


围巾的英文广告词 篇1

1. ena lala butobuto, vaka-vagasagasa yani sexy

2. enchanting na isasabai ni maroroi na yagoda senikau

3. dau vagolei vei ira na marama sega ni cala sikavu ni loloma

4. vakadewataki e na digitaki vinaka duadua ni isulu lelevu ni chiffon

5. cokoti vata na cake soft, na vava, vakalogalogavinakataki kei na logaloga vinaka

6. rawa e charms na cagi vuka mai ki ke kei na romantic

7. isulutali senikau kei na itaube na matailalai ni veika o vinakata na veika me namaki ena stripe ni cannes

8. me vaka na koula vaka-qeteqete sega ni seyavu yani

9. me vaka na stripe kamica loli savasava lasa ravuti ni cannes

10. e rawarawa vata kei au ena veivanua kecega

11. sa tadra lelevu loaloa kei vulavula

12. na ituvaki dina e sega ni rawa ni ra wilika na ituvaki ni goneyalewa

13. ena isulusulu e dua na tiki bibi duadua

14. vakasakiti ganita chanson yan lan cokovata ni caka silika iubi

围巾的英文广告词 篇2

“广告”来源于advertere一词, 解释为“唤起群众对事物的注意并引导其向某种方向发展所采用的方法”。[1]其首要任务是“意图是把某种商品或者服务投放市场, 达到一定的经济利益的目的。”[2]广告作为商业的产物, 以多样的形式影响着人们的生产生活, 但是随着商品市场的发展, 产品多样性越来越明显, 竞争不断增强, 广告所附载的单纯地推销功能并不能达到推广产品的目的, 也越来越不能满足人们对附加在广告上美学和艺术的需求。可见, 广告已经从单纯以营销推销为目的的手段逐渐演变, 时至今日, 为了吸引人们注意并达到推广公司形象及增强产品关注度的目的, 广告已经慢慢迎合人们日益增长的艺术水平和文化要求, 变成一种高品位的艺术策划行为。因此, 出色的英文广告, 在英文用词、句式、修辞等方面具有很鲜明的特点。


(一) 简单句

在英文广告中, 简短明快的简单句更容易引起读者注意, 可以更加有效地传达广告中的信息。此类英文广告, 用句口语化, 具有可读性和便于理解和记忆, 能够更好地影响和打动消费者。

例1.A diamond lasts forever. (De Bierres) 钻石恒久远, 一颗永流传。 (第比尔斯)

例2.Probably the best beer in the world. (carsberg) 可能是世界上最好的啤酒。 (嘉士伯)

在英文广告中, 简单的陈述句可以把广告的核心内容表达清楚, 朴素直观, 容易记忆。

(二) 祈使句

祈使句在英文广告中的应用非常广泛, 信息输出简单直接, 尤如与消费者面对面交流和沟通, 引起读者共鸣并具有很强的鼓动性。

例1.Obey your thirst.服从你的渴望。 (雪碧)

例2.Take time to indulge.尽情享受吧! (雀巢冰激凌)

(三) 否定句

在英文广告中, 否定句的使用标新立异, 利用逆向思维, 通过与其他同类产品的对比或者逆向反衬本产品特性, 达到宣传的经济效果和艺术效果。

例1.Nobody is perfect.没有一个人的身材是十全十美的。 (苗条健身器材)

此广告否定了人的完美性, 来推崇本产品在打造使用者完美身材的重要地位。

例2.Money is not everything.There‘s Mastercard&Visa.钞票不是万能的, 有时还需要信用卡。 (信用卡广告)

通过否定其他的产品或者代替品, 来强调自己的优势。

(四) 省略句

英文广告中省略句的使用体现了广告言简意赅的原则, 即用简单的名词或者词组作为广告本体, 这些词和词组可以高度概括产商或产品的特性, 能体现最多的内含并达到宣传效果。

例1.The new digital era.数码新时代。 (索尼影碟机)

