


维也纳森林的故事课文 篇1

1.维也纳森林的故事 冯骥才










维也纳森林的故事600字 篇2




《维也纳森林的故事》读后感 篇3



《维也纳森林的故事》读后感 篇4






维也纳森林的故事课文 篇5



























赏心悦目 绿 美丽 景色宜人

感受 清爽宜人 舒适

珍爱土地 立法保护

爱惜草地 和谐

与动物相处 亲密













35穿越维也纳森林练习 篇6

班级 姓名




波光粼粼 生机()白雪()溪水()..孜孜不倦()不平()日上()有名 ..摇摇欲坠()欲()()欲()()欲().半信半疑 半()半()半()半()半()半()..


《维也纳森林的故事》 约翰·斯特劳斯 《命运交响曲》 贝多芬 《蓝色的多瑙河》 舒伯特 《海里根斯泰特遗书》





句子: 感受: 你见到过类似的美景吗?学着作者的样儿,用语言将其描绘下来。


班级 姓名







3、积累下面的词语,并根据课文内容选择其中几个将下面这句话写具体。连绵起伏 溪水淙淙 百鸟争鸣 水清林绿 妩媚万分 郁郁葱葱 蜿蜒多姿 生机勃勃 松涛起伏 波光粼粼



①《 一夜的工作》这个故事使我感动得流泪。

改成双重否定句: ②爱因斯坦是当代伟大的物理学家,但他生活简朴,真让人佩服。

改成反问句: ③老师对我说:“你去把林涵叫来,我有事情问他。”

改成转述句: ④来宾们观看了小演员们精彩的歌声。(在原句上用修改符号修改)


船 过 三 峡


②三峡的山好奇啊。夔门像刀砍剑劈,笔直dǒu qiào()。群山起伏高耸,云雾缭绕,有的像蘑菇,有的像骆驼,有的像仙女,真是一个山峰一个模样!






⑨多美的神女峰,多shàn liáng()的姑娘!我们的轮船顺江而下平安无事,原来是她在为我们指引航向哩!


2、这篇文章第、、自然段的结构是相同的,都有采用了__________结构方式,写出了三个方面的内容:一是()、二是()三是()(用两个字概括)全文通过对三峡 的描绘,反映了作者()的思想感情。

3、用曲线画出过渡句,它在文中起到 的作用。

4、用“ ” 划出②、③、④节中比喻句,这些比喻分别把山比作、、;把水比作 ;用 和 来比喻船。

东北大森林课文的原文 篇7




维也纳森林的故事课文 篇8

Writing Three Thank-You Letters I. objectives Students will be able to : understand the main idea and the structure of the text;learn to memorize words in association;grasp the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.II.Text Summary

This passage tells a story about Thanksgiving Day.Alex Haley served in the Coast Guard and began to make serious thoughts to the Thanksgiving Day that would become.At last, Haley decided to write three very special letters in order to express his thanks.The replies made Haley not only excited but more humbled than before.At the same time he came to realize something important about life.课文概述:课文讲述了一个关于感恩节的故事。亚历克斯〃黑利在海岸警卫队服役,在感恩节来临之时,他开始认真思考这个节目。最终,他决定写三封特别的信来表达他的谢意。回信让黑利既感动又深感谦卑,同时,也让他感悟出了一些生活的真谛。

III.Text Analysis

We all want to expand our English vocabulary.An effective and efficient way is to memorize English words and phrases through association maps.Experiments have proved that it is much easier for human being to memorize things in meaningful groups than isolated items.First of all, we put a central idea or a key word in the middle of the map, e.g.“ship”.Then we draw a cobweb structure around “ ship”.One branch may be the names of different parts of a boat, like “hold”, “cabin”, “afterdeck”, “deck”.Another branch may be the various types of people on board the ship, like “ coastguardsman”, “sailor”, “seaman”, “shipmate”.Still another branch may be verbal phrases related to a ship, like “ put to see”, “be under way”, “be at sea”.This cobweb can keep growing.Everyone once in a while we redraw it , and we may find that it has grown in size, because we are better at association and our word power is stronger.Of course , there are other methods of improving vocabulary memorization.For example, when you see a new vocabulary item, you’d better read it aloud, pronounce it correctly, and spell it on a sheet of paper.By using eyes, mouth,ears , and hands together, we mobilize parts of our brain , thus keeping a longer memory.1.Thanksgiving : Thanksgiving is celebrated in the US on the fourth Thursday in November.For many Americans it is the most important holiday apart from Christmas.Schools , offices and most businesses close for Thanksgiving, and many people make the whole weekend a vacation.Thanksgiving is associated with the time when Europeans first came to North America.In 1620 the ship the Mayflower arrived, bringing about 150 people who today are usually called Pilgrims.They arrived at the beginning of a very hard winter and could not find enough to eat, so many of them died.But in the following summer Native Americans showed them what foods were safe to eat, so that they could save food for the next winter.They held a big celebration to thank God and the Native Americans for the fact that they had survived.Today people celebrate Thanksgiving to remember these early days.The most important part of the celebration is a traditional dinner with foods that come from North America.The meal includes turkey, sweet potatoes(also called yams)and cranberries, which are make into a kind of sauce or jelly.The turkey is filled with stuffing or dressing ,and many families have their own special recipe.Dessert is pumpkin made into a pie.On Thanksgiving there are special television programmes and sports events.In New York there is the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, when a long line of people wearing fancy costumes march through the streets with large balloons in the shape of imaginary characters.Thanksgiving is considered the beginning of the Christmas period, and the next day many people go out to shop for Christmas presents.感恩节:


2.the Pilgrims: the 102 English people who sailed to America on the Mayflower in 1620.Their group included 35 Puritans whose aim was to create a safe religious community in the New World.The Pilgrims probably landed at Plymouth Rock, and they established Plymouth Colony.3.Native Americans: Native Americans were living in North America for many hundreds of years before Europeans reached the continent.For a long time white people called them Indians.Today many people do not like this name since it is based on a mistake: it was giving to the people living in the Americas by Christopher Columbus who, when he arrived there, thought he had landed in India.Instead , people prefer to us to use the term Native Americans.4.the United States Coast Guard: the US military service that is controlled by the US Department of Transportation but becomes part of the US Navy during a war.drugs and other illegal goods, and can make arrests.It also keeps watch to see that other laws of the sea are obeyed, rescues ships in danger and has a weather service.VI.Language Study

1.under way:in motion or operation, having started and making progress 航行中;进行中;起步,启动(常写成underway)e.g.The nationwide medical reform is now under way.Economic recovery in our country is already under way.我国经济已经开始复苏.The film festival gets under way on 11th July.电影节将于7月11日开幕.Preparation for the 100th anniversary celebration are now well under way.2.see: be the time when an event happens(时代等)以……为特点;经历

e.g.The last two years have seen dramatic changes in this city.这座城市在过去两年发生了巨大的变化.These islands have seen a lot of history.这座岛屿是许多历史事件的见证.比较: witness v.见证

e.g.The 1980s witnessed a breakthrough in East-West relations.东西方关系在20世纪80年代有了突破.The period 1880-1914 witnessed a revolution in American education.1880年到1914年美国教育发生了变革.3.put away: remove(sth.)to a place where it is usually stored e.g.The kids are asked to put all the toys away before they leave.You wash the dishes and I’ll put them away in the cupboard.4.get to sth./ doing sth.: begin to give serious attention to or deal with开始思考(做)e.g.Recently I’ve got to wondering why I am doing the part-time job.I’ll get to the accounts as soon as I can.He got to thinking that she perhaps wouldn’t come after all.5.and the rest: and so on e.g.The patient can have apples, apple juice, apple sauce, and the rest.The citizens are interested in the government’s polices on such important issues as health , education, tax, and the rest.6.in quest of: seeking;trying to find 试图找到; 寻求

e.g.She had come in quest on advice.她前来寻求帮助.He went to the school library in quest of Mark Twain’s novels.He said that he was going to the countryside in quest of peace.7.reserve: v.turn around to the opposite direction;exchange the position of


e.g.Now that you have a job and I don’t , our situations are reversed., 我们的情况正好反过来了.Why don’t you reverse the order so that I play first and she plays second? 你为什么不能换一下顺序, 让我先来,她排第二? Attention please, this vehicle is reversing.倒车,请注意.The breakthroughs in biotechnology will enable medical science to reverse the aging process.adj.反向的, 相反的;颠倒的;背面的 e.g.in the reverse order 朝着相反的方向

the reverse side of a fabric 织物的反面

8.turn over:1)think about, consider 考虑;思考

e.g.Even when she didn’t say anything you could see her turning things over in her mind.I sat quietly , turning over the problem.2)change or cause to change position or direction 翻转 Liz picked up the blue envelope and turned it over curiously.3)change the position of one’s body so as to face in a different direction翻身

