


深圳培训机构设立章程 篇1






































深圳市交易场所设立申请工作指引 篇2






















































承 诺 书









深圳市有限公司章程 篇3

第一条 根据《中华人民共和国公司法》、《深圳经济特区有限责任公司条例》和有关法律法规,制定本章程。

第二条 本公司(以下简称公司)的一切活动必须遵守国家的法律法规,并受国家法律法规的保护。

第三条 公司在深圳市工商行政管理局登记注册。名 称:深圳市 有限公司。

住 所:深圳市 区 路 号 楼 层 室。第四条 公司的经营范围为:


第五条 公司根据业务需要,可以对外投资,设立分公司和办事机构。第六条 公司的营业期限为 年,自公司核准登记注册之日起计算。第二章 股 东

第七条 公司股东共 个: 甲 方: 姓名或名称: 住 所:

执照注册号:(自然人为身份证号码): 乙 方: 姓名或名称: 住 所:

执照注册号:(自然人为身份证号码):(注:若有多个股东照此类推)第八条 股东享有下列权利:







(七)公司侵害其合法利益时,有权向有管辖权的人民法院提出要求,纠正该行为,造成经济损失的,可要求予以赔偿。第九条 股东履行下列义务:





(五)支持公司的经营管理,提出合理化建议,促进公司业务发展。第十条 公司成立后,应当向股东签发出资证明书,出资证明书载明下列事项:






出资证明书应当由公司法定代表人签名并由公司盖章。第十一条 公司置备股东名册,记载下列事项:




(四)出资证明书编号。第三章 注册资本

第十二条 公司注册资本为人民币 万元。各股东出资额及出资比例如下:

股东名称或姓名 出资额 出资比例

第十三条 股东以(货币、实物、工业产权、非专利技术、土地使用权)出资。

第十四条 各股东应当于公司注册登记前足额缴纳各自所认缴的出资额。


第十四条 公司注册资本于公司注册登记之日起两年内分期缴足,首期出资额于公司注册登记前缴付,并且不低于注册资本的50%。股东不缴纳所认缴的出资,应当向已足额缴纳出资的股东承担违约责任。

第十五条 股东可以以非货币出资,但必须按照法律法规的规定办理有关手续。

第十六条 股东可以依法转让其出资。第四章 股东会

第十七条 公司设股东会,股东会由全体股东组成,股东会是公司的最高权力机构。

第十八条 股东会行使下列职权:













第十九条 股东会会议由股东按出资比例行使表决权。


第二十条 股东会每年召开一次年会。年会为定期会议,在每年的十二月召开。公司发生重大问题,经代表四分之一以上表决权的股东、三分之一以上董事,或者监事提议,可召开临时会议。

第二十一条 股东会会议由董事会召集,董事长主持,董事长因特殊原因不能履行职务时,由董事长指定的副董事长或其他董事主持。或:

第二十一条 股东会会议由执行董事召集并主持,执行董事因特殊原因不能履行职务时,由执行董事指定的股东召集并主持。

第二十二条 召开股东会议,应当于会议召开十五日前以书面方式或其它方式通知全体股东。股东因故不能出席时,可委托代理人参加。一般情况下,经全体股东人数半数(含半数)以上,并且代表二分之一表决权的股东同意,股东会决议有效。


第二十三条 股东会应当对所议事项的决定作成会议记录,出席会议的股东应当在会议记录上签名。第五章 董事会(或:执行董事)

第二十四条 公司设董事会,董事会成员共 人,(注:3-13人)其中:董事长一人。(注:是否设副董事长自行决定)或:

第二十四条 公司不设董事会,设执行董事壹名,执行董事行使董事会权利。

第二十五条 董事长为公司法定代表人,由董事会选举产生。(或:由股东会任命产生)任期 年。(注:不得超过三年)或:

第二十五条 执行董事为公司法定代表人,由股东会选举产生,任期 年(注:不得超过三年)。

第二十六条 董事由股东根据出资比例提名候选人,经股东会选举产生。或:

第二十六条 执行董事由股东提名候选人,经股东会选举产生。第十七条 董事任期 年(注:不得超过三年),董事任期届满,可以连选连任。董事在任期届满前,股东会不得无故解除其职务。或:

第二十七条 执行董事任届期满,可以连选连任。在任期届满前,股东会不得无故解除其职务。

第二十八条 董事会(或:执行董事)对股东会负责,行使下列职权:











第二十九条 召开董事会会议,应当于会议召开十日前以书面方式通知全体董事。




第二十九条 执行董事应当将其根据本章程规定的事项所作的决定以书面形式报送股东会。第六章 经营管理机构

第三十条 公司设立经营管理机构,经营管理机构设经理一人,并根据公司情况设若干管理部门。公司经营管理机构经理由董事会(或:执行董事)聘任或解聘,任期 年(注:由公司自行决定)。经理对董事会(或:执行董事)负责,行使下列职权:









第三十一条 董事、经理不得将公司资产以其个人名义或者以其他个人名义开立帐户存储。

董事、经理不得以公司资产为本公司的股东或者其他个人、债务提供担保。第三十二条 董事、经理不得自营或者为他人经营与本公司同类的业务或者从事损害本公司利益的活动。从事上述业务或者活动的,所有收入应当归公司所有。



第三十三条 董事和经理的任职资格应当符合法律法规和国家有关规定。

经理及高级管理人员有营私舞弊或严重失职行为的,经董事会(或:股东会)决议,可以随时解聘。第七章 监事会(或:监事)

第三十四条 公司设监事会,监事成员 名(注:不得少于3人),监事会应在其组成人员中推选一名召集人。(或:公司不设监事会,设监事 名〈注:1-2名〉),监事由股东会委任,任期三年。监事在任期届满前,股东会不得无故解除其职务。董事、经理及财务负责人不得兼任监事。





4、提议召开临时股东会。第八章 财务、会计

第三十五条 公司应当依照法律法规和有关主管部门的规定建立财务会计制度,依法纳税。

第三十六条 公司应当在每一会计终了时制作财务会计报告,并依法经中国注册会计师审查验证。







第三十七条 公司分配当年税后利润时,应当提取利润的百分之十列入公司法定公积金,并提取利润的百分之五至百分之十列入公司法定公益金。公司法定公积金累计额超过了公司注册资本的百分之五十后,可不再提取。


第三十八条 公司法定公积金用于弥补公司的亏损,扩大公司生产经营或者转为增加公司资本。

第三十九条 公司提取的法定公益金用于本公司职工的集体福利。第四十条 公司除法定的会计帐册外,不得另立会计帐册。第四十一条 对公司资产,不得以任何个人名义开立帐户存储。第九章 解散和清算

第四十二条 公司的合并或者分立,应当按国家法律法规的规定办理。第四十三条 在法律法规规定的诸种解散事由出现时,可以解散。第四十四条 公司正常(非强制性)解散,由股东会确定清算组,并在股东会确认后十五日内成立。

第四十五条 清算组成立后,公司停止与清算无关的经营活动。第四十六条 清算组在清算期间行使下列职权;








第四十七条 清算组应当自成立之日起十日内通知债权人,并于六十日内在报纸上至少公告三次。清算组应当对公司债权人的债权进行登记。第四十八条 清算组在清理公司财产、编制资产负债表和财产清单后,应当制定清算方案,并报股东会确认。

第四十九条 财产清偿顺序如下:





公司财产按前款规定清偿后的剩余财产,按照出资比例分配给股东。第五十条 公司清算结束后,清算组制作清算报告,报股东会或主管机关确认。并向公司登记机关申请公司注销登记,公告公司终止。第五十一条 清算组成员应当忠于职守,依法履行清算义务,不得利用职权收受贿赂或者有其他非法收入,不得侵占公司财产。清算组成员因故意或者重大过失给公司或者债权人造成损失的,应当承担赔偿责任。第十章 附 则

第五十二条 本章程中涉及登记事项的变更及其它重要条款变动应当修改公司章程。


第五十三条 股东会通过的章程修正案,应当报公司登记机关备案。第五十四条 本章程与国家法律法规相抵触的,以国家法律法规的规定为准。

第五十五条 公司股东会通过的有关公司章程的补充决议,均为本章程的组成部分,应当报公司登记机关备案。

第五十六条 本章程的解释权归公司股东会,本章程于公司核准登记注册后生效。

股东盖章及签字(注:自然人为签名): 甲 方: 乙 方:

深圳培训机构设立章程 篇4

Documents for Applying for Establishing a Foreign-invested Enterprise


I.Foreign-capital enterprise


* 1.Application for establishing a foreign-capital enterprise(1 original, signed and sealed by the investor);*

2、可行性研究报告(原件1份、投资者签字、盖章); * 2.Feasibility study report(1 original, signed and sealed by the investor);*