此广告用一个名词短语表达索尼影碟机在技术上的领先, 简单明了, 容易记忆。

例2.The relentless pursuit of perfection.不懈追求完美。 (凌志轿车)

一个词组表达凌志品牌追求卓越品质, 达到汽车技术、动力性、操控性, 安全舒适的更高境界, 这则广告不仅打出了凌志汽车的特性, 而且令凌志品牌积极向上, 不懈努力的精神跃然纸上。

例3.Ideas for life.为生活着想。 (松下电子)

松下电子以做生活电器闻名, 其广告口号是一个名词短语, 只用三个词汇就表现出松下电器致力于生活方方面面的细节, 令人们的生活更加舒适方便, 使消费者更加信任该产品。


(一) 形容词的比较级和最高级的使用

英语广告在词汇上有许多区别于其他场合的用语, 在广告中, 形容词的比较级和最高级比较常见。利用这些方法, 生产商表达出自己产品有别于其他同类产品别致之处或出色之处, 突出自己的产品。

例.to be the best rather than the largest.不求最大, 但求最好。 (中国光大银行)

光大银行在广告中使用最高级, 虽然没有直接贬低同类公司, 但是却衬出本公司精湛的业务, 高品质的服务、质量及信誉。

(二) 制造新词或者利用词汇本身特点进行组合, 达到特殊效果

例.We know eggsactly what you want.鸡蛋广告 (eggsactly→exactly)

一个销售鸡蛋的公司, 利用单词的声音相近的特点, 创造出eggsactly, 一方面表现出本公司可以精确地 (exactly) 了解消费者的需求, 更好地生产和销售商品, 另一方面利用所造单词本身, 强调本公司的产品“egg”, 新颖特别, 别出心裁。


毋庸置疑, 在英文广告中, 修辞的巧妙使用可以增强语言的感染力, 使读者对产品甚至广告本身产生好感。

(一) 双关语

双关修辞在英语广告中被广泛运用, 一般多是具有多重意义的词或者因为读音, 会令读者产生遐想, 使其收到一定的艺术效果。

例.From Sharp minds, come sharp products.来自智慧的结晶。 (夏普产品)

这是一则比较经典的双关语的英文广告。“sharp”在这里面有两层意思, 一方面展示夏普产品的品质建立在有敏锐头脑的技术人员上, 另一方面把夏普的商标表现出来。

(二) 排比

排比的修辞在语言节奏上可以给人深刻印象, 语调琅琅上口, 加强语言的感染力。

例.Good teeth, good health.牙齿好, 身体就好。 (高露洁牙膏)

(三) 对偶

利用两个对仗工整的句子, 进行对比和比较, 结构整齐, 用其相似性或者对比性体现事物的特点。

例.No business too small, no problem too big.没有不做的小生意, 没有解决不了的大问题。 (IBM公司)

(四) 拟人

把产品和事物当作人去描写, 令消费者没有距离感, 更容易信服。

例.Apple thinks different.苹果电脑, 不同凡“想”。 (苹果电脑)

此则广告把苹果牌电脑比喻成人, 可以独立思考, 并可以想法超乎常人, 创意新颖。

(五) 模仿

此用法指的是在英文广告创作过程中, 把广告主体和以前已经存在的某种艺术形式进行模仿, 达到浅显易懂, 让消费者容易接受的目的。

例.We are here just for you!因你而变。 (招商银行)

这句模仿著名歌曲“I am here waiting for you”里面的歌词, 喜闻乐见, 容易记忆。


通过以上的广告分析, 不难看出, 广告英语除了帮助消费者了解所需商品外, 还承担着引起消费者购买欲的作用。除了有美学方面的特点外, 在商业社会中逐渐形成了自己独特的特点。

对于英文广告的研究, 有利于英语工作者更好地进行对外沟通与合作, 而且配合对广告英语的认识, 有利于了解英语国家文化和习俗, 扩大知识面, 并提高人民对英语广告的审美水平, 提高生活品味。


[1]王海艳, 聂春阁.浅淡英文广告口号的特点及其翻译[M].锦州:辽宁工学院学报, 2006.12.

