


高中英语全英教案 篇1


I.Teaching focus

1.Realize the damage caused to the world and figure out the reasons.2.Find ways to stop the earth from being polluted by discussing in groups.II.Teaching approaches Elicitation, Mutual Interaction

III.Teaching aid Interactive multimedia teaching

IV.Teaching process

Step 1

Revision 1.Check note-making

Earth: not enough rain, too many cattle, cutting down trees, strong winds Air: smoke from factories, power stations, cars, chemical rain, accidents at power stations and factories Water: waste from factories and cities

Step 2


1. Present a series of images depicting the natural beauty of the earth, then the pollution.Highlight the sharp contrast between them.Guide the students to the conclusion: The earth used to be much more beautiful than now;the earth is in danger due to the increasing pollution.2. Study the map on the textbook, then scan the passages to figure out where on the world atlas the damage has happened.Encourage the students to give out their point of view toward the pollution issue.Step 3

Audiovisual Learning

The students watch a video on the text, then do the following true or false questions.1.Many parts of the world with large population and plenty of crops have become deserts.T 2.Land may become poor if farmers do not limit the numbers of their cattle.T 3.Good soil is gradually lost these days as trees are being cut down.T 4.Air pollution and water pollution are the two causes of the problem that many parts of the world have become deserts.F 5.Chemicals in the smoke from power stations can travel hundreds of miles in the wind before falling down to the ground in the rain.F 6.After a bad accident at a nuclear power station, 50% of the trees in Germany were damaged.F 7.The writer to explain how water is polluted uses the examples of the accidents in both India and Russian.F 8.Once oceans are polluted, they are not able to clean themselves.F

Step 4

Intensive Reading Read the passages again for some detailed information 1.To say something about the damage that is caused to the world by pollution, using the information from the text.Try to present possible ways to help solve the problems.Phenomena Causes Suggestions

EARTH The area of desert is growing every year.Cattle eat grass.Limit the number of the cattle.Good soil is gradually lost.Trees being cut down;strong winds blowing the valuable soil away.Plant more trees and try to protect them.AIR

Air is being polluted.Factories, power stations and cars produce a lot of waste.A lot of things have to be done to reduce pollution.New laws should be passed and people should realize how serious the problem is.A lot of people died from polluted air in both Russia and India.There were serious accidents that polluted the air.Trees in the forest are destroyed and fish in the lakes are killed.Chemical rain.WATER In some places it’s no longer safe for swimming, nor is it safe to eat the fish.Factories and cities produce a lot of waste.Same as above.Lake Baikal, which used to be cleanest I the world, s now polluted.Waste produced from a chemical factory.2.to summarize the text by giving the main idea of each passage.Earth:

The area of desert is growing and good soil is gradually lost.Air:

Chemicals in the smoke cause a lot of damage and serious accidents took place from time to time.Water: Water pollution is caused by man’s waste.The waters of this great lake have been dirtied and 4800 square km of ocean were polluted by oil.Step 5

Discussion Appoint one student to host the discussion.The rest of the class fall into groups of 4, changing ideas on the following question.(1)What kind of pollution can you think of?(2)Why trees are important?(3)What are the causes of water pollution?(4)What can be done to stop land from becoming into desert?(5)What else do we know about the problems that the earth is facing?(6)What steps should we take to save the earth? Step

Role play

The students take turns to play the role of a newspaper reporter, making interviews with heads of factories(e.g.A papermaking factory)which are seriously polluting air and/or water.Record the interviews and compose a report.Step Assignment(1)Read the additional materials about pollution and do the reading comprehension exercises.(2)Finish the report.Thanks for attending this class!















