


助动词be的用法 篇1


1.陈述句:be动词第一人称用am,第二人称用are,第三人称单数用is复数用are.助动词do一般省略,直接用动词,注意动词时态和人称变化.有时在动词前加do,表示强调,加强语气.如:Do be quiet!

2.疑问句:be动词直接提前,其他部分不变(由陈述句转变).助动词do同样,由省略直接提前放置,后面动词不变,注意do的时态和人称变化.3.否定句:be动词和助动词do后面加not.be作助动词用的形式如下: ①am, is, are, was, were ②助动词+be:shall be, will be, can be, etc.③have/has/had + been(完成时)④am, is, …being(进行时)


句型 be + V-ing…(进行时态)例:What are you reading?(你正在阅读什么?)I am reading a magazine.(我正在阅读杂志。)

例:He will be taking a walk in the park at this time tomorrow morning.(明天早晨此时他将会正在公园散步。)

例:She has been teaching English in our school for years.(她已在我们学校教英语许多年了。)

解说 第一例句是表达现在进行时,第二例句是将来进行时,第三例句是现在完成进行时。(2)表达被动语态

句型 be +p.p.…(被动语态)

例:English is spoken in both Canada and the United States.(加拿大和美国都讲英语。)例:Those keys were found in your drawer.(那些钥匙是在你的抽屉里找到的。)例:It can be done much faster in this way.(这件工作用这个方法可以更加快速地做好。)

助动词be的用法 篇2


动词是用来表示主语做什么 (即行为动词) , 或表示主语是什么或怎么样 (即状态动词) 的词, 例如:

The boy runs fast. (这个男孩跑得快。) runs表示主语的行为

She is a nice girl. (她是个好女孩。) is与后面的表语a nice girl表示主语的状态


1.be为连系动词, 中心词义是"是", 句型为"主+系+表"结构。be的形式常用am, is, are (现在式) ;was, were (过去式) ;will/can/may/must be (助动词/情态动词+原形) ;have/has/had been (助动词+过去分词) 等。如:

To help animals is helping people. (一般现在时)

The twins were very busy yesterday. (一般过去时)

It will be sunny tomorrow. (一般将来时)

She has been ill for over a week. (现在完成时)


助动词be, 无词义, 辅助主要动词一起在句中作谓语动词。用法如下:

(1) .be+doing:构成进行时态, 有现在和过去两种进行时态。如:

The girls are reading and copying the new words now.

Young Tom was always asking questions and trying out new ideas.

(2) .be+done:构成被动语态 (主语是动作的承受者, done必须是及物动词) 。如:

Tea is grown in my hometown. (一般现在时的被动语态)

This building was built three years ago. (一般过去时的被动语态)

(3) .be+going to do, 表示"打算或将要做某事", be有现在和过去两种形式。如:

We are going to plant trees in the park.

I didn’t know if she was going to come here.

3.there be

there be句式为:there be+主语部分+状语部分, 表示"某处存在某物", be常用现在时, 过去时和将来时等。如:

There is a bank across from the school.


可以将be视为实义动词, 因为它具有实际的词义, 如“成为;做;发生;举行;逗留;到达”等。如:

Mary wants to be a teacher.


动名词是非限定动词的一种形式, 由动词原形+ing构成。它既有动词的特征, 又有名词的特征。


(1) 作主语。例如:

Swimming is good for health.游泳对健康有好处。

(2) 作宾语

Would you mind turning down your radio a little, please?

你把收音机音量调小一点, 好吗?

(3) 作表语, 对主语说明、解释。例如:

Her job is washing, cleaning and taking care of the children.


(4) 作定语, 一般表示所修饰名词事物的用途。例如:

a writing desk=a desk for writing写字台

a swimming pool=a pool for swimming游泳池


We can see the rising sun.我们可以看到东升的旭日。

There was a girl sitting there.有个女孩坐在那里。

There is nothing interesting.没有有趣的东西。


Not receiving any letter from him, I gave him a call.

由于没有收到他的信, 我给他打了个电话。

连词+分词 (短语)

While waiting there, he saw two pretty girls come out of the building.