浅析英文广告的修辞艺术 篇3

【关键词】英文广告 修辞


1.明喻(simile)是一种比较直观的比喻手法,多用like, as来体现本体和喻体的相似性。当消费者对商品不了解时,明喻可以帮助消费者建立清晰的相似性的联想。比如:Regal. It feels like your favorite easy chair. Only faster. (Buick) 这是别克汽车的君威系列广告,把汽车比喻成座椅,让人联想到家的舒适型和亲切感,但此车也具备速度快的优点。

2.暗喻(metaphor)又称为隐喻,指“根据两个事物间的某种共同特征或某种内在联系,把一个事物的名称用在另一个事物的名称上,说话人不直接点明,而要靠读者自己去领会的比喻。”暗喻起到含蓄比喻的效果。例如:We just redid the family room. (Chevy Astro)这是雪佛兰汽车的广告,将轿车内的空间比喻成家中的房间,暗示乘坐在这款车里,全家人在不同座位上都能享受到居家不同房间布局的方便性、多样性、功能齐全性。此车拥有这么多的优点,激发读者跃跃欲试。

3.头韵(alliteration)指两个单词或多个单词的首字母读音相同,从而读起来产生音韵美,朗朗上口,更易记忆。例如:Heavy isnt Healthy. (Purin) 这是一则Fit & Trim系列的狗粮广告,此款产品的特点是有助于减肥的狗粮,通过压头韵的方法既强调了体重和健康的关系,又体现了英语的音乐美。Had enough? Have a nips. (Nips) 这是一则糖果广告,表达的意思是:吃饱了吗?来一块糖吧。通过头韵让这则广告语简洁明快,对称整齐。

4.双关(pun)是“利用词的同音和多义的条件,使词语或句子具有双重含义,言在此而意再彼,又名多义关联”。在广告中巧用双关,不仅体现了英语词汇的丰富内涵,更大大增强了语言的幽默性,让人读来意味深长、妙趣横生、回味无穷。例如:Things always look better after dark. 这是Milky Way品牌的黑巧克力广告。该广告语表层意思为:黑夜朦胧、万物更美,让人想象到浪漫气息。但细细品味,英文中的dark也可形容黑巧克力,这才体现了这则广告巧妙的深层意思:品尝过黑巧克力,一切都变得更美好了。此处dark一语双关的词义,体现了英语语言的艺术性。

Feel free to feel young. (Kraft) 这是名为“free”系列的火腿,初读广告,意为:感受自由,感受年轻。读来让人感觉神清气爽,再细看发现商标名称正是free,因而深层意思为:品尝free牌火腿才能感受年轻。

Which Husky is too husky? (Purina)这是一则带有减肥功效的狗粮广告,广告以哈士奇狗为例,字面意思为:哪条哈士奇狗太过哈士奇了吗?再进一步理解,husky还有“强大的、魁梧的”意思,因此广告的深层意思为:哪一条哈士奇狗太过强壮了?暗示着超重和肥胖的狗,提醒人们注意狗的饮食来克制狗的体重,因此呼应了这则减肥狗粮的销售目的。

5.对比(antithesis)也称“对照”,将结构基本相同、意思相反的语句排列在一起,更加鲜明直观地对比突出了产品的特色和优势,让顾客信服。例如:Full-time van. Part-time baby-sitter. 这是一款汽车广告:全职的车;兼职的保姆。其中full强调了此车的高性能,而part-time则表达了这部车能满足有孩子的家庭的外出需要。


