英文名片称呼 篇1
校长(大学)President of Beijing University
校长(中小学)Principal of Donghai Middle School
院长(大学下属)Dean of the Graduate School
系主任(大学学院下属)Chair/Chairman of the English Department
会长主席(学协会)President of the Student Union, Shanghai University
厂长(企业)Director of the Machine Tools Manufacturing Plant
院长(医院)President of Huadong Hospital
主任(中心)Director of the Business Center
主任(行政)Director of Foreign Affairs Office
董事长(企业)President/Chairman of the Board of Directors
董事长(学校)President/Chairman of the Board of Trustees
首席长官的汉语称谓常以“总…….”表示,而表示首席长官的英语称谓则常带有chief,general, head, managing这类词,因此当翻译冠以“总”字的头衔时,需遵循英语头衔的表达习惯:
总书记 general secretary
总工程师 chief engineer
总会计师 chief accountant
总建筑师 chief architect
总编辑 chief editor;editor-in-chief;managing editor
总出纳 chief cashier;general cashier
总裁判 chief referee
总经理 general manager;managing director;executive head
总代理 general agent
总教练 head coach
总导演 head director
总干事 secretary-general;commissioner
总指挥 commander-in-chief
总领事 consul-general
总监 chief inspector;inspector-general
总厨 head cook;chef
人可以用director, head 或chief 来表示:
署(省属)(行署)office; administrative office
局 bureau
所 institute
处 division
科 section
股 section
室 office
教研室 program/section
例:局长: director of the bureau, head of the bureau, bureau chief.国务院 the State Council 属下的部为ministry, 所以部长叫做minister.另外,公署专
员叫做commissioner, 其办事机构叫做 “专员公署”,英语为prefectural commissione
r’s office.汉语中表示副职的头衔一般都冠以“副”字,英译时需视词语的固定搭配或表达习惯等情
况,可选择vice, associate, assistant, deputy等词。相对而言,vice 使用面较广,例
副总统(或大学副校长等)vice president
副主席(或系副主任等)vice chairman
副总理 vice premier
副部长 vice minister
副省长 vice governor
副市长 vice mayor
副领事 vice consul
副校长(中小学)vice principal
associate, 例如:
副教授 associate professor
副研究员 associate research fellow
副主编 associate managing editor
副编审 associate senior editor
副审判长 associate judge
副研究馆员 associate research fellow of …(e.g., library science)
副译审 associate senior translator
副主任医师 associate senior doctor
当然,有些英语职位头衔,如manager和headmaster,其副职头衔可冠以assistant, 例如
副总经理 assistant/deputy general manager, assistant/deputy managing director
大堂副理(宾馆)assistant manager
副校长(中小学)assistant headmaster
以director 表示的职位的副职常以deputy director表示。此外,secretary, mayor, de
an 等头衔的副职也可冠以deputy,例如:
副秘书长 deputy secretary-general
副书记 deputy secretary
副市长 deputy mayor
副院长 deputy dean
助理教授 assistant professor
助理研究员 assistant research fellow
助理工程师 assistant engineer
助理编辑 assistant editor
助理馆员 assistant research fellow of…(e.g., library science)
助理教练 assistant coach
助理农艺师 assistant agronomist
资深”来表示,我们可以用senior 来称呼,例如:
高级编辑 senior editor
高级工程师 senior engineer
高级记者 senior reporter
高级讲师 senior lecturer
高级教师 senior teacher
高级农艺师 senior agronomist
有一些行业的职称或职务系列中,最高级别的职位冠以“首席”一词,英语常用chief 来
首席执行官 chief executive officer(CEO)
首席法官 chief judge
首席顾问 chief advisor
首席检察官 chief inspector/ prosecutor
首席仲裁员 chief arbitrator
首席监事 chief supervisor
首席播音员 chief announcer/ broadcaster
首席代表 chief representative
首席记者 chief correspondent
检察长 procurator-general
审判长 presiding judge;chief judge;chief of judges
护士长 head nurse
秘书长 secretary-general
参谋长 chief of staff
厨师长 head cook, chef
代理市长 acting mayor
代理总理 acting premier
代理主任 acting director
“常务”可以managing 表示,例如:
常务理事 managing director
常务副校长 managing vice president(first vice mayor)
执行主任 executive director
执行秘书 executive secretary
执行主席 executive chairman, presiding chairman
“名誉”译为honorary, 例如:
名誉校长 honorary president/principal
名誉主席/会长 honorary chairman/president
主任编辑 associate senior editor
主任秘书 chief secretary
主任医师 senior doctor
主任护士 senior nurse
主治医师 attending/chief doctor;physician;consultant
特级教师 special-grade senior teacher
特级记者 accredited correspondent
特派员/专员 commissioner
特约编辑 contributing editor
特约记者 special correspondent
办公室主任 office manager
财务主任 treasurer
车间主任 workshop manager/director
编审 senior editor
博导 doctoral student supervisor
研究生导师 graduate student supervisor
客座教授 visiting professor
院士 academician
译审 senior translator
村长 village head
领班 captain, foreman, gaffer
经纪人 broker
税务员 tax collector
研究馆员 research fellow of…
股票交易员 stock dealer
红马夹(stock exchange)floor broker
