


八上历史基础训练答案 篇1



B.英国、美国 C.英国、俄国 D.美国、俄国 2.19世纪70年代,英俄承认阿古柏伪政权并与阿古柏签订商约,其目的是()A.通过支持阿古柏,进而控制新疆 B.使阿古柏政权称臣 C.利用阿古柏与清军抗衡

D.英、俄在争夺新疆过程中妥协 3.19世纪70年代,直接出兵侵占我国伊犁地区的国家是()A.英国 B.日本 C.俄国 D.美国 4.19世纪70年代,率清军收复新疆的爱国将领是()A.林则徐 B.洪秀全 C.左宗棠 D.曾纪泽


A.清军平定回部叛乱 B.左宗棠率军收复新疆 C.清政府镇压葛尔丹叛乱 D.邓世昌血洒黄海 6.19世纪70年代,西北形势严峻,东南警报频传,清政府内部主张“海防”、“塞防”并重,力主收复新疆的是()

A.李鸿章 B.左宗棠 C.林则徐 D.王文韶 7.“重新疆者,所以保蒙古,保蒙古者,所以卫京师。”这段材料表达的主要思想是()



C.主张放弃西北塞防 D.中国西北边疆形势严峻 8.左宗棠1878年未收复的地区是()

A.乌鲁木齐 B.吐鲁番

C.伊犁 D.喀什噶尔

9.清政府收复新疆后,为了加强西北边疆的管理,1884年,在新疆设立了()A.驻藏大臣 B.行中书省 C.宣政司 D.行省

10.下列叙述中能反映19世纪70年代左宗棠的事迹的有()①进军新疆,打败阿古柏侵略军 ② 率兵收回伊犁 ③ 收复新疆(除伊犁外)④ 设立新疆行省 A.①② B.②④ C.③④ D.①③ 11.下列发生在新疆的重大事件,按时间先后顺序排列正确的是()①阿古柏率兵入侵新疆②沙俄出兵占领伊犁地区③中俄签约,中国收回伊犁④清政府在新疆设立行省

A.①②③④ B.②③④① C.①③②④ D.①②④③ 12.下列为收复新疆做出重要贡献的爱国人物有:()①林则徐②左宗棠③洪秀全④曾纪泽

A.①② B.③④ C.②④ D.①③

二、列举题: 13.列举本课提到的新疆地区的几个重要的城市或地区。其中曾被阿古柏政府侵占的地方和被沙皇俄国侵占的地方都分别是哪里?





左宗棠 曾纪泽


















1.C 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.B 6.B 7.A 8.C 9.D 10.D

11.A 12.C 13.共四个地方:喀什噶尔、乌鲁木齐,吐鲁番、伊犁。其中被阿古柏侵占的地方是喀什噶尔、乌鲁木齐,吐鲁番。其中被俄国侵占的地方是伊犁。







八上历史基础训练答案 篇2

一、盯住目标, 把准方向

目标是复习的方向和指针, 高三复习的方向就是提高学生的高考应试能力, 而高考出题的依据是历史课程标准和考试大纲, 这就是我们要盯住的目标。因此根据课程标准和考试大纲来界定知识和能力并实施教学是科学和准确的, 它能使我们对每节课、每个专题的重点内容和涉及的具体能力要求一目了然, 从而把准复习大方向。例如在复习人民版高中历史必修一《中国早期政治制度的特点》一课时, 课标要求“了解宗法制和分封制的基本内容, 认识中国早期政治制度的特点”, 从中可知本节课需掌握的主干知识是“宗法制和分封制”。通过对主干知识的深化理解, 分析归纳出“中国早期政治制度的特点”, 进而达到基本能力的培养目标。教学中适当补充一些关于宗法制以血缘为纽带, 以嫡长子继承为核心对中华民族产生深远影响的情境材料, 渗透三维目标的培养要求, 即可达到较好的教学效果。

