


马云联合国演讲稿英文 篇1

篇一:最新马云在斯坦福大学演讲中英文对照 以下为马云在斯坦福大学演讲全文:


the following is the ma at stanford university speech: ma : hello everyone.today i feel very honored to be here to meet you.about a few months ago , stanford invited me to lecture.i did not expect.many people say that because of all about yahoo , alibaba, and many other news, this time to speak here is very sensitive.but since i made a promise that i came.today, if you have any questions to ask me, i will be to answer every qestions.今天是我来美国的第15天,而且我打算在这里待上一年。这个计划没有人知道。甚至我的公司也不知道。大家问我为什么要来这里。要打算作收购雅虎的准备吗?不,大家都太敏感了。我来这里是因为我累了。过去16年来太累了。我在1994年开创我的事业,发现了互联网,并为之疯狂,然后放弃了我的教师工作。那时候我觉得自己就像是蒙了眼睛骑在盲虎背上似的,一路摔摔打打,但依然奋斗着、生存着。在政府机关工作了16个月之后,1999年建立了阿里巴巴。i came to the united states today is the first 15 days , and i was too tired.in 1994 i created my career, discovered the internet, and crazy, and then gave up my teaching job.at that time i felt like a mongolian eyes like riding on the back of the tiger blind , all the way to throw beat fight, but still struggle, survive.work for the government for 16 months after the 1999 establishment of ali baba.我们还幸运地拥有着淘宝网,支付宝,阿里云和集团下其他的公司。所以,建立阿里巴巴12年后的今天,我决定需要休息一段时间。尤其今年的挑战实在是太艰辛了,这也是我没有意料到的。中国人说每12年是一个本命年。阿里巴巴今年在中国刚好是第12年,也遇上了许多棘手的问题,好比今年初因为供应商欺诈事件导致首席执行官辞职,还有vie的问题,虽然我到现在仍然不知道什么是vie,以及把淘宝分成四个公司的决策。所以,忙完所有这些事情之后我累了。我告诉自己,为什么不花个一年好好休息。尤其明年是我个人的本命年,肯定会比今年更辛苦。我想要花多一点时间好好准备,迎接明年更艰苦更困难的挑战。我需要好好休息才能为3到4年后的挑战做好准备。这三年如果事情出了错,大家可以批评淘宝,阿里巴巴或阿里云的首席执行官。但是三年后,如果事情出了错,那就是我的错。所以我准备在美国花上一段时间好好思考和放松。前两天,我开始再次练习起高尔夫球,好好放松。所以,来美国的目的真的不像是大家揣测的这么复杂。

particular, this years challenge is too difficult , and this is what i did not expect to.chinese people say that every 12 years is an animal year.alibaba in china this year happens to be the first 12 years, have encountered many difficult issues , such as suppliers of fraud earlier this year because of events leading to the resignation of wealthy father , nor very powerful uncles , do not want to have thechance of success.i remember in 1999 came to silicon valley looking for funding , with many venture capitalists approached , growth will occur in china.then i founded alibaba, 12 years have passed , and today made a lot of achievements.but before that , no one believes b2b able development in china.at that time the 马云ipo上市英语演讲稿

hello!everyone, i’m ma yun.the virgo who change the world.today is september 19th.this evening alibaba wlii land the new york stock exchange after the delisting.we’ve got the integration of listed for $68 per share total $218 billion.what a sign of that? we are the third global financing scale.dear,$1748 billion.how much time we need to spend that money ? when i was in trouble i went to usa and eager finance 2 million dollars.however,i was rejected by 300 vc.that day, i felt i’m really a short poor ugly guy.but today what i want is 2 hurndred billion.as a result, the participants of the investors lined upon the same floor where i live in the 90th floor like thousands of people waiting for ipone 6 in front of an apple store.behind my valiant record there is also a time when i make a mistake.that was yahoo!only spent 10 billion bought our 40% shares.bartz later refused to cooperate wihe me.i really want marry her and dumped her.so our equity situation is 34.4% share hold by softbank.22.6% share hold by yahoo.as chairman of board.i only hold 8.9%.luzhaoxi holds 1%.others hold 29.6% share.bright spot is the other, as this roadshow process.i repeated the ecological energy of aligroup.now we have a very awesome alipay, taobao, tmall business group and those about to enter the ktv, the pharmacy and usury industry.the next step, we will bet on logistics and intelligent hardware field.last year we set up food logistics.translation 大家好,我是马云,改变世界的处女座。今天是9月19日,今天晚上阿里巴巴在退市之后将在纽交所上市交易。我们整合上市每股¥68美元,总额为$218亿。这代表什么?我们的融资规模是全球第三大的。亲爱的,1748亿,这些钱我们要花多久啊?


