony.

In“The Wood-Pile”,the speaker walked out on a gloomy and snowy day to a place far from home.In such coldness,chaos,horror and unpredictability,the speaker was completely confused and lost.He saw a small bird flew before him,yet it didn’t light on the tree which was nearest to the speaker but put a tree between them.The bird was vigilant enough not to be too close to the speaker because it was afraid the speaker would do harm to it.The tree between might represent the barrier between man and nature.Here the bird is a symbol of nature.It didn’t light on the tree beside the speaker instead it put a tree between them.The tense relationship between man and nature is depicted very vividly.

In Frost’s poetry,the forest is undoubtedly the most typical representative of nature’s mystery and terror.It is referred to in many of his poems,like“Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”“Into My Own”,“The Road not Taken”,“Birches”,and“Come in”.For Frost,the forest symbolizes the challenging and confusing nature itself.It leaves readers a threatening image.Furthermore,some seasonal images associated with autumn and winter are usually gloomy and cheerless,for example:“Which flows in shapes as tall as trees/when wintry winds do blow”,“when the wind works against us in the dark/and pelts with snow”,“the dead leaves lie huddle and still/no longer blown hither and thither”,“Snow falling and night falling fast,oh,fast”.The image of winter in Frost’s poems is always cold and cruel,permeating with the feeling of stillness and death.While according to Romanticists,winter was the inhabitation of hope.That’s why Shelly called out at the end of his“Ode to the West Wind”:“If winter comes,can spring be far behind.”Thus nature was alienated.The usual harmony was gone and crises took the place.

2.2 Crisis of man against man

Frost’s creation climax appeared at the beginning of rapidly-developed 20th century.However,he disliked modern American industrial culture,neither the moral corruption brought by industrial development.Thus an important image in his poetry is a lonely person without life goals,unaccustomed to the social surroundings.Personal relationships in his poems are usually pessimistic and frustrating.The isolation and nonchalance is embodied in some life episodes.These poems include“Mending Wall”,“The Death of a Hired Man”,“Love and Problem”,“Departmental”and so on.

In“An Old Man’s Winter Night”,the miserable and lonely old man found himself in an empty house:“All out-of-doors looked darkly in at him/Through the thin frost,almost in separate stars,/That gathers on the pane in empty rooms.”The house is a metaphor of the barrier between the old man and the outside world,as well as the separation of the old man and others.That is also the root of his loneliness,helplessness and consequential death.

In“Home Burial”,even the relation between husband and wife,which is always taken for granted as intimate and close,becomes intensified.This poem presents the strained relationship between a rural husband and wife who have lost a child.They argue,disagree and finally part.All the tragedies are caused by the breakdown and limits of communication.Human feelings and communications in the poem are both inadequately expressed and ultimately failed.

“Departmental”is another example showing the mutual coldness between people.It describes the ants colony,where an ant died but no other ants felt sympathy or pitiful.They acted very causal and calm toward their companion’s death.Here the anthill is a mirror of human society,reflecting the cold face of modern men.

In“The Vantage Point”the speaker has isolated himself from other men,having discovered“a slope where the cattle keep the lawn.”He won’t return to the world of men,yet he will go and look at them,or at least at their institutions—white houses and churches for the living,well-kept graves for the dead.So although hidden from other men,he can still observe them.“This places him,then,somewhere in between.He is not a true member of society because he has run away from it,yet he is not clinically dead.”Thus,as a privileged observer,he can choose his vantage point daily to observe people,comment on them or turn away from it all as he pleases.But why doesn’t he come up to them and talk?Why not communicate with each other face to face?The speaker feels he is not a member of the society or he is pleased with his own life and does not want to involve or be involved in any other’s life.

Loneliness and coldness are the vivid reflection of modern personal relationship.Reading Frost’s poems might help readers to know that era more deeply.At the same time,it also helps people to meditate on their era so as not to let the tragedy happen again.

3 Conclusion

The theme of crises plays a vital role in the heart core of modernism.It is also an eternal theme of Frost’s poetry,which reveals the alienated relationships between men and nature,men and men in this chaotic and disorderly modern world.With the loss of God’s central position,modern people feel fearful and uncertain abou their future.And new social changes make isolation and loneliness surround modern men.So generally there was a pessimistic tendency in modernists’works and also in Frost’s poetry.

However,at a second thought,readers may find that beneaththe surface of obvious crises and pessimism lies the poet’s truemeditation on life.As a poet living in the modern age,Frost was sen-sitive enough to express his concerns for modern people,as well ashuman’s future,orientation and destiny.These concerns are themain form of ultimate care.This is also the essence of Frost’s poet-ry and it also inspires people to rediscover the values of life,to finda correct morality in the turvy world.




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