New shade Uvaguard. The biggest breakthrough in sun protection since SPFs. 这是一款防晒霜的广告,此处通过最高级的使用,强调了该款商品的卓越性和优越性是无人可及的。再如:Mentadent introduces the most incredible massage you can get standing up. (Mentadent) 这是一款牙刷广告,同时运用了夸张和暗喻的修辞手法,将用这款牙刷刷牙的过程比喻成为牙齿按摩,强调了刷牙过程的愉悦性和舒适性。同时,这样的“牙齿按摩”还是最美妙和最不可思议的,此处用英语最高级正是夸张的体现,强调相比其他牙刷而言,这款牙刷的舒适性是无以伦比的。

7.反复(repetition)指“为了突出某个意思,强调某种感情,特意连续或者间隔地使用同一词语、句子或段落。”恰当的使用反复可以突出广告的重点,增加节奏感。例如:Feel how it feels to have skin feel like new. (Lever) 这则沐浴露广告中运用了反复辞格,“feel”三次反复出现,强调了该产品给人带来的全新的感觉。




[1]Aubin,Robert J.Readers Digest[J].New York:Readers Digest Association,Inc.,1996.

有关围巾的广告词 篇4

2. 品味真丝天下,聪慧温暖万家。

3. 品聪,让世界充满爱。

4. 品聪,让爱聪明每个宝贝。

5. 品味真丝,聪慧如诗。

6. 编织温暖,编织爱心。

7. 爱心“品”体现,温暖“聪”行为。

8. 品儿童冷暖,聪宝贝万千。

9. 品味温暖,聪慧心灵。

10. 品你冷暖,聪慧健康。

11. 品聪围巾,编织真爱,共享蓝天。

12. 品真 如丝柔情,聪芯 暖意洋洋!

13. 品聪在身边,温情长相伴。

14. 品注大爱,聪明善举。

围巾经典广告词 篇5

2. 品聪真丝,享受舒适。

3. 品味时尚,“聪”满活力,选择我们,温暖自己。

4. 品质天成,“聪”出包围。

5. 因爱才有品味——品聪。

6. 德行天下,爱暖万家

7. 品味生活 聪明智慧

8. 品味人生,聪以知暖——品聪真丝羊毛围巾,给您满满的爱。

9. 品聪,温暖自己,爱浓他人。

10. 珍品温馨,聪颖合围。

11. 品聪围巾,不止一个人温暖的围巾。

12. 同一片蓝天同一个爱。

13. 慕上江南,慕上慕江南。

14. 慕江南,高档丝巾缔造者。

围巾创意广告词 篇6

2. 品儿童冷暖,聪宝贝万千。

3. 品味温暖,聪慧心灵。

4. 品你冷暖,聪慧健康。

5. 品聪围巾,编织真爱,共享蓝天。

6. 品真 如丝柔情,聪芯 暖意洋洋!

7. 品聪在身边,温情长相伴。

8. 品注大爱,聪明善举。

9. 品味有加,聪明有爱。

10. 品质蓝天,关爱永远。

11. 一品聪心,爱暖世界。

12. 品聪围巾,真丝真意。

13. 品味于心,聪明于爱。

14. 寒冷的冬天,因品聪而美丽。

15. 用品聪,你围上的不仅是一个人的温暖。

16. 品聪,温暖品质。

17. 小围巾,大【品】质;好温暖,爱【聪】心!

18. 品聪围巾,温暖围绕。

19. 温暖人心,品聪织造。

20. 别样温暖,品聪相伴。

21. 品聪,让爱更温暖。

22. 品织精彩,聪明的爱。

23. 品味心灵,聪慧世界。

24. 品出爱的温度。

25. 品聪围巾,洗去铅华,尽享人生。

26. 人间真情冷暖,品聪真丝传递。

27. 品聪相伴,温暖相依。

28. 送上一条围巾,温暖一片蓝天。

29. 品聪,温暖心灵。

广告翻译的功能主义方法(英文) 篇7

Functionalist translation theory is often criticized for its subversion of the traditional translation theory.Nevertheless, it has become increasingly eye-catching in today’s translation circle.Chen Xiaowei (陈小慰) held that“functionalist approach has paved theoretical foundation for applied translation used to be regarded contradiction with the traditional translation criteria” (陈小慰, 2000) .In his book On Pragmatic Translation—A Perspective of Functionalist Professor Jia Wenbo (贾文波) pointed out that“if dealing with pragmatic translation from functionalist perspective and the purpose of translation, we can effectively solve the problem of strategies and orientations in practice and theory of translation” (贾文波, 2004:62) Some other Scholars such as Zhou Zhaoxiang, Zhang Nanfeng and Zhang Meifang also called for more attention to the feasibility of this theory in translation.

