中英文对照-自我评价用语 篇1
A person with ability plus flexibility should app1y.需要有能力及适应力强的人.A stable personality and high sense of responsibility are desirable.个性稳重,具高度责任感.Work well with a multi-cultural and diverse work force.能够在不同文化和工作人员的背景下出色地工作.Bright,aggressive applicants.反应快,有进取心的应聘者.Ambitious attitude essential.有雄心壮志.Initiative,independent and good communication skill.积极主动,独立工作能力强,并有良好的交际技能.Willing to work under pressure with leardership quality.愿意在压力下工作,并具领导素质.Willing to assume responsibilities.应聘者须勇于挑重担.Mature,self-motivated and strong interpersonal skills.思想成熟,上进心强,并具极丰富的人际关系技巧.Energetic,fashion-minded person.精力旺盛,思想新潮.With a pleasant mature attitude.开朗成熟.Strong determination to succeed.有获得成功的坚定决心.Strong leadership skills.有极强的领导艺术.Ability to work well with others.能够同他人一道很好地工作.Highly-motivated and reliable person with excellent health and pleasant
personality.上进心强又可靠者,并且身体健康,性格开朗.The ability to initiate and operate independently.有创业能力,并能独立地从业.Strong leadership skill while possessing a great team spirit.有很高的领导艺术和很强的集体精神.Be highly organized and effecient.工作很有条理,办事效率高.Willing to learn and progress.肯学习进取.Good presentation skills.有良好的表达能力.Positive active mind essential.有积极,灵活的头脑.Ability to deal with personnel at all levels effectively.善于同各种人员打交道.Have positive work attitude and be willing and able to work diligently without supervision.有积极的工作态度,愿意和能够在没有监督的情况下勤奋地工作.Young,bright,energetic with strong career-ambition.年轻,聪明,精力充沛,并有很强的事业心.Good people management and communication skills.Team player.有良好的人员管理和交际能力.能在集体中发挥带头作用.Able to work under high pressure and time limitation.能够在高压力下和时间限制下进行工作.Be elegant and with nice personality.举止优雅,个人性格好.With good managerial skills and organizational capabilities.有良好的管理艺术和组织能力.The main qualities required are preparedness to work hard, ability to learn, ambition
and good health.主要必备素质是吃苦耐劳精神好,学习能力优,事业心强和身体棒.Having good and extensive social connections.具有良好而广泛的社会关系.Being active, c
reative and innonative is a plus.思想活跃,有首创和革新精神尤佳.With good analytical capability.有较强的分析能力
牙科专业用语中英文对照 篇2
颊面 Buccal 舌面 Lingual 腭面 Palatal 近中面 Mesial 远中面 Distal 牙合面 Oeclusal 切端 Incisal 颈部 Neck 前牙 Anterior 中切牙 Central 侧切牙 Latral
尖牙 Canine/cuspid 后牙 Posterior 双尖牙 Pre-Molar
第一双尖牙 First Prc-Molar 第二双尖牙 Second Pre-Molar 磨牙 Molar
第一磨牙 First Molar 第二磨牙 Second Molar 智慧牙 Wisdom 覆牙合 Over Bite 覆盖 Over Jet 缺失牙 Pontic 牙模 Model 颜色 Shade
形态 Shape/Anatomy 金属牙合面 Metal Occlusal 金属舌面 Metal Backing 缓冲(离开)Relief 牙合架 Articulator 工作模 Master Model 对牙合模 Opposite Model 参考模 Study Model
连接模 Splint/Joint/Connect 分开 Separate 烤瓷冠 CMC 烤瓷桥 CMB
全口腔胶托 Full / Full Acrylic Denture ,F/F
半口胶托 Full Upper or Lower Acrylic
局部胶托 Partial Acrylic Denture ,P/-or-/p
钢丝卡环 S.S.Wire Clasp 钢丝牙合支托 S.S.Rest
个别托盘 Special Tray,S/T 蜡堤 Bite Block 胶托修理 Repair 软胶 Soft Lining 衬垫 Reline
弹性义齿 Flexible Denture / Valplast 胶托加网 Add Mesh
舌杆 Partial Denture(美式)UPD/LPD 腭板 Lingual Bar
连续卡环 Palatal Plate
牙合支托 Continue Clasp/Kennedy Clasp
舌板 Occlusal Rest 上半口网状钢 Lingual Plate 半口胶托 Full Upper Mesh
钢托上加钢牙 Full Upper or Lower Denture
马蹄形 Dummy 前后杆 Horse Shoe
Double Bar / Ant.& Post.Bar
贵金属烤瓷 Porcelain on Precious Alloy
半贵金属烤瓷 Porcelain on S/P(Semi-Precious)
非贵金属烤瓷 Porcelain on N.P.(Non-Precious)
玛利兰桥 Maryland Bridge 嵌体 Inlay 桩核 Post
高嵌体 Onlay 瓷贴面 Porcelain Veneer / Porcelain 假牙龈/牙肉 Gum Porcelain 全瓷冠 Full Ceramic 金属边 Metal Margin
种植牙 Implant
桩连冠 Post Crown/Down Crown 通透性的 Transparent 透明的 Translucent 不透明的 Opacity Crown(In-ceram)
瓷边 Porcelain Margin/Porcelain Shoulder
涂金粉 Gold Plating 金属冠 Full Metal Crown
一. At the registration挂号
1.What can I do for you? 2.What is wrong with you? 3.Do you want to see a dentist?
