四级听力小对话的练习题 篇1
17.Q: What is the man most probably going to do?
A)Travel overseas
B)Take a photo
C)Look for a new job
D)Adopt a child
18.Q: What is the man most probably going to do?
A)It is a routine offer.
B)It is quite healthy.
C)It is new serving menu.
D)It is a good bargain.
17.M: What do I have to do to apply for a passport?
W: You need proof of citizenship, either an old passport or a birth certificate and three photographs. Then you must complete this form and pay a fee。
18.M: Miss, can I interest you in a pork special with serving tonight? Its only 799, half the usual price and its very tasty。
W: Oh really? I will try it。
Q: What does the man say about the dish?
从女人的答复中不难发现做事的顺序,先提供证明,然后提供照片,最后填表交钱。四个选择项中只有B是相关内容,所以答案应该是:B:take a photo
四级听力小对话的练习题 篇2
在四种基础语言能力——听、说、读、写的培养过程中, 听力能力的培养是最重要也是最难掌握的一个环节。对大学生而言, 听力的重要性从某种程度上在大学英语考试中得到了很好的体现。在改革后的大学英语四、六级考试中, 听力所占分值的比重由原来的20%上升到现在的35%。
作为四级听力中的一个重要形式, 短对话题目呈现出语境化的特点, 语境在短对话听力中起到了重要的作用。本文拟从语境理论的角度对短对话听力理解进行分析, 旨在探索帮助学生提高听力能力的有效途径。为达到上述目的, 我们首先应对语境理论进行初步的了解。
2. 语境理论概述
语境是语言学中一个重要的概念, 正确地理解语言的内在含义离不开语境。语境的定义很广, 而且不同学派、不同研究领域对它的认识和理解也不相同。这一概念最早是由人类语言学家Malinowski提出, 他认为, “话语和环境紧密地结合在一起, 语言环境对于理解语言来说是必不可少的”。此后, Firth, Hymes, Halliday, Lyons, Sperber, Wilson从不同的角度丰富发展了语境理论。
韩礼德 (Halliday) 对语境因素的种类及其在语言系统中所起的作用进行了深入的研究, 提出了“语域” (register) 这一概念。他发现人们的口头语言和书面语言会随着情景的变化而变化, 同时他还将决定语言特征的情景因素归纳为三种:语场 (Field) 、语旨 (Tenor) 和语式 (Mode) 。语场指实际发生的事情, 即语言发生的环境, 包括谈话话题、讲话者及其他参与者参加的整个活动;语旨指参与者之间的关系, 包括参与者的社会地位及他们之间的角色关系;语式指语言交际的渠道或媒介, 比如是口头说还是书面写, 是即兴发挥还是有所准备, 另外还包括修辞方式。语域三要素中的任何一项发生改变, 都会引起交流意义的改变, 从而造成语言的变异, 产生不同类型的语境。
我国语言学家胡壮麟 (1994) 指出, “语境”可以指语篇内部的语境, 即“上下文” (linguistic context, co-text) ;可以指语篇产生时的周围情况, 事件的性质, 参与者的关系、时间、地点、方式等, 可称之为“情景语境” (situational context) ;它可以指说话人所在的言语社团的历史文化和风俗人情, 属于该言语社团的人一般都能理解其在语篇中的意义, 可称之为“文化语境” (cultural context) 。这三种语境都有助于理解语篇的意义和交际意图。
在此基础上, 笔者将从语言语境、情景语境和文化语境三方面对四级听力的短对话进行分析。
3. 语境在听力短对话中的应用
语境理论对听力理解尤其是短对话有着非常重要的作用。短对话的内容都是日常生活中的语料, 同时对话设定在真实的生活场景之中, 而不是主观的假设。因此, 问题的解答在一定程度上依赖于对话中的语境线索。
3.1 语言语境在短对话中的应用
在听力训练中, 许多学生可能会遇到这种情形:听力材料很简单, 语法结构很清晰, 每个单词也听清楚了, 但却不明白对话的意思。其中一个重要的原因就是学生仅仅听一个单词或一句话, 没有把它同上下文联系起来, 结果只能明白单个词汇或句子的字面含义而无法理解深层含义。事实上, 任何词语或语句只有在特定的语境下才具有确切的含义。如:
例1: (2003年6月CET-4第8题)
W:I don’t understand how you got a ticket.I always thought you are a careful driver.
M:I usually am, but I thought I could get through the intersection before the light turned.
Q:Why did the man get the ticket?
