


小学生英语小短文 篇1

Self-introduction Hello!Everyone!I’m glad to be here.Let me introduce myself now.My name is Yu Dajia.I’m eleven years old.I’m a student of Grade 4 in Baimiao primary school.I like my school very much.English is my favourite subject.I’m good at it.I like noodles and milk.Every morning I have them for breakfast.I have a happy family.There are four members, My father, my mother, my twin sister and I.We love each other very much.That’s all.Thank you!

My family Hello, I’m Jack, I’m an English boy.I’m twelve.This is a picture of my family.This is my father, Mr.Black.The woman is my mother, Mrs.Black.This is my sister, Jane.Can you see the boy? It’s me.Jane and I are students in No.3 Primary School(小学).My father and my mother are English teachers of our school.We are all fine in China.My daily life

I get up at six in the morning.I eat my breakfast at half past six.I go to school at seven.I have four different lessons in the morning.I have three lessons in the afternoon.I go home at half past three.I have supper at six in the evening.I do my homework at seven.I go to bed at nine.This is my daily life.My favourite fruit

My favourite fruit is apple.I like apples very much.Some apples are red.They are sweet.Some apples are green.They are sour.Some apples are big.Some apples are small.They are round.They smell nice.I like to eat apples every day.Apples are good for My friend

My best friend

My best friend is Tom.He is from Chifeng.He is 12 years old.He is tall and strong.He has two big eyes,and a small nose.His English is very good.He likes football.we often play football together.He is good at English,he likes reading English book

My school

My school is very big and beautiful.We have a library.Look ,this is our playground, it’s so big.we can play football on the playground.We have a music room and art room.This is my class room, it’s on the first floor.I love my school very much.My home My home is nice and big.There is a living room, a study,a kitchen and a bathroom.And we have two bedrooms.I can go to the living room watch TV.I can go to the study and read a book.I can go to the kitchen have a snack.I can go to the bathroom and have a shower.I like my home.

优化小学英语短文阅读教学 篇2

关键词 短文阅读 自主学习 阅读前 阅读中 阅读后






在小学英语教材中,出现大量课文插图,它们是一种潜在的文化背景知识,也是对课文内容的概括,是一篇文章主题意义的直观表现。如牛津小学英语5B Unit8 At the weekends Part E Insects are our good friend文章上方出现图片:蜻蜓、蝴蝶、蚂蚁、萤火虫、蜜蜂、树和花,从中我们可以看出公园里有许多不同种类的昆虫,有的在搬运东西,有的在跳舞,有的在发光等。可以让学生自己通过观察、想象,进行看图说话,了解课文的主要内容,搞懂语篇中所蕴含着的主要意思。


在平时的学习中,牛津小学英语教材每个单元都有一个主题话题。例如Unit8 At the weekends主要讲如何度周末的,E部分短文则主要讲我们的小主人公Jim是如何度过他的周末的。Jim非常喜欢昆虫,所以每个周末他都去公园观察昆虫。所以本节课就让学生自己去收集昆虫的特性,这样不仅能开展有效的阅读教学,还扩充了学生的背景知识。




1.质疑——泛读:让学生带着问题自由朗读课文,去和藏在文中的答案“捉迷藏”。这有助于理解课文的大概内容,又有助于培养学生自主学习的能力,同时产生的正确答案又使其增强阅读的自信心,不断激发学生的阅读兴趣。如在Unit8 At the weekends Part E短文教学中While-reading1:⑴整体感知文章:Watch the cartoon. What insects are mentioned? Teach: ant(s), butterfly-butterflies, dragonfly-dragonflies, firefly-fireflies. ⑵Learn to say: There are a lot of insects in the park. There are ants, butterflies, dragonflies, fireflies and other interesting insects. Teach: other, other interesting insects.

2.任务——精读:强烈的目标意识是阅读成功的关键。为此,阅读任务的设计必不可缺。“儿童只有在被给予难度与其能力和水平相当的任务时才会学得最好。”这说明设计的任务必须要适度。精读课文是一节课最关键环节,不仅要读通课文还要读懂课文;不仅要理清课文的主要脉络还要对与语言、句式、篇章的结构进行系统的学习。而任务促读,正好符合了精读的要求,能使学生的阅读思维更加活跃,有效促进学生阅读理解能力的提高。如在Unit8 At the weekends Part E短文教学中A.While-reading2:听录音在短文中圈出昆虫的外形。Teach: special.B.While-reading3:自读短文,用横线划出关键动词词组。Teach: carry big things, dance in the flowers, glow at night.C.Exercise1: Fill in blanks. D.头脑风暴:Use the words to make sentences. E. Play a game: Read and guess. F. Teach: Sometimes Jim likes to catch them and put them in bottles. Teach: put…in…, bottle, 再现catch并组词。G.While-reading4: Watch the cartoon again. What insects does Jim like best? Why? H. While-reading5. ⑴Where does Jim study? Teach: primary school. ⑵Why does he often go to the park at the weekends? I. Read and repeat. J. Exercise: ⑴Judge.⑵Choose.各类学习活动、练习的目的是引导学生自己学会学习短文的方法。