* 3.Articles of association of the foreign-capital enterprise(4 originals, signed by the investor, affixing the official seal).4、外资企业法定代表人人选(或者董事会人选名单,如有)(原件1份);

4.Legal representative of the foreign-capital enterprise(or roster of directors, if applicable)(1 original);


5.Registration certificate or identity certificate(1 original)of the overseas investor, as notarized by the national notarial organization in the country of the investor and accredited by the Chinese embassy or consulate in that country.The investors in Hong Kong, Macao or Taiwan shall present the registration or identity certificate(1 original)notarized by the local notarial organization as well as the investor’s certification of credit standing(1 original)according to law.6、工商行政管理部门出具的名称核准书(复印件1份);

6.Name approval(1 Xerox)issued by the administration department for industry & commerce.7、质量技术监督管理部门出具的《全国组织机构代码预赋码通知单》(办理批准证书专用联)

7.Advice of Codes Pre-assigned to Nationwide Organizations(the leaf specific to arranging for the permit)issued by the quality & technology supervision authority.*


* 8.Counterfoil of Permit for Foreign-invested Enterprise(for overseas investors from Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao)(1 completed copy).9、对可能造成环境影响的项目,提交环保部门出具的环保批文(原件、复印件各1份);

9.Environmental permit(1 original and 1 Xerox)issued by the environment protection authority if the project may bring adverse effect to the environment.*


* 10.Power of Attorney for Serving Legal Documents(1 original)signed between the Chinese recipient of legal documents and the investor from abroad or from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.前列1、3项文件必须用中文书写;2、4、5项文件可以用外文书写,但应当附中文译文(可自行翻译,投资者签字盖章;如由专业翻译公司翻译的,提交翻译公司证明材料)。两个或者两个以上外国投资者共同申请设立外资企业,应当将其签订的合同副本报送审批机关备案。

The documents mentioned in the foregoing paragraphs 1 and 3 must be prepared in Chinese;the documents mentioned in the foregoing paragraphs 2, 4 and 5 can be prepared in a foreign language with a Chinese version attached thereto(which can be either a result of translating by the investor, in which case the investor shall affix a signature and a seal to it, or a result of translating by a professional translation company, in which case the translation company shall submit a certification).In case two or more foreign investors jointly apply for establishing a foreign-capital enterprise, the counterpart of the signed contract shall be presented to the approving authority for putting on record.二、中外合资企业

II.Chinese-foreign equity joint venture


* 1.Application for establishing an equity joint venture(1 original, signed and sealed by the parties to the equity joint venture).*


* 2.Feasibility study report prepared by the parties to the equity joint venture(1 original, signed and sealed by the parties to the equity joint venture).*

3、合营各方授权代表签署的合营企业合同和章程(正本各4份,由合营各方法定代表人或授权代表签字并加盖各方公章); * 3.Joint venture contract and articles of association signed by authorized representatives of the parties to the equity joint venture(4 originals, signed by the legal/authorized representatives of the parties to the equity joint venture, with an official seal of each party being affixed to them).4、合营各方的营业执照或者注册登记证明或身份证明(加盖企业公章的中方企业法人营业执照复印件1份;经所在国家公证机关公证并经我国驻该国使[领]馆认证的外国投资者的注册登记证明或身份证明文件原件1份,香港、澳门或台湾地区投资者应当依法提供经当地公证机构公证的注册登记或身份证明文件原件1份);

4.Business license, or registration certificate or identity certificate of the parties to the equity joint venture(1 Xerox of the legal person business license of the Chinese enterprise, with an official seal;1 original of the registration certificate or identity certificate of the foreign investor, as notarized by the notarial organization of the country of the investor and accredited by the Chinese embassy/consulate in the country;and the investors from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan shall present 1 original of the registration certificate or identity certificate notarized by the local notarial organization according to law).5、由合营各方委派的合营企业董事长、副董事长、董事人选名单(原件1份);

5.Roster of the board chairman, vice chairman of the board, and directors(1 original)designated by the parties to the equity joint venture.6、工商行政管理部门出具的名称核准书(复印件1份);

6.Name approval(1 Xerox)issued by the administration department for industry & commerce;


7.Advice of Codes Pre-assigned to Nationwide Organizations(the leaf specific to arranging for the permit)issued by the quality & technology supervision authority.*