A) He ran a red light.
B) He was speeding.
C) He went through a stop sign
D) He turned a corner too fast.
对话中出现了“ticket”这个词, 词典中ticket有4个含义:1) 票, 车票, 入场券;2) 标签;3) 候选人名单;4) 罚款单。具体采用哪种意思需要通过上下文来决定。我们可以看到对话中还出现了“as a careful driver”, “intersection”和“light”, 这三个词构成了ticket的上下文, ticket的含义受到了限制, 我们可以判断它的意思应该是“罚款单”, 由此答案是A) 。
由此可见, 语言语境对于我们理解听力材料中的多义词或生僻词是很有帮助的。借助语言语境, 我们可以获得更多信息, 从而更好地了解交际过程, 降低听力难度。
3.2 情景语境在短对话中的应用
情景语境是指语篇产生时的环境, 其涉及的要素有时间、地点、谈话主题、性别、年龄、社会地位、谈话者身份等。所有这些要素都会对语言的选择和理解产生影响。情景语境与语篇是存在着极为密切的预测关系的, 特定的话语总是出现在特定的语境中。比如说, 老板与雇员之间的对话是绝对不同于朋友之间的对话的。事实上, 四级听力短对话中, 有很大数量的问题与情景语境有关, 如谈话双方身份和关系、对话发生场所、谈话者的态度观点、对话的主旨大意等。情景语境因素的差异通常会在语篇中使用的具体词汇、语气、主述位结构等方面体现出来。如:
例2: (2006年6月, CET-4第15题)
M:I’ll have the steak, French fries, and let’s see, chocolate ice-cream for dissert.
W:Oh, you know these things will ruin your health, too much fat and sugar, how about ordering some vegetables and fruit instead?
Q:Where does the conversation most probably take place?
A) At a clinic.%%%%%B) In a supermarket.
C) At a restaurant.%%%D) In an ice cream shop.
这是一个判断对话发生地点的问题。根据对话中出现的“steak”、“French fries”、“dissert”和“ordering”等几个词汇, 我们可以很轻松地就判断出对话的场景是在餐馆里。
例3: (2002年6月, CET-4第5题)
W:You took an optional course this semester, didn’t you?How is it going?
M:Terrible.It seems like the more the professor talks, the less I understand.
Q:How does the man feel about the course?
A) He wishes to have more courses like it.
B) He finds it hard to follow the teacher.
C) He wishes the teacher would talk more.
D) He doesn’t like the teacher’s accent.
这是一个观点态度题, 就谈话者对某个人或某件事的喜好提问。在对话中, 我们可以听到course和semester两个词汇, 由此我们可以判断对话的语境应该是学习。而通过男士所说的“the less I understand”, 我们可以断定他在学习这门课程当中遇到了困难。由此, 答案应该是B) 。
3.3 文化语境在短对话中的应用
文化语境是交际者的背景信息, 包括有关文化、风俗、习惯、交际惯例和规则等。语言是文化的载体, 文化是语言的基础。语言交流是在交际双方拥有共同背景的基础上进行的, 也就是说只有听话者的背景知识与说话者相一致, 双方的正常交流才能得以进行。如果没有背景知识的支持, 即使是把每一个音节和音调都听得很清楚, 也无法理解讲话者话语的意义。如:
例4: (2000年1月, CET-4第1题)
M:Hello, Mrs.White, what can I do for you?
W:I don’t know what’s the matter with me?I’m always feeling tired, I’m usually worn out at the end of the day.
Q:What do we learn from the conversation?
A) The woman is a close friend of the man.
B) The woman has been working too hard.
C) The woman is seeing a doctor.
D) The woman is tired of her work.