3.表演——活读:在精读课文后,为检查学生对文章的理解程度,可小组以“表演+朗读”的方式再次深入课文,通过表演来直观表现课文的内容,把课文读活,提高学生语言综合运用能力。在Unit8 At the weekends短文教学中我让学生自己运用第三人称来复述文章。

4.提问——留白:有效激发学生的思考和求知欲,促进学生思维的发展。课中师生共同讨论到了“What insects do you like best?”这一话题。有学生问:“Which insects do you like best,Miss Yu?”“I like bees best.”老师很快给出了答案。“Yeah! Me too.”一部分跟老师意见相同的同学很开心。“Why do I like bees best? There are two reasons.Can you guess?”点到为止,教师馬上将话题抛给了学生。学生纷纷开动脑子,做出种种猜测:They are beautiful./They are small./ They can fly. / They can dance in the flowers/ They can make honey…精彩纷呈的话语很好地达到了增强语言表达能力、训练思维的目的。



小学阅读能力的提高虽然主要依靠课内阅读,但不能仅仅满足于此。课内阅读是基础,课外延伸是补充。实践经验证明,课外阅读不但能促进学生英语综合技能的发展。不仅能积累新语言知识,也能帮助学生积累阅读的经验,因此要重视并做到有效指导。如在Unit8 At the weekends Part E 短文教学后我设计了一篇课外阅读I am David. I am a student. I study at Hong Xing Primary School. I like insects very much. At the weekends. I often go to the park. There a lot of insects in the park. There are bees, grasshoppers, dragonflies and other interesting insects in the park. I like bees. They are very busy every day. They like flowers. They can make honey for us. Grasshoppers live in the grass. They can jump very high. Dragonflies are beautiful. I like watching them dance in the flowers. They are long, too. They look like planes. They can fly very high. Sometimes I catch them and put them in bottles.这篇短文是课文内容的延伸,一方面让学生自主学习,学会在实践中运用在课堂上的所学方法,另一方面也扩大了知识面。






英语励志小短文 篇3

one season or more, but the result is the same.Make big dreams and then go out and make them realities.The highest hopes of the dreamer are revealed with every step taken in their journey to the impossible.For a season we must protect the dream so that it can grow quietly on the inside.But if we tenderly care for our deepest expectations, slowly but surely the dream will become new life.Dreaming is an act of faith.The light of your expectations will cast off the shadows of a disbelieving world.God has given us the dreamer as a gift to light an unbelieving world.Find your treasure within and cherish2 it.Tomorrow is waiting for you to take the first step.翻译:梦想的力量





英语励志小短文 篇4

Look for the beauty around you, in nature, in others, in yourself, duanwenw.com and believe in the love of friends, family, and humankind2. You can find love in a smile or a helping hand, in a thoughtful gesture or a kind word. It is all around, if you just look for it.

Give love, foringiving it you will find the power in life along with joy, happiness, patience and understanding. Believe in the goodness4 of others and re-member that anger and depression can be countered by love and hope.

Even when you feel as though there isn’t a lot you can do to change unhappiness or problems, you can always do a little —and a little at a time eventually makes a big difference.

英语口语小短文 篇5

1.How do you like shopping in a supermarket?

