


自考课程与教学论2013年7月答案 篇1




A.基本性、基础性、范例性 B.个体性、基础性、范例性

C.全员性、基本性、范例性 D.基本性、全面性、范例性 2.“确定教育目标、选择教育经验、组织教育经验、评价教育计划”,这四个基本问题构成了(C)

A.塔巴目标模式的基本内容 B.惠勒目标模式的基本内容

C.泰勒原理的基本内容 D.坦纳目标模式的基本内容 3.奥苏伯尔讲解式教学的设计原则是(D)






A.情感领域 B.思维领域 C.意志领域 D.思想领域 5.“生成性目标”取向本质上是(C)

A.对“解放理性”的追求 B.对“普遍主义”价值观的体现

C.对“实践理性”的追求 D.对“科技理性”的追求 6.选择社会生活经验的根本问题是如何认识(A)

A.学校课程与社会生活的关系问题 B.学校课程的价值问题

C.社会生活的价值问题 D.学校课程与社会生活各自的价值问题 7.教师与学生交往的主渠道是(B)

A.课外活动 B.课堂 C.游戏 D.提问 8.提出形成性评价和总结性评价的是课程评价专家(A)

A.斯克里文 B.斯太克 C.普罗沃斯 D.莱斯


A.差别模式 B.回应模式 C.外貌模式 D.目标达成模式 10.情境教学认为测验不应独立于问题解决的过程,而应采用与教学过程、与教学情境融为一体的评估,称为(C)


A.总结性评价 B.目标游离评价 C.场合驱动评价 D.内在评价 11.美国80年代以来倡导的“卓越教育”实质上体现了20世纪世界课程改革的一个基本价值取向,即(B)

A.多元主义价值观 B.教育民主化与教育公平的理念

C.精英主义教育理念 D.主体教育观 12.以下属于建构主义教学模式的是(A)

A.实例式教学 B.非指导性教学 C.范例教学 D.程序教学 13.我国当下推行的“素质教育”,实质上体现了当今世界课程改革的一个共同趋势,即追求(C)

A.国际性与民族性的内在统一 B.平等与高质量的内在统一

C.科学世界与生活世界的内在统一 D.教师主体与学生主导的内在统一 14.进入20世纪70年代,课程研究内容的取向发生了重要转变,开始由研究课程开发为主转向研究(C)

A.如何设计课程 B.如何实施课程

C.如何理解课程 D.如何评价课程


A.活动分析 B.工作分析 C.目标分析 D.过程分析 16.认知性教学设计理论的代表人物是布里格斯和(D)

A.斯金纳 B.拉伊 C.格拉泽 D.加涅


A.《课程与教学的基本原理》 B.《教育过程》

C.《怎样编制课程》 D.《课程编制》 18.第一次明确提出“教育性教学”理念的教育家是(C)

A.夸美纽斯 B.卢梭 C.赫尔巴特 D.裴斯泰洛齐 19.施瓦布主张课程审议的主体应该是(C)

A.课程专家 B.教材专家





A.派纳 B.阿普尔 C.韦克斯勒 D.哈罗普


A.博比特 B.查特斯 C.哈里斯 D.泰勒 22.提出“课程教学”概念的教育家是(C)

A.艾斯纳 B.斯宾塞 C.韦迪 D.布劳迪


A.学科 B.目标 C.计划 D.经验 24.“学习层级理论”的提出者是(C)

A.布鲁纳 B.杜威 C.加涅

D.布拉梅尔德 25.“教师作为研究者”课程思想的首倡者是(B)

A.威斯特迈 B.斯腾豪斯 C.奥利沃 D.塞勒


A.示范 B.呈示

C.展示 D.口述 27.以下涉及隐性课程问题的是(D)


A.要素主义 B.永恒主义 C.改造主义

D.自然主义 29.美国60年代进行的“全美课程传播网络”所采用的课程实施模式是(B)

A.SBCD模式 B.RD&D模式 C.兰德模式 D.情境模式 30.“什么知识最有价值”命题的提出者是(B)