2 The Theoretical Background

Functionalist approach didn’t occur overnight.It has been developed from a particular period when the traditional translation theory cannot alone function as the guidance to the boom of translation practice, especially to applied translation.

Translation had been traditionally regarded as an art or a craft.However, with the development and the influence of modern linguistics in the mid 20th century, translation study was progressively regarded as a science and turned to linguistics-centered.In general, the common feature of all the linguistically centered translation theories is the essential concept of translation equivalence.According to equivalence-based translation theory, the target text should be equivalent to the source-text, which means all the features of the source-text should be maintained in the target text.However, increasing number of translation theorists came to realize that many non-equivalent phenomena caused by different cultural factors between source and target languages may exist in translation.Therefore, domestication has to be accepted as translation strategy.Therefore, equivalence-based linguistic approaches still have their inevitable weak points and many scholars began to doubt the feasibility and scientificity of the equivalence-based translation theories in translation study.In this situation, a new theory was called for.The 1970s and 1980s saw the emergence of functionalist approach which intended to break through the limits of traditional translation theory and bridge the gap between theory and practice.

3 A General Introduction to Functionalist Approach

Modern functionalist translation theory mainly refers to the theory developed by the school of German functionalism, its development are generally attributed to three German Scholars who are considered as the typical representatives of this school:Katharina Reiss with her functionalist translation criticism;Hans J.Vermeer with his Skopostheorie and Justa Holz-Manttari with her theory of translational action.

Reiss’s functionalist translation criticism is still equivalencebased but take the text rather than the word or sentence as the translation unit at which equivalence should be reached.Based on the language functions proposed by German psychologist Karl B?hler, Reiss puts forward her text typology, specifically referring to (1) informative texts, which emphasize content or information, hence also referred to as content-focused texts; (2) expressive texts, which emphasize the form of the language, also referred to as form-focused texs;and (3) operative texts, which emphasize appeal to the reader, also appeal-focused texts.Usually a whole text is impossible to be dedicated exclusively to a single function.However, in a given text, there must be a dominant function, which is also the basis of text typology.For example, commercial advertising text should not be classified as content-focused because it mainly emphasizes the persuasive function of language—directed to entice the target readers to accept and purchase the advertised product, thus categorized as appeal-focused.In translating such kind of text, “it is essential that in the target language the same effect be achieved as the original in the source language” (Reiss, 2004:41) .Therefore, to produce at least similar appellative effect in the target language, in most cases the translator has to make dramatic adjustment to the original content and from because of the existing great differences between two languages and cultures.Reiss’s text typologies can“sharpen the translator’s awareness of linguistic markers of communicative function and functional translation units.” (Nord, 2001:38) , thus helping translators define the applicable hierarchy of equivalence ranks essential to realize a specified function.

