经验:商务英语(BEC)中级分项复习思路 篇1
我的BEC Vantage 回顾
我是一名大三学生,刚通过了月BV的考试,很荣幸地在Ampere建议下写一篇总结。于自己是改掉从前懒于记录总结的坏习惯的第一步;于各位BF们(BEC friend)则愿分享复习考试中的心情点滴;于让我由衷喜欢和欣赏的Ampere更是希望随老师步伐共同进步。
我参加了新东方08年BEC Vantage十一特训班,是根据我比较喜欢集中强度训练而决定的。十一之后我才开始准备,之前对BV复习完全没有理解,我觉得对于一门自己陌生类型的考试参加一个培训班是很必要的,所谓工欲善其事,必先利其器,新东方老师在学习方法、考试技巧,以及他们所总结的知识体系上都给予了我极大的帮助。
2、针对口试的准备是要自己花功夫的。按照Ampere精心给出的框架结构进行总结,要有想一遍的过程还要写出来。考试变态就在于虽然不难但是话题多啊,你不知道轮到自己是哪一个。总结的时候要有自己的想法,我的partner就同样是新东方学员,而考官的好多问题都是what about u?
考bec中级复习计划具体怎么写 篇2
准备阶段 | 第一周 | 买齐教材、同步辅导和真题集,然后研究一套真题,了解每个部分的考点类型,如要清楚知道阅读分搭配题,选择题,填空题。有条件的话,找一个语言水平和自己差不多的partner。 |
学习阶段I | 第二周到第五周 |
早上起床后用一小时时间学习教材(6:30-7:30a.m.) 6:30-7:00a.m.大声朗读课文,熟悉课文内容,培养语感; 7:00-7:30a.m.理解课文中的商务知识、积累记录商务词汇和常用表达。 特别提醒:BEC中级教材共12单元,每两天完成一个单元,差不多一个月可以完成教材的学习。 临睡前一小时练习听力(9:30-10:30p.m.) 9:30p.m.-10:00p.m.练习精听,一句一句听写,不要一个词或一个词组地听写; 10:00p.m.-10:15p.m.将刚才听写的同一篇听写材料做复述练习和影子练习。复述练习即听一句,复述一句(原话或paraphrase都可以);影子练习即跟着听力材料一起朗读,比听力录音中慢上三到五个词左右; 10:15p.m.-10:30p.m.将刚才听写的同一篇材料当做口语材料来练习。假设BEC口试为同一话题,如何表达,可以活学活用听力材料中的表达。 特别提醒:一天练习一篇1分半-2分钟的听力材料即可,不要贪多求快。 泛听材料推荐:BBC经济新闻,重点是适应英式发音和听力速度,理解材料大意,这个部分大家可以利用零碎的时间完成。 |
学习阶段II | 第六周到第九周 |
早上起床后用一小时时间复习教材&练习小作文(6:30-7:30a.m.) 6:30-7:00a.m.复习教材内容,背诵教材中的商务词汇和常用表达; 7:00-7:30a.m.熟悉BEC中级小作文的写作格式和规范,完成1-2篇小作文的写作。 特别提醒:BEC中级小作文只有四种类型:便条、留言、备忘录或电子邮件,每周练习一种类型,每天练习一篇;一个月可以熟悉小作文的所有写法。 临睡前一小时练习听力(9:30-10:30p.m.) 9:30p.m.-10:00p.m.练习精听,一句一句听写,不要一个词或一个词组地听写; 10:00p.m.-10:15p.m.将刚才听写的同一篇听写材料做复述练习和影子练习。复述练习即听一句,复述一句(原话或paraphrase都可以);影子练习即跟着听力材料一起朗读,比听力录音中慢上三到五个词左右; 10:15p.m.-10:30p.m.将刚才听写的同一篇材料当做口语材料来练习。假设BEC口试为同一话题,如何表达,可以活学活用听力材料中的表达。 特别提醒:一天练习一篇1分半-2分钟的听力材料即可,不要贪多求快。 双休日用一小时阅读商务报道、新闻,熟悉商业文化,把独到的观点记录下来,并用自己的话复述一遍,作为口语材料收集起来; 另外用一小时对BEC口试进行训练,熟悉三种题型,前两周重点练习part1介绍及问答部分,后两周重点练习part2一分钟演讲。 |
学习阶段III | 第十周到第十二周 |
早上起床后用一小时时间复习教材&练习大作文(6:30-7:30a.m.) 6:30-7:00a.m.复习教材内容,背诵教材中的商务词汇和常用表达; 7:00-7:30a.m.熟悉BEC中级大作文的写作格式和规范,完成一篇大作文的写作。 特别提醒:BEC中级大作文有三种类型:商务函件、短篇报告和建议,每周练习一种类型,每天练习一篇;三周可以熟悉大作文的所有写法。 临睡前一小时练习听力(9:30-10:30p.m.) 9:30p.m.-10:00p.m.练习精听,一句一句听写,不要一个词或一个词组地听写; 10:00p.m.-10:15p.m.将刚才听写的同一篇听写材料做复述练习和影子练习。复述练习即听一句,复述一句(原话或paraphrase都可以);影子练习即跟着听力材料一起朗读,比听力录音中慢上三到五个词左右; 10:15p.m.-10:30p.m.将刚才听写的同一篇材料当做口语材料来练习。假设BEC口试为同一话题,如何表达,可以活学活用听力材料中的表达。 特别提醒:一天练习一篇1分半-2分钟的听力材料即可,不要贪多求快 双休日用半小时复习教材内容,巩固所学到的商务词汇和表达; 用另外半小时阅读商务报道、新闻,熟悉商业文化,把独到的观点记录下来,并用自己的话复述一遍,作为口语材料收集起来; 再用一小时对BEC口试进行训练,重点练习part3话题讨论,在没有partner的情况下,就自问自答。 PS:建议所有的口语训练都拿录音设备录下来,以便发现并纠正自己在发音和表达上的问题。 |
实战阶段 | 第十三周到第十六周 |
工作日的学习和复习集中在对已学内容的掌握、背诵和融汇贯通,以及对商务文化、商务知识、商务思维的积累和思考。 特别提醒:每天的听力练习绝对不能断!一日不听,功力减一成;三日不听,功力减一半;十日不听,前功尽弃。 实战阶段的学习主要集中在双休日,因为这一阶段的重点是猛做真题!坚持在双休日每天至少完成一套真题! (1)做真题是有比较严格的要求的,那就是要按考试时间完成真题,不能做做停停,要像临场考试那样做题。只有熟悉了考试的节奏、速度,才能在考场上不慌不忙 (2)做完题之后,要注意分析真题考点,答案和解题套路,总结答题的样板,将错题整理在错题本上。要好好利用真题文本。真题本身就是很好的学习素材,在做完题之后,还要注意积累真题中涉及的商务知识,把不认识的单词都查出来,常用句型找出来,然后记录在自己的笔记本上。 (3)真题中的口试题目,可以拿来反复操练。并且需要注重逻辑结构、时间控制等问题。 |
缓冲阶段 | 第十七周 |