业务经理 service/business/operation manager
住院医生 resident(doctor), registrar
国际大师 international master
注册会计师 chartered/certified public accountant;registered/incorporated acco
我国有一些常见的荣誉称号(honorary title)在许多英语国家没有对应的表达语,现列
标兵 pacemaker
学习标兵 student pacemaker;model student
劳动模范 model worker
模范教师 model teacher
优秀教师 excellent teacher
优秀员工 outstanding employee, employee of the month/year
青年标兵 model youth/youth pacemaker
青年突击手 youth shock worker
三好学生 “triple-A” outstanding student;outstanding student
三八妇女红旗手 “March 8th Red Banner” outstanding woman pacemaker
英文名片称呼 篇2
Address forms as part of language, are closely related to the cultural factors.Different speech communities may have different address systems according to different cultural backgrounds.These differences are possible to present problems in intercultural communication.In address forms, title address is closely related to people’s work and is widely used.So the study of title address will contribute a better interpersonal relationship and improve our communication competence.
2.A Comparison Analysis of Title Address in English and Chinese
Title is a major form of address form in almost all cultures.Titles are generally classified into three groups:social titles, official titles and professional titles.
2.1 Social Titles
Social titles are also called courtesy titles, which are used in public address in both Chinese and English.
English social titles include Mr.Mrs.Miss, Sir and Madam.All adult men may be addressed in the form of“Mr.+last name”.“Mrs.+last name”is usually used to address a married woman with the last name of her husband.“Miss”is the way of addressing an unmarried woman, used alone or with last name.The form“Mr./Mrs./Miss+last name”is more likely used between those who are unfamiliar with each other.“Sir”and“Madam”are generally used alone.“Sir”has long been perceived as a term of respect, used by a speaker who acknowledges the seniority of social or professional rank of the person being addressed” (Dunking, 1990:224) .“Madam”was once a title of great respect for a woman of high social rank.Now, its social value has decreased and become a common term of respect to address known or unknown females.
In Chinese, the main social titles are同志, 师傅, 先生, 小姐, and etc.and their usages are diversified and flexible.These social titles can be used alone or with the surname, or full name and even with another title.Take同志for example, 同志 (title alone) , 卫国同志 (name+title) , 周同志 (surname and title) .Many Chinese social titles have no English equivalents, such as师傅.What’s more, there is no generally-accepted social title for the Chinese.It is hard to address a person without knowing his profession, social position and even his family background.Nowadays many people, especially the young, are reluctant to use or accept the term同志and师傅considering that it is already out of fashion.
2.2 Official Titles
In English, there are some official titles can be used as vocatives.In English speaking countries, those who are at the top of power always attract the attention of the public.Because they are of great importance, addressing those people respect is usually more important than intimacy, which results in their official titles used.Both the officials and the ordinary people prefer to first name each other to show the equality between them, such as Mr.President, Mr.Senator, Mr.Mayor, and Admiral Jones.
In Chinese, almost all official and administrative as well as military titles can be used as address forms.Official titles are generally assumed to show respect and admiration for the addressee, who are also ready to be addressed this way.Official titles can be used alone or prefixed by surname or occasionally full name, such as市长, 马市长, 马云市长.Recently, a new usage of official titles, the surname+short form of official titles, such as黄局, 李科, is gaining increasing popularity.This new trend reflects that solidarity is gradually getting the upper hand in interpersonal relationship.
