


nba英文广告语 篇1

Why do we play?

We play for jumpers, passers and shooters.

We play for driveway one-on-ones. Playground heroes. The clutch nets.

We play for ballers. Shot callers. Game changers . Life changers.

We play for the East side, West side, North side and South side.

We play for the drama. The suspense. And even the comedy.

We play for comebacks. Paybacks. Givebacks.

For breaking through. Breaking barriers, and paradigms.

We play for chasing the dream. On and off the court.

We play for all that, and whatever comes.






























nba英文广告语 篇2


由于传统的价值观念、社会文明文化、消费行为特征、社会角色扮演、以及用语特色等等方面的因素, 在社会活动中男性和女性的社会成员都有其显著的性别特征。男性和女性在消费过程中, 有不同的消费心理特点。

具体来说就是, 首先, 男人希望购买的商品可以显示一个人的男子气概;其次, 男性, 尤其是某些人的经济实力较强时, 往往更加突出消费档次, 向他人展示经济实力;再者, 男性的质量观相当严重, 要求商品质量较好。相比较男性, 女性的消费过程比较感性, 在较大的范围内受到心态的影响。当女性看到一种商品时也许无意购买, 而是在情境力量的巨大影响下, 将很乐意购买。此外, 在产品款式和颜色方式特别能够引起女性的关注。以妇女为主要对象的广告, 应当强调在这方面内容。例如, 大多数女性在辨认颜色方面非常敏感, 在广告语常常会使用到米色、淡紫色、紫红色、天蓝色、青绿色、灰褐色等词语。因此, 许多化妆品、女性品牌其他产品的广告语言的设计, 采用了符合女性心态的浪漫美学标准和用语。.在竞争激烈的现代移动电话市场, 许多商品是针对女性消费者的, 商品广告语出现了“春粉”, “紫夏”, “秋黑”, “冬白”, 并表示美丽的色彩特别的词汇。例如, 某女性手机采用了这样的广告语:每一个女人, 都不能错过了这个胭脂盒。它承载了女人灵巧的心思, 画出女人多彩的生活。它让你不仅完成迷人的妆容, 而且还因为这样特立独行的品质呈现出宝贵的气质。现在, 它在你的手包就像一个神奇的胭脂盒子, 随时妆点你的人生。一个女人应该除了表面的美丽, 更要在任何时候从容的表达优雅的气质, 让透明的质感照亮你更加美丽的精神和信心。这是一个女性专用手机广告语。虽然看上去短短几行, 但有运用了大量的形容词, 大部份词语都很容易让女性怦然心动, 如“迷人”、“美丽”、“优雅”等, 使女性能够产生强烈的购买欲望, 然后付诸行动。

针对不同消费人群的商品, 广告语也将作出适当的调整。例如, 如果商品是以中年和老年消费者为主, 若在广告中的出法“潮”等时髦语, 不仅令消费目标群体产生困惑, 甚至有可能会起到相反的效果。而针对年轻消费者群体的广告则可以选用一些新词、新兴表达方式, 以吸引年轻人的注意。例如, 生产数码产品的索尼是以追求前卫时尚的年轻人为主要消费群体。企业形象的广告语是H, Hi-fun, Hi-fashion.onlyfrom Sony. (高保真, 高乐趣, 高时尚, 只来自索尼。) 在这句话中运用了语言的变体:将”hi”简写成“h”;利用发音相同的特点, 将英文中“high”替换成与“hi”。这样的表达方式, 给人的第一印象就足以吸引到目标年轻人群体的注意。fi, fun, fashion这三个字发声基本相同, 使广告听起来很有趣, 这刺激了年轻人的感官兴趣。在词组组合方面, 体现了年轻时尚的生活方式, 达到了目标群体心理追求, 从而引起了年轻人购买欲望, 同时, 广告语言本身很简单, 非常容易记忆。通过分析我们发现, 这句广告语从视觉、听觉和心理上都牢牢抓住消费者, 堪称AIDMA原则应用的经典之作。


不同的产品针对不同领域的消费人群, 使用的语言和风格也大不相同。例如, 面向大众的广告一般比较直自。所有人都能看懂, 突出产品的优点和特性。在某药品广告中, 提到此药镇痛效果相当于两片普通强度的阿司匹林或扑热息痛。而对胃部的副作用却比阿司匹林要小, 并且提到经很多医生推荐, 也就是临床效果很好, 让患者无法抗拒。而专业性的高端产品广告则不一定是每个人都看得懂, 因为这些广告中往往会加入许多术语以达到显示自己科技含量的效果。例如, 某医疗仪器广告中说到产品采用“独创的免疫磁性技术”对微量细胞进行分析, 让用户对这项专利产生兴趣, 另外“上皮循环癌细胞” (crc) 和“内皮循环细胞” (CEC) 用了缩略语形式, 显得更加专业。

摘要:作为社会语言中一个特殊类型, 广告语受到社会经济、文化、心理和环境的深刻影响。本文尝试从社会语言学的角度来分析中英文广告语特征, 为广告语的制作提供参考借鉴。



