


外研版必修一教案 篇1


(Passage 1)

1. Li Kang’s hometown is __________.

A. the capital city of China

B. not far from Shijiazhuang

C. the capital city of Hebei province

D. not far from Hebei province

2. In Li Kang’s Junior High school, _________.

A. the teachers were not friendly at all

B. the teacher’s method of teaching were boring

C. there were more students in his class

D. there was not so much technology in the classrooms

3. Li Kang thinks that __________.

A. Ms Shen’s teaching method is not good

B. Ms Shen is not so good as his previous teacher

C. he has a lot of fun in his English class

D. they should write much in the English class

4. Li Kong will _______ after he finishes the school diary.

A. go to school again

B. do his homework

C. go to bed

D. do reading practice

(Passage 2)

5. Rob Marshall wrote Li Kang to ________.

A. tell him something about American school system

B. say hello to him

C. talk about Chinese school system

D. ask him something about his new school

6. American primary school usually covers _______.

A. three years B. seven years C. four years D. six years

7. The American students need _________ if they want to go to college.

A. to work seven years in secondary school

B. a high school diploma

C. to work eleven years in secondary school

D. take all kinds of after-class activities

8. In the U.S. the new school year begins _________.

A. In September B. In December C. In May D. In January

Keys: 1-4 CDCB 5-8 ADBA

外研版必修一教案 篇2


教学内容:外研版高中英语必修1 Module 2 Cultural Corner Different Countries, Different Schools



(一) 教学内容分析

本课教学内容分为两部分:第一部分文本为外研版高中英语必修1 Module 2 My New Teachers的Cultural Corner部分;第二部分文本为BBC纪录片《我们的孩子足够坚强吗?》部分视频内容。

第一部分主要介绍了我国和国外公立、私立学校中师生关系的相同点和不同点, 指出不同国家师生关系各有不同, 其中英国的师生关系最融洽, 但课堂纪律存在极大问题。以此为切入点, 引出第二个文本。该文本是BBC纪录片中关于五名中国教师在英国博航中学上课时课堂出现纪律不良现象的原因分析, 让学生进一步了解不同国家对课堂纪律要求产生的不同原因。

这两部分内容分别从现象和原因两个方面介绍了英国学生的课堂纪律问题。文本的关联性较高, 逻辑性较好, 符合学生的认知习惯。

(二) 教学对象分析

教学对象为山东省青岛市第五十八中学高一年级学生。该校学生有较好的英语语言基础, 基础词汇量在1600~2000之间。由于课前与学生没有接触, 对于学生的学情不甚了解, 笔者将在上课时进行灵活调整。

(三) 教学目标分析

英语课程承担着培养学生基本英语素养和发展学生思维能力的任务。语言既是交流的工具, 也是思维的工具 (教育部2012) 。依据英语学科基本核心素养, 以及《高中英语课程标准》对高一学生听、说、读、写、看等各项能力的基本要求, 笔者制订了以下教学目标。

1. 语言能力

(1) 学生能理解并学会使用单词formal, respect, discipline;

(2) 学生具备利用相关信息分析问题、解决问题的能力。

这两项语言能力是本堂课的主要训练目标, 教学设计也是以此为基础的。

2. 文化品格

学生通过分析和探究文本内容有效理解文化差异, 理性分析问题, 并认识到不同国家因文化背景不同而对课堂纪律的要求不同。

3. 思维品质

本堂课着重训练学生的批判性思维, 让学生批判性地思考每一种现象存在的原因, 并学会表达。

4. 学习能力


(四) 教学重点和难点分析

1. 分析、探究文本, 认识纪律对于课堂学习的重要作用;

2. 理解文化差异, 分析产生差异的原因, 并能够使用适切的语言进行表达。


笔者将设计重心放到文本所传递信息的分析和探究上, 所设计的课堂任务不再采用传统的文本结构分析和文法应用解析模式。让学生获得沉浸式课堂体验是本课教学设计的主要出发点。美国心理语言学家Stephen D.Krashen认为, 只有自然吸收的语言才能转化为口头用语并能熟练应用。靠语法分析得到的理性知识并不能使人们熟练掌握外语 (胡文仲2008) 。基于此, 笔者将本课的教学活动设置为三部分, 即Before reading, While reading和After reading。


(一) Before reading


笔者先依次展示三幅图片, 分别涉及formal (见图1) , respect (见图2) 和discipline (见图3) , 然后让学生口头描述, 练习使用这三个单词。

2. 介绍并播放视频 (五名中国教师在英国上课的情况) 。

视频播放结束后让学生自由发表意见并预测What will happen to the five teachers’classes?

