


慢生活英语101-120 篇1


慢速生活英语系列101:Extreme sports Celeste: I’m so glad it’s Friday.Are you doing anything this weekend? Ryan: I’m going snowboarding with James.Celeste: Didn’t you guys go bungee jumping last weekend?

Ryan: Yeah, and we plan to go cave diving in a couple of weeks.Celeste: I didn’t know you were into extreme sports.I guess it’s a big adrenaline rush.Ryan: It is.But for me, it’s about pushing myself to the limit.Celeste: Aren’t you afraid of getting hurt?

Ryan: Sure.There’s always a danger of getting hurt, but we don’t do these sports competitively.It’s just for fun.I like trying new stunts and seeing how far we can push the boundaries of the sport.Do you want to come with us sometime?

Celeste: Me? I’m not really the adventurous type.Ryan: You never know.You might like it.After cave diving, we’ll probably try climbing.Celeste: Oh, that doesn’t sound too bad.I’ve done some climbing before.Ryan: I should tell you that we plan on going ice climbing.Celeste: Oh.In that case, I think I’ll pass.Have fun this weekend.Ryan: Thanks and let me know if you change your mind.中文


女:真高兴又到周五了,周末你有什么打算 男:我要与詹姆士去玩滑雪板



女:我还真不知道你们几个在玩极限运动。我想那一定是非常刺激吧 男:当然了,不地这对我来说,这是让自己挑战极限



女:我? 我可不是那种爱冒险的人

男:也许你都不知道你会喜欢这种运动。等我们完成了峡谷蹦极,我们可能还会尝试攀登 女:噢,这个听起来还不错,我以前登过山 男:我应该说得更清楚些,是爬冰山

女:噢,要是这样,我还是算了吧。祝你们周末玩得愉快 男:多谢,什么时候改主意了,告诉我英文

慢速生活英语系列102::a family road trip Our family decided to take a road trip across the country this year.The kids were really excited and my oldest son wanted to help navigate.Before the trip, we looked at the road maps and decided on our route and the points of interest we would try to see.Since we wouldn’t be taking a camper, we needed to make hotel reservations along the way.After a little planning, we were ready to go.The kids were behaving themselves the first day.My daughter was a little car sick in the morning, but we made it to our first stop without any major problems.On the second day, though, the kids were really acting up.They kept asking, “Are we there yet?” and they wanted to stop at every rest stop.My youngest son, who is only four, kept calling out the mile markers as we passed them, and I thought my head would explode if he didn’t stop.On top of that, my wife wanted to stop every few miles for a photo op and I thought we’d never get to the next town.By the third day, I was really questioning the wisdom of taking three young children on the road for 10 days.I suspect that after this vacation, I’ll need another one to recover from it.中文

慢速生活英语系列102: 全家开车旅行

今年我们 全家决定来一次全境开车远行。孩子们非常地兴奋,我的大儿子帮着进行规划。旅行前,我们仔细研究了地图,决定我们走哪条路,要去看的景点。因为我们不准备野营,我们就得沿途订旅馆。在这些准备之后,我们准备上路了。第一天孩子们表现还算正常。我的女儿在早上有点晕车,不过到第一个歇脚点前我们一切顺利。可是第二天,孩子们就兴奋起来了。他们总是在问“怎么还没有到呀”,而且在每个休息点都要求停下来。我的小儿子只有四岁,车每经过一个里程路标,他都要大声念出来,吵得我头都大了。更要命的是,我老婆每过几英里就要停下来照相,让我觉得离我们下一个目的地遥遥无期了。第三天,我直质疑自己带着三个孩子开车游玩十天这个主意是否明智。可能这个假期结束了,我需要另外一个假期才能让自己恢复过来。


慢速生活英语系列103:giving bad news and condolence I was at the hospital at with my friend, Wendy.Her father was in an accident and she was waiting to talk to the doctor.Doctor: Hello, I’m Dr.Johnson.How are you holding up? Wendy: Oh, I’m fine.Is there any news?