二、多管齐下, 夯实基础

近年来福建省高考历史试题, 较大地提高了历史学科能力考查的层次, 着力加大历史思维能力的考查力度, 降低了“再认、再现重要历史事实”的题量和分值, 但千万不能以为掌握历史基础知识已经不太重要, 否则会吃大亏的。历史基础知识实际上包括教材涉及的历史事实、历史概念、历史结论、历史现象、历史人物及其主要活动、历史事件及其基本线索和发展过程等在内。只有准确理解、深刻挖掘其内涵, 才能真正掌握历史基础知识, 为能力的形成和提高奠定基础。我在指导学生梳理、整合知识的过程中, 因生而异, 因课而异, 因材施教, 灵活应对, 取得明显成效。

首先, 要重视指导学生读书, 把书读好、读透、读精。学会读目录、课文、地图、插图、年表、题目, 提高阅读能力, 做到准确、快速地提炼有效信息;教师重点讲线索、阶段特征、结构、历史概念, 并以近年高考题中的典型试题做示范, 让学生学着去分析、挖掘、整理。其次, 借助学案提高复习效率。要求学生在课前把某节课或某个专题主干知识的整理作为自己预习的依据, 在课堂上直接提问检验学生的完成情况, 或者在课堂上师生共同梳理和完成等形式, 可以提高学生自主学习的主动性、针对性, 使知识清晰地呈现在学生面前, 大大提高学生的学习效率, 有效节省课堂的时间。再次, 使用设计问题讨论法引导学生准确记忆知识要点, 理清知识内在联系。此方法是直接将书本中的某节课或某个专题知识进行问题化设计, 学生针对问题进行思考, 展开小组讨论。这种方法的好处是最大限度地调动了学生学习的积极性, 使学生的各种思想得以充分交流, 学习历史的自信心得以增强, 学习的兴趣也得到提高。

三、纵横拓展, 有效整合

作为一轮复习, 教师在引导学生准确掌握、理解历史知识的同时, 要拓宽主干历史知识, 进行适度的纵横联系, 构建起系统完整的历史知识网络十分必要。教师要认真备课, 找好联系的切入点, 引领学生思考、联系, 全面地认识历史事件的本质。

要加强历史主干知识的纵向联系。如在复习“封建专制主义中央集权制度的演变”时, 教师可引领学生提炼出这一制度在2000多年发展过程中形成的七个时期即萌芽 (战国) 、形成 (秦朝) 、巩固 (汉朝) 、完善 (隋唐) 、加强 (宋朝) 、发展 (元朝) 、强化及终结 (明清) 的发展演变及阶段特征, 再从中央和地方机构的变化史实来印证上述阶段特征。通过这样的联系, 学生不仅可以加深对这一重要史实的理解, 而且可以进一步弄清历史事件的内在联系。在此基础上, 教师启发学生结合相关史实思考这一制度演变发展过程中出现的两个趋势:弱相权, 强皇权;弱地方, 强中央。最后, 引导学生得出该制度的特点及实质。

要加强历史主干知识的横向联系。古今中外的历史在政治、经济、文化等方面有很多相关联的知识点, 通过纵向联系提升学生的比较问题能力, 深化学生对历史知识内涵的理解, 拓展历史知识的外延, 对培养学生的历史学科基本能力很有帮助。如在复习必修一第六单元“现代中国的政治建设与祖国统一”时, 应把人民代表大会制和西方资产阶级代议制度进行比较分析, 找出两者的联系与区别。在这一过程中教师应注重对学生学习方法的指导与比较分析能力的提升, 进而提高学生的历史学科素养。

要注意历史知识的延伸与拓展。近年来福建省高考历史试题比较注重对文史常识的考查, 目的主要是考核文科学生的人文素养和历史知识面。如2009年高考福建文综卷第13题考查公元纪年法“对时间段的界定”, 2010年高考福建文综卷第13题考查艺术素养“书法的类型”, 2011年高考全国文综大纲卷第12题考查文史常识“中国古代四部分类著录图书的原则”, 2013年高考福建文综卷第13题考查史地常识“万事俱备, 只欠东风”等。此类题目看似容易, 但考生得分率并不高, 其主要原因是学生知识面窄, 因此教师在复习过程中有必要对一些历史知识进行补充和拓展。我在一次回答学生提问“为什么在不同历史阶段关于历史时间的表述有很大不同, 有距今多少年、公元前多少年、民国多少年、辛亥年、贞观多少年”等问题时, 专门介绍了几种纪年法及计算方法:干支纪年法 (尾数定天干, 余数定地支) 、皇帝年号纪年法、民国纪年法、公元纪年法, 另外, 还介绍了谥号 (后人对皇帝的评价, 如汉文帝) 、庙号 (皇帝死后在家族内的排位称号, 如唐高祖) 等。

