


倒装句的用法 篇1


1. 在疑问句中。

Did you had your hair cut yesterday?

2. 在there be 结构中。

There are several students in the classroom.

3. 直接引语的一部分或全部放在句首时,有时也用倒装。

“ Build up your self-confidence.” said the teacher.

4. 在表示方向,地点的副词或某些介词词组开头的里,如there, here, out, in, up, down, away, in front of等,以示强调。

On the top of the hill stands an old temple.

Away flew the bird.

Out rushed the pupils.


Here it is.

Away he went.

5. 含有否定意义的副词或连词,如never, not, not only, little, seldom, hardly等,放在句首时。

Not only am l out-going and active, but also enthusiastic and optimistic.

Never will he forget the first day to go to school.

Hardly had I got out of the house when it began to rain.


6. Only 所修饰的副词,介词短语或状语从句放在句首时。

Only in this way can you have a good command of a foreign language.

Only if you put your mind into something can you get the best result of it.

7. So , neither, nor引起的句子,表示前面的情况也适用于另一个人或事物时。

His parents have gone abroad. So has he.

George doesn’t like animals and neither does his sister.

8. 在so/ such...that结构中,so和such 放在句首时。

So absorbed was he in the novel that he didn’t notice his father at the door.

So proud was he that he never listened to any advice.

9. 在表示祝愿的句子中。

May you succeed!

Long live the PRC!

10. 虚拟条件从句省去if时。

Had Mark invited me, I would have been glad to come.

= If Mark had invited me, I would have been glad to come.

倒装句的用法 篇2


1. Only及其状语位于句首时要部分倒装, 如果状语是从句时, 只要求主句部分倒装:

例:Only after he had spoken out the word did he realize he had made a big mistake.

2. so /such …that…句型中, 若将so+adj/adv.或者such+n.提到句首时, 则将主句变成部分倒装句:

例:So shallow is the river that we can see the fish clearly.

Such a shy girl is she that she seldom speaks to anyone except her parents.

3. 以否定或半否定意义的副词或介词短语开头的句子要求部分倒装。常见的否定副词有: no, not, never, seldom, little, hardly, barely, little, not nearly, not only, at no time; by no means; for no reason; in no case; in/under no circumstances; in no sense; in no way; on no account; on no consideration; at no point等。但是, 当not until引出主从复合句, 则要求主句倒装, 从句不倒装。

例:In no country other than Britain, it had been said, can one experience four seasons in the course of a single day.

Not until he failed again did John change his mind.


Not until the early years of the 19th century___what heat is.

A.man did know B.man know

C. didn't man know D. did man know

答案D. 看到Not until…的句型, 我们知道为一倒装句, 答案在C, D中选一个。改写为正常语序:Man did not know what heat is until the early years of the 19th. 现在将not提前, 后面就不能再用否定了, 否则意思就变了。


1.当as引导让步状语从句时, 从句部分要求部分倒装, 具体做法是将从句中的表语或状语 (形容词, 副词, 分词, 实义动词) 提前。


1) 句首名词不能带任何冠词。

2) 句首是实义动词, 其他助动词放在主语后。如果实义动词有宾语和状语, 随实义动词一起放在主语之前。

Girl as she is, she behaves like a boy.

Try hard as he will, he never seems able to do the work satisfactorily.

Hard as he worked, he did not pass the exam.

2.在if引导的虚拟条件句中从句谓语动词有were, had, should等词, 可将if省略, 把were, had, should移到主语之前, 采取部分倒装。

Were I you, I would try it again.

Had I followed the doctor’s advice, I would have returned.


1.so, neither, nor表示“也”、“也不”的句子要部分倒装。

例:Tom can speak French, so can Jack.

If you won't go, neither will I.


—Do you know Jim quarrelled with his brother?

—I don't know, _____.

A. nor don't I care B. nor do I care C. I don't care neither D. I don't care also

答案:B. nor为增补意思“也不关心”, 因此句子应倒装。A错在用don't再次否定, C neither用法不对且缺乏连词。D缺乏连词。

注意: 当so引出的句子用以对上文内容加以证实或肯定时, 不可用倒装结构。意为“的确如此”。

例:Tom asked me to go to play football and so I did.

—It's raining hard.—So it is.

2. Not only… but also连接两个分句时, 才在第一个分句用倒装结构。如果置于句首的Not only… but also仅连接两个并列词语, 不可用倒装结构。

例:Not only you but also I am fond of music.