After Reiss’s text typology, Hans Vermeer, one of Reiss’s students, put forward his famous Skopostheorie which break through the restriction of the traditional equivalence theory and is regarded as the milestone of functionalist translation theory.Vermeer holds that translation is a cross-cultural event, a purposeful activity.The Greek word Skopos adopted as a technical term by Vermeer to refer to the purpose of a translation and of the action of translating.Every translation is oriented to a target audience, as translating means producing“a text in a target setting for a target purpose and target addresses in target circumstances” (ibid:12) .Skopostheorie lays out three general rules guiding the process of translating (i.e.skopos rule;coherent rule and fidelity rule) , among which skopos rule is the top-ranking rule for any translation.Skopostheorie hold that the translating end justifies the means adopted in the process of translation.Therefore in such kind of purposeful activity, a translator should, with a view to the translation purpose, take all possible relevant elements concerned into account to determine the most appropriate action—translation strategy.In a word, whatever strategies applied in the process of translating should be oriented to the terminal task—to realize the translation purpose.In other word, any translating strategies or methods have to be taken to serve the translation purpose.Thus, to translate a commercial advertisement, a translator should take both the relevant linguistic elements and extra-linguistic elements into consideration so that he can realize the translation purpose with the most appropriate translating strategies adopted—to persuade the target audience into taking similar purchasing action to the original audience through translating.Vermeer’s Skopostheorie dethrones the absolute authority of the source text which is the foundation of equivalence-based theories, enhance the status of translators, emphasizes the aims of the target text in the target context and thus expands the sphere of translation study and practice, especially the applied translation.

Based on on the principle of the Action Theory, HolzMänttäri proposes her own theory Translational Action.The basic approach of hers is very similar to Vermeer’s, but she is more radical in her methods and conceptual model.She“views translation as purpose-driven, outcome-oriented human interaction and focuses on the process of translation as message-transmitter compounds” (Munday, 2001:77) .According to Holz-Manttari’s Theory of Translation Action, the genre and from of the target text must be guided by“what is functionally suitable in the target text culture, rather than by merely copying the source text profile” (ibid.) .Theory of Action places translation within its sociocultural context, covering the interaction between the translator and the initiators.

Functionalist translation theory has broken the two-thousandyear-old chain of translation theory around faithful vs.free axis.Functionalist Approach does not refers to a certain fixed translation approach, it can be either one or the other on the condition that the approach applied is adequate to the aim of the communication.In other word, any approach can be considered as functionalist approach as long as it can help to realize the communicative purpose successfully.For example, a text of product description emphasize on the detailed information about the characters or functions of the product, therefore, to translate such kind of text demands documentary approach as suggested by Christiane Nord, trying to convey the original information as faithfully as possible to the target readers.While a text of advertisement might need a much freer approach.The functionalist approach endows translators more flexibility to determine which approach would be appropriate in a provided setting.And the functionalist theories elevate translators to“equal status with authors, editors, and clients, allow them to make appropriate, rational decisions that best realize the intended cross-cultural communication” (Gentzler, 2004:71) .Therefore, in the applied translation, especially translation of advertisement, the translator can find their theoretical grounds to manipulate the source-text so as to produce a suitable target text which can reach the communicative goals.Next, the functional approach will be applied to analyze Ads transaltion to test its feasibility in translation practice.

4 The Application of Functionalist Translation Theo-ry in Ad Translation

4.1 The translation of brand names

A brand is directed to distinguish one kind of goods or services from others.Consumers regard brand names as the identity of the product and a guarantee of consistent quality.

Branding and advertising decisions are the important part of international product marketing strategy and the primary components of the company image strategy.Advertising serves as a bridge for the product to enter the international market and a good means of communication for the commercial information.An excellent brand name sets up an excellent company image, which in return helps promote the sales.An excellent internationalized brand name is a good means of marketing for multi-national companies to explore the global market.So the brand name translation is of great significance.It is very crucial that the translation of a brand name should be adapted to target language and target culture so as to satisfy target consumers’taste.

Because of poor knowledge of target language and culture, quite a lot of Chinese enterprisers fail to promote sales of their products in international markets.Chinese people like to use the image e of some animals as the brand names.But the associations related to the animals are different in different cultures.Sometimes, unawareness of differences will lead to the failure of advertising act.For example:

“喜鹊”is viewed as“a lucky bird that heralds good news”in Chinese culture.“喜鹊”bed sheet is popular in Chinese market.But it may meet trouble in promoting sales in international market, if the brand name is literally transferred as“Magpie”, because“Magpie”has been associated with gossipy persons in English culture.Therefore, the brand name“喜鹊”is adapted into“Lucky bird”when introduced into English-centered market.