高中英语全英教案 篇2


英语已经成为国际交流中最通用的语言工具, 能够使用英语也成为参与国际交流合作的必备条件。[1]怎样学会使用这一工具, 尤其是在以英语为第二语言的国家里, 就是一个比较棘手的问题了。众所周知, 语言的学习是需要语境的, 而全英文的语言环境正是这一难题最好的解决之道。

环境在人的发展过程中起着重要的作用, 不同环境下人的学习在一定程度上有着不同的学习结果。学习者所处语言环境对外语学习效果有着重要的影响, 中国学生虽然从小学到大学接近十年一直不间断学习外语, 但是收效并不明显, 主要是学生缺乏很好的语言环境。[2在我国, 城乡环境差别比较大, 造成了城市学生和农村学生的英语水平相差甚远。对农村高中学生来说, 英语课堂几乎是他们可以接触到的唯一的英语环境, 要想提高农村英语教学质量, 农村高中教师必须采用全英教学方式进行英语教学。


1. 农村高中学生英语基础薄弱

在农村, 英语教育起步晚, 学生的听、说能力比较弱。学生课堂上在众目睽睽之下被教师叫起来, 却往往连教师的问题都听不懂, 更不要说回答问题了。长此以往, 学生便会对英语课堂产生惧怕心理。学生在课上学不到东西, 只好课后自学, 自学又把握不到重点, 考试分数低, 慢慢地就会丧失自信心, 甚至讨厌英语学科。

2. 农村高中教师能力不全面

农村一线高中英语教师虽然对高考模式和高中英语知识有很好的掌握, 语法好, 并有很强的教学能力, 但是英语口语交际水平普遍较低, 而全英教学对口语的要求很高。很多教师自己的发音不标准或词汇量不足, 因此惧怕全英教学。

3. 高中阶段教学任务繁重

高中阶段要完成牛津高中英语11个模块的教学, 每个模块三四个单元, 时间相对较紧, 而进行全英教学, 学生跟不上, 教师要放慢速度或者再用汉语翻译一遍, 时间来不及。


1. 增强学生自信心

自信心是一种反映个体对自己是否有能力成功地完成某项活动的信任程度的心理特性, 是一种积极、有效地表达自我价值、自我尊重、自我理解的意识特征和心理状态, 也称为信心。自信心的个体差异不同程度地影响着英语学习行为。

只有增强学生学英语的自信心, 学生才能够不断地超越自己, 产生一种来源于内心深处的最强大力量。这种强大的力量一旦产生, 学生就会产生一种很明显的毫无畏惧的感觉、一种“战无不胜”的感觉。原本不能轻易解决的问题也能在不经意间迎刃而解, 从而尝到成功的滋味。在英语教学过程中, 教师要对学生及时表扬。例如, 在课上有的学生并不能够完全听懂教师的话, 但可以根据听到的几个单词推测教师所说的内容, 即使推测错了, 教师也要对其听准几个单词的能力予以肯定。开始时也许学生并不能完全理解教师所讲的内容, 但只要对自己有信心, 就会渐渐地喜欢听教师讲英语, 听懂的越来越多, 到后来完全跟得上教师全英授课的节奏。

2. 教师在课上下功夫

(1) 简化教师课上所使用的语言, 并伴有肢体语言。教师在全英授课时要使用简单的单词、句型, 以帮助学生理解, 同时还要伴有一定的肢体语言, 让学生更好地理解所讲的内容。

(2) 创造轻松的氛围。学生课上不能完全听懂教师讲授的内容时会比较紧张, 教师要创设愉快、生动、友好、和谐的氛围, 多与学生沟通, 哪怕是用英语进行问候, 与学生聊天, 都有助于学生摆脱惧怕心理, 对教师和英语产生好感。

3. 全英授课传递给学生的不仅仅是所讲的知识

高考考查学生听、说、读、写四个方面的能力。全英授课虽然进度稍慢, 但是教师在讲授知识的同时也帮助学生提高了听说的能力, 并有助于学生养成英语思维习惯, 省略了翻译的过程, 对读和写也起到了推动作用。


