


八年级下册英语2b完整 篇1



八年级下册英语2b完整 篇2

我国基础教育《英语课程标准》在其基本教学理念中倡导“让学生在教师的指导下, 通过感知、体验、实践、参与和合作等方式, 实现任务的目标, 感受成功。”这要求英语教师从组织教学活动入手, 加强对学生实际语言能力的培养。

因此, 本节课主要借助多媒体手段, 采用视听法、情景模拟、情感激励及任务型教学等相结合的方法, 导入、练习、归纳过去进行时态的陈述句与疑问句, 通过听说读写等多种语言实践活动交替进行, 使学生认识到语言学习过程的多样性。学生通过自主学习, 角色扮演, 实践体验, 合作与互助等学习方式, 来掌握本课的知识和技能, 从而开发学生的思维能力, 尊重学生的个性发展, 使学生学习语言的过程同时成为学生形成积极的情感态度、主动思维、大胆实践的过程, 使枯燥的语言变得丰富多彩, 易于接受。


(一) 教学内容分析


Unit3以“What were you doing when the UFO arrived”为课题, 谈论过去某一时刻正在发生的动作或状态。如何在各项语言实践中正确使用过去进行时态是本单元的重、难点。本课是Unit3的第一课时, 围绕着UFO到达时人物在做什么这一话题展开, 主要通过听说形式让学生初步学习、应用过去进行时态, 让学生能使用这一时态表述在过去某一时刻正在发生的事情或状态, 从而为本单元接下来的语言教学打下基础。本课教学内容容易激发学生学习兴趣, 并贴近生活实际, 易于引发学生使用目标语言进行简单的交际与交流。在学习活动中, 通过观察图片、情景思维、俩俩对话, 角色扮演等形式, 使学生能够自主学习, 合作交流, 完成任务, 培养学生的语言综合运用能力和实践能力。

(二) 学生情况分析

本课的主要目标是学习掌握过去进行时态的陈述句和疑问句, 学会描述过去正在发生的事情或状态, 它是在学生已经学习了现在进行时态和一般过去时态的基础上进行的。对于八年级的学生来说, 他们已经有了一定的词汇量, 特别是对要用到的一些动词, 大部分学生有了一定的基础, 这样便于教学内容的突破。教材选编了富有科普意义的UFO作为话题的引入, 能激发学生的好奇心和学习兴趣。所以对于本课的学习内容, 学生应该能较为轻松地掌握。


(一) 知识与技能目标

大部分学生能认读、听懂、理解目标词汇和过去进行时态的陈述句和疑问句;90% 的学生能根据教师提供的分层情境, 两人或多人运用过去进行时态进行对话。

(二) 过程与方法目标

通过创设贴近学生日常生活的语言情境, 采取小组合作互动的方法, 开展对过去进行时态的学习, 尊重学生个性特点, 在自主学习的基础上合作探究, 解决问题。

(四) 情感与价值目标

通过创设新闻播报、抓凶手等情境, 激发学生的兴趣, 使他们亲身感受和体验语言, 学以致用, 培养他们自主学习、合作学习、善于学习的习惯, 并让他们在实践中体验成功。


(一) 教学重点


(二) 教学难点



课前:歌曲欣赏 :“Yesterday once more”《昨日重现》。

(一) 学习目标

1. To be able to read, listen and understand the statements and questions with the Past Progressive.


2. To learn to talk about the past events by using the Past Progressive.


3. To be able to cooperate with your partners and use the target language to solve the real problems..

能在小组内与同伴进行合作互助学习, 并学以致用。

(二) 新课导入

1. 图片导入

T: Look at the picture. What’s this? (老师指着图中的UFO)


T: What’s the man doing?

S: He’s looking at the UFO standing...

T: Yesterday afternoon a UFO arrived on the earth. At that time a man was standing near it. What were you doing when the UFO arrived?

S1: I was doing my homework.

S2: I was cleaning my room. ….

T : V e r y g o o d . T h i s c l a s s w e ’ l l l e a r n “ u n i t 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived?”

First let’s look at some pictures of places.

设计意图:导入课题, 为本节课的学习打下基础。

2. 出示图片

bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, barber, barber shop, barber chair… (新词呈现)

T: What place is it? (依次指着图片, 让学生猜什么地方)

S: It’s a bedroom…


(三) 图片展示


T: Where was the girl when the UFO arrived? (老师指向图中人物a发问)

S: She was in front of the library. (老师依次提问人物b-f)

T: Now imagine you are one of the persons. Talk about what you were doing when the UFO arrived with your partner.

Pair Work:

A: Where were you when the UFO arrived?

B: I was in the front of the library.



(四) 猜一猜:

依次出示五张图片:T:What was she he doingat 9:00 yesterday morning …?

