


英语全英教学设计 篇1

高中英语教学案例 一. 教材分析

本单元以A healthy life为话题,通过谈论人们最关心的健康问题,使学生认识到吸烟、喝酒、吸毒、不良饮食等对健康的危害,了解吸烟的危害及怎样戒烟;通过阅读一篇有关艾滋病的宣传文章了解一些艾滋病的常识及如何预防艾滋病;并学会如何就健康问题给别人提供一些建议;功能句式要求学生学会如何表达聚会中的礼仪和禁忌。通过单元学习,要求学生意识到健康的重要性,养成良好的生活习惯,并学会帮助别人解决一些健康问题。

1.1 Warming Up列举了一些年轻人所关心的健康问题,由此引出单元话题。要求学生列举出更多类似的健康问题,然后在小组和班级范围内进行比较,说出哪个问题是最重要的,并列举出5个有关这个问题人们应该了解的知识。

1.2 Pre-reading要求学生讨论5个与吸烟有关的问题,为后面的Reading做铺垫。

1.3 Reading是一封爷爷写给James的建议信,信中谈到了吸烟为什么会上瘾、吸烟对健康的危害并附上了一篇如何戒烟的文章来帮助James戒烟。

1.4 Comprehending要求学生讨论几个与Reading内容有关的问题,并根据Reading的内容完成表格。另外还要求学生用自己的语言简要概述一下advice on how to stop smoking。

1.5 Learning about Language包括两部分:Discovering useful words and expressions是两个关于Reading中的一些词汇的练习;Discovering useful structures 是关于it structure的用法介绍和练习。1.6 Using Language是一篇关于HIV / AIDS的宣传材料,介绍了一些有关艾滋病病毒和艾滋病的基本知识以及在生活中如何进行预防。要求学生能判断一些相关陈述的正误。

1.7 Listening是Tina和Sara之间的一段对话,要求学生能听出一些关键词并完成句子。

1.8 Speaking and Writing包括两部分:第一部分以参加聚会时的礼仪为话题,要求学生列举出一些礼貌行为和禁忌行为,并能用一些句式进行口语表达;第二部分要求学生阅读一封学生来信,然后以指导老师的身份写一封回信,提供一些戒烟的建议。