全英教学对农村高中的英语教师来说, 是一个极大的挑战, 学生也需要一个适应和熟悉的过程。开始, 学生可能听不懂、不习惯, 这时教师就要辅助以动作、表情或适当的解释, 但要尽量避免使用汉语;也可以在开始的阶段放慢速度, 重复所述内容, 用不同的句型转换同一意思的句子, 用简单的英语解释段落, 然后逐步加深, 循序渐进。这样上课时, 学生就会沉浸在浓厚的英语学习氛围之中, 增强英语学习的兴趣, 并且不自觉地用英语进行思考和交谈, 从而从一开始就养成用英语听和说的习惯。这样, 学生的听、说能力就会在不知不觉中得到提高。我坚信, 农村高中更需要全英教学, 缩小与城市高中的差距。只要教师克服畏惧心理, 对自己和学生有信心, 学生也会很快适应并享受全英授课的英语课堂。我也坚信, 全英授课方式引导的农村学生在今后的学习和工作中会更加流利自如地运用英语, 给今后的工作和生活带来极大的方便。教师在全英教学中的主导作用是不言而喻的, 其教育能力直接关系到全英教学的效果。[3]所以, 农村高中的英语教师要积极行动起来, 勇于面对挑战, 努力为学生创造一个更美好的未来。


[1]田瑛.全英教学模式初探[J].黑河教育, 2006 (4) .

[2]涂文娟.论语言环境与外语学习[J].佳木斯教育学院学报, 2012 (3) .

高中英语全英教案 篇3

1.Display the theme song of 2008 Beijing Olympic games to students.2.Students guess the name of the song.Step 2: pre-reading 1.Show students photos of some famous athletes and then ask them what they have known about them.2.Show a picture of Phelps and give them some detailed information of him.3.students do exercise 1;Step 3: while-reading 1.Global Reading(1)Give students 5-8 mins read the text quickly to get the main idea of the text.(2)Check the answer of exercise 1.(3)Lead students read and study new words.2.Detailed Reading Explain important phrases and difficult sentences:(1)Michael Phelps — the name is now in the air.— A lot of people now are talking about Michael Phelps.be in the air 到处流传,某种感觉到处都有

Eg: Change is in the air.(2)dream big: to have a big dream;imagine something ambitious that you would like to happen;be very Ambitious(有雄心,有抱负)Eg:She had dreamed big and worked hard, and she was a winner in sports and in life.(3)tie v.if two players, teams, etc.tie or are tied in a game or competition, they finish it with an equal number of points(与…成平局)

Eg: England tied 2-2 with Germany in the first round.The scores are tied at 3-3.(4)circumstance n.the conditions that affect a situation, action, event, etc.(情形,情况,环境)

Eg: Obviously we can’t deal with the problem until we know all the circumstances.Prisoners can only leave their cells under certain circumstances(= if particular conditions exist).(5)profound a.felt or experienced very strongly or in an extreme way(巨大的,重大的)

Eg: His mother’s death when he was aged six had a very profound effect on him.(6)worthy a.deserving respect, admiration or support(值得尊敬的,值得敬仰的,配得上的)

Eg: He is a worthy man, I suppose, but he is very dull(迟钝的,呆滞的)be worthy of: to deserve to be thought about or treated in a particular way(值得…的)

Eg: Two points in this report are especially worthy of notice.(7)talented a.having a natural ability to do something well(有天赋的,天才的)

Eg: They opened with a show in which several talented artists were represented.(8)believe in: 1)to trust someone and be confident that they will be successful(信任,信赖)2)to think someone or something exists(相信某人或事物的存在)3)to think that an idea or a way of doing something is good or right(相信…的可行性)Eg: You’ve got to believe in yourself, or you’ll never succeed.Do you believe in God? I don’t believe in all these silly diets.(9)must n.something which is necessary;something that you must do or must have(必需品)(10)suited to/for: having the right qualities to do something(合适,适宜,适当)Eg: The activities are really best suited to these groups.(11)make a/the difference: to have an important effect or influence on something or someone(有影响)Eg: Whatever she did, it made no difference.(12)come down to: if a complicated situation or problem comes down to something, that is the single most important thing(归结为)