倒装句的用法 篇3



按“主语+谓语” 这种顺序排列的句子是陈述语序。如果排列顺序变为“谓语(或谓语一部分)+主语”,就是倒装。倒装句分为:

完全倒装: 整个谓语移至主语前面叫完全倒装。

部分倒装: 只把助动词、系动词或情态动词放在主语之前叫部分倒装。

1.当以there, here, out, in, up, down, away等副词开头的句子,为了起到强调的作用,可构成倒装句,只把副词放在句首,主语和谓语位置调换,不加助动词。

Our teacher came in.

In came our teacher.


Here it is.

Away he went.


Here comes the bus.

Out rushed the boys.

2.how, then, just, often等表示时间的副词放在句首,可构成倒装句,只把副词放在句首,主语和谓语位置调换,不加助动词。

Then came 8 years of the Anti Japanese War.

3.表地点状语的介词短语放在 句首,要用倒装句式,以示强调。

这种倒装句也是主谓直接调换位置,不加助动词did, does或do。

Under a big tree ____, half asleep.

A. did sat a fat manB. a fat man sat

C. did a fat man satD. sat a fat man


在“there+be”结构中的谓语动词有时不用be , 而用表示类似“存在”观念的其他不及物动词。如:live, stand, come, lie, flow, enter, rise 和appear等。

There came shouts for help from the river.

There lies a large wheat field in front of the house.

Many years ago there lived an old man in the wooden house.

In front of the tower flows a stream.




否则要用so it is with…。

You can ride a bike. So can I.

He has been to Beijing. So have I.

The first one isnt good, neither is the second.

His uncle is a worker and has been working in the factory for more than ten years. So it is with his aunt.

6.so+形容词/副词that的结构状语从句可以用正常语序表示,也可以把so+形容词/副词放于句首构成倒装。句型如下: so+形容词/副词+be/助动词/情态动词that+从句。

Light travels so fast that it is difficult for us to imagine its speed.

=So fast does light travel that it is difficult for us to imagine its speed.

So easy was the work that they finished it in a few days.


Gone forever are the days when the Chinese people had to use foreign oil.

8.否定副词not, never, seldom, nowhere, little, rarely放于句首时要用倒装句式。

We seldom get up at four in the morning.=Seldom do we get up at four in the morning.

Not a single word from him could the enemy drag.

Rarely have I heard of such a silly thing.

9.hardly…when; scarcely…when…; no sooner…than…可以用正常语序had hardly done when…did或用倒装句式Hardly had+主语+done when…did句式。hardly所在的句子用过去完成时。

The bell hardly had rung when the class began.=Hardly had the bell rung when the class began.

No sooner had he arrived in Beijing than he began to work.

10.not only…but also 如连接两个成分时,不用倒装;连接句子时, 前面的句子要用倒装。

Not only was everything that he had taken away from him, but also his German citizenship.

Not only is he busy, but also I have a lot of work to do.

Not only does he speak English very well, but also he speaks French well.



Only when he told me the news did I know what had happened.

Only in this way can you make progress in your English.


If I were you, I would take the job.=Were I you, I would take the job.


1. ____ and caught the mouse.

A. Up the cat jumpedB. The cat up jumped

C. Up jumped the catD. Jumped up the cat

2. ____ and the lesson began.

A. In came Mr BrownB. Mr Brown in came

C. In came heD. Came in Mr Brown

3. Over ____, dead.

A. rolling the goatB. rolled the goat

C. did the goat rollD. the goat rolled

4. ——Where is my shirt, Mum?


A. There is itB. There it isC. There isD. Here is it

5. ——Where is your father?

——Oh, ____.

A. here he comesB. he here comes

C. here does he comeD. here comes he

6. The door opened and there ____.

A. enters an old man B. entered an old man

C. did an old man enterD. an old man entered

7. Now ____ your turn to recite the text.

A. will comeB. comesC. has comeD. there is

8. Often ____ them not to smoke here.

A. we advisedB. advised we

C. did we adviseD. had we advised

9. ____ playing at soldiers.

A. Inside the room were two boys

B. Inside the room two boys

C. Were two boys inside the room

D. Inside the room was two boys

10. On the wall ____ two large portraits.

A. are hangingB. hangedC. hangD. hangs

11. ____ who was wounded in the stomach.

A. Among them were a soldierB. Among them was a soldier

C. Among them a soldier was D. Among they was a soldier

12. Next door to ours ____, who is no less than eighty.

A. that lives an old manB. does an old man live

C. lives an old manD. where lives an old man

13. She plays the piano very well, ____.

A. so every one of us doesB. every one of us does

C. so does every one of usD. so do every one of us

14. You say he works hard, ____, and ____.

A. so he does; so you doB. so he does; so do you

C. so does he; so do youD. so does he; so you do

15. ——I thought you women were present at the meeting.