四、精选精炼, 提升能力

一轮复习时教师要根据学生的具体情况和近年高考的命题趋势, 精心选题, 组合练习试卷, 加强对学生学科能力的训练。选题首选历年的高考题、省市质检题, 要选对某一类专题有“范例”意义的试题, 还要选与重大历史事件、历史概念、文史地常识等相关的试题。通过例题点评、练习训练和考试检测等形式, 了解学生知识掌握程度和存在的不足, 对各类试题进行及时评讲, 规范答题格式和专业术语, 帮助学生总结解题规律, 掌握分析问题的方法和解决问题的途径, 既能使学生及时发现知识缺漏, 提高学生的解题速度和准确度, 又能有效地提高学生的应试能力。教师要加强审题和解题方法的研究和指导, 在平时讲课、训练和测试讲评中, 有意识地指导学生养成良好的审题习惯, 熟练地掌握各种题型的应对策略, 逐步提高学生运用辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义的基本观点正确解释历史现象和本质, 全面分析历史事件的原因和结果, 准确表述历史概念以及判断是非的能力。

8年级地理基础训练答案 篇3

预习起航 自主梳理

一、1、(1)大;低 (2)青藏高原;高温;小;秦岭;淮河 2、(1)积温 (2)寒温;中温;暖温;亚热;热; 高原气候;亚热;暖温

二、1、(1)多;少;多;少;东南沿海; 西北内陆 (2)多;少;大 2、(1)干湿 (2)湿润区、半湿润区、半干旱区、干旱区


我国冬季南北温差大的因素:纬度因素;冬季风。 影响我国降水分布的因素:海陆位置影响降水空间分布规律;夏季风影响降水时间分布规律。


同类变式 D 演练巡航 基础自测 1、2、3、4、5、 CCBAA 6、7、8、9、10、 BDCBA 11、12、13、// BBC//

能力提升 14、(1)B;D (2)16~24;-40~-32;48~64 (3)东西 (4)A (5)南北温差大;越往北气温越低 15、(1)分布不均,南多北少,东多西少,从东南沿海向西北内陆递减 (2)800;半湿润 (3)400;干旱


预习起航 自主梳理

一、1、(1)辽阔;大;高低悬殊;多样 (2)①季风;热带季风;亚热带季风; 温带季风;②温带大陆性; ③高原山地气候 2、(1)季风;旱涝 (2)①东南;西南;太平;印度; 温暖湿润; ②西北;东北;亚欧大陆内部; 寒冷干燥;东南;西北

二、1、大;低 2、多;小;少;大 3、低;少雨 自主思考 有利影响:世界绝大多数农作物、动植物都能在我国找到适合生长的地区; 形成不同的自然景观和旅游资源。 不利影响:高原、干旱气候区不利于农业发展。

名师导航 典型赏析 D 同类变式 B

演练巡航 基础自测 1、2、3、4、 BCAD 5、6、7、8、 ADDC 9、10、11、12、 DDBC 能力提升 13、(1)BD (2)夏季高温少雨,冬季温和多雨 14、(1)夏;太平;印度;温暖湿润 (2)C (3)夏秋;东南沿海;西北内陆 15、(1)三;季风 (2)热带季风;海南 (3)高原山地 (4)亚热带季风 (5)秦岭一淮河 16、(1)逐渐降低;纬度 (2)地形 (3)C (4)由东南向西北递减


预习起航 自主梳理 一、1、(1)海洋;长江、黄河、珠江;怒江、 雅鲁藏布江;额尔齐斯河 (2)小;低;大;高;长;大;小;无; 短;小;大;有 (3)东部 2、(1)塔里木河 (2)高山积学融水;三地降水;大;大;小 (3)西北 自主思考 ①流量:外流河流量较大,内流河流量较小且流量日变化明显; ②河流补给形式:外流河大气降水补给为主,高山冰雪融水补给为主; ③注人海洋与否:外流河注入海洋,内流河不注入海洋; ④外流河多而长。内流河少而短且多为季节性河流。