BEC商务英语中级阅读技巧 篇31. 搭配题 重在考查考生寻找语篇大意和具体信息的能力。 技巧:先快速阅读七个句子,找出每句关键词。七个句子一般要比四个文本要简单,更容易理解,所以建议先读懂七个句子。 仔细阅读四个文本,看有无和七个句子中关键词意思一直的词。切记文本中出现的多是同义或近义的表达,很少出现和前面七个句子中完全一样的单词。如果发现有一样的表达,请谨慎选择,因为很可能是迷惑考生的。 切记:长得像得有可能是答案,长得一样的多数情况不是答案。 例如,句子中“utlise its current expertise”和文本中“exploit existing skills”相对应。句子中“Move into a more promising market”和文本中“enter a different market”相对应。 每个文本至少使用一次。 2. 句子填空题 重在考查考生语篇整体意义的理解能力,以及根据语篇逻辑关系有条理地对内容进行组织衔接的能力。 技巧:瞻前顾后,把空前后的句子都看一遍,特别要注意上下文中的连接词、指示词和代词。看在语义和逻辑上是否吻合。 最后没有填上的空,建议采用试错法,一个一个句子的试,凭自己的语感猜测答案。 3. 阅读理解题 重在考查考生寻找语篇大意和具体信息的能力。 这是我们中国学生最擅长的题,从中学到大学我们都练过,相信你们都已掌握了秘诀,这里不在赘述。 4. 完形填空题 重在考查近义词辩析,搭配,惯用法等。 技巧:首句一般都不留空,所以一定要仔细看首句,首句对了解文章主题和大意有帮助。 瞻前顾后,把空前后都看一遍,从词义辩析,词语搭配,上下文语境,习惯用法等方面入手,选择答案。有时所需填空单词还会在后面出现。 复核全文,对答案进行进一步核查。 5. 改错题 主要考查考生语法能力,包括时态、语态、虚拟语气,一致,非谓语动词用法,从句,限定词,代词,介词等。 技巧:考生只要把多余的单词挑出来就行。多余的单词经常是虚词,所以做题时把注意力集中在冠词、介词、连词、代词、副词等上面。 根据以往的经验,每到题大概有两、三行是对的。所以不要认为每行都有多余的单词,实在找不出来,就填CORRECT。 其他注意事项: BEC商务英语中级阅读讲义 篇4PART TWO Questions 8 – 12 l Read the following text. l Choose the best sentence from the list on page 36 to fill each of the gaps. l For each gap 8 – 12 mark one letter A – I on your Answer Sheet. l Do not mark any letter twice. Marketing In the past, the concept of marketing emphasised sales. The producer or manufacturer made a product he wanted to sell. ____ example ____ . Basically, selling the product would be accomplished by sales promotion, which included advertising and personal selling ____ (8) ____ Distribution consisted of transportation, storage, and related services such as financing, standardisation and grading, and the related risks. The modern marketing concept encompasses all of the activities mentioned, but it is based on a different set of principles ____ (9) ____ In other words, goods should be produced only if they can be sold. Therefore, the producer should consider who is going to buy the product ------ or what the market for the product is ---- before production begins. Marketing now involves first deciding what the customer wants, and designing and producing a product that satisfies these wants at a profit to the company ____(11)____ This is much more difficult since it involves human behaviour. ____(12)____ Thus, demand and market forces are still an important aspect of modern marketing, but they are considered prior to the production process. Example: C A. It subscribes to the notion that production can be economically justified only by consumption. B. Marketing was the task of figuring out how to sell the product. C. Marketing is as important in today’s economy as the production of goods and services. D. Production, on the other hand, is mostly an engineering problem. E. Such markets must be created and stimulated by managers. F. This is very different from making a product and then thinking about how to sell it. G. More than half the cost of consumer goods can be traced to marketing activities. H. In addition to sales promotion, marketing also involved the physical distribution of the product to the places where it was actually sold. I. Instead of concentrating solely on production, the company must consider the desires of the consumer. 