A. So we wereB. So we didC. So were weD. So did we

16. Only until I finished all my work ____ to play CS games.

A. I startedB. did I start

C. I startedD. do I start

17. She is fond of cooking, ____ I.

A. so amB. nor am

C. neither doD. nor do

18. Marx was born in Germany and German was his native language.____.

A. So it was with EnglesB. So was it with Engles

C. So was EnglesD. So did Engles

19. A fish needs water and without water it will die. ____.

A. So does a manB. So will a man

C. So it is with a manD. So is it with a man

20. So absorbed ____ the work that she often forgot to ____ her meals.

A. had she been in; doB. she was in; make

C. was she in; takeD. she had been in; have

21. So loudly ____ that every one of the class could hear him.

A. did he speak

B. did he spoke

C. spoke heD. he spoke

22. ____ his appearance that no one could recognize him.

A. Strange so wasB. So strange was

C. Was so strangeD. So was strange

23. Not once ____ their plan.

A. did they changeB. they changed

C. changed theyD. they did change

24. Never ____ such a wonderful place as Hangzhou.

A. are seeingB. had I seenC. I have seenD. have I seen

25. Seldom ____ TV during the day.

A. they watchB. are they watching

C. have they watchedD. do they watch

26. Nowhere ____ as in my garden.

A. the flowers were so beautiful B. were the flowers so beautiful

C. so beautiful were the flowers D. so beautiful the flowers were

27. Hardly ____ his homework when he went out.

A. finished heB. he had finished

C. did he finishD. had he finished

28. Scarcely ____ finished their homework ____ I came into the


A. had they; than B. they had; when

C. had they; whenD. did they; when

29. Not only ____ a promise, but also he kept it.

A. has he madeB. does he make

C. he madeD. did he make

30. Not until his comrades criticized him ____ to admit his mistake.

A. had he begunB. began he

C. did he beginD. does he begin

英语中关于倒装句的简化 篇4


正常句子:You are young and I am young too.


She likes sports and so do I.


正常句子:She likes sports and I like sports too.

用助动词do来代替前面提到的动词like,同时省略掉名词 sports,避免行文重复。

She can swim and so can I.


正常句子:She can swim and I can swim too.


She can swim and so swim I.



1、 所谓“没有买卖就没有杀戮”,我们可以借用这句话:没有强调就没有倒装,虽然这么讲并不全面,简单的理解更有助于我们看清本质。

2、 我们叙述的时候大多都可以用正常语序来陈述,也就是不倒装。如果要强调,就把强调的内容移动到句首,然后就全部倒装或部分倒装构成倒装句,把强调的内容放在句首之后,如果不用倒装就是错误的句子。

3、 有些倒装句已经变成了一种固定表达法,可以不用考虑倒装句的问题,比如 there be句型,还有给谁东西 here you are 等等。

4、像 so do I 这样的简化或替换的情况也该用倒装,因为如果不倒装的话,行文重复太多。在不太影响我们对句子理解的基础上,任何语言都希望尽量简化。

倒装句的用法 篇5


语 法教学是英语教学的一个重要组成部分,肩负着培养语言技能和提高交际能力的任务。英语技能包括听、说、读、写四个方面,四者与语法都有密切的关系,语法具 备生成力,学会一种语法规则可产生出无穷无尽的句子。那么,掌握语法是提高英语语言能力的重要途径。因此,在英语教学中必须重视语法教学,不断探索教学方 法,提高语法教学质量,为提高英语教学的总体水平打下牢固的基础。



《普通高中英语课程标准》明确提到:“教师要引导学生主动学习,帮助他们形成以能力发展为目的的学习方式,鼓励学生通过体验、实践、讨论、合作和探究等方式,发展听、说、读、写的综合语言技能。”“要为学生独立学习留有空间和时间,使学生有机会通过联想、推理和归纳等思维活动用英语分析问题和解决问题,获得经验,增强自信,提高能力。”“要通过设计丰富多彩的课内外学习活动,使学生在参与交际活动的过程中形成交际策略。” 然 而,至今仍有部分教师固守传统的语法教学理念,将大量课堂时间用来讲解语法知识,忽视学生的主观能动性。上述做法与新课程的要求是背道而驰的。因此,正确 领会新课程精神,优化语法教学的方法,避免语法教学走极端,是英语语法教学改革的一个重要方面。下面我将结合一堂英语语法随堂课谈一点感悟。

三、两次语法教学实例的设计与反思 1.教学背景(1)学情分析:


人教版NSEFC M5U4的主题是“Making the News”,阅读课My First Work Assignment讲述了Zhou Yang在一家英语报社第一天上班时,和上司Hu Xin的谈话,引导学生了解新闻工作者应该具备的素质,新闻采访的基本程序以及采访时要注意的要点等等。文章里出现了四句倒装句:

“Never will Zhou Yang forget his first assignment at the office of a popular English newspaper.”

