


托福作文考试:1028雅思大作文 篇1








Nowadays people can live and work wherever they want because of the development of communication technology and transport. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?


In modern society, people do not need to live near the place where they live, as they can work through various communication tools and travel with convenient transport. Though with a few minor drawbacks, the free option of where to live and work realized by advancement of communication and transportation has brought many benefits.

Admittedly, we cannot overlook the potential problems associated with the freedom of choosing where to live. Nowadays, many people would like to live in suburban areas or satellite cities and drive to their office in the downtown in exchange of the peaceful environment and low housing price. However, with a growing number of people taking this option, it is more likely for the city to suffer from traffic congestion, high energy consumption and air pollution. In addition, for employees who work at home through Internet, the lack of face-to-face communication may cause poor cooperation and low commitment.

However, all these problems can be avoided or solved and people benefit a lot from the free option of where to live and work. By working at home through Internet, people have more time flexibility. There is plenty of time for them to take good care of family members, like preparing nutritious breakfast and playing games with young children. It also saves people’s time wasted on daily commute between home and office. Moreover, the convenient transportation makes it possible for people to change their career and place of residence several times during their life. This kind of lifestyle satisfies people’s curiosity of the world and enables them to constantly enrich experience.

To sum up, there are minor disadvantages for people to freely opt for where to live and work, but the advantages are in general far more obvious.

本文作者: Cindy(公众号:英文写作素材)

托福作文:1014雅思大作文 篇2

On the one hand, schools and universities, especially those funded by governments, are responsible for the cultivation of talents needed by society. Teachers equip students with necessary knowledge that allows them to survive in the job market. Leaving schools, students earn a living by contributing their strength and wisdom. For the development of any industry, it requires large number of people with intelligence and skills. Moreover, another equally important function of schools is character education. Apart from academic knowledge, teachers help students nurture sense of responsibility, become men of integrity, learn the importance of teamwork, etc. all traits essential for them to be useful members of society.

On the other hand, for students with strong desire and determination, education enables them to grasp necessary knowledge and skills to approach success. In modern society, there is constant demand for talents with strong academic strength. Many types of jobs require candidates to have outstanding education background which demonstrates their study ability and attitude. Only with cutting-edged knowledge and adept skills can people be competent and competitive in a position. Therefore, students work hard to enroll universities with high rankings and obtain excellent academic performance.

To sum up, the purpose of modern education is twofold: to cultivate talents for society and to help individuals attain personal ambition.







Some people believe the purpose of education is to prepare people to be useful members for society. Others say that the purpose of education is to achieve personal ambitions. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

雅思考试作文如何写之雅思大作文 篇3


It is quite common that many companies have dress codes and the violation of those codes may even cause fines, which has aroused many complaints among people who are sensitive to their appearance. They believe employers’ over emphasis on dress codes is meaningless but makes them uncomfortable in the office. However, in my mind, it is definitely necessary to have rules on dressing.

Admittedly, the quality of one’s work is much more important than his or her appearance. The healthy development of a company to a large extent depends on employees’ work effectiveness and efficiency which therefore deserves more attention from managers. To generate an office atmosphere in which employees feel at ease is one of the commonly adopted methods to boost employees’ work efficiency. Therefore, it is reasonable to allow employees to dress as they like. On the contrary, the strict dress codes may prevent people from choosing clothes to de-emphasize features they perhaps like less about themselves, which makes them self-conscious.

However, for most professions and companies, to have dress codes is to prevent employees from wearing eccentric clothes or clothes that cause troubles to their work. In an office, an employee’s pinky hair and hip-hop jumper may distract others’ attention, and leave bad impression to clients visiting the company. In addition, for certain professions, to dress appropriately is essential for them to successfully carry out the work. For instance, it is necessary for a lawyer to wear suits while meeting clients, as the suits not only demonstrate his professional competence but also show his attitudes and confidence. Otherwise, to wear casual clothes only makes him lose trust from others.

To sum up, a company needs effective dress codes to regulate employees’ dressing which is vital for companies’ development.