答案:Questions 8 - 12: H, A, F, I, D 试题 9 PART TWO Questions 8-12 l Read the text below about career planning. l Choose the best sentence from the list on the opposite page to fill each of the gaps. l For each gap 8-12, mark one letter (A-I) on your Answer sheet. l Do not use any letter more than once. Career Planning For many employees, automatic promotion up the ranks of a company is becoming increasingly rare. A new study suggests that, in response, employers need to consider how they can help staff develop their careers. Employers need to rethink their approach to career management completely, according to the latest research by the Institute of Employment Studies. The new study finds that in fact there is little opportunity for individual career development in many large organisations. (example)____.The Institute of Employment Studies makes it clear that it is not good practice for companies to hand over career development to individual employees and then simply leave them to get on with it. (8) ____. So how should employers help their staff develop a career? Most employees have come to accept that career development is not always the same thing as upward promotion and a higher salary. (9) ____.They must also ensure that these opportunities are extended to all their staff and not just to selected individuals. Nick Bridges, who is Director of Human Resources Policy at the Bank of Eastern England, believes there is more talk than action in this area. (10) ____. One way, he believes, for companies to show how serious they are about individual learning is to make it an official part of company practice, as the Bank of Eastern England has done. (11)____. This document, he points out, has made the role of managers clear, and the company has also invested huge amounts of money educating managers so that they can then train their staff. Another company, British Chemicals, has contracted an independent organisation to help staff with confidential career advice. According to John Yates, the head of Individual Learning and Development at British Chemicals, there is an important role for outside agencies to play in the career management process. He adds that it is company policy for managers to give all staff ‘roadmaps’ which show possible career routes within the company structure. (12)____. This has worked especially well, he says, for staff who are used to depending on their line managers for guidance. Many large organisations now recognise that career development cannot be regarded in isolation, and must be part of an overall business strategy. Human Resources has a real role to play in building a strong workforce which meets a company’s long-term business needs and makes it more competitive. A Its policy statement says that by , eighty per cent of its staff will have a professional qualification. B His recommendations go even further than that, and he has called for a national debate on the issue of what should be regarded as a career in the future. C This change of attitude means employers need to place more emphasis on giving staff the chance to develop a range of skills through horizontal job moves. D It points out that employees need to know what the overall company vision is in order to achieve many of these. E The problem that often arises is that, while they are increasingly