


六年级英语下册期中段考检测试题以及答案 篇1



一、Listen and choose. (听音,选出你听到的单词或词语。10分)

( ) 1. A. that B. than C. tell

( ) 2. A. younger B. older C. saw

( ) 3. A. cleaned B. stayed C. had a cold

( ) 4. A. tomorrow B. yesterday C. today

( ) 5. A. watched B. washed C. water

二、Listen and number.(听音,标序号。10分)

( )1、You are taller than me.

( )2、What size are your shoes?

( )3、I watched TV last night.

( )4、What did you do?

( )5、Zip is thinner than Zoom.

三、Listen and choose. (听音,根据问句选择正确的答语。10分)

( )1.A. Yes,I did . B. Yes , she did . C. No , he didn’t .

( ) 2. A. I wear size 37 . B. I’m 12 years old . C . I’m 45 kilograms .

( )3.A I watched TV . B. I went to a park. C . I went there by bus .

( )4.A. 46 kilograms B. 1.60 metres C . size 36

( )5.It was beautiful . B. She went there by bus . C .He went to Hainan .

四、Listen and write. (听音,将下面的句子补充完整。5分)

1.I’m _________and thinner than you .

2.---what did you do ?

---I ___________ football.

3.Your feet are ________than mine .

4.What _______you do last weekend? .

5.I _________ pictures in the park yesterday .


五、Think and write.(按要求写出单词的.相应形式。10分)


1.strong_________2.low_________3.happy________4. long________

5. good______

B. 写出下列动词的过去式形式。

1.wash ________2.have________3. read ________ 4. sleep _______

5. do_________

六、Look and choose.(找出各组中不同类的单词,将序号填在题前括号内。10分)

( ) 1. A. taller B. singer C. longer D.stronger

( ) 2. A. went B. wash C. stayed D.watched

( ) 3. A. holiday B. winter C. summer D. spring

( ) 4. A. gym B. library C. size D. museum

( ) 5. A. yesterday B. today C. tomorrow D.before


1. A giraffe’s neck(脖子) is __________(long) than a goat’s neck。

2. Zip is ________(thin) than Zoom.

3.I ________(stay) at home with my grandma.

4. Did Amy ________(cook) yesterday?

5.I ________(watch) some children’s shows on TV last night.

八、Look and choose.(选择最佳答案。10分)

( )1.He_____a book at home yesterday.

A.read B.reads C.reading

( )2.I washed clothes _________.

A.tomorrow B.last night C.every day

( )3.John went to a park ______bus yesterday.

A.with B.by C.on

( )4.I stayed at home______my grandma.

A.and B. to C. with

( )5.You’re_____than me.

A.old B.older C.young

( )6.I have a story_____you.

A.tell B.to tell C.telling

( )7.Did he_____his clothes?

A.washed B. washes C. wash

( )8.My father didn’t_____football.

A.play B.played C.playing

( )9.____you_____your homework yesterday?

A.What B.Did,do C.Do,do

( )10.Did you do _________else?.

A.something B.anything C.nothing

九、Rearrange the word. (连词成句,注意句首字母大小写及标点符号。10分)

1. you what did do yesterday (? )

_____________________________________________ 2. and getting lower it’s lower (. )


3. stayed at and all home weekend slept I (. )


4. you are heavy how (? )


5. wear I 37 size (. )


十、Read and answer.(阅读短文,回答问题。10分)

Wu Yifan went to Shanghai over his summer holiday. He went there by train. On the first day he went to the science museum by bus. He took lots of pictures. He went to the beach on the second day. There were many people on the beach. He went swimming.On the third day he visited his uncle.They had a big dinner in a big restaurant.He liked the food very much.He went back home by plane.He had a good time.

1.Where did Wu Yifan go over his summer holiday?


2.How did he go to the science museum?


3.Did he go swimming?


4.What did he do on the third day?


5.Where did they have a big dinner?


十一、Look and write.(写作乐园。5分)


参考单词 watched TV washed clothes did homework went to a park parents

went shopping Saturday Sunday







一、Listen and choose.(听音,选出下面所听到的单词。)

1. than 2.younger 3. had a cold 4. yesterday 5. watched .

二、Listen and number.(听音,标序号。)

1、I watched TV last night.