在这次路演中我反复强调阿里巴巴的生态力量。现在我们有非常伟大的支付宝,淘宝,天猫等商业集团他们将涉足ktv,药房和高利贷等行业。下一步,我们将投入到物流和智能硬件领域。去年我们建立了食品物流,今年我们将进入国产手机行业。当zte-华为-酷派-联想这些公司在垂死挣扎的时候,我认为魅族和oppo很有b格。老罗和乐视甚至也开始做smart phone.我还能做什么?所以阿里巴巴马上收购了魅族形成了下一个增长点。中国有一句老话,富不过三代。我们的愿景是让阿里巴巴变成一家可持续发展超过3代的企业。我相信阿里巴巴退市再上市的时候,我们将成为一家万亿的企业。最后,我决定给每一位支付宝用户919元人民币来几年这次上市,谢谢!

彭麻麻联合国英文演讲稿中英双语 篇2












马云联合国演讲稿英文 篇3

By now you ‘ve probably heard of Alibaba , the Chinese internet giant.你大概已经听过阿里巴巴,一个中国网络巨头。

That’s able to reach millions upon millions of previously unreahable Chinese consumers.能接触上百万此前无法接触的中国消费者。

The company went public this month on the NEW YORK Stock Exchange, 该公司本月于纽约交易所上市

And became one of the most valuable in the world 已成为世界上市值最高的公司这一 And Alibaba is just getting started 而阿里巴巴才刚刚起步

Everything about the Alibaba story is unconvetional 阿里巴巴的故事很独特

Beginning with its founder , Jack Ma 故事要从其创办人马云说起

Who gained global celebrity status these past 10 days 过去这十天里,马云成了国际名人

As his image became ubiquitous on business news channels and media outlets across America.美国各大商业新闻频道和媒体都挂满他的照片

We got to know Jack Ma before the onslaught , beginning over a year ago in China 我们得以在一年前 在马云一跃成名前采访他

Where he talked with us about his relationship with the Chinese government 他与我们谈及了他与中国政府的关系 And his unorthodox business philosophy 还有他那另类的商业哲学

Which surprisingly ,gives shareholders almost no say over how he runs the company.出乎意料地,他几乎不让股东影响他的公司运作,If you want to invest in us 如果你想在我们身上投资

We believe customer number one, employee number two,shareholder number three 我们相信,“顾客第一,员工第二,股东第三” If they don’t want to buy that , thats fine.如果他们不认同,没关系

If they are regret, they can sell us 如果他们后悔了,他们可以把股份卖掉 In the US,the shareholder is usually first 在美国通常都是股东第一的 Yeah, And i think they were wrong 是,而我认为他们错了

The shareholder, good.i respect them.But they’re the third 股东,很好。我尊重他们,但他们排第三,Because you’ve take care of the customer,take care of the employees ,shareholder take care of.因为照顾好顾客员工,股东就自然照顾好了。

Ma’s inconvetional view didn’t stop Wall Street from pouring $25 billion into his company 马云的独特见解并未影响华尔街向他的公司注资250亿美元 Now listed on the New York Stock Exchange as “BABA”

阿里巴巴在纽约交易所上市,交易代码为BABA It’s an internet shopping behemoth 这是一个网上购物巨头

A connection of online marketplaces where buyers and sellers connect to do business 集合了众多网上市场供买卖双方沟通交易

Most of the company’s money comes from advertising and small transaction fees.公司收入大部分来自广告和小额交易费

On its popular website ,Taobao, users talk to each other ,barter.在公司最受欢迎网站“淘宝”上,用户之间会对话,以物易物

