


面试中的典型问题(中英对照) 篇1


1.Describe an instance where you set your sights on a high/demanding goal and saw it through completion.举例说明,你如何制定了一个很高的目标,并且最终实现了它。


About this question, I want to describe the experience that I organized an experiment skill contest when I was a freshman.The reason of this activity was that in a experience exchange meeting organized by our learning ministry about the postgraduate entrance exams, some seniors told us that their experiment skills were poorer compared with those from famous universities when they went to have interviews.Knowing this, I recommended an experiment skill contest to enhance our experiment skills and interests.When I come up with this suggestion, all thought it was meaningful and creative, but too difficult.The first problem is that whether the contest to be hold in the lab or in the campus.If the lab, there was not enough room for the audiences.If the campus, it was very trouble to move so many instruments.Next was the content of the contest which could not only attract the students, but also show the students’ experiment skills.After several improvements of the program, the first experiment skill contest of Chemistry College was successfully held.The contest was held in the square before our college, and our college leaders presented and played the role of judges.An amount of students joined the contest.At last, this contest got a lot praises in our college.2.Summarize a situation where you took the initiative to get others going on an important task or issue and played a leading role to achieve the results you wanted.请举例说明你在一项团队活动中如何采取主动性,并且起到领导者的作用,最终获得你所希望的结果。


OK.In my sophomore year, I led our class debate team to take part in the debate competition of our college, and got the second prize.At that time, I was the study commissary in my class.When I got the competition inform, I informed all my classmates about this debate competition, and encouraged them to join.At the beginning, most students had no interests in it.So, I showed them some excellent debate competition videos, and it arouse a lot of students’ interests.About the team members, I organized a debate team instead of choosing four players as usual.In this team, everyone would compete for their post in order to find the most suitable player for that post.We simulated the match when we got our topic.And the outstanding players in the mimic match got the chance to take part in the competition, and others would be the alternates.Our players got a lot of experiences in the simulation match, and their debate level was greatly improved.I played many roles in our team during the debate competition.I not only encouraged our players before the competition, but also concluded our performances after it.Besides that, I also gave psychological guidance to some players.Yes, hard work pays off.At the efforts of all our debate members, we got the second prize of the debate competition our college.3.Describe a situation where you had to seek out relevant informationdefine key issues and decide on which steps to take to get the desired results.请详细描述一个情景,在这个情景中你必须搜集相关信息,划定关键点,并且决定依照哪些步骤能够达到所期望的结果。


In the last semester of junior year, I organized an experience exchange meeting with the seniors in my class.背景:我们面临继续深造、就业等人生重要决择,班里很多同学对未来感到迷惘。在这样的背景下,我联系到了毕业班的几个班长,表达了我想组织一场毕业生交流会的想法。

The back ground was that many of my classmates felt confused about whether to have further education or to go to work.So I contacted with several monitors of the senior classes, and told them my thought about holding an experience exchange meeting.关键点:首先将师兄师姐们的毕业去向进行分类,读研类、工作类,不同工作又进行了划分,如公务员类、老师、企业、创业等等。然后根据各个班长提供的信息,将其汇总,找出不同类别的典型代表。最后确定师兄师姐们的档期。

Key points: At first, I classified the seniors to two main kind: those will go to postgraduate school and those will go to work.And about the work, I gave another classification, such as civil servants, teachers, worker in the industry, those would start their own businesses, and so on.Then I summarized the information provided by the monitors, and found representatives in every classification.At last, I arranged the schedule of each senior.结果:各个领域的师兄师姐给我们作了详尽的报告,与全班同学进行了互动交流,让我们有了明确的发展方向。The results: Each senior presented a detailed report, and exchanged their opinions with all our classmates.At the end, all of us got some guidance and had a clearer direction about our future.4.Give an example of how you worked effectively with people to accomplish an important result.举例证明你可以和他人合作,共同实现一个重要目标。


