


家庭生活类作文结尾 篇1





















家庭生活类作文结尾 篇2




《废弃电器电子产品回收处理管理条例》于2011年1月1日起正式实施。对于完善废旧家电回收利用、保护生态环境, 必要和及时。









只要是干燥的、杀菌的、高温烧结的产品,都适用该产品。如红枣微波干燥杀菌设备,瓜子微波干燥设备,花生微波干燥设备, 微波蔬菜脱水设备, 微波茶叶杀青干燥设备, 玫瑰花微波干燥机, 金银花微波干燥机等等。

部分客户:九阳豆业, 腾冲县黄泥坡茶叶合作社, 库尔勒冠农鹿丰公司, 山西巨鹿实用菌业, 泰安远大虫业, 临沂益农养殖场, 泰安郎氏虫业, 平阴九洲玫瑰制品有限公司, 山西闻喜稷王保健茶叶公司, 内蒙古谈氏农贸瓜子, 山东大地金银花有限公司, 湖南怀化老蔡牛肉等。

木材化工企业:上海航伟包装公司, 昌乐卫东纸业化工公司, 山东大学, 济南兴达工艺制品厂, 河北欧乐家具公司, 陕西新伟华木业。









作文结尾类片断训练 篇3


























生活类中考材料作文:学会生活 篇4




雅思生活类作文 篇5

Task:Some people think parents should read or tell stories to children, while others think parents need not do that, as children can read books, watch TV or movies by themselves. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


1. 给孩子讲故事好处多多。第一,这能巩固家庭纽带。举例,在讲故事的过程中,父母和孩子都会完全把注意力放到对方身上,进行深度的感情交流,这培养了他们之间的信任和相互关爱。

2. 第二,在听故事的过程中,孩子们的记忆力,语言能力,词汇量,以及把抽象信息视觉化的思维都会得到锻炼和提升,这对于他们今后的学术教育十分有用,比如说他们能在课堂上及时抓住老师讲课的要点。

3. 当然,孩子自由阅读或是观看电视也是必要的。举例,在独立阅读的过程中,他们需要进行独立的思考和判断,这让他们变得思维成熟,而且自由阅读各个领域的书籍也是一个实现自我认知的过程,让他们找到自己擅长的,感兴趣的专业方向。


It has been rightly said that ‘There have been great societies that did not use the wheel, but there have been no societies that did not tell stories.’ The question of debate is whether parents should read or tell stories to children or whether children should come to know about stories themselves by reading books or by watching TV or movies. In this essay I intend to discuss both views followed by my opinion.

There are many benefits of reading bedtime stories to children. First of all, it encourages family bonding. In this day and age of hectic lives and busy schedules, reading together is a simple and enjoyable way for parents to take time out and focus on the family. Children also feel wanted and loved. What is more, it moulds children into becoming readers, and this significantly increases the child’s potential for academic success as well as lifelong success in general. It also helps children master language development as by listening to stories, children learn pronunciation and vocabulary. It also builds listening skills, increases a child’s attention span, and develops the ability to concentrate. It develops children’s ability to express themselves more confidently, easily, and clearly in spoken and written terms. It develops and fosters a child’s natural curiosity.

Furthermore, it develops creativity and a child’s ability to use his own imagination. It expands children’s horizons by exposing them to new situations, and teaches them appropriate behavior. Reading children’s stories to children provides the best opportunities for true teaching moments as most of these stories have morals. Reading picture books develops a young child’s appreciation for the arts through exposure to many different styles of art and illustrations.

On the other hand, some opine that children should themselves read stories from books or watch them on TV and in movies. When reading books and news on TV by themselves rather than by depending on parents, children have the freedom of making decisions and judgments, thus sharpening the ability of independent thinking. What is more, it is mainly freely reading books, magazines and TV programs in a diversity of subjects, from science to arts to sports that builds up the self-discovery for children, for example, figuring out what subjects and future careers might be suitable for their potentials, talents and interests.

This would be much easier for the parents who are too busy nowadays, but then all the above benefits would not ensue. What is more, parents can start telling stories to children much before children can themselves read. Watching TV does not help the child to develop imagination and this may be detrimental in the long run. Moreover, it would be difficult to monitor what children are actually learning.

To sum up, I believe that, it is always better for the parents as well as the children, if parents read aloud to their children. This would give them quality time together and loads of other benefits which I have discussed above. I pen off with a famous quote of Robert Mackee “Stories are the creative conversion of life itself into a more powerful, clearer, more meaningful experience. They are the currency of human contact.”

(546 words)


Task:It is said that people’s life now is becoming more and more stressful. What are the causes and how to solve it?


