四年级暑假英语作文 篇1
New face in New Term
New term is coming.I want to go back to school soon.In the new term, I will do better.Because I am ten years now.I will take good care of myself when parents aren’t at home.I can cook for myself.I can wash clothes.I can help mum to clean rooms and water plants.Look, I can do much more now!
My habbits
I have some good habbits.The first is to sleep early and get up early.The second is to do exercises.The third is to clean my room and desk.With these good habbits, I can keep my body strong and health.I can keep everything tidy.I have more time to play.Good habbits make more happy.Good manners
Every one likes good manner.Let’s always say hello, thank you and that’s all right.When you see a friend on the road, you should say hello.When you get help from others, please say thank you.When someone needs help, give him a hand and say all right.Think and do more for others.The world will be better and better.My summer holiday
I get a lot of fun in summer holiday.I spend July in qingyuan, Guangdong.I spend August in Anyang, Henan.I play with my cousins.We climb trees, we ride bikes, we play hiding and beating.We pick up grupes, peachs from trees.We run to streetsand buy things we like.We don’t worry about our homework when we play.What a good time!
My Plant
My plant is tomota.First, I put some seeds into the soil.Roots come out some days later.After a week, you can see green leaves.They grow tall and big.It’s a beautiful plant a month later.Look, there are flower here and there!It gets fruit very soon.They’are red and circle.They are so much.My Future Living
I believe the future world is wonderful.At that time, my future living is amazing.I have a house with reels.They can be turned around under the sun.The windows close if the rain is coming.The doors open when you tell it a number.Every room can turn big and small.Is it interesting?
My Birthday
My birthday is on the first day of July.It’s a happy day.Mum will prepare big dinner for me.Daddy will go home early and wait for me back.I get
presents from friends and relatives.We will sing birthday song after cutting cake.We will take photos too.I hope every day is birthday.
四年级暑假英语作文 篇2
最新《英语课程标准》倡导自主性学习方式和终身学习的理念, 重视从语言知识转向对学生综合语言运用能力的培养, 强调学习外语的过程不再是一个枯燥的背诵和记忆的过程, 而是一个积极主动的学习过程, 一个不断提高语言运用能力和人文素养的过程。小学英语作业是小学英语教学工作的重要组成部分, 是小学英语课堂教学的延续, 是培养学生良好学习习惯, 促进学生个性发展的有效途径。应该看到, 随着网络的兴起, 各种现代化辅助工具的出现, 英语的学习资源越来越丰富, 形式也更加多样。单纯地机械操练、死记硬背的方式已经无法吸引学生, 而缺少运用的作业形式对学生的综合语用能力提高成效甚微。因此, 如何设计更有效的作业形式、作业评价方式就显得更加迫切, 特别是对课时数有限、教学任务繁重的一线教师尤为重要。
1. 研究对象
本研究的调查对象是本校四年级三个班的学生, 共计105人。
2. 研究工具
问卷调查采用无记名方式, 内容包括学生个人情况、学生喜好何种作业类型、学生作业完成存在困难及解决办法、学生喜好何种学习方式、学生喜好何种评价方式、学生对作业有效性自评等6个范畴, 35个问题, 采用4级量表积分的方式, 主要调查学生写作业的动机、学习策略以及他们对英语教学等多个因素的感知情况。作业分析是通过对日常作业的反馈、统计, 调查实践过程中的变化。访谈法则是针对有代表性的学生进行一对一的调查。
3. 数据分析工具
本次问卷共收集105份, 由于填写问卷前解释清楚、到位, 收回有效问卷105份。本人将数据输入Excel中, 然后利用SPSS18.0软件, 进行相关性分析。
1. 上学期末情况
我从上学期开始接手四年级英语教学。四年级共有A、B、C三个班, 班级人数分别为35、34、36人。其中B班成绩最高, A班次之, C班成绩最低。经过一个学期的无差别教学, 上学期末成绩排名仍然是B、A、C的次序, 而且C班和B、A两班的差距还有拉大的趋势。从作业的完成情况来看也不乐观, 无论口头作业还是书面作业都有学生拖欠。是什么原因导致了这个结果, 作业应该如何布置呢?