引导学生回答S: Was she he doing sth. ?

T: Yes, she was. No, she wasn’t. She wasdoing sth.

设计意图:通过此环节创设情境, 呈现目标语言。

(五) A flash:“What were you doing when theUFO arrived?”

T: What was he doing when the UFO arrived? (老师引导学生进行复述)

S: He was…

设计意图: 通过观看flash, 使学生能 说出当UFO到达时flash中的人物分别正在做什么, 练习由第一人称变为第三人称。

(六) 听录音, 排顺序

这一环节旨在通过听力练习目标语言, 培养学生捕捉关键词语的能力。

(七) Pairwork

W h a t w a s h e / s h e d o i n g w h e n t h e U F O arrived?

He/ She/ was doing……..

设计意图:由学生结组谈论当UFO到达时图片中不同的人物活动, 进一步练习目标语言。

(八) News Report

昨天晚上10点钟一个不明飞行物降落在我们学校, 当时你正在哪里?在做什么?

A: Where were you when the UFO arrived?

B: I was in the barber shop.

A: What were you doing at that time?

B: I was cutting hair.

(活动要求:可以小组内两两对话进行展示, 也可由一人提问, 轮流回答。最后由一人进行汇报。)

设计意图:通过这一环节, 使学生在亲身经历中运用过去进行时进行交流和汇报, 使学生熟练掌握重点句型。

(九) Activity: Catch the Killer

昨天夜里, 一名男子被谋杀了。张警官对此事进行了调查。但是每名嫌疑人都能说出当时他在做什么。凶手到底是谁?请你来当“一分钟警官”。

(游戏规则:请每组扮演警官的同学在一分钟内, 尽可能多地询问其它小组同学, 那时他在哪里、在做什么?无法回答或回答不符合逻辑的同学即为“凶手”。完成任务最多的警官即为“最佳警官”。被抓到的“凶手”在课后要完成警官布置的额外作业。)

设计意图:通过设计一个学生感兴趣的情景, 在游戏中再一次复习了重点句型。

(十) Group Work: A Lifestyle Survey

请学生调查组内的其它同学上周一晚上8点分别在做什么, 然后由调查人进行汇报。

设计意图:在这一活动中, 进一步使用目标句型进行交流, 增进对彼此生活的了解, 让学生懂得要拥有健康的生活方式。

(十一) Summary

小组合作归纳过去进行时的用法 (过去进行时表示什么样的动作或状态, 你认为常与哪些时间状语连用。)

设计意图:通过让学生自己归纳, 加深他们对重点、难点的印象, 让学生学会小结、反思, 知道自己对本单元知识的掌握情况, 做到有的放矢。

(十二) 课堂即时性评价

每个小组准备一套题 (每人一份) , 八个小组交换题目, 当堂完成, 由出题的小组对其进行现场评价。最后老师和同学们共同评出最佳出题小组, 最佳完成小组, 本课最佳合作小组、明星小组各一个, 其余小组为希望小组。

设计意图:在这一过程中锻炼学生自己发现问题、解决问题的能力, 让他们成为学习的主人。

(十三) 布置作业

以“Yesterday Once More” (昨日重现) 为题, 写一写在昨天这些不同的时刻你和家人在哪里、在做什么, 60词左右。

设计意图:作业设计旨在通过写作的形式使学生灵活地应用目标语言, 达到举一反三的效果。

板书设计:Unit3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived?

T: Where was the girl when the UFO arrived?

S: She was in front of the library.

T: What was he / she doing when the UFO arrived?

S: He/ She was……..


(一) 评价内容:

1. 教师在教学过程中采取一些激发学生学习兴趣的活动, 例如:提问、竞争、表演、游戏、调查等, 使全体学生参与其中, 让他们能够在情境中较好地掌握和理解这两种语言的差别。同时对学生在这些活动中的合作、创新和探究能力进行评价, 这有益于学生更好地认识自我, 树立自信。评价的主体既包括教师, 也包括学生。

2. 针对本课所学语言点, 由学生小组互相评价。这有助于帮助学生反思和调控自己的学习过程, 关注学生的个体思维方式, 培养学生乐于合作, 勇于创新的精神, 起到促进学生发展的作用。

(二) 评价方法:

1. 观察法。

人教版《新目标》英语八年级下册 篇3

本单元谈论的话题是“Fun places”,其功能项目是“Talk about past experiences”,通过对比、使用现在完成时态、一般过去时态谈论过去曾经去过的地方. Section A的内容是在复习巩固一般过去时用法的基础上学习使用Have you ever been to…这个句式表述过去曾经去过的地方。