During the Shenzhen Universiade, I was a volunteer in the concierge, which was a very important department to welcome the politicians, leaders of the universiade, and the players from various countries.The concierge is especially in this internationally sport event.I was very lucky to be one of the volunteers of the concierge.The receipt need the cooperation of the volunteers who greet guests, who receives guests and those company guests.Usually, we need to got the detailed information about the guest in a very short time before he come, and timely contacted with his companies about his schedule.In addition, we had to arrange the schedule of the Award Presenter to make sure that they would be present in time.When there were a lot of guests, the volunteers unoccupied needed to come to help to make sure that the receipt would be conducted in order.At the efforts of all volunteers of the concierge, we got a lot of praises from the leaders, and fully showed our youthful energy to foreign friends.5.Provide an example of how you acquired technical skills and converted them to practical application.举例说明你怎样获得一种技能,并将其转化为实践。


As mentioned in my resume, I love making PPT.At first, it was just an interest.Then, I often browsed some professional website of producing PPT, for example, 锐普,home of PPT resources.And I learnt a lot of knowledge about color blending, type setting, animation, pictures and tables, and so on, from some excellent PPT examples and some masters of producing PPT.These skills of making PPT made my notifications and broadcasts more attractive and vivid.During my postgraduate school, whether it was in the meetings of our research group or in some domestic professional meetings, my PPT made my report easier to understood and more vivid.

面试中的典型问题(中英对照) 篇2

所谓“参差对照”的写法, 张爱玲曾释之说:“我不喜欢壮烈, 我是喜欢悲壮, 更喜欢苍凉。壮烈只是力, 没有美, 似乎缺少人性。悲壮则如大红大绿的配色, 是一种强烈的对照。但它的刺激性还是大于启发性。苍凉之所以有更深长的回味, 就因为它像葱绿配桃红, 是一种参差的对照”, “我喜欢参差的对照的写法, 因为它是较近事实的”[1]p112) ;而把“各种不调和的地方背景, 时代气氛, 全是硬生生的掺糅在一起”即是“参差对照”的写法。《非典型公仆》采用了这种手法, 这主要表现在人物生存环境的建构和人物形象的处理、设置上。

蒙阳市作为人物活动的主要舞台, 是作者为人物精心设置的生存环境。作为一个紧邻K省、S省的边远山区县市, 在社会政治、经济和文化心理皆处于大转型的历史时期, 因为自身地域和文化等原因, 她表现出了其历史的特殊性。其一, 封闭、偏远的地理环境, 单一、落后的产业结构, 以及农业文化在几千年历史演变过程中积淀下来的封建思想和封建意识的残存, 如地方主义、宗派思想、排外思想、封建迷信等依旧残存, 影响并支配着人民的思想、情绪, 使这里好像是“朗朗阳光”下“高楼中照不进阳光的房间一样”, 成了改革开放大潮中的“暗角”;其二, 旧事物在衰亡中苟延残喘, 新事物在滋长中还迟疑踌躇, 社会主义性和封建性、现代意识和封建观念、都市文明和乡村情调, 既相互斗争又相互渗透, 使这一“暗角”在亦新亦旧、新旧交替中还有“开拓”和“创新”的可能;其三, 改革开放、发展创新等现代观念已逐渐进入蒙阳市人民、特别是为官为政者的思维和视野, 重建和创造新的政治经济秩序和文化秩序已进入政府和决策者的议程, 这就使蒙阳市这一“暗角”又进入了“黎明前的黑暗”这种关键性时期, 穿越了“黑暗”就是“光明”。