A.杜威 B.斯宾塞 C.施瓦布 D.泰勒


















从以上材料中可以看出,古巴和林肯的这份程序单反映了第几代评价的基 本思想?并结合材料分析这一代评价的基本内涵和特点。P320

自考课程与教学论2013年7月答案 篇2




Complete each of the following sentences with the most likely answer.(15 points)1.Much ______been said about the problem but nothing _______ been done so far.A.has, had B.had, has C.had, had D.have, have 2.I’d like to have ______ with you sometime this week about your approaching exams.A.a word B.some word C.some words D.one word 3.My aunt was a dancer and she went on ______ stage at ______ age of eight.A.the, an B./,the C.the, the D.a,/ 4.Tomorrow will be cloudy, with a few sunny______.A.intervals B.periods C.steps D.instance 5.He’s been unemployed for a whole year and is craving ________ a chance to work.A.to B.for C.at D.in 6.The world’s supplies of petroleum ______.A.have gradually exhausted B.are being gradually exhausted C.are gradually exhausting D.are gradually exhausted 7.In many parts of the world the only ________ water supply lies below the ground.A.continuous B.permanent C.instant D.constant 8.Since life is short and the world is wide, ______ you start exploring it ________.A.the early, the better B.the quicklier, the better C.the sooner, the better D.the quick, the better 9.This is the computer _______ we have had so much trouble.A.to which B.at which C.with which D.of which 10.Without trees our world _______ a much drier place.A.is B.will be C.would be D.must be 11.I would appreciate ______ it a secret.A.your keeping B.you to keep C.that you keep D.that you will keep 12.I wish I ___________ longer this morning, but I had to get up and come to class.A.could have slept B.slept C.might have slept D.have slept 13.This ticket ___________ you to a free meal in our new restaurant.A.gives B.grants C.entitles D.credits

14.Despite the wonderful acting and well-developed plot the ___________ movie could not

hold our attention.A.three-hours B.three-hour C.three-hours’ D.three-hour’s

15.Until then, his family ____________ from him for six months.A.didn’t hear B.hasn’t been hearing C.hasn’t heard D.hadn’t heard

Ⅱ.完形填空。从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择一个正确答案,并填在答题纸相应的位置上。错选、多选或未选均无分。(本大题共1 5小题,每小题1分,共15分)

Fill in each blank in the passage with the most likely answer.(15 points)

From childhood to old age, we all use language as a means of broadening our knowledge of ourselves and the world about us.When humans first 16 , they were like newborn children, unable to use this 17 tool.Yet once language developed, the possibilities for human kinds future 18 and cultural growth increased.Many linguists(语言学家)believe that evolution is 19 for our ability to produce and use language.They 20 that our highly evolved brain provides us 21 an innate language ability not found in lower 22.Proponents(建议者)of this innateness theory say that our 23 for language is inborn, but that language itself develops gradually, 24 a function of the growth of the brain during childhood.Therefore there are critical biological times for language development.Current 25 of innateness theory are mixed, however, evidence supporting the existence of some innate abilities is undeniable.26 , more and more schools are discovering that foreign languages are best taught in 27 grades.Young children often can learn several languages by being 28.to them, while adults have a much harder time learning another language once the rules of their first language have become firmly fixed.29 some aspects of language are undeniably innate, language does not develop automatically in a vacuum.Children who have been 30 from other human beings do not possess language.This demonstrates that interaction with other human beings is necessary for proper language development.Some linguists believe that this is even more basic to human language acquisition than any innate capacities.These theorists view language as imitative, learned behavior.In other words, children learn language from their parents by imitating them.Parents gradually shape their child’s language skills by positively reinforcing precise imitations and negatively reinforcing imprecise ones.16.A.generated B.evolved C.born D.originated 17.A.valuable B.appropriate C.convenient D.favorite 18.A.attainments B.feasibility C.entertainments D.evolution 19.A.essential B.available C.reliable D.responsible 20.A.confirm B.inform C.claim D.convince 21.A.for B.from C.of D.with 22.A.organizations B.organisms C.humans D.children 23.A.potential B.performance C.preference D.passion 24.A.as B.just as C.like D.unlike 25.A reviews B.reference C.reaction D.recommendation 26.A.In a word B.In a sense C.Indeed D.In other words 2 7.A.various B.different C.the higher D.the lower 28.A.revealed B.exposed C.engaged D.involved 29.A.Although B.Whether C.Since D.When 30.A.distinguished B.different C.protected D.isolated Ⅲ.难句释义。从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择一个正确答案,并填在答题纸相应的位置上。错选、多选或未选均无分。(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)