Nowadays, more and more Chinese enterprisers and translators have noticed the importance of adapting to target language and culture.When opening and exploiting a foreign market, they will take the target consumers’understanding and taste into account and employ target-language-culture oriented and re-creative translation strategy to attract the target consumer.For example:

The famous Chinese PC brand name“联想”is translated into“Legend”instead of simply and literally into“imagination”or“association”just because the English name”Legend”implies something miraculous and will inspire the target reader’s imagination of the product.

Likewise, in order to open and develop Chinese market and to build a good product and company image in Chinese market, many renowned multinational corporations tend to adopt the target-language-culture oriented and re-creative strategy of translation to cater to Chinese consumers’taste so as to promote sales.Chinese people like to use the characters with favorite and fine meaning to name things to express a good wish.So many foreign enterprisers have been aware of it and done a good job.Let’s see some examples:

7-up (drink) 七喜Marlboro (cigarette) 万宝路

Pepsi-Cola百事可乐Goldlion (tie) 金利来

Ford (automobile) 福特BMW (automobile) 宝马

In the above examples, the favorite characters to Chinese are easily found in the translated versions, such as“福” (happiness) , “乐” (pleasure) , “喜” (happiness) , “利” (profit) , “宝” (treasurable and precious) .These characters can easily touch the consumers and arouse their sympathy to get action.

Sprite (a kind of soft drink) is translated into“雪碧”which sounds and means“cool”and“pleasant”in Chinese.“飘柔”is a rewriting of Rejoice which implies the smoothness and softness of hair after the use of Rejoice.

All in all, advertising translation aims to open a new market and promote sales in it.Translation of brand names plays an important part, since to promote sales of a product usually means to promote a certain brand name of the product and set up a best image of the company.Whether or not the translated brand name gets success makes a tremendous impact on target consumers’decision of purchase.To reach the aim of persuading the consumer into purchasing the advertised products, the translation of brand names should adapt to target language and culture so as to exploit the persuasive function of advertising at its best.

4.2 The translation of slogans

A slogan of an ad is regarded as the eye of the ad and should be eye-catching and impressive.The majority of successful ads owe much to their slogans.Like the brands, slogans are an equally critical part in any advertisement.The main purpose of a slogan is to maintain the continuity of advertising campaign, grasp consumers’attention and promote the sales of the product.Therefore, an advertising slogan should be smooth to read, easy to remember and attractive enough to persuade the target reader.

In translation of slogans, to help target consumers to understand and remember the versions, a wise translator should take advantage of target linguistic features in the context of target culture.The following examples serve to give a better analysis.

(1) Nescafe, good to the last drop. (Nescafe ad)

雀巢咖啡, 滴滴香浓, 意犹未尽

(2) Where there is a way for car there is a Toyota (Toyota ad)

车到山前必有路, 有路必有丰田车

Four-character compounds and parallel structures are two typical linguistic features in Chinese language.Four-character compounds are frequently applied in Chines to convey profound sense in very simply structures with strong rhythm, such as translated version 1, while parallel structure serves for emphasis and heightening the effectiveness of expressions by balancing word and word, phrase and phrase, and sentence and sentence, as illustrated in translated version2.Due to the expressive and effective impact they can make, four-character compounds and parallel structures are widely exploited in Chinese advertisements, especially in slogans.Furthermore, they are easy to remember.Therefore, they are appropriately employed in translation from English to Chinese.With the help of the two devices, the translated versions in 1 and 2are smooth to read and easy to remember and leave a deep impression on Chinese consumers.

In addition, rhetorical devices can be used in target language to achieve the intended persuasive effect.For example, translation2 copies a Chinese proverb“车到山前必有路, 船到桥头必然直”which means that everything will eventually sort itself out.The latter part of the proverb is changed to“有路必有丰田车”to emphasize that Toyota is in great demand.The parody gives a sense of humor and familiarity that will make the version easy to remember.