分词作补语, 通常在感官动词和使役动词之后。例如:

I found my pen missing.我发现我的钢笔不见了。



She looked tired with cooking.她由于忙着做饭, 看上去有些疲倦。


是一个表示谓语关系的动词, 它后面必须接表语 (通常为名词或形容词) 。


He is a soccer ball player.

常用的连系动词还有appear, become, get, look, remain, seem等。如:

The leaves become green when it is spring.

His face got red when he heard the news.

表知觉和感觉的动词也可以是连系动词, 有feel, taste, smell, sound等。如:

The cake smells good.

His story sounds interesting.


(1) 协助主要动词构成谓语动词词组的词叫助动词。被协助的动词称作主要动词。

助动词自身没有词义, 不可单独使用, 例如:

He doesn’t like English.他不喜欢英语。

(doesn’t是助动词, 无词义;like是主要动词, 有词义)

(2) 助动词协助主要动词完成以下功用, 可以用来:

a.表示时态, 例如:

He is singing.他在唱歌。

b.表示语态, 例如:

He was sent to England.他被派往英国。

c.构成疑问句, 例如:

Do you like college life?你喜欢大学生活吗?

d.与否定副词not合用, 构成否定句, 例如:

I don’t like him.我不喜欢他。

e.加强语气, 例如:

He did know that.他的确知道那件事。

助动词be的用法 篇3

学生:老师,你看这道题目:It was too late , any buses.

A.for there to be B.there to be

C.there being D.for there being


老师:这道题目实际上考查的是There be句型的非谓语动词形式。在英语语法中,There be结构也可以以不定式(there to be)、动名词(there being)和现在分詞(there being)的形式出现在句子中,作主语、宾语或状语。这种非谓语动词形式中的there在形式上其实起着逻辑主语的作用。



He is a student, isn’t he?

There is a student, isn’t there?

这样一对比,不难看出,我们实际可以把第二句中的there想象成逻辑主语。你看下面这一句:There used to be a big tree in front of the house, ?

学生:填usedn’t there。

老师:对!这就类似于He used to be a doctor, usedn’t he?

学生:可那怎么解释这道题A选项中的for there to be呢?

老师:你已经明白there形式上的逻辑主语作用,因此,像本题中不定式there to be前可加介词for,从而从形式上满足引出不定式逻辑主语的需要,这就类似于“你到这里太晚了。”你说应该怎么翻译呢?

学生:It was too late for you to come here.

老师:那你比较一下这句话跟你刚刚问的题目,再想想我跟你讲的there形式上的逻辑主语作用,这不就是直接套用了句型:“It is + adj. + for sb to do sth”吗?



I should prefer no discussion of my private affairs.

A.there to be B.there being

C.there is D.there are


老师:对。直接套用句型:“prefer sb to do sth”,好,类似的题目你会了,那我再换一题。

There no rain for a long time, the ground was burned black by the sun.

A. to be B. being

C. having been D. has been



学生:这是独立主格结构吧。这应该类似于“It being Sunday, we can go shopping.”在这句话里面be Sunday的主语不是主句主语we,所以赋予它逻辑主语it,而在此道题目中,there的作用就跟“It being Sunday”中的“It”所起的作用是一样的,因此此题其实直接考查了there be的现在分词形式,考虑到“for a long time”,所以应选C。


学生:非谓语动词,除了动词不定式,分词,应该还有动名词形式,那么there be的动名词很显然应是there being,老师,能给个例句吗?


No one would have dreamed of such a good place.

A.there is B.there to be

C.there being D.there was



老师:不用谢,我出几道翻译题,你试着口译一下如何?但我要求你必须用上there be句型的非谓语动词形式,同时,你要说出there be句型在句中所担任的成分。Clear?



学生:这句中,我应该用there be作主语,“There being a shop near the building is a great advantage.” Am I right?

老师:Good! “我们很担心那么多时间浪费了。”

学生:“We were very worried about there being so much time wasted.”此句中there be用作about后面的介词宾语。

老师:Very good. “太迟以至于没有任何公交车了。”

学生:“没有公交车”应是“太迟”的结果状语吧。“It’s too late for there to be any buses.”