名师导航 同类变式 B 演练巡航 基础自测 1、2、3、4、 DDCC 5、6、7、8、 AADD 9、10、11、/ DDB/

八上寒假作业答案译林 篇4

一、单项选择()1.---_______ is your father?---he?s fine a.how old b.how c.what d.who()2.---boys and girls, please sit down.----____________________.a.that?s ok b.no.stand up c.thank you d.that?s all right()3.mum, _________ my friend jane.a.this?s b.it is c.this is d.he is()4._______are in the same class.a.you, he and i b.i, you and he c.you, i and he d.he, you and i()5.there _______ a pen and two rubbers in the pencil box.a.am b.is c.are d.be()6.what does she look like? she has ________________.a.a long hair b.many long hairs c.long hair d.long hairs()7.--what?s this ?--it?s _______.---what color is it?---it?s __________.a.orange, an orange

b.an orange, an orange

c.orange, orange d.an orange, orange()8.— where ________ millie and lucy ________? — england.d.are;from()9.jim, ________ play ________ in the street.it?s dangerous.a.doesn?t, football b.doesn?t, the football c.don?t, football d.don?t, the football c.no, i don?t think so d.yes, i?d love to.二、完型填空

sally and tom are from england but now they live in nanjing.they study at no.1 middle school.they are in the same grade, but in different their classes begin eight a.m.they have chinese, maths and english lessons in the morning.in the afternoon they have some lessons like art, music and p.e.they can english very well, but they aren?t at chinese.miss yang, their chinese teacher often helps them their chinese.they study hard at their lessons.they both like chinese culture(文化).sally likes chinese drawing and tom enjoys chinese music.after school they often their classmates.their classmates are friendly to them.they say they learn from their teachers and classmates at school.they love their teachers and classmates.they also love their()1.()2.()3.()4.()5.()6.()7.a.classes

a.in a.others a.speak a.bad a.in a.listening b.schools b.at b.else b.talk b.well b.with b.hearing c.lessons c.on c.other c.say c.good c.about c.listening to d.subjects d.of d.other?s d.tell d.nice d.on d.hearing from()8.()9.()10.三、阅读理解

a.play a.a lot a.home b.chat b.a lot of b.family c.talk c.many c.school d.play with d.lots of d.clothes a a.cheap b.good c.exciting d.famous()2.how many times do i play basketball every week? a.five b.three c.four d.six()3.i often play basketball _________.a.with my parents b.with my friends c.with my cousins d.myself()4.why do i like basketball? a.because it?s cheap b.because it?s good for health c.because the nba stars play very well d.a, b and c()5.the beat title for the passage is _________.a.basketball player b.my favourite sport c.basketball star d.my favourite basketball star b li ping gets up early on weekdays, because he must go to school before 7:30.on saturday and sunday, he doesn?t go to school, so he doesn?t get up early.he goes to the drawing club at 9:00 on saturday mornings.he usually goes to the bookshop on saturday afternoons, and after supper he watches tv until(直到)midnight.a.every day.b.five days a week.c.only at the weekend.d.every day except on sundays.()7.what does li ping do on sunday mornings? a.he goes to have lessons.b.he watches tv.c.he goes to the bookshop.d.he goes to a club.()8.when does li ping do his weekend homework? a.on sunday evenings.b.on sunday mornings.c.on saturday evenings.d.on sunday afternoons.()9.why does li ping have lunch in kfc on sundays? a.because he?s too busy.b.because his parents aren?t at home.c.because he gets up too late.d.because his parents have lunch in kfc.()10.which of these is not right? a.li ping doesn?t exercise on sundays.b.li ping watches tv after supper on saturdays.c.li ping watches too much tv on saturdays and sundays.d.li ping goes to bed late on saturday and sunday evenings.四、任务型阅读(共l0空;每空l分,计l0分)阅读下列短文,根据短文中的信息完成文后表格。(每空一词)hi!do you know the three children? they are in a happy family.xiao xue is a helpful girl.she is beautiful.she likes study.she studies very hard.she gets up early and finishes her breakfast quickly.then she goes to school by bike.liu xing is a little lazy.he gets up late and then washes his face, brushes his teeth in a hurry.then he goes to the bus stop without breakfast.he usually plays basketball after school.in the evening, he seldom does homework.he goes to bed late.xiao yu is a lovely boy.he gets up very slowly and then he usually takes a shower before breakfast.he goes to school in his father?s car.he likes watching tv in the evening.篇二:新译林 七年级上英语寒假作业(8份)七年级英语寒假作业一