通过情境导入提出Have you ever been to…? 的问题,引导学生积极参与课堂口语交际,学习使用新的词汇和短语,来训练和强化现在完成时态句型Have you ever been to …?的答语形式,,最终达到使用该句型描述过去的某个经历。



掌握现在完成时态句型Have you ever been to ……?及答语形式Yes,… have/ No, … haven’t;通过情景设置、两人一组对话练习、小组合作等方式学会谈论过去曾经到过的地方。


通过情境导入来引导学生谈论过去发生的事,提出Have you ever……?的问题,继而引出一些新的词汇和句型,然后通过精讲多练的课堂教学来达到本节课的教学目标。




1. 掌握重点句型Have you ever been to an amusement park? Yes, I have. /No, I have never been to an amusement park.學会使用该句型与其他人谈论过去曾经去过的地方,并能对该地的风景、娱乐等方面进行简单的描述。

2. 熟练运用现在完成时态句型Have you ever been to…?描述过去曾经去过的地方,并能就这个话题进行讨论。






Step 1 Warming-up

1. Make conversations with some students to talk about past events.

T: Tom, what did you do yesterday?

S1:I played basketball.

T:(writing the words on the board) Tom played basketball yesterday. (to another student) Mary, What did you do last Sunday?

S2:I went to the zoo.

T:(writing on the board) Mary went the zoo last Sunday.

2. Make a short conversations in pairs. (两人一组进行以上的对话练习)

( 设计意图:用闲聊的方式带领学生走进课堂,给学生创造轻松愉快的学习氛围,学生容易接受。 同时以简单的对话方式复习前面所学的内容,过渡自然。小组对话练习不但可以提高学生对过去发生事情的表述能力,还可以提高他们的听说能力,达到较好的复习效果,为新课的学习做好铺垫)

Step 2 Leading in

1. Learn the new sentence “ Have you ever been to …?” with some pictures. ( 长城、北京、红峪上庄) T: I went to the Great Wall last week.

I have ever been to the Great Wall. Have you ever been to the Great Wall?

Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.

2. Practice in pairs by using some pictures.


A: Have you ever been to …?

B: Yes, I have. (No, I haven’t) Have you ever been to…?

A: Yes, I have./ No, I haven’t.


Step3 Learning new words

1.Watch a short play (Disney 动画片)

2. Learn the new words by some pictures. Using some Disney Character to talk about the amusement park.

3. Practice in pairs (Ask some students to practice in pairs)

4. Talk about 1a


Step 4 Listening

1. 1b Listen. Have these students ever been to these places?

2. Read the listening materials loudly.

3. Talk about the places that Claudia and Sarah have ever been to.


Step 5 Groupwork

Talk about your unforgettable place that you have ever been in groups.

(温馨提示:Have you ever been to …? When did you go there? How did you go there ?Have you taken any photos there? Bring some of your photos here and write a short composition to introduce the place you have ever been to.)


Step 6 Homework

1. Make a survey (小组合作,共同完成)


Where have you ever been?

When did you go there ?

How did you go there ?

What did you do there ?

How do you like it ?


(提示句型:Report : ***has ever been to … .

He / She went there ***.

He /She went there by ***.

He /She ***. He /She thinks it’s ***.)

2. Write your unforgettable place that you have ever been .

(温馨提示:Have you ever been to …? When did you go there? How did you go there ?Have you taken any photos there? Bring some of your photos here and write a short composition to introduce the place you have ever been to.)

八年级下册英语日记 篇4

Different people have different lifestyles.They do the same things from morning to evening every day.Usually, they write their plans on paper.But sometimes they remember what things they will do in their minds.I also have my own lifestyle.It is wonderful!I get up early on weekdays, and do the school things then.But at the weekend, I never get up early.I sometimes stay in bed until lunchtime.One day, I stayed in bed very late.It was a weekday.The clock rang.It was six thirty.But I didn’t hear it.I stayed in bed until seven o’clock.I looked at the clock and jumped from the bed to the floor.I was afraid, “Oh, my God, I will be late.” I shouted.So I didn’t have breakfast.I put on my shoes and took a taxi to the school.I was in good luck that day.I wasn’t late for school.I was pleased that time.I think I should get up earlier on weekdays or I will be late.I believe you get up earlier on weekdays.Best wishes for you.

八年级下册英语作文 篇5

Last Saturday morning, my parents went out to visit their friends. After breakfast, I did the dishes.

After that, I began to clean the living room. I swept the floor, cleaned the window and took out the

rubbish. At around 11:00, I began to cook lunch. When my parents came back home, they saw the

clean living room and some delicious food. They were very happy and said to me, “Dear, you

really did a good job! Thank you.”

