


下半年翻译资格考试二级笔译练习题 篇1































The Melting Snow

Cen Sang

Unwilling to be driven from the streets, the heavy snow piles sit here and there in the bumpy places, looking stubborn and rough. It is piled so deep and gives off a chilling air that makes people tremble.

Don’t you believe that the cold winter has ended and spring has come?

At that time, as the biting north wind blew, nature appeared to be frozen solid. Buried under the hard crust of snow, the world gasped in exhaustion. The world has dumb and the pleasure of the rich forests had faded. Hope had curled up and hidden away in the depths of the frozen earth to pass its winter in hibernation. The pleasure of life had withered and the songs had died down too, leaving only the sighs, howling wind the cry of jackdaws. Men became heart-broken and their senses dulled. The hope of green life gradually withered away with the dry twigs and brittle leaves. The only fresh colour in the world were the blood stains on the snow-covered field.

It was simply like that the ice age had returned!

During the long nights, people were used to a hopeless and miserable life. When the warmth of spring finally arrived and snow melted, some people were too numb to believe in the passing of time.

Is it because of winter that you do not believe in spring?

In piles here and there, the snow was stubborn to melt away. And in the corners where the sun spent little or no time, the snow remained thick and threatening.

So, why don’t you believe that the cold winter has passed and spring has arrived?

Then it was a time of a hundred leagues locked in ice and ten thousand leagues of whirling snow. The world was in fact still frozen and silenced by the force of the ice and snow. Man was forced to wait in pain. The eagerness for the coming of spring made them anxious to the point of tearing their chests open.

Oh, when would the colourful butterflies be whirling about again? When would the orioles be flying around? When would the flowers blossom, the trees turn green, the bee hives overflow wither sweet honey, and the human heart be full of the ties of friendship?...

Beautiful expectations are dancing in our hearts, for life has been so desolate for so long and nobody can bear it any longer. We sincerely hope that the snow melt overnight, and the flowers and leaves flourish. But the warmth of spring is not yet enough to melt the hard, thick ice. No wonder that even after the swallows are darting about, there are still some people who are not yet convinced that the world is changing. And there are those men who are only satisfied in their eagerness to understand this feeling through touch.

Is it just because of this that you don’t believe spring is before your eyes?

The sun’s reflection of the melting snow is blinding our eyes. However, it is slowly melthing and no longer can you build a snowman with it.

With a chilly gesture, the melting snow still settles in this corner and that corner, trying its best to keep a foothold to life. However, the melting weather is too warm for the snow, so it finally surrendered to spring.

The remainder of snow, you are a proof of the ugly force that desperately attempts to force itself upon the earth when it should retreat. You are also a symbol of the impossible escape from its doomed fate. You belong to winter with your cold-blooded and untamed character. However, you are also a proof in the triumph of spring with your dissolving appearance. We can see the real spring atmosphere through your chilly, bleak light.

The cold winter has retreated, and the melting snow is its real guard.

Time is ruthless yet full of feeling. Those which must die, die; and those which should live, live. It curses those which should be cursed and turns green those which be praised.

Spring drifts in lightly from beyond the sky in the form of gentle breeze and skylarks.

Spring silently oozes from under the earth in the form of grass, leaves and fresh shoots.

Spring rushes up from mountain valleys, in the form of streams, riverbeds and lakes with shining ripples.

Spring changes into countless life forms, into songs, smiles and warm and beautiful colours…

We have been longing for you, spring. You are that wonderful season when life beings. Today, we put on spring couplets, hang up lanterns and colourful decorations over gateways, light the ever-burning lamps to usher you in! The children light their firecrackers and fireworks, and girls put on their butterfly hair ties and wear their colourful dresses to cheerfully usher you in with complete happiness.

Oh, spring, you are the best season and are beyond words to describe. You are so wonderful that even when our exciting affection towards you is put together, it still amounts to so little.

It’s better to greet you with our hope which has just been recovered!

