


丘吉尔演讲英文 篇1

Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak.Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.10241015 Lily

Good afternoon everyone.I am grateful for the chance to be here and give the presentation.I guess most of you know that there is a lyrics saying “love really needs the courage to face the rumors and slanders”.But I am not going to talk about love and courage, that’s the poet stuff.What I shall be speaking today about is the courage to speak and listen.Ok, first I want to conduct a simple survey here.Now, let’s suppose that we are having the English public speaking class, and I am Banjo, I want a person to give a speech here, to tell us your thought about our class and me, right now.who want to be the one?

Well , it seems like you prefer to sit down and listen to me instead of standing up to speak.And, now if I give you 2 choices , the first one is to stand up and say something, jokes, stories, news, whatever you like, for 5 minutes.The second one is you have to sit in the teachers’ office and listen to your most serious teacher criticize you, for one hour.If you choose the first one, hands up.And who would like to choose the second one?

Here we see, we do not only need the courage to love, and we also need the courage to speak and listen.Specifically, we need the courage to express our thoughts and ideas, and the courage to listen to criticism and different opinions.Then, I want to share some experience of myself with you.This is the fourth time I stand here.Actually I don’t like to do this but I have to.I used to serve as a host of the art festival in my middle school for many times.Before having this class I thought it would be very easy to give a speech in the class.But I just forgot the speech should be given in English.It turned to be really difficult for me.People who have public speaking experience know that, few people can do it in calm mood confidently on the stage.But I have to make it.I just told myself, stand up, and everything will naturally go on.The only courage I need is to make me stand up.That’s enough.And here, all of you, as listeners and my audience, sitting down and listen to me is not difficult.But as I just said, you may need some courage to listen to others’ criticism.We all know that good medicine always tastes bitter.Good advice and criticism is the same.Maybe it sounds unpleasant, but accepting it will make you a better person.It is the same as standing up and speaking.You just need to tell yourself, sit down, calm down and listen.Well, every beginning is difficult.All the courage you need is to sit down instead of blocking your ears or even turning round and

leaving.I hope I have made myself understood.By the way of conclusion, I’d like to share a quote of Churchill, ” Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak.Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.”

That’s all, thank you.

丘吉尔演讲英文 篇2

“体裁” (genre) 和“体裁分析” (genre analysis) 现在已经成为二语习得领域的研究热点。近20年来, 国内外学者进行的“体裁分析”多集中于对科技、学术论文、促销广告、法律文件等具有职业和学术背景的语篇的大量分析。然而, 对社会政治领域有深远影响的英语演讲的体裁分析与研究却鲜有人涉足。本文主要以丘吉尔的《关于希特勒入侵苏联的演讲》为语料, 从词汇层面、句法层面、修辞层面三个语言学视角解读演讲的体裁特征。

2 语料的来源

丘吉尔《关于希特勒入侵苏联的演讲》来自于张汉熙《高级英语》上册第五课演讲正文的第8到13段, 以下简称《演讲》。该演讲的背景发生在二战爆发之后, 德国于1940年7月10日对英国发动空袭, 史称“不列颠之战”。这是二战中时间最长、规模最大的一次空战, 德国平均每天出动1000多架飞机。正在不列颠之战胜负未分之际, 德国却将矛头突然转向苏联, 希特勒于1941年6月22日对苏联发起进攻, 二战进入了新阶段。丘吉尔的《演讲》就是在这样的大背景下发表的。

3 语言学视角下演讲的体裁特征

演讲这一独特的体裁具有明确的目的性和明显的鼓动性, 因而独树一帜。其语篇特征和体裁特征已经成为国内外学者的分析热点 (肖福寿, 2009) 。体裁分析法就是通过确定图示文本的宏观结构来体现交际目的的实现途径的一种研究方法。图示结构的基本分析单位是语步 (move) , 即与作者交际目的紧密联系的语义单位。通过对《演讲》的分析, 可以得出以下的体裁图示结构:

语步一:谴责希特勒及纳粹主义的滔天罪恶, 旨在引起英国人民和其他国家人民的共鸣;语步二:宣布大不列颠的政策, 表明态度;丘吉尔宣布的政策核心就是尽一切可能抗击希特勒;语步三:进一步说服英国人民和其他国家;在这一部分, 丘吉尔通过理性的分析, 一针见血地指出希特勒入侵苏联只是他入侵英伦三岛的序曲, 希特勒企图快速解决苏联, 以使其主力从东线战场转移至西线战场, 从而完成他统治整个西半球的野心, 这部分的遣词造句十分考究, 有理有据, 极富逻辑性, 具有高度的说服力;语步四:号召英国人民和全世界人民抗击希特勒。这一语步出现在演讲稿的最后, 旨在实现其指令功能和委托功能 (commissive function) , 使听众和演讲者主动承担责任。丘吉尔用极富煽动性的语言结束了演讲, “让我们从过去残酷的历史经验中汲取教训吧。让我们趁着生命未息、力量尚存之时, 加倍努力, 团结奋斗吧。”

3.1 词汇层面的体裁特征

演讲稿的词汇特征主要包括大词的使用、形容词的使用、代词的使用、名词的使用、动词的使用、副词的使用和古语的使用等方面的特征。从词汇层面进行分析, 《演讲》主要具有如下特征:

(1) 大词的使用

在英语中, 含有6个字母以上或者三个音节以上的单词常被称为大词 (big word) , 而6个字母以下的短词称为小词 (small word) 。大词一般来自拉丁语、希腊语或法语, 大词的使用可以使演讲显得更正式、严谨、规范。《演讲》共954个单词, 其中大词为249个, 占总词量的26%。日常对话中, 大词的含量基本低于20% (王佐良, 2001) 。但在该演讲稿中大词占全文总词量的26%, 远远超过了20%。由此可见, 演说词虽然以口头形式发布, 但仍具有很明显的书面语特征。例如, “indistinguishable, wickedness, efficency, cruelty, agression, consistent, spectacle, threshold, hideous, onslaught, divergence, slackening”等等, 这些大词的使用使演说显得正式严肃。

(2) 形容词和副词的使用

在演讲中使用形容词和副词, 尤其是带有感情色彩的形容词和副词, 可以有效地增强演讲对听众的感染力。在该演讲中, 带有感情色彩的形容词和副词共有29个, 占总词量的3%, 如“indistinguishable, ferocious, primordial, hideous, dull, drilled, docile, brutish, villainous, faithfully, steadfastly, slightest, woefully, hateful”等等。这些描述感情的形容词和副词更容易引起听众心理感情上的共鸣, 使语言更富有感情色彩和感染力。

(3) 代词的使用

在公共演说词中, 第一人称最为常用 (王佐良, 2001) 。第一人称代词的使用, 可以拉近演讲者和听众之间的距离, 帮助演讲者获得听众的支持。丘吉尔在该演说中使用了大量的“I”和“we”。“I”的频繁使用是为了表明自己的立场和观点;“we”的大量使用可以将听众拉到演讲者这一边, 有助于同听众建立一种亲密信任的关系。在当时的历史大背景下, 丘吉尔需要英国人民的支持和世界其他国家的援助, 才能共同抵御希特勒, 彻底粉碎希特勒的阴谋。

3.2 句法层面的体裁特征


(1) 长句和短句的使用

在《演讲》中, 长句的使用多于短句, 整篇演讲共39句话, 其中长句22句, 短句17句, 长句占总句量的56%, 平均句长24.5个单词, 远远高于演讲中的平均句长17.6。这些长句大多是复杂句和主从复合句, 结构复杂, 表意功能强, 能使语义连贯、气势如虹。如《演讲》中, 丘吉尔在谈到希特勒的狼子野心的时候, 就用了一个多达68个单词的句子, 一气呵成, 体现了演讲者深厚的语言功底。

另外, 短句的使用, 能和长句相互呼应, 结构上显得和谐统一;在《演讲》中, 也有很多精辟的短句, 例如在丘吉尔表明大不列颠对德的政策和态度时, 就用了一系列的短句:“We have but one aim and one single, irrevocable purpose (10) .We are resolved to destroy Hitler and every vestige of the Nazi regime (13) .From this nothing will turn us-nothing (7) .That is our policy and that is our declaration (9) ”。这些短句短小精悍, 结构简单, 但铿锵有力, 与长句间形成鲜明的节奏感。

