


什么叫心理描写呢 篇1


心理测试:你的梦告诉你什么呢? 篇2


A) Orange and/or purple

B) White and/or blue

C) Black and/or green

2. Your dream car may be a Mustang but when you’re on foot you’re most often walking:


A) Up a flight of stairs

B) In place

C) Down a hill

3. Even if your day was pretty ordinary, at night you’re dreamed that you’re:


A) Flying

B) Taking an exam

C) Sick or hurt

4. Age is just a number, but in dreams digits can be meaningful. The number most apparent in your dream is:


A) 3

B) 7

C) 5

5. It may seem totally random, but you’re dreamed about:


A) Apples

B) Crowds

C) Tornadoes[龙卷风]

6. Settings are significant. In your dreams you’re often in a:


A) School

B) Hospital

C) Messy[凌乱的] room


Keep a Dream Journal


Dreams are fascinating, so you may routinely[例行地] tell your friends all about the freaky[异常的] stuff that plays out in your sleep. But if you can’t remember enough imagery to have fun with this quiz, keep a dream journal for a week. Leave a pad and paper by your bed and write down what goes on in your dreams, taking note of things like colors, settings and images.


Sweet Dreams (MOSTLY A’s)


Your dreams reveal happy or peaceful scenarios[场景] which probably means that everything’s going well for you. For instance, if you have a dream where things appear in trees, it indicates[预示] there’s growth or positive energy in your life. Sometimes a fantastic[怪诞的] dream can represent an action you wouldn’t actually take in your waking life.

Stressful Slumbers (MOSTLY B’s)


Are you nervous about school or some big event? You might not realize you’re stressing while you’re awake. That’s what your anxiety[焦虑] dreams are trying to tell you. For instance, if you dream of crowds, a big decision is weighing you down. Hospitals often indicate you’re got a situation you need to Aure.?But just because you fail a test in your dream doesn’t mean you’ll do so in real life. So try to relax in your life.

Nightmare Nights (MOSTLY C’s)