在这个新与旧、现代与传统、进步和保守相互斗争、相互交织的历史时期, 几千年来中国农业文化影响下形成的封闭、狭隘、落后、保守的文化思想观念依旧深深地影响着现代人, 特别是对现代农民的价值信念、人际关系和生活方式影响更为深刻, 其中最典型的表现是权力崇拜和官本位思想。如省委书记杜志尚的父亲, 作为一个老式的农民, 以为公社书记亲自为其女儿上门给儿子提亲, 便“欢喜得晕了头”, “喜滋滋地认为是杜家的祖坟冒了青烟了”[2] (p145) , 而断送了杜志尚和苏修娟的美好婚恋, 给二者造成终身遗憾。赵玉兰由寒山乡的党委书记提拔为市委常委、宣传部长、市委副书记后, 她的父亲也以为是自家的祖坟冒了青烟, 而要女儿朝数座祖坟“三叩九揖”[3] (p249) 。市长李沛远更为自己屈任二把手, 没有当上市委书记而一直耿耿于怀……虽然作者认为蒙阳市作为一个“照不进阳光的房间”是“纯属意外”[4] (p376) , 但蒙阳市所表现出的时代历史特点具有普遍性, 它表现了中国农村在改革开放时期背负着历史因袭包袱艰难前进的当下特点, 因此, 在一定意义上, 我们可以说, 它是中国农村的缩影, 是历史发展的明证。

作者就是用“参差对照”的手法, 把中国农村在改革开放时期的各种不协调的社会文化背景和时代情绪掺杂糅合在一起, 为我们勾画了一幅斑驳苍凉又绚丽壮伟的历史图景, 把中国农村改革开放的艰难与缓慢表现得极其真实而深刻。

在人物塑造上, 作品中除了阴险邪恶、权力欲强、善于玩弄阴谋诡计的曾广是个较“彻底”的人物外, 其他的人 (包括投机者赵玉兰) 都是些思想性格非常复杂的人物, 其中既没有“叱咤风云”、能“扭转乾坤”的英雄, 也没有“无恶不作”、“人性殆失”的恶人, 作者是用“参差对照”的写法把各种不同的品性掺合在每个人的身上, 表现和挖掘了人物思想、个性的丰富性和复杂性。

如市长李沛远, 他既勤劳肯干、正直廉朴, 又思想狭隘、观念落后。同前蒙阳市市委书记曾洁清相比, 他公正、廉洁, 而不贪污、腐败;同副市长赵平相比, 他稳重、节俭, 而不贪财好色;同赵玉兰相比, 他德才兼备、脚踏实地, 而不虚伪浮躁、装腔作势;同曾广相比, 他坦荡正直、敢作敢为, 而不搞歪门邪道、阴谋诡计;同市委书记宋谦相比, 他则更富有农村实际工作经验;他很少为自己和家庭打算, 几乎把自己所有的心力都投放在蒙阳市的政治经济建设工作中, 但这样一个有着君子的坦荡和公仆情怀的人, 又是一个有着较强的权势欲、并有着根深蒂固的地方主义和排外思想的人, 就是因为对没有当到市委书记的介怀, 也因为地方主义思想的作祟, 他一直无法突破自我和现实的局限, 把省委派来当市委书记的邵谦当作来“镀金”的“飞鸽牌”, 而不满邵谦、排斥邵谦, 最后与邵谦两败俱伤。

主人公邵谦, 他虽年轻有为、公道正派、任劳任怨、不计个人得失, 有“统揽驾驭全局的能力和魄力” (104) , 但作者也没有把他美化, 而写出了他作为年轻干部所具有的缺陷, 如书生气重、缺乏实际的农村工作经验等。其他的人物, 作者也没有把他们脸谱化、简单化。如作品的另一重要人物赵玉兰, 作为作者极力批判和贬斥的一个人物, 她世故老练、自私浮躁, 工于心计, 有极强的权力欲, 为了自己追求的目标可以不择手段、甚至鱼死网破。但作者没有把她“彻底化”, 而写出了她思想性格的复杂性。如她虽然虚伪浮躁、装腔作势, 但她又确实精明能干、思想敏捷, 并有着较强的外事能力。作者在作品中也曾借邵谦的嘴表达了他对赵玉兰能力的肯定, 如邵谦离职前曾对申少华、王天明、李华、厉志四人说“总的说来, 赵玉兰同志是不错的, 特别是在外部事务上, 她还是有一套的, 这点, 比我们在座的强……”。另如曾洁清, 他虽贪污腐败, 但他关心蒙阳, 对蒙阳有着很深的感情, 希望蒙阳“政治局面平稳, 经济上一年跨进一步”。