(2) 圆周句和倒装句的使用

圆周句也称掉尾句, 是把句子中最关键的内容置于句末, 是英语中末端中心 (end focus) 或句尾重心 (end weighting) 原则的应用;倒装句是指将谓语动词或谓语动词的一部分置于主语之前, 引起完全倒装或部分倒装的语法现象。这两种句型都能起强调作用, 起到吸引听众注意的效果, 使演讲看起来正式、庄严。在《演讲》中, 共使用了3个圆周句和2个倒装句。在丘吉尔谈到对德政策时, 使用了完全倒装“From this nothing will turn us-nothing”, 来强调没有任何事能改变我们消灭希特勒的决心。

(3) 疑问句和祈使句的使用

疑问句的合理使用可以设置悬念, 引发听众的思考;祈使句可起呼吁效果, 既能引起听众的注意, 又能调动其情绪和参与感。在《演讲》中这两种句型的使用不是非常典型, 只有1处疑问句和2处祈使句。

3.3 修辞层面的体裁特征

修辞学是有效地使用语言的艺术。 (Brooks&Warren, 1979) 修辞手法的使用可以使得语言表达更准确、鲜明、生动, 使读者更易于理解、接受。修辞在演讲中的使用尤其普遍, 在《演讲》中丘吉尔使用了多种修辞手法来丰富自己的演讲。

(1) 平行结构

平行结构 (Parallelism) 是把结构相同、意义并重、语气一致的词、短语、句子甚至段落排成串, 从而形成一种结构平衡、音韵和谐、语义紧凑、高潮迭起的整体。从修辞层面分析, 平行结构是演讲最典型的特征。《演讲》中就有10处平行结构。例如, 在谈到大不列颠对德的政策时, 丘吉尔就用了三个平行结构来表明大不列颠的态度:“We shall fi ght him by land, we shall fi ght him by sea, we shall fight him in the air…”。采用这种修辞手法, 既能起到突出演讲主题的作用, 又能令句子流畅, 读起来朗朗上口、音韵铿锵, 极富音乐般的节奏和感染力, 使演讲充满了鼓动性。

(2) 反复

反复 (repitition) 是对同一个或具有相似意义的词、句、段落的反复使用, 可以加强语气, 起强调作用。在《演讲》中共有7处反复, 例如“From this nothing will turn us-nothing”, 作者连用两个“nothing”, 表明了丘吉尔誓死消灭希特勒的决心, 这不仅加强了演讲的气势, 表达了深刻的思想, 而且增强了语言的节奏感和感染力。

(3) 明喻和暗喻的使用

明喻 (Simile) 与暗喻 (Metaphor) 两种修辞手法能够赋予事物以深刻的寓意, 能够增加语言的形象性和主动性, 加深听众的印象。在《演讲》中共有1处明喻, 6处暗喻。例如:“...of the Hun soldiery plodding on like a swarm of crawling locusts...”在此句中, 丘吉尔使用明喻, 将装备沉重的德国士兵比喻成一群爬行的蝗虫, 因为两者有一个共同的特点——带来灾难和毁灭。生动形象, 易于理解。

(4) 头韵、尾韵和谐音韵的使用

头韵 (Alliteration) 、尾韵 (Consonance) 和谐音韵 (Assonance) 是英语中较为常见的语音修辞。在《演讲》中丘吉尔共使用了3处头韵, 3处尾韵和3处谐音韵。例如“...dull, drilled, docile...”, “...clanking, heelclicking...”, “...hearth and home...”, 这些音韵读起来朗朗上口, 富于乐感, 能给听众留下深刻的印象, 为演讲增添色彩。


通过以上分析, 笔者对演讲的体裁特征进行了初探, 演讲无论在词汇、句法、修辞等方面都有其独特的特征。本文以丘吉尔《关于希特勒入侵苏联的演讲》为语料, 抛砖引玉, 演讲具有高度的组织性和修辞性。当然, 演讲中折射的意识形态特征、文化内涵、以及批评性的话语分析等还有待于我们进一步的探析。


[1]王佐良, 丁往道.英语文体学引论[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 2001.