2.3 Occupational Titles
Main English-speaking nations are all highly developed industrial countries whose labor force flows with the need of economic development.One may change his/her occupation sometimes, therefore, English speakers feel much easier to call a person by the first name than the occupation used as titles.Nevertheless, some professions which demand necessary education and skill obtain a good impression on others.People admire those who are engaged in these professions and show respect to them by using the vocative to address them for example“Professor”, “Doctor”, “Father”, “Sister”, “Counselor”.These titles can be used with a name, for example, “Professor Brown”, “Father Brown”, and“Sister Carey”.
In Chinese, occupational titles are well acknowledged and accepted when the professions enjoy a high social prestige, terms like老师, 医生, 律师, 工程师, 记者, 警察are among the frequently-used profession titles.The usage of professional title allows variation.They can be used alone or with the surname or other titles.For example, police, nurse, driver can be addressed警察同志, 护士小姐, 司机师傅respectively.One point should be mentioned here:“teacher”is not used as a vocative in English.Phrase like“Good morning, teacher”, “Teacher”, “Teacher Zhang”are in fact unacceptable in English.
3.A Tentative Exploration of Cultural Values that Lead to Differences between English and Chinese Title Address
Firstly, difference in sense of hierarchy and sense of equality can make people use different addressing systems.In more than two thousand years of feudal society, Chinese culture has mainly been dominated by the doctrine of Confucius which put up the framework of social hierarchical structure.The sense of hierarchical can be well perceived through Chinese title address.If one holds an official position no matter whether it is high or low, she/he usually receives the official title from the inferiors, which leads to the high frequent use of official titles in Chinese.In contrast, what is emphasized in English culture is independent;as a result, equal or horizontal relationship is highly valued.
Secondly, solidarity and power relationships exist in all cultures.However, different societies generally have different attitudes towards these two relationships.The main social relationship among English people is mainly solidarity—oriented.The emphasis on solidarity over power can best be demonstrated in the wide use of first name in their daily interactions.In contrast, power relationship is the predominant norm or value orientation in the Chinese culture.The interpersonal relationship ispower-oriented or status—marked because Chinese culture belongs to collectivistic and high power distance culture.Chinese people tend to accept the asymmetrical or hierarchical relationships.
Through a contrastive study, this article revels that there are covert differences in title address between English and Chinese.By the comparison of title address in these two cultures, this article finds that: (1) popularity of English social title; (2) lack of generally-accepted Chinese social title; (3) the favor of Chinese official title; (4) a variety of Chinese professional title.Two cultural and social factors cause these differences.
英文名片称呼 篇3
X室 Room X X号 No.X X单元 Unit X X号楼 Building No.X X街 X Street X路 X Road X区 X District X县 X County X镇 X Town X市 X City X省 X Province
请注意:翻译人名、路名、街道名等,最好用拼音。中文地址翻译范例: 宝山区示范新村37号403室