As far as I’m concerned, shopping in a supermarket is very convenient.Supermarket is a place where all kinds of things are sold, so you can find all that you want to buy.And the goods in the supermarket are highly quality, and you can buy anything with safety.Although the price is a little high, it can save our time.But the bad aspect is that we can’t change what we have bought if they are not suit for us.So we can see, shopping in a supermarket has its own advantages and disadvantages, whether you will go to the supermarket for shopping is up to yourself.2.What do you think of people who don’t keep their promises? In daily life, we meet various kinds of people.Sometimes we need a friend who is loyal to us.So can those who don’t keep their promises be trustworthy? Absolutely not.As I see it, those who don’t keep their promises are not deserved to get along with.Because he don’t take what he said seriously, which could trigger a lot of troubles if you cooperate with him.These people don’t take everything seriously, so they won’t make too much progress.To conclde, those who don’t keep their promises are not worthy making friends.Just let them be.3.How do you feel about students who are often late for class? In my opinion, we students should attend the class on time.Because we should be respectful for the teachers.And attending the class on time is an attitude with which we do our work in life.Those who are often late for class are not qualified students.What they have done is wrong.When they come into the classroom, they will disturb other students and teachers.Further more, when the teacher see the students who are late, they may feel very angry and it will affect the teacher to teach.So we should be on time for class, it is good for all the students and the teachers.4.Do you think one should always be ready to help others? In our life, we will face with all kinds of difficulties, so we may need someone to help us to solve the problems.But can we find the person to help us all the time? Of course not.Meanwhile, we should always be ready to help others, then we can help other people in order that they can help us when we need some help.What’s more, helping others is one of the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation.When you are ready to help others, you will make a lot of friends.With so many friends, you will find it easy to succeed in you life.So please be ready to help others, and make your life better.5.Do you think honesty is important in developing friendships? During our life, we must make a lot of friends to make our life better.The most important thing in developing friendships is honesty.If you are not honesty in developing friendships, you will not get a real friend.What’s worse, other people will not trust you and it will influence you life.Only you trust other people, can they be honesty to you.At last, the worst thing is that you will not have any friends.So honesty is very important in developing friendships.6.Say sth.about one of your travels.The first time I went to Nanjing was last summer.I have one friend in Nanjing, so I went there to see them and for touring.Before I went there, they had prepared for me, and I felt very happy.When I was in Nanjing, we had went to see the father of our nation----Sun zhongshan.I felt very respectful for him, and I was very sad for that he hadn’t make his dream come true.Then we went to Xuanwu Lake to boat, and the experience made us very happy.At last, we went to Nanjing University to feel the atmosphere there.What’s more, I took the subway for the first time in Nanjing.Only when I went to Nanjing, did I realize that we must to travel around the world to broaden our horizons.Then I determined to travel around the world in my future.In a word, the trip to Nanjing is very useful for me.7.Why all children should be given equal opportunity to get an education? As is known, everyone is equal.But in fact, some children are born to be unequal.They can’t get the same opportunity to get an education.But it’s not equal for them.The children are the hope of the country, so the country should give equal opportunity to the children.Only then, can the country become stronger.Meanwhile, the children are the fresh blood of the nation, and they can make great contributions to the county.Everyone has the right to get an education.That all children should be given equal opportunity to get an education is the right of the children.So they are deserve to be given equal opportunity to get an education.8.Why some students lack motivation for learning? Nowadays more and more lack motivation for learning, but what is due to the problem? Firstly, the society is having more and more things to attract students.Such as computer games, KTV, and other entertainments.Some students are too addicted to computer games to focus their attention to their study.Secondly, the concept has changed.Studying is not the only way to success.Some students don’t like studying and they may have other ideas to make their dreams come true.So they lack motivation for learning.What’s more, some students may feel boring in studying.Actually, if you don’t like something, you will lack motivation for it.So the reason why some students lack motivation for learning is complex.

高考英语短文写作技巧 篇6


了解短文写作的文章结构,弄清作文的体裁(通知、书信、日记、便条、人物或地点介绍、小论文、看图作文或改写等)。如果要求写信,就要弄清收信人、写信人;如果是口头通知,就要记住前言后语,打招呼就要说“Attention, please.”之类的话,结束语要说“That’s all. Thank you”等;如果是看图作文,就要注意时态,故事性的作文时态一般为过去时,而如果是描写一个地方、介绍一个产品,时态一般用现在时。对试题所提供的信息,不论是文字还是图片,都要认真分析、反复推敲,有一个清醒的思路之后再动笔。







Suddenly I thought out a good idea. (一般)

A good idea occurred to me. (高级)

A good idea suddenly struck me. (高级)


I didn’t go to the concert because of the heavy rain. (一般)

The heavy rain prevented me from going to the concert yesterday. (高级)


You can find my house easily. (一般)

You’ll have no trouble/difficulty finding my house. (高级)


We have a lot of homework to do every day. (一般)

We have endless homework to do every day. (高级)


Thank you for your help very much. (一般)

I feel thankful / grateful for your help. (高级)

I appreciate your help very much. (高级)

要想在高考作文中用到更多的高级词汇,同学们在备考时可以做一些构词法的练习,掌握合成词、派生词以及转换词的规律,这样就能够在较短时间内扩大词汇量。在平时的学习中,应注意归纳同义词和近义词,英语中有着最丰富的、最庞大的同义词和近义词体系,同一种含义可以由不同的词汇来表达,比如表示“认为”的词就有think,believe,consider,feel,figure,regard,expect等。另外,养成Brainstorming的好习惯,看到一个新话题时首先想想自己可能用到哪些词,将它们列出来,然后翻一翻参考书和字典,把自己认为不错的词补充进去。久而久之,建立起自己的词库(word bank),考试时就不会捉襟见肘了。



①He was ill so he didn’t go to school.