Dear Sandy, I am going to have a birthday party at my house next Saturday. I

have to prepare for the party and I need your help. Could you please help me do the following

things? Call some friends and invite them to the party. Help me clean the room before the party.

八年级下册英语作文 篇6

提示词:put…away 把……收拾好

Dear friend,

What a terrible day today! This morning I was late for school and my teacher was angry with me. Then I found I forgot my science book. Since I stayed up late last night, I felt sleepy in class this afternoon. I could hardly hear what the teacher said. Could you please give me some advice?


Looking for Help

Dear Looking for Help,

There are many things you should do. First, I’m afraid you’re wrong to be late for class, so you should get up early in the morning and get to school on time. And you should go to bed earlier at night. Before going to bed, you should put away your school things. If you do so, I’m sure you will become a happy student.

八年级下册英语2b完整 篇7


与旧教材相比, 新教材别出心裁地在目录前增设了前言。前言的第一句话是:“在本册书中, 我们一起来认识中国的区域。”从这句话就可以看出, 新教材从一开始就体现出新课改“以学生为本”的理念, 采用的是“我们一起来认识”而不是“你们将要学习的是”, 教师不再是高高在上, 学生才是学习的真正主人。接下来的部分用了非常优美生动的语言对整册内容进行了简单概括, 学生可以通过阅读这些优美的语句身临其境地感受祖国的大好河山, 从而增强对学习本册内容的兴趣。


1.章节数量的变化。旧版教材共有6个章节, 而新版教材只有5个章节, 而且与旧教材相比, 新教材的章节号与上册章节是相连的, 体现湘教版八年级整册内容的统一性和连贯性。

2.章节内容的变化。从新旧两版 教材的内 容可以看出, 教材的编写思路发生了很大的转变, 旧版教材的编写思路应该是 总—分的传统 思维方式, 从一般到 具体, 先介绍中国的 产业, 包括上一 册的中国 的人口、气候、资源等等, 先让学生对整个中国的各个方面有个大概的了解, 然后在下册就详细从东部沿海、内陆沿疆、黄河和长江沿岸这四个部分对中国每个行政单位进行了介绍, 内容繁杂, 追求面面俱到, 但是要在有限的篇幅内完成又是不可能的。因此, 新版教材针对这些问题做了很大的改进, 主要从认识区域的方法着手, 教会学生从位置和分布、联系与差异、环境和发展这三个方面来学习和了解中国的区域, 不再是简单知识内容的呈现, 而更注重的是学习如何分析区域的方法, 这才是学生适应当今变幻莫测的时代最需要掌握的东西。新版教材把《中国的产业》这一章节放到了上册, 而下册的重心完全放到了区域的学习上, 不管是章节先后的安排, 还是章节内容的选取, 都体现了 “学习对生 活有用的 地理”和“学习对终身发展有用的地理”的课程理念。


地理图像是地理教材不可或缺的一部分, 它是传递地理知识的一个重要载体, 对于抽象思维能力还未发展成熟的初中生来说, 色彩鲜明、生动形象的地理图像能让他们迅速地产生学习地理的兴趣。根据初中生这一显著的特点, 无论是旧版教材还是新版教材, 教材编写者都采用了大量的地理图像来凸显教材内容。尽管如此, 与旧版教材相比, 新版教材采用的地理图像在数量和质量上都有较大的突破。

1.新旧教材地理图像数量和密 度的变化。旧 版教材共分为6个章节, 地理图像在每个章节的数量分别是33幅、57幅、16幅、15幅、16幅和1幅, 总共是138幅;而新版教材5个章节的地理图像数量分别是42幅、37幅、46幅、73幅和3幅, 总共是201幅。新教材的图像密度和数量都比以前有所增加, 说明地理图像在地理教材中的地位日趋重要。

2.新旧教材地理图像质量的变化。从整体看, 与旧版教材相比, 新版教材的地理图像色彩更加鲜明、丰富, 图注更加清晰, 图像的线条也比较饱满。旧版教材以彩图为主, 而新教材在彩图的基础上也适当地采用了黑白图像, 比如在教材第12页, 为了突出中国传统交通工具的地域特色是“南船北马”, 图5-21和图5-22就分别采用了“20世纪40年代江南水运”和“北方传统运输方式”两张黑白图像, 黑白图像的运用准确地反映了中国历史上真实的人文景 观, 具有历史 的厚重感 和更强的 说服力。除此之外, 新版教材的地理图像更具时代感。两版教材中都有对北京的区域介绍, 体现北京最近这些年来高速发展成果的图片更是大量出现在新教材当中, 比如北京的金融街、中关村科技园和鸟巢等。与此同 时, 新教材的图像也体现了地方民族特色, 比如展现京剧、秦腔、锅庄舞等图像的运用。