2、Zip is thinner than Zoom.

3、You are taller than me.

4、What did you do?

5、What s ize are your shoes?

三、Listen and choose.(听问句,选答语。)

1. Did you wash your clothes yesterday ?

2. How heavy are you ?

3. Where did you go last weekend ?

4. How heavy are you ?.

5. How did she go there ?

四、Listen and fill in the blanks.(听音,将下面的句子补充完整。)

1.I’m shorter and thinner than you .

2.---what did you do ?

---I played football.

3. Your feet are bigger than mine.

4.what did you do last weekend?

5.I took pictures in the park yesterday .





四、1.shorter 2.played 3.bigger 4.did 5.took

五、A 1.stronger 2.lower 3.happier 4.longer 5.better

B 1.washed 2.had 3.read 4.slept 5.did


七、1.longer 2.thinner 3.stayed 4.cook 5.watched


九、1.What did you do yesterday?

2. It’s getting lower and lower.

3.I stayed at home all weekend and slept.

4. How heavy are you?

5.I wear size 37.


1、He went to Shanghai.

2、He went there by train.

3、Yes,he did.

4、He visited his uncle.

5、They had a big dinner in a big restaurant.

六年级英语下册期中段考检测试题以及答案 篇2


( ) 1. A. writer B. write C. right D.writing

( ) 2. A. money B. monkey C. mouth D. month

( ) 3. A. tip B. trip C. tree D. drop

( ) 4. A. down B. town C. crown D. brown

( ) 5. A. come on B. come in C. come out D. come from


Mary: What does your father do ?

John: He is .

Mary: Where does he work?

John: He in a DVD company. He likes .

Mary: How does he go to ?

John: He goes to work by .


( ) 1. What is Mike’s uncle?

A. Cook B. Farmer C. Salesman

( ) 2. John goes home by .

A. bus B. bike C. car

( ) 3. What’s Sarah’s hobby? .

A. Collecting postcards B. Collecting stamps C. Collecting kites

( ) 4. Where is the bus stop? .

A Go straight on, you can see it on your right side

B Go straight on, you can see it on your left side

C Go straight on , then turn left

( )5..What did Jim do yesterday?

A. He picked oranges. B. He visited a farm . C.He pulled up carrots.

五、、Listen and choose the answers. 听问句,选答句。

( )1. A. I’m taller than you. B. I’m 48 kg. C. I’m 160cm.

( ) 2. A.I hurt my leg. B. I have a cold . C.I have a toothache.

( ) 3. A. Yes, I did. B. No, I did. C. No, she idn’t..

( ) 4. A.She’s very happy . B. He’s happy. C. He’s sad.

( ) 5. A. I wash clothes. B. I played football. C. Yes, I do.

六 、Listen and write.听音,补全对话,每空一词。

1. What’s the_______ ? I hurt my leg .

2. I have a bad cold . My throat is _______

3. My mother is 4 cm _______than my father .

4. Zhang Peng is much _______ than Wu Yifan .

5. Lisa feels very_______, because she’s going on a big trip .

七. 听录音,写出你所听到的那个词。

Wu Yifan was busy______weekend. He _______his grandparents on Saturday morning. They _______noodles together in the evening. Then they _______TV. On Sunday morning ,Wu Yifan_______football with his friends.

八、Listen and tick.听录音,用“√”划出你听到的那一项。


Name sad happy bored angry tired








1. r,h,u,t ----------( ) 2. e, o, r, s------------( ) 3. b,g, i, r,e,g------------( ) 4. x , e, i , c , t , d, e---------( ) 5. n , g , a , r , y---------( )


( ) ①A、pen B、book C、bag D、elephant

( ) ②A、cat B、pig C、mother D、sperm whale

( ) ③A、apple B、grapes C、TV D、watermelon

( ) ④A、lake B、cold C、warm D、cool

( ) ⑤A、play B、swim C、fly D、yellow


①are tall you How ?


译: ____________________________________

②hurts My nose .



③look sad today You .



④last weekend did What you do ?



⑤I fishing went weekend last .




1. -----How (heavy / heavier) are you?

----- I’m 50 k I’m g.

2. How (does / do )Amy feel?

------She ’s tired I’m.