4.Which speciality do you want to register with? 您要挂哪个科的号?
5.Do you want to have your tooth pulled(tooth filled)? 您要拔牙补牙吗?
6.For a filling? A denture? Or a cleaning? 补牙?镶牙?还是洁牙?
7.Is this your first visit to this dental clinic?
8.May I have your address, telephone number, age and occupation, please? 请告诉我您的地址,电话号码,年龄,职业。
9.Please write your name and date of birth on this card.10.Please fill out this record card.请填写这张记录卡。
11.Do you have a registration card? 您有挂号证吗?
12.When did you come last?
13.Do you have an appointment? 您有预约吗?
14.We are fully booked today.今天已经约满了。
15.Please show this card at the registration desk every time you come.每次来挂号,请出示这张卡
16.Please pay for the registration.请交挂号费。
17.Here is your receipt and change.这是收据和找回的零钱。
I get you 125.5(one hundred twenty-five point five yuan),and this is 30.5(thirty point five yuan)in change.18.This is your registration card.Please don’t lose it and bring it here whenever you come.这是您的挂号证,请不要遗失,每次来时带着它。
19.Please wait in the waiting room.请在候诊室等。
20.The doctor will see you soon.21.The doctor now is with a patient.22.Your turn is next.23.There are two more patients before you.24.The patient before you is a rather complicated case, I’m sorry you will have to wait at least half an hour.前面那个病人比较复杂,您至少还得等半小时。
25.Please come into the treatment room, will you? 请进治疗室。
三.Questions about medical history 既往史的询问
1.First, I will ask you about your general health and allergies.首先,我需要了解您的全身健康状况和过敏史。
2.How are your health conditions now?(Excellent, Average, Poor)您现在的身体状况如何?
3.Do you have any chronic disease? 您有什么慢性病吗?
4.Have you ever had a serious illness? 您有重大疾病史吗?
5.Have you had any operations in the past? 您有手术史吗?
6.Have you had any serious accidents or injuries? 您有外伤史?
7.Have you ever had a blood transfusion? 您有输过血。
8.Do you have or have you ever had the disease of heart, liver or kidney? 您有心脏病,肝病和肾病。
9.Are you suffering from hypertension? 您有高血压病史吗?
10.Have you had any diabetes? 您有糖尿病史吗?
11.Do you have a fever? 您有发烧吗?
12.How is your appetite? 您的食欲怎样?
13.Do you have any trouble in swallowing food? 您有吞咽困难的现象吗?
14.Do you take any medication regularly? 您目前有长期用药吗?
15.Are you pregnant? 您有怀孕吗?
16.Is your menstrual cycle regular? 您的月经规律吗?
17.When did your last period begin? 您末次月经是什么时候?
18.Do you have any allergy? 您有过敏史吗?
22.Have you ever had an injection for anesthesia? 您以前用过麻醉药吗?
23.Have you ever had abnormal bleeding from an injury of a tooth extratction? 您有过伤口或拔牙创口出血不止的经历吗?
24.Have you ever had complications from dental treatment? 您有过与治牙相关的并发症吗
四. Questions about general symptoms 一般症状的询问
1.What is your trouble?