Doctor: Yes.I have examined your father’s test results and I’m afraid the news isn’t good.His condition has deteriorated rapidly, and I want you to prepare for the worst.Wendy: You’re not saying that he won’t recover, are you?

Doctor: We can hope for the best, but your father may only have a few days.I’m very sorry.Wendy: Can I see my father?

Doctor: Yes, of course.......The worst did happen and Wendy’s father passed away the following week.At both the wake and the funeral, we all tried to console Wendy by saying things like, “I’m sorry for your loss,” “Please accept my condolences,” and “My thoughts are with you during this difficult time.” The funeral director made sure that the funeral service went smoothly.The eulogy was short and I went with Wendy to the burial.It was a difficult time for Wendy but hopefully, having her family and friends with her made it more bearable.中文


我在医院陪着我的朋友温迪。她父亲出了意外事故,她正在等着与医生交谈。男:你好,我是约翰森医生,你还好吧 女:我还好,有什么新的消息吗



男:我们当然希望有好的结果,但你父亲的日子可能只有几天了,我非常抱歉 女:我能去看看他吗





慢速生活英语系列104:asking for a raise Patty: Alberto, can I pick your brain for a minute? Alberto: Yeah, sure, but you’ll have to make it quick.I’m going into a meeting at 3.Patty: Sure.Hopefully, this won’t take long.I’m thinking about asking for a raise.I’ve been working here for a year and half, and I now have a lot more responsibilities on my plate than when I started.I think I’ve earned a raise, but I don’t know how to broach the issue with Wayne.I can’t just go into his office and say, “Give me a raise!”

Alberto: You’re right.It’s not an easy thing to bring up.One thing I did when I asked for a raise last year was to remind Wayne of my qualifications and all of the work I do around here.I tried to convince Wayne that I was indispensable.Patty: Obviously it worked.You got a raise and a promotion, too.All I want is a bump in pay.Alberto: The trick is to sell yourself without seeming self-serving.And, you don’t want to give any ultimatums either.That definitely won’t fly with Wayne.Patty: I can see that.I plan to talk to him at the end of the week so wish me luck.Alberto: You don’t need it.I’m sure Wayne will see things your way.中文



男:好的,没问题,不过你得快点,因为我三点有会 女:好,应该时间不长。我在想要求加薪。我在这里已经工作一年半了,现在工作职责也远多于我刚入职的时候。我觉得我应该有加薪了,只是我不知道怎样与维纳开口。我总不能敲开他的办公室说,“给我加薪吧”







慢速生活英语系列105:buying a bicycle I went to the bike shop on Saturday morning to buy a bicycle.Clerk: What kind of bike are you looking for? Lance: I’m really not sure.Clerk: Well, let me show you what we have.We carry road bikes, mountain bikes, beach cruisers, and racing bikes.Lance: I’m going to start biking to work.I’ll be riding mainly on the road, but I want something versatile enough for anything.Clerk:

Well, the road bikes are for everyday use.They have heavy frames and tires.The seats are comfortable and so are the handlebars.The mountain bikes are very sturdy for off-road cycling and have wider tires.Beach cruisers have just one speed, so you won’t be shifting any gears.Lance: Okay.Are the brakes hard to handle? Clerk: No.You either have foot brakes, like on the beach cruisers, or you have hand brakes.They’re very easy to get used to.If you want to keep it simple, I would either go for a road bike or a mountain bike.Those are the most popular.Lance: If I get a bike, what other things do I need? Clerk: I usually recommend an air pump, a bike lock, and a helmet.Lance: Okay, I’ll take a look around.Clerk: Sure.Just let me know if you have other questions.中文