[1]赵蓉晖:《社会语言学》, 上海外语教育出版社, 2006年。

nba英文广告语 篇3







NBA各球队英文名一览表 篇4


Western Conference西区

 Pacific Division 太平洋组

 Golden State Warriors 金州勇士队  LA Clippers 洛杉矶快艇队  LA Lakers 洛杉矶湖人队  Phoenix Suns凤凰城太阳队

 Portland Trailblazers(简称Blazers)波特兰拓荒者队  Sacramento Kings 沙加缅度国王队

 Seattle Supersonics(简称Sonics)西雅图超音速队

Midwest Division中西部区

 Dallas Mavericks 达拉斯小牛队  Denver Nuggets 丹佛掘金队  Houston Rockets 休斯敦火箭队

 Minnesota Timberwolves 明尼苏达森林狼队  San Antonio Spurs 圣安东尼马刺  Utah Jazz 犹他爵士队

 Vancouver Grizzlies 温哥华灰熊队

Eastern Conference东区

 Atlantic Division 大西洋组  Miami Heat 迈阿密热火队

 New York Knickerbockers(简称Knicks)纽约尼克队  Philadelphia 76ers 费城七十六人队  Orlando Magic 奥兰多魔术队  Boston Celtics 波士顿凯尔特人队  New Jersey Nets 纽泽西篮网队

 Washington Wizards 华盛顿魔法师队

Central Division中央组


 Atlanta Hawks 亚特兰大老鹰  Charlotte Hornets 夏洛特黄蜂队  Chicago Bulls 芝加哥公牛队

 Cleveland Cavaliers 克里夫兰骑士队  Detroit Pistons 底特律活塞队  Indiana Pacers 印地安纳步行者队  Milwaukee Bucks 密尔瓦基雄鹿队  Toronto Raptors 多伦多猛龙队

菲尼克斯太阳(Phoenix Suns):

圣安东尼奥马刺(San Antonio Spurs): 西雅图超音速(Seattle Supersonics):

达拉斯小牛(Dallas Mavericks): 萨克拉门托国王(Sacramento Kings):

休斯敦火箭(Houston Rockets): 孟菲斯灰熊(Memphis Grizzlies): 洛杉矶湖人(L.A.Lakers):

明尼苏达森林狼(Minnesota Timberwolves):

丹佛掘金(Denver Nuggets):


波特兰开拓者(Portland Trail Blazers):

犹他爵士(Utah Jazz):

金州勇士(Golden State Warriors):

新奥尔良黄蜂(New Orleans Hornets):

迈阿密热火(Miami Heat): 底特律活塞(Detroit Pistons): 波士顿凯尔特人(Boston Celtics):

克里夫兰骑士(Cleveland Cavaliers):

华盛顿奇才(Washington Wizards):

奥兰多魔术(Orlando Magic):

芝加哥公牛(Chicago Bulls):

费城76人(Philadelphia 76ers): 印第安纳步行者(Indiana Pacers):

新泽西篮网(New Jersey Nets):

密尔沃基雄鹿(Milwaukee Bucks):

饰品英文广告语 篇5

2. Beautiful Jane, because the beads "light!

3. True love, accompanied by pearls!

4. Simple and elegant, open your elegant life.

5. Pearl, a symbol of elegance of a woman.

6. beads Run Tin Chak, cherish life.

7. Meet xx, fall in love with pearls.

8. Experienced wind and rain, grain really.

9. China and the United States moving, Chang Hui forever

10. China and the United States moving, love Changming

11. Love Code jewelry, true love unlimited, collection forever!

12. Let love a little more love Code of jewelry, the soul of about!

13. To create the perfect Pei Chen, to build a bright Galaxy ---- gold supreme jewelry

14. be richly endowed by nature, because of you ---- gold supreme jewelry

15. diamond forever, a stay forever ---- Dibles, jewelry

16. King Tang Fu jewelry, jewelry worthy of life

17. Our price is not as good as Cartier, the quality is not inferior Cartier --------- King Tang Fu jewelry

手表英文经典广告语 篇6

2. The United States is the brilliant color of the truth --- the real benefit

3. Wise Men Qianmang --- Tudor

4. With the time - Seiko

5. To hear, to listen, to share, to care --- Raymond

6. Citizen watches and clocks leading the new trend, the world famous quartz technology --- Citizen

7. Advanced quartz technology, accurate minutes and seconds is not bad --- plum table

8. Once owned, nothing to do --- Rolex watches

9. true feelings, always lingering --- according to wave table

10. not only with a long side, or family tradition - Patek Philippe

11. Dedication, demonstrate excellence --- Montblanc

12. Elegant attitude, really my personality --- Longines

13. do not care about forever, only care about once - when the iron table

14. Excellence logo - Omega

15. Love in every minute and second --- HERMES Hermes

nba英文广告语 篇7

作为一种实用型文体, 广告语言从很大程度上受到其所处文化的影响。广告写作的首要目标就是要实现商业促销功能。正确理解广告语言, 分析其影响, 能够使中英文广告创作与翻译更自然、更准确、更有吸引力。

1 文化与广告语言

中文广告讲究文化底蕴和内涵, 以文字和意象打动人, 偏重于呼唤功能和群体效应。语言上惯用夸张、评论性用语;而英文广告语言表达侧重于客观具体的语言特征, 更注重突出信息功能。语言简洁通俗, 口语居多, 便于理解记忆。两者差异具体表现在以下几个方面:

1) 语音修饰

英语汉语属于不同语系, 具有不同的语音特点, 因此, 中英文广告采取不同的语音修饰方式来取得广告宣传的最大效应。例如:中文广告常用英语中所不存在的叠音现象对于广告宣传, 以便加深印象, “小别意酸酸, 欢聚心甜甜” (酸枣汁广告) ;此外, 中文广告也常使用谐音现象以取得更好的广告效果, “趁早下‘斑’, 请勿‘痘’留” (护肤品广告) 。而英文广告中的头韵又是有别于中文广告的一个重要特点, 例如:Double delicious, Double pleasure.