encouraged to manage their own careers, they are not provided with the knowledge and training to do this. F They are able to see that, contrary to expectations, jobs in different fields are similar, and they can also see how it is possible to cross over to other areas. G Its employees are no longer motivated by these factors alone, and the problem today is matching a person’s motivation with the right job. H He argues that while Human Resources managers are saying the way forward is through self-managed learning and self-development, they are still failing to provide adequate learning resources. I The main reasons for this, it concludes, are the recent cuts in the number of middle-management posts, and the changes that have taken place in the responsibilities of personnel departments. 商务英语BEC中级考试阅读资料 篇5Sales of individual wealth management products in China shot up in the last quarter of 2007 as banks expanded their product offerings, the banking regulator said yesterday. 截至9月底,60家银行业金融机构推出了个人理财服务,如共同基金、保险产品和离岸投资产品。 By the end of September there were 60 banking institutions in China offering individual wealth management services such as mutual funds, insurance products and offshore investments. 2007年前三个季度,各银行此类产品销售总额为6000亿元人民币(合820亿美元)。 Together China’s banks sold Rmb600bn ($82bn) worth of such products in the first three quarters of 2007. 但中国银监会(CBRC)表示,预计2007年全年销售总量将达1万亿元人民币,原因是有更多的理财产品面世,同时客户将资金从生息的定期存款中转出。 But the China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC) said it expected that figure had jumped to Rmb1,000bn by the end of the year as more products BECame available and customers shifted money out of interest-bearing time deposits. 2007年11月份,中国通货膨胀率创下6.9%的11年高点,而一年期存款利率仅为4.14%,中国投资者面临着实际利率为负的局面,他们一直在寻求银行存款的替代品。 With inflation hitting an 11-year high of 6.9 per cent in November and the one-year deposit rate at only 4.14 per cent, Chinese investors are faced with negative real interest rates and have been looking for alternatives to bank deposits. 中国国内银行传统上依赖存贷款利差,目前政府正鼓励它们进行多样化调整。中国存贷款利率由央行制定,以确保国有银行能够盈利。 The government is actively encouraging Chinese banks to diversify from their traditional reliance on the spread between deposit and loan interest rates, which are set by the central bank to ensure profitability at the state-owned lenders. 去年6月份,银监会为大中型国有银行制定了目标,力争在未来5年至10年,中间收入在总收入中所占比重从目前的17 %左右升至40%-50%。 In June last year the CBRC set a target for large and medium-sized state-owned banks to increase their fee-based income from about 17 per cent of their total now to 40-50 per cent within the next five to 10 years. 多数全球规模的银行都在中国设立了业务,而去年,包括渣打银行(Standard Chartered)、瑞银(UBS)和汇丰(HSBC)在内的许多银行,已开始为拥有100万美元以上的客户提供私人银行服务。 Most of the world’s largest banks have set up operations in China and many, including Standard Chartered, UBS and HSBC, began offering private banking services available to clients with $1m or more to invest, last year. 德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)昨日宣布,已在北京注册理财业务,从而可以提供包括人民币存款和贷款在内的更多服务。 Deutsche Bank yesterday announced it had incorporated locally in Beijing, allowing it to offer more services, including renminbi deposit and lending services. 