2. 调查问卷数据分析
为了方便分析, 根据反馈形式, 将英语作业分为口头作业和书面作业。
据调查, 三个班级的学生喜好各不相同, A班学生喜欢朗读、唱歌、模仿录音。B班学生喜欢朗读、唱歌、表演课本, 而无人喜欢对话, 这可能与B班男生偏多、表现欲强有关。C班学生最爱唱歌, 其次是朗读和模仿录音, 可能是因为C班基础较薄弱, 学生更喜欢歌词简单、容易哼唱的歌曲。
通过三个班对比发现, B班学生喜欢抄写单词, 而对其他需要思考或是费一定时间才能完成的书面作业都缺乏兴趣。A班学生则对做课堂练习、抄写句子表现了相当的兴趣。对C班学生来说, 对贺卡和手抄报这类综合性作业有一定兴趣。B班和C班都对抄写单词有很大兴趣, 也许不是他们爱抄单词, 而是因为抄单词简单、省事。
据统计, A班总能及时交作业的同学有10人, 偶尔拖欠的有22人, 经常拖欠的有4人, 分别占班级总人数的29%、60%、11%。总能及时交作业的同学与没抄作业一项变量是显著负相关, 说明他们总能及时抄写作业, 养成了良好的习惯;与老师表扬一项变量为显著正相关, 看来老师的评价对他们很重要。偶尔拖欠作业的学生对老师的表扬并不太在意, 奖状对他们的激励也很有限, 玩英语游戏是他们的最爱。对经常拖欠作业的学生来说, 模仿录音是他们喜欢完成的, 他们总能从亲戚那得到帮助。
B班总能及时交作业的学生有9人, 偶尔拖欠作业的有24人, 经常拖欠作业的有1人, 分别占班级总人数的27%、70%、3%。由于经常拖欠作业的学生只有1人, 样本太少, 数值存在偏差, 所以不予采信。总能及时完成作业的学生能在家听音超过10分钟, 很喜欢看影视和玩游戏, 喜欢写英语作业, 有困难时乐于寻求英语教师的帮助。班级多数学生听音时间不超过10分钟, 做作业有困难时也没有找老师帮助, 觉得看英语影视节目和玩游戏对学英语没有帮助。
C班总能及时交作业的学生有10人, 偶尔拖欠的有22人, 经常拖欠的有4人, 分别占班级人数的28%、61%、11%。经常拖欠作业的学生不太喜欢英语课, 从数据上无法分析原因, 需要访谈分析。
通过对调查问卷数据的分析, 可以看出三个班级的学生喜好的作业形式、作业评价方式及造成作业拖欠的原因等方面有相当的差异。这就要求教师在布置作业和进行评价时不能一刀切, 要根据各班学情差异化布置。
根据《英语课程标准》要求, 学生在四年级结束后, 应达到一级目标:对英语有好奇心, 喜欢听他人说英语;能根据教师的简单要求做动作、做事情 (如涂颜色、连线) ;能进行简单的角色扮演;能唱简单的英文歌曲, 说简单的英文歌谣;能在图片的帮助下听懂和读懂简单的小故事;能交流简单的个人信息, 表达简单的情感和感觉;能书写字母和单词, 能模仿范例写词句。对英语学习中接触的外国文化习俗感兴趣。
英语作业无法囊括所有的内容, 有些目标可以在课堂上实现, 有些则可以体现在平时的作业中。为了便于学生理解和抄记, 根据反馈形式, 每次作业分为口头练习和书面作业两类, 实践性作业因为需要一定时间准备和反馈, 所以每学期布置两到三次为宜。根据学生的差异, 作业包括必做题和选做题两种。以下是本学期四年级各班的作业安排及相应的评价形式。
A班:学生喜欢朗读、唱歌、模仿录音, 对做课堂练习、抄写句子、英语游戏表现了相当的兴趣, 他们最喜欢家长表扬和奖状。
评价方式:口头作业在每堂课前留出5分钟左右, 同桌互相检查, 根据流利程度给出1或2颗星。若能够帮助同学, 则再加1颗。
书面作业则由老师根据难度给星, 若有错误, 在订正完错误后再加星。每个模块上完后, 由四人小组根据口头和书面作业的得星总数, 评出一、二、三等奖, 教师通过网上家校和奖状等不同形式给予表扬。
用星星评价的方式, 直观、容易操作, 学生乐于接受。
B班:学生好胜心强, 喜欢比赛, 喜欢朗读、唱歌、表演课本上的内容, 愿意抄写单词。老师、家长、同学的称赞, 金、银、铜星和奖状都能让他们开心。女生更喜欢与同伴在课堂上一起学习, 喜欢角色表演、做贺卡等作业。男生则相反。班级多数学生听音时间不超过10分钟, 做作业有困难时也没有找老师帮助, 觉得看英语影视节目和玩游戏对学英语没有帮助。
B班作业与A班相比, 活动用书都在课堂上完成, 学期初布置抄单词、仿写句子的作业, 同时课堂上开展单词识记、听音模仿等小竞赛, 通过感知活动, 体验成功, 引导学生培养听音的习惯。通过组织玩、演作业中表现优异的学生, 定期排练小短剧, 调动班级学习英语的积极性。
C班:学生最爱唱歌, 其次是朗读和模仿录音, 对贺卡和手抄报这类综合性作业有一定兴趣。他们最在意的是金、银、铜星和奖状。女学生更喜欢做贺卡, 更愿意找英语老师寻求帮助。而男生则喜欢做手抄报。
与A班作业相比, C班英语歌曲比赛在Module3结束后就举行, 通过让孩子体验快乐和成功, 提高学习英语的兴趣。Module5给妈妈写贺卡的实践作业改为选作题, 制作一张手抄报或是母亲节的贺卡。评价上用金、银、铜星代替网上给家长发贺电。
1. 效果