【设计意图】图片导入清晰明了, 学生可以很快读懂图片内容, 明白这些词汇的实际使用环境。由视频引出本课话题Discipline, 学生不需转换思维过程就能马上进入课题的思考。预测问题的设计利用了学生的好奇心, 又不打断学生的思考顺序, 为之后的阅读做好了准备。视频是关于五名中国教师在英国上课的情况, 这可以很好地引导学生从文化差异的角度思考问题, 也体现了文化品质的培养目标。

(二) While reading

笔者要求学生阅读提前预设的文本并提取信息, 完成以下任务。

1.What kind of differences in schools does this passage describe?

2. 完成表1。

【设计意图】学生带着之前讨论的结果完成所给的阅读任务, 可以更好地了解英国学校课堂纪律的现状。本环节的目的是要学生明确了解相关信息, 为下一步的讨论和分析问题做好准备。这既是接受性思维的体现, 又是探究式学习的第一步, 即信息积累。

(三) After reading

1. 在学生完成阅读后, 笔者播放另一个短视频, 展示英国的学校课堂实际情况。

【设计意图】学生通过观看视频明确了解英国的学校课堂实际情况, 修正并梳理已经获得的信息, 更好地为之后的任务做准备。

2. 讨论活动


What will happen if the five Chinese teachers are giving the lessons?

【设计意图】本环节的目的是培养学生的创新思维。这一活动所采用的内容紧密结合Before reading部分所使用的视频内容, 使课堂任务显得更加紧密。另外, 笔者充分利用预设环境, 促使学生积极参与课堂活动, 继续探究话题内容。

3. 小结对比

完成以上任务后, 笔者引导学生作小结。首先, 笔者让学生充分发表意见, 然后总结, 并引导学生发现其中的不同 (展示图片4) 。其次, 笔者引出新问题, 鼓励学生积极思考。

【设计意图】学生在完成了以上任务后, 已经拥有了足够的信息积累, 接下来应该是针对已有的信息进行总结分析, 而这一步就需要教师的适时引导, 带领学生去思考更深层次的问题。本环节是课堂转换的关键节点, 学生从这里开始需要更多的自主探究和批判性思考。本环节既体现了本课例最初的关于思维品质的设计目标———有探究性和批判性思维, 又体现出教师积极主动参与课堂教学, 帮助学生解决思维过程中的障碍, 给学生以知识的启迪。

4. 深层阅读

在新问题的引导下, 学生阅读新的语篇, 并找出所给问题的答案。

In Britain, the parents and the whole society don’t have that high expectation on the children of this age.They just live the life, you know, as they like.They can do whatever they want.They don’t have a lot of pressure.Some of the students’parents say that“although this is supposed to be Chinese methods, they are still Chinese methods in a British classroom”, and the students are loudly and clearly saying, “We are British and we are doing it in our way.”

But the headmaster of Bohunt says that has possibly got more to do with the teaching and learning, rather than discipline itself.

Question:What makes the differences?

【设计意图】深层阅读主要是为了帮助学生更好地理解并修正自己之前对相关问题的认知。而多元化的学习任务的安排能够让学生较好地保持学习兴趣, 也能够让具有不同兴趣和学习能力的学生在学习过程中贡献自己的力量。


在读完小短文后, 学生可以充分利用自己在本堂课所获得的信息进行讨论。学生分组讨论问题:What makes the differences?

【设计意图】这是一个升华式的讨论, 讨论的过程也是问题解决的过程。通过这样的讨论, 学生可以明确并理解东西方学校在课堂纪律要求方面产生不同的原因, 同时也能明白中国学校课堂纪律要求严格的原因。这既体现了对学生的德育培养, 又体现了学生尊重自己的文化以及文化差异的品质。

(四) Conclusion

笔者总结本堂课, 并要求学生解决以下问题。

If you are a teacher, what kinds of the students’behavior do you think are acceptable when you are giving a lesson?Why? (4~5 sentences)

【设计意图】在完成前面的任务后, 学生可以创造性地解决新的问题。这充分锻炼了学生的学习能力, 也让学生的知识水平得到了升华。这个学习任务紧密贴合整个课例的设计意图, 充分锻炼了学生的创造性思维。

(五) Assignment

Refine your sentences and we will share your ideas with your classmates next time.