[2]肖福寿.美国总统就职演说赏析[M].上海:上海大学出版社, 2009.

[3]管淑红.演讲语篇的功能文体分析——试析英国首相丘吉尔的“关于希特勒入侵苏联的讲话”[J]华东交通大学学报, 2005 (3) .

丘吉尔演讲辞的“及物性”分析 篇3

【关键词】丘吉尔演说辞 韩礼德 及物性 过程





(1)物质过程:表示做某件事的过程。这个过程一般由动态动词来表示,“动作者”和动作的“目标”一般由名词或代词表示。 以演讲《热血、辛劳、眼泪和汗水》中的句子为例:“I have already completed the most important part of this task.”该句中,“I”为动作者(丘吉尔),“the...of this task”为目标,“completed”即为用来表示这一过程的动词。

(2)心理过程:表示“感觉”、“反应”和“认知”等心理活动的过程,如like,know等。心理过程一般包含:主体,即“感知者”;客体,即被感知的“现象”。以演讲辞为例:“I think I may be pardoned if I do not address the House.”该句中“think”为心理过程的典型标志。



以演讲辞为例:“Come,Let us go forward together.”在这句表现行为过程的句子中,“come,go forward”体现了丘吉尔对群众的激励与鼓舞。


以演讲辞为例:“I say to the House as I said to Ministers...sweat.”例句中用了“say,said”,表达了讲话者(丘吉尔)要传达的信息。






第三部分重点在于重塑国民的信心以应战。物质过程仍然占据了最大的比例,这有利于丘吉尔分析当前形势,显示自己的决心与信心,有更强的号召力。如:“I say it is to wage war by land,sea and air.War with all our might...and to wage war...human crime.”句中的三个动词凸显了丘吉尔充满激情。同时,相较而言,这部分中的言语过程所占的比例很突出。丘吉尔用了“say,said,answer,claim”这些词,对抗战政策和目标进行阐述,鼓舞了士气。最后,丘吉尔用了心理过程和行为过程,突出了对战争胜利的信心和对民众的鼓舞。





丘吉尔演讲稿 篇4

“今天凌晨四点,希特勒进攻俄罗斯,他的平常的背信弃义的手续都严格遵守。一项非侵略条约已经过严肃的签署,并在两国间生效。由德国的不履行。德国军队在伪装自负的外衣之下,沿着从白海延伸到黑海的一条直线,以及他们的空中舰队和装甲师,以缓慢而有条理的方式竖起了巨大的力量。突然间,没有宣战,甚至连最后通,都没有发出最后通,,德国的炸弹从天上降落在俄罗斯的城市。德国军队侵犯了俄罗斯边界。一个小时后,德国大使,直到前一天,他向俄罗斯人宣布友谊 - 几乎是联盟 - 的保证,呼吁俄罗斯外交部长告诉他,德国和俄罗斯之间存在着战争状态。这是一个更大的规模对我们在挪威,丹麦,荷兰,比利时所看到的各种形式的契约和国际信仰的同样的愤慨,以及希腊的帮凶和墨索里尼如此忠实地模仿希腊的情况。所有这一切对我来说并不感到意外。事实上,我向斯大林的斯大林提出了明确的,准确的警告,告诉他们,我已经给了他警告,我只能希望这些警告不会被忽视。我们现在所知的是,俄罗斯人民正在捍卫自己的土地,他们的领导人已经呼吁他们尽力抵制。“



著名演讲篇之《少数人》丘吉尔 篇5





丘吉尔演讲英文 篇6





当我们说在英伦三岛上空抵御来自海外的袭击将对我们更有好处时,我应当指出,我从这些事实里找到了一个可靠的论据,我们实际可行而有万无一失的办法就是根据这个论据想出来的。我对这些青年飞行员表示敬意。强大的法国陆军当时在几千辆装甲车的冲击下大部分溃退了。难道不可以说,文明事业本身将有数千飞行员的本领和忠诚来保护吗? 有人对我说,希特勒先生有一个入侵英伦三岛的计划,过去也时常有人这么盘算过。当拿破仑带着他的平底船和他的大军在罗涅驻扎一年之后,有人对他说:“英国那边有厉害的杂草。”自从英国远征军归来后,这种杂草当然就更多了。



经典英文演讲励志 篇7



ladies and gentlemen , good afternoon!im very glad to stand here and give you a short speech.today my topic is “youth”.i hope you will like it , and found the importance in your youth so that more cherish it.first i want to ask you some questions:

1、do you know what is youth?