Choose the closest paraphrased version for each of the sentences or italicized parts.(10 points)31.The hero created himself;the celebrity is created by the media.A.The hero was admired for what they had done for society;the celebrity burst onto the scene by the work of the media.B.The hero made it through thcir own efforts;the celebrity achieves fame because of his good relations with the media.C.The hero of the past was active;today’s celebrity is passive.D.The hero publicized himself;the celebrity is publicized by the media.32.There was a crash that made all the most violent crashes of his past life seem like the souncl of falling dust.A.Compared with the most violent crashes in the past, this one seemed as gentle as dust falling.B.Compared with this ear-splitting crash, all the other crashes in his past life seemed nothing.C.In his past life he had never experienced a crash of such force as to make falling dust seem violent.D.When this crash occurred, its deafening noise drowned all other noises;so no one could hear dust falling.33.Every student should regularly experience the “Aha!”________ when something you never understood, or something you never knew was a mystery, becomes clear.A.When students suddenly come to understand something new, or when they solve a mystery, they usually shout: “Aha!”

B.Students should keep learning new things so that they can feel the joy of di scovering what they didn’t understand before.C.Students should often change subjects in their studies so that they can experience surprises, which makes learning more enjoyable.D.If learning is made more surprising and mysterious, students will never find it boring.34.It was in her mind to share their refuge.A.The thought that they should share the refuge was constantly troubling her.B.She was wondering if they should share their shelter with the neighbors.C.She didn’t mind that their shelter should be made a public place.D.She thought they should share their shelter with the neighbors.35.That did not answer;the sherry was a little too dry.A.His efforts of selling sherry proved a failure;the sherry was not moist enough.B.Nobody answered his hawking;people did not buy his sherry because it was too dry.C.His trail of selling sherry did not provide a solution;he soon became tired of it again.D.He did not get money in this business;the sherry dried out and he had nothing to sell.36.Nothing was too good for that child(Laura).A.Laura deserved whatever her parents did for her.B.Laura was a spoilt child and she was hard to please.C.Laura never took her parents’ love and care for granted.D.Laura was untouched no matter what her parents did for her.37.If I care about you, I’m concerned about your growth, and I hope you will become all that you can become.A....you will become what you want to be.B....you will eventually become a gifted person.C....you will develop all your abilities to the full.D....you will be capable of doing all sorts of jobs.38.Romance is the privilege of the rich, not the profession of the unemployed.A.The poor should not fall in love the way the rich do.B.The rich can be romantic;the jobless should be practical.C.The rich can afford to love;the jobless must seek a living.D.The poor, without a job, should be wise enough not to fall in love.39.Child is a believing creature.Cliff undoubtedly believed them.A.A child always wants adults to believe him.B.A child readily accepts what adults say.C.A child never rejects what adults tell him to do.D.A child never thinks that adults can be right.40.I’ll have to lie again and say we came down with food poisoning, or something.A....food poisoning kept us in bed.B....a serious disease affected our health.C....we suffered from an illness such as food poisoning.D....we suffered from food poisoning or something like that.IV.阅读理解。阅读短文,根据短文的内容从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择一个正确答案,并填在答题纸相应的位置上。错选、多选或未选均无分。(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)Read the two passages and answer the questions.(20 points)

Passage 1

Attention to detail is something everyone can and should do especially in a tight job market.Bob Crossley, a human-resources expert notices this in the job applications that come cross his desk every day.“It’s amazing how many candidates eliminate themselves,” he says.“Resumes(简历)arrive with stains.While other candidates don’t bother to spell the company’s things at the cost of something larger they work toward.“To keep from losing the forest for the trees,” says Charles Garfield, associate professor at the University of California, San Francisco, “we must constantly ask ourselves how the details we’re working on fit into the larger picture.If they don’t fit well, we should drop them and move to something else.” We can’t always be perfectionists.Garfield compares this process to his work as a computer scientist at NASA.“The Apollo II moon launch was slightly off-course 90 percent of the time,” says Garfield.“But a successful landing was still likely because we knew the exact coordinates(相配之物)of our goal.This allowed us to make adjustments as necessary.” Knowing where we want to go helps us judge the importance of every task we undertake.Too often we believe what accounts for others’ success is some special secret or a lucky break(机遇).But rarely is success so mysterious.Again and again, we see that by doing little things within our grasp well, large rewards follow.41.According to the passage, some job applicants were rejected ___________.A.because of their carelessness as shown in their failure to present a clean copy of a resume B.because of their inadequate education as shown in their poor spelling in writing a resume C.because they failed to give a detailed description of their background in their Applications D.because they eliminated their names from the applicants list themselves 42.The word “perfectionists” refers to those who ___________.A.demand others to get everything absolutely right B.know how to adjust their goals according to the circumstances C.pay too much attention to details only to lose their major objectives D.are capable of achieving perfect results in whatever they do 43.Which of the following is the author’s advice to the reader?