* 8.Counterfoil of Permit for Foreign-invested Enterprise(for overseas investors from Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao)(1 copy).9、对可能造成环境影响的项目,提交环保部门出具的环保批文(原件、复印件各1份);

9.Environmental permit(1 original and 1 Xerox)issued by the environment protection authority if the project may bring adverse effect to the environment.*


* 10.Power of Attorney for Serving Legal Documents(1 original)signed between the Chinese recipient of legal documents and the investor from abroad or from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.前列文件,除第4项中所列外国合营者提供的文件外,必须报送中文译文(可自行翻译,投资者签字盖章;如由专业翻译公司翻译的,提交翻译公司证明材料),第2、第3和第5项所列文件可以同时报送合营各方商定的一种外文本。

A Chinese version of the documents mentioned above shall be presented except for those listed in foregoing paragraph 4 which are to be furnished by the foreign joint ventures.(The Chinese version may be either a result of translating by the foreign investor, in which case the investor shall affix a signature and a seal to it;or a result of translating by a professional translation company, in which case the certification document from the translation company shall be submitted.)A foreign language version of the documents mentioned in paragraphs 2, 3 and 5 as agreed by the parties to the equity joint venture can be presented additionally.三、中外合作企业

III.Chinese-foreign contractual joint venture


* 1.Project proposal for establishing a contractual joint venture(1 original, signed and sealed by the parties to the contractual joint venture).*


* 2.Feasibility study report prepared by the parties to the contractual joint venture(3 originals, signed and sealed by the parties to the contractual joint venture).*


* 3.Contract and articles of association of the contractual joint venture(4 originals of each)signed by legal/authorized representatives of the parties to the contractual joint venture, with an official seal of each party being affixed to them.4、合营各方的营业执照或者注册登记证明或身份证明(加盖企业公章的中方企业法人营业执照复印件1份[验原件];经所在国家公证机关公证并经我国驻该国使[领]馆认证的外国投资者的注册登记证明或身份证明文件原件1份,香港、澳门或台湾地区投资者应当依法提供经当地公证机构公证的注册登记或身份证明文件原件1份)、资信证明及法定代表人的有效证明文件(原件各1份);

4.Business license, or registration certificate or identity certificate of the parties to the contractual joint venture(1 Xerox of the legal person business license of the Chinese enterprise, with an official seal, in addition to checking the original;1 original of the registration certificate or identity certificate of the foreign investor, as notarized by the notarial organization of the country of the investor and accredited by the Chinese embassy/consulate in the country;the investors from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan shall present 1 original of the registration certificate or identity certificate notarized by the local notarial organization according to law)in addition to the certification of credit standing and the effective credentials of the legal representative(1 original of each).5、合作各方协商确定的合作企业董事长、副董事长、董事或者联合管理委员会主任、副主任、委员的人选名单(原件1份); 5.Roster of the board chairman, vice chairman of the board, directors of the contractual joint venture agreed by the parties to the contractual joint venture;or roster of the chairman, vice chairman and members of the joint management committee(1 original).6、工商行政管理部门出具的名称核准书(复印件1份);

6.Name approval(1 Xerox)issued by the administration department for industry & commerce.7、质量技术监督管理部门出具的《全国组织机构代码预赋码通知单》(办理批准证书专用联);

7.Advice of Codes Pre-assigned to Nationwide Organizations(the leaf specific to arranging for the permit)issued by the quality & technology supervision authority.*


* 8.Counterfoil of Permit for Foreign-invested Enterprise(for overseas investors from Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao)(1 completed copy).9、对可能造成环境影响的项目,提交环保部门出具的环保批文(原件、复印件各1份);

9.Environmental permit(1 original and 1 Xerox)issued by the environment protection authority if the project may bring adverse effect to the environment.*


* 10.Power of Attorney for Serving Legal Documents(1 original)signed between the Chinese recipient of legal documents and the investor from abroad or from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.前列文件,除第4项中所列外国合作者提供的文件外,必须报送中文译文(可自行翻译,投资者签字盖章;如由专业翻译公司翻译的,提交翻译公司证明材料),第2、第3和第5项所列文件可以同时报送合作各方商定的一种外文本。

A Chinese version of the documents mentioned above must be presented except for those listed in foregoing paragraph 4 which are to be furnished by the foreign contractual party.(The Chinese version may be either a result of translating by the investor, in which case the investor shall affix a signature and a seal to it;or a result of translating by a professional translation company, in which case a certification document from the translation company shall be submitted.)A foreign language version of the documents mentioned in paragraphs 2, 3 and 5 agreed by the parties to the contractual joint venture can be presented additionally.股权并购须知