学期即将结束, 教师对三个班的学生进行了调查, 三个班的作业及时上交率 (即布置作业后第二天早上主动上交数) 由学期初的52%、55%、48%, 上升到75%、82%、78%。喜欢英语作业的均值 (不喜欢为0, 很喜欢为3的四级量表) 由学期初的1.7、2.1、2.1上升到2.2、2.3、2.3。可以看到, 学生对英语作业的兴趣和完成的积极性有较大提高。
2. 不足
经过近一个学期的实践, 作业在布置、反馈、评价等方面还存在不足。作业布置上:某些课时的2星作业无人完成, 而3星作业多人选做, 分层的设计无法总做到兼顾学生的兴趣和课文内容。反馈存在的问题:作业批改完后, 个别学生没有准确、及时订正。评价:虽然已经大大简化了评价方式, 但口语课堂评价和每个模块的评价仍然占用了相当时间, 在课时紧张的情况下, 评价就难以及时跟上。
3. 启发
新目标英语七年级暑假练习(二) 篇3
A) 根据汉语或首字母提示,写出空白处所缺的单词。
1. The students s________for the English exam at ten last night.
2. There are lots of r________in our school.
3. How about________(游泳) at the pool in the park?
4. My parents like eating noodles with________(马铃薯) and mutton.
5. Tom’s father has a________(危险的) job.
B) 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空,完成下列句子。
1. There________(be) some beef on the table.
2. Everyone in our class________(have) a computer.
3. Please stop________(run) in the hallways.
4. Uncle Wang________(watch) TV at home yesterday evening.
5. He is my favorite________(sing).
Ⅱ. 单项选择
1. Turn right________Happy Park. My school is________your right.
A. at;on B. from;at C. in;in
2. Tony always wore a coat in the past,________now he wears a jacket.
A. because B. but C. or
3. Lucy is from________,so her nationality is________.
A. France;French B. French;France C. France;France
4. I like the movie very much. It’s________.
A. awful B. interesting C. terrible
5. He________medium height and________blonde hair.
A. is;is B. has;has C. is;has
6. I’d like________this evening.
A. going to the movies B. to go to the movies
C. go to the movies
7. Stop________. Please listen to me.
A. to talk B. talk C. talking
8. I have to practice________English every day.
A. saying B. talking C. speaking
9. Does your mother enjoy________books on the Internet?
A. to read B. reading C. read
10. He is sitting between________and________.
A. you;my B. you;me C. I;you
11. My sister and I________.
A. am doing our homework
B. are doing our homework
C. are doing our homeworks
12. What________your parents________the food?
A. do;think of B. does;think of C. do;think
13.________Nancy often________to the beach last summer?