另如地委书记苏修杰, 作为一个“做官做学问都行”、“一切都恰到好处, 连做出的事也是恰到好处”的人, 在实际工作中却偏偏犯了主观主义和好大喜功的错误。如他不作任何深入的调查研究, 而是偏信一词, 粗暴、武断地批评任劳任怨、正直肯干的邵谦;利用李沛远给他做事;提拔重用浮躁、虚伪的赵玉兰, 严重地破坏了蒙阳市的党建工作;又不顾实际, 凭主观想象, 强行指令在全区下种“二百万亩烤烟生产”的计划, 结果捅了一个“天大的漏子”, 以致整个州城的财政差点全部陷死在烟上, 给州城的财政收入、经济发展及老百姓的利益带来严重的损失。省委副书记杜志尚, 虽工作和事业耗尽了他将近一生的精力和心血, 为人正直、重情重义, 但也有“任人唯亲”的思想缺陷, 如他对旧恋人的弟弟苏修杰的提拔、重用, 及苏修杰因种烤烟在经济上犯了严重错误时, 他又试图包庇, 把责任推到主管州城经济的行署专员肖平毅身上。

总之, “参差对照”手法的成功运用, 不动声色地抹去了故事和人物身上的浪漫色彩, 深入刻画了官场中人和人性的复杂, 真实描述了当代农村的意识形态, 给作品增添了无穷魅力。


[1]张爱玲.张爱玲散文全编[M].杭州:浙江文艺出版社, 1992.

对照先进典型身边榜样存问题 篇3


一、认识体会 **先进同志,一生致力于马克思主义中国化、中国特色社会主义理论体系、中共党史、毛泽东思想、共产国际与中国革命关系研究工作,为国家为社会作出了卓越贡献。他把一生都献给了研究和宣传马克思主义的伟大事业;作为一名勤奋创新的学者,他是中共党史学科的一面旗帜,他把创新作为学术研究的不懈追求,潜心探索,精益求精;作为一名默默耕耘的园丁,他坚守在教学一线,为人师表,甘当人梯,把自己的所思、所学、所想、所研、所得传授给每一个学生。他用毕生的实践诠释了马克思主义真理的伟大,彰显了一名马克思主义者的高尚情操。他留下的不只是宝贵的真理和知识,更有不竭的精神财富,他信念坚定,追求执着,学识广博,人格高尚,把个人融入时代,把研究融入生命,把创新融入学术,锲而不舍,驰而不息。这是一名党员毕生的追求,也是我毕生的追求。


本人对照**先进同志先进事迹,对个人存在的问题进行了深度查找,发现主要存在以下问题:(一)在胸怀理想、信仰坚定的执着追求方面 虽然能够坚定理想信念,将实现共产主义作为毕生追求,自觉在思想上行动上同以习近平同志为核心的党中央保持高度一致,在大是大非面前立场坚定,但政治敏锐性和鉴别力还是不够强,还没有始终做到把强化理想信念教育贯穿于日常工作中,存在抓思想不如抓工作、抓修养不如抓行动的认识偏差,导致对党员身份的荣誉感、责任感有所下降,还没有将理想信念的坚定性,完全体现在做好本职工作的过程中。

(二)在牢记宗旨、心系群众的人民情怀方面 工作调研不够深入,由于资源方方面面事务较多,涉及的范围地域较广,有时只是象征性在基层林场进行了一些基本的调研,调研的全面性、深入性和广泛性还不够,对广大职工群众的实际情况和需求,存在的问题和愿望,自己直接面对和了解得不多、不透、不深、不广。因此,工作中对问题的思考和决策,自然就会不全面、不及时。