中国银监会昨日警告称,伴随着理财服务的增长,瞄准无知个人的欺诈案件数量也有所上升,此类案件的社会影响恶劣。 BEC剑桥商务英语中级口语解析 篇6Choosing transport for a business trip Convenience Cost-effectiveness 【词汇&短语】 一揽子交易 package deal 出发时间 departure time 优待票excursion pass 途中转机、转车 stop over 宾馆预订 hotel reservation 晚点 delay 【句型点击】 ……other things being equal 同等条件下 It is not uncommon to …. 很常见 …… to seal the deal with 与…..谈妥某事 …… without any doubt…. 【参考范例】 bec剑桥商务英语中级写作词结 篇7available adjective 可获得的,/可探访的 career noun 事业,生涯,职业 confidential adjective 机密的,秘密的 detail noun 细节,详情 domestic adjective 国内的 exchange verb 交换,兑换 hostile adjective 敌对的 impatience noun 急躁 polite adjective 有礼貌的,有教养的 abroad adjective, adverb 往国外/海外 announce verb 宣布,通告 battery noun 电池 acquaintance noun 熟人 disabled adjective 伤残的 economy noun 经济实惠/节约措施 line noun (产品的)类型,种别 order book noun 订货簿 outperform verb 做得比…好/胜过 plant noun 设备,工厂 output noun 产量,输出量 quotation noun 报价(单) range noun 种类 rationalize verb 合理化 redundant adjective 多余的 shape noun 外型,体型 share noun 股份 shipping noun 运送 short-range adjective 短期的/短程的 suppliers plural noun 供应商 specifications plural noun 规格 stock noun 库存 substantial adjective 大量的/可观的 vehicle noun 交通工具 briefcase noun 公文包 经验:商务英语(BEC)中级分项复习思路 篇8Dear MR Ballard You asked for a brief report concerning the recent events at the Southford Plant. We have consulted the files and spoken to relevant members of the higher management and thus are able to provide an explanation for the breakdown reported in the press on 17 May of this year. ____1____ The handling equipment used to deliver the components to the assembly line has been known to be in need of an overhaul for the past six months. The plant has been working to full capacity to finish the American orders according to schedule. As you know, we had commissioned a study by Industrial Research Consultants. ____2____ In it they warned that there was not enough space available to store sufficient components ____3____ We had decided to install fully automated robot system. However, at the same time it was clear to our production director that given the present maintenance staff, we would not have sufficient staff available if big problems were to arise____4____But we were still only working a two-shift system so the machines were not getting the necessary cover. We all agree that the breakdown was extremely unfortunate and yet we must admit that, under the circumstance, it was not entirely unexpected. We now believe that we have managed to sort out the major problems which we had been having with the conveyor equipment ____5____ Added to this is the fact that personnel department has been successful in recruiting some highly qualified maintenance staff who makes us confident that a repetition of the 16 May now seems entirely unlikely. A. They also recommended expanding the present two-shift system to a three-shift one. B. And also when the new robots are installed in September, we feel certain that such problems will become a thing of the past. C. Unfortunately, as you know, there has been a major problem with recognizing the maintenance