1.9 SUMMING UP要求学生能独立对本单元所学知识进行总结和回顾。

1.10 LEARNING TIP是一个教学建议,介绍了两种不同类型的问题,即closed questions和open-ended questions,以及如何处理这两种问题。二.教学步骤 Step ⅠLead-in This step is to lead the Ss to the topic of this unit ― A Healthy Life.T: Recently, I read a report — Healthy China, 2005, which is about ten health issues concerning Chinese people the most in the year 2005.According to your understanding, what a healthy life is like? And can you guess what the ten issues are? Work in pairs and have a discussion.After about 3 minutes.T: OK, who would like to present your discussions? S1: Let me try.In our opinion, a healthy life should include two aspects, physical health and mental health.So a person who lacks either is not a healthy person.We think of several issues that may concern people most, they are: food security, medical service problems, AIDS and effects of environmental pollution on health.T: Good points.Other issues concerning people most are: nutrition and health condition, medical emergency treatment, mental illness, false medical ads, medicine security and birth defects.If you are interested in any of these issues, you may search on the Internet for more information.Now turn to page 17, Warming Up.Here is a list of health issues that concern young people the most.Can you think of other issues that are also important? Work with your partners, and try to make the list longer.A sample list: AIDS and infections, parenting, relationships, food and nutrition, family issues, environmental health, domestic violence, air pollution, cancer, anxiety, birth control, dental health, divorce Let the Ss write the list on the blackboard and have a discussion on the health issues listed.T: Now, look at the issues on the blackboard and the issues listed in the textbook on page 17.Which issue do you think is the most important one? Why? Work in groups and have a discussion.After discussion.T: Which group would like to share your opinions with the class? S1: We think that drug taking is particularly important.As we all know, drug taking does great harm to people’s health;it will gradually kill a person if he gets addicted to it.Buying drug costs a lot of money, so many drug takers sell out their fortune to afford the drug they need.And as a result, many families break up in this way.We also know that our government has to spend a lot of money on drug addicts’ treatment.S2: We think parenting is the most important issue, because many issues arise as a result of bad parenting or lack of care and love.If children grow up in happy and healthy families, they will form good habits and keep away from those bad habits such as using drugs and smoking.S3: Our group takes smoking as the most important issue.The reasons are: smoking does great harm to people’s health, it causes damage to people’s lung and heart;smoking shortens people’s life-span;smoking not only does harm to people who smoke, but also affect the health of people around them, especially their family members.Step Ⅱ Pre-reading T: I agree with you all.All these issues are important and need to be concerned.I am wondering if any of you smoke.Anyone?...OK.It seems nobody in our class smokes, that’s really good.I think you are all clear that smoking is harmful to health.But we know that some adolescents started smoking at very early years.Why do you think they smoke? Discuss in pairs.2 minutes later.T: OK.I’d like two pairs to present your opinions.Volunteer? S4: I think some adolescents smoke because they are not well aware of the harm of smoking.Many adults around them smoke, so they may think it is cool to smoke.So I think it is parents’ duty to tell their kids about the harm of smoking before they get addicted to it.S5: In my opinion, some adolescents smoke because they are falsely influenced by some media such as TV series and movies.So I think public media should give adolescents correct guidance.T: Very good points.Suppose some of them realized the harm of smoking and wanted to stop it.What advice would you give to them? Do you know any scientific ways of stopping smoking? S6: My advice is that let them get interested in some positive hobbies like sports, playing music, reading, playing chess and so on.If they show interest in some activities and they can devote themselves to them, gradually they will keep away from cigarettes and finally quit smoking.Step Ⅲ Reading and Comprehension T: Good advice.Now we are going to read a letter from grandad to James.In this letter, grandad gives James some advice on stopping smoking.Let’s read and see if his advice is similar to yours.5 minutes for you.After 5 minutes.T: OK.Time is up.After reading this letter, what kind of person do you think the grandad is? S7: From his words, I think he is very kind and considerate.He doesn’t give direct advice on stopping smoking.Instead, firstly he tells James how about his present life and what the healthy life means to him;then he relates James’ smoking to his similar experience as a teenager, which implies James that he doesn’t need to worry about it.So I think he is very careful about the way of talking to his grandson about smoking.T: You are right.So suppose you were his grandson, would you love to take his advice? S7: Yes, I would love to be his grandson and take his advice.I would feel confident to give up smoking.T: OK.Now let’s read the letter again and try to find out the answers to the following statements.Show the following on the screen.1.different ways people can become addicted to cigarettes 2.harmful physical effects for smokers 3.effects that a person’s smoking can have on other people 4.effects that smoking can have on sporting performance After the Ss read the letter again, let them give their answers orally and then let them fill in the chart on page 20 with brief phrases and sentences.T: Up to now, we have known how people usually get addicted to cigarettes and harmful effects of smoking