新版教材与旧版教材相比, 在很多方面存在优势是毋庸置疑的, 因为它毕竟蕴含十年来无数教师无数次课堂实践的经验总结。就如同不可能有十全十美的人一样, 新版教材也肯 定存在着 许多不足, 它是“十年 磨一剑”的成果, 现在又正 返回实践 中去接受 实践的检 验。人的认识是无限的, 总能不厌其烦地一次又一次地去改进和完善, “最好的总是在下一次”, 怀抱着这样的期望, 教育才能不断地向前发展。

摘要:湘教版初中地理新教材的修订以《义务教育地理课程标准》 (2011年) 为依据, 在原教材的基础上更新了大量的素材, 同时也对章节的设计进行了重新梳理。以八年级下册为例, 新教材除了增设了前言, 章节设置及地理图像也有了一定的变化。

仁爱英语八年级下册作文 篇8


Mary comes from England.She likes Beijing Opera best.She thinks it’s interesting and wonderful.She wanted to see Beijing Opera but couldn’t get a ticket.So she was very disappointed.She didn’t know what to do.Then Mr.Wang got a ticket, but he couldn’t go to see it.His son had a fever last night, so he gave the ticket to Mary.She was pleased and said thanks to Mr.Wang.She was very excited and decided to learn something about Beijing Opera.2.每个人都不可能没有烦恼。当你有烦恼时, 请试着控制你的情绪, 因为情绪可以影响你生活中的很多方面。所以生活中我们应当相信自己, 笑对人生, 多与父母、朋友沟通。

Nobody can be happy all the time.When you become unhappy, you should try to control your feelings.Because bad feelings can make you lose your friends and give you other bad effects.Here are some ways to make you feel better.(1)Look in the mirror and speak to yourself, “I’m the best in the world.I can do anything.”

(2)Do something for others.You will feel happy if you always help1

others in need.(3)Smile when you get up in the morning and believe you will have a nice day.(4)Write down your thoughts, dreams or anything you want.Writing always helps you express your feelings.(5)Stay with your family.You may talk with your parents, relatives, friends and so on.3.为自己设计一个旅行计划.A plan for a trip

1.I’d like to go to the countryside for a trip because the environment there is quite good.The air there is fresh, and I can enjoy a quiet life.The food and vegetables are good, too.2.I’m going to stay for a week.3.I’ll go by bike.In this way, I can take exercise as well.4.I’ll go tomorrow morning.5.When I go, I’ll take some school things, like books, pens, pencils and so

on.I decided to give them to the poor students in the countryside.And I’ll try my best to help them with their study.6.I think I’ll be very tired but I’ll enjoy myself.4.根据以下中文提示,以“Travel”为题写一篇60—80词的短文。


Travel is a very good activity.When you are tired of working or studying, or when you have time, you can go to a beautiful place to enjoy the beauty of nature.You can breathe fresh air, make some new friends, relax yourself and so on.But sometimes it may cause trouble.The weather often changes.You may get wet in the rain and may have a cold.You should prepare yourself carefully before your trip.You should know something about the weather.You’d better find a companion so that you can help each other to avoid accidents.In this way, you’ll have a wonderful trip.Topic Three


Do you like riding a bike? I like it very much.I am a student in a middle school.I often go to school by bike, because it is good for our body.It makes us healthy and saves energy.But we must obey the traffic rules.We should ride a bike slowly and ride it on the right-hand side of the road.If the traffic lights are red, we must stop.Now let’s leave cars and buses, and just cycles.6.假如你叫刘辉,是仁爱国际学校的学生。美食节过后,你和同学们积极清理现场,捡废纸,拾塑料瓶,再卖到回收中心,然后给贫困地区儿童捐款。

提示词语:废纸 waste paper;塑料瓶 plastic bottle;回收中心 a recycling center;捐钱 donate the money;贫困地区 poor areas

My name is Liu Hui.I’m a student in Ren’ai International School.I know some children in poor areas need money for school.So my friends and I decided to collect waste paper and plastic bottles after the food festival.After we cleaned the playground of our school, we sold all the waste paper and plastic bottles to a recycling center, and then donated the money to the children in poor areas.Although we felt very tired on that day, we were very happy!