【设计意图】在结束本课学习后, 学生在课下可以继续深化思考, 通过互相分享更好地锻炼思维, 增强合作意识。这也是学生自我评价、自我检测的一种方式。


本堂课的设计紧贴高中英语核心素养, 注重对学生文化品格和思维品质的培养。课堂设计体现了课堂学习中建设学生学习共同体的教学理念, 让学生在学习过程中能够自主探究并学会批判性地思考问题。

本堂课的不足之处体现在以下两个方面:一是在实际操作环节中, 笔者和学生的交流不是很流畅;二是在个别环节的设计上, 效果并不是很理想, 和本课的整体教学目标不够统一。


课堂是反映教师学养的一面镜子, 教师所上的每一堂课都反映了他们平时的知识底蕴和精神面貌。教师只有不间断地读书、学习, 不断加强自身修养, 不断丰富自己的知识, 才能上好每一堂课, 才能使学生在每一堂课中都学有所得。



外研版必修一教案 篇3

Module 4 Fine Arts—Western, Chinese and Pop Arts Teaching

Plan 2 Teaching aims: Enabling the students to 1.grasp more information from the passages 2.master the language points in the passages Teaching steps: Step 1: Revision: Ask some students to read out their compositions.Correct the mistakes if any.Ask the following questions; 1)Are you interested in art/ 2)Can you name a great nineteenth-century Chinese artist? 3)Do you like traditional Chinese art using brush and ink? Step 2: Discussion: Look at the pictures on page 31.Say which one you prefer.Give it a title.Say what you think about it.Painting 1—紧抱双手的杰奎琳 Jacqueline With Crossed Hands Painting 2—万竹山居图 by Qi Baishi Painting 3—柳牛图 by Qi Baishi 万条柳丝下,一大一小两头牛,老牛正伸着脖子,弓着脊背,似乎在呼唤…… Step 3: Language points: 1.name 1)给……命名,取名 name A … name A after B 2)说出……的名称,叫出……的名字,列举 name the trees 2.considered to be 3.start Cubism 4.with different aspects of the object or person showing at the same time.with + 宾语 + 宾补 5.be known for 6.in black inks 7.best-known 8.imitate 9.be famous for 10.get tired of 11.all the time 12.be crazy about 13.stand the picture of a golden-haired girl 14.be fond of 15.develop an interest in sth.Step 4: Reading Read the passages again and pay attention to the language points we learned in this period.Step 5: Homework: Make some sentences with the phrases learned in this period.2

外研版必修一教案 篇4

一、教材分析 A Lively City 是外研版必修一 Module 4 A Social Survey-----My Neighborhood 中的阅读课文。这篇文章以对话的方是


二、学情分析 我所长篇幅的课 进步。在课




三、教学资源与策略 本节课除外研

教案中的一些要采用的教学策略有: 任务型阅读教学法和交际式教学法。

四、教学目标 1.1 2文章大意并能完成相应阅读任务。3)能够复述文章并介绍自己的城市。2.过程与



五、教学重难点 1.1)学会利用跳读、略读等阅 2)正确理解文章主题大意及细节信息。2.2)


六、教学过程 教学环节 教师活动 Review some words and expressions by having students describing their own houses and city.Then show some beautiful pictures of a city to have them use some adjectives to describe so as to lead in the topic A Lively City.Have students discuss and predict 学生活动 1.Take part in the activity actively 2.Apprreciate these pictures and discuss some questions 设计意图 Step One Leading-in Step Two Discussion Discuss and 通过简单的描述来复习上节课的词汇既能快速将学生带入课

课题---A Lively City。通过讨论猜测的形式锻炼 and prediction which city the text will talk about and which aspects it will focus on? 1.A.Xi’an B.Shanghai C.Beijing D.Xiamen 2.A.position B.weather C.buildings D.business district E.island F.food H.culture Have students read the text quickly in five to eight minutes to get the mian idea and important information.一.Choose the correct answer.1.John Martin is visiting _____.1)Xiaoli’s hometown 2)a town near where Xiaoli lives 3)a shopping mall 2.Xiaoli lives _____.1)on the island of Gulangyu 2)in Xiamen 3)in a town to the northwest of Xiamen 3.John and Xiaoli are _____.1)at Xiaoli’s home 2)driving around the city in a car 3)on a train 4.Which is the most interesting part of the city? 1)The western district 2)The eastern district 3)The Gulangyu island 4)The northern district.二.True or Forse.predict the topic actively with each other 读下文会更有目的性。Step Three Reading Read the text quickly to find the main idea and important information.Then finish the exercises.1.相应的阅读任务。2.完成 形成良好的阅读习惯。1.John and Xiaoli haven’t seen each other for six years.2.John has never been to China before.3.Xioali enjoys living on the coast.4.There are very few tourists in northwest of Xiamen.5.There are a lot of high-rise buildings on Gulangyu island.6.There are some interesting buildings on Gulangyu island.Listen to the text carelfully and then leave them time to have a further understanding of it and then finish following exercises.一.Answer questions 1.How does John Martin describe Xiamen? 2.What’s Xiamen’s weather like? 3.What about the businness district? 4.How is the Gulangyu island? Fill in the blanks.1.Position:On the____, by the seaside.In the ____ of Xiamen 2.The city:____, interesting and lively.3.The people: ______ 4.Climate:Pretty____and_____in summer, ____ in winter.5.Business district:lots of___ ___ have been put up;there are some great _____.6.Western district: there are some pretty ____.7.Gulangyu Island:____, with some interesting architecture Retell the text Pay attention to detailed information.Step Four Further Reading Step Five Consolidation Xiamen is one of the most __________cities on the______.Listen to the text carefully once again to get more detailed information.Then answer the questions.According to the text, put corret answers on the blanks.Try to rerell the whole text.Put appropriate 生对课