3. -----What’s I’m the matter?

---------My finger ( hurts / hurt ).

4. ------- What (does /did ) you do last weekend?

-------I played football.

5. -------Did you ( read / reading ) books


--------Yes , I did.


( )1 A. white B where Cwhat D who

( ) 2 A . clerk B.dinner. Crunner Dsweater

( ) 3 A sweater Bbreakfast C great D deal

( ) 4 A dollar B star C are D sharpener

( ) 5 A in B bike C nice D kind


1 There are three ___________ in the library. ( woman)

2 In winter , the weather is ___________here .( snow)

3. The ___________day, we went to the palace museum.(one)

4. Peter___________chess with his father yesterday.(play)

5. she likes ___________Tv . ( watch )


1、swim(现在分词)____________ 2. funny( 比较级)___________

3. can not (缩写)_____________ 4. twenty(序数词)____________

5. no(同音词)_____________


( )1、-----_______is the weather like today?

-----It’s rainy.

A What B How C When D Why

( ) 2. It’s raining outside .Please give me__________umbrella.

A . a B. an C .two D .both

( ) 3. When did you ______to school yesterday?

A go B want C went D going

( ) 4.It’s time ___________

A play ping pong B.to go to bed C for have lunch Dflying kites

( )5. I go to bed ____ten_____Saturday evenings.

A at, in B. at, on C on, in D in, on


1、did, what, lunch, you,for, have (?)


2.borther,his,my, homework,,does, school,at(.)


3.on,where,did, go,you,holiday,your(?)


4.Wu Yifan,his,friends,with,played,football

5. matter with you what’s the

十.Fill in the blanks. (根据中文意思,用正确的形式填空)

1.--What does Sarah usually do on the weekend?

--She usually _______________ (看电视) .

2. --What did you do on your holiday?

--I went to Beijing and ______________(拍照) there.

3. –What is Mike doing now?

--He is ______________ (踢足球) on the playground.

4. –Are you going to ______________ (游泳) this afternoon?

--No, we are going to have a picnic.

5. John is taller than Zhang Peng. But Zhang Peng is __________(强壮) than John.


I am Sandy.Tomorrow is Saturday.I am going to the Long Mountains with my good friends.We are going to meet at 6:00 in the morning.The mountains are far from our home.We are going by bike.We are going to have a picnic there.Amy__my little siswter,likes flowers.So I’m going to pick some beautful flowers for her.The mountainsare very beautful,I take my camera,I’m going to take some pictures.I am going to….That’s will be fun!Oh,it’ s10:30.I must go to bed. See you tomorrow!

1.What is Sandy going to do on Saturday?


2.When is Sandy going to meet with his friends ?


3.Are the mountains near Donny’s house?


4.Who is Amy? What does she like?


5.What is Sandy going to do on the mountain?


十二. Writing. (想一想,根据单词提示,写一篇小短文。“Last weekend”)

last weekend sunny went swimming

played sports listened to music

watched TV did housework

六年级英语下册期末测试题及答案 篇3

( ) 1. You __________ run _________ the classroom.

A. mustn’t, in B. should, in C. shouldn’t, out of

( ) 2. I like in summer and in winter.

A. swimming; skating B. swims; skates C. swim; skate

( ) 3. He also does at home. He never goes to bed late.

A. good B. well C. nice

( ) 4. You must __________ run _______ play on the road.

A. not, or B. to, and C. not, and

( ) 5. He waits for the ______ man before he ________ the road.

A. red, crosses B. green, crosses C. green, cross

( ) 6. He’d like around Hong Kong.

A. traveling B. travels C. to travel

( ) 7. You’ll find the Grand Canyon in _____________.

A. the UK B. the US C. Australia

( ) 8. Beijing is the capital of China. London is the capital of .

A. the US B. France C. the UK

( ) 9.Look, the old woman is the bus. Let’s help .

A. gets on B. getting on; she C. getting on; her

( ) 10. Nancy is talking her plans the weekend Miss Li.

A. about; at; to B. to; about; for C. about; for; with



( ) 1. Where will you go this afternoon? A. I will give her a gift.

( ) 2. Where did you go in USA? B. Yes, I am

( ) 3. Will Yang Ling go to Jinshan Park? C. The shopping centre.