一、单项选择()1.---_______ is your father?---he?s fine a.how old b.how c.what d.who()2.---boys and girls, please sit down.----____________________.a.that?s ok b.no.stand up c.thank you d.that?s all right()3.mum, _________ my friend jane.a.this?s b.it is c.this is d.he is()4._______are in the same class.a.you, he and i b.i, you and he c.you, i and he d.he, you and i()5.there _______ a pen and two rubbers in the pencil box.a.am b.is c.are d.be()6.what does she look like? she has ________________.a.a long hair b.many long hairs c.long hair d.long hairs()7.--what?s this ?--it?s _______.---what color is it?---it?s __________.a.orange, an orange

b.an orange, an orange

c.orange, orange d.an orange, orange()8.— where ________ millie and lucy ________? — england.d.are;from()9.jim, ________ play ________ in the street.it?s dangerous.a.doesn?t, football b.doesn?t, the football c.don?t, football d.don?t, the football c.no, i don?t think so d.yes, i?d love to.二、完型填空

sally and tom are from england but now they live in nanjing.they study at no.1 middle school.they are in the same grade, but in different their classes begin eight a.m.they have chinese, maths and english lessons in the morning.in the afternoon they have some lessons like art, music and p.e.they can english very well, but they aren?t at chinese.miss yang, their chinese teacher often helps them their chinese.they study hard at their lessons.they both like chinese culture(文化).sally likes chinese drawing and tom enjoys chinese music.after school they often their classmates.their classmates are friendly to them.they say they learn from their teachers and classmates at school.they love their teachers and classmates.they also love their()1.()2.()3.()4.()5.()6.()7.a.classes

a.in a.others a.speak a.bad a.in a.listening b.schools b.at b.else b.talk b.well b.with b.hearing c.lessons c.on c.other c.say c.good c.about c.listening to d.subjects d.of d.other?s d.tell d.nice d.on d.hearing from()8.()9.()10.三、阅读理解

a.play a.a lot a.home b.chat b.a lot of b.family c.talk c.many c.school d.play with d.lots of d.clothes a a.cheap b.good c.exciting d.famous()2.how many times do i play basketball every week? a.five b.three c.four d.six()3.i often play basketball _________.a.with my parents b.with my friends c.with my cousins d.myself()4.why do i like basketball? a.because it?s cheap b.because it?s good for health c.because the nba stars play very well d.a, b and c()5.the beat title for the passage is _________.a.basketball player b.my favourite sport c.basketball star d.my favourite basketball star b li ping gets up early on weekdays, because he must go to school before 7:30.on saturday and sunday, he doesn?t go to school, so he doesn?t get up early.he goes to the drawing club at 9:00 on saturday mornings.he usually goes to the bookshop on saturday afternoons, and after supper he watches tv until(直到)midnight.a.every day.b.five days a week.c.only at the weekend.d.every day except on sundays.()7.what does li ping do on sunday mornings? a.he goes to have lessons.b.he watches tv.c.he goes to the bookshop.d.he goes to a club.()8.when does li ping do his weekend homework? a.on sunday evenings.b.on sunday mornings.c.on saturday evenings.d.on sunday afternoons.()9.why does li ping have lunch in kfc on sundays? a.because he?s too busy.b.because his parents aren?t at home.c.because he gets up too late.d.because his parents have lunch in kfc.()10.which of these is not right? a.li ping doesn?t exercise on sundays.b.li ping watches tv after supper on saturdays.c.li ping watches too much tv on saturdays and sundays.d.li ping goes to bed late on saturday and sunday evenings.四、任务型阅读(共l0空;每空l分,计l0分)阅读下列短文,根据短文中的信息完成文后表格。(每空一词)hi!do you know the three children? they are in a happy family.xiao xue is a helpful girl.she is beautiful.she likes study.she studies very hard.she gets up early and finishes her breakfast quickly.then she goes to school by bike.liu xing is a little lazy.he gets up late and then washes his face, brushes his teeth in a hurry.then he goes to the bus stop without breakfast.he usually plays basketball after school.in the evening, he seldom does homework.he goes to bed late.xiao yu is a lovely boy.he gets up very slowly and then he usually takes a shower before breakfast.he goes to school in his father?s car.he likes watching tv in the evening.篇三:新译林 七年级上英语寒假作业(8份)七年级英语寒假作业一