on smokers and nonsmokers.But how can people stop smoking? Does James’ grandad tell him how to stop smoking? S8: Yes, he tells James how to stop smoking by sending him some advice he found on the Internet.T: Good.Now, let’s read the article from Internet.And then we will do an oral practice.You will have to work in pairs.Suppose James paid a visit to his grandad, and his grandad told him some advice on how to stop smoking face to face.Let’s act out this situation according to information from the article.A sample dialogue:(J = James;G = grandad)J: Grandad, I really want to give up smoking.I tried hard, but failed.Can you give me some advice on how to stop smoking? G: I am very glad that you have realized the harm of smoking and make up your mind to stop it.Here I have a few suggestions for you.First, make a list of all the benefits you will get from stopping smoking.Second, decide on a day to quit and throw away all your cigarettes at the end of the day before you plan to quit.Third, every time you feel like smoking, reread the list of benefits you wrote.Fourth, develop some other good habits that will keep your mind and hands busy such as going for a walk, cleaning your house and so on.J: What should I do if I feel stressed? G: You can do some deep breathing.You may also learn some relaxation exercises and do them every time you feel stressed.J: Is it a good idea to join a stop-smoking group? G: Yeah, it is also a good way.You can talk to a doctor or chemist if you feel really bad, they would love to help you.The most important thing is to keep trying.Be aware that some have to try several times before they finally stop smoking.So you just try again and I am sure you will succeed finally.Step Ⅳ Text Analysis Ask the Ss to analyze the text on its writing purpose, writing style and main idea.T: After reading the text, who can summarize the main idea of each paragraph? Volunteers? S1: In the first paragraph, the writer tells about the life he is leading and the importance of healthy life.S2: In the second paragraph, the writer leads to the topic of his letter by talking about James’ problem of smoking.S3: The third paragraph introduces the three different ways of becoming addicted.S4: The fourth paragraph is about the harmful effects of smoking.S5: The fifth paragraph is about the writer’s hope for his grandson and his advice on stopping smoking.T: How about the writing style and purpose of the text? S6: This text is in the form of a letter, the purpose is to explain how people get addicted to cigarettes and how smoking affects people’s health.It also provides some advice on how to stop smoking.T: Next, who can summarize the article: How Can I Stop Smoking? A sample summary: Choose a day that is not stressful to quit smoking.Make a list of all the benefits you will get from stopping smoking.Throw away all your cigarettes at the end of the day before you plan to quit.Reread the list of benefits you wrote when you feel like smoking.Develop some other habits like walking, drinking some water, cleaning the house and so on to keep yourself busy.If you feel nervous or stressed, try to do some relaxation exercises like deep breathing.You can stop smoking with a friend or join a group.If you feel really bad, ask a doctor or chemist for help.The most important thing is to keep trying.Don’t feel ashamed if you weaken because some people have to try many times before they finally quit smoking.Never give up and you will succeed.Step V Vocabulary Learning Help the Ss learn some words and phrases in the text.And let them do some practice.Show the following sentences on the screen.1.I think my long and active life must be due to the healthy life I live.2....I became addicted to cigarettes.3....your body becomes accustomed to having nicotine in it...4.You can become mentally addicted.5.But I did finally manage.6.I knew it was time to quit smoking.T: Now let’s deal with some new words and phrases in the text.Look at the first sentence, what does “due to” mean? Can you rewrite the sentence using other words except “due to”? S1: “Due to” here means “because of / owing to”.We may also say: Because of the healthy life I live, I can live long and actively.T: Good.Number two.“Addicted” means “unable to stop taking or using something as a habit”, it is usually followed by “to”.According to this definition, what else can people become addicted to? S2: People can become addicted to drugs, alcohol, sweets and so on.T: You are right.We call those who are unable to stop taking or using sth addicts.So addict here is a noun, indicating a kind of person.Tom, are you a cigarette addict? S3: No, I am not.I am not addicted to cigarettes.T: OK.In sentence 3, which phrase you have learnt can be used to replace “accustomed to”? Anyone? S4: We may use “used to” to replace it.So this sentence can be rewritten as:...your body becomes used to having nicotine in it...T: I’d like one sentence from you by using this phrase.Volunteer? S5: Having stayed in the basement for several minutes, I finally became accustomed to the darkness.T: Next, what is the opposite of “mentally”? S6: Physically.T: “Manage” in sentence 5 can be used in many ways.What does it mean here? S7: Here it refers to “give up smoking”.T: Good.Here it means “succeed in doing sth;cope / deal with sth”.e.g.This is a complicated job, I can’t manage it without any help.Let’s look at the next sentence.We can see “quit” is followed by-ing form.Do you know any other words that can be used in the same way? S8: Yes, for example, stop, start and enjoy.“Quit” here means “stop, give up sth / doing sth”.e.g.My mother quitted her job recently because she feels tired and wants a long vacation.Step Ⅵ Homework 1.Make sentences with the six words and phrases: due to, addicted to, accustomed to, mentally, manage, quit 2.Search on the Internet or other sources for information about how to stop smoking.三.设计说明