根据对西方文化的了解, 我们知道“What can I do for you?”常常是服务行业人员的问候语, 况且, 男士还用了比较礼貌的称呼语“Mrs.”, 因此, 我们马上可以构造出商店或诊所的语境, 在这里, 文化语境起到了作用。总之, 学生应该充分利用对话中的语境线索抓住相关的信息, 结合自己所了解的背景知识作出最佳选择。
4. 对英语教学的启示
通过对短对话中语境应用的分析, 我们不难看出, 正确地理解语言的内在含义离不开语境。它是正确理解语言的基础, 尤其是对语言深层含义的理解起着举足轻重的作用。这就要求教师在听力教学当中改革教学方法, 采取措施培养学生的语境能力。
首先, 教师应引导学生不要局限于对单个词汇的理解, 要从宏观上去理解整个语篇, 借助上下文, 利用语境线索来猜测单词或短语的意思。
其次, 在课堂上, 教师应选择适宜的教学材料, 分类播放不同场景的对话, 如校园、办公室、医院、餐厅等, 引导学生分析总结不同场景下谈话者说话方式、语气、语音语调等的不同, 提高学生的语境意识。
此外, 教师还应当尽量扩大学生知识面, 介绍与话题相关的背景知识、风俗习惯等, 增强学生的文化语境意识。
总之, 教师应当尽可能地利用现代化的教学手段和丰富的教学资源为学生创设良好的语言文化环境, 将语境、文字和声音结合在一起, 提高学生的听力能力。
[1]Halliday, M.A.K.&Hasan, R.Cohesion in English[M].Bei-jing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2001.
[2]何兆熊.新编语用学概要[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 2002.
[3]何兆熊, 蒋艳梅.语境的动态研究[J].外国语, 1997, (6) :16-22.
[4]胡壮麟.语篇的衔接与连贯[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 1994.
[5]胡壮麟.语境研究多元化[J].外语教学与研究, 2002, 3 (34) :161-166.
[6]刘辰诞.教学篇章语言学[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 1999.
[7]张德禄.语言的功能与文体[M].北京:高等教育出版社, 2005.
[8]张德禄, 苗兴伟, 李学宁.功能语言学与外语教学[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 2005.
有关英语六级听力小对话练习题 篇3
A) Change to a more exciting channel.
B) See the movie some other time.
C) Go to bed early.
D) Stay up till eleven.
16.Q: What does the woman mean?
A) Both of them are laymen of modern art.
B) She has learned to appreciate modem sculptures.
C) Italian artists works are difficult to understand.
D) Modern artists are generally considered weird.
15.M: I m really exhausted, Mary. But I don t want to miss the Hollywood movie that comes on at 11.
W: If I were you, I d skip it. We both have to get up early tomorrow. And anyway I ve heard it s not as exciting as advertised.
16.M: Those modern sculptures over there are really weird. Don t you think so?
W: Well, I couldn t stand them either at first. But now I ve come to like modern art, particularly those sculptures carved by Italian artists.
大学英语四级听力短对话技能训练 篇4
1. 数字及计算类题型
提问方式: When will the film start?
When will the concert end?、What time is it now?
How many minutes are left?
How much should the man pay for ______ in total?
What’s price for one pen?
1)A: What time is it now by your watch?
B: It is 3: 45, but my watch is ten minutes fast.Question: what time is it now?
2)A: Hurry up!The concert starts at 7: 30.B: Don’t worry!We still have twenty minutes left.Question: What time is it now?
3)A: The concert starts at 6: 30.B: Oh, it’s already 6:15.We must go now.Question: When will the concert begin?
4)A: Mr.White has being worked for 8 years in the company.B: Mr.Black has being worked twice as long as him.Question: How long did Mr.Black worked in the company.5)A: What can I do for you?
B: I want to buy some pens.There are 9.6 dollars for three.Question: How much does one pen cost?
6)A: I would like to see Professor Brown as soon as possible.B;I’m sorry.The professor became ill on Monday.He’ll probably be back on Friday, but I suggest you might call on Wednesday or Thursday to be sure.Question: When can the women expect to see Professor Brown?
常见情形: __________ fast/ slow
There is still _________ left.I have been __________ minutes late for the film.You still have __________ minutes._______________twice/ three times as much as/ as long as/ as high as_______________ doubles
___________________ dollars for three tickets.Take ___________ pills for three times a day.2.地点及方向问题
提问方式:Where does the conversation mostly probably take place?
Where has the woman/ man just been?
Where are the two persons talking about?
1)have a headache/ check my body/ prescribe some pills/ there is something wrong with my knee/ have a good rest-------in the hospital/ at the clinic
2)open a saving account/ deposit some money/ withdraw 200$/ exchange some money/ exchange rate/ pay the loan------bank
3)passengers/ take off/ luggage/ find a window seat/ 10 minutes late because of the frost/ The No.881 flight has been cancelled./------airport
4)beef/ steak/ fried chicken/ Chinese food/ lamb/a cup of coffee/ some beer/ have some soup/ Could I take your order, sir? / delicious food, satisfactory service/ pay the meal----restaurant/ fast-food restaurant
5)have the letter sent/ parcel/ package/ I need some stamps/ post code/----post station
6)reserve the room/ double room/ single room/ check in/ check out/ wake-up service---hotel
7)return the books/lend some books on literature/geography/history----library
8)buy some books / color pen/ note book/ a pair of towel-----stores/ grocery Examples:
1)A: Please tell me how much you should give me for my 100 U.S.dollars.B: If you wait a moment, I’ll find out the rates of exchange.Question: Where does the conversation mostly probably take place?