A School Fashion Show

八年级英语下册教学反思 篇9



仁爱英语八年级下册短语小结 篇10

排版: 薛永春老师



八年级下册英语短语小结 How are you feeling?你最近好吗? say thanks to(sb.)向(某人)表示感谢!

look excited 看起来很激动 Guess what!你猜怎么着? invite sb.to do sth 邀请某人做某事

invite sb.to…邀请某人(去某处)spend the evening过夜 2 How nice多好 What a shame!多可惜!3 be cruel/kind to sb.对某人很残酷/友好 be proud of sb.为某人而自豪

be afraid of sth./doing sth.害怕某物/做某事 be angry with /at sb.对某人生气

be pleased with(sth.)对…感到高兴,对…感到满意 be popular with(sb.)在 … 流行

get a ticket to /for sth.获得一张。。的票或入场券 4 have a temperature=have a fever发烧 set the table摆放餐具

I hope everything goes well.我希望一切顺利。

ring sb.up=phone/telephone/call/ring sb.打电话给某人 5 be on=be shown上映

花费:①主语(人)+spend(money…)sth.主语(人)+spend…(in)doing sth.②主语(人)+ pay for…/pay…for… 搜集:初二(1)(2)班

排版: 薛永春老师


2010-6-10 ③It takes sb.some time to do sth.④cost 其主语为物

cheer sb.up 使某人振奋起来 because of因为 Why…?=What…for? 为什么 at first开始,首先 care for sb.=look after sb.=take care of sb.照顾某人 6 in the end最后 fall into掉入某地 on the way to+ place去往某地的路上 go mad气的发疯 each other彼此 7 come into being形成,成立于

become interested in sth.开始对(某物)产生兴趣 make peace with sb.与某人和平相处 end with以… 结尾 more and more越来越多 Chinese culture中国文化 8 Very well, thank you!非常好,谢谢!9 be strict with sb.对(某人、某物)要求严格 Anything wrong?有什么麻烦吗?

What seems to be the problem?到底怎么回事? have a talk with sb.与某人有一个谈话

be worried with sb./sth.对某物或某人感到担心 10 take it easy放松点 these days这些天

be one’s friend=make friends with sb.成为某人的朋友 fall down 塌下来 How are you feeling today?你今天感觉怎么样? 搜集:初二(1)(2)班

排版: 薛永春老师


2010-6-10 提建议句型:Why don’t you(do sth.)?=Why not(do sth)? What/How about doing sth…? There,there!好啦,好啦!at the age of 在… 岁时 12 give one’s suggestions给某人提建议 happen to do sth.碰巧干某事

happen to sb./sth.发生在…身上,降临到…头上 13 How time flies!光阴似箭

What’s more另外,而且,更为重要的是 as usual跟往常一样 as before跟以前一样 be/ get used to(doing)sth.习惯于(做)某事 14 deal with 处理问题 refuse to do sth.拒绝干某事 even though即使,尽管 talk to/ with sb.跟某人交谈 not …any longer=no longer不再 16 follow one’s advice采纳某人的建议

take a walk散步 Don’t be afraid.不要害怕 17 take(bitter)medicine 吃(苦)药

calm down平静,镇静 instead of sb.取代某人

How long have you felt like this?你想这样已经多久了? hate to do sth.讨厌做某事 need to do sth.需要做某事 get well soon快速好起来 turn to do sth.轮流做某事 at the end of在…末尾 give the speech做演讲 take good care of oneself照顾好某人自己 搜集:初二(1)(2)班

排版: 薛永春老师


2010-6-10 19 in a bad mood处于坏情绪之中 smile at life 笑对生活 get along well with sb.与某人和睦相处

Let’s give sb.a surprise!让我们给某人一个惊喜!just as 正如,就像

Let’s prepare for sth.让我们为某物做准备 20 see sth./sb.doing sth.看见某物/某人做某事 be ill in bed卧病在床 make sb./feel adj.使某人感觉 too…to太…而不能 fall asleep入睡 some day在未来的某一天 22 make sb.adj.使某人处于某种状态 23 in good spirits处于好情绪之中

such as比如 think it over仔细考虑 make an important decision做一个重要决定 find out查明,发现,了解 It’s hard to say.很难说 over the phone=by phone/on the phone 通过电话

decide on sth.选定某物 decide to do sth.决定干某事 go on a spring field trip春游 26 My pleasure!=It’s pleasure.别客气

Have a good trip!旅行愉快 learn to do sth.学做某事 see the sunrise 看日出 raise money筹钱 27 I’d like to do sth.=I want to do sth.我想要做某事 in a cinema在电影院 搜集:初二(1)(2)班

排版: 薛永春老师


2010-6-10 28 make a room reservation预定房间 plan to do sth.计划做某事 tell sb.(not)to do sth.告诉某人(不)做某事 It’s adj.to do sth…做某事很….come up with 想出主意 work out算出 at noon在中午 in the morning在上午 have a special lunch一顿特别的午餐 Good /Great ideas!好主意!put on a show办个展览 at the weekend在周末 get the top of…到达 …的顶部

go shopping去逛商店 during the trip在旅行期间 look forward to doing sth.期盼干某事 hear from收到某人的来信

arrive here到那儿 arrive at Tai shan 到达泰山 enjoy the night欣赏夜景 in the open air在户外 in the daytime在白天 as soon as一 ….就 places of interest=interesting places名胜 at the foot of Mount Tai 在泰山脚下

begin to do sth.开始做某事 the sea of clouds云海 the whole night整整一夜

be busy doing sth.忙于做某事 be on vacation度假 glad to do sth.高兴做某事 You bet!当然,的确 搜集:初二(1)(2)班

排版: 薛永春老师


2010-6-10 It would be great fun!那一定很有趣!