老师:Excellent!看来,你是真掌握了。明天课上,我打算让你主讲这个知识点,其实我刚刚让你翻译的句子,就是there be的非谓语动词形式可担任的不同句子成分。你不妨就按着这个线索梳理。

学生:那我试着口头梳理一遍您听听。There be的非谓语动词形式的基本结构有两种,即there to be和there being。它的句法功能可以总结为三点:

1. 用作主语。如:It was too late for there to be any buses.以及There being a shop near the building is a great advantage.

2. 用作宾语。如介词的宾语No one would have dreamed of there being such a good place.还有刚刚老师给我翻译这句We were very worried about there being so much time wasted.此外,还可以用作动词的宾语,比如I should prefer there to be no discussion of my private affairs.和We students don’t want there to be another exam.

3. 用作状语。比如:There being no rain for a long time, the ground was burned black by the sun.還有这句:It’s too late for there to be any buses.就这些吧?


首先,就是作介词宾语时,若介词是for,此时后面只能是there to be形式,其它介词后面则是there being。我给你几组例句:

Brian was waiting for there to be complete silence. 布莱恩等候着完全安静下来。

What’s the chance of there being an election this year? 今年举行选举的可能性有多大?

Bill was relying on there being another opportunity. 比尔正指望再有一次机会。

第二,用作状语时,主要是there being形式用于独立主格结构中。再举两个例子:1. There being nothing else to do, we went home. 既然没有别的事儿,我们就回家了。2. There being nobody else at hand, I had to do it by myself. 由于附近没有旁人,我只得独自干了。


老师:As long as you put your heart into it, you will make it. Just as the saying goes, where there’s a will, there’s a way.

用there being/ there to be选择填空:

1. no further business,the Chairman closed the meeting.


2.It was unusual for so few people in the street.


3.I expect no argument about this.


4. Jim asked for give-and-take on both sides.


5. no railway in the town is a great disadvantage.


6. no coffee left, we had to drink tea.


1. There being2. there to be

3. there to be 4. there to be

含Be动词的句子 篇4



1、This is your umbrella.2.That’s your watch.3.This is his coat.4.That’s his shirt.5.They are your classmates.6.This is my watch.7.That’s your suit.8.This is their school.9.It is an American car.10.She is their daughter.11.There are some books on the desk.12.There is a stereo in the room.13.The table is near the window.14.The cup is clean.15.There are some knives on the table.

含有be动词的一般疑问句 篇5


be动词引起的一般疑问句的构成是在肯定句的基础上 将be动词(am ,is,are)移至主语之前,这时be动词已在句首,第一个字母应大写,句末用问号。


肯定回答为“Yes,主语 + am/is/are.”;否定回答为“No,主语+ am/is/are + not.”。

—Are you twelve? 你十二岁吗?

—Yes, I am.是的,我是。/No, I’m not.不,我不是。

注意:不可以写成“Yes,I’m.”或“No,I amn’t.”。3.如何变一般疑问句



对一般疑问句进行回答。1.—Are you eight? —Yes,./No,.2.—Am I in Class Four? —Yes,./No,.3.—Are they students? —Yes,./No,.4.—Is that her cup? —Yes,./No,.5.—Is he Eric? —Yes,./No,.6.Are these pencils Anna’s?

(做肯定回答)7.Are those pencils Bob’s?(做否定回答)


助动词be的用法 篇6

1. “be going to”为固定结构,它后面要接动词原形,多用于口语,其中助动词be的形式应随主语的人称和单复数的变化而变化。例如:

I’m going to do my homework this afternoon.


What are you going to do this weekend?


2. “be going to”结构多用来表示主观上打算在将来某个时候做某事。例如:

We are going to have an English test next week.


Is your sister going to have a swim tomorrow?


3.“ be going to”结构也可用来表示即将发生的事,可以用will或shall代替。例如:

The twins are going to/ will meet their parents at the station at 7:00.


The plane is going to/ will take off in ten minutes.


4.“ be going to”结构还可以用来表示根据主观判断认为将会发生的事。例如:

Look at the heavy clouds! It’s going to rain.


He’s very ill. I’m afraid he’s going to die.


5. “be going to”结构后面也能接原形be动词。例如:

What time is the game going to be?


There is going to be a class meeting this week.