Eg: It all comes down to money in the end.(13)feel like: to want to have something or do something(想要)

Eg: Do you feel like another drink?(14)resort to: to do something that you do not want to do because you cannot find any other way of achieving something(求助于)

Eg: I had to resort to violence to get my money.(15)on track: making progress and likely to succeed(走上正轨;在轨道上;上正轨;步入正轨)

Eg: They’re on track to make record profits.(16)catch someone doing something 抓住某人做某事 Eg: He caught her reading his old love letters.(17)stain v.to permanently spoil something such as someone’s reputation(名誉)受损,玷污

Eg: His image will be stained and there should be some impact on his popularity.(18)apologize v.to tell someone that you are sorry that you have done something wrong(道歉)Eg: I must apologize to Isobel for my lateness.(19)engage in: to take part in something(参加,从事,忙于)Eg: Men engage in more high-risk activities than women.(20)demonstrate v.1)to show that you have a particular ability, quality, or feeling(显示,展示)2)to show or prove something clearly(证明,证实,论证)Eg: He has demonstrated an ability to meet deadlines(期限).(21)keep/bear in mind: to remember or think about someone or something when you are doing something(记住)Eg: It’s a good idea.I’ll keep it in mind.You must always keep the readers in mind when writing a report.Step 4: post-reading

Summarize Text A, and let students do exercise2 and 3 on page 148 to have a deep understanding of the text.Step 5: summary and homework

1.Make a summary about what we have learned this lesson;2.Do exercises on page 149 to 151.VI.Anticipated problems: None


小升初精品全英教案(全掌握) 篇4

ndth S: Good morning, _______(teacher’s name).T;How are you today? S: I’m ok, thank you.and you?

T: I feel good.what’s the weather like today? S:Today is cloudy T: Who can answer my questions? Which class are you in? S: I am in Class_____(the name of students’ class)Grade 6 T: Can you talk about last Spring Festival S: Spring festival is my favorite festival.Last spring festival I was happy.I went to Beijing with my mother.I visited the Great Wall.I ate a lot of delicious dumplings.And my mother bought a very beautiful coat for me.I went to my hometown to visit my grandparents.They were all happy.We watched TV together.And we cooked noodles.I helped my grandparents in Spring Festival, too.I watched the flowers, washed the clothes and cleaned the room.I was happy, because I helped them.Last spring festival I was very happy.T: Thanks.ok.Today’s English sentence is “Once bitten, twice shy!”

(The first teacher show the sentence“Once bitten, twice shy!” on the blackboard.And teacher teaches the students to read 3 times.And teacher can find 2-3 students to read the sentence.Then teacher tells the meaning of the sentence.Then teacher needs to give students an example.)Step 2Revision 1 let the students have a dictation.T: Please take out your dictation book, I will deictic the words of vocabulary of O.(Find a student to read the sentences of PEP, and then other students follow him to read it.)2 Review the English sentence we learnt last lesson.Ask the students to say it T:Yester day we learnd the reponce about apologies.If I say sorry,who can give the sentences to answer it, at least you must say four: S:It does’t matter.S:That’ all right.S:Never mind.S: That’s Ok(Show the pictures of meaning about the lesson we learned last lesson and find the partners to make a dialogue.The winner can get a point.)Step 3New lessons 1 Teacher asks some question about invitation T: Who can tell me What is an invitation? And who knows the information in an invitation? 2 If the students don’t know it,then tell them that invitation is way to invite someone to do something or help you to do something.Either kind of invitation must do three things: Invite the reader to the gathering. Offer a reason for the gathering.