That’s would be very intereting!那一定很有趣!Would you do sth…?你能…? make a plan to do sth.做一个 …的 计划 come along with sb.与某人一起去

in the dialog在对话中 go camping去野营 have a class上课

in the old days在古代 ride horses 骑马 spread over遍布,占地 by the way顺便说一下 mark the beginning of…象征…的开始 make sure确保,弄清楚

two and a half hours=two hours and a half两个半小时 tell good from bad辨别好坏 on both sides of the way路的两边 36 lie in位于… 3种表达方式: on the +方位名词 +of …指相互接壤并不管辖的两个地区 to the +方位名词+of …指互不接壤并互不管辖的两个地区 in the +方位名词+of …指在某一范围之内的地区 in the west part of… 在…西部

Parking lot停车场 have to 必须,不得不 walk through穿过 be surprsied at对…感到惊奇 搜集:初二(1)(2)班

排版: 薛永春老师


2010-6-10 in all directions向四面八方 step on one’s toes踩到某人的脚 push one’s way out推开某人的道路

raise one’s head抬头 Great to see you.见到你很高兴 jump up and down跳起来

can’t help doing sth忍不住做某事 be famous for因 …著名

enjoy one’s vacation享受某人的假期

get off one’s horses下马 get on(bus)上车 have fun doing sth.高兴做某事

Thank goodness!谢天谢地!at last最后 ask sb.for help向某人寻求帮助

It’s about two and a half hours by bike 骑车大约两小时的路程

obey the traffic rules遵守交通规则 cause air pollution 引发空气污染 spit in pulic在公共场合下吐痰 a traffic accident一起自行车事故 42 a sharp turn(to the left)一个向左的拐弯 slow down减速 run into撞上

from the opposite direction从一个相反方向来 avoid doing sth.避免做某事 rush to sb.冲向,奔向


排版: 薛永春老师


2010-6-10 43 break the traffic rules违反交通规则

get a fine处以…罚金 in danger处于危险之中 go to a traffic station去汽车站 warn sb.to do sth.警告某人做某事 go along the road直走 44 have an accident有一场事故

cross a busy road=walk across the busy road 横穿拥挤的马路

make a wrong turn转错弯

cause trouble惹麻烦 get hurt受伤

make a comebake复出 once again再一次 lead sb.to do sth.带领某人做某事 go on doing sth.继续干某事

a dark horse一匹黑马(指竞争中出人意料的获胜者)Who know?谁知道?天晓得? 47 one or two days一两天

In Asia 在亚洲 in the middle of在中间 50 try to do sth.努力去做某事

try doing sth.试着去做某事 stay there呆在那儿 51 give sb.some advice给某人一些建议 a full day trip to…去…的全天

at least 至少 in your life 在你的生活中 搜集:初二(1)(2)班

排版: 薛永春老师


2010-6-10 solve one’s problems/deal with one’s problems解决某人的问题 someone else别的人

get/be/keep/stay in touch with sb/sth 与某人/某物取得联系 53.be born出生

have/hold/ organize a food festival举办美食节 try/do one’s best to do sth 尽某人最大努力去做某事 turn to sb=ask(sb)for help 转向某人,求助于某人 get more information 获取更多信息

54.make tea 沏茶 make cheese pies 做奶酪派 cook soup 煲汤 make biscuits 做饼干 write a song 写一首歌 make a poster 制作海报 55.have a sweet tooth 喜欢吃甜食 That’s good enough.那太好了 56.It’s a great pity.那太遗憾了

will/would you please do sth? 请你做什么好吗? later on 稍后,晚一些时候 have no time 没时间 57.hold on ,please 别挂电话 what’s up? 什么事? keep up 使继续 be pleased to do sth 乐意做某事 in order to do sth 为了干某事 invite sb to do sth 邀请某人干某事 58.be(not)able to do sth(不)能做某事

be pleased with… 对。。感到满意 get wet 淋湿的 搜集:初二(1)(2)班

排版: 薛永春老师


2010-6-10 supply sth to sb 给某人提供某物 59.make/have/let sb do sth 让某人干某事

be worried about…担心..hear about sb/sth 听说某人/某事 61.be proud of sb 为。。感到自豪 well done!干得好 add(A)to(B)把A加入B中

62.cut up 切碎,剁碎 in a few minutes 在几分钟之内 63.two pieces of bread 两块面包 practice makes perfect 熟能生巧

would you mind doing sth ?你反对/介意干某事吗?