A.Although too much attention to details may be costly, they should not be overlooked.B.Don’t forget details when drawing pictures.C.Be aware of the importance of a task before undertaking it.D.Careless applicants are not to be trusted.44.The example of the Apollo II moon launch is given to illustrate that ___________.A.minor mistakes can be ignored in achieving major objectives B.failure is the mother of success C.adjustments are the key to the successful completion of any work D.keeping one’s goal in mind helps in deciding which details can be overlooked 45.The best title for this passage would be ___________.A.Don’t Be a Perfectionist B.Importance of Adjustments C.Details and Major Objectives D.Hard Work Plus Good Luck Passage 2 Taste is such a subjective matter that we don’t usually conduct preference tests for food.The most you can say about anyone’s preference, is that it’s one person’s opinion.But because the two big cola(可口饮料)companies—Coca-Cola and Pepsi Cola are marketed so aggressively, we’ve wondered how big a role taste preference actually plays in brand loyalty.We set up a taste test that challenged people who identified themselves as either Coca-Cola or Pepsi fans: Find your brand in a blind tasting.We invited staff volunteers who had a strong liking for either Coca-Cola Classic(传统型)or Pepsi, Diet(低糖的)Coke, or Diet Pepsi.These were people who thought they’d have no trouble telling their brand from the other brand.We eventually located 19 regular cola drinkers and 27 diet cola drinkers.Then we fed them four unidentified samples of cola one at a time, regular colas for the one group, diet versions for the other.We asked them to tell us whether each sample was Coke or Pepsi;then we analyzed the records statistically to compare the participants’ choices with what mere guess-work could have accomplished.Getting all four samples right was a tough test, but not too tough, we thought, for people who believed they could recognize their brand.In the end, only 7 out of 19 regular cola drinkers correctly identified their brand of choice in all four trials.The diet-cola drinkers did a little worse-only 7 to 27 identified all four samples correctly.While both groups did better than chance would predict, nearly half the participants in each group made the wrong choice two or more times.Two people got all four samples wrong.Overall, half the participants did about as well on the last round of tasting as on the first, so fatigue, or taste burnout was not a factor.Our preference test results suggest

that only a few Pepsi participants and Coke fans may really be able to tell their favorite brand by taste and price.46.According to the passage the preference test was conducted in order to___________.A.find out the role taste preference plays in a person’s drinking B.reveal which cola is more to the liking of the drinkers

C.show that a person’s opinion about taste is mere guess-work D.compare the ability of the participants in choosing their drinks 47.The statistics recorded in the preference tests show ____________.A.Coca-Cola and Pepsi are people’s two most favorite drinks

B.there is not much difference in taste between Coca-Cola and Pepsi C.few people had trouble telling Coca-Cola from Pepsi D.people’s tastes differ from one another

48.It is implied in the first paragraph that ___________.A.the purpose of taste tests is to promote the sale of colas

B.the improvement of quality is the chief concern of the two cola companies C.the competition between the two colas is very strong D.blind tasting is necessary for identifying fans

49.The word “burnout” here refers to the state of___________.A.being seriously burnt in the skin B.being unable to bum for lack of fuel C.being badly damaged by fire

D.being unable to function because of excessive use

50.The author’s purpose in writing this passage is to ___________.A.show that taste preference is highly subjective

B.argue that taste testing is an important marketing strategy

C.emphasize that taste and price are closely related to each other

D.recommend that blind tasting be introduced in the quality control of colas V.词形转换。将括号里提供的词转换成适当的词形填入答题纸上相应的位置。(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)

Complete each of the following sentences with a(compound)word derived from the one(s)given in brackets.(10 points)

51.If we don’t start out now, we must risk ___________ the train.(miss)

52.The government has worked out a ten-year program to ___________ the transport system of the country.(modern)

53.People who love peace staged a(n)_________ protest against NATO’s bombings of Yugoslavia.(war)54.China pursues a strict policy of ___________ in the internal affairs of other countries.(interfere)

55.He only ate a few ___________ of food and then left home in a hurry.(mouth)56.The power cut left the room in complete___________.(dark)

57.Being well taken care of in the hospital, the patient made a quick ___________ from his illness.(recover)

58.Unlike his quite brother, he is very ___________.(talk)