It’s better to greet you with our will which has just sprung up!

We should light hope with will and let it shine bright as the flames dance in the wind. Let us hold high the torch of hope, put it at the top of both the Taishan Mountain and the Kunlun Mountain.

Melting snow, as the fire of hope burns brighter and brighter, we watch you with a consoling heart. You are the residue of a cold winter that eventually melts and sinks deep into the earth and fills the ditches and pools with dirty water.

It is at this moment that our dream of green manifests itself into reality and grows stronger and stronger with each passing day.

下半年翻译资格考试二级笔译练习题 篇2

As hundreds of thousands of people marched peacefully through central London in a rally against the government’s spending cuts on March 26th, a hundred or so vandals, thought to be extreme anarchists and anti-capitalists, rampaged nearby. Banks and upmarket retailers near The Economist’s offices still bear the scars of the mayhem. Not for the first time, the Metropolitan Police stands accused of mishandling the unrest.

Even when attacked with missiles – including, reportedly, ammonia-filled lightbulbs – officers were restrained. They stood off as shop fronts were trashed and small fires were lit. (Fewer than ten people have been charged for crimes relating to violence, though many more for the aggravated trespass of Fortnum & Mason, a department store in which demonstrators staged a mostly peaceful sit-in.) There seemed little excuse for being caught out by the trouble: it had been planned online; there was violence at a protest against higher university-tuition fees three months earlier.

Yet the police could be forgiven for feeling exasperated by this criticism. After all, their handling of some previous demonstrations in London was condemned as too harsh. The tactic of “kettling” protesters – detaining them for extended periods within cordons of officers – has attracted controversy. The case of Ian Tomlinson, who was pushed to the ground by a police officer during a protest in and later died, is the subject of an ongoing inquiry.

It might be impossible to strike a Goldilocks-style balance – neither too tolerant nor too tough – that would please everybody. But there is a palpable need for consistent rules of engagement. There are likely to be more big marches in the coming years, as the government’s cuts bite. Even Prince William’s wedding to Kate Middleton on April 29th is purportedly being targeted by unruly demonstrators.

On March 28th Theresa May, the home secretary, said that she would consider giving the police more powers for future protests. Preventive measures that helped to ease Britain’s once-endemic problem of football hooliganism could be adopted. For example, rogue elements could be banned from attending marches (though this would be harder to enforce than a ban on a hooligan entering a stadium). Mrs May hinted that the police should use existing powers to force protesters to remove the balaclavas and face-coverings often worn by rioters. Many would like her to go further. Andy Hayman, a former assistant commissioner of the Met, suggests dawn raids on known troublemakers’ homes.

New rules and powers, however, will only help to deal with the most hardened and violent rioters. A larger, trickier group are clever enough to cause trouble while staying within whatever laws prevail at the time. Disruption and intimidation that stops short of actual violence are becoming their speciality.

下半年翻译资格考试二级口译习题 篇3

Work Together at the Crucial Moment to Open up a New Chapter


Remarks Made by Ambassador Ma Xinmin at the Farewell Party for the Delegation of Young Diplomats from Sudan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs to Receive Studies and Training in China


29 July




Your Excellency Mr. Suliman, Head of the Department of Training and Capacity Building of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Sudan,

Your Excellency Mr. Omar, Head of the Department of China Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Sudan,

and dear young friends from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Sudan,


Good evening! We are gathered here tonight to give a send-off to the colleagues from Sudan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs who will head to China for studies and training. First of all, on behalf of all functionaries of the Chinese Embassy in Sudan, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all of you here and wish you a comfortable and pleasant trip in Beijing. I am confident that everyone will set out cheerfully and come back with fruitful results.


Your visit is of great significance as it comes at an unusual moment.