A. Does;go B. Did;go C. Did;went
14. —________?
—She went to the supermarket.
A. Where is she from
B. Where did she live
C. Where did she go this morning
15. —Would you like some noodles?
A. Yes,please B. No,please C. Not bad
Ⅲ. 句型转换 按括号内的要求改写下列句子,每空填一词。
1. My sister read an interesting book last Sunday. (改为否定句)
My sister_________ _______an interesting book last Sunday.
2. I can see some tea in the glass. (改为一般疑问句)
________you_________ _______tea in the glass?
3. She does her homework at school every day. (用yesterday改写句子)
She_________ _______homework at school yesterday.
4. We are listening to pop music now. (对画线部分提问)
5. Nat went to a movie yesterday. (对画线部分提问)
________did Nat________yesterday?
Ⅳ. 汉译英 根据汉语句子,完成英语句子,每空填一词。
1. —毕业后你想当什么?
—What________you want to________after you finish school?
—A reporter.
2. —晚餐你想要点什么?
—_________ _______you________for dinner?
—Beef noodles.
3. —你觉得谈话节目怎么样?
—What do you_________ _______talk shows?
—I love them because they’re interesting.
4. 她个子很高,但有点瘦。
She is very tall but_________ _______thin.
5. 我刚才看到她跟朋友玩。
I________her________ ________her friends just now.
Ⅴ. 补全对话 根据对话内容,从方框中选出恰当的语句填空,完成对话。其中有一项是多余的。
A:What are you doing now?
A:Can you come out tonight?
B:I’m afraid I can’t.__2__ Why?
A:We want to go to the movies tonight. Can you go with us?
B:__3__ I never go out on school nights.
A:Oh,I know. But the movie on show tonight is really interesting.
A:It’s Friends. It’s a sitcom. What do you think of sitcoms?
B:__5__ OK! Have a good time! I have to practice my guitar.
A. I don’t mind them.
B. I am watching TV.
C. I’ll start to practice my guitar soon.
D. Mm,what is it?
E. No,I can’t.
F. Of course,I can.
Ⅵ. 完形填空
On Sunday mornings,I often get up late. After breakfast I go__1__ with my mother. There is a shop__2__ my home,so we go there on foot. The shop is new__3__ big. It has a good name——Lucky Shop. It__4__ many things,like school things,clothes and all__5__ of food. Some of them are cheap,but some of them are__6__. On Sundays the shop is__7__. Parents must take good care of their children in the shop.
The shop is open from 9 am to 9 pm every day. People working there are very__8__ and helpful. They like to talk to you and__9__ you find what you want.
If you come to my home,I can__10__ you there to have a look.
1. A. swimming B. fishing C. shopping
2. A. at B. in C. near
3. A. and B. or C. but
4. A. buys B. sells C. gives
5. A. pieces B. bagsC. kinds
6. A. cheap B. expensive C. good
7. A. quiet B. big C. crowded
8. A. well B. right C. friendly
9. A. help B. ask C. answer
10. A. take B. pass C. wait
Ⅶ. 阅读理解
Once there lived a very exact(严谨的) man. One day when he was walking in the street,an old woman came over and asked him,“Excuse me,where is the nearest restaurant?”
“You have to cross(穿过) a bridge and then turn to the right.”
“And is the bridge long?”
“No,it’s just thirty meters long.”
The old woman thanked him and went towards the bridge.
Suddenly she heard someone running after her.
“Stop(站住)!” the man was shouting. “I’m very sorry. I just remembered the bridge is forty meters long. If you go thirty meters and then turn to the right as I told you,you’ll fall into the river.”