Notice on equity acquisition 1.股权并购须报送下列材料:

1.For equity acquisition, the following documents shall be presented:(1)被并购境内公司依法变更设立为外商投资企业的申请书(原件1份,被并购境内公司法定代表人签字并加盖公章); 1)Application for modifying the acquired Chinese company to a foreign capital enterprise(1 original, with signature of legal representative of the acquired Chinese company as well as the official seal);(2)被并购的境内有限责任公司股东一致同意外国投资者股权并购的股东会决议,或被并购的境内股份有限公司同意外国投资者股权并购的股东大会决议(原件1份);

2)Resolution of the shareholders’ general meeting where the shareholders of the acquired Chinese limited liability company or the acquired Chinese joint stock limited company unanimously consent to the equity acquisition by the foreign investor(1 original);(3)股权并购后由投资各方签署的所设外商投资企业的合同、章程(原件各4份;外资企业只提交章程,其中外商合资企业的还须提交投资者共同出资协议原件1份);

3)Contract and articles of association of the foreign-invested enterprise signed by the investing parties after equity acquisition(4 originals of each;the foreign-capital enterprise only needs to submit the articles of association, and the Chinese-foreign equity joint venture needs to submit 1 original of the joint contribution agreement of the investors);(4)外国投资者购买境内公司股东股权或认购境内公司增资的协议(原件1份);

4)Agreement that the foreign investor purchases the shareholders’ equity of the Chinese company or subscribes for the increased capital of the Chinese company(1 original);(5)被并购境内公司最近财务年度的财务审计报告(复印件1份);

5)Financial audit report for the last fiscal year of the acquired Chinese company(1 Xerox);(6)经公证和依法认证的投资者的身份证明文件或开业证明、资信证明文件(原件各1份);

6)Notarized or legally certified identity certificate, business start certificate, or investor’s certification of credit standing(1 original of each);(7)被并购境内公司所投资企业的情况说明(原件1份),被并购境内公司及其所投资企业的营业执照(副本),(复印件各1份);

7)Corporate information on the enterprise invested by the acquired Chinese company(1 original), business license of the acquired Chinese company and its invested enterprise(counterpart)(1 Xerox of each).(8)被并购境内公司职工安置计划(原件1份,由并购后所设外商投资企业各方投资者法人或授权代表签字并加盖公章); 8)Scheme of settling staff of the acquired Chinese company(1 original, signed by the legal person or authorized representative of the investors of the foreign-invested enterprise established after acquisition, with an official seal of each party);(9)外国投资者、被并购境内公司、债权人及其他当事人对被并购境内公司的债权债务的处置另行达成协议的,提交债权债务的处置协议(原件1份);

9)In case an agreement is otherwise reached between the foreign investor, the acquired Chinese company, creditor and other acting parties about disposing of the creditor’s rights and liabilities of the acquired Chinese company, such agreement shall be submitted(1 original).(10)外国投资者对并购行为是否存在造成境内市场过度集中,妨害境内正当竞争、损害境内消费者利益的情况说明(原件1份);(注:根据《关于外国投资者并购境内企业的规定》第五章要求书写);

10)Clarification by the foreign investor on whether the acquisition makes the Chinese market over-centralized, impedes normal competition in China, or impairs the interests of the Chinese consumers(1 original)(Note: The clarification shall be prepared in accordance with Chapter 5 of Regulations on Foreign Investors Acquiring Chinese Enterprises);(11)中国境内依法设立的资产评估机构对被并购境内公司所作的《资产评估报告》(原件1份);

11)Assets Evaluation Report on the acquired Chinese company made by an asset evaluation organization established in China according to law(1 original);(12)外国投资者和被并购境内公司的股东名录(原件各1份)、各股东的开业证明或者身份证明文件(复印件各1份); 12)Roster of shareholders of the foreign investor and the acquired Chinese company(1 original of each), business start certificate or identity certificate of the shareholders(1 Xerox);(13)并购当事人对并购各方是否存在关联关系的说明,其中包括并购各方实际控制人的情况说明、并购目的、评估结果是否符合市场公允价值的说明等内容(原件1份);

