《Booty music》中英文歌词对照


《Booty music》中英文歌词对照(精选9篇)

《Booty music》中英文歌词对照 篇1


Yesterday once more《昨日重现》中英文歌词对照(2009-10-06 12:32:04)转载▼

标签: 音乐 wo to so yesterday 娱乐 分类: 情感人生 When I was yong,当我年轻时,I’d listen to the radio,常听收音机,Waiting for my favorite songs。等待心爱的歌曲。

When they played I’d sing along,听到播放时便随声歌唱。It made me smile。这使我欢畅。

Those were such happy times,那时多么幸福的时刻!And not so long ago。就在不久以前。

How I wondered where they’d gone。我想知道他们曾去何处,But they’re back again,但我所有深爱的歌曲 Just like a long lost friend。他们现在又回来,All the songs I love so well。正如老友失散又重聚。

Every sha-la-la-la 每一句sha-la-la-la Enery wo-wo still shines,每一句wo-wo仍闪烁,Every shinga-linga-ling,每一句shinga-linga-ling,That they’restarting to sing so fine。他们又开始唱得如此动听。

When they get to the part 当他们唱到一个地方 Where he,s breaking her heart,令她伤心断肠,It can really make me cry,这真能叫我哭出来,Just like before,正如从前一样,It’s yesterday once more。仿佛昔日又重来

Looking back on how it was 回头看 In years gone by,岁月如何消逝

And the good time that I had 这些过去的好时光

Makes today seem rather sad。使今天显得令人哀伤。So much has changed。变化多大啊!

It was songs of love 我向他们唱

That I would sing to them,爱的歌曲。

And I’d memorize each word,我会记住每一句歌词。Those old melodies 那些古老的曲调,Still sound so good to me,在我听来还是那么好,As they melt the years away。好像他们把岁月融消。

Every sha-la-la-la 每一句sha-la-la-la Enery wo-wo still shines,每一句wo-wo仍闪烁,Every shinga-linga-ling,每一句shinga-linga-ling,That they’restarting to sing so fine。他们又开始唱得如此动听。

All my best memories 我所有美好的记忆 Come back clearly to me。清晰的重现。

Some can even make me cry,有一些仍能使我哭出来,Just like before,正如从前一样,It’s yesterday once more。仿佛昔日又重来。

Every sha-la-la-la 每一句sha-la-la-la Enery wo-wo still shines,每一句wo-wo仍闪烁,Every shinga-linga-ling,每一句shinga-linga-ling,That they’restarting to sing so fine。他们又开始唱得如此动听。分享:

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排行榜 圈子(精)前一篇:中秋随感!后一篇:忧伤!

评论 重要提示:警惕虚假中奖信息|[商讯]我有明星气势签名 [发评论] 孔宪保2009-10-21 11:32:23 [举报] 这首歌流行的时候在读高中,是一位

英语老师推荐的,每当听到这首歌就会想起那位老师。新浪网友2011-11-14 01:03:28 [举报] 谢谢

lilylotus_8252011-12-29 11:00:31 [举报]


新浪网友2012-01-16 22:10:13 [举报]

人生有太多需要昨日重现的事情,无论是欢笑还是遗憾!21988445252012-01-17 00:24:07 [举报] 有一种淡淡的忧伤,但感觉还不错,great 小熊2012-01-17 00:32:18 [举报] All the songs I love so well 憂灪的心情2012-01-23 21:17:42 [举报] 不错,不错,不错。你太有才了!新浪网友2012-02-02 00:32:37 [举报] 伊人已逝,声音永留,更是叫人伤~~~ 24548544052012-02-27 13:19:56 [举报]

这歌是初中英语老师教我们唱得,我好想念那间教室那个老师还有那些同学。我们决不放弃对吧2012-04-09 22:52:54 [举报]


怀恋那天2012-04-16 12:29:05 [举报] 以前小学 英语老师也给我放这首歌,太怀恋以前了。墨白2012-05-23 03:56:15 [举报]

在电脑前,听此三夜,为何乐此不疲~~~ 经典让人哀伤,让人难忘,为此歌也因去趟美国学英文。顺便看看布鲁斯、海明威、杰克伦敦、、、、新浪网友2012-05-24 14:36:36 [举报] 这也是我高中英语老师给我们推荐的歌曲,第一次听到时就被那优美的旋律吸引,直到现在,12年过去了,再次听起依旧那么亲切,想起逝去的时光,逝去的青春,怀念中。。新浪网友2012-05-24 21:59:54 [举报]