Ann turned over in her bed once more.4)deliver someone or something to the care or custody(of)上交;移交 They turned the man over to the police.The king may turn over some of his official posts to his son.9.repay: pay back, reward e.g.Peter’s previous work with us has played an important role in our success, and we will repay him for his efforts some day.The graduate failed to repay the loan and the finance company decided to take legal action.10.so much as(do sth.):(not)even 甚至(一般用于否定句)

e.g.I didn’t so much as catch sight of him all day long.一整天我甚至都没看到他一眼.Laura had not reproached him, never so much as mentioned it.劳拉没有责备他,甚至都没提这事.11.sincere: not pretending , honest e.g.Any readers who feel annoyed please accept my sincere apologies.I’d like to express my sincere thanks and love to my family for all their help and support.12.swallowing hard:

If you swallow , you make a movement in your throat as if your are swallowing sth., often because you are nervous or frightened.Here the author tried to control his sad emotions by doing it.(因紧张, 害怕做)吞咽动作

e.g.Nancy swallowed hard and shock her head.南希紧张地咽了口唾沫,摇了摇头.He swallowed hard as he turned over the examination paper and looked at the first question.他紧张地翻开试卷,看着第一道题.beyond: prep.to a degree that is past the understanding , reach, or scope of超出,超过

e.g.Their five-year relationship was strained beyond breaking point.他们持续五年的关系快要崩溃了

It seems to that he’s beyond caring about what anybody does.在我看来他并不关心别人做什么.14.gratitude : being thankful , thankfulness(followed by to sb./ for sth.)e.g.I should like to express my gratitude to all members of the laboratory past and present for their contribution to the breakthrough.What she felt for David was not love but gratitude.It is my great pleasure to be here this morning to express my sincere gratitude to you, my fellow members, for electing me as your president.15.statement: sth.that is said or written, esp.formally and officially e.g.The trade union issued a statement opposing racial discrimination.In his newly-published book, Williams made a number of statements about modern life.16.specific: relating to one thing and not others;particular e.g.The new system made it easier for employers to recruit workers based on specific needs.Do you have any specific skills that will be of use to you in the job you are applying for? 17.on one’s behalf/ on the behalf of sb.: for sb.;in the interests of sb.;as the representative

of sb.代表;为了某人的利益

e.g.On the behalf of my parents, I would like to express my gratitude to you for your help.He delivered a speech on the behalf of all the graduates on Graduation Day.Don’t be uneasy on my behalf.不要为我担心.18.impress: 1)fix in sb’s mind make the importance of(sth)very clear to sb.(used in the patterns : impress upon./on sb.that;impress upon/on sb.sth)e.g.I have always impressed upon my students that if they work hard they will succeed in life.The teacher tried to impress on his students the necessity of being honest.2)cause(sb)to feel admiration or respect e.g.Most students liked to talk a lot because they thought it would impress the professors.Wanting to impress his girl friend, Dustin bought a suit for their first date.You managed to get both items for under $50? I’m impressed.你花了不到50美元就买到这两样东西? 我好佩服你。impress on/ upon 使…明白(某事)的重要性或价值

e.g.He’s always trying to impress on me how much easier life is if you’re well-organized.他总是想让我明白只要合理安排,生活会轻松很多.Trying to impress on my brother the importance of personal hygiene was never

要让我弟弟认识到个人卫生的重要性可不是件容易的事.impressive a.给人以深刻印象的;感人的;激动人心的;让人钦佩的

e.g.They’ve got a very impressive collection of modern paintings.他们对现代绘画的收藏让人惊叹.She’s a very impressive public speaker.她是位出色的演说家.18.diminish: make or become smaller or less(使)变小;(使)减少

e.g.There is nothing you can say that will diminish her resolve。


We have seen the value of our house diminish greatly/ sharply/substantially in value

over the last six months 过去半年里我们眼睁睁看着我们的房子急剧贬值.Her patience with the children diminished as the hours went by.Time will not diminish our friendship.19.expose: leave uncovered;make accessible to(often used in the pattern: be exposed to)

使暴露; 使接触(常与to连用)

e.g.He hurt his leg so badly in the accident that the bone was exposed.他的腿在事故中伤的很厉害,骨头都露出来了 The soldiers were exposed to considerable danger.士兵面临很大的危险.The newspaper story exposed him as a liar.When she went to college, Kate was exposed to a lot of new ideas.凯特进入大学后接触到很多新思想.The immigrants’ children exposed to American pop culture often rebel when their parents try to impose the conservative values they brought with them.It is feared that people living near the power station may have been exposed to radiation.exposure 暴露;接触(常与to 连用)e.g.You need always limit your exposure to the sun.你要尽量避免暴晒