(三)在矢志不渝、担当拼搏的奋斗精神方面 能够积极开动脑筋、奋发进取,发挥主观能动性,在思想和行动上努力做到“在其位、谋其政、负其责”,但担当精神还需要进一步


(四)在与时俱进、勇于开拓的创新精神方面 工作中遇事总想尽快解决,工作急迫有时不能按规定按流程去请示,不愿花精力去学习新知识、运用新办法,因此,对新形势、新情况、新问题不能全面理解和把握,工作成效也就打了折扣。精神状态有时存在安于现状的现象,对一些工作求稳怕乱,缺乏攻坚克难的精神和敢为人先的拼劲。

三、存在问题的原因分析 对于以上存在的问题,本人非常重视,对照存在的问题进行了深刻的党性分析和全方位透视,认真剖析问题产生的根源,虽然存在一定的客观原因,但主要是主观原因造成的,具体表现在以下四个方面: 一是学习深度不强。学习的自觉性、主动性和深度不强,对理论知识的学习没有引起足够的重视,只满足完成本职工作,总以为这些高新知识是上面的事,上面怎么说就怎么干,被动地去学习,而没有自觉地去学习,理解性地学习。通过近期对党的十九大精神和习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的深入学习,使我的思想境界再一次有





四、整改措施和努力方向 对于本次组织生活会查摆出的不足之处和问题根源,本人进行了认真梳理分析和仔细研究,下一步我将努力做到:




典型面试问题的实用 篇4


There are different types of interview question:

1.Why do you want this job questions, such as:

“Why did you choose to work in this industry?”

“Why are you leaving your current job?”

“What are your key concerns about accepting a position in this company?”





2.Questions about your last job, such as:

“What did you learn from your last job?”

“Tell me about your responsibilities in your last job”

“What did you like most about your last job?





3.Questions about you, such as:

“What are your career goals?”

“Do you have a role model?”

“If you had five million dollars, how would you spend it?”





4.Questions about your life, such as:

“Which of your accomplishments are you most proud of?”

“What are three key moments from the last five years and why”“How have your life experiences changed you?”




5.Questions about your aptitude, such as:

“Are you prepared torelocate?”

“What differentiates you from other candidates for this position?”“Why are you right for this job?”





6.Questions about your personal style, such as:

“How do you motivate yourself?”

“What is your leadership style?”

“What do you do when you disagree with colleagues?”





7.Questions about your aspirations, such as:

“What position would you most want in this organisation?”

“What would be your ideal career;if money were not an issue?”

“What experiences are you looking for?”





8.Questions about your weaknesses, such as:

“Tell me about a mistake you made at work?”

“What did you learn from this mistake?”

“How you cope with setbacks?”






Let’s now look at a model answer for a typical question from each section:


Type 1: “Why did you decide to seek a position in this company?”


“You are a top company and I am convinced there would be no better place to work.You provide your employees with an open working environment based on team work.”


Type 2: “Why did you leave your last job?”

(Hint: Don’t lie and don’t speak badly of your past employer)

“I felt there was a lack of potential for upward mobility, I needed a more challenging job”




Type 3: “How would you describe your ability to work in a team?”

As part of my college basketball team I learned we must work together.My individual training in the gym contributed to the team’s overall success.I like a mix, with a group I get the group input, but some projects are done better if just one person is working on them”




Type 4: “What skills have you developed in your previous roles?”

“During my internship I worked for a few days in each of the departments of a company.This gave me a great insight into management techniques and how a big organisation works”



Type 5: “Would you be willing to travel in this job?”

“I understand that in order to build a good long term relationship with our customers it sometimes necessary to travel.I am more than willing to do this”



Type 6: “Describe your leadership skills?”