新浪网友2012-06-27 22:38:59 [举报] 亲,我发现有几句的对照的位置搞错喽!幸福的琴2012-07-03 23:25:18 [举报] 很久以前听过但听不懂

新浪网友2012-07-14 22:00:16 [举报] 我上面的上面的那楼。不是位置错了。是一起翻译的。绯闻女孩黑色小礼服2012-08-03 14:48:30 [举报] 中学老师推荐的,太喜欢了,就是听不懂。新浪网友2012-09-19 22:41:46 [举报] 怎么就是听不够呢

新浪网友2012-09-19 22:42:29 [举报] 超喜欢

新浪网友2012-09-23 14:45:30 [举报] 第一句yong?young吧。。

新浪网友2012-09-24 20:51:25 [举报] 昔日重现多美妙

新浪网友2012-09-24 20:55:09 [举报] 你要闭上眼睛静静地听轻轻的呼吸感受这经典音乐 玩灬烧身2012-09-24 21:11:56 [举报]

新浪网友2012-09-24 21:12:33 [举报] 很好

新浪网友2012-09-24 21:14:29 [举报]

无奈2012-10-03 21:49:03 [举报]

新浪网友2012-11-06 23:04:27 [举报] 终于发现一个极品MM私人网络空间,18岁以下就别进去看了








新浪网友2012-11-10 14:08:42 [举报] 这首歌很好听

新浪网友2012-11-19 16:

17:39 [举报] 额

新浪网友2012-11-20 19:46:52 [举报] Whtin’ 写错了,写成Whting了 新浪网友2012-11-27 12:05:20 [举报] 好听,歌词真好,表达了我的心情 新浪网友2012-12-06 12:56:37 [举报] 我也是刚上高中时,一个同学放给我们听的,听了一遍那旋律就记住了。后来又找到了它,现在听起来仿佛又回到了那个时候。新浪网友2012-12-30 15:27:44 [举报] 经典的永远是悲剧的,哀伤的!!很喜欢。。。新浪网友2013-01-04 21:21:03 [举报]







新浪网友2013-01-12 13:15:41 [举报] 我也很喜欢。但上面的更有趣。新浪网友2013-02-04 10:37:38 [举报] 好

新浪网友2013-02-22 21:45:41 [举报]

新浪网友2013-02-22 21:46:08 [举报]

新浪网友2013-02-23 16:06:11 [举报]

新浪网友2013-02-23 16:08:40 [举报]

新浪网友2013-02-23 16:09:31 [举报]

新浪网友2013-02-27 19:54:04 [举报] 这首歌是小学老师教给我们的,真的好怀念 新浪网友2013-03-11 20:30:30 [举报]

我五年级,老师让唱,要表演去 千卉2013-03-16 15:14:15 [举报] 喜欢

发评论 [商讯]爱心签名换梦想,天天派奖|[商讯]提高博客人气新方法

《Booty music》中英文歌词对照 篇2

Cara Dillon

It being in the springtime and the small birds they were singing 春天的时节,小鸟儿们在歌唱Down by yon shady harbor, I carelessly did stray


The thrushes they were warbling, The violets they were charming.画眉鸟柔和的唱着歌,还有那娇媚的紫罗兰竞相开放

To view fond lovers talking, a while I did delay 看着多情的恋人们低语,我停下了脚步She said, my dear, don’t leave me all for another season

她说: 亲爱的请不要离我而去,这一去又是另一个季节

Though fortune does be pleasing, I’ll go along with you 尽管此处生活如意,我还要与你在一起I’ll forsake friends and relations and bid this Irish nation 我会放弃亲友放弃爱尔兰民族的祝愿And to the bonny Bann banks forever I’ll bid adieu 还有美丽的巴恩河畔,我也将永远道别He said, my dear don’t grieve or yet annoy my patience


You know I love you dearly the more I’m going away 你要知道即使离开,我只会更强烈地爱你I’m going to a foreign nation to purchase a plantation 我要去一个遥远的国度买下一个农场 To comfort us hereafter all in America 从此我们将幸福地生活在亚美利坚这片土地上 Then after a short while a fortune does be pleasing 不久以后一切将天随人愿