一、单项选择()1.---_______ is your father?---he?s fine a.how old b.how c.what d.who()2.---boys and girls, please sit down.----____________________.a.that?s ok b.no.stand up c.thank you d.that?s all right()3.mum, _________ my friend jane.a.this?s b.it is c.this is d.he is()4._______are in the same class.a.you, he and i b.i, you and he c.you, i and he d.he, you and i()5.there _______ a pen and two rubbers in the pencil box.a.am b.is c.are d.be()6.what does she look like? she has ________________.a.a long hair b.many long hairs c.long hair d.long hairs()7.--what?s this ?--it?s _______.---what color is it?---it?s __________.a.orange, an orange

b.an orange, an orange

c.orange, orange d.an orange, orange()8.— where ________ millie and lucy ________? — england.d.are;from()9.jim, ________ play ________ in the street.it?s dangerous.a.doesn?t, football b.doesn?t, the football c.don?t, football d.don?t, the football c.no, i don?t think so d.yes, i?d love to.二、完型填空

sally and tom are from england but now they live in nanjing.they study at no.1 middle school.they are in the same grade, but in different their classes begin eight a.m.they have chinese, maths and english lessons in the morning.in the afternoon they have some lessons like art, music and p.e.they can english very well, but they aren?t at chinese.miss yang, their chinese teacher often helps them their chinese.they study hard at their lessons.they both like chinese culture(文化).sally likes chinese drawing and tom enjoys chinese music.after school they often their classmates.their classmates are friendly to them.they say they learn from their teachers and classmates at school.they love their teachers and classmates.they also love their()1.()2.()3.()4.()5.()6.()7.a.classes

a.in a.others a.speak a.bad a.in a.listening b.schools b.at b.else b.talk b.well b.with b.hearing c.lessons c.on c.other c.say c.good c.about c.listening to d.subjects d.of d.other?s d.tell d.nice d.on d.hearing from()8.()9.()10.三、阅读理解

a.play a.a lot a.home b.chat b.a lot of b.family c.talk c.many c.school d.play with d.lots of d.clothes a a.cheap b.good c.exciting d.famous()2.how many times do i play basketball every week? a.five b.three c.four d.six()3.i often play basketball _________.a.with my parents b.with my friends c.with my cousins d.myself()4.why do i like basketball? a.because it?s cheap b.because it?s good for health c.because the nba stars play very well d.a, b and c()5.the beat title for the passage is _________.a.basketball player b.my favourite sport c.basketball star d.my favourite basketball star b li ping gets up early on weekdays, because he must go to school before 7:30.on saturday and sunday, he doesn?t go to school, so he doesn?t get up early.he goes to the drawing club at 9:00 on saturday mornings.he usually goes to the bookshop on saturday afternoons, and after supper he watches tv until(直到)midnight.a.every day.b.five days a week.c.only at the weekend.d.every day except on sundays.()7.what does li ping do on sunday mornings? a.he goes to have lessons.b.he watches tv.c.he goes to the bookshop.d.he goes to a club.()8.when does li ping do his weekend homework? a.on sunday evenings.b.on sunday mornings.c.on saturday evenings.d.on sunday afternoons.()9.why does li ping have lunch in kfc on sundays? a.because he?s too busy.b.because his parents aren?t at home.c.because he gets up too late.d.because his parents have lunch in kfc.()10.which of these is not right? a.li ping doesn?t exercise on sundays.b.li ping watches tv after supper on saturdays.c.li ping watches too much tv on saturdays and sundays.d.li ping goes to bed late on saturday and sunday evenings.四、任务型阅读(共l0空;每空l分,计l0分)阅读下列短文,根据短文中的信息完成文后表格。(每空一词)hi!do you know the three children? they are in a happy family.xiao xue is a helpful girl.she is beautiful.she likes study.she studies very hard.she gets up early and finishes her breakfast quickly.then she goes to school by bike.liu xing is a little lazy.he gets up late and then washes his face, brushes his teeth in a hurry.then he goes to the bus stop without breakfast.he usually plays basketball after school.in the evening, he seldom does homework.he goes to bed late.xiao yu is a lovely boy.he gets up very slowly and then he usually takes a shower before breakfast.he goes to school in his father?s car.he likes watching tv in the evening.篇四:skxx2016寒假作业(译林六上)6a english exercise one class:_______________ name:_________________