13)Clarification on whether any associated relationship exists between the acquired party and the acquiring parties, including clarification on the defacto controllers of the acquiring parties, acquisition purpose, and whether the evaluation result conforms to the fair value of the market(1 original);(14)被并购境内公司涉及国有产权转让的,须提交其国有资产管理部门或授权部门对本次并购的批准文件(原件1份); 14)In case the acquired Chinese company involves transfer of state-owned property rights, the approval document for this acquisition issued by the state-owned asset management authority or other authorized department shall be submitted.(15)外国投资者或香港、澳门和台湾地区投资者与境内法律文件送达接受人签署的《法律文件送达授权委托书》(原件1份);15)Power of Attorney for Serving Legal Documents(1 original)signed between the Chinese recipient of legal documents and the investor from abroad or from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan;(16)工商行政管理部门出具的被并购境内公司核准登记资料(原件1份);

16)Approval and registration document of the acquired Chinese company issued by the administration department for industry & commerce(1 original);(17)填报《外商投资企业(台港澳侨)批准证书存根》1份;

17)Counterfoil of Permit for Foreign-invested Enterprise(for overseas investors from Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao)(1 completed copy);(18)被并购境内公司“组织机构代码证”(复印件1份)。

18)“Organization code certificate” of the acquired Chinese company(1 Xerox).2.资产并购须报送下列材料:

2.For assets acquisition, the following documents shall be presented:(1)由投资者签署的外商投资企业设立申请书(原件1份);

1)Application for establishing a foreign-invested enterprise signed by the investors(1 original);(2)被并购境内公司产权持有人或权力机构同意出售资产的决议(原件1份);

2)Resolution that the property rights holder or authority of the acquired Chinese company consents to selling the assets(1 original);(3)投资各方签署的拟设立外商投资企业的合同、章程(原件各4份;外资企业只提交章程,其中外商合资企业的还须提交投资者共同出资协议原件1份);

3)Contract and articles of association of the planned foreign-invested enterprise signed by the investing parties(4 originals of each;the foreign-capital enterprise only needs to submit the articles of association, and the Chinese-foreign equity joint venture also needs to submit 1 original of the joint contribution agreement of the investors);(4)拟设立的外商投资企业与被并购境内公司签署的资产购买协议,或外国投资者与被并购境内公司签署的资产购买协议(原件1份);

4)Asset acquisition agreement signed between the planned foreign-invested enterprise and the acquired Chinese company, or asset acquisition agreement signed between the foreign investor and the acquired Chinese company(1 original);(5)被并购境内公司的章程、营业执照(副本)(复印件各1份);

5)Articles of association and business license of the acquired Chinese company(counterpart)(1 Xerox of each);(6)被并购境内公司通知、公告债权人的证明以及债权人是否提出异议的说明(原件各1份);

6)Notification made by the acquired Chinese company, announcement of the creditors, and clarification on whether the creditors put forward disputes(1 original of each);(7)经公证和依法认证的投资者的身份证明文件或开业证明文件、资信证明文件(原件各1份);

7)Notarized or legally certified identity certificate, or business start certificate, or certification of credit standing of the investors(1 original of each);(8)被并购境内公司职工安置计划(原件1份,并购后所设外商投资企业各方投资者法人或授权代表签字并加盖公章); 8)Scheme of settling staff of the acquired Chinese company(1 original, signed by the legal person or authorized representative of the investors of the foreign-invested enterprise established after acquisition, with an official seal of each party);(9)外国投资者、被并购境内公司、债权人及其他当事人对被并购境内公司的债权债务的处置另行达成协议的,提交债权债务的处置协议(原件1份); 9)In case an agreement is otherwise reached between the foreign investor, the acquired Chinese company, creditor and other acting parties about disposing of the creditor’s rights and liabilities of the acquired Chinese company, such agreement shall be submitted(1 original);(10)外国投资者对并购行为是否存在造成境内市场过度集中,妨害境内正当竞争、损害境内消费者利益的情况说明(原件1份)(注:根据《关于外国投资者并购境内企业的规定》第五章要求书写);

10)Clarification by the foreign investor on whether the acquisition makes the Chinese market over-centralized, impedes normal competition in China, or impairs the interests of the Chinese consumers(1 original)(Note: The clarification shall be prepared in accordance with Chapter 5 of Regulations on Foreign Investors Acquiring Chinese Enterprises;(11)中国境内依法设立的资产评估机构对被并购境内公司所作的《资产评估报告》(原件1份);