59.Never indulge in ___________ as it’s harmful to your health.(drink)60.They are determined to fight racial ___________.(equal)VI.句子翻译。将下列句子译成英语,译文写在答题纸上相应的位置。(本大题共5小题,每小题3分,共15分)

Translate the following sentences into English.(15 points)61.聪明人能从自己的错误中吸取教训。





Write a short composition of about 150 words based on one of the texts you have learnt.(15 points)66.“Culture shock might be called an occupational disease of people who have been suddenly transplanted abroad.” 全国2012年1月自考《综合英语(二)》答案


2012年7月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试 英语

(二)试卷 课程代码: 00015









(二)试卷 课程代码: 00015


第一部分 选择题


(二)试题和答案 课程代码:00015

1、D sample

2、B only

3、A of

4、C suspect

5、D to

6、C potential

7、B because

8、C reliable

9、C imagined

10、A faded

11、D but

12、D indeed

13、C flower

14、A develops

15、D which

16、A new

17、B cut

18、D mature

19、B any 20、C value

21、C provide nap rooms for

22、B break

23、D possible accidents

24、A taking naps regularly

25、C objective

26、D reached a new high

27、A jobs

28、B reduce employment

29、C acceptable 30、B patience

31、D food supply

32、A East Africa

33、B rose to their highest level

34、B increase food production

35、A the threat of climate change




39、form 40、reality









49、sorrow 50、possess









59、safety 60、particularly 61、illness 62、highly 63、expressed 64、violently 65、responsibility 66、If there is no correct decisions.67、My hometown is not what it used to be.68、The students are too heavily with homework.69、Only in this way can we expect to do our work well.70、We should make full use of network resources.71、人的一生中可能会有很多不同类型的兴趣爱好。当我们很小的时候,大部分的时间是在玩玩具。在我们长大一些,开始追求我们的第一爱好。有的孩子喜欢运动,比如,足球、篮球。而其他孩子的兴趣可能是读书、画画或者集邮等安静点的活动。




一、Vocabulary and Structure(10 points,1 point for each item)从下列各句四 个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。

1.Experts have found that normal sleep can be divided into five______stages.A.moderate B.initial C.distinct D.advanced 答案:C

2.The student_____described the beautiful mountains and rivers in his home town.A.artificially B.vividly C.critically D.viciously 答案:B

3.What her grandfather said left a_____impression on her mind.She still remembers it.A.final B.vague C.deep D.main 答案:C

4.By the end of next year the bridge _____.A.is to complete B.has been completed C.will be completing D.will have been completed 答案:D 5.We have greatly _____the procedure according to the chairmans suggestion.A.stimulated B.perceived C.obscured D.simplified 6.We should_____this in mind:Dont judge a person by his appearance.A.bear B.put C.place D.print

the telephone,the television,the radio,and the computer,the written word was the only way to 5 ideas to people too far away to talk with.Until the 6th or


7.Even after decades of _____,the two brothers recognized each other immediately.A.separation B.cooperation C.correspondence D.communication 答案:A

8.The spokesman occasionally_____his speech with gestures.A.acknowledges B.accompanies C.attributes D.anticipates 答案:B

9.In order to follow fashions,the girl has to_____great discomforts.A.catch up with B.put up with C.keep up with D.fall in with 答案:B

10.There is something wrong with my mobile phone.I must have it_____.A.repair B.to repair C.repairing D.repaired 答案:D

二、Cloze Test(10 points,1 point for each item)下列短文中有十个空白,每个 空白有四个选项。根据上下文要求选出最佳答案,并在答题纸上将相应的字母涂黑。

1.If you asked people what the most important invention has been,many would say the printing press.Others 1 say the wheel.But even though it’s 2 whether theappearance of the printing press affected the course of history more than the wheel,the printing press 3 within the top two or three inventions in history.7th

century,all books had to be written 6.Creating a book was difficult,and very few

existed.Therefore,very few people read books.In the 6th and 7th centuries,the Chinese invented a way to print pages by 7 characters and pictures on wooden,ivory,or clay blocks.They would print a page

from the block by putting 8 on the block and pressing paper onto the ink.This 9 is called letterpress printing.The invention of letterpress printing was a great advance in communication 10 each block could be inked many times and many copies of each page could be made.Many books could now be made.Therefore,many people could read the same book.(D).答案:D(3).(A).(B).(C).debatable

lists ranges ranks(1).(A).(B).(C).(D).答案:A(2).(A).(B).(C).(B).(C).(D).答案:B(6).(A).(B).(C).(D).答案:A(7).(A).(B).(C).(D).答案:D(8).might ought to had to should variable agreeable reliable communicate generalize motivate by hand at heart on foot in mind drawing painting writing carving(D).答案:C(4).(A).(B).(C).(D).答案:C(5).(A).(A).(B).(C).(D).答案:C(9).(A).(B).(C).(D).答案:D