2.Tell me what symptoms you have? 能描述一下您的症状吗?
3.When did you first notice such conditions? 您第一次发现这种情况是什么时候?
4.Have you already attended another hospital with your problems? 您有在其他医院看过吗?
5.Please tell me the name of the hospital, the period and the type of treatment you received.请告诉我医院的名字,治疗方法和时间。
6.When were you under the care of the doctor recently, tell me the symptoms you had.您什么时候接受的治疗,告诉我你的症状。
7.When did you become swollen up like this? 您什么时候肿成这样的。
8.How long did it bleed? 出血多长时间?
9.When did the tooth last have dental treatment? 最后一次治牙是什么时候?
五.Questions about pain 疼痛的询问
1.When did the tooth start to hurt? 这牙什么时候开始痛?
2.What kind of pain did you feel? 是那种类型的痛?
3.Can you describe the pain? Is it a dull pain/a sharp pain/a throbbing pain? 您能描述一下您的疼痛吗?是钝痛/锐痛/跳痛?
4.Does it come and go or come suddenly? 是间断痛还是突发痛? 5.Does it spread anywhere else? 疼痛想其他地方放射吗?
6.Was it sensitive to sweet food/cold water? 对甜食/冷水刺激敏感吗
7.Did it hurt after eating and drinking? 吃饭和喝水时痛吗?
8.Did the pain interfere with sleep? 夜间疼痛加重吗?
9.Did pressure make it hurt? 您有咀嚼痛吗?
10.Do you feel pain when I tap on this tooth? 当我叩您的牙时有疼痛吗?
六. Questions about periodontal disease 牙周病的询问?
1.Did you have any bleeding from your gums? 您的牙龈有出过血吗?
2.Did your gums bleed when you brush your teeth? 您刷牙时有出血吗?
3.Did your gums bleed when you eat hard food, like an apple? 咬硬物时,比如苹果有出血吗牙龈?
4.Have you noticed any bleeding spots on your skin? 您皮肤上有出血点吗?
5.Did the gums bleed for no apparent reason at all? 您的牙龈是不明原因的出血吗?
6.Did food get caught between your teeth? 您塞牙吗?
7.Do you feel any of your teeth loose? 您感觉哪个牙有松动吗?
8.Do you notice that you breathe through your mouth? 您注意到您有口呼吸吗?
9.Do you snore? 您有打呼噜吗?
10.Do you have a habit of grinding your teeth at night? 您有夜间磨牙的吗?
11.Do you have a habit of clenching your teeth? 您有紧咬牙的习惯吗?
12.Do you have anyone in your family who had serious gum disease? 您的家人有患牙龈病的吗?
13.Has a dentist ever told you that you have gingivitis or periodontitis? 有医生告诉过您,您有牙龈炎或者牙周炎吗?
中英文对照-自我评价用语 篇3
centreless 无心
chrome bronze 铭铜
clearance angle 后角
corner shear drop 直角压陷 deflection 桡曲度
discharge energy 放电能量 dressing 修整
dwell 保压
flange 凸缘
gap 间隙
graphite 石墨
graphite contraction allowance 电极缩小余量
graphite holder 电极夹座 hair crack 发裂
horn 电极臂
jump 跳刀
magnetic base 磁性座
master graphite 标准电极 pipe graphite 管状电极
pulse 脉冲
rib working 肋部加工
roller electrode 滚轮式电极rotary surface 旋转面shank 柄部
sharp edge 锐角部
tough bronze 韧铜
traverse 摇臂
tungsten bronze 钨青铜 waviness 波形起伏
自我介绍中英文对照四年级 篇4
Hello,My name is ———.I am .(years old).I am a student.My favorite color is white.And my favorite food are hamburgers and hot dogs.I like playing basketball and swimming
嗨,我的名字是- - -.我.(岁).我是一个学生.我最喜欢的颜色是白色的.我最喜欢的食物是和汉堡包和热狗.我喜欢打篮球和游泳
中英文对照-自我评价用语 篇5
Good afternoon everyone, my name is XXX, I’m 29 years old, and I’m from Beijing.我想从以下几方面介绍我自己:
I’d like to introduce myself through the next points:
About working: There are three main aspects of my daily work:
The first, I teach courses such as basic laws and politics.I can feel the strong responsibilities on a teacher, because I have to not only teach knowledge well, but also let students know how to be a good person.第二、我负责招生、就业等行政性工作。我院招生专业主要有城市轨道类、汽车维修类、交通运输管理类、物流类等等。