11)Assets Evaluation Report on the acquired Chinese company made by an asset evaluation organization established in China according to law(1 original);(12)外国投资者和被并购境内公司的股东名录(原件各1份)、各股东的开业证明或者身份证明文件(复印件各1份); 12)Roster of shareholders of the foreign investor and the acquired Chinese company(1 original of each), business start certificate or identity certificate of the shareholders(1 Xerox);(13)并购当事人对并购各方是否存在关联关系的说明,其中包括并购各方实际控制人的情况说明、并购目的、评估结果是否符合市场公允价值等内容(原件1份);

13)Clarification on whether any associated relationship exists between the acquired party and the acquiring parties, including clarification on the defacto controllers of the acquiring parties, acquisition purpose, and whether the evaluation result conforms to the fair value of the market(1 original);(14)被并购境内公司涉及国有产权转让的,须提交其国有资产管理部门或授权部门对本次并购的批准文件(原件1份); 14)In case the acquired Chinese company involves transfer of state-owned property rights, the approval document for this acquisition issued by the state-owned asset management authority or other authorized department shall be submitted;(15)外国投资者或香港、澳门和台湾地区投资者与境内法律文件送达接受人签署的《法律文件送达授权委托书》(原件1份);15)Power of Attorney for Serving Legal Documents(1 original)signed between the Chinese recipient of legal documents and the investor from abroad or from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan;(16)工商行政管理部门出具的被并购境内公司核准登记资料(原件1份);

16)Approval and registration document of the acquired Chinese company issued by the administration department for industry & commerce(1 original);(17)填报《外商投资企业(台港澳侨)批准证书存根》1份;

17)Counterfoil of Permit for Foreign-invested Enterprise(for overseas investors from Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao)(1 completed copy);(18)《全国组织机构代码预赋码通知单》(第1联、原件)。

18)Advice of Codes Pre-assigned to Nationwide Organizations(the 1st leaf of the original).3、以股权作为支付手段并购境内公司须报送以下资料:

3.In case a Chinese company is acquired through payment of equity, the following documents shall be presented:(1)被并购境内公司依法变更设立为外商投资企业的申请书(原件1份,被并购境内公司法定代表人签字并加盖公章); 1)Application for modifying the acquired Chinese company to a foreign capital enterprise(1 original, with signature of legal representative of the acquired Chinese company as well as the official seal);(2)被并购的境内有限责任公司股东一致同意外国投资者股权并购的决议,或被并购的境内股份有限公司同意外国投资者股权并购的股东大会决议(原件1份);

2)Resolution of the shareholders’ general meeting where the shareholders of the acquired Chinese limited liability company or the acquired Chinese joint stock limited company unanimously consent to the equity acquisition by the foreign investors(1 original);(3)股权并购后由投资各方签署的所设外商投资企业的合同、章程(原件各4份;外资企业只提交章程,其中外商合资企业的还须提交投资者共同出资协议原件1份);

3)Contract and articles of association of the foreign-invested enterprise signed by the investing parties after equity acquisition(4 originals of each;the foreign-capital enterprise only needs to submit the articles of association, and the Chinese-foreign equity joint venture needs to submit 1 original of the joint contribution agreement of the investors);(4)外国投资者购买境内公司股东股权或认购境内公司增资的协议(原件1份);

4)Agreement that the foreign investor purchases the shareholders’ equity of the Chinese company or subscribes for the increased capital of the Chinese company(1 original);(5)被并购境内公司最近财务年度的财务审计报告(复印件1份);

5)Financial audit report for the last fiscal year of the acquired Chinese company(1 Xerox);(6)经公证和依法认证的投资者的身份证明文件或开业证明、资信证明文件(原件各1份);

6)Notarized or legally certified identity certificate, business open certificate, or certification of credit standing of the investors(1 original of each);(7)被并购境内公司所投资企业的情况说明(原件1份),被并购境内公司及其所投资企业的营业执照(副本)(复印件各1份);

7)Corporate information on the enterprise invested by the acquired Chinese company(1 original), business license of the acquired Chinese company and its invested enterprise(counterpart)(1 Xerox of each).(8)被并购境内公司职工安置计划(原件1份,并购后所设外商投资企业各方投资者法人或授权代表签字并加盖公章); 8)Scheme of settling staff of the acquired Chinese company(1 original, signed by the legal person or authorized representative of the investors of the foreign-invested enterprise established after acquisition, with an official seal of each party);(9)外国投资者、被并购境内公司、债权人及其他当事人对被并购境内公司的债权债务的处置另行达成协议的,提交债权债务的处置协议(原件1份);