“Not only am I interested in photography, but I took an amateur course at university to update my skills.”

“Only if you ask many different questions will you acquire all the information you need to know.”

“Here comes my list of dos and don’ts.”(3)教学目标设计:

①教学内容: NSEFC M5U4 Making the News, Grammar: inversion ②教学目标:

•learn the two forms of “inversion”— “full inversion” and “partial inversion”;• grasp inversion and learn to use it in various real life situations.(4)学生基本情况:这是高二的第一个学期,文理平行班刚分不久。高二(6)班是文科班,英语基础较好,高二(8)班是理科班,英语基础比较差,能开口讲英语的同学寥寥无几,但两个班的学生学英语的积极性都是比较高的。而且大部分学生都能主动复习课文My First Work Assignment,记住成长为一名好记者需要的基本素质。同时,根据教师的要求,背诵并默写文中提到的四句倒装句(见教学实践,只让他们背诵,并未告诉他们这是倒装句)。2.第一次语法教学实例


Step one: Lead in and Presentation;

Lead into the topic—“inversion” by going over the text “My First Work Assignment”, especially by asking and answering some basic skills on how to become a professional journalist.While reviewing the major information, present the inverse sentences on the screen.“Never will Zhou Yang forget his first assignment at the office of a popular English newspaper.”

“Not only am I interested in photography, but I took an amateur course at university to update my skills.”

“Only if you ask many different questions will you acquire all the information you need to know.”

“Here comes my list of dos and don’ts.”

Present the related sentences in normal order, ask students to compare and discover the differences.Then conclude and lead into “inversion”.其次,运用演绎法讲授倒装的诸多情况,即罗列大量倒装句的语法规则,通过多媒体向学生展现,然后再辅以各种练习巩固,也就是练习阶段(Practice)。


First, work in pairs and do exercise2 and 3 on page29

Second, now write down some sentences beginning with the adverbs below.Make them into a story.Then finish that story and write one of your own.There, here, out, in, away, up

There came a loud series of knocks on the door.So I opened it.In the doorway stood a small boy and his father.In front of them was a broken bicycle lying on the ground.“Here’s my son’s bike,” explained the man.最 后,布置回家作业,要求各个小组完成自编的故事内容,并再次复习倒装的句型以及语法规则。我原以为以上的课堂设计改变了传统的教学模式,不仅把学生的注意 力引导到掌握语言知识上,而且更加关注学生的语言运用能力,能够让学生在特定的场合和情景中运用语言形式来实现交际的目的;既不脱离教材,又不局限于教 材。但是,在教学实践中却出现了一些低效现象,值得反思。




在课堂中,大部分学生都一直在机械地背诵、记 忆,然后强化练习,一堂课下来,既没有高潮也没有低谷,枯燥无味,老师和学生都累得够呛,实际效用无从得知。反思出现上述这个现象关键在于教师的教学内容 设计。教师罗列了大量的语法规则,为了教语法而教语法,拼命向学生灌输语法规则,学生很快就因枯燥乏味而失去学习英语的兴趣。因此,教师在教语法的时候,要重视学生的参与,教学形式丰富多彩,才能极大地激发学生的兴趣。


在 输出阶段,我提供了文章的开头和放在句首的几个副词,而接下来的都需要学生自己发挥想象空间,自己编写故事。本以为这样的开放性作文可以提高学生的想象力 和创造力,并最终达到学以致用的目的。但在实践中,却发现大多数小组的作文了了几笔,内容贫乏,句式单一,而有一个小组甚至没有按照倒装句的要求进行写 作。反思这个现象,关键在于教师的任务实施设计环节。在任务实施环节,教师所设计的任务应由简到繁,由易到难,前后贯通,层层深入,构建阶梯性任务链。只有这样,才能使任务具有可操作性。在此,要特别注意的是,防止把任务设计得过于简单,而使学生索然无味,或把任务设计得太难,而使学生产生畏惧感,失去对学习的信心。






Step 2: practice and summing up(1)Rewrite the following sentences.(1)Only then did I realize I was wrong.(Key: I realized I was wrong then.)

(2)Only in this way can we make progress.(Key: We can make progress in this way.)(3)Only when we help others do we become happy.(Key: We become happy when we help others.)