It will cause them for smile at our late going away 我将让所有人都因我们这次离别而幸福 We’ll be happy as Queen Victoria, all in her greatest glory


We’ll be drinking wine and porter all in America 我们要在亚美利坚品尝美酒佳肴

If you were in your bed lying and thinking on dying 如果你躺在床上正思考着死亡

The sight of the lovely Bann banks, your sorrow you’d give over


Or if were down one hour, down in yon shady bower


Pleasure would surround you, you’d think on death no more


Then fare you well, sweet Craigie Hill, where often times I’ve roved


I never thought my childhood days I’d part you any more


Now we’re sailing on the ocean for honour and promotion


And the bonny boats are sailing, way down by Doorin shore

昨日重现中英文歌词 篇3

Karen Carpenter(卡伦 卡朋特)与她的哥哥Richard Carpenter理查德 卡朋特一起以独树一帜的Soft Rock风格享誉美国歌坛。她的歌声具有一种以柔克刚的穿透力,情深意厚;她的台风朴素,决无当今的大小歌星们哗众取宠的装束和画蛇添足的舞步,完全靠嗓音征服听众。卡伦 卡朋特嗓音优美,演唱亲切自然,略带伤感,由于运用了多轨录音技术,因此他们的唱片无论在艺术上或技术上都非常成功,是当代流行音乐的精品。这两张一套的“Yesterday Once More ”是他们的精选唱片,一张永远的经典。


关于雪绒花的中英文歌词 篇4


Edelweiss, edelweiss

Every morning you greet me

Small and white

Clean and bright

You look happy to meet me

Blossom of snow may you bloom and grow

Bloom and grow forever

Edelweiss, edelweiss

Bless my homeland forever










英文歌词 篇5

Searching for Santa Claus left and right.Where could he be tonight?

Here‟s our secretmission, here‟s our clever plan: Meet me by the Christmas tree, Gonna catch that Santa man.Waiting by the window, watching in the sky, Trying not to fall asleep, Gonna catch that Santa guy.Listen for the sleigh-bells, hear them jingle-ing.Santa Claus is almost here, Gonna do his Santa thing.Looking for Santa Claus high and low.Listen for Santa Claus “Ho ho ho.”

Searching for Santa Claus left and right.Where could he be tonight?

When you hear the reindeer and their reindeer paws, Then you know the time has come, Gonna catch that Santa, catch that Santa Claus, Santa Claus, Santa Claus, That‟s him!

Christmas is coming!Christmas is coming.Christmas is coming Time to go to sleep, „cause Christmas is coming soon.Now it‟s time to go to bed That‟s what everybody said Brush you teeth, put P.J.s on Wash you face then start to yawn.Now is time to go to bed That‟s what everybody said

Now it‟s time to go to sleep.Close your eyes and count some sheep.When you wake from this long night, Santa will have made his flight.Now it‟s time to go to sleep.Close your eyes and count some sheep.The Sugar Plums Cant‟s you see those lovely sugar plums, Dancing here, dancing there, dancing all around? Cant‟s you see those lovely sugar plums, jumping here, jumping there, jumping up and down? Cant‟s you see those lovely sugar plums, hopping here, popping there, never make a sound? They‟re so yummy, in my tummy, Nice and gummy, sugar plums.St.Nick At Night Jolly old St.Nicholas, lean your ear this way.Don‟t you tell a single soul what I‟m going to say.Christmas Eve is coming soon, now you dear old man, Whisper what you bring to me, tell me if you can.Have you heard about St.Nick at night, Trav‟ling all across the world in flight, Carrying a great big sack and deliv‟ring toys in no time flat? Christmas Eve he will be at you house Keeping very quiet as a mouse.Landing right up on your roof, in the morning look for proof?

英文歌词制作 篇6

making music


n. 生产,制造;形成

a man of this make

这种性格的人 make an example of

1.惩罚...以儆戒他人 make a dive for

向¥冲去 It will make you sick.

那会使你生病。It makes no matter.


n. 音乐,乐曲;乐谱

musical | musical film

音乐片| 歌舞片 have no bump of music

无音乐才能 Face the music.

不得不接受惩罚、承担后果,必须承受出现的局面。Learning a musical instrument introduces a child to an understanding of music.

学一门乐器能引导孩子了解音乐。We have Art in the art room and Music in the music room.