②He was so sick that he didn’t go to school.

③He suffered from such an illness that he didn’t go to school.

④He was absent from class because he was ill.

⑤The reason why he didn’t go to school was that he was ill.

⑥He was too sick to attend the class.

⑦His being sick led to his absence from class.

⑧Being sick/ill, he didn’t go to school.

⑨His illness stopped him from going to school.

⑩He missed his class for his illness.

{11}It was because he got sick that he was absent from school.

{12}If he hadn’t been ill, he would have attended the class.




第五档 (21~25分):有效地使用了语句间的连接成分,使全文结构紧凑。


第三档 (11~15分):应用简单的语句间的连接成分,使全文内容连贯。

第二档 (6~10分):较少使用语句间的连接成分,内容缺少连贯性。

第一档 (1~5分):缺乏语句间的连接成分,内容不连贯。






A proverb says......

At present......

As the proverb says......


Generally speaking, ......

Now, ......

In general, ......

On the whole......

It is clear that......


It is often said that......

Without doubt, ......


First(of all), ......

Moreover, ......

Firstly, ......

No one can deny that......

In the first place, ......


To begin with, ......

Of course, ......

Also, ......


At the same time......

Therefore, we should realize that......


There is no doubt that.......

In addition,......

What`s more, ......

In fact......

It can be easily proved that......




Still, ......

But the problem is not so simple...

There is a certain amount of truth in this, but we still have a problem with regard to.......


To our surprise,......

Nevertheless, ......


On the other hand, ......

Yet difference will be found and that is why I feel that......

Others may find this to be true, but I do not. I think......


Above all,

In brief, ........

Accordingly, .....

In conclusion, ........

All in all, .......

In other words, it is hard to escape the conclusion that........

As a consequence, .........

In short, .........

As I have shown/said/stated/....

In sum, ........

In summary, .......

As has been noted, ....

Obviously, .........

By so doing, .....

On the whole, .....

Consequently, ........

Presumably, .......

Eventually, .........

To conclude, ......

Finally, ........

To sum up, .....

In a word, ......

To summarize, ......





3.检查语法是否正确,有无句式或用词错误,尤其要注意名词单复数-冠词及动词的使用, 还要注意句与句、段与段的过渡是否自然得体。



总之,短文写作并非容易的事情,它需要平时的积累,需要同学们在平时的学习过程中加强训练,以求水到渠成之功。功夫在平常, 一切急功近利的做法都是徒劳的。一分耕耘,一分收获,同学们只要持之以恒,夯实基础,再加上考前有针对性的科学训练,在高考中一定能够取得理想的成绩!

英语演讲小短文精选 篇7

A country maid was walking along with a can of milk upon her head, when she fell into the following train of reflections.” The money for which I shall sell this milk will enable me to increase my stock of eggs to three hundred, These eggs, allowing for what may prove addle, and what may be destroyed by vermin, will produce at least two hundred and fifty chickens. The chickens will be fit to carry to market just at the time when poultry is always dear; so that by the New Year I cannot fail of having money enough to purchase a new gown. Green-let me consider-yes, green becomes my complexion best. And green it shall be, in this dress I will go to the fair, where all young fellows will strive to have me for a partner; but no-I shall refuse every one of them, and with a disdainful toss turn from them."

Transported with this idea, she could not forbear acting with her head the thought that passed in her mind, when down came the can of milk! And all her imaginary happiness vanished in a moment.

英语励志小短文欣赏 篇8

You can’t be all things to all people;

You can’t do all things at once;

You can’t do all things equally well;

You can’t do all things better than everyone else;

Your humanity is showing just like everyone else’s.







You have to find out who you are, and be that;

You have to decide what comes first, and do that;

You have to discover your strengths, and use them;

You have to learn not to compete with others,

Because no one else is in the contest of *being you*.








You will have learned to accept your own uniqueness;

You will have learned to set priorities and make decisions;

You will have learned to live with duanwenw.com your limitations;

You will have learned to give yourself the respect that is due;

And you’ll be a most vital mortal.







Dare to believe:

That you are a wonderful, unique person;

That you are a once-in-all-history event;

That it’s more than a right, it’s your duty, to be who you are;

That life is not a problem to solve, but a gift to cherish;

And you’ll be able to stay one duanwenw.com up on what used to get you down.