“It is important to take everyone’s opinion into account and give them the opportunity to excel.My role, as I see it, is organise and get things in order”



Type 7: “What suggestions do you have for our organisation?”

“Looking at your website, and comparing it with those of your competitors, I think you should streamline the site and emphasis the recent upgrades to your products”



Type 8: What’s the biggest mistake you’ve made?”

“Taking for granted the huge sacrifices my parents made, so that I could succeed.I now do everything I can to make them proud of me”



Key concerns(noun)Most important problems or issues

Career goals(noun)Job objectives, what you want in the future from your work

Role model(noun)Someone regarded by others as a good person to follow

Aptitude(noun)Talent, natural ability

Relocate(verb)Move to a new place

Differentiates(verb)Marks as different

Aspirations(noun)Hopes, ambitions

Cope(verb)Deal with successfully, manage

Setbacks(noun)Unfortunate happenings that stop your progress, disappointments

Open working environment(noun)Workplace with a relaxed and easy going environment

面试中的典型问题(中英对照) 篇5

团结谋安全 合作促发展

Solidarity for Security and Cooperation for Development


– Remarks by Foreign Minister Wang Yi at the Fifth Ministerial Conference of the Heart of

Asia-Istanbul Process

2015年12月9日,伊斯兰堡 Islamabad, 9 December 2015


Your Excellency Sartaj Aziz, Adviser to the Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs, Your Excellency Salahuddin Rabbani, Foreign Minister of Afghanistan, Colleagues, Friends,大家上午好!首先我愿代表中方向巴方成功筹办阿富汗问题伊斯坦布尔进程第五次外长会表示祝贺。我们认真听取了谢里夫总理和加尼总统两位领导人的致辞,对加尼总统专程来巴出席会议表示赞赏和欢迎。

Good Morning.Let me begin by congratulating Pakistan on the successful opening of the Fifth Ministerial Conference of the Heart of Asia-Istanbul Process.We listened carefully to the statements by Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and President Ashraf Ghani.And we welcome and appreciate President Ghani coming to Pakistan for this conference.本次外长会上,我们将围绕“强化合作,应对安全威胁,促进经济互联互通”开展协商,凝聚共识,相信将为伊斯坦布尔进程注入新的动力。

In our discussions, we will focus on the theme of “Enhanced Cooperation for Countering Security Threats and Promoting Connectivity in the Heart of Asia Region” to pool consensus and inject fresh impetus to the Istanbul Process.各位朋友,Friends,过去一年来在加尼总统、阿卜杜拉首席执政官领导下,阿富汗民族团结政府在各领域取得积极进展,相信国际社会都会给予充分肯定。在巴基斯坦、中国的协助及美国的参与下,阿政府同塔利班举行首轮和谈,是今年阿富汗国内和解最有积极意义的进展。另一方面,阿富汗仍未摆脱武装冲突、恐怖主义、毒品泛滥等问题的困扰,国内和解进程也未能持续进行,实现国泰民安仍然任重道远。鉴于当前阿富汗面临的局势,中方呼吁各方应重点在以下几方面加强合作:

Over the past year, under the leadership of President Ghani and Chief Executive Officer Abdullah, the Afghan national unity government has made positive progress in various fields, which is well recognized by the international community.With the support of Pakistan and China and participation of the United States, the first round of peace talks was held between the Afghan government and the Taliban, which marks the most meaningful step forward in the national reconciliation process this year.That said, Afghanistan is yet to be free from armed conflicts, terrorism and drug problems and the momentum for reconciliation has not been sustained.It remains a long-term and arduous task for the country to realize prosperity and security.Given the current situation facing Afghanistan, China calls for enhanced cooperation in the following key areas.一是加大对阿富汗和平重建的帮助和支持。国际社会要在尊重阿富汗主权、独立与领土完整基础上,切实履行援阿承诺,帮助阿富汗增强自我发展和维护自身安全的能力,逐步实现阿富汗安全与发展的良性循环。