Q: Work in pairs.Compare the three pairs of sentences and discover what usually makes a sentence with “only” at the beginning inverse.Summary: “only+ 词/ 短语/ 从句”位于句首,句子常部分倒装。






Describe the pictures with “only + adverbial” at the beginning of your sentence.Next, lead into the second form of inversion— “negative words”.(设计意图:学生合作,比较正常语序和倒装语序的三组句子,归纳出only引起倒装的三种情况,进而推论出部分倒装句的谓语部分的特点。然后,我选了本班学生的图片(王小芳和陈华:她们两位同学上学期成绩进步很大,此话题贴近学生的生活),让学生用“Only„can you„”的结构面对面去祝贺。通过虚拟情景的练习,学生能够“现学现卖”,掌握only引起的倒装句。)

Step 3: practice and summing up(2)

Without hard work, Wang Xuxia couldn’t succeed.Without hard work, Shi Chenchang couldn’t succeed.→Without hard work, Wang Xuxia couldn’t succeed.(key: Shi Chenchang couldn’t succeed, either.)

→Without hard work, Wang Xuxia couldn’t succeed.(key: Neither/ Nor could Shi Chenchang.)

(设计意图:继续运用王小芳和陈华为话题,由“Only„can you„”的结构顺利引入新知识—“否定词位于句首引起倒装”。同时,以旧引新,印象深刻。)Summary:


So + 助动词+主语(肯定句中)Neither/ Nor+助动词+主语(否定句中)


(1)My cousin is not 19..A.So am I.B.Neither am I.C.Neither is I.(2)I haven’t been to New York..A.So haven’t we.B.Nor have we.(3)Mary can speak English..A.So can we.B.So do we.(4)Bonnie enjoys classical music..A.So can I.B.So do we.(5)Lily went shopping yesterday..A.So went Tony.B.So did Tony.(设计意图:让学生做到“在做中学”,快速掌握新知识。)

Well, in fact, Wang Xuxia and Shi Chenchang will not only work hard at present, but they will make a greater contribution in the future.→Not only(key: will Wang Xuxia and Shi Chenchang work hard at present), but they will make a greater contribution in the future.(设计意图:再次回到王小芳和陈华,道出他们的内心想法:今日多努力,明日多贡献。同时,通过观察法让学生主动去发现并列连词not only„but also„的倒装特点。)Summary: not only„but also„并列两个句子时,(not only)分句部分倒装,(but also)分句不变。

→(Not only)Wang Xuxia(but also)Shi Chenchang will work hard at present, and they will make a greater contribution in the future.注意:not only„but also„并列(主语)时,句子顺序不变。


否定词位于句首,使用部分倒装。常见的否定词有: never, not, not only, little, seldom, hardly, in no time, by no means„

(设计意图:在拓展前,我展示了三位奥运冠军──郭晶晶、张怡宁和杨威的照片,并在他们的照片上打出他们的“口号” ──“I will never give up!”改写为“Never will I give up!”运用演绎法,引导学生运用从“特殊”到“一般”概括理论。)Game:

Work in pairs, rewrite the sentence in inversion.Do it orally.One reads out the original sentence, the other rewrites it.The pair which rewrites the sentence correctly wins a star for the group.And the group with the most stars will win.(设计意图: 课间分发纸条任务时,结合学生的英语水平:57位学生俩俩合作,26个小题各不相同。故这个活动从合作教学和交际教学的原则出发,不仅提供情景教学的多样性,而且让学生整堂课都处于新鲜感不断的亢奋状态中,促进有效学习。)

Step 4: practice and summing up(3)

Here comes the result.(一语道出本节课的最后一个语法——完全倒装)

Open your mind and find one more example in this unit.(key: Here comes my list of dos and don’ts.)

Rewrite the sentence above in normal order.(key : My list of dos and don’ts comes here.)

Group work── Compare the following pairs and find the rule:

(1)①Today many teachers come here.② Here come many teachers today.2)①Mr.Black went there.② There went Mr.Black

(3)①There is a book on the table.② On the table is a book.(4)①He went away.② Away she went.(设计意图:提供四组句子,让学生小组讨论,通过探究法、观察法、发现法等找出每组句子的不同点。从而归纳出下面的结论。)



Practice: Translate the following sentence,first normal then inversion.(1)她已经来了。





Step5: consolidation:

Work in group of 4 and do use inversion!