1.please pick(they)up for me.2.3.its(tom)to play the piano.4.the girl isnt wearing(some)clothes.5.(be)some milk and two pineapples in the fridge two days ago.6.does these shoes fit you(good)? 7.the girl is looking after(he).8.my english teacher showed 9.theres a lot of(rain)there in spring.10.it(rain)this morning.二、句型转换 1.there were some apples on the table.(改为否定句)________________________________________________________________ 2.the girl tells us a story.(改为一般疑问句)________________________________________________________________ 3.the little boy pointed at the king and laughed.(改为否定句)________________________________________________________________ 4.i cant go to school on foot.(改为同义句)________________________________________________________________ 5.it was time for dinner.(改为同义句)________________________________________________________________ 6.he buys some bread and honey.(改为一般过去时)________________________________________________________________ 7.it rained yesterday.(改为同义句)________________________________________________________________ 8.she lost her bike.(改为一般现在时)________________________________________________________________ 9.we saw some ants on the cakes.(改为单数句)________________________________________________________________ 10.i played football with my friend.(提问)________________________________________________________________



_________you _________tv last night ?no, i _________.2.今天早上你干了什么?我去拜访了我的祖父母。

_______ _______ you ______ ________ morning ? i ________ _________ __________ my grandparents.3.你假日过得怎么样?非常有趣。

________ was your __________ ? it was ________ __________.4.我昨天骑自行车去上学。

i ________ ________ school ________ _________ yesterday.5.那时我妈妈从商店里买东西。

my mother _________ things ________ the shop then.6.以前我不会骑自行车,但是现在我会了。

i __________ not ________ _________,but now i __________.7.上周他在湖里捉了很多鱼。he__________ many ___________ last week.8.这些标志是什么意思?危险!你不可以在这儿游泳。

what________ these _________ mean?__________!you ______ swim here.9.什么使得我们的教室又脏又乱?

want ________ our classroom ________ and _________? 10.麦克的卧室很干净。

_________ bedroom is very__________.6a english exercise two class:_______________ name:_________________

一、用所给词的适当形式填空 1.the king _____________(wear)the new clothes now.2.you cant _____________(smoke)in the school.3.there are many black _________(cloud)in the sky.4.i ____________(look)for my pens.i _______(lose)it last night.5.id like _________(eat)bananas.6.please listen to _________(she).7.look at ________(this)pictures of _________(we)city.8.those are _________(they)books.9.my sister likes __________(watch)films.10.he __________(not do)his homework yesterday.二、句型转换

___________________________________________ 2.i like reading english stories.(改否定句)

___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ 4.she reads newspaper on the internet.(改为一般过去时)

___________________________________________ 5.he could read and draw.(改否定句)

___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ 10.they are walking home after school.(改为一般疑问句并否定回答)___________________________________________


1.不要乱扔果皮。人们踩到会滑倒的。dont ________ fruit skins on the ground.people may __________on them and _________.2.我们能做什么来保持我们城市的干净?我们可以将一些工厂搬离城市。what _______ we ________to _______ our city clean? we can ________ some ________ ________ from the city.3.我们可以把垃圾放进垃圾桶里。

we can ______ the _______ in the ________.4.我可以在这里吸烟吗?不,你不可以。

_________ i _______ here ? no,you.5.他可以为你制作一个飞机。she can________ a plane ________ you.6.不要把你的孩子给那个老奶奶。




one day, liu tao _______ his _______ bobby in the park.10.上周六你在公园里捉到了什么?