2)A: What can I do for you?
B: Well, I’d like to send this parcel to Britain.Question: Where does the conversation mostly probably take place?
3)A: Hello.I wonder whether I can book my room for another two nights? B: Yes, No problem.Question: Where does the conversation mostly probably take place?
4)A: What can I do for you, sir?
B: I’d like some fried chicken and a bag of chips, please.Question: Where does the conversation most probably take place?
5)A: Where are you going, Tom?
B: I am going to buy some fruit.Question: Where is the man going?
提问方式:What/ Who is the man/ woman?
What is the men’s / woman’s profession/ occupation?
What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?What relation is the man to the woman?
Student and teacher: failed in the exam, are absent in the Chinese class, hand in your paper
finish the experiment, next/ last term
Doctor and patient: What is the matter with you? /What seems to be the trouble? / take three pills for three times one day/ Your body is OK.But you’d better have a good rest/ feel tired and can’t have a good sleep
Customer and servant: What can I do for you? /Can I help you? / Can I take your order? /Could I see a menu?
Wife and husband: turn on/down the radio/ TV set/ Could you pass me the sugar?/ get up/ washing machine/ wash clothes/ kitchen
Father and son
Strangers: How do you do!/ Nice to meet you? / Excuse me/ Could you tell me the way to …?
How can I get to the bank?/ I am a stranger too.Shop assistant: skirt, shirt, shoes, color, a small/big size/ Do you offer any discount/ How much is it if I buy _________?
Policeman: identity card,Traffic policeman: Could I see your license?
1)A: Would you like to see a menu?
B: No, thanks.I already know what I want to order.Question: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers.2)A: I’m not feeling well today.B: Take the medicine three times a day and have a rest.Question: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers.3)A: What is your sister’s job?
B: She started as a nurse and now is a doctor.Question: What is his sister now?
提问方式:What can be inferred from the passage?
What does the man/woman mean?
What happened to the man/ woman?
What does the speaker think about the problem?
1)A: I have no idea of what color to paint my room。
B: What about green? It’ll give you a sense of peace and quiet.Question: What does the woman suggest?
2)A: If you lend me a hand, I can finish this work in about one hour.B: I’d like to, but I don’t have a computer.Question: what does the man mean?
3)A: Jane, can you get the report ready this afternoon?
B: No problem.You can take it with you to the meeting.Question: What do we know about the man?
4)A: May I smoke here?
B: No, you mustn’t.But you may do so outside.Question: What do we learn from the conversation?
转折引导: pay special attention to the sentence following “ but, however.I’d like to.But ……”, “ I am sorry.But I …..”
对原因提问:pay special attention to the sentence following or around “ because, as a
result, for, hence”.Sometimes the cause and effect relationship is implied, without any connective words.对方式提问通常用“ how”,此时要留心“ by…., by means of…, in the way of …..”类词。
1)A: Let’s go shopping tonight.They’re having a big sale n the shopping mall.B: I don’t think I can make it.I have a big exam tomorrow.Question: Why won’t the woman go with the man?
2)A: Do you often go the football match?
B: I used to go quite often, but seldom now.Question: What do we know about the man?
3)A: Why can’t I get a return ticket for the train?
B: Sorry.We haven’t started such a kink of service yet.Question: Why can’t the man have a return ticket?
4)A: Do you go to office by bus or by bike, Mary?
四级试卷听力练习题 篇5
When a consumer finds that an item she or he bought is faulty or does not live up to the manufacturer’s (36) ______for it, the first step is to present the guarantee at the store of purchase. In most cases, this action will (37) ______results. However, if it does not, there are various means the consumer may use to gain satisfaction. A simple and common method used by many consumers is to complain directly to the store manager. In general, the “higher up” the consumer takes his or her (38) ______, the faster he or she can expect it to be settled. In such a case, it is usually settled in the consumer’s favor, (39) ______ he or she has a just claim.