2、how do you master your youth?


youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind;it is not rosy cheeks , red lips and supple knees, it is a matter of the emotions : it is the freshness;it is the freshness of the deep springs of life.youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity of the appetite , for adventure over the love of ease.this often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20.nobody grows old merely by a number of years.we grow old by deserting our ideals.years wrinkle the skin , but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.worry , fear , self distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust.whether 60 of 16 , there is in every human being s heart the lure of wonders, the unfailing childlike appetite of whats next and the joy of the game of living.in the center of your heart and my heart theres a wireless station : so long as it receives messages of beauty , hope ,cheer, courage and power from men and from the infinite, so long as you are young.when the aerials are down , and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old ,even at 20 , but as long as your aerials are up ,to catch waves of optimism , there is hope you may die young at 80.thank you!


once upon a time, a weenie ant was walking on his way.as he was walking, suddenly he felt the ground shaking terribly.he looked around with his paranoid eyes and saw an elephant walking right

behind him.quickly, the little ant covered himself with dirt, but one leg was unfortunately left out.a sparrow saw everything, so she flew down with the purpose of teasing the ant: “hey, chicken!watch out your leg, its out!” the ant felt embarrassed at first but then calmly responded: “ shi...i am going to trip that elephant.”

right now, im standing on this glamorous stage.but everything here reminds me of is a not so fun memory.around this time last year i was in nanjing competing in another speech contest.that was the first time for me to be in such a large event.of course the pressure i was under was immense too.after a sleepless and stressful night, i went onto that stage without the feeling in my legs.that speech turned out to be horrible.i dont remember how i get down from there, but i do remember afterwards i just wanted to find a hole to hide in just like the ant in the story.back at my school, it took a long time for me to recover.thanks to all the help i got from my special friends.my confidence was restored.after rounds of giving speeches and answering tough questions, i am here today.from all that ive been through ive learned that a good future is based on a forgotten past, if i want my life to go on well i have to let go of my past failure.so today, with out fear, i am tripping my elephant again.篇三

the east and the west, lets enjoy the combination of the two cultures?

kipling said:“east is east, and west is west, and never the twain shall meet!” but now, a century later, they have met.they have met in business.they have met in education.they have met in the arts.some people will argue that these meetings will leave us with a choice between east and west, but i believe that the best future lies in the creative combination of both worlds.we can make western ideas, customs and technology our own, and adapt them to our own use.we can enjoy the best of both worlds, because our tradition is, above all, one of selecting the best and making it our own.i love beijing and hennan opera because it always reminds me of who i am.but i am also a fan of pop music, especially english songs.so i have combined eastern melody with western language.it is called western henna opera.when two cultures meet, there may be things in one culture, which do not fit into the tradition of the other.when this happens, we need to learn to understand and respect the customs of another culture.then there are certain things some people may not like.to this, i will say, if you do not like it, please try to tolerate it.to learn to tolerate what you personally dont like is a great

英文演讲自我介绍 篇8

good morning, teachers.i am glad to have thechance to introduce myself.my chinese name is yang yiguo.my english name is evan.i am a boy.i am five years old.i am fromyingzhong training center.there are five people in myfamily.they are father, mother, grandpa, grandma and i.my fatheris a doctor, he works in union hospital.my mother is a teacher ofyoung children.i like englsh.i have learnedenglish for one year.i learn englsh from mycomputer, my english teacher and my parents.now i can speak alittle englsh.that’s all.thank you for listening.