2) 词法修饰

英语汉语两种语言在词法结构上存在明显的差别。汉语属于孤立语, 个体词单独存在, 没有词形的变化;而英语属于屈折语, 依据时态语态等存在复杂的词形变化, 词和词的关系主要靠词形变化来体现。比较而言, 中文广告用词分讲究, 最明显的特点是四字结构的使用, 例如“规格齐全”、“十全十美”、“一鸣惊人”、“经久耐用”等。而英语广告在用词方面一般使用简单口语, 杜撰大量新词、错词、缩写和合成词是英语广告用词的一大特色, 使消费者能在不经意间注意到广告的商品, 并留下深刻印象, 例如:superslim (减肥食品名称) , OIC (Oh, I see, 眼镜广告) 等。

3) 句法修饰

英语汉语广告在句法上也存在着很大的差异, 中文广告在句式上要求对仗, 结构整齐, 主要使用回环、顶真、镶嵌等修辞手段强调广告商品的特点, 以留下深刻印象, 例如:人海茫茫, 哪里有知音;刊物如林, 何处找知音。 (《知音》杂志广告) 。相比之下, 英文句法则缺乏这种特点, 但是具有简洁, 客观, 逻辑性强的特点, 例如:Intelligence everywhere. (摩托罗拉手机) ;Good to the last drop. (麦氏咖啡) 。

2 广告语言中体现的文化差异

随着经济和社会的发展, 广告已经成为人们日常生活中一个重要而不可或缺的部分。它不仅仅是一种市场工具, 同时也扮演着一定的社会角色, 成为了一种文化产品。广告语言作为一种语言变体, 不可避免地带有民族的烙印, 反映着本民族社会文化的各个方面。透过中西广告语言这面镜子, 我们可以看到中西文化在价值观念、社会准则、思维模式等方面的影响。

1) 价值观念差异:

价值中一个最基本的维度就是集体主义和个体主义。因此集体主义和个体主义的不同是中西文化差异的一个重要表现。同时高低权利差距反映在中英广告语言中, 中文广告有明显的权利崇拜的痕迹, 而英文的广告则极力追求人人平等。例如:“舒肤佳香皂, 中华医学会推荐”、“海尔空调, 中国驰名商标, 中国名牌, 国家免检产品更超值”, “蒙牛-中国航天员专用乳品”、“椰树牌椰汁, 天然椰汁-国宴饮料”。此类广告中类似“中华医学会推荐”, “国家免检产品”, “中国驰名商标”, “中国航天员专用”的表达, 表现出权威机构的认证, 进而表现出产品的高品质。与此相对, 英文广告中更多的强调了个体的个性, 平等和自由, 例如:It makes you fee like the man you are. (某汽车广告) 。

2) 社会准则差异:

总体来讲, 社会准则包含道德准则, 传统习惯, 交往方式等。中西方在社会准则方面的差异直接影响了广告语的形式和内涵, 例如, 在中文广告中, “性”的内容通常是不能涉及的。有一则比较著名的广告翻译失败的案例:英文原文为One drop for beauty;Two drops for a lover;Three drops for an affair.其直译译文“一滴为了美, 两滴为了情人, 三滴足以招致一次风流韵事”在中国的社会准则背景下是不能被接受的。又如, 耐克精心打造的广告语“Just do it” (想做就做) , 以其对自我、个性、叛逆的推崇和张扬而风靡美国, 但是这一广告所宣扬的价值观在中国却没有产生应有的共鸣, 因为这一广告被认为有诱导青少年不负责任、鲁莽行事的嫌疑。

3) 审美情趣差异:

审美心理是一种综合的文化意识, 中国国民深受儒家中庸思想的影响, 形成独特的审美取向, 审美要求内敛, 而且美善要统一;而西方的审美观中张扬着唯心主义, 强调主体感情和直觉产生的美。因此在进行广告的创作与翻译时, 要充分考虑东西方审美情趣的差异, 例如:学琴的孩子不会变坏 (弗朗沃钢琴广告) , 这则广告充分体现了儒家思想中教育的主题, 因此非常符合中国人的审美情趣。又如:人头马一开, 好事自然来 (人头马XO广告) , 这则广告则充分体现了中国民众对于吉利吉祥的美好愿望。

4) 思维方式差异:

思维模式作为人类文化的一个重要组成部分, 是人类文化最复杂的体现。中国文化强调主观作用及其重要性, 思维方式是螺旋形的, 表达方式是含蓄的, 间接的;这种思维模式在广告语言上的体现就是很多综合概念和整体模式的运用, 经常忽略逻辑分析, 因此决定了中国广告善于用大量的华丽辞藻, 罗列详细的具体信息做铺垫。而西方人的思维是直线型的, 这种模式是建立在古希腊和古罗马哲学的基础上的, 所以西方人的表达方式直截了当, 一目了然, 开门见山。这决定了英文广告在布局谋篇上会先亮要点, 再讲细节, 语言倾向直白。这两种不同的思维模式在中英广告语言上有所体现。例如:在四川的西部, 有一美妙去处。它背依峡山主峰雪宝顶, 树木苍翠, 花香袭人, 鸟声婉转, 流水潺潺, 它就是松潘县得黄龙。这则旅游广告文中并没有直接提及旅游景点的名称, 而是先为读者铺垫了“树木苍翠, 花香袭人, 鸟声婉转, 流水潺潺”的美景, 然后在顺势引入主题。又如:Feel like a million for$970, 000 less than breakfast at the White House (奔驰车广告) .这则广告对于奔驰车的价格以及在白宫吃早饭的花费作出明确的对比, 因此我们可以看出西方人线性思维方式, 对于逻辑分析的重视。

3 结束语

广告是跨语言、跨文化的商品推广的重要手段。广告创作与翻译的质量直接关系到产品的竞争力。广告本身蕴含着丰富的文化内涵, 揭示了一个国家或者民族的心里特征, 信仰和价值观念。广告的创作和翻译需要的不仅是一些简单的方法和技巧, 还需要从跨文化的角度综合语言能力、思维能力、创新能力、文化艺术鉴赏力。本文仅从文化方面对于广告的差异的根源作出分析, 以期对于跨文化的广告的创作和翻译有所贡献。

摘要:该文通过对文化与广告语言关系的探究, 以及中英文广告文化内涵的对比, 揭示广告背后隐含的信息, 知晓中英文广告各自的内在根源。



[1]苗杰.现代广告学[M].北京:中国人民大学出版社, 2004:26.

奥运会英文广告语 篇8

For those who want an unrivaled marketing advantage,the opportunity for partnership is here,now.

You are my adversary,

But you are not my enemy,

For you resistance gives me strength.

Your will gives me courage.

Your spirit ennobles me.

And though I aim to defeat you,

Should I succeed,

I will not humiliate youInstead,

I will honour you.For without you,

聚美优品英文广告语 篇9

You only see my grades But do not see my efforts You have your papers I have my answer You laughed at me not high enough to play I pity you always want to prestige You can underestimate our achievements We will prove that this is who Of the times is destined to study the pain of travel on the road will always be defeated and low points, but even how to hang even hanging branches have to calm my students I speak for themselves.

英文广告的语言特点探析 篇10

1 英文广告的词汇特点

英文广告在动词选择方面更多选用简单动词, 以单音节词居多, 这些词拼写简单且易于发音, 具有口语化特征, 容易给人留下深刻印象的。而对于形容词的使用, 褒义词和比较级及最高级使用较多, 目的是为了突出产品的卓越品质。除了选词考究, 英文广告也新造一些词汇, 以引起消费者好奇心, 让他们特别关注这则广告。以下述广告为例:

(1) Just do it. (耐克体育用品)

(2) Good to the last drop. (麦斯威尔咖啡)

(3) Making life a little sweeter. (M&M巧克力)

(4) Minolta, finest to put you finest. (美能达相机)

(5) TWOGETHER:the ultimate all inclusive one price sunkissed holiday. (夫妻旅游)

例 (1) 中, 动词do的使用, 让Nike形象生动, 富于感染力。英文广告中常用动词除了do外还有have、make、get、give、go、try、keep、take、use、have、like、love、need等。例 (2) 中, good为日常生活中最常见褒义形容词, 这则广告用该褒义词给读者正面联想的空间。广告中常用褒义形容词除good还有great、fine、real、easy、clean、bright等。例 (3) 、 (4) 使用了sweet和比较级, finest的最高级, 给人留以“更胜一筹”的印象。例 (5) 则新造了单词twogether。由于该广告用以夫妻二人提供旅游服务, “twogether”是“two”和“together”的合并, 以“two”代替“to”, 既利用“together”之音和“一起”之意, 又用“two”强化了“夫妻二人”一起享受假日。

2 广告英语的句法特点

就句子特点而言, 英文广告为了使读者感到亲切自然, 很少出现复杂句, 大量使用简单句, 富有感召力。除了使用简单陈述句外, 疑问句也较多出现在英文广告中, 目的是为吸引读者注意。另外, 具有请求和号召含义的祈使句也是广告句子常用的, 祈使句更直接明了地表达劝说目的, 也能给人一种亲近自信的感觉。再者, 很多英文广告都会使用省略主语、谓语等成份的省略句, 用以诱发人们联想, 激发读者兴趣。同时, 主语和表语倒装的句式也普遍出现在英文广告里, 给人留下广阔的想象空间。比如在以下广告中, 广告的上述句法特征能充分展现出来:

(6) A diamond is forever. (戴比尔斯钻石)

(7) Arthritis?