慢速生活英语系列 105: 买自行车

周六早上我去自行车商店想买辆自行车 女:您想要款什么样的自行车 男:我还真没拿定主意

女:那好,我给您介绍一下我们的货品。我们这有公路自行车、山地车、海滩车与赛车 男:我主要是骑车上班用,所以主要是在公路上骑,不过我倒是想有款车适宜各种功能。女:好,公路自行车适合日常使用,它们结构稳,轮胎大,座位与车把舒适。山地车则非常结实,胎更宽,适合非公路上骑行。海滩车只有一个速度,你不能在骑行中变速。男:好的,车的刹车使用起来困难吗 女:当然不是。你要么可以用脚刹,象海滩车,要么可以用手刹车,都非常好用。如果你想简单实惠,我建议你买辆公路自行车或山地车。那些都是最流行的款式。男:要是我买了辆自行车,还需要买些什么 女:一般情况下你要买个气筒子、车锁与头盔 男: 好的,我再转转



慢速生活英语系列106:a jealous girlfriend Sarya: Hey Dom, I haven’t seen you in so long.Where have you been? Dominick: Oh, I’ve been busy.Sarya: I’ve missed hanging out together.How’s Leslie?

Dominick: She’s okay, but things haven’t been that great between us.Sarya: I’m really sorry to hear that.What’s up?

Dominick: Leslie is great, but she’s so jealous of my friends, especially my female friends.She doesn’t like it when I see them or even if I talk to them on the phone.To be honest, that’s why I haven’t called you lately.Sarya: I got the feeling that you’ve been avoiding me.Now I understand that it’s the green-eyed monster at work.Have you been doing anything to make her jealous? Dominick: No!I go out with my friends sometimes but I’m always up front with Leslie and tell her what I’m doing.But, she’s so possessive.Even when I go out with my guy friends, she flips out sometimes.I don’t know why she won’t trust me.Sarya: Maybe she’s just insecure about herself, or maybe she feels insecure about your relationship.But either way, I’d stop this in its tracks before it gets any worse.Have you talked to her about it? Dominick: Not really.We usually get into a big fight and then we make up, but we don’t ever get at the root of the matter.Sarya: I wish I could help.Dominick: You already have.Talking about it helps.Whatever it takes, I’m going to get this under control.Other than this jealousy problem, we have a great relationship.I don’t want anything to jeopardize it.Sarya: Good luck with everything and let me know if I there’s anything I can do.Dominick: Thanks.I will.中文


女:嘿,多姆,很长时间没有见到你了,你跑哪去了 男:噢,我很忙


男:她还好,只是我们之间有点小的不愉快 女:是吗,怎么了






男:你已经帮到我了,因为谈谈这些事也是有帮助的。无论如何,我要搞定此事。要不是她这点嫉妒心,我们关系很好,我可不想任何事情危害到我与女友的感情。女:祝你事事如意,有什么我可以帮忙的,你说话 男:谢谢,我会的。


慢速生活英语系列107:getting a man’s haircut It’s been almost three months since I got a haircut and I went to the barbershop where I always get it cut.But when I got there, the barbershop had been replaced by a hair salon.Shinobu: Hi, I used to get my hair cut at the barbershop that was here.Nicole: Yeah, they closed.We’ve been open for about a month.I can cut your hair.Shinobu: Uh...I guess that’s okay.Nicole: Why don’t you come over here and sit down.What do you have in mind? Shinobu: Well, as you can see, my hair is pretty curly.When it’s long, it looks like an Afro.I want it to be a lot shorter, but I don’t want a buzz cut.Nicole: Are you sure you want to cut it? If you keep it long, you could have great dreadlocks.Shinobu: Uh, I’m not sure that that style would work for me.Nicole: Okay, then.How about if I cut it short on the sides, leave the bangs medium length, and then keep the back long? Shinobu: No, I don’t think that would work, either.I’d like it an inch off the collar in back, above the ears, no sideburns, with a part down the right side.I really just need a trim.Nicole: Hmm…how about if I shave your head? You’d look great bald.Shinobu: No!I definitely don’t want that.You know what, I just remembered that I’m supposed to be somewhere else right now.Nicole: Oh, are you sure? I’m sure I know exactly what you want.Shinobu: I’m sure you do, but I really have to go.I left that hair salon as quickly as I could.Who knows what would have happened if I’d stayed there? She may have given me a Mohawk!中文