( ) 4. Are you good at playing table tennis? D. Yes, she will.

( ) 5. What will you do for your teacher? E. I went to Washington



Peter, Ann, Mary and their parents went to the countryside for their summer holiday. That was a beautiful place. They lived in a farmer’s house. The farmer was Mr Black.

In the morning, they went for a walk in a forest. They saw a river. The father wanted to swim in it. So he jumped into the river. After some time, he came out. He said there were a lot of fish in it. In the afternoon, Peter and Mary went fishing by the river. Two hours later they caught ten fish. In the evening, Ann cooked the fish and some other delicious food for dinner. They ate a lot. They were very happy.

( ) 1. Where did Peter and his family go for their summer holiday?

A. They went to the mountains.

B. They went to the countryside.

C. They went to a big city.

( ) 2. Where did they live?

A. They lived in a forest. B. They lived near a river.

C. They lived in Mr. Black’s house.

( ) 3. Can the father swim?

A. Yes, he can. B. No, he can’t. C. We don’t know.

( ) 4. Who caught a lot of fish in the afternoon?

A. Peter’s father did. B. Peter and Ann did.

C. Mary and Peter did.

( ) 5. How many fish did they catch?

A. A lot of. B. Only one. C. Ten fish.


Mrs. Jones was a teacher. Her house was not far from her school, and she often walked there in the morning. All the students in the school were very young.

One cold and windy morning in October, Mrs. Jones walked to school. The cold wind went into her eyes and big tears (泪) began to run out of them. She reached (到达) the school, opened the door and went into the classroom.

It was nice, warm there and Mrs. Jones was happy. But then a small boy looked at her for some time, put his arms round her and said (说): “ Don’t cry, Mrs. Jones. School isn’t very bad.”


( ) 1. Mrs. Jones was a teacher and she usually went to school _______.

A. on foot B. by train C. by bus D. by bike

( ) 2. ______ when she went to school one morning.

A. It was hot B. It was windy and cold C. It was sunny

D. It was snowing

( ) 3. Why did big tears begin to run out of her eyes ?

A. Because she was very cold. B. Because she was very sad. C. Because the cold wind went into her eyes.

D. Because she was very happy.

( ) 4. The classroom was _______ .

A. cold B. cool C. warm D. hot

( ) 5. The small boy wanted to _______.

A. make Mrs. Jones sad B. make Mrs. Jones happy

C. make Mrs. Jones angry D. laugh at (嘲笑) Mrs. Jones



1、全音符______拍,二分音符_____拍 .


3、《中华人民共和国国歌》,原名__________ 是由____作词,_____作曲。







10、色彩的三原色分别是 、、。

11、中国绘画中最擅长画马的是 。

12、森林每年吞噬着大量的二氧化碳,又制造出大量的氧气,因此被人们誉为 “ ”。

13、人们形象的把煤炭称为“ ”,把石油称为“ ”。

14、和 是生命最基本的两种特征。

15、提出生物进化是自然选择的结果,并于1859年出版了震惊世界的巨著《 》。

16、食物链上的生物,能自己制造食物的叫做 ,以其它生物为食物的叫做,分解动植物残骸或非物的叫做分解者。


1.400米跑可以抢道跑。( )

2. 发生轻度扭伤后,应采取热敷,减少出血与肿胀。 ( )

3. 田径运动是径赛和田赛的总称。 ( )

4. 剧烈运动时和运动后需要一次性大量饮水。 ( )

5.在睡觉的过程右侧卧睡姿对人体的健康最有利。 ( )

6、‖: :‖是反复跳跃记号 ( )

7、1=F 写在乐曲开头是,是一种速度标记 ( )


电能→声音 洗衣机

电能→热能 日光灯

电能→光能 电磁铁

电能→磁能 收音机

电能→动能 电饭锅


六年级英语下册期中段考检测试题以及答案 篇4


















D.stronger II.听问句选答语,每题读两遍(10分)