First, intensify assistance and support for peace and reconstruction in Afghanistan.While respecting its sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity, the international community should honor assistance commitments and help Afghanistan strengthen its capacity for pursuing development and security, with a view to gradually achieving a positive cycle of security and development.二是坚定支持阿富汗国内和解进程。中方呼吁阿富汗国内各派以国家和人民利益为重,早日重启和谈。进程各成员方尤其是曾经为此付出努力的国家应继续为阿政府与塔利班恢复和谈创造条件,提供支持与帮助。

Second, firmly support the national reconciliation process.China calls on all groups in Afghanistan to resume peace talks at an early date in the interest of the country and people.The Heart of Asia countries, in particular those who have made efforts before, need to continue to create conditions and provide support and help for the resumption of peace talks between the Afghan government and the Taliban.三是增强阿富汗自主发展能力。应帮助阿富汗充分发挥自身优势,重点在基础设施建设、矿产资源开发、人力资源培训等领域提供支持,促进阿富汗增强可持续发展能力。

Third, strengthen Afghanistan’s capacity for independent development.It is important to help Afghanistan fully harness its advantages with priority given to areas such as infrastructure, mineral resources development and human resources training so as to equip Afghanistan with greater capacity for sustainable development.四是就地区安全合作形成合力。地区国家和国际社会应坚持共同、综合、合作和可持续的安全观,支持阿政府加强安全能力建设,加强反恐信息交流及边境管控,共同打击跨国犯罪、走私毒品等活动。

Fourth, form synergy in regional security cooperation.Countries in the region and the international community need to commit to common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security, support the Afghan government in capacity building, step up counter-terrorism intelligence sharing and border control and jointly combat cross-border crimes and drug trafficking.五是深化地区互联互通与经济融合。国际社会应在交通基础设施、投资贸易、市场、关税等方面给予阿富汗支持与便利。中方欢迎阿富汗及本进程国家积极参与丝绸之路经济带倡议,支持阿富汗早日融入地区发展大潮。

Fifth, deepen regional connectivity and economic integration.The international community need to provide support and facilitation to Afghanistan on transportation infrastructure, investment, trade, market and tariff.China welcomes active participation by Afghanistan and other Heart of Asia countries in the Silk Road Economic Belt initiative and supports early integration of Afghanistan in regional development.各位朋友,Friends,作为阿富汗的邻国和阿富汗人民的好朋友,中方一直坚定支持阿富汗维护国家独立、主权和领土完整的事业,支持阿富汗寻求符合自身国情和人民意愿的发展道路,支持阿富汗推进和平与重建进程。中方一直以自己的方式,根据阿富汗的实际需要,向阿富汗提供支持和帮助。

As a neighbor of Afghanistan and good friend of the Afghan people, China supports Afghanistan in safeguarding its national independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity, in seeking a development path in light of its own conditions and the will of its people and in advancing the peace and reconstruction process.China has provided, in its own way, support and help to Afghanistan as it needs.——中方坚定支持阿富汗和平重建。最新的举措是,中方同意将5亿元人民币无偿援助用于帮助阿富汗建设居民住房。为应对近期地震灾害,中方第一时间向阿方提供了人道主义救援物资和紧急现汇援助。中方还派团赴阿实地调研,就帮助阿方制定国家基础设施发展规划进行对接,建议优先选择交通、水资源、可再生能源3个领域编制专项规划。

– China firmly supports peace and reconstruction in Afghanistan.As the latest step, China has decided to allocate RMB500 million yuan of free assistance for public housing project in Afghanistan.In the wake of recent earthquakes, China acted promptly to provide humanitarian supplies and emergency assistance in cash.A Chinese delegation has visited Afghanistan for discussions on its future national infrastructure development plan and has proposed to prioritize plans for transportation, water resources and renewable energy.——中方坚定支持“阿人所有,阿人主导”的包容性政治和解进程,愿与巴基斯坦以及美国等有意愿的国家一道,在尊重阿富汗主权和各派意愿基础上,继续为阿和解进程发挥建设性作用,为重启和谈搭建平台,提供便利。