And engage in a way that doesn’t happen on American e-commerce website.这种方式是在美国电子商务网站上看不到的

And Alibaba says there are close to a billion products for sale.阿里巴巴说,出售的商品将近十亿件

If i buying a house , i can do everything from find an architect to buying a doorknobs.所以说如果我要买一栋房子,从找设计师到买门把

To furnishing the entire thing from start to finish.what else ? 到整个房子的家具,什么 都 可以,还有呢。

Yeah, you can buy anything,as long as it’s legal.Anything.对,什么都 买的到,只要是合法的。

Five, six years ago, you weren’t even making a profit.五六年前,你根本无利润可言。In fact , in 2002 , you made $1 in profit 在2002年,你的利润只有一块钱 And today you make how much.而时至今日,你的利润是多少? Billions of dollars 数以十亿计

It ‘s now the biggest e-commerce firm in the world 在这家世界上最大的电子商务公司面前

Dwarfing the combined sales of Amazon and eBay 连亚马逊和eBay的销量之和都显得渺小。

And Alibaba has helped create hundreds of millions of internet consumers, 阿里巴巴已创造出上亿网络消费者。

A whole new social class in Communist China 他们是共产主义中国的一个全新社会阶层

People who never had access to modern commerce before Jack Ma came along 一些在马云出现前,从未有机会接触现代商务的人 And now you have 500 millions registered users.你们现在有5亿注册用户。

Yes , it’s only a little bit more than 40 percent of China population and we need more.是,只比中国人口的四成多一点,我们需要更多

We have over 100 million people visiting the site ,shopping every day.每天都有超过一亿人在我们的网站浏览,购物。And it’s just the beginning.而这仅仅是个开始

When Jack Ma dreamed up Alibaba in 1999 1999年,当马云还在构思阿里巴巴的时候

The online world looked nothing like it does today.网络世界与今日所见的大为不同

The most popular search engine was Yahoo, not Google.当时最火的搜索引擎是雅虎,不是谷歌。There were no iPods, iPhone,or iPads 也没有iPod,iPhone,或iPad Only four out of 10 American homes had internet connections.每十个美国人只有四个家里有网络连接。

And the World Wide Web barely reach all the way to China 互联网几乎没有传到中国

Where retail stores were rare outside the big cities.大城市以外几乎没有电脑商店

For the most of country,there was no such thing as package delivery or credit card 国内绝大部分的地方都 没有快递或信用卡

The only way to buy anything was face to face and in cash.要买东西的唯一方法是当面交易,还得付现。

When we started the e-commerce nobody believed that would have e-commerce.我们着手电子商务时,没人相信中国会有电子商务

Because people believed in “guang-shi” face to face , and all kinds of network in traditional way.因为他们都相信关系,面对面,和传统的关系网。There is no trust system in China.中国没有信托制度。信用体系

He had to overcome centuries of tradition by showing Chinese buyers and sellers 他要克服数百年来的传统思想,让中国的买家和卖家知道。

That they could trust Alibaba with their money in this new virtual world.在这个虚拟的新世界里,们们能放心把钱交给阿里巴巴。

He did it by guaranteeing the transactions and creating his own payment system.通过为交易作担保和建立自家的支付系统。

An escrow account where Alibaba holds the buyer’s money until the goods delivered.一个由阿里巴巴保管款项直到货品送达的第三方帐户,他成功了。Everyday we finish more than 30 millions transactions.我们每天都完成超过3000万笔交易。

And that means that there you are buying things from somebody you have never seen.意味着你正从素未谋面的陌生人手上买东西。You are giving products to the person you have never met.你正在把产品交给素未谋面的陌生人。

And there are some guys you never know that he ‘s going to take your products to that place ,to that person.还有些陌生人会把你的产品送抵某地,交给某人。I want to tell the people that the trust is there.我想告诉人们,信任是存在的。Because it’s all about trust.因为一切都 在于信任。

Now anyone , rich or poor , with access to the internet and something to sell.现在任何人,无论是富人还是穷人,只要能上网又有东西要卖,Can connect with hundreds of millions of potential customers on one of Ma’s websites.就能在马云旗下的网站,与上亿的潜在客户联系。