Your visit comes in a crucial period when our world is undergoing profound changes unseen in a century. The rise of a group of developing countries represented by China has effectively pushed forward the development of the global power structure toward equilibrium and multipolarity. However, unilateralism, trade protectionism and bullying behaviors are currently on the rise, in particular the trade war unilaterally triggered by the US side to contain China’s rise and development, which violates the international rules, disrupting the international trade order and exerting a drag on global economic growth. China does not want a trade war, but is not afraid of one and will fight one if necessary. The essence of China-US economic and trade cooperation is mutual benefit and win-win cooperation. The Chinese government insists that dialogue on an equal footing is the only way to solve problems.


Facing the profound changes, China will remain committed to multilateralism and international equity and justice, firmly uphold the international system centered around the United Nations, maintain the international order based on international laws, and safeguard the multilateral trading system with the WTO at its core. China stands ready to work together with a vast number of developing countries, including Sudan, to safeguard common interests and development space and open a new chapter for unity, cooperation and mutual benefit in building a community with shared future for mankind.


Your visit comes at this vital moment when Sudan is undergoing profound changes unseen in three decades. Sudan’s role as China’s major strategic partner in West Asia and Africa and also one of key countries along the route of Belt and Road Initiative will remain unchanged, no matter how the situation may change. The longstanding traditional friendship between the two peoples and the solid and in-depth cooperation between our two countries will continue. China and Sudan are always good friends that stand by each other regardless of hardships, close partners that share joys and sorrows, and also good brothers that are reliable and sincere to each other.


Under the new situation, China hopes the strategic partnership between China and Sudan may secure a smooth transition and advance to a higher level. Both sides should promote closer exchanges at all levels, stronger political mutual trust, wider mutually-beneficial and pragmatic cooperation, and deeper people-to-people exchanges to realize the shared interests and opportunities in our cooperation and exchanges and enable the China-Sudan relations to bring more benefits to our two countries and the two peoples.


Your visit comes in an important year marking the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Sudan. China is willing to align the Belt and Road Initiative and the Eight Major Initiatives proposed at the FOCAC Beijing Summit with national development strategies of Sudan, and is committed to enhancing experience sharing on state governance, pushing for more achievements through our practical cooperation and ensuring our cooperation is sustainable and of high quality, in hopes to assist Sudan in pursuing independent development and achieve win-win results. I am convinced that all of you will make your contributions to China-Sudan friendship in the next six decades, as all of you are parties participating in, practicing and safeguarding the amicable partnership between our two nations.


Your visit comes this year marking the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. I am sure that you will see with your own eyes the significant achievements the new China has made in the past seven decades after its founding, learn about the experience in state governance gained by the Communist Party of China and the Chinese government, experience the diversity of Chinese culture, and feel the hospitality and kindness of Chinese people. I am confident your visit will be fruitful and successful.


In conclusion, I wish all of you a pleasant evening!


下半年翻译资格考试二级笔译练习题 篇4



下半年翻译资格考试二级笔译练习题 篇5














另外,推荐一个很好的俄语新闻网站,http://www.echo.msk.ru/,即Эхо Москвы广播台的官方网站。某些文字新闻下方有

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翻译资格考试口译二级练习题 篇6

The struggles that follow the victory of formal equality or universal franchise may not be as filled with drama and moral clarity as those that came before, but they are no less important. For around the world today, we still see children suffering from hunger and disease. We still see run-down schools. We still see young people without prospects for the future. Around the world today, men and women are still imprisoned for their political beliefs, and are still persecuted for what they look like, and how they worship, and who they love. That is happening today.



It’s not fair to businesses and middle-class families who play by the rules when we allow companies that are trying to undercut the rules to work in the shadow economy, to hire folks at lower wages or no benefits, no overtime, so that somehow they get a competitive edge from breaking the rules. That doesn’t make sense.


It doesn’t make sense to have 11 million people who are in this country illegally without any incentive or any way for them to come out of the shadows, get right with the law, meet their responsibilities and permit their families then to move ahead. It’s not smart. It’s not fair. It doesn’t make sense. We have kicked this particular can down the road for too long.