schedule. D. The wide range oof machine we operate is not fully supervised at all times. E. The cause of the breakdown was very simple. F. They submitted their report on April 5. G. There have been a number of delays and breakdowns in production recently which have been reported in the press. H. The firm has been advertising for maintenance engineers for some weeks. I. All the facilities in the plant will be coordinated to enable the workers to step up production of the new range of machines. 答案:1. E;2. F;3. A;4. H;5.B BEC中级阅读材料:中国理财产品 中国银行业监管机构昨日表示,随着各银行扩大产品种类,最后一个季度中国个人理财产品销售额大幅飙升。 Sales of individual wealth management products in China shot up in the last quarter of as banks expanded their product offerings, the banking regulator said yesterday. 截至9月底,60家银行业金融机构推出了个人理财服务,如共同基金、保险产品和离岸投资产品。 By the end of September there were 60 banking institutions in China offering individual wealth management services such as mutual funds, insurance products and offshore investments. 20前三个季度,各银行此类产品销售总额为6000亿元人民币(合820亿美元)。 Together China’s banks sold Rmb600bn ($82bn) worth of such products in the first three quarters of 2007. 但中国银监会(CBRC)表示,预计2007年全年销售总量将达1万亿元人民币,原因是有更多的理财产品面世,同时客户将资金从生息的定期存款中转出。 But the China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC) said it expected that figure had jumped to Rmb1,000bn by the end of the year as more products became available and customers shifted money out of interest-bearing time deposits. 2007年11月份,中国通货膨胀率创下6.9%的高点,而一年期存款利率仅为4.14%,中国投资者面临着实际利率为负的局面,他们一直在寻求银行存款的替代品。 With inflation hitting an 11-year high of 6.9 per cent in November and the one-year deposit rate at only 4.14 per cent, Chinese investors are faced with negative real interest rates and have been looking for alternatives to bank deposits. 中国国内银行传统上依赖存贷款利差,目前政府正鼓励它们进行多样化调整。中国存贷款利率由央行制定,以确保国有银行能够盈利。 The government is actively encouraging Chinese banks to diversify from their traditional reliance on the spread between deposit and loan interest rates, which are set by the central bank to ensure profitability at the state-owned lenders. 去年6月份,银监会为大中型国有银行制定了目标,力争在未来5年至,中间收入在总收入中所占比重从目前的17 %左右升至40%-50%。 In June last year the CBRC set a target for large and medium-sized state-owned banks to increase their fee-based income from about 17 per cent of their total now to 40-50 per cent within the next five to 10 years. 多数全球规模最大的银行都在中国设立了业务,而去年,包括渣打银行(Standard Chartered)、瑞银(UBS)和汇丰(HSBC)在内的许多银行,已开始为拥有100万美元以上的客户提供私人银行服务。 Most of the world’s largest banks have set up operations in China and many, including Standard Chartered, UBS and HSBC, began offering private banking services available to clients with $1m or more to invest, last year. 德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)昨日宣布,已在北京注册理财业务,从而可以提供包括人民币存款和贷款在内的更多服务。 Deutsche Bank yesterday announced it had incorporated locally in Beijing, allowing it to offer more services, including renminbi deposit and lending services. 中国银监会昨日警告称,伴随着理财服务的增长,瞄准无知个人的欺诈案件数量也有所上升,此类案件的社会影响恶劣。 The CBRC warned yesterday that the growth in wealth management services had been accompanied。 