Ordinary people in China ,who never had a way to do business with each other before.以前

中国的百姓彼此间没有做生意 Today have a stake in the online world.的方法。

现在 他们已跟网络世界休戚相关。

That idea was revolutionary.it created millions of jobs 这是革命性的想法,它创造了上百万的就业机会。And make Jack Ma a hero to millions of Chinese.令马云成了百万中国人眼中的英雄。So this is your old stomping ground , right? 这是你以前常来的地方。We met Jack Ma in Hangzhou, 我们在杭州与马云见面

An ancient city in southeastern China famous for its beauty.杭州是中国东南部的一座古城,风景闻名遐迩 This is where he grew up poor in the 1960s 六十年代,家贫的他在这里长大

During the chaos of Mao zedong ‘s Cultural Revolution ,when the country was cut off from the west.当时正值文革这乱,中国与西方隔绝。

Then in 1972 ,Richard Nixon came to his home town.直到1972年,理查德,尼克松来到马云的家乡

It was the first visit by U.S president to Communist China 那是首次有美国总统到访共产主义中国

And the city became a mecca for foreign tourists.该市也成了外国游客的圣地。

Through them,12 year old Jack got his first glimpse of a world beyond China 这些外国游客,让12岁的马云第一次见到中国以外的世界 The name Jack was given by an American tourist.杰克,这个英文名字是一名美国游客取的 He told us how he taught himseld English.他讲述了他如何自学英语 Walking up to foreigners and offering free tours in exchange for free lessens 主动找外国人免费做导游,换取学习英文 的机会

Unlike many successful Chinese entreprenurs, Jack Ma never studied in the U.S 马云不像很多成功的中国企业家,他从没有留学美国 He also had no status,money,or connections 他也没有地位,金钱,关系

The only other way to get ahead in China was education.在中国唯一剩下的出头的方法就是教育 And he failed the college entrance exam twice.而他高考两次落榜

My parents do not want to take examination again.我父母不想让我再参加高考

Because they didn’t want you to fail again.因为他们不想你再落榜

They believe i would fail again.他们认为我还是会落榜 How did that affect you


That ‘s good question, Nobody ever asked me how that affect me.好问题,没有问过这个问题 That really affected me a lot.这对我影响很大

I failed for the first time, and then i ask for looking for jobs.第一次落榜后,我就去找工作

I went to interview jobs for ten or 15 times and all reject by people.我找工作面试去了十多次,全都被拒绝了 Why did everyone reject you? 为什么人人都拒绝你

I was not the standard, that normal people like.我不是典型的普通人的类型 Because you were small? 是因为你长的矮吗 I was small 我长得矮

And skinny , not handsome and terrible the way i talk.瘦,不帅,说话难听

And they probably just didn’t like it 人们可能就是不喜欢

Ma made it into college on his third try and became an English teacher.马云第三次高考考上了大学,后来成为英语老师

With no computing or engineering background ,he’s unlikely tech titan.他没有计算机或工程师背景,他不可能成为技术大牛。

But he says he was captivated by the internet from the moment he first saw it in 1995 when he came to the U.S as a translator.但他第一次来美国做翻译的时候,就一眼迷上了互联网 I never touch keyboard before, i never using computer before 我从没摸 过键盘,也没用过电脑 And i say, “ what is internet “

我问 “互联网是什么 ”

He say, “Jack ,you know,search whatever you want on the internet.” 他说,“杰克,在网上随便搜索什么 ”

I say, “ how can i search ?“, what doese search mean ? 我说,“怎么搜索” 搜索是什么 意思

He said, “just type” 他说,打字就行

I say, “ i don’t want to type”


Computers so expensive in china, i don’t want to destroy it.电脑在中国很贵,我不想弄坏它 He said , “it’s not bomb ,Just type “ 他说,这不是炸弹,打字就行

So , i typed the first word called “beer”


At that time, very slow , come on the American beer.那个时候,非常缓慢地出现了美国啤酒。Japan beer, German beer but no China beers.日本啤酒,德国啤酒,但没有中国啤酒 So i was curious.and i type “ China” 我很好奇,我输入“中国” No china, no data 没有中国,没有数据