The second, I’m responsible for some administrative work, such as students recruiting and employment.The main majors in our college are urban metro, car repairing, transportation management, logistics and so on.我认为招生、就业工作是关系到学校,学生及家长的大事,必须有认真的工作态度和良好的服务意识。
I think the students recruiting and employment are very important to our college as well as to students and their parents, the serious working attitude and consciousness are highly required.第三、兼任班主任工作,我一直尊崇一个观点:没有不好的学生,只有不好的老师。如果说家庭是社会的组成部分、那么班集体就是学校的组成部分。The third part of my daily work is to be a head teacher, there is an idea I respect very much: there is no bad students, but only bad teachers.If a family is a component of our society, then the class is a component of the school.一个班的好坏,关键在于班主任有很强的组织管理能力,有好的工作态度及教育方法。班主任是学生成长的引路人,作为一名青年教师,我会努力争做一名优秀的班主任
When we judge a class good or bad, the key ruler is the organization and management ability of a head teacher, as well as the good working attitude
and teaching methods.A head teacher is the pathfinder on the way of students growing, as a young teacher, I’ll try my best to be an excellent head teacher.2、生活兴趣方面:我在生活方面爱好广泛,尤其喜欢体育运动和阅读。
About daily life: I have a wide range of hobbies, especially sports and reading.体育运动方面:由于学校的运动设施很完善,我基本上每周二都打羽毛球,每周五都打一场篮球比赛,我认为运动是最好的生活调味剂,可以释放压力舒缓心情。
Sport: We have very good sports facilities in our college, I play badminton every Tuesday, and play basketball every Friday.I think that sports is the best flavor of our life, it can release the pressure and relax our mood.阅读方面:我从小就养成良好的阅读习惯,非常喜欢的中国的四大名著,名人传记,时事新闻评论等等。我认为书籍可以使人变得成长,对我的影响是潜移默化的。
Reading: I have good reading habits since I was a child, I like the famous four classic very much, and I’m also interested in some biography and news commentaries.I think books can help people being mature, they affect me gradually.(为了以防万一考官问你四大名著是什么,英文如下《三国演义》<
简历中的自我评价用语 篇6
Mature,dynamic and honest.
Excellent ability of systematical management.
Ability to work independent1y,mature and resourcefu1.
A person with ability plus flexibility should app1y.需要有能力及适应力强的人。
A stable personality and high sense of responsibility are desirable.个性稳重、具高度责任感。
Work well with a multi-cultural and diverse work force.能够在不同文化和工作人员的背景下出色地工作。
Bright,aggressive applicants.反应快、有进取心的应聘者。
Ambitious attitude essential.
Initiative,independent and good communication skill.
Willing to work under pressure with leardership quality.
Willing to assume responsibilities.应聘者须勇于挑重担。
Mature,self-motivated and strong interpersonal skills.思想成熟、上进心强,并具极丰富的人际关系技巧。
Energetic,fashion-minded person.精力旺盛、思想新潮。
With a pleasant mature attitude.开朗成熟。
Strong determination to succeed.
Strong leadership skills.
Ability to work well with others.能够同他人一道很好地工作。
Highly-motivated and reliable person with excellent health and pleasant personality.上进心强又可靠者,并且身体健康、性格开朗。
The ability to initiate and operate independently.有创业能力,并能独立地从业。
Strong leadership skill while possessing a great team spirit.有很高的领导艺术和很强的集体精神。
Be highly organized and effecient.
Willing to learn and progress.
Good presentation skills.有良好的表达能力。
Positive active mind essential.