BEC中级阅读材料:喝酸奶有益于牙齿健康 Eating yogurt and other foods laden with lactic acid may keep your gums from receding and teeth from falling out, Japanese researchers report. Dr. Yoshihiro Shimazaki and colleagues found that consuming yogurt and lactic acid drinks was significantly associated with better periodontal health. “But, milk and cheese were not,” Shimazaki said. Periodontal disease is a chronic bacterial condition associated with receding gums and tooth loss. Outside of regular brushing and flossing, effective measures to allay this disease are limited, Shimazaki, of Kyushu University in Fukuoka, Japan, and colleagues note in the Journal of Periodontology. Previous research identified a lower occurrence of periodontal disease among people who eat high amounts of dairy products, but did not identify which dairy products were most beneficial, the researchers report. Shimazaki’s team assessed the severity of periodontal disease in 942 men and women, aged 40 to 79 years, and their intake of milk, cheese, and lactic acid foods. They found that people with generalized (more advanced) periodontal disease had a lower intake of lactic acid foods than people with localized (less advanced) periodontal disease. Compared with individuals reporting no lactic acid food intake, those eating 55 grams or more of yogurt (half an 6-ounce carton) or lactic acid drinks a day had significantly fewer markers of severe periodontal disease. The investigators made allowances for factors such as age, gender, smoking, alcohol intake, frequency of tooth brushing, blood sugar and cholesterol levels. 日本研咳嗽比涨俺疲运崮痰雀缓樗岬氖澄锬芊乐寡丽肝鹾脱莱萃崖洹 喜田岛崎博士及其同事发现,喝酸奶及其它乳酸饮料能显著改善牙周健康。 岛崎博士说:“但牛奶和乳酪没有这种功效。” 牙周病是一种慢性细菌感染性疾病,会引起牙床萎缩和牙齿脱落。日本福冈九州岛大学的岛崎教授及其同事在《牙周病学》期刊中提到,除了勤刷牙和用牙线清洁牙齿外,能够有效缓解这一疾病的方法比较有限。 研究人员在报告中称,此前的研究发现,食用大量乳制品的人患牙周病的几率较低,但未发现哪种乳制品的作用最突出。 岛崎教授领导的研究小组对942名年龄在40岁至79岁之间的男性和女性进行了调查,主要对他们所患牙周炎的严重程度以及摄入的牛奶、乳酪和乳酸类食品量进行了评估。 他们发现,弥漫性重度牙周炎患者所摄入的乳酸类食品量比局限性轻度牙周炎患者少。 与自称从不吃乳酸类食品的人相比,每天摄入酸奶或其它乳酸饮品55克或更多的人有严重牙周病症状的明显较少。研究人员还考虑到了年龄、性别、吸烟、饮酒、刷牙频率、血糖及胆固醇水平等各项因素。 Vocabulary: be laden with:富含…… fall out: 脱落 intake:摄入量 make allowances for:考虑到…… BEC中级阅读材料:中国航空货运业 中国制造业的显著增长,促使航空货运公司争相发展其在华业务。然而,这可能成为一个业务规模扩张过大、速度过快的案例。 China’s spectacular manufacturing growth has left air freight carriers scrambling to develop their activities in the country. But it could be a case of too much, too soon. 两年前,从南京或上海空运货物至欧洲,每公斤运费高达4美元;如今的价格约为2.50美元。南京禄口机场副总经理徐勇表示:“在此项业务上仍有钱赚的航空公司非常少见。” Two years ago, flying goods from Nanjing or Shanghai to Europe cost up to $4 a kilogramme; today it the price is about $2.50. “Very few carriers are still making money here,’’ says Xu Yong, vice-president of Nanjing airport. 由于机队扩张速度继续超出需求,航空公司正加剧中国一些机场的拥堵问题。徐勇警告称:“我们现在的飞机数量实在是太多了。” As fleet expansion continues to outpace demand, carriers are adding to congestion problems at some Chinese airports. “We have just far too many planes now”Mr Xu warns. 荷兰航空公司Martinair副总裁弗兰克?德容(Frank de Jong)表示,中国空运货物出口量正以每年约10%的速度增长,而飞机货物运力的增幅约为25%。 Frank de Jong, vice-president at Martinair, the Dutch carrier, says the volume of Chinese exports by air is growing by about 10 per cent a year but aircraft cargo capacity is rising by about 25 per cent. 