1. One day when an exact man________,an old woman came over.
A. was shouting to a boyB. was doing morning exercises
C. was walking in the streetD. was listening to the radio
2. The old woman wanted________.
A. to go to a restaurantB. to buy some vegetables
C. to take a busD. to see a film
3. The man said the bridge was________first.
A. forty meters long B. a kilometer long
C. thirty meters long D. thirty-four meters long
4. The man was running after the old woman because________.
A. he just remembered the way to the restaurant
B. he just remembered the real length(长度) of the bridge
C. he wanted to go to the restaurant with her
D. he wanted to tell her his name
5. If the man didn’t tell the woman the real length of the bridge,the woman would________.
A. fall into the river B. lose her way
C. be angry with him D. also find the restaurant
An English student goes to a city of Australia to study there.__1__ Today he is walking down a street with a map.__2__ The word “Room” is on it. “What a nice room!” he says. “ 3 The sun will come into the room in the day. I’ll take it. ”__4__ The sun is always on the north(北面) in the day.
A. The windows are on the south side(南边).
B. He walks around the city to look for a warm room.
C. But he is wrong.
D. He sees a small board(木板) in the window of a house.
E. So he is right.
5. What’s the best title for the passage?
A. A Student. B. A Room. C. A Day. D. The Sun.
People eat different things in different parts of the world.
In South China,we eat rice every day. Sometimes we eat it two or three times a day,for breakfast,lunch and supper. We usually eat it with fish,meat and vegetables.
The Japanese eat rice,too. They also eat a lot of fish. They sometimes eat raw(生的) fish. In Africa,maize(玉米) is the most important food. People there make maize into flour(面粉). From this flour they make different kinds of bread and cakes.
In western(西方的) countries such as Britain,Australia and the USA,the most important food is bread or potatoes. People there usually make their bread from flour. They cook the potatoes in different ways. In England the most popular food is fish and chips. Sometimes people cook this food at home,but usually they buy it from the shop. They eat this food at home,in their work place,in the park or on the road. People call it “take-away” food.
1. This passage is about________.
A. food B. drink C. clothes D. ways of life
2. Who sometimes eat fish when it isn’t cooked?
A. People in China. B. People in Japan.
C. People in Africa. D. People in Britain..
3. The most important food for African people is________.
A. rice B. fish C. vegetables D. maize
4. Which of the following countries is called “a western country”?
A. One of the countries in Africa. B. Japan.
C. China. D. Australia.
5. People eat “take-away” food________.
A. at home B. on the way to school
C. in their office D. A,B and C
Ⅷ. 书面表达
请根据下表内容,以“My Mother’s Busy Day”为题写一篇短文。要求:70个词左右,语句通顺。
Ⅰ. A) 1. studied 2. rules 3. swimming 4. potatoes 5. dangerous
B) 1. is 2. has 3. running 4. watched 5. singer
Ⅱ. 1-5 ABABC 6-10 BCCBB 11-15 BABCA
Ⅲ. 1. didn’t,read 2. Can,see,any 3. did,her
4. What’re,doing 5. What,do
Ⅳ. 1. do,be 2. What,would,like 3. think,of 4. a,little/kind,of
5. saw,play,with.
Ⅴ. 1-5 BCEDA
Ⅵ. 1-5 CCABC 6-10 BCCAA
Ⅶ. (A) 1-5 CACBD
(B) 1-5 BDACB
(C) 1-5 ABDDD
Ⅷ. One possible version:
My Mother’s Busy Day
My mother is a nurse. She is always busy.
She often gets up at 5:30 in the morning;then she cooks breakfast for us. At 6:45 am,she goes to work by bus. At 12:00,she has lunch in the hospital. At 5:30 in the afternoon,she buys vegetables for dinner. At 6:00 pm,she cooks dinner for us. After dinner,she has to do some washing and cleaning.