64.It’s polite/impolite to do sth.干某事是礼貌的/不礼貌的 whether or not 是否是。。还是不是。。65.eat up 吃光 take only a sip 仅喝一小口 remember(not)to do sth 记着要做某事 remember doing sth 记得已干过某事

drink to sb 为某人干杯 finish doing sth 完成某事 66.point(with sth)at(sb)用某物指着某人 point at 指着 point to 指向 point out 指出 67.at the same time 在同时

in the southern part of China 在中国东南部

69.Thanks for coming!感谢光临 welcome to… 欢迎来到… have a wonderful time/enjoy oneself/have fun玩的愉快 wish sb to do sth =hope to do sth 希望干某事 搜集:初二(1)(2)班

排版: 薛永春老师


2010-6-10 70.This way ,please 请这边走 a table for two 有张两人桌 take a seat,please请坐 Here’s the menu.这是菜单 I’d like to do sth.我想要做某事…

a bottle/cup/piece/bowl of… 一瓶/杯/片/碗。。Anything else? 还要别的?

71.May I take your order? 你想点什么? order a meal 定餐 73.be worth doing sth 值得干某事

make an effort 做个尝试,做一次努力 in the end 最后 send… to… 把。。寄给 two or three courses 两三道菜 It’s said that… 据说

keep …+adj/doing sth 使某人保持某种状态或做某事 not only… but also… 不但。。而且。。

the +形容词比较级…, the+形容词比较级… 越。。越。。77.buy sth for sb /buy sb.sth.为某人买某物 so+adj/adv that… 如此。。以致于

have a class fashion show 举办一场班级时装秀 78.on the + 序数词 floor 在第几层楼

79.so that…= in order to do sth 目的是,为了 What size …? be made of… 由。。制成(可看出原材料)be made from… 由。。制成(不可看出原材料)

a woolen dress 一条羊毛裙 a leather jacket 一件夹克 such a/an +adj +单数名词 that… 如此。。以致于 搜集:初二(1)(2)班

排版: 薛永春老师


2010-6-10 80.be/ feel satisfied with sth/sb 对某人/物感到满意 depend on 取决于 formal occasions 在正式场合 as well as 除。。之外 as well 也

catch one’ eyes 引人注目 a silver necklace 一条银项链 in modern society 在现代社会 83.As the saying goes.俗话说

85.make uniforms 做制服 not really 不尽然 agree with you.同意某人 make a survey 做一个调查 be glad/pleased to do sth 干某事很高兴 86。keep/stop sb from doing sth 阻止某人干某事 in trouble 处于麻烦之中 carry out 执行

wear plain clothes 穿便装 at the office 在办公室 at home 在家 in the park 在公园 87 take off 脱下 put on 穿上

according to 根据 on every occasion 在每一个场合 It’s + adj +(for sb)to do sth 做某事对于某人很adj 88 keep quiet 保持安静 do some exercises 做练习wear business suits 穿西装 89 in our lives 在我们生活中

protect sb from sth保护某人免受某物的侵害 protect sb from doing sth 保护某人免受某事的侵害 help sb(to)do sth 帮助某人干某事 搜集:初二(1)(2)班

排版: 薛永春老师


2010-6-10 get help 获得帮助 some … others 一些...另一些 90 the art of dressing 着装的艺术

ask sb to do sth 让某人做某事 try on 试穿 advise sb to do sth 建议某人做某事

I hope your business goes well!我祝你生意兴隆!93 a fashion show 时装表演 talk about 谈论 go with sb 和某人一起去

There’s going to be… =there will be… 将有… 95 in the center of 在…的中心 That’s really cool!那真太棒了!A minority costume 一套少数民族服装 Here come the models!模特们赶来了!96 with pleasure 很乐意

be full of =be filled with… 用。。填满 ;充满 stand for 代表 from then on 从那时起 during the Han and Tang dynasties 在汉唐时期 in other Asian countries 在亚洲的其他国家 either … or … 要么。。要么。。,不是。。就是。。both … and … 两个。。都。。be very different from 与。。非常不同 98.in most parts of china 在中国大部分地区 start to do sth 开始做某事 搜集:初二(1)(2)班

排版: 薛永春老师


2010-6-10 99.in the past= in the old days 在过去

clothing factories 服装厂 at one time 曾经,一度 around the world= all over the world 全世界 on special occasion 在特殊场合