英语全英教学设计 篇2


教师是教学最直接的实施者, 开展高质量全英教学的关键是要有师资保证。全英教师应当是拥有复合型知识结构的终身学习者。教师的英语能力和专业知识水平直接关系到教学质量的高低[2]。全英教学全过程都需要用英语授课, 如何用英语正确表达专业术语与流畅交流是教学中面临的一个重要问题, 这就对授课教师的公共英语、专业英语能力, 尤其是语言能力提出了较高的要求。全英授课教师的发音必须标准、清晰、流利。由于授课对象为留学生、港澳台学生及部分国内优秀学生, 这些学生大多数来自母语非英语的国家, 因此, 全英授课教师必须具有较强的英语听力水平。此外, 全英授课教师还必须具有较强的英语快速阅读能力、丰富的专业知识和教学经验。为此, 组织由公共英语专业、基础医学专业和临床医学各专业专家组成的考核小组, 对教师进行资格考核, 考核的重点为语言能力、听力能力和专业英语能力。考核方法采用试讲和现场问答的形式。考核合格者颁发全英授课教师上岗证, 实行全英教学的教师上岗资格制度。


对于医学课程全英教学来说, 师资的培养和水平的提高是急需解决的问题[3], 因此, 必须通过各种方式调动全英授课教师的积极性和提高英语教学水平。培训可以分为公共培训和自我学习两种。在自我学习中, 教师应该针对自身知识结构的缺陷有重点地进行相关学习, 并且在专业知识的更新和英语应用能力的培养方面, 要持续自我强化学习。在公共培训中, 学校应定期对全英授课教师进行英语培训, 经过培训, 大幅度提高英语口语和听力水平。对有留学经历的资深专家、教授的示范性教学, 组织全英授课教师听课学习。在全校范围内定期举办全英教学比赛。定期选派优秀教师、课程负责人等出国进修学习和交流, 不断与国外先进的教学模式和方法进行持续的接触。


教材是医学知识和方法的载体, 是学生学习的向导, 也是教师进行教学的基本工具[4]。教材的选择直接关系到教师教学水平的发挥及学生对知识的掌握。目前国内正式出版的适宜全英教学的英文版妇产科学教材有:①由Alan H.DeCherney主编、人民卫生出版社出版的全国高等医药院校教材《Current Obstetric&Gynecologic Diagnosis&Treatment》;②由Alan H.DeCherney主编、科学出版社出版的医学英文原版改编教材《Textbook of Obstetrics&Gynecology》。这两本教材具有较强的知识性和实用性, 能满足妇产科学教学活动的实际需要, 非常适合作为全国高等医药院校的全英授课教材。


教师在备课前, 前往授课班级听其他教师的全英授课, 以了解授课对象的英语能力、理解能力和医学专业基础, 这样才能开展有针对性的全英教学。全英教学要求教师花费大量的时间和精力来充分备课。妇产科学的教学内容多, 全英授课教师同时还承担着繁重的临床医疗工作, 为了保证他们充足的备课时间, 优先安排全英授课教师充分的教学假以保证教学质量。在备课过程中既要精读英文教材, 又要掌握相关内容的国内外最新进展。不断完善医学多媒体课件、丰富专业英语词汇, 准备好临床病例, 不断提高授课技巧。认真书写英文教案和讲稿。在正式上课前组织全英教学试讲。试讲时专门邀请有出国留学经历和丰富全英教学经验的优秀教师参加指导。大家互相提出意见和建议, 共同讨论, 交流经验, 互相学习。对试讲中暴露出来的问题进行分析总结, 提出相应的改进措施。集体协商解决教学中遇到的问题和困难, 共同提高全英教学能力和教研室的整体教学水平, 加强学科建设。


妇产科学英语词汇专业性强, 单词生僻难记, 而授课对象专业英语词汇不足, 能否熟练与学生沟通交流, 把自己的妇产科学知识通过英语传授给学生, 是每一位全英授课教师面临的最大问题。全英教学过程中要充分应用各种教学手段。多媒体课件已成为教师向学生传递信息的主流形式, 适当插入临床病例、图像、录像、图片等, 使授课内容形象生动、易于理解, 容易激发学习兴趣。除多媒体课件外, 还应灵活应用其他教学方法, 如课堂提问、讨论、课后思考题等。对重点概念、难点应适当重复, 以取得更佳的教学效果。授课时要随时注意学生的反应, 询问学生是否能理解讲解的内容, 以决定是否需要复述, 并及时调整授课方式和进度。全英授课学生的思维活跃, 气氛热烈, 在授课过程中随时会打断教师的讲解提出各种各样的问题, 这就对教师提出了更高的要求, 教师在备课时应做好充分估计和准备。教师在下课前最好留有一定时间, 就课程难点和重点进行复习和小结, 以加强学生的理解和记忆。就疑问与学生进行活跃而充分的讨论, 以调动学生的学习兴趣和学习积极性, 提高学生的临床思维能力, 加深学生的印象。良好的信息反馈更利于教师不断地改进教学方式, 更好地达到教学目标。教师课后应当和学生保持密切联系, 与学生多交流, 耐心解答他们提出的各种问题, 包括课外问题。尽可能通过各种方式获取学生关于教学效果和存在问题的反馈意见和建议, 根据他们的反馈信息及时改进教学方法。