Came back to Hangzhou with $1 in my pocket,scared, worried.我兜里带着一美元回到杭州,又害怕又担心

And i came back and i said “ i want to do something called internet “

我回来以后说,我要做互联网这个东西。His first two ventures failed 他的头两个企业失败了

Four years later, he convinced some friends and former students 四年后,他说服了一些朋友和以前的学生

Most of whom had never used the internet,to invest in him and his vision for Alibaba.投资自已的阿里巴巴的未来,他们多数都没用过互联网 With just over $50000 in seed money,Alibaba was born.启动资金只有5万美元,阿里巴巴诞生了。

Today it is valued at $2310 billion and is headquartered in Hangzhou 今天阿里巴巴市值2310亿美元,总部设在杭州

On a sprawling state-of-teh-art compus that rivals any in Silicon Valley.园区宽阔先进,不输任何硅谷公司

Ma’s personal fortune makes him the richest man in China 马云的个人财富使他成为中国首富 And one of the most influential 也使他成为最具影响力者之一

It’s impossible to run a business on Alibaba ‘s scale without official blessing.要运营阿里巴巴这样规模的公司,政府的支持必不可少

You were quoted saying, “when you have millions of small companies using your site” 你曾说过,“ 当有数以百万计小公司使用你的网站 ”

And billions of dollars in transactions every day, the government cares 每天交易额达数十亿美元,政府就会留意你了。Yeah 是的

So what do they care about.那他们留意什么呢

They care that i can stabilize the country.他们在乎的是我能稳定中国

I told the government, “ if people have no jobs , you are in trouble” 我告诉政府,“ 如果人们没工作,你们就麻烦了” Government will be in trouble 政府就有麻烦了 My job is to help more people have jobs.我的工作就是让更多人有工作

So usually when people succeed in China.通常想要在中国成功,They either have connections , political connections, or they come from a wealthy family.要么要有关系,政治关系,要么家里有钱。You had neither.你当初都没有 No, 不对

And you’ve done this without interference from the government.你没有遇到政府干预吗?

Well , i’ve never got one cent from the government.我从没拿政府一分钱

Never got one cent from China banks 从没拿中国银行一分钱 So i am very independent 我非常独立

That was true when Alibaba began 阿里巴巴开始时就是如此

And most of its capital still comes from abroad.现在阿里巴巴绝大部的分资金依然来自海外

But more recently some of its smaller investors have included institutions with ties to China’s ruling elites 但最近它的一些小投资者开始囊括与中国统治精英阶层关系密切的机构

Alibaba ‘s also benefited from Chinese government policies that make it difficult for foreign competitors to operate there.中国政府的政策,让外国竞争者很难在国内运营,阿里巴巴也从中受益.Ma explained how he walks a fine line with Beijing.马云解释了他如何与北京政府辗转腾挪 I have a very strict talk to my team 我对团队有很严格的要求

Never ever do business with government 永远不要与政府做买卖

Be in love with them, don’t marry them 爱政府,不要嫁政府

So we never do projects for government.我们从不为政府做项目。

If they come to us ,and say “ Hey ,Jack can you help with this “ 如果他们来找我们,说 “ 马云,能不能帮忙做这个 ”

Good, i’ll introduce friends to you who are interested in doing that “ 好,我给你介绍感兴趣的朋友

Or if you want me to do it ,i’ll do it free for you.或者你就要我做,我给你免费做

Just what , next time don’t come to me again.只要你下回不要再来找我

Because of that, we keep very good , love relationship with the government.所以,我们能和政府保持着很好的恋爱关系

When we pressed Ma,he acknowledged there are times he has to bow to Chinese authorities.我们追问马云时,他承认有时候他必须向中国政府低头

Though hes was surprisingly frank about a subject that is also sensitive 但是他意外地畅谈了美国互联网公司

Among U.S internet companies ,including Google, Facebook, Yahoo.谷歌,脸书,雅虎等也觉得敏感的话题