慢速生活英语系列 107:男士理发


女:是的,可他们关张了。我们开张有一个月了,我们可以给您理呀 男:啊。。那好吧







女:要不我给你剃秃了如何,你光头也许挺好看的 男:不,决不。对了我想起来了我这会有点事要去办 女:这么急吗,我想我现在已经很清楚你要理什么样的发了 男:我相信你明白了,不过我真的要走了



慢速生活英语系列108: outsourcing operation Bonnie: I wanted us to meet today to talk about ways to reduce our overhead.One suggestion is for us to outsource some of our operations.I’d like to hear what you think are the pros and cons of doing that.Jean-Luc: I think that, in principle, it’s a good idea.It would save us a lot of money, but I see a downside.We would lose control of some of our key in house operations.Bonnie: Well, I think that we want to focus on non-core operations, such as IT or accounting.I know that other companies have outsourced their call centers, but that would take a lot of training, especially with our call volume.Jean-Luc: I completely agree.I don’t think that the call center needs to be micro-managed, but it does take more oversight than IT or accounting for quality control, especially if we decide to go offshore.Bonnie: Okay, I think we’re thinking along the same lines.Let’s call a meeting with the rest of the staff to get their thoughts.How about next Tuesday at 10 a.m.? Jean-Luc: That works for me.I’ll send out an email out to everybody today.中文

慢速生活英语系列 108:运营外包


男:通常而言这是个好主意。能为我们节省不少费用,不过我觉得有个缺点,就是我们可能会对我们一些内部关键运营失去控制 女:噢,我想我们应该将外包的范围集中在一些非核心运营上,如IT与财务。我也知道一些别的公司将他们的呼叫中心外包了,如果我们这么做,考虑到我们的呼叫量,我们得提供不少培训。





慢速生活英语系列109:lost and found Airport employee: Hello, Portland Airport, Lost and Found.Lucas: Hello.I was a passenger on a SunCal Airlines flight yesterday and I think I left my keys on the plane.Airport employee: I see.To claim the item, you have to fill out a claim form.What did you lose again? Some luggage? You’ll need your claim receipt to get your luggage.Lucas: No, I lost some keys on the airplane.Keys.I think I left them on my seat.Is it possible to find out if anyone has turned them in to your office? Airport employee: I don’t know.Can you describe them?

Lucas: Well, they’re on a key chain and there are eight keys on it, including a car key.Airport employee: Was there anything distinctive about the key chain? You’ll need to prove ownership if you want to claim them.Lucas: No, it’s a plain key ring.Maybe I should come down to the office to see if I can identify them.What happens to property that’s unclaimed?

Airport employee: We keep it for 30 days and then we dispose of it.Don’t worry.We don’t have a policy of finders, keepers.If you lost some luggage, it’ll turn up.Lucas: No, I lost some keys!Keys!Never mind.I’m coming down right now.Airport employee: That’s a good idea.It’s easier to pick up your lost luggage than for us to send it.Lucas: Uh!中文




女:我看看,要进行失物招领,你得先填写一张表。对了,你丢失什么来着?行李? 那你得给我你的行李条。






男:不,我丢的是钥匙,钥匙。算了,我还是过去自己找吧 女:好呀,你自己找总比我们找到给你送去强。男:算你狠!


慢速生活英语系列110:getting a driver’s license

Jane: Hey, Henry.You look busy.What’s that you’re reading? Henry: Oh, hi, Jane.I’m studying the driver’s manual so I can finally get my driver’s license.I just hope I can remember all these traffic laws.Jane: I’m sure you’ll pass the tests with flying colors, especially since you can miss a few and still pass.Just don’t forget to bring your glasses with you so you don’t fail the vision test.Henry: Yeah, I know.I think the written test will be okay, but I’m really worried about the road test.I never took driver’s ed and I’m nervous behind the wheel.My brother failed his test the first time because he forgot to signal a left turn, and then he didn’t yield to a pedestrian.He also screwed up on the parallel parking.Jane: It sounds like he just got nervous.A busy intersection is always tricky.So when’s your appointment at the DMV?