要把好全英教学的质量关, 学校必须设立监督机制, 随时检查全英教学的效果, 发现问题, 及时纠正。建立长期的专家听课制度, 对全英授课教师进行评价, 同时也请全英授课的学生定期给教师做评估, 在教与学的过程中不断发现问题并加以改进, 激励教师不断改进教学方法, 提高全英教学水平和教学质量。

总之, 全英教学是新形势下面临的新课题, 可为对外医学交流打下良好的基础, 也为学校向国际化发展提供了机遇。探索和完善妇产科学全英教学方法和教学模式, 将对教学改革起到积极的推进作用, 为培养高素质的复合型人才做出更大的贡献。

摘要:全英教学是打造复合型人才的需要, 是教育与国际接轨的必然。作为首批承担妇产科学全英教学任务的海外留学归国人员, 笔者在教学过程中总结了一些经验和方法。本文着重从教师遴选、师资培训、教材选择、备课和试讲、课堂及课后交流、教师评估等方面进行探讨, 旨在提高妇产科学全英教学的质量, 为今后的教学实践提供参考。



[1]黄巨恩, 黄光武, 罗佐杰, 等.落实评估指标抓好临床医学专业的全英教学与双语教学.中国高等医学教育, 2007, 9:18-23.

[2]陈岩峰, 徐露.全英授课教师教育能力的调查与分析.未来与发展, 2009, 6:91-93.

[3]张帆.留学生社区医学全英教学探讨.海南医学院学报, 2009, 15 (11) :1475-1476.

全英教学模式初探 篇3
















在大力推广全英教学模式的同时,我们也应该看到其中的不足和当前存在的障碍。首先从教材来看,目前国内尚没有系统而完善的适合中国国情的,针对大学生的全英教材。虽然外文引进教材在很大程度上解决了这个问题,但是目前还十分缺乏符合我国国情的英文教材,很多教师的讲稿均由自己编写,学生也没有可供参考的指定教材。从课堂效果来看,很多教师认为用英语表达他们丰富的专业知识有一定的难度,尤其是没有受过英语专业训练或在英语国家留过学的教师,他们可能专业水平很高,但是英语知识却比较薄弱。从学生方面来看,全英教学要获得成功,必须是学生的英语水平很好。因此,在我国的大学前英语教育还未完全深化之前,全英授课的开设范围相对较窄。从时间分配来看,由于教育部明确规定本科四年总学时数必须控制在 !233 之内(包括公共课),所以在专业课之外,能够用于英语学习的学时很少。而许多教师为保证课堂教学效果,采用部分内容进行双语教学的形式,这样只能通过压缩内容来保证学生听懂,使全英教学模式失去了原有的魅力和效果。总之,在全英教学中,只有处理好教学目标、教材的选择和教学方法等影响教学的因素,它的效能才会得到充分的发挥。


英语全英说课稿 篇4

It is not a long history that English is as a subject in primary school in our country and the main instructional aims of teaching English in primary school is to cultivate pupils’ basic abilities of their listening and speaking and their good sense of the English language. Our boys and girls are exposed to English for the first time, so it is very important to develop their keen interest in English.

I. Contents:

Today I’m going to talk about unit6, FUN WITH ENGLISH, Book5B. In this unit,we will learn some orders used in the PE lesson and some words about the body parts ,

II. Teaching aims

1. Aims on the knowledge

(1) To enable the Ss to understand and speak the words: left,right,time ,touch.

(2) Phrase:listen carefully,do some exercise,up and down,left and right .put on.touch with,lift up ,do this times …

(3) Make sure that Ss can use these sentences in real situations.

(4) To help Ss to finish the survey.

(5) Let Ss finish the assessment of “Let’s check” in this unit.

2. Aims on the abilities

(1) To develop Ss’ abilities of listening and speaking.

(2) To train the Ss’ ability of working in groups.

(3) To foster Ss’ abilities of communication and their innovation.