In order to project a preferable image of the advertised product and to promote sales, the advertising slogans are specially designed to be attractive, persuasive and unforgettable to develop continuity for an advertising campaign.Likewise, in order to translate the original slogans as attractive, distinctive and effective as possible, translators should make use of target linguistic characteristics in the target cultural context.Therefore, target-language-culture oriented and re-creative strategy in translation is necessary and inevitable.

5 Conclusion

Through the above investigation of various aspects of advertising translation, we can find that ad translation is different from translation in other fields as follows:

Advertisements are typical texts with high commercial value, and the terminal target of all advertisements is the promotion of sales.Accordingly, ad translation should serve to fulfill the purpose and function of the ad in the target market.Therefore, word-forword translation cannot help to achieve the goal, and it is inevitable for the translator to make appropriate adaptation so that the rendered text can be consistent with the characteristics of the target language and culture.Only in this way, can the target consumers accept the ad and be persuaded to get action of purchase.The translation of ads can thus be viewed as successful.

The German Functionalist translation theory has made a breakthrough from the traditional equivalence-dominated translation theory to a certain extend.The functionalist theories have subverted the dominance of the source language in translating process and the equivalence in translation evaluation.Instead, it attaches most importance to the purpose and function of the target text, taking purposeful rule as the basic and top-ranking translation rule.According to this rule, adaptation in translation is always favored in order to realize the purpose of the target text.In this sense, functionalists approach is the most suitable and practicable theory to guide advertising translation which is much skopos-loaded.Combining the essence of functionalist approach and the function of advertising, the writer tentatively advances target-language-culture oriented and re-creative strategy to guide ad translation.

As Eugene Nida said in his lecture Relationship between Language and Culture, language and culture are always in a process of change and tend to be enlarged.So it should not be ignored that language and culture are of great ability to accept each other.With the rapid development of technology and economy, people all over the world have more and more chances to communicate and exchange in many fields, with different cultures from different counties and regions have penetrated into each other.Therefore, translators may sometimes take the culture blending into account while translating ads, because the alien concepts and ideas may seem novel and attractive so as to motivate the target audience to get action of purchase.In this way, the function of the translated advertisement is also fulfilled.

In a word, Functionalist approach and the target-languageculture oriented and re-creative strategy are respectively the most appropriate theory and rule to guide advertising translation.


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中英文广告双关语的语用功能 篇8



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广告设计者在他们的广告中灵活地使用双关,通常它只有一小段话,但是由于双关语具有双重语境,它却能够传达非常丰富的信息,从而达到言简意赅的效果。考虑到广告的成本,理所当然的是越短越好,越省钱越好,所以在广告设计者设计广告的过程中有一个“KISS”原则,那就是“keep it sample and sweet”。双关语迎合了这一需要,实现了省钱高效的目的。让我们看一个例子。

The unique spirit of Canada.







双关语在广告中的使用能够增加人们破解它的难度,从而使观众需要付出更多的努力来推理,无论是时间还是精力。这些努力能够使他们的印象更加持久,并且一旦他们破译了这个双关,他们就会产生一种成就感,同时也会产生一种愉悦的心情。因此他们会认为这种成功破译非常值得他们的付出,这在无形中也加深了他们对广告的印象。正如Gillian Dyer(1982)所说“一旦观众的注意力被吸引,广告设计者的目的就在于他们能够思考、喜欢并牢牢记住这则广告”。让我们一起看一则例子。



因此有着想要破解的愿望。于是这则广告已经成功的引起了他们的注意力。当他们看到这是一则眼镜广告,同时结合自己的思考,他们就能恍然大悟。“Oh! I see”,言外之意是:戴上这里的眼镜有助于你看清事物。因此他们会觉得非常有意思,从而留下深刻印象。











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