四年级下册英语暑假作业 篇4
星期____ ____年级___班
()1.A.nice B.clever C.Door()2.A.teacher B.pupil C.Shy()3.A.naughty B.brother C.cute()4.A.big B.very C.Good()5A.mother B.friend C.little
1.my friends_____________ 2.a bit shy_________________ 3.a clever pupil_______________4.一位亲切的老师_________________5.一个非常淘气的鸟儿__________________
()1.She is _____.A.a very nice B.very nice()2.She is _____ A.a bit shy B.a bit nice()3.He is ________.A.a clerer B.clever()4.Parrot is_______.A.a very naughty B.very naughty()5.__________are my friends.A.These B.This
nice very(.)_______________________ 2.call the now you
Can(?)________________________________________ 3.a is teacher
She nice(.)__________________________________
Module1 Unit2 2015年____月_____日
一、选出不同类的单词()1.A.is B.this C.these()2.A.he B.she C.my()3.A.boy B.girl C.cool()4.A.tall B.look C.short()5.A.my B.sheC.his
二、翻译下列短语 1.我的大
little sister__________________ 3.a little girl ______________4.a little curl _____________5.一个非常友善的男孩__________________________
()1._________is Maomao.A.These B.This()2._________is my big brother.A.These B.This()3.He is_______.A.a cool B.cool()4.This is ___________sister.A.little my B.my little()5.My brother is__________.A.very tall B.a very tall
四、阅读短文,判断正T误 F.My name is Daisy.I’m thin.I have a good friend.Her name is Nancy.She is tall and quiet.She has short hair.She likes music.I like music too.()1.Daisy is thin.()2.Nancy is Daisy’s sister.()3.Nancy is tall and quiet.()4.Nancy has long hair.()5.They like music.Module2 Unit1 2015年____月_____日
_______年级________班 姓名________
A.big()美丽的 B.beautiful()公园
F.England()大的G.small()小的 H.about
1.Tower Bridge is This the(.)___________________________________________ 2.very desk is old The(.)____________________________________________ 3.house is Whose it(?)_______________________________________________ 4.city is London big a(.)______________________________________________
1.一本关于伦敦的书__________________ 2.一座大城市_________________________ 3.很大很漂亮____________________ 4.女王的房子__________________________ 5.this ship________________________ 6.Buckingham Palace__________________ 7.Whose house____________________ 8.Close to_________________________
()1.——What’s this?
——It’s a book____London.A.of B.about C.on()2.Lingling’s house is very small,_____it’s very beautiful.A.but B.and
C.or()3.Buckingham Palace is very big_________beautiful.A.but B.and
C.or Module2 Unit2 2015年____月_____日
二、给下列句子选择正确的答语()1.What’s this?
A.Yes,it is.()2.Is this your sister?
B.It’s about London.()3.Whose room is it?
C.It’s my brother’s.()4.Is that your house?
D.No,she isn’t.()5.What is it about?
E.It’sBuckingham Palace.小学四年级英语下册第二模块测试题(外研版)
1、c p tal
2、bea t ful
3、w de
4、r v r
5、f m s
7、l ng
8、m ny
9、ab t
10、p l ce
1、This is.A.a River Thames B.the river thames C.the River Thames
2、is the capital of England.A.London B.Beijing C.Washington d.c.()
3、This is a book luxun.A.to B.about C.of()
4、The Great Wall is very.A.short and wide B.long and very old C.wide and very beautiful()
5、My father is.A.young and beautiful B.very small and cool C.young and cool
6、This is house.A.Lingling`s B.Lingling of C.lingling`s()7、My English teacher England.A.be from B.are from C.is from()
8、This is Hyde Park.It`s very.A.long B.small C.famous()9、Tian`anmen is very famous ,and it`s beautiful ,.A.to B.too C ,now()
10、this tree tall? Yes , it is.A.Are B.Is C.Am
四年级英语暑假作业复习题 篇5
四年级暑假英语作文 篇6
( )1.The boy ____a big nose is new here.
A.with B. in C.on
( )2.Are you a teacher? No, _____ _____.
A.I am B. I’m not C. I’m
( )3. I can see the girl ____ the tree.
A.in B.with C. on
( )4. ______ that girl?She’s Nancy.
A. Who’s B. Whose C What’s
( )5.The girl is_____ there sweater.
A.on B. in C. with
( )6..How many______ ?One______, please .
A.kilo , kilo B. kilos ,kilo C. kilos ,kilos
( )7. What do you ______be ?A doctor .
A. want B. want to C. to
( )8. ---Can I help you? ---Some , please.