3. Aims on the emotion

(1) To foster Ss’ consciousness of good co-operation and proper competition.

(2) To lead Ss to show their loveliness to the poor.

III. Key-points of this lesson

(1)To enable Ss to understand and speak the words: left,right,time ,touch. Phrase:listen carefully,do some exercise,up and down,left and right .put on.touch with,lift up ,do this times …

(2)To enable Ss to study in groups and co-operate skillfully.

(3)To develop Ss’ interest in English.

IV. Difficult points

(1) To enable Ss to understand and speak the words: left, right, time ,touch. Phrase:listen carefully,do some exercise,up and down,left and right .put on.touch with,lift up ,do this times

V. Teaching methods

As we all know: the main instructional aims of learning English in primary school is to cultivate pupils’ basic abilities of listening and speaking and their good sense of the English language. So in this lesson I’ll mainly use “Task-based” teaching method.

VI. Teaching procedures and purposes of my designing.

初中英语全英说课稿 篇5

Part One Analysis of the Teaching Material


1.This is an important lesson in Book One. From this lesson, it starts asking the Ss to grasp contents of each Sample. To attain “four skills” request of listening, speaking, reading and writing. To start listing “Word Bank” and tell the Ss to remember the new words. To start asking the Ss to write the English sentences well. Therefore this lesson is in the important position of the teaching material.

2.This lesson is the first one of Unit 2.So if the Ss can learn it well, it will be helpful to make the Ss learn the rest of this unit.

3.Such a topic is related to daily life, so it is helpful to raise learning interests of students and it will be also helpful to improve their spoken English.


The Ss has learned English for about one month so far. They can understand some words and some simple sentences. The Ss have taken a great interest in English now.


The teaching aim's basis is established according to Junior School English syllabus' provision.

1.Knowledge objects

(1) To make the Ss know how to use the affirmative sentence “This is. . . .” and the negative sentence “This is not…”Everyday expressions for “Apologies”“I'm sorry”“That's all right”.

(2) To study the new words “six, hey, sorry, it’s, that’s”, etc. by learning the dialogue of this lesson.

(3) To finish some exercises.

2.Ability objects

(1) To develop the Ss’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing.

(2) To train the Ss’ ability of working in pairs.

(3) To develop the Ss’ abilities of communication by learning the useful structures.

3.Moral objects

(1) To enable the Ss to be polite and love life.

(2) To enable the Ss to look after their things well.


The teaching key and difficult points’ basis is established according to Sample A of Lesson Six in the teaching material's position and .

1.Key points:

(1)。To help the Ss to communicate with each other.

(2)。To enable the Ss to study in groups and co-operate skillfully.

(3)。To develop the Ss’ interest in English.

2.Difficult points:

(1) How to make dialogues and act them out.

(2) How to write the right whole sentences.


Multi-media computer, Tape recorder, Software: Powerpoint or Authorware, school things and so on. They will be needed in this lesson. 四三二

Part Two The Teaching Methods

1. Communicative teaching method

2. Audio-visual teaching method

3. Task-based“ teaching method

小学英语全英说课稿 篇6

Firstly, let’s look at the teaching material。 This unit discusses about the stationery。 And this lesson is the first one of this unit。 It consists of two parts: Let’s learn and Let’s do。 In Let’s learn, it requires Ss to master the new words “pencil, pen, crayon, ruler, eraser”。 Ss have learned some words about stationery。 They’re still very interested in that。 So they’ll be interested in this new lesson。

Secondly, let’s talk about the teaching aims。 The New Curriculum Standard points out that the objective of English in the basic educational stage is to develop Ss’ ability of language using。 According to that and the teaching material, I’d like to make the following aims:

First, knowledge aims: Enable Ss to master the new words “pencil, pen, crayon, ruler, eraser” and the structure “I like…”。

Second, ability aims: Develop Ss’ basic ability of listening and speaking。 Enable them to use the structure freely in the real situation。

Third, emotion aims: Develop Ss’ consciousness of cooperation and petition。

Fourth, learning strategy aims: Enable Ss to pay attention to the observation and munication。

Fifth, culture aims: Make Ss understand the differences between Chinese and English culture。

According to the analysis of material and the characteristics of pupils, I think the teaching importance of this lesson is the 5 new words and the new structure。 The teaching difficulty is to use the words and the structure freely in the real situation。