圣诞节英文歌词 篇7

We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year.

We wish you a merry Christmas. We wish you a merry Christmas

We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Good tidings we bring to you and your kin

We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Oh bring us some figgy pudding. Oh bring us some figgy pudding

Oh bring us some figgy pudding. Ill bring it out here!

Oh bring us some figgy pudding. Oh bring us some figgy pudding

Oh bring us some figgy pudding. Ill bring it out here!

Good tidings we bring to you and your kin

We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year

We wont go until we get some. We wont go until we get some

We wont go until we get some. So bring some out here!

We wont go until we get some. We wont go until we get some

爱很简单英文歌词 篇8

I can only give my love,

and show you what I am,

in the blast I breathe.

I will promise you my heart,

and give you what you need,

if you take some times.

And if you tell me you don’t leave me any more,

but I love want blast forever, woo ~

I will ask you for your chance to try again

to make a love I leave to better, woo ~ oh.

I love you,

say we together baby, say we together.

I love you,

I need you forever baby, you and me.

You say you how we know

exactly who I am to how to understand. woo ~

I do right from the sideling,

no way after said, if you read my mind. woo ~

If you tell me you don’t leave me any more,

but I love want blast forever

I will ask you for your chance to try again

to make a love or leave to better. woo ~ oh.

I love you,

say we together baby, say we together.

I need you,

I need you forever baby, need you forever.

Remember when I news to while clear,

remember when I make you to cry.

Yes, you still love me.

Oh, dear.

If you tell me you don’t leave me any more,

but I love want blast forever woo~

I will ask you for your chance to try again

to make a love or leave to better. woo ~ oh.

I love you,

say we together baby, say we together.

I love you,

I need you forever baby, you and me.

all right

I love you,

say we together baby, say we together. Hi,we come baby!

I love you,

中英文职位对照 篇9

Executive and Managerial(管理部分)

Assistant Vice-President 副总裁助理

Production Manager 生产经理

Management Consultant 管理顾问

District Manager 市区经理

Hospital Administrator 医院管理

President 总统

Import/Export Manager 进出口经理

Product Manager 商品经理

Insurance Claims Controller 保险认领管理员

Program Manager 程序管理经

Chief Executive Officer(CEO)首席执行官

Property Manager 房地产经理

Chief Operations Officer(COO)首席运营官

Branch Manager 部门经理

Manager(Non-Profit and Charities)非盈利性慈善机构管理

Service Manager 服务经理

Manufacturing Manager 制造业经理

Vending Manager 售买经理

Telecommunications Manager 电信业经理 Vice-President 副总裁

Transportation Manager 运输经理

Warehouse Manager 仓库经理

Retail Store Manager 零售店经理

Food Service Manager 食品服务经理

Executive Marketing Director 市场行政总监

HMO Administrator 医疗保险管理

Assistant Store Manager 商店经理助理

Operations Manager 操作经理


Claims Examiner 主考官

Director of Operations 运营总监


Field Assurance Coordinator 土地担保协调员

General Manager 总经理理

Insurance Coordinator 保险协调员

Project Manager 项目经理

Inventory Control Manager 库存管理经理

Regional Manager 区域经理 Administration(行政部分)

Executive Assistant 行政助理

Office Manager 办公室经理

Administrative Director 行政主管 File Clerk 档案管理员

Inventory Control Analyst 存货控制分析

Staff Assistant 助理

Executive Secretary 行政秘书

Receptionist 接待员

General Office Clerk 办公室文员

Secretary 秘书

Mail Room Supervisor 信件中心管理员

Stenographer 速记员

Order Entry Clerk 订单输入文员

Telephone Operator 电话操作员

Shipping/Receiving Expediter 收发督导员

Ticket Agent 票务代理

Vice-President of Administration 行政副总裁

Typist 打字员 Education and Library Science(教育部分)

Daycare Worker 保育员

ESL Teacher 第二外语教师

Developmental Educator 发展教育家

Head Teacher 高级教师

Foreign Language Teacher 外语教师

Librarian 图书管理员

Guidance Counselor 指导顾问 Music Teacher 音乐教师

Library Technician 图书管理员

Nanny 保姆

Physical Education Teacher 物理教师

Principal 校长

School Psychologist 心理咨询教师

Teacher 教师

Special Needs Educator 特种教育家

Teacher Aide 助理教师

Art Instructor 艺术教师

Computer Teacher 计算机教师

College Professor 大学教授

Coach 教练员

Assistant Dean of Students 助理训导长

Archivist 案卷保管员

Vocational Counselor 职业顾问

Tutor 家教、辅导教师

Visual and Performing Arts(表演艺术业部分)