6. 含有“be going to”结构句子的句式转换:

肯定句:主语 + be (am / is / are) going to + 动词原形 + 其它

否定句:主语 + be (am / is / are) + not + going to + 动词原形 + 其它

一般疑问句:Be (Am / Is / Are) + 主语 + going to + 动词原形 + 其它

肯定回答:Yes, 主语 + be (am / is / are)

否定回答:No, 主语 + be (am / is / are) + not


They are going to play baseball this afternoon.

They aren’t going to play baseball this afternoon.

—Are they going to play baseball this afternoon?

—Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.

温馨提示:“be going to”结构后面习惯上不跟go, come, leave, arrive等表位移的动词,一般用它们的进行时形式表示“将来”。例如:

She is coming here next Saturday.


When are you leaving for Shanghai?



I. 用所给动词的“be going to”结构填空。

1. There _____ (be) a talk on education in our school tomorrow.

2. _____ your classmates _____ (play) computer games next Saturday?

3. I ’m not going fishing this Sunday. I _____ (have) a field trip.

4. The teacher and writer _____ (have) a talk on how to learn English well.

II. 按要求完成下列各句。

5. My mother is going to do some shopping tomorrow. (改为否定句)

My mother _______________ shopping tomorrow.

6. I’m going to give a present to my teacher on Teachers’ Day. (改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)

—_______________ going to give a present to __________ teacher on Teachers’ Day?

—Yes, _______________.

7. Li Dan is going to Beijing the day after tomorrow. (对画线部分提问)

_______________ Li Dan _______________ to Beijing?

8. 高小姐明天早上将动身去北京。(翻译成英语)



I. 1. is going to be 2. Are, going to play 3. am going to have 4. is going to have

be动词的练习题(一般将来时) 篇7

(一)姓名___________ 用am, is, are填空。

1.I _______going to borrow a new book.2.We _______ going to come back tomorrow.3.He ______ going to watch TV.4.What _________ you going to do? 5.I________ a nurse.She _______ a nurse, too.6.She _______ going to go shopping.7.Today ______ Wednesday.Tomorrow______going to Thursday.8.What _______ Miss Li? She _______a policeman.9.They ______ going to go to the cinema.10.I ________ going to the café.11.My father ________ at work now.12.Mary and Tony _______ going to go to the city.13.This ____a picture.It _____ a dog.14.What ____ Tom going to do next Friday? 15.When _______ Tom’s father going to go to Beijing? 16._______ they pupils?

Yes, they _____.17.Why ______ Tom’s mother going to see the doctor? 18.How old ______ you? I _____ten.19.Where ________ Kate going to go next week? 20.He ______ going to the hospital.be动词的练习题


一、用am, is, are,填空。

1.It ______ going to be windy tomorrow.2.Jim ______ going to go to the zoo today.3._________ you going to watch TV ? No, I _____ not.4._______ Jim going to watch the film ? Yes , he ____.5._______ they going to watch the football match tonight? Yes, they______.6._________Sally and Betty going to watch the weather report tonight? 7.I _______ going to do my homework first.8.She _______ at school this morning.9.Sally and Amy _______ going to go swimming.10.Liu Dong _____ going to play football.11.She _____ at school this morning.12.Lucy and Tony ______ going to ride their bikes.13.They ______ at work this morning.14.Li Lei ______ going to draw picture.15.Helen ______ going to go fishing.16.What _______ you going to do? We _____going to go to the park.17.I _____ going to make the cake myself.18.I ______ watching TV now.My brother ______ flying a kite.be动词的练习题


一、用am, is, are填空。

be动词练习题及答案 篇8


be动词的现在式有am, are, is三种,具体用哪一种,必须由主语的人称和数决定。如下表所示:


(1)I am a student.我是一名学生。

(2)We are all here.我们大家都在这儿。

(3)You are so beautiful.你是那么漂亮。

(4)He is my English teacher.他是我的英语老师。

(5)Is she nine years old? 她是九岁吗?

(6)My name is Mary.我的名字叫玛丽。

(7)It is sunny today.今天的天气晴朗。

(8)Tom and his friends are in the park.汤姆和他的朋友们都在公园里。


be动词的过去式是:was和were, 这两种形式与现在式用法没有多大区别,作谓语时用哪一种,还是由主语的人称和数决定。如下表:



My father is not a teacher.缩写:My father isn’t a teacher.We are not at home.缩写:We aren’t at home.(3)疑问句:be动词+主语……


Are you a student? 回答:Yes, I am.No, I am not.注意:含be动词的一般疑问句回答用Yes或No.其结构是:

Yes, + 主语 + be动词 / No, + 主语 + be动词 + not.(b)特殊疑问句:

What is your name?