Now that No longer Long before Since then

invent chalk oil ink crystal

definition action movement process

when because although if Reading Comprehension(30 points,2 points for each item)从下列每篇短文

1.The American population was the tallest in the world from about the American Revolution to World WarⅡ—that’s a long time.The U.S.had a very resourcerich environment,with game,fish and wildlife.In fact we have data on disadvantaged people in America,such as slaves.They were obviously among the most mistreated populations in the world,but given the resource abundance,and given the fact that the slave owners needed their work,they had to be fed relatively decently.So the slaves were taller than European peasants.It’s no wonder that Europeans were just flooding to America.Americans today are no longer the tallest people in the world.After World WarⅡ,many Western and Northern European countries began to adopt favorable social policies.There is universal health insurance in most of these societies—that,of course,makes a difference in health care.You can also consider income inequality in the U.S., since people who are at the low end of the totem pole(图腾柱)have considerable adversity making ends meet.I suspect the difference in height between Americans and Europeans is due to both diet and health care.Americans today suffer from an additional problem:obesity.If children are too well nourished,then they’re not able to grow optimally.There are certain hormones that control the start of the adolescent growth and the start of adolescence.Nutrition is one of the factors,along with genetic and hormonal ones which are associated with the start of puberty(青春期).And if puberty comes too early,then the youth will peak out sooner,and will not become as tall in adulthood as someone who had

(C).welfare helps Europeans grow taller than Americans(D).people on the totem pole are leading a comfortable life 答案:C(4).According to the third paragraph,overweight children in the U.S..(A).tend to have better nutrition for growth(B).tend to eat more food to grow taller(C).will grow taller than average children(D).will fail to grow into an ideal height 答案:D(5).Eating too much fast food may affect.(A).the absorption of micronutrients(B).the intake of carbohydrates(C).the consumption of hormones 的问题后所给的四个选择项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。

better nutrition.Also,the overload of carbohydrates and fats in a fastfood diet


hinder the consumption of micronutrients essential to growth.

(1).The word “game” in(line 2,para.1)refers to.(A).animals hunted for food(B).rich natural resources(C).activities played by kids(D).sports events to be held 答案:A(2).Slaves in America were taller than European peasants because.(A).they were badly treated(B).they did not do farm work(C).they had sufficient food to eat(D).they enjoyed better health care 答案:C(3).It is implied in the second paragraph that.(A).Europeans could make more money than Americans(B).average Americans used to be shorter than Europeans

(D).the digestion of fats


2.Yoshio and Hiromi Tanaka are a young Japanese couple living in the USA while Yoshio studies electrical engineering.They clearly love each other very

deeply,but,says Yoshio,“We didn’t marry for love in the Western sense.We got married in the timehonoured Japanese way.Our parents arranged our marriage through a matchmaker.In Japan we believe that marriage is something that affects the whole family,not just the young couple concerned.So we think it is very important to match people according to their social background,education and so on.Matchmakers are usually middleaged women who keep lists of suitable young people with information about their families,education and interests.When our parents thought it was time for us to get married they went to a local matchmaker and asked her for

some suggestions.We discussed the details and looked at the photos she sent,and

then our parents asked her to arrange a ‘marriage interview’ for the two of us.” A Japanese marriage interview is held in a public place,such as a hotel or

三、restaurant,and is attended by the boy and the girl,their parents and the matchmaker.Information about the couple and their families is exchanged over a cup of tea and a meal.Then the boy and the girl are left alone for a short time to know each other.When they return home they have to tell the matchmaker whether they want to meet again or not.If both of them want a second meeting,the matchmaker arranges it,and after that they can decide whether to carry on the courtship

Hiromi’s.This money is to help pay for the wedding ceremony and for setting up house afterwards.We also gave her family a beautiful ornament to put in the best room of their house,so everyone knew that Hiromi was going to marry.Six months after our first meeting we were married.A traditional Japanese wedding is a wonderful ceremony,and our traditional custom of arranged marriage has given me a wonderful wife.”