Some people believe that employers should not be concerned about the way their employees dress, only the quality of their work.

托福作文考试:1028雅思大作文 篇4



1. 正确(Correct):表达你想表达的意思,对于同一个意思可能有好几个词,那么同义词基本上都是正确的。

2. 合适(Appropriate):在不同语境下要使用不同的词,比如在肯定的语义中要用褒义词,而在否定的语义中要使用贬义词。

3. 精确(Exact):要联系上下文,尽可能用词到位,因为有些词是不够精确的。比如: allocate part of the fiscal revenue,allocate是分配,不能用divide来替换。

4. 灵活(Smart):英语本身就有很多约定俗成的表达方法,用我们的话来说,就是有很多潜规则。因此,我们要注意培养地道英语表达,还要注意词汇的固定搭配。


在写作评分标准里有明确的关于词汇的标准: Lexical Resource: 词汇资源。它考察词汇的运用是否多样恰当且准确。词汇的多少并不能决定文章的好坏,但用词精确性是可以加分的。一般来说,词汇的准确表达可以通过两个方面达到,一是在用词的难度上拔高,二是在近义词的多种表达上提升。值得提醒的是,不要过分堆积华丽的,会给考官留下华而不实的感觉。

1. 使用同义词进行替换


School teachers used to be the source of information. However,some people argue that teachers are not as important as before because there is an increasing variety of information resources. What is your opinion? (4月24日考题)

雅思考试与托福考试的区别 篇5


ielts: academic与generaltraining考试的听力部分完全相同。答案必须边听边写,听力部分由四个单元组成,通常排列如下:选择适当的图形或填空;段落答案选择;是非题;简短回答题;

toefl: 分三个单元,每个单元都是单选题。

第一单元共30题,考生在题目本中,选择与录音带问题最相近的答案; 第二单元为两个人之间的两段对话,每段对话后有三至四个问题; 第三单元,考生不是听三篇很长的对话,就是听从各项主题中所挑选的几段短论。每篇结尾三至四个问题。二、三单元约20题。






toefl: 在一年六至七次的考试中只有部分考试包含写作,它的写作有六个等级来评估应试者的能力。写作与toefl是分别记分的(30分钟)。分文法结构与语法测试两部分:共40题包含15个选择题和25个改错题,改错题内又含填空、改时态、填介系词。



托福雅思写作小作文 篇6

The data indicates that radio listeners increased (grow, rise, go up) substantially before 8:00 am, when the percentage reached (amounted to) to a peak of 27%.

The percentage then declined steadily to 11% at 4:00 pm, which was followed by a slight increase to 15% at 5:00 pm.

However, from then on, there was again a gradual decrease to 2% until 4:00 am, when the percentage bottomed out. The period from 4:00 am to 6:00 am saw another slight rise to 4% in radio listeners.

As for (similarly) TV viewers, the percentage went up from 6:00 am to 8:30 am, when there was a leveling off at 8% until 10:00 am (for the next one hour and a half)

After a slight decrease, the percentage rose sharply to 15% between 12 pm and 2 pm, before it dropped slightly.

The peak (45%) was reached at 8:00 pm after a massive rise from 14% since 3:00 pm.

However, the period between 8:00 pm and 3:00 am saw a slump in television viewers. The percentage reached the bottom of 3% at 3:00 am, when there was a slight rise afterwards.

托福作文考试:1028雅思大作文 篇7

托业:TOEIC(Test of English for International Communication)国际交流英语考试,由美国教育考试服务中心设计。


托福:TOEFL(The Test of English as a Foreign Language)检定非英语为母语者的英语能力考试,由ETS举办的英语能力考试。



雅思:IELTS(International English Language Testing System)国际英语测试系统,由剑桥大学考试委员会外语考试部、英国文化协会及IDP教育集团共同管理。


BEC:(Business English Certificate)商务英语考试,指的是剑桥商务英语资格考试,是剑桥系列考试中专为学习者提供的国际商务英语资格证书考试。