How are you?

Where is my pencil-box?

4.There be句型:

there be句型是含有be动词的一个重要句型。其结构如下:

there + be动词 + 名词 + 地点状语

There is a school there.那里有一个学校。

在这个句型中a school是真正的主语,be动词的形式由它决定。当这个名词是单数时,be动词是is或was, 当这个名词是复数时,be动词用are或were。如:

There are many students in the classroom.在教室里有许多学生

There was an accident in the street last night.昨晚这街上有个车祸。

There were lots of people in the room when I got in.当我进去的时候,屋里有很多人。

there be句型的一般疑问句是将be动词提前,否定句也是将be动词后面加上not, 如:

Is there any water in the bottle? 瓶子里有一些水吗?

There aren’t any students in the room.房间里没有任何学生。



1.I ________(am, are, is)from Australia.2.She _______(am, are, is)a student.3.Jane and Tom _________(am, is, are)my friends.4.My parents _______(am, is, are)very busy every day.5._______(Are, Is, Do, Does)there a Chinese school in New York?

6._______(Be, Are, Were, Was)they excited when he heard the news?

7.There _____(be)some glasses on it.8.If he _____(be)free tomorrow, he will go with us.二.用所be动词的适当形式填空。

1.A: Where _______the post office.------B: It ________ behind the building.2.A: _______ you miss Black?-----B: Yes, I ______.3.It _____ a shirt, it _______(not)a skirt.4.There ________ a big playground in our school.5.There ______ many books in my schoolbag.6.There _________ some fish in the box.7._______ there any chairs in the classroom?

情态动词的“推测”用法 篇9

英文的情态动词(Modal Auxiliary Verbs)主要有十个:can/could, may/might, will/would, shall/should, must和ought to。情态动词是用在实义动词前面,以增添某种意思。比如我们来比较下列句子用与不用情态动词的差别:

1) John isn’t in class. He is sick.


2) John isn’t in class. He must be sick.



3) I must go to school today.




4) He must drink a lot of milk.

这句话如果出自一个医生之口,我们显然就会把它理解成是医生对病人的一个忠告,这时我们就把这句话理解为“他得多喝牛奶”,言外之意,说明喝牛奶对他的健康是有好处的。因此,此时must表示的是“必须”之意。我们再想象这句话可能出现的另一个场景,比如有一天在商店里我看到一个人买了很多牛奶,这时我可做出推断说“He must drink a lot of milk.”显然我要说的是“他准是爱喝很多牛奶”。因此,此时must表示的是“推测”之意。



5) Internet may cause depression. Internet use may cause a decline in psychological well-being, according to research at Carnegie Mellon University. The fact that Internet use reduces time available for family and friends may account for the drop in well-being, researchers hypothesized. Faceless, bodiless “virtual” communication may be less psychologically satisfying than actual conversation, and the relationships formed through it may be shallower. Another possibility is that exposure to the wider world via the Net makes users less satisfied with their lives.



6) A: Why isn’t John in class?

B: He is sick.


B: He must be sick.


B: He may be sick.


B: He could/might be sick.



He might be sick. I don’t really know. He could be at home watching TV. He might be at the library. He could be out of town.(他有可能病了,但我真的不肯定,也有可能在家看电视,也有可能在图书馆,还有可能出门了。)所以,这里到底用什么词,比如是must还是might或是may,完全取决于说话人当时的确信程度。

我记得以前在大学的English Corner上,为了让我们这些“哑巴”学生张口说句英文,外教可是想尽了各种办法。其中一个绝招就是带我们做各种游戏,这样我们可以一边做游戏一边用英语讨论、交流,从而也练习了口语。有一个游戏是这样的,就是让小组里一位同学在脑子里想一个常见或常用的物品,然后其他组员去猜。但猜的时候,要用一般疑问句对这个东西的性质特征进行发问,比如“Is it white?”,而不能问“Is it white or black?”这样的选择问句,也不能问“What color is it?”这样的特殊问句,因为对方只能回答“Yes / No”。我们就这样一边发挥想象,一边围绕它的特征一点点追问,这样逐渐把思考的范围缩小,最终才能猜到答案。比如,一个同学提示说到:

7) A: I am thinking of something made of metal that you can find in my pocket.