(8) Let’s make things better. (飞利浦)

(9) Can’t beat the real thing. (可口可乐)

(10) Impossible is nothing. (阿迪达斯)

例 (6) 为主系表结构的简单句, 强调“forever” (永恒) , 简单明了, 重点突出。例 (7) 则使用了疑问句引起读者注意, 之后是介绍产品功能, 让读者自然而然将“关节炎”与辉瑞制药产品相联系, 起到事半功倍的效果。例 (8) 中祈使句简洁有力, 将产品诉求与读者期望相联系, 更让人信服。例 (9) 使用了了省略主语的省略句, 能让读者自由发挥想象, 主动添加主语, 是“消费者”挡不住可口可乐的诱惑。例 (10) 正常句式本该为“Nothing is impossible” (没有什么是不可能的) , 通过倒装, 加深了人们印象。

3 英文广告的修辞特点

为了使产品形象生动, 英文广告广泛使用了比喻、拟人、押韵、双关等多种修辞手法。如在下列例子中, 多种修辞手法的使用, 让广告中产品形象更深入人心。

(11) Pure as mother’s milk. (矿泉水) 。

(12) Unlike me, my Rolex never needs a rest. (劳力士手表)

(13) My goodness, my Guinness. (健力士啤酒)

(14) I’m More satisfied. (More香烟)

(15) A Mars a day keeps you work, rest and play. (Mars巧克力)

(16) Come to where the flavor is, come to Marlboro country. (万宝路香烟)

例 (11) 使用了比喻的修辞手法, 将纯净水比作妈妈的乳汁, 让人放心于其纯净天然的品质。例 (12) 采用了拟人的手法, 幽默地阐明劳力士不“休息”强化了其准点的性能。例 (13) 是对押韵手法的巧妙运用, goodness和产品Guinness押的是尾韵ness, 读起来都朗朗上口, 也便于人们记住该产品。例 (14) 中, “More”既是品牌名“摩尔”, 又是和satidfied构成比较级, 表“更满意”。语带双关, 使音义形相结合, 让顾客轻松记住该品牌及其品质。例 (15) 使用了仿拟的修辞手法。仿拟是指以“移花接木”的方式改写人们耳熟能详的成语谚语等。该例改编了两个著名谚语An apple a day keeps the doctor away.和All work and no play makes the Jack a dull boy.读者联想这两则谚语, 对广告的印象自然加深了。例 (16) 用了重复的修辞手法, 重复使用come to, 一是来到沁人心脾的香气产生之处, 二是来到万宝路世界, 把产品与其功能特点做了无缝连接, 让广告更具独特性。

综上, 广告是一门集营销、美学、语言学、文学于一体的艺术。英文广告语言虽简单易懂, 却丰富多样, 极具吸引力, 这跟它遣词造句的考究息息相关。只有通过对英文广告用词、句式和修辞等语言特点的深入分析, 我们才能欣赏品鉴其独特语言魅力, 并借以设计极具商业价值, 又符合审美观的特色广告。


[1]崔刚.广告英语3000句[M].北京:北京理工大学出版社, 1993.

[2]方薇.现代英语广告教程[M].南京:南京大学出版社, 1997.

[3]付龙飞.英语变异在英语广告中的应用[J].现代广告, 2009 (1) .

[4]华英, 马永堂.英文广告阅读[M].北京:经济管理出版社, 2005.

经典名车广告语中英文对照 篇11

Buick:In Search of Excellence。


Mercedes—Benz:Engineered to move the human spirit。


Toyota:Poetry in motion,dancing close to me。


Not all cars are created equal。


Buick:Buick—your key to a better life and a better world。


Our wheels are always turning。


Mazda:Harmony of style and performance set this new Mazda 6 a part.Qualities are at the heart of every Mazda.


new Audi A4:We would never say the new Audi A4 is the best in its class.We don’t have to.


Honda:For the Road Ahead。


Chevrolet:Future for my future。


NISSAN:Life is a journey。 Enjoy the ride。


NISSAN:Shift the future


LEXUS:The relentless pursuit of perfection。

标准英文广告介绍 篇12

We aspire to be the steel industry standard preferred by the market, able to

deliver unlimited supplies and valuable services without boundaries.We commit ourselves in maintaining a high level of quality in our products and services.We value workmanship, leadership and passion for learning as key points toward providing impeccable service to our clients.We embody our core values to be positively effective partners of our clients

toward achieving enviable end results.CORE VALUES




M&M is keen and dedicated in providing exquisite service to each and every client.Apart from supplying raw materials we also make available the following services:


Trade industry has always been competitive and paying attention to the right

kind of products to supply is categorically essential.Through consultation

process we are able to determine the exact products suitable to the needs of our clients.Our comprehensively trained and experienced sales group can provide information on specifications of our products, as well as find solutions to current and impending setbacks, hence maximizing your financial resources and achieve effective results.SUPPLY CHAIN SOLUTIONS

We value time and cost efficiency.Short-term and long-term plans for various projects are well supported with our supply chain solutions.For projected

material demands, we offer a range of packages allowing flexibility and efficiency to obtain favourable outcomes.Supplies can be produced, reserved and made available “just-in-time” according to desired specifications.Customised supplies are available through our cutting facilities and are ready as and when required.Our sales team will be more than pleased to develop solutions, which are tailor-made to your supply chain requirements.STORING