– China firmly supports the “Afghan-owned and Afghan-led” inclusive political reconciliation process.We will work with Pakistan and interested countries like the United States to continue to play a constructive role in the reconciliation process on the basis of respecting Afghanistan’s sovereignty and the will of all groups, and provide the avenue for and facilitate the resumption of peace talks.——中方积极参与涉阿国际地区协调与合作。我们支持伊斯坦布尔进程框架下的建立信任措施合作。去年北京外长会上,中方承诺在反恐、禁毒和灾害管理3个领域举办培训班。上述项目均已成功举办,效果良好。中方计划于明年再举办有关区域合作研讨会,探讨深化地区互联互通和经贸合作;举办减灾救灾研修班,增强地区国家应对自然灾害能力;组织接待“一带一路”参访团,赴中国有关省区实地踏访,探讨合作机遇。中方将全力实施好上述项目,欢迎“亚洲中心地区”国家积极派员参与。

– China takes an active part in Afghanistan-related regional and international coordination and cooperation.We support cooperation on confidence-building measures under the framework of the Istanbul Process.As announced at last year’s Ministerial Conference in Beijing, China has hosted training programs on counter-terrorism, anti-narcotics and disaster management, which have delivered good results.As for next year, China plans to hold workshops to discuss further regional cooperation on connectivity and business, host training programs on disaster relief and reduction to strengthen the resilience of the region against natural disasters and organize field trips to provinces and regions in China to explore cooperation opportunities under the “Belt and Road” initiative.China will make every effort to ensure the success of these programs and looks forward to active participation by the Heart of Asia countries.为使伊斯坦布尔进程的各项合作更加务实有效,中方建议阿富汗作为总牵头国协调、推动6大领域项目进展,各牵头国应及时汇总项目落实情况并提交高官会审议,由高官会向外长会报告。我们同时呼吁各支持国和国际组织在资金、技术和人力资源等方面为合作项目提供切实和充分支持。我们也支持本进程同上海合作组织等现有国际地区机制加强协调与合作。

To ensure that cooperation under the Istanbul Process is well-targeted and effective, China suggests that Afghanistan be the chief lead country for projects in all six priority areas and various lead countries be responsible for timely updates on the implementation, which would be reviewed by the Senior Officials’ Meeting and reported to the Ministerial Conference.We also call on supporting countries and international organizations to provide concrete and strong support to relevant projects in terms of capital, technology and human resources.We also support closer coordination and cooperation between the Istanbul Process and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and other existing regional and international mechanisms.——中方积极推动各类小多边合作。中美两国已连续4年联合举办阿富汗外交官培训班,并成功实施首轮阿富汗农业技术人员联合培训项目。首轮阿富汗医护人员联合培训项目正在进行中。中美阿在今年联大期间共同举办阿富汗区域经济合作会议。上述合作成为中阿双边合作的重要补充。

– China vigorously promotes mini-lateral cooperation.China and the United States have co-hosted training programs for Afghan diplomats for four consecutive years and successfully completed the first joint training program for Afghan agro-technology professionals.The first round of joint training for Afghan medical personnel is under way.On the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly this year, China, the United States and Afghanistan jointly held a regional economic cooperation conference.Such cooperation has become important complement to China-Afghanistan bilateral cooperation.各位朋友,Friends,在安全与发展问题上,我们与阿富汗利益攸关、荣损与共。中方愿同国际社会一道,为促进阿富汗及本地区实现持久安全、普遍繁荣作出不懈努力。再次祝愿本次外长会取得圆满成功。

We all have stakes in security and development of Afghanistan.China will, together with the international community, make tireless efforts for enduring security and common prosperity in Afghanistan and the wider region.I wish this Ministerial Conference a complete success.谢谢大家。