Thirdly, I’d like to analyze Ss and show you my teaching and learning methods。

Grade 3 is the first year to learn English。 Ss are very curious about English。 They’re active and petitive。 Also, they are good at imitating。 But, their attention can’t be kept long。 So it requires us to use attractive teaching manners to hold Ss’ attention。 Based on the psychoanalysis and Ss’ interests, I mainly use the task-based approach, which embodies the idea of the New Curriculum Standard and can help Ss keep their passion for English。 In order to help Ss finish the task efficiently, I’ve prepared activities such as TPR, chanting, singing, game, etc。 I also arrange individual work, pair work and group work for Ss to practice。 Besides, praise is very important。 When they have a chance to speak, and have done a good job, they can get a star or something like that on their books。 It’s very important to keep Ss’ interests。

Fourthly, we e to the most important part—the teaching procedures。 It can be divided into 5 steps: warm-up, presentation, practice, extension and homework。

First, let’s look at step 1 “Warm-up”。

In this part, I’ll get the Ss to sing a song and do some revision。

The purpose of singing a song is to attract Ss’ attention and make a relaxing atmosphere for Ss to concentrate on the English class。 The revision aims to help Ss review the words and sentences they have learned before and get them prepared for the new lesson。

Step 2 “Presentation”。

As we know, children are characterized by image thinking。 They can understand the content easily with the help of the gestures。 After the new words are taught, a small conclusion can help them master better。 And chant is a good way to strengthen their memory and make the poor feel confident, as well as their pronunciation and intonation。 The chant in this part is like this: A pen, a pencil, I can see。 A pen, a pencil, for you and me。 And it’s necessary to present the new words in different ways to avoid boredom and tediousness。

Step 3 “Practice”。

Traditionally, there aren’t many chances offered for Ss to talk in the class。 That’s not a proper way to learn English。 So I’ll try some activities in my lesson, such as games and role play。 Games aim to stimulate Ss’ interests in English and strengthen their memories of what’s been learned before。 And also train their consciousness of cooperation and petition。 Role play is a good way to improve their ability of language using。

Step 4 is Extension。

This step is very important and necessary。 I mainly put key points and difficulties in this part。 Also, I’ll praise Ss’ behavior in this class。

It can make Ss know more clearly about what they have learned in this class, and proper plements can help them hold their interests。

Step 5 “Homework”。

(1) Listen and read the new words after class。

(2) Finish the exercise book。

Ss will forget the new lessen soon if they don’t practice。 It’s necessary to give some proper assignment。 And it’s also an important feedback。

农村高中更需要全英授课 篇7


英语已经成为国际交流中最通用的语言工具, 能够使用英语也成为参与国际交流合作的必备条件。[1]怎样学会使用这一工具, 尤其是在以英语为第二语言的国家里, 就是一个比较棘手的问题了。众所周知, 语言的学习是需要语境的, 而全英文的语言环境正是这一难题最好的解决之道。

环境在人的发展过程中起着重要的作用, 不同环境下人的学习在一定程度上有着不同的学习结果。学习者所处语言环境对外语学习效果有着重要的影响, 中国学生虽然从小学到大学接近十年一直不间断学习外语, 但是收效并不明显, 主要是学生缺乏很好的语言环境。[2在我国, 城乡环境差别比较大, 造成了城市学生和农村学生的英语水平相差甚远。对农村高中学生来说, 英语课堂几乎是他们可以接触到的唯一的英语环境, 要想提高农村英语教学质量, 农村高中教师必须采用全英教学方式进行英语教学。


1. 农村高中学生英语基础薄弱

在农村, 英语教育起步晚, 学生的听、说能力比较弱。学生课堂上在众目睽睽之下被教师叫起来, 却往往连教师的问题都听不懂, 更不要说回答问题了。长此以往, 学生便会对英语课堂产生惧怕心理。学生在课上学不到东西, 只好课后自学, 自学又把握不到重点, 考试分数低, 慢慢地就会丧失自信心, 甚至讨厌英语学科。

2. 农村高中教师能力不全面

农村一线高中英语教师虽然对高考模式和高中英语知识有很好的掌握, 语法好, 并有很强的教学能力, 但是英语口语交际水平普遍较低, 而全英教学对口语的要求很高。很多教师自己的发音不标准或词汇量不足, 因此惧怕全英教学。