Make up a short story(about 5-8 sentences)according to the pictures.Fairy tale DIY(自编童话版)Title: Snow White and the seven dwarfs(白雪公主和七个小矮人)Help: a small wooden house小木屋

(1)In no time Snow White.(2)In front of her.(3)Nearby a river.(4)Not only Snow White , but also.5)(否定词)(助动词)Snow White forget this unforgettable experience.the seven dwarfs(小矮人也不会忘记。)Here is the beginning of your story :

One day outside was Snow White swinging.Suddenly„

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

One day outside was Snow White swinging.Suddenly


Step6: homework

Finish DIY your story and write it down in your exercise book.(设计意图: 家庭作业是课堂教学活动的延伸,旨在巩固学生所建构的知识。根据学生的认知能力和接受程度,设计了造句、连句成文的半开放式作文,使任务具有可操作性。而且任务的结果能使学生获得成就感,树立自信,并产生继续学习的动力)。


第二次案例遵循任务型教学在“做中学”的 原则,把课堂时间更多地交给学生,充分地发挥学生的主动性和创造性,使他们通过体验、实践、合作和探究等方式,全面发展学生的听、说、读、写等语言技能; 课堂内容取材于学生的学习与生活,能够极大地提高学生的积极性和表现欲;课堂设计的每项任务都有明确目的,层层推进;课堂活动形式多种多样,包括“表演型任务”,“展示型任务”和“小组讨论观察法”等;从课堂效果来看,学生能够提高语言实际的运用能力,达到教学的最终目的。

倒装句讲解 篇6

1、当here, there, out, in, up, down等副词放在句首时, 句子需全倒装:

There goes the bell! 铃响了! There lived an old man。 Here es the bus。注意: ①在这种情景下倒装仅限于不及物动词或be动词, 像go, e, mush等。 ②主语如果是代词时不需倒装如Away he went。 他走远了。

2、方位状语在句首, 如:

In front of the house stopped a police car。

Nearby were two canoes in which they had e to the island。

Under the tree sat a boy。

3 、直接引语在句首, 这种情景可倒装也可不倒装

“What does it mean?” asked the boy或the boy asked。

二、半倒装: 主语与谓语的助动词交换位置称半倒装, 有以下数种情景:

1,否定意义的词在句首, 句子半倒装, 例如: little, never, not, no, hardly, rarely,seldom

Never shall I forget you。 At no time was the man aware of what was happening。

Little did I understand what he said to me at that time。

2、 几对并列连词如not only…but also, hardly… when等连接两个并列句, 连词在句首, 前句半倒装, 后句不倒装:

Not only was everything he had taker away from him, but also his German citizenship was taken away。

No sooner had I got to the bus stop than the bus started。

注意: ①not only…but also连接两个并列主语时不需倒装, 如:Not only you but also I like playing chess。

②neither…nor在句首时, 前后两句都需倒装,Neither do I have a sister nor does my husband。

3、only在句首强调状语, 主句半倒装:

Only then did I realize that I was wrong。Only in this way can I learn from my fault。

Only when the war was over in 1918, was he able to get back to work。

注意: only强调主语不倒装:Only the teachers can use the room。

4、so…that句型, so在句首时, 主句倒装, that从句不倒装:

So easy is it that a clild can learn it。So hard did he work that he finally won the fame。

I saw the film, so did he。


Had I been informed earlier, I could have done something。Were she here, she would support the motion。

1。His mother had talked to him for many minutes while he was watching TV,but ____。

A。a little did he hear B。little did he hear C。little heard he D。a little heard he

2。—— Hello,Zhu Hua。I’ll have to return to Canada because I’ve worked here for a year。—— _____!

A。What tim?flies B。How time flies C。What does time fly D。How does time fly

3。During the war, ____but also he lost his wife and his child。

A。not was his job in the lab taken away B。not only was his job in the lab taken away

C。not merely his job in the lab was taken away D。not just was taken away his job in the lab

4。—— We have to stop talking here outside。Listen,_____!—— Hurry up, or we’ll be late。

A。There goes the bell B。There does the bell go C。There the bell goes D。Goes the bell there

5。I think this is the first time that we have met。___anywhere。

A。Before have we never seen each other B。Never before we have seen each other

C。Each other have we seen never before D。Never before have we seen each other

6。___! You should take this chance to attend it。

A。How important conference is it B。How an important conference it is

C。What an important conference is it D。What an important conference it is

7。She didn’t e to the party last Sunday。___,she must have made the party more exciting。

A。If she came B。Would she e C。Had she e D。Did she e

8。They finally managed to climb to the top,but __then。

A。went the children down the hill B。down the hill did the children go

C。down the hill went the children D。down the hill the children went

9。I received his mother’s telephone call at eleven。__that he was badly hurt in an accident yesterday。

A。Then did I know B。Only then I knew C。Only then did I know D。Only then knew I

10。—— What sport do you like best?—— Springboard diving(跳板跳水)。___ to dive into water from high board!