Art Administrator 艺术主任

Actor/Actress 男演员/女演员

Commercial Artist/Instructor 商业艺术家

Art Director 艺术总监 Theatrical Director 戏剧总监

Choreographer 舞蹈教练

Fashion Designer 服装设计师

Comedian 喜剧演员

Film Production Assistant 电影摄制助理

Dancer 舞蹈家

Graphic Artist/Designer 画家/画面设计师

Model 模特

Interior Designer 装饰设计师

Musician 音乐家

Production Coordinator 制片协调员

Photographer 摄影师

Production(Tour)Manager 制片经理(外景)

Visual Artist 视觉艺术家 Science(科学业部分)

Forester/Park Ranger 森林/公园护林员

Forest Scientist 林木科学家

Laboratory Assistant 实验室助理

Geologist 地质学家

Laboratory Technician 实验室技师

Geophysicist 地球物理学家

Science Writer 科学作家

Zoologist 动物学家 Agricultural Scientist 农业科学家

Astronomer 天文学家

Chemistry Research Assistant 化学研究助理

Chemist 化学家

Conservation Scientist 环保科学家

Farm Manager 农庄主

Research Associate 研究员

Physicist 物理学家

Marine Biologist 海洋生物学家

Meteorologist 气象学家 Engineering(工程部分)

Aerospace Engineer 航空工程师

Ceramic Engineer 陶器工程师

Mechanical Engineer 机械工程师

Plastics Engineer 整形工程师

Petroleum Engineer 石油工程师

Product Engineer 商品工程师

Environmental Engineer 环境工程师

Electrical Engineer 电力工程师

Facilities Engineer 设备工程师

Field Engineer 施工工程师

Industrial Engineer 工业工程师

Marine Engineer 航海工程师 Electronics Engineer 电子工程师

Chemical Engineer 化学工程师

Engineering Consultant 工程顾问

Civil Engineer 土木工程师

Manufacturing Engineer 制造业工程师

Nuclear Engineer 核能工程师 Technical(技术业部分)

Technical Illustrator 技术讲解员

Landscape Architect 建筑师

Engineering Technician 工程技术员

Architect 建筑师

Electronic Equipment Repairer 电子设备维修员

Aircraft Pilot 飞行员

Telecommunications Consultant 电信业顾问

Broadcast Technician 广播技术员

Research and Development Technician 研究发展技术员

Aircraft Mechanic 航行器技工

Quality Control Inspector 质量管理检查员

Surveyor 测量员

QA Test Technician 质量检测技术员

Electrician 电学家

Precision Inspector 精密度检查员

Drafter 草图设计员 Technical Support Specialist 技术支持专员

Building Inspector 房屋验收

Technical Instructor 技术指导讲师 Service(服务业部分)

Sanitation Inspector 卫生检查员

Wait Person 侍应生

Health Club Manager 健康俱乐部经理

Cosmetologist 美容师

Hotel Concierge 宾馆门房

Hotel Manager 饭店经理

Food Inspector 食品检查员

Hotel Clerk 饭店职员

Customer Service Manager 客户服务经理

Cashier 出纳员

Customer Service Representative 客户服务代表

Caterer 宴会负责人

Fast Food Worker 快餐工

Chef 厨师

Restaurant Manager 餐厅经理

Hairstylist 发型师

Flight Attendant 空中服务员

Stewardess 空中小姐 Health and Medical(医学与健康)Clinical Director 医疗主任 Cardiologist 心脏病专家