Henry: Next Tuesday.But I might just go in earlier and take the test as a walk-in.Jane: Can’t wait, huh? Well, I’ll let you get back to studying.Good luck!Henry: Thanks.See you around.中文





男:噢,我知道。我觉得书面考试容易过,但路考我是很担心的。我以前没有学过开车,一碰方向盘我就紧张。我弟弟第一次考试就折(念 she二声)了,因为他左转的时候忘记打灯了,然后还没有礼让行人。在停车入位的时候又搞砸了。



女:你就这么迫不急待?要是我,会将你退回来好好继续学车。祝你好运 男:谢谢,回见。


慢速生活英语系列111:giving compliments

A friend from work, Nia, asked a few of us over to her apartment to watch the game this Sunday and I was really nervous.I’ve always liked Nia and I was hoping we could be more than friends.My brother, Charlie, said that if I really liked her, I should be sure to give her plenty of compliments when I saw her.I arrived on Sunday and knocked on her door.Nia: Hi, I’m glad you could make it.You’re the first one here.Make yourself comfortable.Sebastian: Thanks and you look great.Red looks great on you.Nia:

Oh, thanks.It’s nice to be out of work clothes.Can I get you something to drink? Sebastian: Sure.What are you having? Nia: I’m just having a beer.Want one?

Sebastian: Sure.What a fantastic place!This is a really nice apartment

Nia: Here you go.Actually, I just moved in last month and I’m still decorating.But, that’s nice of you to say.Sebastian: Wow, cool picture.Did you paint this? Nia: No, I didn’t.Someone named Picasso did.It’s just a copy.You know, I really appreciate the compliments, but what’s up?

Sebastian: Up? Nothing.I’m just glad to be here.Nia: Well, I’m glad you’re here, too.Now, drink up.The others should be here any minute.Sebastian: Sure.Cheers!





女:嘿,真高兴你能来。你是第一个,进来随便坐吧 男:谢谢,你看起来真漂亮,红衣服与你很相配 女:欧,谢谢,不穿正装总是好的,想喝点什么 男:好的,有什么









慢速生活英语系列112:giving opinions at meeting

I was in a department meeting and our manager was asking for our feedback on improving our product.I had a few ideas and I wanted to get them across, but one of my colleagues was giving me a hard time.Marcelo: In my opinion, I think that we need to look at the question more from the customer’s perspective.I really feel we need to do more market research.Ellen: I tend to think that we have enough information already and it’s time to make some decisions.Marcelo: Well, the way I see it, we’ve only scratched the surface in getting to know our customers.We need to get inside their heads if we want to offer what they want and aren’t getting right now.Ellen: You may be right, but if you ask me, I just don’t think it’s worth it to sink more time and money into the type of market research you’re proposing.It’s far more than what other companies are doing.Marcelo: That’s precisely my point.I’m sure that if we can get information that other companies don’t have, we’ll be one step ahead.That’s when the manager stepped in and offered her opinion.And, I’m happy to say, she sided with me.中文










慢速生活英语系列113:long distance relationship I met Diana last year when we were both working in New York City for the summer.I’m finishing college in California and Diana started her first job in Florida.Talk about a bicoastal relationship!We spent three great months together and we’ve been trying to maintain a long distance relationship ever since.It’s been really hard and I had a talk about it with my friend, Emily, who just got out of a relationship like this.Enrique: I’m always worried that for her, it’s out of sight, out of mind.Emily: I know what you mean, but is it that way with you? Enrique: No, not at all.I think about her all the time.It’s not that there aren’t temptations, but I’m committed to Diana.Emily: Don’t you get the same vibe from her?