Ability to deal with personnel at all levels effectively。
Have positive work attitude and be willing and able to work diligently without supervision。有积极的工作态度,愿意和能够在没有监督的情况下勤奋地工作。
Young,bright,energetic with strong career-ambition.年轻、聪明、精力充沛,并有很强的事业心。
Good people management and communication skills.Team player.有良好的人员管理和交际能力。能在集体中发挥带头作用。
Able to work under high pressure and time limitation.能够在高压力下和时间限制下进行工作。
Be elegant and with nice personality.举止优雅、个人性格好。
With good managerial skills and organizational capabilities.有良好的管理艺术和组织能力。
The main qualities required are preparedness to work hard, ability to learn, ambition and good health.主要必备素质是吃苦耐劳精神好、学习能力优、事业心强和身体棒。
Having good and extensive social connections.具有良好而广泛的社会关系。
Being active, creative and innonative is a plus.思想活跃、有首创和革新精神尤佳。
With good analytical capability.有较强的分析能力
@ 谋求某一方面的初始职位
@ 谋求某些部门下属机构的管理职位。
@ 换工作--从某一专业转为另一专业等。
@ 雄心:可以通过在大学勤工俭学的经验来展示;
@ 自我激励:可以通过取得的好分数来证明;
@ 坚定志向:可以通过长期追求同一目标以及实现这一目标参加相关培训等来展现。@ 才智:可以用在班级的名次和所获得的各种奖励来说明。
中英文自我评价 篇7
I am cheerful, practical, stable, dynamic, warm and sincere. Like in the spare time reading and listening to music, from the usual learning to reduce the pressure, you can learn the book can not learn the knowledge, develop their own vision. Active and progressive is the principle of my work, modesty and prudence is my advantage, know how to constantly improve and improve themselves from life and learning.
自我评价的中英文语句 篇8
Ability to work independent1y,mature and resourcefu1.能够独立工作、思想成熟、应变能力强。
A person with ability plus flexibility should app1y.需要有能力及适应力强的人。
A stable personality and high sense of responsibility are desirable.个性稳重、具高度责任感。
Work well with a multi-cultural and diverse work force.能够在不同文化和工作人员的背景下出色地工作。
Bright,aggressive applicants.反应快、有进取心的应聘者。
Ambitious attitude essential.
Initiative,independent and good communication skill.积极主动、独立工作能力强,并有良好的交际技能。
Willing to work under pressure with leardership quality.愿意在压力下工作,并具领导素质。
Willing to assume responsibilities.应聘者须勇于挑重担。
Mature,self-motivated and strong interpersonal skills.思想成熟、上进心强,并具极丰富的人际关系技巧。
Energetic,fashion-minded person.精力旺盛、思想新潮。
With a pleasant mature attitude.开朗成熟。
Strong determination to succeed.
Strong leadership skills.
Ability to work well with others.能够同他人一道很好地工作。
Highly-motivated and reliable person with excellent health and pleasant personality.上进心强又可靠者,并且身体健康、性格开朗。
The ability to initiate and operate independently.有创业能力,并能独立地从业。
Strong leadership skill while possessing a great team spirit.有很高的领导艺术和很强的集体精神。
Be highly organized and effecient.
Willing to learn and progress.
Good presentation skills.有良好的表达能力。
Positive active mind essential.
Ability to deal with personnel at all levels effectively。
Have positive work attitude and be willing and able to work diligently without supervision。有积极的工作态度,愿意和能够在没有监督的情况下勤奋地工作。
Young,bright,energetic with strong career-ambition.年轻、聪明、精力充沛,并有很强的事业心。
Good people management and communication skills.Team player.有良好的人员管理和交际能力。能在集体中发挥带头作用。
Able to work under high pressure and time limitation.能够在高压力下和时间限制下进行工作。
英文简历自我评价 篇9
Completed all the courses in the specialized field, obtaining good command of theoretic knowledge and experimental and DIY skill;Very adaptable and Good at leaning.Fluent in oral English , with fairly good of reading and writing ability;Speaking authentic Mandarin-Chinese.突出技能要求:
Good command of Computer skills: familiar with different versions of Windows OS and Office application software, able to program with C and Fortran languages, obtained some experience and understanding about other widely-used software like Autocad, Photoshop, Coreldraw and Dreamweaver.突出性格能力:
英文自我评价 篇10
Ability to deal with personnel at all levels effectively
Have positive work attitude and be willing and able to work diligently without supervision
Young,bright,energetic with strong career-ambition。
Good people management and munication skills。 Team player
Able to work under high pressure and time limitation
Be elegant and with nice personality
With good managerial skills and organizational capabilities
The main qualities required are preparedneto work hard, ability to learn, ambition and good health
Having good and extensive social connections
Being active, creative and innonative is a plus