()1.A.I’m fine.B.I’m nine.C.I’m 50kg.()2.A.The elephant.B.The cat.()3.A.I’m in the classroom B.I have a headache.C.It’s sunny.()4.A.Yes, I do.B.Yes, I did.C.No,I did.()5.A.It’s black.B.It’s a clock.C.It’s four o’clock.III.听短文判断正误,读两遍(10分)()1.Jenny’s family was very busy last weekend.()2.Jenny cleaned the floor yesterday.()3.Bob washed his clothes.()4.Father cooked supper.()5.Mother read a newspaper.笔试部分(70分)I.把下列词语按要求分类,只填序号(10分)A.sping B.green C.bought


F.sad G.ate



J.shorter K.excited

1.fall ___________ ___________ 2.did____________ _____________ 3.taller_________ ____________ 4.yellow ________ _____________ 5.happy___________ _________ II.选择正确答案,将其序号填入题前括号内。(20分。)()1.I like dancing and she____________.A.like singing B.like to sing C.likes singing()2.Wu Ming is a girl, she _________ long hair.A.has B.was C.have()3.He is going ____________ artist.A.to an B.to be an C.an()4.She is _________ than me? A.thin B.thiner C.thinner()5.--I usually get up ______ seven o’clock in the morning.A.at B.on C.of()6.--David is playing ______ basketball in the playground.A.a B.the C.()7.--It’s time __________lunch.A.to B.for C.have()8.-_____ you watch TV last night? Yes, I watched TV.A.Did B.Do C.Does()9.How did you go there? A.By bike

B.I ate good food.C.Last year()10.Mary’s eyes are ___________ than Lucy’s.A.big


C.bigger III.看右图读一读,完成对话(10分)1.What do you usually do on Sundays?

I usually ______________ ____________.2.How does she feel? She feels ________.3.Where did you go yesterday? I _________ ____ __________ park.4.What are you doing ?

I ___________ ______________a book.5.What are you going to do tomorrow?

I am going to ___________ ______________.IV.从I栏选出与II栏相对应的句子。(10分)


II()1.What did you do yesterday ?

A.I feel sick.()2.How do you feel ?

B.I climbed a mountain.()3.What’s the date ?

C.October 1st.()4.Where did you go ?

D.Yes , I did.()5.Did you learn English ?

E.I went to Xinjiang.V.连词成句(10分)

1.where on you go your holiday did __________________________________________________? 2.matter with you what’s the ___________________________________________________? 3.the do you what on weekend do usually ____________________________________________________? 4.likeshelistening music

to __________________________________________________.5.two I’m



younger years

___________________________________________________.VI.阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)(10分)My name is Mike.I like singing.My friend and I had a long holiday last month.We went on a trip.I went to Hangzhou with my parents by plane.We saw the West Lake.John is my cousin.He is one year older than me.Tim is my classmate.He is an English boy.He went to Huangshan by plane.He climbed the mountains.We are all in Grade 6 now.We are going to a new middle school in September.We will be in Grade 7.1、Mike went to TangShan last month.()

2、John is one year younger than Mike.()

3、Tim is Mike’s classmate.()

4、We will be in Grade 7 in September.(5、Tim is from the U.S.A.())六年级英语 听力材料:


1.I’m washing my clothes now.2.I’m excited, I’m going on a big trip.3.Tom is taller than Amy.4.I went skiing last Saturday.5.You’re bigger and stronger than me.II、听问句选答语,每题读两遍(10分)1.How old are you ? 2.Which animal is heavier,the elephant or the cat ? 3.What’s the matter ? 4.Did you read a book ? 5.What time is it ? III、听短文判断正误,读两遍(10分)

Jenny’s family was very busy yesterday, she cleaned the floor, her brother Bob washed his clothes, her mother cooked supper and her father read a newspaper, and the dog played with a small ball.六年级英语(B)听力答案: I、C B B B D II、B A B B C III、× √ √ × ×


I.把下列词语按要求分类,只填序号(10分)1.A I

2.C G

3.E J

4.B H 5.F K II.选择正确答案,将其序号填入题前括号内。(20分。)




1.play football 2.happy

3.went to the

4.am reading

5.draw pictures

IV.从I栏选出与II栏相对应的句子。(10分)1..B 2.A 3.C 4.E 5.D V.连词成句(10分)

1.Where did you go on your holiday? 2.What’s the matter with you ? 3.What do you usually do on the weekend? 4.He likes listening to music.5.I am two years younger than you.VI.阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)(10分)