Enrique: Sometimes I do, but a lot of times I don’t.It’s so easy to get into a fight on the phone.We have misunderstandings all the time or I hurt her feelings without realizing it.And plus, I’m still in school and she’s already out working, and it seems like we’re growing apart.Emily: That’s what happened with Theo and me.We grew apart and we had less and less in common.After a year, we called it quits.Enrique: I hope that’s not what Diana wants.I’ve got to have it out with her.If she wants to end this, then I’ll just have to deal with it.Emily: It’s always better to know where you stand.Let me know how it goes.Enrique: Sure.See you later.中文

慢速生活英语系列 113:远方的恋人




男:不,我当然不会这样。我总是想起她。不是说我身边没有诱惑,但我是忠于戴安娜的 女:那她对你也是这样的态度吗




女:人贵在认清形势。有什么进展让我知道哟 男:好的,回见。


慢速生活英语系列114:alternative medicine

I have been suffering from back pain for years.I’ve tried several treatments prescribed by my doctor, but nothing has had a lasting effect.I finally decided to try alternative medicine.My friend, Amelia, swore by acupuncture.She said that her knee pain went away after only a few weeks of therapy.She was skeptical when she first started, but she knew after only a few sessions that it was working for her and that this was no New Age nonsense.She thought it might work for me, too.My co-worker, Ray, suggested that I try some homeopathic treatments.He said that taking herbal supplements that are all natural has helped him recover after getting injured on the job a couple of months ago.He took these as complementary to the traditional medication his doctor gave him.He said that even though the herbs he takes haven’t undergone clinical trials, his own experience told him that they work.I’m a little nervous about trying these unorthodox treatments, but after hearing about Amelia’s and Ray’s experiences, I’m willing to give them a try.Nothing has worked so far, so what do I have to lose? 中文






慢速生活英语系列115:a mistake in Hotel Bill

Hotel clerk: Here’s the bill for your four-night stay.Would you like the incidentals charged to your credit card? May: Incidentals? I think there’s some mistake.I didn’t order any pay-per-view movies and I never ordered room service.And, I didn’t have any spa services, either.Hotel clerk: Are you sure? We show three movies and two room service orders.May: I’m positive.Could I speak to a supervisor, please? Hotel clerk: He’s not on duty right now, but let me see if I can resolve this for you.How many of these charges were made in error? May: All of the them.Is it possible that my bill was switched with another room’s? As I said, I didn’t order any movies, I haven’t had any room service, and I haven’t visited the spa since I checked in to the hotel.Hotel clerk: I see.I’ll need to check with each of those departments to determine whether a mistake has been made.May: How long will this take? Hotel clerk: Not long, I’m sure.If you could take a seat in the lobby...May: I have a plane to catch and I don’t have a lot of time.Is there a general manager I can speak to? Hotel clerk: I’m not sure.If you’ll have a seat, I’ll see if I can get Ms.Cardenes for you.May: Thank you.I’d appreciate it.中文






女:全都有问题。你是不是搞错了房间了?我跟你说过,从进住这个酒店第一天起,我没有看过付费电影、没有叫过房间服务、也没有过美容健身服务 男:好的。那我需要与每个部门确认一下,这个费用是否有错 女:这需要多长时间呀


女:我要赶飞机,我没那么多时间。你们总经理在吗,我要跟他说 男:我不太清楚。您先坐一下,我给您联系卡登经理 女:好吧,快点。


慢速生活英语系列116: holiday promotions

My boss asked me to come up with some holiday promotion ideas so that we can make inroads into the gift-buying market.For us to stay competitive, our company has to increase retail sales for this important sales cycle.My boss is expecting some innovative ideas from me.Since we’re an online business and not a brick-and-mortar store, we can’t just put signs in the window or do other types of traditional advertising.Lucky for us, though, consumers are increasingly computer savvy and are more likely than ever to buy online.That’s something we want to capitalize on.Like other companies, we’re willing to slash prices to attract holiday shoppers.We have a large inventory and we don’t have to worry about running out of stock.The trick is, how do we increase sales without resorting to gimmicks? Dressing up salespeople to look like Santa Claus may work for some businesses but not ours.I’m just hoping that I can come up with some fresh ideas to jump-start this sales season.I know that my boss is counting on me.中文