what ______ you _______ in the park last saturday? 6a english exercise three class:_______________ name:_________________


1.the farmers _____________(shout)at the new worker now.2.you should not _____________(litter)in the school.3.there were a lot of_________(people)in the street.4.here’s a sign at the __________(shop)centre.5.i want _________(buy)some new clothes with my family.6.please __________(not)look after_________(we).7.we can plant more trees___________(help)________(keep)the air clean.8.don’t________ in the school,because the sign says“no__________”.(smoke)9.my sister always________(put)rubbish in the bin.10.he __________(draw)pictures after school last night.11.it’s time for_________(sing).let’s ________(start)_________(sing).12.knowledge(知识)is _________(use).we can use it __________(think).二、句型转换

___________________________________________ 2.he can also play football..(改同义句)_________________________________ 3.i like living in the city.(改为否定句)_________________________________ 4.no littering.(改同义句)___________________________________________ 5.i’m going to play football after school.(改否定句)

___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ 10.they have a lot of fun.(改为同义句)



1.木材来自树木。我们应该杜绝滥伐树木。wood______ _______ trees.we __________________ ______ too______trees.2.保护地球。

we ________love and ________ our________.3.一个风筝。we can ______ paper_______ ________ a kite.4.圾扔进河里。

we _________the rubbish_______the river.5.我们必须节约水和能源。we must save________and________.6.不开车。




what yougoing to_______ _______ chinese _________ __________.10.bobby正在看烟火表演。

bobby tina______ _______________ now.6a english exercise four class:_______________ name:_________________ 形式填空

2.---where_________(be)your clothes?---on the bed.3.我们应该热爱且我们可以用纸做我们不应该将垃should not 我们可以步行而______ 和tina and

一、用所给词适当look at the map of_______(chinese)on the wall.4.the_____(child)are very happy.it’s their holiday 5.his____(parent)are office workers.6.on christmas day,tom’s family_____(be)in his grandpa’s hou se.9.look!nancy is______(sit)beside a big tent.10.i can_____(make)snowmen and ______(have)snowball fights with friends.二、句型转换 ___________ she ______ a film? 3.we should save water.(改成同义句)we _____________ water.4.it is mike’s birthday today.(用tomorrow替换today改写句子)it _____ _______ mike’s birthday tomorrow.5.they are making some tang yuan.(改成一般疑问句)_____ they making_______ tang yuan?







1.in which country did nick enjoy his holiday? a b 2.what’s the weather like in beijing? a b 3.what time may they finish the work? a b 4.what animals are they going to see next? a b c c c c 5.where are the man and the woman? a.at the party.b.on the bus.c.at the bus stop.6.how much does one teapot cost if you buy two? a.$ 8.00.b.$ 4.00.c.$ 3.5.7.how did nick’s sister do in the exam? a.very badly.b.very well.c.not so well.8.what did the man do last night? a.watched tv.9.who has the most books? a.mary.b.peter.c.nick.b.had a party.c.went to the cinema.10.how can they go to the sea? a.by bike.b.by boat.c.by sea.b 听对话和短文,回答问题 听第一段对话,回答11-12小题。11.what do they know about australia? a.it’s a large place with few people.b.it’s a nice place for traveling.c.it’s too far away and the weather is bad.12.how will they get more information about the travel? a.by going to the travel agency.b.by reading newspapers.c.by watching tv.听第一篇短文,完成13-15小题。

13.a.rainy 14.a.sunshine b.cloudy b.wind c.sunny c.cloud c.in the evening 15.a.in the morning b.in the afternoon 听第二篇短文,回答16-20小题。

16.what kind of teachers does windy english club have? a.french teachers.b.chinese teachers.c.english teachers.17.how long do the lessons last? a.about 2 months.18.when do classes meet? a.every wednesday and friday.b.from wednesday to friday.c.every wednesday and thursday.19.what’s the fare for the course? a.800 yuan.b.1800 yuan.c.8000 yuan.b.about 3 months.c.about 4 months.20.what’s allan’s phone number? a.8674325.b.8763452.c.8673425.二、单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,计15分)

历史八上18-19 篇5








时间:1935年12月9日 领导人:中国共产党






第19课 七七事变与全民族抗战