(1).The Japanese think marriage is important because.(A).it is expensive to hire a matchmaker(B).it is timeconsuming to match people(C).it concerns the couple and their families as well(D).it is hard to get the approval of the couples parents 答案:C(2).After a marriage interview,the second meeting will be decided by.(A).the boys parents(B).the matchmaker(C).the young couple(D).the girls parents

3.College-bound American high school students usually have some combination of parents,teachers,guidance counselors,or peers to support them in the tough process of applying to and beginning college.Unfortunately,adults who want to go to college—particularly adults who have been out of school for a long time—generally have no such support system.“Adults have a much harder time starting out in college because,unlike regular students,they have adult obligations—raising children and working full time—that often conflict with the demands of school,”says Deepa Rao,a World Education expert.“Also,adults who have been out of school for a long time may not be academically prepared for collegelevel work.Some have little exposure to technologies like email and Internet research,which are an increasing part of college communication and courses.They may be unaware of available

themselves.Here Hiromi said with a gentle smile,“Not so long ago,the girl could never refuse to go out again with a boy who liked her,but now she can.I thought Yoshio was really nice,so I didn’t refuse.” Yoshio continued:“When our parents realized we were serious about each other, they started to make arrangements for our wedding.My family paid the ‘Yuino’money to 答案:B(3).It is implied in the second paragraph that.(A).a good hotel can bring about a good marriage(B).men used to be dominant in choosing a partner(C).women played a leading role in choosing a partner

(D).a marriage interview settles all marriage arrangements

答案:B(4).Yoshio thinks that the traditional Japanese marriage is.(A).costly(B).satisfying(C).complex(D).outdated

答案:B(5).This passage is mainly about.(A).the process of an arranged Japanese marriage(B).a wedding ceremony in a Japanese fashion(C).conventional marriage and modern marriage

(D).the role of matchmakers in arranging marriages


resources,such as financial aid,tutoring centers or mentoring programs,and may be

unfamiliar with terms such as ‘bursar’and‘prerequisite.’And if you don’t know where to begin or what to do once you do get there,it’s easy to get overwhelmed and simply give up.”

The challenges that working adults face when going to college inspired Deepa to develop a web page and website as part of World Education’s National College Transition Network(NCTN),an online forum for technical assistance,news,and helpful resources for educators,policy makers,and others interested in adult learning.The new website is a counterpart(对应物)to the NCTN,set up to guide adults who are considering college through the process of applying to and succeeding in school.The website is arranged like a college campus,with‘buildings’representing the sort of departments and classrooms housed on a college campus.Each building

contains‘classes’that describe the admissions process,where to look for grants and scholarships,and lists resources,where an outofpractice student can review

reading,writing,and math.There are also lists of advice and resources to help(1).According to the passage,working adults find it difficult to start their students with their college life.Another helpful aspect of this college education because.interactive,multimedia site is its audio capacity:all texts can be read to the(A).they are too busy and academically unprepared visitor.This particular feature is especially helpful for people with visual(B).they have been out of school for quite a long time problems or learning disabilities.(C).tutoring resources in college are unavailable to them The cycle of learning runs from cradle to grave,and World Education works to break(D).they do not have enough money for further education down barriers to education for people of all ages,all over the world.答案:A

(2).The comparison between adult students and regular students shows that.答案:C(A).the latter are less prepared than the former(5).The last paragraph shows that learning.(B).the latter have more problems than the former(A).involves difficulties(C).the former have more problems than the latter(B).starts at ones birthplace(D).the former are no less prepared than the latter(C).requires repeated efforts 答案:C(D).is a lifelong process 答案:D(3).The purpose of the website is to.四、Word Spelling(20 points,1 point for two items)将下列汉语单词译成英语。每(A).help adult students edit web pages 个单词的词类、首字母及字母数目均已给出。请将完整的单词写在答题纸上。(B).provide adult students with guidance(C).solve financial problems of adult students 1.多种多样的a.d_ _ _ _ _ _(D).enable students to repair computers by themselves 答案:diverse 答案:B 2.同样地ad.l_ _ _ _ _ _ _(4).The newly created website provides programs.答案:likewise(A).for regular college students only 3.手册,指南n.m_ _ _ _ _(B).for students interested in websites 答案:manual(C).for students including the disabled 4.消费者n.c_ _ _ _ _ _ _(D).for educators interested in adult learning 答案:consumer 5.商标n.t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 答案:defect 答案:trademark 14.延长,拉长v.p_ _ _ _ _ _ 6.偏见n.b_ _ _ 答案:prolong 答案:bias 15.图书馆馆员n.l_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7.城市的a.u_ _ _ _ 答案:librarian 答案:urban 16.药片n.t_ _ _ _ _ 8.观众n.a_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 答案:tablet 答案:audience 17.命令,指挥v.c_ _ _ _ _ _ 9.材料n.m_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 答案:command 答案:material 10.词典n.d_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 18.明智的a.s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 答案:dictionary 答案:sensible 11.值得v.d_ _ _ _ _ _ 答案:deserve 19.原则n.p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 12.科学的a.s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 答案:principle 答案:scientific 13.缺陷,毛病n.d_ _ _ _ _ 20.次等的,劣等的a.i_ _ _ _ _ _ _