慢速生活英语系列117:feeling homesick Annie: Why the long face? Luis: I don’t know.I guess I’m feeling a little homesick.Annie: I thought you got over that.I know the adjustment was hard when you first got here, but I thought you were coping pretty well.Luis: I was.It’s just that the holidays are coming up and I won’t be able to go home because I can’t afford the airfare.I’m just longing for some of the comforts of home, like my mom’s cooking and being around my family.Annie: Yeah, it can get pretty lonely over the holidays.When I first got here, I’d get depressed and nostalgic for anything that reminded me of home.But, you know, I think I was just seeing things through rose-colored glasses.Luis: What do you mean? Annie: Well, things back home weren’t really that idyllic, but from this distance, all I could think of was the good stuff and none of the bad.Luis: I see what you mean, but I’m still bummed out.Annie: I have an idea.Why don’t we put on our own little holiday celebration? We can have it at my place and we can invite all of our friends who are on their own this time of year.We’ll each do something that’ll remind of us of home.What do you say? Misery loves company, as they say.Luis: You know, I could really go for that.You don’t mind all of the trouble? Annie: What trouble? As long as I don’t have to cook, I’m up for it.Luis: Cool.I’ll ask around to see who else wants to come.Annie: Okay.I’ll do the same.Luis: Thanks.I’m feeling better already.中文

慢速生活英语系列117:思乡之苦 女:你怎么看起来有点不高兴 男:不知道,可能是有点想家了


女:是呀,每逢佳节备思亲呀。当年我刚来的时候,任何能让我想起家乡的事都让我心烦与怀旧。不过你知道吗,人在这种时候会爱屋及乌。男:怎么讲 女:就是说家乡也不是真如你想象般的诗情画意,只不过在你眼里,你看到的都它好的一面,而忘记了不好的事物


女:我有个建议,我们为何不自己搞个节日活动来庆祝一下。到我家里来,叫上我们所有假期不回家的人。我们一直来怀念家乡。你觉得怎样?俗语说得好:同病相怜吗 男:好呀,我当然支持了。不会给你添很多麻烦吧 女:不麻烦,只要不让我烧饭就没事 男:太棒了。我再去找找看还有谁能来 女:好的,我也去找几个

男:谢谢你,我已经感觉好多了。单词与短语 long face 不开心 homesick


rose-colored glasses 爱屋及乌,美化 bum up 悲伤,不高兴 misary loves company 同病相怜


慢速生活英语系列118:holiday decorating Now that the holidays are here, it’s time to decorate the house.Every year, we always go all out.We buy a Christmas tree and the kids decorate it with ornaments that we’ve bought and made over the years, and with silver and gold tinsel.We also hang a wreath on our front door and I make sure that there’s mistletoe above every door.Around the chimney, we hang our stockings, and when we get holiday cards from our friends and neighbors, we put them all around the room.Outside of the house, we have lawn ornaments that we put in the front yard.People who visit our house will see snowmen(and snowwomen), reindeer, and of course, Santa Claus.The best part is the outdoor lights.I string them across the front of the house, around our trees, and in our fence.When I turn them all on, you can probably see our house from miles away.It’s no wonder that people come from all over town just to see our house at night.I have to say that I enjoy the holiday season as much as the kids...and maybe just a little more!




在房子外面,我们将门前的墓地进行了装饰。到我们家做客的人能看到雪人、驯鹿,当然还有圣诞老人了。最美丽的是外面的装饰灯。我将它们绕过房子前部,缠在树上及我们的护栏上。当我将装饰灯都打开的时候,几里外的人都能看得见。难怪镇里的人都愿意晚上来看我家的房子。我得承认,我象孩子们一样喜欢过节的日子,也许更甚。单词与短语 Tinsel 装饰用的闪亮金属片

Mistletoe 槲寄生(一种用于圣诞树装饰的常青植物)Stockings 装圣诞卡片与礼物的长袜


慢速生活英语系列119:describing symptoms to a doctor Dr.van Eyck: Good morning, I’m Dr.van Eyck.I understand that you’re not feeling well.Nico: That’s right, doctor.I’ve had a stomachache for three days.The pain comes and goes, but I also have heartburn and I am feeling bloated all the time.Dr.van Eyck: Well, let’s take a look.Have you felt nauseous? Does it hurt when I press here?