Medical Technologist 医疗专家

Nursing Supervisor 护士长

Occupational Therapist 职业疗法

Orthodontist 整牙医生

Dental Hygienist 牙科保健

Chiropractor 脊椎指压治疗者

Dental Technician 牙科技师

Dental Assistant 牙科助理

Dietary Technician 食疗技师

Dentist 牙科医生

Emergency Medical Technician 急诊技师

Dietician 饮食专家

Fitness Instructor 健美师

Home Health Aide 家庭护理

Health Services Coordinator 健康服务协调员

Lab Technician 实验技师

Hospital Supervisor 医院管理员

Nurse 护士

Medical Records Clerk 病历员

Nursing Aide 看护助手

Nursing Administrator 看护员 Nutritionist 营养学家

Nursing Home Manager 家护管理员

Optician 眼科医生

Veterinary Assistant 助理兽医

Pharmacist 药学师

Pharmacy Technician 药品技师

Psychiatrist 精神病医师

Physical Therapist 理疗师

Surgeon 外科医生

Physician s Assistant 助理医师

Veterinarian 兽医

Respiratory Therapist 有氧治疗师

Pediatrician 儿科医生

Speech Pathologist 语言心理学家 Legal and Protective Services(法律部分)

Security Manager 保安经理

Patent Agent 专利代理商

Legal Assistant 法律助理

Court Officer 法庭保卫

Police Sergeant 警官

Guard 保卫

Assistant Attorney General 首席检察官助理 Law Clerk 法律职员

Contracts Manager 合同管理员

Law Student 司法学生

Ombudsman 反贪调查员

Paralegal 律师专职助手

Police Officer 警员

Fire Fighter 消防员

Legal Secretary 法律秘书

Court Reporter 法庭记者

Attorney 律师 Social and Human Services 务业)

Psychiatric Counselor 精神病顾问

Urban Planner 城市规划者

Program Director 节目部主任

Therapist 临床医学家

Program Coordinator 节目协调人

Social Worker 社会工作者

Human Services Worker 家庭服务员

Psychologist 心理学家

Accounting Assistant 会计助理

Accounting Clerk 记帐员

Accounting Manager 会计部经理

(人类社会服Accounting Stall 会计部职员

Economic Development Coordinator 经济发展协调员

Counselor 法律顾问

Case Worker/Legal Advocate 办案员/法律代言人 Case Manager 事件经理补充

Accounting Supervisor 会计主管

Administration Manager 行政经理

Administrative Clerk 行政办事员

Advertising Staff 广告工作人员

Administration Staff 行政人员

Administrative Assistant 行政助理

Airlines Sales Representative 航空公司定座员

Airlines Staff 航空公司职员

Application Engineer 应用工程师

Assistant Manager 副经理

Bond Analyst 证券分析员

Bond Trader 证券交易员

Buyer 采购员

Business Controller 业务主任

Business Manager 业务经理

Cashier 出纳员

Clerk Typist & Secretary 文书打字兼秘书 Computer Data Input Operator 计算机资料输入员

Chemical Engineer 化学工程师

Civil Engineer 土木工程师

Clerk/Receptionist 职员/接待员

Computer Engineer 计算机工程师

Computer Processing Operator 计算机处理操作员

Computer System Manager 计算机系统部经理

Copywriter 广告文字撰稿人

Deputy General Manager 副总经理

Economic Research Assistant 经济研究助理

Electrical Engineer 电气工程师

Engineering Technician 工程技术员

English Instructor/Teacher 英语教师

Export Sales Manager 外销部经理

Export Sales Staff 外销部职员

Financial Controller 财务主任

Financial Reporter 财务报告人

F.X.(Foreign Exchange)Clerk 外汇部职员

F.X.Settlement Clerk 外汇部核算员

Fund Manager 财务经理

General Auditor 审计长

General Manager/ President 总经理 General Manager Assistant 总经理助理

General Managers Secretary 总经理秘书

Hardware Engineer 计算机硬件工程师

Import Liaison Staff 进口联络员

Import Manager 进口部经理

Insurance Actuary 保险公司理赔员

International Sales Staff 国际销售员

Interpreter 口语翻译

Legal Adviser 法律顾问

Line Supervisor 生产线主管

Maintenance Engineer 维修工程师

Management Consultant 管理顾问

Manager 经理

Manager for Public Relations 公关部经理

Manufacturing Engineer 制造工程师

Manufacturing Worker 生产员工

Market Analyst 市场分析员

Market Development Manager 市场开发部经理

Marketing Assistant 销售助理

Marketing Executive 销售主管

Marketing Manager 市场销售部经理

Marketing Staff 市场销售员 Marketing Representative 销售代表

Marketing Representative Manager 市场调研部经理

Mechanical Engineer 机械工程师

Mining Engineer 采矿工程师

Music Teacher 音乐教师