英文演讲 篇9

Everybody knows waste paper and used coke cans are discarded everywhere.You might have seen plastic bags flying in the sky and getting caught in the trees when the wind blows or maybe you have seen old cans floating in the rivers and polluting the water.Our environment is the place in which we live, but it is being ruined by us.大家都能看见废纸,可乐瓶丢得到处都是;也可能看到过塑料袋满天飞,当风停的时候就挂在树上;易拉罐在河里顺流而下污染水源。我们大家赖以生存的环境,却被我们亲手破坏了。There is a story about house and trees.It is said that a man’s house was

surrounded by a lot of trees.Though the wind was strong, that man could have a good rest under the trees.How comfortable the life was!One day, that man wanted to enlarge his house, so he cut down all the trees.Then the autumn came without the protection.The strong wind blew the roof of the house into the sky.The whole house was gone with the wind.What a pity!But that’s the price people have to pay for destroying in the ecology balance.People shouldn’t be short-sighted.Protecting the environment is everyone’s task.有一个关于房子和树的故事。讲的是一个人住在树林围绕的房子中,尽管风很大,这个人还是可以在树下安然而坐。这是多么惬意的生活啊!可是有一天,他想扩建他的房屋,所以他把所有的树都砍掉了。然而,秋天就在这时候来了,因为房子没有任何的保护,狂风把房顶吹上了天空,整个房子黯然消逝在狂风中。这又是多么遗憾的一件事啊!但是,这就是破坏生态平衡的人所要付出的代价。人类不应该目光短浅,保护环境人人有责。

As you know, there are four kinds of pollution.They are air pollution, water pollution, waste pollution and noise pollution.But what can we do to solve the pollution? I think, firstly, we can make cars that don’t pollute the environment.We can ask companies to use modern clean technology.In some big cities, we can limit the number of cars.Secondly, we can try to use less water and make sure that we do not pollute the water.We can tell factories that they are not allowed to pour waste water into the lakes and rivers.Thirdly, we should not throw rubbish in parks and cities.We can pick up rubbish if we see it.We can put more rubbish bins in our parks and cities.Fourthly, we can live far from the noise and make the laws to limit the noise.大家都知道,有四种污染:空气污染、水污染、废弃物污染、噪音污染。但是,我们要怎么做才能避免这些污染呢?




英文演讲讲稿 篇10

Of beauty

Who can precisely give beauty a definition? I don’t think anyone is able to do that.Each person has his own view of beauty.Though the definition cannot come to a unity, it will not bother us about describing beauty.There is a saying, everybody appreciates his own beauty.For us, to pursuit beauty is a lifelong business.We search for the beautiful landscapes, the beautiful faces, the beautiful body shapes.Meanwhile, we try our best to find out the beauty in people’s heart, especially of our own.In Sir Francis Bacon’s famous issue ‘Of beauty’, he pointed out that virtue is the beauty of one’s inner aspect while the appearance is of one’s outer aspect.At last, he said that if people can combine virtue and appearance together then it is the beauty.What is beauty? Sir Francis Bacon represents beauty.His vision, his thoughts, his works and his virtue are of beauty.Where to find beauty? I think if we use our heart to observe the world then we will find beauty everywhere.I’d love to find beauty, I search for it everywhere especially in literature.In our life, we must have read some famous works, in my opinion, that is where full of beauty.In ‘Pride and Prejudice’, I think Elizabeth shows me beauty.Her manners, her behaviors, her wisdom, her appearance as well as her personality reflect beauty.In ‘The old man and the sea’, the old fisherman is brave, determined and unbending.Through him, I see the beauty of resolute.We can say that the characters in the works are of certainty.And each one of them can reflect beauty on some aspects.So in literature, I think if we analyze the characters relatively, we will find out the beauty of our taste.As I have mentioned before, I think the reason we search for beauty is that we want to find out the beauty in our heart.By reading, we not just see what happened in the books, but also try to find out the beauty in our own heart.I think the beauty showed in literature is about human nature.That is virtue.We all try to be good to other people;we all want to gain the respect from others.How to make it? I think it depends on virtue.Only when others can feel the beauty of our heart then can we gain the respect.Above all are my opinions of beauty.I think if we keep being good, being kind and behaving virtually, sooner or later we will find out the beauty of our own, so can other people feel it.Just as Sir Francis Bacon says, let’s make virtue shine.Thank you.