上半年catti二级笔译测试题 篇7

诺曼·约瑟夫·伍德兰(Norman Joseph Woodland)于199月6日出生在亚特兰大。参加童子军时,他曾学习过摩斯密码,这为他日后的发明提供了灵感的火花。

After spending World War II on the Manhattan Project , Mr. Woodland resumed his studies at the Drexel Institute of Technology in Philadelphia (it is now Drexel University), earning a bachelor’s degree in 1947.


As an undergraduate, Mr. Woodland perfected a system for delivering elevator music efficiently. He planned to pursue the project commercially, but his father, who had come of age in “Boardwalk Empire”-era Atlantic City, forbade it: elevator music, he said, was controlled by the mob, and no son of his was going to come within spitting distance.


The younger Mr. Woodland returned to Drexel for a master’s degree. In 1948, a local supermarket executive visited the campus, where he implored a dean to develop an efficient means of encoding product data. The dean demurred, but Mr. Silver, a fellow graduate student who overheard their conversation, was intrigued. He conscripted Mr. Woodland.


An early idea of theirs, which involved printing product information in fluorescent ink and reading it with ultraviolet light, proved unworkable.


But Mr. Woodland, convinced that a solution was close at hand, quit graduate school to devote himself to the problem. He holed up at his grandparents’ home in Miami Beach, where he spent the winter of 1948-49 in a chair in the sand, thinking.

翻译资格考试真题三级笔译 篇8

HIGUERA DE LA SERENA, Spain — It didn’t take long for Manuel García Murillo, a bricklayer who took over as mayor here last June, to realize that his town was in trouble. It was 800,000 euros, a little more than $1 million, in the red. There was no cash on hand to pay for anything — and there was work that needed to be done.

But then an amazing thing happened, he said. Just as the health department was about to close down the day care center because it didn’t have a proper kitchen, Bernardo Benítez, a construction worker, offered to put up the walls and the tiles free. Then, Maria José Carmona, an adult education teacher, stepped in to clean the place up.

And somehow, the volunteers just kept coming. Every Sunday now, the residents of this town in southwest Spain — young and old — do what needs to be done, whether it is cleaning the streets, raking the leaves, unclogging culverts or planting trees in the park.

“It was an initiative from them,” said Mr. García. “Day to day we talked to people and we told them there was no money. Of course, they could see it. The grass in between the sidewalks was up to my thigh. “

Higuera de la Serena is in many ways a microcosm of Spain’s troubles. Just as Spain’s national and regional governments are struggling with the collapse of the construction industry, overspending on huge capital projects and a pileup of unpaid bills, the same problems afflict many of its small towns.

翻译资格考试笔译三级模拟题 篇9

As the Internet is open to everyone, it needs to be built and managedby all. The governance of the Internet is an important part of global governance. The international community should work together to build a global Internet governance system that is fair and equitable.


The Internet is a strong driving force for world economic growth and achievement of the Millennium Development Goals and takes an important place in the future global development agenda.


The 21st century is an era of the Internet and IT application. As amajor cyber state with 618 million Internet users, China attaches great importance to cyber security and IT application and is committed to improving its level of cyber security.


China has always been contributing its part to building and maintaining cyber space and committed to working with the rest of the international community to create a peaceful, secure, open and cooperative cyber space.


Amidst the frequent occurrence of incidents in cyber space, parties concerned should take a constructive approach, engage in dialogue on the basis of mutual respect and trust, and resolve differences through cooperation.


The fast growth of the information and communication technology (ICT) has exerted profound impacts on all aspects of social and economic life of mankind, and offered brand new digital opportunities for the advancement of human civilization. But at the same time, it has also brought unprecedented challenges.


Cybercrime and terrorism have been on the rise. The massive-scalesurveillance activities by an individual country have severely infringed on other countries’ sovereignty and their citizen’s privacy. Cyber-attacks and militarized tendency in cyber space can diminish international security and mutual trust, and the imbalanced development of the Internet worldwide needs to be corrected in a timely way.

