最准确银行常用单词中英文对照 篇1
本外币活期存款 RMB/foreign currency current deposit、本外币定期存款 RMB/foreign currency time deposit 本外币通知存款 RMB/foreign currency call deposit 协定存款 agreement deposit 固定资产贷款 fixed asset loan 房地产开发贷款 housing developing loan 单位流动资金贷款 working capitals loan 转贷款 transfers loan 银团贷款 syndicated loan 委托贷款 entrusted loan 票据贴现 bill discount 证券公司股票质押贷款 stock mortage loan 进口押汇 import finance 出口押汇 export finance 打包贷款 packaging loan 外币存单质押贷款 foreign exchange deposit certificate mortage loan 现金收付业务 cash/non-cash receiving and paying 银行汇票 banks bill of exchange 银行本票 banks promissory note 支票 check 商业汇票 commercial bill of exchange 汇兑(信汇、电汇)transfers(mail transfers、telegraphic transfers)票据承兑 acceptance of bill 资信证明业务 credit proof 代发工资 wages paying 代理发行 agency of issuing 兑付债券 redeeming bond 代收公用事业费 public utility charge collection 网上银行业务 online banking 进口开证 import letter of credit 进口代收 import collection 出口信用证通知 advice of export letter of credit 出口信用证议付 negotiation of export letter of credit 出口托收 export collection 外汇光票托收 foreign exchange bill collection 外汇汇入汇款 foreign exchange outgoing remittance 外汇汇出汇款 foreign exchange incoming remittance 提货担保 shipping guarantee 银行保函 letter of guarantee 备用信用证standly letter of credit 结售汇 money exchange 活期储蓄 current saving 定期储蓄 time saving 个人通知存款 individual call deposit 定期一本通 fixed time book 兴业卡存取款 depositing/drawing though XINGYE card POS消费转帐业务 POS consumptive transfers 银证通 transfer between bank and security company 银期通 transfer between bank and futures company 个人外汇买卖 personal money exchange 个人存款证明业务 personal deposit proof 个人住房按揭贷款 Personal housing mortgage loan 住房装修贷款 house renovation loan 个人有价单证质押贷款 personal valued certificate mortgage loan 汽车消费贷款 automobile consumptive loan 个人旅游贷款 personal travelling loan 个人商用房贷款 personal commercial housing loan 个人授信额度贷款 personal credit facility