Part of our commitment is to provide you with viable alternatives to support your long-term projects.We provide storage for your supplies should the need arise.Stored supplies are cautiously preserved keeping it as good as its prime quality.M&M uses a secured storage facility strategically built to store materials such as steel.The storage space is an enclosed structure preventing any external factors that may chemically react to its components and cause any form of damage.PACKING, TRANSPORT AND LOGISTIC SOLUTIONS

广告翻译的功能主义方法(英文) 篇13

Functionalist translation theory is often criticized for its subversion of the traditional translation theory.Nevertheless, it has become increasingly eye-catching in today’s translation circle.Chen Xiaowei (陈小慰) held that“functionalist approach has paved theoretical foundation for applied translation used to be regarded contradiction with the traditional translation criteria” (陈小慰, 2000) .In his book On Pragmatic Translation—A Perspective of Functionalist Professor Jia Wenbo (贾文波) pointed out that“if dealing with pragmatic translation from functionalist perspective and the purpose of translation, we can effectively solve the problem of strategies and orientations in practice and theory of translation” (贾文波, 2004:62) Some other Scholars such as Zhou Zhaoxiang, Zhang Nanfeng and Zhang Meifang also called for more attention to the feasibility of this theory in translation.

2 The Theoretical Background

Functionalist approach didn’t occur overnight.It has been developed from a particular period when the traditional translation theory cannot alone function as the guidance to the boom of translation practice, especially to applied translation.

Translation had been traditionally regarded as an art or a craft.However, with the development and the influence of modern linguistics in the mid 20th century, translation study was progressively regarded as a science and turned to linguistics-centered.In general, the common feature of all the linguistically centered translation theories is the essential concept of translation equivalence.According to equivalence-based translation theory, the target text should be equivalent to the source-text, which means all the features of the source-text should be maintained in the target text.However, increasing number of translation theorists came to realize that many non-equivalent phenomena caused by different cultural factors between source and target languages may exist in translation.Therefore, domestication has to be accepted as translation strategy.Therefore, equivalence-based linguistic approaches still have their inevitable weak points and many scholars began to doubt the feasibility and scientificity of the equivalence-based translation theories in translation study.In this situation, a new theory was called for.The 1970s and 1980s saw the emergence of functionalist approach which intended to break through the limits of traditional translation theory and bridge the gap between theory and practice.

3 A General Introduction to Functionalist Approach

Modern functionalist translation theory mainly refers to the theory developed by the school of German functionalism, its development are generally attributed to three German Scholars who are considered as the typical representatives of this school:Katharina Reiss with her functionalist translation criticism;Hans J.Vermeer with his Skopostheorie and Justa Holz-Manttari with her theory of translational action.

Reiss’s functionalist translation criticism is still equivalencebased but take the text rather than the word or sentence as the translation unit at which equivalence should be reached.Based on the language functions proposed by German psychologist Karl B?hler, Reiss puts forward her text typology, specifically referring to (1) informative texts, which emphasize content or information, hence also referred to as content-focused texts; (2) expressive texts, which emphasize the form of the language, also referred to as form-focused texs;and (3) operative texts, which emphasize appeal to the reader, also appeal-focused texts.Usually a whole text is impossible to be dedicated exclusively to a single function.However, in a given text, there must be a dominant function, which is also the basis of text typology.For example, commercial advertising text should not be classified as content-focused because it mainly emphasizes the persuasive function of language—directed to entice the target readers to accept and purchase the advertised product, thus categorized as appeal-focused.In translating such kind of text, “it is essential that in the target language the same effect be achieved as the original in the source language” (Reiss, 2004:41) .Therefore, to produce at least similar appellative effect in the target language, in most cases the translator has to make dramatic adjustment to the original content and from because of the existing great differences between two languages and cultures.Reiss’s text typologies can“sharpen the translator’s awareness of linguistic markers of communicative function and functional translation units.” (Nord, 2001:38) , thus helping translators define the applicable hierarchy of equivalence ranks essential to realize a specified function.

After Reiss’s text typology, Hans Vermeer, one of Reiss’s students, put forward his famous Skopostheorie which break through the restriction of the traditional equivalence theory and is regarded as the milestone of functionalist translation theory.Vermeer holds that translation is a cross-cultural event, a purposeful activity.The Greek word Skopos adopted as a technical term by Vermeer to refer to the purpose of a translation and of the action of translating.Every translation is oriented to a target audience, as translating means producing“a text in a target setting for a target purpose and target addresses in target circumstances” (ibid:12) .Skopostheorie lays out three general rules guiding the process of translating (i.e.skopos rule;coherent rule and fidelity rule) , among which skopos rule is the top-ranking rule for any translation.Skopostheorie hold that the translating end justifies the means adopted in the process of translation.Therefore in such kind of purposeful activity, a translator should, with a view to the translation purpose, take all possible relevant elements concerned into account to determine the most appropriate action—translation strategy.In a word, whatever strategies applied in the process of translating should be oriented to the terminal task—to realize the translation purpose.In other word, any translating strategies or methods have to be taken to serve the translation purpose.Thus, to translate a commercial advertisement, a translator should take both the relevant linguistic elements and extra-linguistic elements into consideration so that he can realize the translation purpose with the most appropriate translating strategies adopted—to persuade the target audience into taking similar purchasing action to the original audience through translating.Vermeer’s Skopostheorie dethrones the absolute authority of the source text which is the foundation of equivalence-based theories, enhance the status of translators, emphasizes the aims of the target text in the target context and thus expands the sphere of translation study and practice, especially the applied translation.