A。What a fun is it B。How fun it is C。How a fun is it D。What fun it is

11。—— The old man wouldn’t stay at home for a rest even if it rained。

—— ____。He would feel sick if he stayed home for one day。

A。So would my grandpa B。So wouldn’t my grandpa

C。Neither would my grandpa D。Nor wouldn’t my grandpa

12。___for us to surf(冲浪) on the sea in summer!

A。What exciting is it B。How exciting is it C。What exciting it is D。How exciting it is

13。By no means ___ to our plan for the trip。

A。will she agree B。she will agree C。agrees she D。will agree she

14。The child tiptoed(翘起脚尖走) quietly to the bird。___into the forest when he was about to catch it。

A。Flew it away B。Away flew it C。Away it flew D。Flew away it

15。Little Tom is an orphan。_____,he has to make a living by himself。

A。A child as he is B。Child as he is C。Child as is he D。A child though he is

16。___he gave that we should take more exercise in our spare time!

A。What a good advice B。How a good advice C。What good advice D。How good advice

17。Hardly had she walked out of the woods ___ she heard the strange scream ing from behind a tree。

A。than B。until C。since D。when

18。___that we couldn’t catch up with him。

A。So fast he ran B。So fast did he run C。So fast ran he D。Such fast did he run

19。We have been on duty for four hours and ____。

A。now es your turn B。now does your turn e C。now your turn es D。es now your turn

20。We haven’t seen each other for many months。__!

A。What I missed you B。What did I miss you C。How I missed you D。How did I miss you

21。__can you find out how many chickens there are!

A。Counting them B。By counting them C。Only by counting them D。Only have you counted them

22。Between the two mounts___and they decide to build a ropeway(索道)。

A。lies a very deep valley B。does a very deep valley lie

C。a very deep valley lies D。a very deep valley lays

23。They went into a small house but ___。

A。no persons did they find B。not a person found they

C。not a person did they find D。not a person they found

24。—— My mother does a lot of housework before going to work,but she has never been late。—— _____。

A。So does my mother B。Neither does my mother C。Nor has my mother D。So it is with my mother

25。Everyone has arrived at eight and ____。A。then does the meeting begin B。then begins the meeting

C。begins the meeting then D。does the meeting begin then

26。__it is for us to see that he does his work so well!

A。What surprise B。How surprise C。What a surprise D。How a surprise

27。Look over there。___!

A。Around the corner is walking a policeman B。Around the corner is a policeman walking

C。Around the corner a policeman is walking D。Is around the corner walking a policeman

28。___,we could forgive him for his mistakes!

A。Were he still a child B。If he is still a child C。Is he still a child D。He were still a child

29。Henry often helps look after Granny Wang,but___。

A。seldom is George B。seldom George does

C。seldom does George D。seldom looks George after Granny Wang

30。—— The water changes into thick ice covering rivers and lakes in winter in Harbin。

—— ____ in Urumqi and children go skating on it then。

A。So is it B。So it does C。So it is D。So does it

31。I remember that ____ an old church on the top of the hill many years ago。

A。used to be there B。there used to be C。there used to have D。there had

32。Could you write me a letter ___?

A。when will you get home B。when do you get home C。when you will get home D。when you get home

33。Mother told Rose to buy some sugar in the supermarket and ___。

A。she did so B。so she did C。so did she D。she did such

34。___shortly after it stopped raining。

A。There appeared a colorful rainbow in the sky B。In the sky did a colorful rainbow appear

C。There a colorful rainbow appeared in the sky D。There in the sky a colorful rainbow appeared

35。After the patients went into the office,__working。

A。only a doctor did they see B。only a doctor saw they

C。only a doctor they saw D。only a doctor had they seen

36。We have looked for the lost sheep almost everywhere,but nowhere _____。

A。we can find it B。can we find it C。can find we it D。we can it find

37。Only since they gave up that good chance___ to show their invention again。

A。have they had no chance B。they have had no chance

C。they have no chance D。have they no chance

38。You can see a large signal on the wall: ____!

A。Long lives the PRC B。Long live the PRC C。Long does the PRC live D。Long do the PRC live

39。_____,she may not catch up with her sister Lisa。

A。Hard though she works B。Hard although she works C。Hard works she D。Hard even if she works

40。___these ancient buildings in this city are!