最新高中英语说课7步 全英版 篇5

I will be ready to begin this lesson from seven parts.一 First, let me talk about the teaching material.This unit is about__________.By studying of this unit, we’ll enable the students to know ________________At the same time;this lesson plays an important part in the English teaching in this unit.This is an important lesson in Book _.From this lesson, it starts asking the Ss to grasp contents of each passage.Therefore, this lesson is in the important position of the teaching The input has great effect on output, such as speaking and writing.二According to the new standard curriculum and the syllabus, after studying the teaching material and analyzing the rule of children’s growing of mind, I think the teaching aims are the followings:

1.Knowledge objects:

a)The Ss can hear, read, and use the main sentence patterns

b)The Ss can understand the content of the lesson.c)The Ss can use the patterns to express their thoughts in the proper situation.2.Ability objects:

a)To develop the Ss’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing.b)To train the Ss’ ability of working in pairs.c)To improve the student’s reading ability, especially their skimming and scanning ability.3.Emotion or moral objects:

a)By completing the task, the Ss increase their interest and set up self-confidence in_____;b)Teach the Ss what is “_____”, put the moral education in the language study.三now, let’s come to the key points and the Difficult points.The key points in this lesson are ______

The difficult points in this lesson are_________

四now let’s come to the teaching and learning methods , In my opinion, the main instructional aims of learning English in the high School is to develop the students’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading, writing and their good sense of the English language.So in this lesson I’ll mainly use “Communicative” Approach, “Whole language teaching”,auto-lingual, direct, situational, grammatical-translation, and“Task-based” language teaching.That is to say, I’will let the Ss to get a better understanding of the key structure of the dialogue.五ok it’s time to introduction the most important part the teaching produce, teaching step Step 1 Lead-in and pre-reading

(I think the most useful method to lead the students to learn is interest stimulating and discussion by themselves).At beginning I will let Ss to discuss: after a glance of the title and the pictures of this passage, what do you think the passage is about? ___________________________________

(1)And let them to know something about the story of _________

(2)And ask the following questions_______________________________________

(3)And write down you idea in one sentence, then skim the passage to see if you are right.Step 2 Reading

1)Then Ss are going to read the passage as quickly as they can to find out the main idea and answer the following questions ____________________________________________________

2)Then we will come to the Close reading part : As we know , audio-visual method make the students have better understanding of the passage, so I play will the tape part by part to let my students to find out the general idea of each paragraph and pick up their hand to give the answer.3)Then I will let students have a discussion about the text, then answer some questions in detail.(1)What was the writer doing in the ___?

(2)Who is ______? How much do you know about him?

And this will make the students pay more attention to themselves and people around them and check the S’s scanning which may be an important reading field

The last reading is to emphasize and consolidate the new language of the section.I will play the tape and students are going to read the passage as to make the students to imitate the pronunciation and intonation.After reading the students will have a discussion in pairs/ Ask and Step 3 Learning about language

After reading, I will teach the students the passage in detials about vocabulary and grammar.1)new words: _______ __________ _______ _________ ________ __________

2)Phrase:____ __________________ Then the students will do a pair work revolve around the vocabulary and grammar which they have just learned and make short dialogues with them.I will give them some minutes and ask some pairs to act their dialogue out in front of the whole class.Then we will deal with some exercises in the workbook to emphasize the new knowledge.Of course, students will make some mistakes in retelling;I will correct them in time.Step 4 Post-reading Practice

I say to learn is to use.After the reading, students will have some practices.I will leave students time to talk together.1.a The students are divided into several groups and there are four in each group with different roles.Student A will act as an _______ Student B will act as _________who ________.Student C will act as a ______.Student D will have a summarze.bThe Ss will have a work in groups of four to describe ___’s character and quality.Such as Most students can take their parts in these activities, especially for the Ss who have trouble in English, In the group activities, they can speak a little English.Without doubt, this will encourage them to speak English.In fact, it is a kind of demand of human being.A famous educator says:” In one’s mind, there is always a kind of deeply rooted demand;this is the hope to feel oneself a finder and explorer.In student’s spirits, such demand is especially strong.” So I will give every student a chance to speck English in our classroom.This part also leads to the emotion objective of this lesson that is to have moral education in this step.Step5 summarytalk about________ Then Ss will Summarize the whole lesson

Step 6 Homework