Based on on the principle of the Action Theory, HolzMänttäri proposes her own theory Translational Action.The basic approach of hers is very similar to Vermeer’s, but she is more radical in her methods and conceptual model.She“views translation as purpose-driven, outcome-oriented human interaction and focuses on the process of translation as message-transmitter compounds” (Munday, 2001:77) .According to Holz-Manttari’s Theory of Translation Action, the genre and from of the target text must be guided by“what is functionally suitable in the target text culture, rather than by merely copying the source text profile” (ibid.) .Theory of Action places translation within its sociocultural context, covering the interaction between the translator and the initiators.

Functionalist translation theory has broken the two-thousandyear-old chain of translation theory around faithful axis.Functionalist Approach does not refers to a certain fixed translation approach, it can be either one or the other on the condition that the approach applied is adequate to the aim of the communication.In other word, any approach can be considered as functionalist approach as long as it can help to realize the communicative purpose successfully.For example, a text of product description emphasize on the detailed information about the characters or functions of the product, therefore, to translate such kind of text demands documentary approach as suggested by Christiane Nord, trying to convey the original information as faithfully as possible to the target readers.While a text of advertisement might need a much freer approach.The functionalist approach endows translators more flexibility to determine which approach would be appropriate in a provided setting.And the functionalist theories elevate translators to“equal status with authors, editors, and clients, allow them to make appropriate, rational decisions that best realize the intended cross-cultural communication” (Gentzler, 2004:71) .Therefore, in the applied translation, especially translation of advertisement, the translator can find their theoretical grounds to manipulate the source-text so as to produce a suitable target text which can reach the communicative goals.Next, the functional approach will be applied to analyze Ads transaltion to test its feasibility in translation practice.

4 The Application of Functionalist Translation Theo-ry in Ad Translation

4.1 The translation of brand names

A brand is directed to distinguish one kind of goods or services from others.Consumers regard brand names as the identity of the product and a guarantee of consistent quality.

Branding and advertising decisions are the important part of international product marketing strategy and the primary components of the company image strategy.Advertising serves as a bridge for the product to enter the international market and a good means of communication for the commercial information.An excellent brand name sets up an excellent company image, which in return helps promote the sales.An excellent internationalized brand name is a good means of marketing for multi-national companies to explore the global market.So the brand name translation is of great significance.It is very crucial that the translation of a brand name should be adapted to target language and target culture so as to satisfy target consumers’taste.

Because of poor knowledge of target language and culture, quite a lot of Chinese enterprisers fail to promote sales of their products in international markets.Chinese people like to use the image e of some animals as the brand names.But the associations related to the animals are different in different cultures.Sometimes, unawareness of differences will lead to the failure of advertising act.For example:

“喜鹊”is viewed as“a lucky bird that heralds good news”in Chinese culture.“喜鹊”bed sheet is popular in Chinese market.But it may meet trouble in promoting sales in international market, if the brand name is literally transferred as“Magpie”, because“Magpie”has been associated with gossipy persons in English culture.Therefore, the brand name“喜鹊”is adapted into“Lucky bird”when introduced into English-centered market.

Nowadays, more and more Chinese enterprisers and translators have noticed the importance of adapting to target language and culture.When opening and exploiting a foreign market, they will take the target consumers’understanding and taste into account and employ target-language-culture oriented and re-creative translation strategy to attract the target consumer.For example:

The famous Chinese PC brand name“联想”is translated into“Legend”instead of simply and literally into“imagination”or“association”just because the English name”Legend”implies something miraculous and will inspire the target reader’s imagination of the product.

Likewise, in order to open and develop Chinese market and to build a good product and company image in Chinese market, many renowned multinational corporations tend to adopt the target-language-culture oriented and re-creative strategy of translation to cater to Chinese consumers’taste so as to promote sales.Chinese people like to use the characters with favorite and fine meaning to name things to express a good wish.So many foreign enterprisers have been aware of it and done a good job.Let’s see some examples:

7-up (drink) 七喜Marlboro (cigarette) 万宝路

Pepsi-Cola百事可乐Goldlion (tie) 金利来

Ford (automobile) 福特BMW (automobile) 宝马

In the above examples, the favorite characters to Chinese are easily found in the translated versions, such as“福” (happiness) , “乐” (pleasure) , “喜” (happiness) , “利” (profit) , “宝” (treasurable and precious) .These characters can easily touch the consumers and arouse their sympathy to get action.

Sprite (a kind of soft drink) is translated into“雪碧”which sounds and means“cool”and“pleasant”in Chinese.“飘柔”is a rewriting of Rejoice which implies the smoothness and softness of hair after the use of Rejoice.