Spielberg’s new film is getting a lot of exposure in the media at the moment.媒体正大量报道斯皮尔伯格的新电影.His parents are worried about his exposure to the kind of people they don’t approve of while he’s at college.他的父母很担心他在大学接触他们不赞成他交往的人.19.immerse: cover completely in a liquid;absorb deeply 使淹没;使沉迷(常与in连用)e.g.The shells should be immersed in boiling water for two minutes.She got some books out of the library and immersed herself in Jewish history and culture.她从图书馆借些书, 一头扎进犹太历史和文化中.I held my breath and completely immersed myself in the water, trying to stay

John was so immersed in playing the computer games that he was unaware of things happening round him.20.I reminded the Reverend Nelson how each morning he would open our little country town’s grammar school with a prayer over his assembled students.我和纳尔逊牧师提及他每天清晨是如何招集学生祈祷,开始我们那乡镇小学校的一天.注意:would h和used to 都可以指过去常常发生的事,但只有used to 能表示过去的状态.e.g.When we were children we would/ used to go skating every winter.I used to have an old Rolls-Royce.grammar school 在美国指小学或初级中学;英国称文法学校(旧指建立于16世纪前后的注重拉丁语的学校, 后来成为教授语言、历史、科学等的中学,现也指大学预科。

20.assemble: 1)bring or call together into a group集合,装配

e.g.The members of the tour group assembled at the airport for departure.Delegate were assembling in Geneva for the conference.2)fit together the parts or pieces of

e.g.It took me less than an hour to assemble the bookcase.It’s one of those beds that you have to assemble yourself.3)get and put together sth.such as proof or information in an organized way e.g.We will let you have the report as soon as we have assembled all the data.The lawyer is assembling evidence concerning a murder case.21.considerate: thoughtful of the rights and feelings of others;marked by careful thought(followed by of)体贴的

e.g.Friendly and considerate, he invariably consult with people around him before taking decisions.Management should be considerate of the well-being and interests of employees.It wasn’t very considerate of you to drink all the milk when you know I need some for the baby.22.I thanked her for the years of eating her good cooking , the equal of which I had not found since.: …since then I hadn’t found any cooking as good as hers.此句中定语从句的先行词是cooking。类似的定语从句还有:

e.g.The textile mill has over 8,000 workers and staff, eighty percent of whom are women.The newspaper reported another boat-sinking, from which seven people are missing.22.sprinkle: scatter(drops or particles of sth)on(sth.);scatter in small drops e.g.Sprinkle the meat with salt and place it in the pan.Unfortunately , the textbook is sprinkled with errors.Cheese can be sprinkled on egg or vegetable dishes.23.unload: remove(the load or cargo)from a ship, car,etc.: remove the load or cargo

e.g.Unload everything from the boat and clean it thoroughly.My son helped me unload the shopping from the car.They were reported to be unloading trucks filled with looted furniture.24.put : v.travel in a boat or ship across the sea 出发;航行

e.g.Our mast broke, so we had to put about and return to port.桅杆断了,我们不得不回头,回到港口。

25.recede:v.become or seem to become faint or more distant 变模糊;减退

e.g.As the boat picked up speed, the coastline receded into the distance until finally it became invisible.船渐渐加速,海岸想远处退区直到消失。

The painful memories gradually receded in her mind。痛苦的记忆在她脑海里慢慢减退。

26.accord: 1)grant, esp.as being due or appropriate 给予; 授予

e.g.Certainly in our society teachers don’t enjoy the respect that is accord to doctors and lawyers.在我们的社会,教师肯定没有得到医生和律师所得到的那种尊重.The headmaster accorded me permission to attend the seminar.2)cause to conform or agree 使符合;使同意

e.g.His violent actions do not accord with his peaceful words.他的暴力行为同他平和的言辞不相符合.His version of events doesn’t accord with witnesses’ statements 27….two hundred-odd shipmates came pounding up on deck and clustered about the two seamen……

注意: odd 用于数字后,表示具体数字有多,有零头.e.g.---How many people do you think were there last night?