3. 高中阶段教学任务繁重

高中阶段要完成牛津高中英语11个模块的教学, 每个模块三四个单元, 时间相对较紧, 而进行全英教学, 学生跟不上, 教师要放慢速度或者再用汉语翻译一遍, 时间来不及。


1. 增强学生自信心

自信心是一种反映个体对自己是否有能力成功地完成某项活动的信任程度的心理特性, 是一种积极、有效地表达自我价值、自我尊重、自我理解的意识特征和心理状态, 也称为信心。自信心的个体差异不同程度地影响着英语学习行为。

只有增强学生学英语的自信心, 学生才能够不断地超越自己, 产生一种来源于内心深处的最强大力量。这种强大的力量一旦产生, 学生就会产生一种很明显的毫无畏惧的感觉、一种“战无不胜”的感觉。原本不能轻易解决的问题也能在不经意间迎刃而解, 从而尝到成功的滋味。在英语教学过程中, 教师要对学生及时表扬。例如, 在课上有的学生并不能够完全听懂教师的话, 但可以根据听到的几个单词推测教师所说的内容, 即使推测错了, 教师也要对其听准几个单词的能力予以肯定。开始时也许学生并不能完全理解教师所讲的内容, 但只要对自己有信心, 就会渐渐地喜欢听教师讲英语, 听懂的越来越多, 到后来完全跟得上教师全英授课的节奏。

2. 教师在课上下功夫

(1) 简化教师课上所使用的语言, 并伴有肢体语言。教师在全英授课时要使用简单的单词、句型, 以帮助学生理解, 同时还要伴有一定的肢体语言, 让学生更好地理解所讲的内容。

(2) 创造轻松的氛围。学生课上不能完全听懂教师讲授的内容时会比较紧张, 教师要创设愉快、生动、友好、和谐的氛围, 多与学生沟通, 哪怕是用英语进行问候, 与学生聊天, 都有助于学生摆脱惧怕心理, 对教师和英语产生好感。

3. 全英授课传递给学生的不仅仅是所讲的知识

高考考查学生听、说、读、写四个方面的能力。全英授课虽然进度稍慢, 但是教师在讲授知识的同时也帮助学生提高了听说的能力, 并有助于学生养成英语思维习惯, 省略了翻译的过程, 对读和写也起到了推动作用。


全英教学对农村高中的英语教师来说, 是一个极大的挑战, 学生也需要一个适应和熟悉的过程。开始, 学生可能听不懂、不习惯, 这时教师就要辅助以动作、表情或适当的解释, 但要尽量避免使用汉语;也可以在开始的阶段放慢速度, 重复所述内容, 用不同的句型转换同一意思的句子, 用简单的英语解释段落, 然后逐步加深, 循序渐进。这样上课时, 学生就会沉浸在浓厚的英语学习氛围之中, 增强英语学习的兴趣, 并且不自觉地用英语进行思考和交谈, 从而从一开始就养成用英语听和说的习惯。这样, 学生的听、说能力就会在不知不觉中得到提高。我坚信, 农村高中更需要全英教学, 缩小与城市高中的差距。只要教师克服畏惧心理, 对自己和学生有信心, 学生也会很快适应并享受全英授课的英语课堂。我也坚信, 全英授课方式引导的农村学生在今后的学习和工作中会更加流利自如地运用英语, 给今后的工作和生活带来极大的方便。教师在全英教学中的主导作用是不言而喻的, 其教育能力直接关系到全英教学的效果。[3]所以, 农村高中的英语教师要积极行动起来, 勇于面对挑战, 努力为学生创造一个更美好的未来。


[1]田瑛.全英教学模式初探[J].黑河教育, 2006 (4) .

[2]涂文娟.论语言环境与外语学习[J].佳木斯教育学院学报, 2012 (3) .

全英古典大奖揭晓 篇8

由英国唱片工业协会(BPI)主办的全英古典大奖(Classic BRITs)于10月2日在伦敦皇家阿尔伯特大厅揭晓。这一大奖虽然是又一个自诩为古典音乐界的“奥斯卡奖”的大奖,但却在形式上与德国的回声古典大奖一样,最为接近奥斯卡奖。




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