Room 403, No.37, SiFang Residential Quarter, BaoShan District 虹口区西康南路125弄34号201室
Room 201, No.34, Lane 125, XiKang Road(South), HongKou District 473004河南省南阳市中州路42号 李有财 Li Youcai Room 42
Zhongzhou Road, Nanyang City Henan Prov.China 473004 434000湖北省荆州市红苑大酒店 李有财 Li Youcai Hongyuan Hotel Jingzhou city
Hubei Prov.China 434000
473000河南南阳市八一路272号特钢公司 李有财 Li Youcai
Special Steel Corp.No.272, Bayi Road, Nanyang City Henan Prov.China 473000
528400广东中山市东区亨达花园7栋702 李有财 Li Youcai
Room 702, 7th Building Hengda Garden, East District Zhongshan, China 528400
361012福建省厦门市莲花五村龙昌里34号601室 李有财 Li Youcai
Room 601, No.34 Long Chang Li Xiamen, Fujian, China 361012 361004厦门公交总公司承诺办 李有财 Mr.Li Youcai
Cheng Nuo Ban, Gong Jiao Zong Gong Si Xiamen, Fujian, China 361004 266042山东省青岛市开平路53号国棉四厂二宿舍1号楼2单元204户甲 李有财
Mr.Li Youcai
NO.204, A, Building NO.1
The 2nd Dormitory of the NO.4 State-owned Textile Factory 53 Kaiping Road, Qingdao, Shandong, China 266042
1、地址综述 名片的主要功能是通联,所以在名片上写上详细的家庭或单位通讯地址是必不可少的。如下例:住址:浙江省台州市黄岩区天长路18号201室翻译成英文就是:Address: Room 201, 18 Tianchang Road, Huangyan District, Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province.对照上例,翻译时有几点需要注意:中文地址的排列顺序是由大到小: 国 柿市 区 路 号,而英文地址则刚好相反,是由小到大: 号 路(Road),区(District),市(City),省(Province),国。地名专名部分(如”黄岩区”的”黄岩”部分)应使用汉语拼音,且需连写,如Huangyan不宜写成 Huang Yan。
2、行政区划英译 行政区划是地址中最高一级单位,我国幅员辽阔,行政区划较复杂,总体上可分成五级(括号内所注为当前国内通用译名):1)国家(State):中华人民共和国(the People’s Republic of China; P.R.China; P.R.C; China)2)省级(Provincial Level):省(Province)、自治区(Autonomous Region)、直辖市(Municipality directly under the Central Government,简称Municipality);特别行政区(Special Administration Region; SAR)3)地级(Prefectural Level):地区(Prefecture)、自治州(Autonomous Prefecture)、市(Municipality;City);盟(Prefecture);4)县级(County Level):县(County)、自治县(Autonomous County)、市(City)、市辖区(District),旗(County)5)乡级(Township Level):乡(Township)、民族乡(Ethnic Township)、镇(Town)、街道办事处(Sub-district)。
* 应用举例:
(1)上海市崇明县中兴镇 Zhongxing Town, Chongming County, Shanghai(Municipality).(2)内蒙古自治区呼伦贝尔盟 Hulunbeir Prefecture,Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.(3)浙江省台州市玉环县龙溪乡 Longxi Township, Yuhuan County, Taizhou Municipality, Zhejiang Province.(4)苏州市金阊区金门街道 Jinmen Sub-district, Jinchang District, Suzhou City.*略写和缩写
如:中国浙江省杭州市余杭区 乡
Township, Yuhang, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, P.R.C.2)在地址中间可直接插入邮编。
我国的通行写法是将邮政编码另起一行,前面标上”邮编(Postal Code; Zip; P.C.)”两字,但英美各国的惯例却是将邮编直接写在州或城市的后面,如:美国:1120 Lincoln Street, Denver, CO 80203,USA(中译:美国科罗拉多州丹佛市林肯街第1120号,邮编:80203)注:CO是美国Colorado州的缩写,在跟邮政编码合用时,州名一般均以缩写形式出现,有关美国各州缩写详见3.2.2.3小节。
英国:60 Queen Victoria Street,London EC4N 4TW(中译:伦敦维多利亚女王大街60号,邮编:EC4N 4TW)由此,笔者提议,我们的地名如果也参照英美各国的方法,将邮编插入到地址中间,可以节省大量空间。
如:中国浙江省台州市黄椒路102号,邮编:318020 102 Huangjiao Road, Taizhou, Zhejiang 318020,China。
3、省市缩写 由于有了邮编,所以城市或省的专名也可采用缩写而不会造成混乱,除了香港(Hong Kong HK)、澳门(Macao MO)、台湾(Taiwan TW),我国大陆各省一直没有广泛认同的英文缩写。可喜的是,为扩展互联网域名资源,信息产业部于二○○二年十一月二十二日发布了《关于中国互联网络域名体系公告》,公告中首次开放行政区域类二级国内域名,给全国34个省(市、自治区、特别行政区)规定了二个字母的代码;笔者认为,随着互联网的深入发展,该代码将自然而然地成为各省区的缩写名称,可以放心使用;信息产业部采用的代码与英译名缩写基本上吻合,只有内蒙古(英译:Inner Mongolia,缩写:IM,而信息部的代码是利用了纯汉语拼音,为NM)、西藏(英译:Tibet,而二级域名使用的仍是汉语拼音XZ)两个词出现不协调现象,但这并不影响该缩写系统的推广。* 应用举例:
中国河北省石家庄市桥东区胜利北大街2号,邮编: 050021 2 North Shengli Avenue, Qiaodong District, Shijiazhuang City, HE050021, P.R.C.比较:美国各州对应缩写,见下表。
4、村居街道的英译 居于地址体系的中间位置的是一些传统的村居街道及新兴的各种小区、新村、工业区等,其中”quot;村(委会)”、”居(委会)”既是区域名称,又是行政体系的基层组织名称。具体译法见表3-3:(略)
5、楼房室号的表达 地址的最低一级涉及到对具体场所的命名及房号的标注。如:5幢302室、3号楼2单元102室。