You gather more information on Chinese citizens than anyone else in the country.你对中国公民信息的收集,超过了中国其他任何人 You mean me.你说我吗

So when the Chinese government comes knocking on your door.中国政府敲你的门

Asking for that information, how do you handle that? What do you do ? 要你提供个人信息,你怎么办

Okay, we have a very strict process working with the government.我们与政府合作的流程很严格。

If they want to do it.It’s related with the national security,we ‘ll work together.如果他们想要,又涉及到国家安全,我们会合作。I believe Google has to work with the National security of the USA 我相信谷歌也得跟美国安全部门合作

Facebook has to do it,.Alibaba would definitely have to do it.脸书也是,阿里巴巴也必须这么做。

What worries some investors is the possibility that China could take control of the company.一些投资人担心,中国可能随时接管公司 And all of its assets at any time 得到全部财产

And then there’s Alibaba’s unusual corporate structure


Which puts all the power in the hands of Jack Ma and a small group of insiders 全部权力集中在马云和几个内部人士手中

But there’s another side of him that’s little known outside of China,where he is a celebrity.但是他也有外国人不知道的另一面,他在中国也是个明星 A cult of Ma reaches acroos the country 马云教,席卷全国

And inspires almost fanatical loyalty among his employees and their families 使他的员工和员工家属产生近乎疯狂的忠诚 Who record his speeches and quote his sayings 他们录下马云的演讲,引用他的名言

Here ,he is dressed as a punk rocker performing for


An enthusiastic audience of 20000 Alibaba workers at a company anniversary celebration.正在公司周年庆典上为两万名阿里巴巴员工表演 The chairman MA show is now playing here in the US 现在马主席秀正在美国上演

Bringing with it the potential of hundreds of millions of chinese consumers for products made in America

他带来了需要美国商品的几亿潜在中国消费者 This is not Jack Ma ‘s American invasion 这不是 “马云入侵美国记”

This is not Google ,Amazon, eBay,be afraid 不是在说,“谷歌,eBay,亚马逊 颤抖吧 ” We come to help , not invade 我们是来帮忙的,不是入侵

For example , bring the US small business come to China 例如把美国的小企业带来中国

This is something that we can do better 我们还可以在这方面进步

Because we have 100 million buyers today, every day 因为今天我们有一亿买家

马云励志演讲稿 篇4


我把本身喻为叫做一个瞽者骑在一个瞎的老虎下面,所以根本不熟识将来会怎么样,然则我深信,我信托互联网将会对人类社会有很大的孝敬。而今 95年不太有人信托互联网,也不觉得有这么个互联网对人类有这么大的贡献,所以我用了比尔盖茨的名字,阿谁时辰我觉得互联网将改动人类糊口生涯的方方面面,然而马云说,马云说互联网将改动人类保管的各个方面,不有人信赖我。以是此后我说比尔盖茨说互联网将改动人类的各个方面。终于不少传媒就把这个事登了进去,然则这句话是我说的,95年比尔盖茨还驳回互联网


在互联网最冷的冬天,2001年、2002 年的时候,我本人说从95年以来起头创业,我已经有六年苦了,六年以来碌碌无为犯了那末多不对,反正我也没办法,后头六年继续干下去。再吃六年苦,以致十六年苦,定然把它做出来为止。在这儿我想跟大家分享一个维持、胡想概略是信任、坚信的一个案例。


然则经由进程了五六年,咱们这些人居然都很有钱,各人都有成就感,为何?我觉得等于由于咱们信托我们是平凡的人,咱们置信咱(转载自管理资料下载网 http://,请保留此标记。)们共同在做一些事情,阿谁时分以为很能干的人,相称杰出的人,全体来到了我们,由于有猎头公司把他们请走了,有些人想说我不准许这个观点,我不以为互联网,能够差异意如许的方式方法,他们走到其它一个公司做守业,那些反正也没人挖,也不知道该哪儿去,闲着也是闲着,到其它公司也找不着工作,就待下来,一待待了七八年,昔日都胜利了。事实上也是如许,傻保持要比不保持要好许多。所以我觉得创业者给自己一个胡想,给自己一个承诺,给本身一份坚持,是极度关键的。