---Oh, I’d say about forty-odd----maybe forty-five.哦,我认为有40多个人---也许有45人.This firm owns 200-odd acres of the best land.这个公司拥有200多亩最好的土地.27.cluster: v.gather or grow into bunches 群集;簇拥

e.g.The girls clustered around their teacher.学生们集聚在老师周围.They clustered together for warmth.他们挤在一起取暖.n.a group of the same or similar elements gathered or occurring closely together 群,簇,丛

e.g.a cluster of fans/ tourists 一群歌迷/游客 28.successive: following one after the other 连续的

e.g.After four successive election defeats, the Labor Party once again faces the painful task of reconstruction.The Brazilian men’s soccer team has won three successive games so far.successively 连续地 e.g.Since the championship began in 1987, they have finished successively in ninth, seventh and fifth position.1987年锦标赛开赛以来,他们连续获得了第九,第七和第五名.succession


e.g.A succession of schools has undermined the government over the past year.过去的一年,一系列的丑闻破坏了政府的形象.29.in turn: in succession;one after another 依次地;轮流地

e.g.Peter passed the diary to the clerk of the court , who in turn passed it to the judge.For years he struggled in turn as a farmer, an agent, and a accountant.by turns 轮流地;交替地

e.g.The teachers were on duty by turns.30.amid : in the middle of , among e.g.The children were changing classrooms amid laughter and shouts.Amid the confusion, the two men slipped away quietly without being noticed.31.humble: v.If someone or something humbles you , they make you realize that you are not as important , capable, or valuable as you thought you are.使卑谦;使卑下

e.g.The examination result humbled him.考试成绩让他丢脸.a.1)not arrogant or prideful 谦虚的

e.g.He gave a great performance , but he was very humble.尽管他做的出色,但仍然很谦虚.He came from a fairly humble, poor background.他出身贫穷,卑微.3)of modest pretensions or dimensions平常的,一般的 e.g.We live in a humble little village.我们住在一个偏远的小村庄.Welcome to our humble adobe.欢迎光临寒舍.32.undergo: v.experience(something that is unpleasant or that involves a change)经过;经历

e.g.She underwent an operation on a tumor in her left lung last year.去年她做了左肺肿瘤切除手术.Cinema in Britain is undergoing a revival of popularity.英国的电影院正在恢复往日的繁荣.No one can force you to undergo a medical examination.Two designers from the Shenzhou III project said that 12 astronauts now are undergoing intensive training.32.swift: rapid, prompt e.g.Because of the swift, enormous growth of the urban areas many farmers left their villages in quest of work.The Olympic motto is Citius-Altius-Fortius.These words mean “ Swifter, Higher, Stronger.” The country seems to have made a swift and successful transition to a market economy.该国迅速而又成功地完成了向市场经济的过渡.Swift reaction/ reply/ response/ denial 快速的反应/回答/回应/否认 33.appreciate: recognize the quality of significance of, value e.g.Professor Smith’s general comments may help students to appreciate the theories in the textbook.I like and appreciate foreign literature in translation.34.bring back: cause to return to the mind 回想起

e.g.Your article brought back sad memories for me.你的文章带给我悲伤的记忆.Few politicians are in favor of bringing back hanging.没有政治家赞成恢复绞刑.The lyric always brought back good memories of my childhood.The old photographs brought many pleasant memories of my college life.35.In the end we are mightily and merely people, each with similar needs.mightily: to a great extent or degree;merely : only, just.这两个词强调人们都是相似的.这句话补充完整的意思是: 尽管人们看似有着不同的需求,其实都是相似的,都需要得到别人对自己的肯定.36.in a flash: instantly e.g.The answer to the math question came to him in a flash.The ceremony was all over in a flash.37….representing my Grandma’s recent hours invested in expressing her loving gratefulness to me.: being proof that my Grandma has spent hours recently in expressing her loving gratefulness to me.38.go about : move around;believe in society;keep busy doing(sth);set about e.g.Some people go about telling untrue stories.It’s unprofessional to go about criticizing your colleagues.Despite the thread of war , people went about their work as usual.You are not going about the job in the right way.39.in a secret: secretly

e.g.The negotiators were meeting in secret for several months before the peace agreement was reached.We found that Mary had been meeting her boyfriend in secret.40.quote : repeat or copy the words of(another)e.g.To close, I would like to quote Benjamin Franklin, “ One should eat to live, not live to eat.”

Nothing gives an author greater pleasure than to find his works respectful quoted by other authors.41.common sense: 常识(由实际生活经验得来的)判断力

e.g.Though he wasn’t schooled , his common sense guided him through life.尽管他没上过学,但他对人情事理的了解使他顺利地度过一生。