Nico: Oh yes, that hurts, and I feel nauseous all the time.But, doctor, that’s not all.I’ve also had bad headaches in the past week and I feel fatigued all the time.Dr.van Eyck: Have you had a stuffy nose, a cough, a sore throat, or an earache? Nico: Yes, I’ve had all of those.Dr.van Eyck: You have? All of them? Nico: And, there’s more.I’ve been feeling pains in my leg.Sometimes it feels stiff and sometimes I lose feeling in it.I’m having a lot of trouble walking.Dr.van Eyck: I have to say that you have an unusual combination of symptoms.Have there been any significant changes in your life in the past few days? Nico: Well, my in-laws are visiting from out of town.Do you think you’ll need to admit me into the hospital for tests? Dr.van Eyck: I’m not sure that’s necessary.Are things really that bad at home? Nico: You have no idea!中文






女:你是否感觉有鼻塞、咳嗽、喉咙肿疼或耳部疼痛 男:有的,有的



女:我得说你有这么多症状实在是罕见呀。说说过去几天你的生活中有没有什么大的变故 男:唉,我的岳父岳母这些天到我家来了。医生你觉得用不用让我到医院来检查一下 女:我觉得可能不必要。你岳父岳母来你家,至于让你那么不爽吗 男:唉,你是不会理解的。单词与短语

In-laws 公公婆婆或岳父岳母


慢速生活英语系列120:irritating co-workers Since our office reorganization, I’ve been sharing an office with Isabel.We’ve been getting on each other’s nerves.Pete: Hey, Isabel, can you cut that out? Isabel: Cut what out? I’m not doing anything.Pete: You’re tapping your pencil on your desk.It’s driving me crazy.Isabel: Okay, I will if you’ll stop slurping your coffee.Pete: I don’t slurp my coffee.And plus, how can you hear it when you’re shouting into your phone all the time? Isabel: You’ve got to be kidding me!You’re complaining about me talking on the phone when your friend Deepak stops by ten times a day to shoot the breeze? I can’t stand that guy.Pete: It’s no skin off my nose if you don’t like Deepak.Look, we have a lot of pent-up anger from working in these close quarters, and it’s probably okay to let off steam once in a while.But, it’s probably not a good idea to keep it up.I’m willing to forgive and forget if you are.Isabel: Fine.Let’s call a truce.I’ll try to be more considerate and to keep the noise down.Pete: Yeah, I’ll try to do the same.中文

慢速生活英语系列120:同事吵架(男生起)最近办公室重新调整了一下,我就与伊莎贝尔共用一个办公室。我们俩相互之间搞得很不爽 男:嘿,伊莎贝尔小姐,你能不能消停会呀 女:怎么了,我什么都没做呀





男:你喜欢不喜欢狄派克不关我的事。嘿,在这个小空间里一起工作,我们俩有了些积怨,咱们俩先冷静一会。让矛盾激化总不是一件好事。如果你能忘记并原谅,我也能做好 女:好吧,还是停战吧。我会试着多体谅你,减少这些噪音。男:好的,我也努力做到。单词与短语

Get on someone’s nerves 惹某人生气 Cut out 停止做某事

Slurp 吃与喝的时候发出啧啧的声音

You’ve got to be kidding me.很难想象你会这样说或作事 Shoot the breeze 无事闲聊

It is no skin off my nose 此事与我无关 Pent-up 忍了很久都没有发出的(怒气)Let off steam 压压火,消消气


ESLPodcast 205: shopping for shoes 新名称



中文题目,0043-0217 第二段 中文


0222-1406 英文





ESLPodcast 207: giving birth in a hospital 新名称



中文题目,0111-0253 第二段 中文 第三段

0258-1403 英文




ESLPodcast 208:corporate image 新名称

慢速生活英语系列100:公司形象 第一段

中文题目,0105-0228 第二段 中文 第三段

0231-1628 英文







第二段 中文 第三段