1. 科技更新太快,这意味着人们不得不很努力地不停学习新的知识和技能。此外,激烈的就业竞争也让人们每天都处在紧张状态中。

2. 需要背负很多家庭责任,如照顾父母,照顾小孩。而生活成本却在不断增加,这让人们感受到经济上的压力。

3. 如何释放压力:多运动,运动能让人摆脱抑郁和沮丧,恢复精神上的放松。多跟人交流,这能获得来自他人的安慰,建议,和关爱,让人们看淡困难和焦虑。


The acceleration of industrialization and the prosperity of economy benefit our society a great deal. But with the speeding up of economic development, people are facing more and more pressure from various aspects of their life. This essay will explore the causes for the heavy pressure and put forward some feasible solutions.

One of the major causes is that people’s living rhythm has been promoted immensely with the upgrading of new-knowledge and hi-tech. To keep abreast with the society, people have to work intensively on the one hand and improve their knowledge on the other. The economic globalization strengthened international cooperation and expand people’s scope of activity. The fierce social competition deprives people of their spare time and makes their life more stressful.

Another factor comes from the pressure of people’s family. People in the current society have to shoulder the responsibility of family maintenance. On the one hand, people have to care for their parents, creating for them a happy and comfortable life. On the other hand, they have to give their children good education. To earn more money, people have to work very hard to finance their family.

If people live in heavy pressure, they will have problems both physically and psychologically. To relieve the pressure, I think the following suggestions are feasible and practical. Firstly, people are suggested to go in for some sports games in their spare time or at the weekend. Sports can build up people’s physique and make them vigorous. Secondly, people should communicate with others frequently and confess their trouble and difficulty to others, which is a very magic way to release one’s pressure. Finally, people have to find a balance between money and health. Otherwise, one’s health will be overdrawn and spoiled by money earning.

In brief, good life should not be obtained at the price of the deterioration of one’s health. People should improve their living pattern and lead a life of high quality.

(337 words)


Task:Today some person have to work away from his family, what are the advantages and disadvantages?







Nowadays, working in a new place or a foreign country distant from homes has been a heated trend in debate. In my view, this change simultaneously brings benefits and risks to these people leaving home, and my reasons would be explored as below.

The main relevant benefits are the improvement of independence and interpersonal skills. Firstly, being away from the comfortable and safe zone built up by parents and friends in homeland, people in a strange environment, especially the youngsters, have to take responsibility for daily affairs, tasks, behaviors, health care and schedules. These efforts can improve their self-care skills and decision-making ability. Moreover, living in a different cultural circumstance, frequently inevitable interactions with local peers and residents who have different skin colors, social manners, lifestyles and religions serve as a catalyst for increased maturity. In other words, after encountering with cultural diversity, these outcomers would become more independent, flexible, patient and adaptable, and acquire proficient social skills as well. Lastly, for people who live and work abroad, they can stay a foreign language immersion for a long term, thus helping them to master how to speak a second language natively.

However, the demerits associated with this kind of emigration should never be ignored. For one thing, as many people, especially young adults, leave hometowns for far-away places, they leave family behind. As a result, extended family systems begin to disintegrate. The result is often a lack of childcare and eldercare for family members. When a younger person leaves, marriage prospects for young adults who decide to stay sill decline.

For another, the second demerit is about a challenge on the spiritual level. Being isolated from family and motherland, an immigrator tends to be troubled in the mental stress. Specifically, the homesick, loneliness, frustration caused by cultural conflicts, and fear about the future always surround these helpless people, and give them psychological suffering all the time.

In conclusion, it is very hard to decide that advantages of this issue outweigh the disadvantages, or the reverse is true. Although such experience is beneficial for the form of independent and social abilities, as well as mature mind, the absence from home is detrimental to the people and their families.

(367 words)


Task:Some people think that in the modern society individuals are becoming more dependent on each other,while others say that individuals are becoming more independent of each other. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.




更依赖的原因1 : 在一个后工业时代,每一个社会个体都被教育和训练在某一个领域精通,这意味着他们的工作必须依赖其他同事和行业的合作; 他们的生活必须依赖来自他人提供的产品和服务。


Should the level of interdependence between people of today be up or down? This question has been a heated social issue in debate, and resulted in opposite views among the public. Personally, I believe current human is more independent than before, and my reasons will be explored as below.

In terms of information communication, the thriving Internet today has reduced the level of people’s connection with others, because this technology can provide more abundant, timely and objective information to every social individual. In other words, modern people are used to relying on the Internet for the acquirement of news, knowledge, social experience and even answers of school tasks, rather than face-to-face questioning, talking or discussing with others. Therefore, the common interdependent human relationships, such as the ones between students and teachers, between children and parents, between the youth and elders, are fading.

Machinery automation has also contributed much to the independence of people, because this technology makes people self-sufficient. For example, by using artificial intelligent devices like Auto Teller Machine, Vending Machine, microwave ovens, sweeping robots and face recognition access control system, people can deal with day-to-day transactions and household chores, or obtain common goods and services by themselves, with no more reliance on service personals, such as clerks in shops, tellers in bank counters, chefs in restaurants, or doormen in the gateway.