五、Word Form(10 points,1 point each)将括号中的各词变为适当的形式填入空白。答案写在答题纸上。

1.She was taken to hospital because she was suffering from a(n)___(regular)heartbeat.答案:irregular

2.In all ___(serious),if Mike does resign,a lot of others will start leaving too.答案:seriousness 3.The father has adopted a fairly___(tolerate)attitude toward his son’s behavior.答案:tolerant

4.Soon after that,labor markets became very tight and money wages rose___(rapid).答案:rapidly

5.It was___(honest)of him to suggest that he actually had a degree from Harvard—he was just there for one year.答案:dishonest


答案:I find/found it difficult to understand the black hole theory.2.为了按时完成实验,这位科学家从未在午夜前就寝。

答案:To complete the experiment on time,the scientist never went to bed before midnight.3.那位年轻人的研究几乎没有成功的可能。

答案:There will be little possibility of success in the young man’s research./It is almost impossible for the young man to succeed in his research.4.就连警方也不清楚那场交通事故的原因。

答案:Even the police did not know what had caused the traffic accident.5.我倒是希望他明年再买这房子。

6.A good___(write)of fiction always manages to have sympathy for all his characters.答案:writer

7.Mike didn’t like to be singled out for special___(treat)at school because of his athletic talent.答案:treatment

8.Doctors soon realized that this drug was also___(effect)in relieving the symptoms of diabetes.答案:effective

9.She found she was sweating profusely and her breathing had___(quick).答案:quickened

10.The publishing business is no___(differ)from any other business in this respect.答案:different

六、Translation from Chinese into English(15 points,3 points each)将下列各句 译成英语并将答案写在答题纸上。

答案:I would rather he bought the house next year.【评分标准】


(2)非基本语法错误(如介词、代词、冠词、大写、标点等错误)以及不影响基本句意的用词错误 每两处扣1分。


七、Translation from English into Chinese(15 points)将下列短文译成汉语并将答 案写在答题纸上。

1.In the old days,the lines between work and leisure time were markedly

clearer. People left their offices at a predictable time,were often completely disconnected from their jobs as they traveled to and from work,and were offduty once they were home.That’s no longer true.In today’s highly competitive job market, employers demand increased productivity,expecting employees to put in longer hours and to keep in touch almost constantly via fax,cell phones,email,or other communications devices.As a result,employees feel the need to check what’s going on at the office,even on days off.They feel pressured to work after office hours just to catch up on everything they have to do.They work harder and longer, change their work tasks more frequently,and they worry more about job security.






自考课程与教学论2013年7月答案 篇3









A.周恩来 B.廖仲恺 C.邓演达 D.聂荣臻

12.1925年至l926年间,中国工人坚持l6个月之久的罢工斗争是 A.香港海员罢工 B.安源路矿工人罢工 C.京汉铁路工人罢工 D.省港罢工

13.1928年12月,在东北宣布“改易旗帜”、归顺南京国民政府的是 A.孙传芳 B-张学良 C.吴佩孚 D.张作霖

14.国民党在全国统治建立后,官僚资本的垄断活动首先和主要是 A.从农业方面开始的 B.从重工业方面开始的 C.从商业方面开始的 D.从金融业方面开始的 15.中国共产党独立领导革命战争、创建人民军队的开端是

A.南昌起义 B.秋收起义 C.广州起义 D.百色起义 16.1928年,毛泽东主持制定的中国共产党历史上






39.构建社会主义和谐社会的战略思想提出后,中国特色社会主义事业的总体布局包括 A.经济建设 C.文化建设 A.全方位 C.宽领域

B.政治建设 D.社会建设 B.多层次 D.多方面 40.2001年,中国正式加入世界贸易组织后形成的对外开放格局有