A: 我在想的东西是金属做的,你可以在我口袋里找到的。


B: It could be a pen. (可能是笔。)

C: It could be some keys. (可能是钥匙。)

D: It might be a paper clip. (可能是曲别针。)

E: It may be a small pocket-knife. (可能是小刀。)

F: It could be a coin. (可能是硬币。)




8) Phoebe: Are you the cutest?

Chandler: I’m afraid I might just be.

Phoebe: You know, what I think is so great that you are totally into this person and yet for all you know she could be like 90 years old, or have two heads, or it could be a guy.

Chandler: Okay, it’s not a guy, all right, I know her.

Phoebe: It could be like a big giant guy.(对方可能是一个彪形大汉。)




9) A: The restaurant is always empty.

B: It isn’t good.


It can’t/couldn’t be good.


It may not be good.


It might not be good.





You must be joking. You can’t be serious.





10) Ring his home number. He誰l be at home now.


用will,表示“我肯定他在家”,相当于:He must be at home now.

11) A: Someone is knocking at the door.

B: That誰l be the postman.

A: 有人在敲门。

B: 准是邮递员。

12) A: This should be the 5th Street up here.

B: It’s not. I think you should have turned left at the last intersection.

A: 这儿应该就是第五大街了。

B: 不是。你应该在上个十字路口左转。

前面提过,每个情态动词都有很多意思,而不同意思就有不同的用法。所以,情态动词用法和词义变化多端、纷繁复杂,因此也是更让我们中国学生“摸不着头脑”的一种英语谓语变化形式。这也可以理解,因为情态动词即是说话人微妙心态变化的反映,native speakers就是通过运用各种功能强大的情态动词以极其微妙的方式来“言传心声”的。我们本期所讨论的情态动词的推测用法是很常用的,读者朋友关键是要掌握不同用词所表达的不同肯定程度,并注意此时的might/could并不表示过去的行为,而是表示发生可能性较小的推测。




A: I am thinking of something made of metal that you can find in my pocket. What could it be?

B: It could be a pen. It could be some keys. It might be a paper clip. It may be a small pocket-knife. It could be a coin.

A: I was thinking of the keys in my pocket.

1. Something has four legs and is found on a farm.

2. Something is sweet and you can eat it.

3. Something you can play on a large field.

4. Something that has wheels.







(1). I do not teach because teaching is easy.


(2). The poetry is very realistic. I do not care for it very much.




你好。感谢你的来信及所提出的问题。我先来回答你的第一个问题。你所给的这个英文句子“I do not teach because teaching is easy”在没有上下文的情况下是有歧义的,也就是说该句可以有两种翻译:“我不教书因为教书对我来说太容易”和“我选择教书并非因为教书容易”。比如我可以就这两种翻译分别给出以下不同的语境。

1)I do not teach because teaching is easy for me. I want to do something more challenging.


2)Certainly I do not teach because teaching is easy for me. Teaching is the most difficult job in the various ways. Nor do I teach because I think I know answers, or because I have knowledge I feel compelled to share.


显然,对于上述句1)的译文,我们应该比较好理解,因为这正好就是英文的字面意思。句2)的译文则较难,因为它涉及到英文里一个重要的语言现象——否定转移,即句2)中的否定词not虽然还是跟在do后边,但不是否定teach,而是否定because从句中的形容词easy,也就是说not easy,这就是所谓的否定转移。由此可见,because的否定句会有歧义的——not既可以否定主句谓语,也可以否定从句谓语。具体要看上下文。但对于某些句子,只能有一种理解,比如:

3) I don’t study English just because I like to.


4) I didn’t spend three hours repairing your vacuum so it could sit in the closet.



5)He won’t go to just any school.


至于第二个问题则较简单,这里not否定very much,一般译为“不是非常”,如果是强调否定,我们就会说成not at all或not in the least这种形式。