Consumers should complain in (40) ______ whenever possible, but if they cannot get to the place of purchase, it is (41) ______ to phone or write the complaint in a letter. Complaining is usually most effective when it is done politely but (42) ______, and especially when the consumer can demonstrate what is wrong with the item in (43)_________. If this cannot be done, (44) ______________________________________..The store manager may advise the consumer to write to the manufacturer. If so, (45) _______________________________________. But if a polite complaint does not achieve the desired result, the consumer can go a step further. (46)_________________________________________________.
36.【解析】claim。从manufacturer’s这个所有结构可知所填词为名词,而且可以和介词for搭配。另外,live up to和所填词构成动宾搭配,live up to意为 “遵守(诺言、原则等),符合”。句中的or表示:faulty和or后面的部分是选择性并列关系。那么,consumer买的商品可能有瑕疵或者不像manufacturer标榜得那么好。claim作名词时常和for搭配,for后面的it指代的是an item。
37.【解析】produce。空前will限定所填词为一原形动词,并在句中作谓语,和results构成动宾搭配。主语this action是指上句中的present the guarantee at the store of purchase,在很多情况下,这种方式都比较有效。表示“产生好的.效果”的搭配有produce / bring about / bear / give / yield (good) results。
38.【解析】complaint。从in general(一般而言)可知,这句话是对上一句的进一步说明,所填词很可能和上一句中的关键词complain有关,而且作空后settled的宾语。Settle暗含“解决(棘手的或令人不愉快的事情)”。complaint是complain的名词形式,take one’s complaint意为“抱怨”,等同于complain。
40.【解析】person。in person意为“亲自,本人”,为固定短语。空后的转折句but if they cannot get to the place of purchase...to phone or write the complaint in a letter起提示作用。
41.【解析】acceptable。空前的It is及to phone…表明本空中应填一形容词。考生应注意:短文听写中若出现It is/was to do结构时,所填词往往为以?able结尾的形容词。
42.【解析】firmly。所填词前面的but表示“尽管…还是…”,所填词和 politely应该词性相同,但意义相对。短文听写中的副词往往以?ly结尾。
43.【解析】question。in question为固定搭配,意为“正在谈论的”,修饰the item。在文章语境中,正在谈论的商品也就是向经理抱怨的商品。
44.【答案】the consumer will succeed best by presenting specific information as to what is wrong, rather than by making general statements
【Main Points】the consumer will succeed by presenting specific information,but not by making general statements
45.【答案】the consumer should do this, stating the complaint as politely and as firmly as possible
【Main Points】the consumer should do this, stating the complaint politely and firmly
英语四级听力试题练习 篇6
Filmmaker John Rowe discovered a secret after many visits to the Omo River Valley in Ethiopia: people there thought some children were “cursed.”
Villagers blamed the children for sickness, a lack of rainfall and other problems. So they killed them.
The Omo Valley is a place of beauty. It is home to villagers with customs that date back many generations.
Rowe says the villagers believe that if a child’s teeth first appear on the upper gum instead of the lower part of the mouth, the child is cursed and must be killed. He says children are also killed when they are born to a woman who is not married, or if they are disabled or are twins.
Rowe heard about this belief from Lale Labuko, the man who helped him during his visits to the Omo Valley. Rowe made a documentary film about the practice. He called the film “Omo Child.”
Labuko says that when he was 15 years old, he saw a two-year-old child being drowned in a river. His mother told him that he had two sisters who were killed before he was born.
In the film, a woman says 15 of her children were considered cursed. She says when they were born, older members of her village took them and fed them to crocodiles.
In the film, Labuko says “I want to stop these things.”
Labuko was the first member of his village to be educated. He asked Rowe to help him end the killings. First, he persuaded some young villagers, then families and leaders of the village.
Rowe’s son Tyler filmed the documentary over a five year period. He says it was not easy. He says some people admitted they had killed their children. But others said children were not killed.
Tyler says some villagers told him, “It doesn’t happen here. We stopped it a long time ago. It only happens (in another village, not here.)”
Labuko’s work caused people to begin speaking out about the practice. His tribe agreed to ban the killings in . Rowe’s documentary shows Labuko’s efforts.
A charity group created by Labuko and his wife has saved more than 40 children. They now live in a home in Jinka, Ethiopia.
The Ethiopian government has banned the practice, but Rowe says “there are two other tribes that continue to” kill children. But because of the film, more people know about the killings and the efforts of one man to stop them.
I’m Christopher Jones-Cruise.
Words in This Story
twin n. either one of two babies that are born at the same time to the same mother
charity group n. an organization that helps people who are poor, sick, etc.