All in all, advertising translation aims to open a new market and promote sales in it.Translation of brand names plays an important part, since to promote sales of a product usually means to promote a certain brand name of the product and set up a best image of the company.Whether or not the translated brand name gets success makes a tremendous impact on target consumers’decision of purchase.To reach the aim of persuading the consumer into purchasing the advertised products, the translation of brand names should adapt to target language and culture so as to exploit the persuasive function of advertising at its best.

4.2 The translation of slogans

A slogan of an ad is regarded as the eye of the ad and should be eye-catching and impressive.The majority of successful ads owe much to their slogans.Like the brands, slogans are an equally critical part in any advertisement.The main purpose of a slogan is to maintain the continuity of advertising campaign, grasp consumers’attention and promote the sales of the product.Therefore, an advertising slogan should be smooth to read, easy to remember and attractive enough to persuade the target reader.

In translation of slogans, to help target consumers to understand and remember the versions, a wise translator should take advantage of target linguistic features in the context of target culture.The following examples serve to give a better analysis.

(1) Nescafe, good to the last drop. (Nescafe ad)

雀巢咖啡, 滴滴香浓, 意犹未尽

(2) Where there is a way for car there is a Toyota (Toyota ad)

车到山前必有路, 有路必有丰田车

Four-character compounds and parallel structures are two typical linguistic features in Chinese language.Four-character compounds are frequently applied in Chines to convey profound sense in very simply structures with strong rhythm, such as translated version 1, while parallel structure serves for emphasis and heightening the effectiveness of expressions by balancing word and word, phrase and phrase, and sentence and sentence, as illustrated in translated version2.Due to the expressive and effective impact they can make, four-character compounds and parallel structures are widely exploited in Chinese advertisements, especially in slogans.Furthermore, they are easy to remember.Therefore, they are appropriately employed in translation from English to Chinese.With the help of the two devices, the translated versions in 1 and 2are smooth to read and easy to remember and leave a deep impression on Chinese consumers.

In addition, rhetorical devices can be used in target language to achieve the intended persuasive effect.For example, translation2 copies a Chinese proverb“车到山前必有路, 船到桥头必然直”which means that everything will eventually sort itself out.The latter part of the proverb is changed to“有路必有丰田车”to emphasize that Toyota is in great demand.The parody gives a sense of humor and familiarity that will make the version easy to remember.

In order to project a preferable image of the advertised product and to promote sales, the advertising slogans are specially designed to be attractive, persuasive and unforgettable to develop continuity for an advertising campaign.Likewise, in order to translate the original slogans as attractive, distinctive and effective as possible, translators should make use of target linguistic characteristics in the target cultural context.Therefore, target-language-culture oriented and re-creative strategy in translation is necessary and inevitable.

5 Conclusion

Through the above investigation of various aspects of advertising translation, we can find that ad translation is different from translation in other fields as follows:

Advertisements are typical texts with high commercial value, and the terminal target of all advertisements is the promotion of sales.Accordingly, ad translation should serve to fulfill the purpose and function of the ad in the target market.Therefore, word-forword translation cannot help to achieve the goal, and it is inevitable for the translator to make appropriate adaptation so that the rendered text can be consistent with the characteristics of the target language and culture.Only in this way, can the target consumers accept the ad and be persuaded to get action of purchase.The translation of ads can thus be viewed as successful.

The German Functionalist translation theory has made a breakthrough from the traditional equivalence-dominated translation theory to a certain extend.The functionalist theories have subverted the dominance of the source language in translating process and the equivalence in translation evaluation.Instead, it attaches most importance to the purpose and function of the target text, taking purposeful rule as the basic and top-ranking translation rule.According to this rule, adaptation in translation is always favored in order to realize the purpose of the target text.In this sense, functionalists approach is the most suitable and practicable theory to guide advertising translation which is much skopos-loaded.Combining the essence of functionalist approach and the function of advertising, the writer tentatively advances target-language-culture oriented and re-creative strategy to guide ad translation.

As Eugene Nida said in his lecture Relationship between Language and Culture, language and culture are always in a process of change and tend to be enlarged.So it should not be ignored that language and culture are of great ability to accept each other.With the rapid development of technology and economy, people all over the world have more and more chances to communicate and exchange in many fields, with different cultures from different counties and regions have penetrated into each other.Therefore, translators may sometimes take the culture blending into account while translating ads, because the alien concepts and ideas may seem novel and attractive so as to motivate the target audience to get action of purchase.In this way, the function of the translated advertisement is also fulfilled.

In a word, Functionalist approach and the target-languageculture oriented and re-creative strategy are respectively the most appropriate theory and rule to guide advertising translation.


[1]陈小慰.翻译功能理论的启示——对某些翻译方法的新思考[J].中国翻译, 2001 (4) :9-12.

[2]贾文波.应用功能翻译论[M].北京:中国对外翻译出版公司, 2004:62.

[3]Gentzler, Edwin.Contemporary Translation Theories[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 2004:71.

[4]Munday, Jeremy.Introducing Translation Studies:Theories and applications[M].London:Routledge, 2001:73.

[5]Nord, Christiane.Translating as a Purposeful Activity[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 2001:4-35.