A. pears B. pear C. a pear
( )9.What are these? _____________
A. Grapes B. Grape C. An grape
( )10.Who’s the girl _____ small nose?
四年级暑假英语作文 篇7
本节课是六年级下册过去式单元的复习课, 由于本单元在前一段时间已经学过, 所以本节课主要是通过导入复习、练熟词句、交际运用、巩固提高四个阶段让学生熟练掌握和运用过去式的句型, 并能在实际情景中灵活运用。
1. 基本目标
(1) 词汇:能较好的掌握本单元过去式的动词词组:took the pictures, climbed mountains...
(2) 句型:能在实际情景中灵活运用所学句型:What did you do?Where did you go?How did you go?并初步运用英语进行交流。
2. 能力及情感目标
培养学生能够自由表达过去所做的事情, 并借此增进学生之间的友好感情。
1.Let’s chant. (五年级下册P2)
T:I often do housework on the weekend.And I usually take pictures too.What do you do on the weekend?Can you ask him/her?Ask and answer one by one. (通过chant, 引出一般现在时态句子并对话练习)
2.T:Look at the phrases.Can you read them? (练习一般时态词组take the picture...)
3.T:You know, I often take the pictures on the weekend.Look!Last weekend, I tookthe picture.Is it beautiful? (拿出卡片, 领读take the pictures, took the pictures) Can you spell take?And took? (板书take, took) I often clean the windows.Last weekend, Icleaned the windows. (引导学生把所列词组用一般现在时态和过去时态表达出来。)
通过一般现在时态句型的对话练习导入到过去时态知识的复习。教师运用句型Ioften take the pictures on the weekend.和Last weekend, I took the picture.的鲜明对比再次让学生一目了然的理解了过去时态的意义, 通俗易懂, 为后进生的知识掌握和大部分学生的能力提高做了有效的铺垫。
1.T:Next, Let’s play a game.I say the verbs.You say the past tense. (通过教师说动词, 学生说动词过去式来巩固单词的过去式。)
2.T:Take out your paper.Finish the Exercises 1.Let’s check. (落实书面练习)
3.T:Let’s chant. (六年级下册P41.) Can you read them? (引出本课重点句Where did you go?What did you do?How did you go?) “
4.T:Please read and write them twice!Who’d like to write on the blackboard.a
(借学生活动板书重点句) Your handwriting is very good.
教师通过师生互动和书面练习的方式, 进一步巩固重点词句以达到熟练掌握, 并为下一阶段的交际运用作好了充分准备。
1.T:Look!I took another picture on my holiday.Would you like to ask me some questions? (展示教师出去游玩的照片, 引导学生用Where?What?How?提问。)
2.T:Did you have a holiday?Please make a dialogue in pairs. (运用重点句, 做对话练习)
3.T:Just now, We reviewed and practiced the words and sentences.Next, let’s do the Exercises 2 and Exercises 3.
教师运用了启发式的教学方法, 启发学生主动向老师发问提问, 进而引导学生之间进行自由对话练习。既尊重了学生的主体地位和主动思考的欲望, 又培养了学生的口语表达能力。
1.Exercises 2:Listen to the tape, write“T”or“F”。
(听录音, 判断正误) Check!
2.Exercises 3:Listen to the passage, and choose the answers.
(阅读对话, 选择正确答案) Check!
3. (板书简笔画) Look at the pictures.It’s you.Can you talk about your holiday.According to the pictures, write yourholiday on the paper. (看图说话, 并书面表达。) Check!
4.How many stars did you get? (课堂评价总结)
教师通过Exercises 2 and Exercises 3对学生进行了听音判断和阅读选择的训练, 培养了学生的听音判断能力和阅读分析能力。通过看图进行书面表达, 培养了学生的书面表达能力。并运用学生自我评价的方式, 激发了学生的学习热情。
1.Finish the activity book of unit 4.
2.Please write a letter about your last holiday to your friends.
通过家庭作业的方式, 把课堂学习延伸到课后, 把课堂语言能力的提高延伸到生活中去, 让学生体会学以致用的乐趣。
板书设计Revision Unit 4 My holiday
Where did you go?
What did you do?
How did you go?