However, the main reason why people become more dependent is about the specialization in the post-industry age. Today, every social individual has been educated and trained to be expert at only one certain field. That is to way, a contemporary employee needs the technological communication and cooperation with co-workers in other departments or with another companies in different subjects, for the purpose of accomplishing the whole working project. Similarly, daily-life running and management are far beyond the limitation of any individual’s abilities. In other words, all people have to seriously depend on others who provide food, news, transportation, entertainment and maintenance of facilities.

In conclusion, I strongly believe the increasing independence of people is dramatic and should not be ignored. Although we are becoming specialized in narrow directions of careers, we have more independence and self-sufficiency, by the support of the Internet and automatic technologies.

生活类作文600字 篇6








生活感悟类作文:永不放弃 篇7










高中英语作文-学校生活类 篇8

My favourite school life My school life has changed a lot since this term.We don¡¯t need to get to school early.We begin our lessons at eight o¡¯clock.We can get enough sleep.At school we have at least one hour for sports to relax ourselves every day.After the second class we do morning exercises.After that we usually kick jianzi or skip rope.In the afternoon, we can do different kinds of sports.Some play basketball, some play football, others run on the playground.After school, we don¡¯t have too much homework to do.We have lots of free time.We can do what we like.We can take part in many after-school activities.In a word, we are happier and healthier than before.

中学生校园类生活中考作文 篇9





高一校园生活类英语作文带翻译 篇10

Generally speaking, life in high school is busy and fulfilling, due to the ultimate goal---College Entrance Examination. Many people say that there is no fun left but bored study and endless exercises. However, as a high school student, I can’t agree with them. Personally, I live a fruitful but happy life in high school. It can’t be denied that study is my priority that I must spend most of my time and energy on it. Sometimes, study may make me frustrated or even drive me crazy, but I still can adjust my mood to enjoy my life. Besides, I can also get a sense of achievement when I do well in my study or make progress. The most important is that my friends bring much happiness to me and my parents’ care inspires me to go on. I think friends in high school are my best friend forever, because they know me a lot and witness all of my emotions. They are the persons who grow with me. In addition, teachers in high school care much about our students both in study and life, and classmates are always friendly to each other. We build deep friendship together. All of these make up my fruitful life in high school, which I will cherish forever.



The first day when I go to high school, I felt excited, after 9 years’ study, I felt I was so close to university, the dream always gives me motivation to move on. The first year, I made many friends, I got to know all of my classmates, though the study was hard and tedious, I shared happiness and sorrow with my friends. When the second year came, I was arranged to another class, for the need of my major. I was a little frustrated at first, because I was worried no one could talk to me, but I made new friends quickly, sometimes I would keep in touch with my old friends. Now the last year has come, I must study hard, I will go to college next year, never have I felt so close to my dream. High school life is not easy for me, for the pressure is so heavy, but I won’t give up.



Some people say that campus life was boring but I felt the school life is colorful.

Class we discuss a fierce comment on each other. Once I had a fight with my classmates for the sake of a problem we all were at sixes and sevens reach a consensus. Later we have solved the problem calmly all made up. After class my teacher and I talk together playing chess we get along busy talking; After dinner the classmates speak heart to each other solve problems make the bridge of our friendship more stable. We laughed together cried help each other when in trouble. When the school sports they cheered each other each other go failed classmate we encourage him to his confidence not discouraged.

Campus life is colorful make I benefit from awakening to the joy of learning.





According to my memory, my high school life was full of happiness and fortune because of my lovely friend and teacher. They are sunshine in my high school life.


I met my best friend in senior one. She is a girl with long legs, white skin, and small face. What makes me a deep impression is her wide shoulder, wider than other girls who have the same height as her. She was kind, treating me just like I was her sister. I didn’t live in school dormitory, but she did. So, I slept with her at noon. Sometimes we argued, but we both checked our mistakes and recovered our relationship soon. When we were senior two, I moved in school dormitory, I didn’t feel comfortable in there very fast. She took care of me and made me feel warm. In my opinion, she is more than a friend, like a family.


As for my teachers, my chemistry teacher is my favorite teacher. She is a woman with sweet smile, not so tall, but she built a tall imagination in my heart. I used to chat with her result from my failure in the exam. She is a divorced woman; however, she was steel, living a happy life with her daughter. I appreciate people with a strong heart, maybe the reason is that I want to be the kind of person who is always optimistic and can’t be defeated easily. She expresses that.


The high school memory is a valuable memory in my life. It’s my fortune to meet them, my sunshine.



High school is very important in one’s lifetime. Nowadays, the movies about the high school time are so popular, but the stories are exaggerated, my memories about high school life are so different from the movie. During the three years, study occupied most of my time. I fought for the future with my classmates. We studied together and shared our opinion about the difficult points. When I made great progress, I was so happy, but when I fell behind, I would not give up. I grew up and became patient, I was not the little girl anymore. In the part-time, I would go to play basketball with my friends, it became the most exciting thing at that time. Though the high school life was simple, I gained a lot. I would never forget the classmates who worked with me together.