9)In case an agreement is otherwise reached between the foreign investor, the acquired Chinese company, creditor and other acting parties about disposing of the creditor’s rights and liabilities of the acquired Chinese company, such agreement shall be submitted(1 original);(10)外国投资者对并购行为是否存在造成境内市场过度集中,妨害境内正当竞争、损害境内消费者利益的情况说明(原件1份)(注:根据《关于外国投资者并购境内企业的规定》第五章要求书写);

10)Clarification on whether the acquisition by the foreign investor makes the Chinese market over-centralized, impedes normal competition in China, or impairs the interests of the Chinese consumers(1 original)(Note: The clarification shall be prepared in accordance with Chapter 5 of Regulations on Foreign Investors Acquiring Chinese Enterprises);(11)中国境内依法设立的资产评估机构对被并购境内公司所作的《资产评估报告》(原件1份);

11)Assets Evaluation Report on the acquired Chinese company made by an asset evaluation organization established in China according to law(1 original);(12)境内公司股东名录、境外公司的股东持股情况说明和持有境外公司5%以上股权的股东名录(原件各1份)、各股东的开业证明或者身份证明文件(复印件各1份);

12)Roster of shareholders of the Chinese company, clarification on shareholding of the overseas company, roster of the shareholders with over 5% equity of the overseas company(1 original of each), business start certificate of the shareholder, or identity certificate(1 Xerox);(13)并购当事人对并购各方是否存在关联关系的说明,其中包括并购各方实际控制人的情况说明、并购目的、评估结果是否符合市场公允价值等内容(原件1份);

13)Clarification on whether any associated relationship exists between the acquired party and the acquiring parties, including clarification on the defacto controllers of the acquiring parties, acquisition purpose, and whether the evaluation result conforms to the fair value of the market(1 original);(14)被并购境内公司最近1年股权变动和重大资产变动情况的说明(原件1份);

14)Clarification on shareholding change and significant asset change of the acquired Chinese company in the last year(1 original);(15)并购顾问报告(原件1份); 15)Acquisition consultant report(1 original);(16)境外公司的章程(复印件1份)和对外担保的情况说明(原件1份);

16)Articles of association of the overseas company(1 Xerox)and clarification on guarantee for third parties(1 original);(17)境外公司最近年度经审计的财务报告和最近半年的股票交易情况报告(原件各1份);

17)Audited financial report for the last fiscal year and the stock trade report for the last half year of the overseas company(1 original of each);(18)开办特殊目的公司的企业批准文件和证书、特殊目的公司的境外投资外汇登记表、章程、最终控制人身份证明或开业证明、境外上市商业计划书、并购顾问就特殊目的公司境外上市的股票发行价格所作的评估报告(原件各1份、以上资料在以境外设立的特殊目的公司作为并购主体时提供)

18)Enterprise approval document and certificate for the company started for special purposes, registration form of overseas invested foreign exchange of the special-purpose company, articles of association, identity certificate or business start certificate of the final controller, business plan for getting listed in overseas market, evaluation report on the stock issuance price of the special-purpose company getting listed overseas prepared by the acquisition consultant(1 original of each, the foregoing documents shall be furnished in case the special-purpose company incorporated overseas serves as an acquisition principal).(19)被并购境内公司涉及国有产权转让的,须提交其国有资产管理部门或授权部门对本次并购的批准文件(原件1份); 19)In case the acquired Chinese company involves transfer of state-owned property rights, an approval document for this acquisition issued by the state-owned asset management authority or other authorized department shall be submitted.(20)外国投资者或香港、澳门和台湾地区投资者与境内法律文件送达接受人签署的《法律文件送达授权委托书》(原件1份);20)Power of Attorney for Serving Legal Documents(1 original)signed between the Chinese recipient of legal documents and the investor from abroad or from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan;(21)工商行政管理部门出具的被并购境内公司核准登记资料(原件1份);

21)Approval and registration document of the acquired Chinese company issued by the administration department for industry & commerce(1 original);(22)填报《外商投资企业(台港澳侨)批准证书存根》1份;

22)Counterfoil of Permit for Foreign-invested Enterprise(for overseas investors from Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao)(1 completed copy);(23)被并购境内公司“组织机构代码证”(复印件1份)。