在亚洲,约半数货物在运输时都是放在定期客运航班的腹舱内。例如,在客运航空公司中,大韩航空(Korean Airlines)拥有全球规模最大的货运业务,其28%的收入来自航空货运业务。 In Asia, about half of cargo transported is carried in the belly of regular passenger flights. Korean Airlines, for example, has the world’s largest cargo business among passenger airlines, with 28 per cent of its revenue coming from air freight. 在美国,大部分航空货运业务由以UPS和联邦快递(FedEx)为首的专业货运公司负责。中国政府最近已进一步放宽了对上述两家公司的准入限制。 In the US, the bulk of air cargo is handled by the specialist freight industry, led by UPS and FedEx. The Chinese government has recently granted greater access to the two companies. 瑞士信贷(Credit Suisse)分析师彼得?希尔顿(Peter Hilton)表示:“美国公司可以向中国体系内注入更多运力,并承接向来由亚洲航空公司包揽的货运业务。” Peter Hilton, analyst at Credit Suisse, says: “The Americans are being allowed to inject more capacity into the Chinese system and moving goods that would have traditionally gone to Asian carriers.” 中国政府已加大其发展国内航空货运业的努力,鼓励国内航空公司与经验更为丰富的西方货运公司合作。而就在不久前,中国政府的重点还几乎全放在航空客运业的改革和扩张方面。 Beijing has stepped up its efforts to develop a domestic air freight industry, encouraging its airlines to team up with more experienced Western cargo operators. Until recently, the Chinese government had instead focused almost exclusively on overhauling and expanding the passenger airline industry. 一位香港银行家表示:“从政治角度来看,运送旅客比运输货物更能建立声望,但政府已意识到,货运对出口驱动型的制造业领域至关重要。” A Hong Kong banker says: “Politically, there’s a lot more prestige in helping move people rather than goods, but the government has woken up to how crucial freight is for an export-led manufacturing sector.” 经验:商务英语(BEC)中级分项复习思路 篇92. Some people say A , other people argue B . In a word , _____. But I cannot agree this point of view for many reasons. 3. There are different views concerning this topic . Some people like to CHOOSE A , some prefer to CHOOSE B . Personally , I prefer B . I think B has more advantages. 4. From my point of view , it is more advisable to CHOOSE A than to CHOOSE B . 5. Despite the fact that most people prefer A , I would like to choose B because the following reasons . 6. In general , I prefer to _____ . 7. As far as I am concerned , I would like to prefer _____ . 8. When it comes to _____ , most people tend to believe A . But others consider B as _____ . 9. When asked about _____ , the vast majority of people would support that A . But others regard B as _____ . 10. At the risk of address the issue too direct , I prefer A because I think that _____ . 11. When faced with _____ , quite a few would claim that _____ , but others , in contrast , deem _____ as _____ . 12. When inquired about _____ , the vast majority of people would like to _____ , but other people , who hold an opposite view , consider _____ as _____ . 13. When _____ is mentioned _____ , most people believe that _____ , but other people would rather think _____ as _____ . 【经验:商务英语(BEC)中级分项复习思路】推荐阅读: 高分心得:BEC商务英语高级考试的经验07-25 【商务英语网校学习经验分享】商务英语BEC考试解题技巧09-26 BEC商务英语中级答疑09-03 BEC中级商务英语口语常用句型07-30 商务英语BEC 中级口译课 演示 谈判 剧本双语版范文08-27 BEC剑桥商务英语中级阅读理解精选练习题05-17 电子商务成功经验分享05-10 中恒电子商务经验总结07-21 电子商务师经验电子商务师考试注意事项提醒07-31 |