A。What perfectly protected B。How perfect protected

C。How perfectly protected D。What perfect protected

41。Nothing but two ancient Chinese coins ____ after they took out the jar。

A。did they find in it B。they found in it C。in it did they find D。in it found they

42。He is strict in everything and strict with everyone。_____。

A。My father is always such B。My father is always so a strict man

C。Such is my father D。So a strict man is my father

43。If you don’t go to his birthday party next Friday,_____。

A。so do I B。so will I C。nor do I D。nor will I

44。Since everyone has e back here,___。

A。on goes our discussion B。goes on our discussion

C。on does our discussion go D。does on our discussion go

45。__when we passed by its nest。

A。Up into the blue sky did the bird fly B。Up into the blue sky the bird flew

C。Up into the blue sky flew the bird D。Flew up into the blue sky the bird


2。B。how time flies=how fast time flies“时光过得真快”。因为被感叹的部分是副词fast,所以感叹词用how,感叹句需用陈述语序。

3。B。not only。。。but also连接两个并列分句,且not only位于句首时,该分句主谓部分倒装。


5。D。否定副词never before提前到句首时,句子用部分倒装。


7。C。Had she e=If she had e。if引导虚拟语气条件状语从句,在口语中或非正式场合能够把if省略掉而改用部分倒装。




11。C。Neither would my grandpa=My grandpa wouldn’t stay at home for a rest,either。否定副词neither,nor提前到句首,句子用部分倒装。


13。A。表示否定意义的介词短语在句中作状语置于句首时,句子的主谓部分倒装。这样的介词短语有:by no means,at no time,in no way,not in the least等。


15。B。Child as he is=Although he is a child。as引导让步状语从句时,通常要把作表语的形容词或名词、作状语的副词或动词原形提前到句首,同时注意,作表语的单数名词前无形容词时要把不定冠词去掉。







23。C。“not a (an)+可数名词的单数形式”提前到句首时,句子要用部分倒装。

24。D。如果前面提及不止一件事情,说明另一个人也是如此要用so it is/was with sb。。


26。C。surprise是一个抽象名词,通常作不可数名词,但那里说明某次具体情景,surprise能够用作可数名词,前面加不定冠词a (surprise没有复数形式)。类似词有shame,pity等。


28。A。Were he still a child=If he were still a child。


30。D。so does it=the water also changes into thick ice covering the rivers and lakes in winter in Urumqi。说明乌鲁木齐的天气也是如此。

31。B。there used to be构成倒装句式,表示过去曾出现过的情景。

32。D。when you get home时光状语从句用陈述语序,一般此刻时表示将来。


34。A。there后面能够跟不及物动词appear/live/stand/lie等,说明某处出现/存在某现象或某事物,此时句子主语必须是名词。 35。C。only修饰句子的宾语位于句首时,句子不倒装。



38。B。口语中一些祝福语能够用倒装语序。“Long live(动词原形)+主语”表示“祝某人或某事物万岁”。


40。C。句子中perfectly protected相当于形容词作表语,所以感叹词用how。



43。D。nor will I=I will not go to his birthday party next Friday, either。if 引导说明将来情景的条件状语从句,主句的时态应当是将来时态。

倒装句的阐述与解析 篇7



(1)方式副词out in up down away 置于句首需用倒装表强调。例如:

Out went the children.

Away flew the plane.

(2)there here now then 置于句首需用倒装。例如:

There goes the bell !

Now comes your turn .



South of the river lies a small factory

In this chapter will be found the answers to those questions.






and so+be/助动词/情态动词+主语/… so+be/助动词/情态动词+主语


They love having lots of friends ; so do those with disabilities.

He has been to Beijing . So have I .

He came last night, and so did I.


She has passed the exam . So she has

-It was hot yesterday

-so it was



And neither/nor+be/助动词/情态动词+主语



Lily can’t ride ; neither/nor can Lucy

I don’t know how to swim. Neither/nor does my sister.



So clearly does he speak English that he can always make himself understood.

So care lessly does he drive that almost killed himself.


(4)Not only….but also….“不仅……而且……”. 例如:

Not only will help be given to people to find jobs, but also medical treatment will be provided for people who need it

Not only was he forced to stay at home , but he was also forbidden to see his friends .

注意:①此句型也可写成Not only….but…..或Not only….but….as well的形式,但是but(also)引导的句子必须用正常语序;

②Not only….but also….只有连接两个分句且置句首时才用倒装。

(5)Not until….“直到……才……”。例如:

Not until he returned did we have supper.

Not until 10:00 in the morning can he fall asleep.

注:这种句式需把not until连写且放在句首,如果until引导的是句子,从句不可用倒装,而是倒装主句。



Pretty as he is , she is not clever

Try as he would , he might fail again

Child as he was , he had to make a living


(7)Hardly….when…./No sooner….than….意义为:“一……就……”,例如:

No sooner had she gone out than the telephone rang

Hardly had I sat down when he stepped in



Such was Albert Einstein, a simple and great man

Such are the facts;no one can deny them



Were I not so busy, I should go with you.

Had he been here yesterday, he would have come to watch the football match.