通过给短文填空的形式进行课片文章学完后 The climate is ___________and wet in summer , but it can be quite cold in winter.Every year, many_______ come to Xiamen




holidays,especially Its_______________has put up a lot of high-rise buildings recently.And there are some great_____________.The western district is the most interesting part of the city.It’s got some really____________.Xiamen is famous for Gulangyu Island.It’s a ________island with some really interesting____________.in summer.words in the blanks.锻炼了他们的概括能力。Step six Summary Step seven Homework Summarize the text in several sentences.1.A lively city----Xia Men 2.Some information about the city 3.How to describe a city Write a short passage of your hometown using following words and expressions.Location and area population landscape and rivers climate nature and environment history life and culture specialty(特产)local flavor(风味小吃)economy Review the whole lesson Try to describe their hometown with following informatiion.对本节课进行概括和归纳 通过作文的训练考查他们对课




八、教学反思 在整个教学过程中我利用理解文章结构框架及复述课与课



Module4 A Social Survey---My neighbourhood---A Lively City 1.Text structure: the position---the weather---the buildings and business district---Gulangyu island 2.Summary: 1)A Lively City---Xiamen 2)Something about Xia men 3)How to describe a city 3.在阅读环节中教师设计很多教学活动。例

main idea scanning 学生尽快熟悉文章。第三次阅读后设置一些深层次理解的问题。例如

外研版英语必修五词组总结 篇5

Module 1.1.It is obvious(to sb.)that 2.confuse A with/and B 3.be confused by sth.4.in confusion 5.compare...with...6.compare...to 7.comepared to/with 8.a variety of=varieties of 9.differ from sb./sth.10.differ in...11.have sth.in common(with sb./sth.)12.have a lot/much/a great deal in common with...13.have nothing/little in common with...14.in common with sb./sth.15.make a difference 16.make some difference to...17.make much difference to...18.make no difference to...19.be similar to 20.be similar in 21.have some/much difficulty(in)doing sth.22.have some/much difficulty with sth.23.with difficulty 24.lead to sb.doing sth.25.lead sb.to do sth.26.announce sth.to sb.=announce to sb.sth 27.add...to...28.add to 29.add up...30.add up to...31.make an announcement 32.at present 33.make an attempt to do sth.34.make an attempt at doing sth.35.at one’s first attempt 36.attempt at(doing)sth.37.in favour of 38.do sb.a favour 39.ask sb.a favour =ask a favour of sb 40.in sb.’s favour 41.refer to...as...42.refer to 43.make(a)reference(s)to 44.now(that)+ 句子


Module 1.1.从句 对某人来说,……是显然的

2.把A和B相混淆 3.被…….搞糊涂了 4.困惑的;困窘地 5.和……比较 6.把……比作


9.与某人或某物有区别,相异 10.在某方面不同

11.和某人或某物有相同之处 12.与……有很多共同之处

13.与……没有/很少有共同之处 14.和……一样

15.有关系;有重要性; 16.对……有些关系

17.关系重大;有重大影响 18.对……没有关系 19.与……相似 20.在……方面相似

21.做某事有些/很多困难 22.做某事有一些/很多困难 23.困(艰)难地 24.使得某人做某事 25.使得某人去做某事 26.向某人宣布某事 27.把……加到……中 28.增加

29.合计;加起来 30.总计

31.发表声明,通知 32.现在;目前 33.试图做某事

34.试图(尝试)做某事 35.第一次尝试 36.尝试(做)某事 37.同意,支持,拥护 38.帮某人一个忙 39.请求某人帮忙 40.有助于某人 41.称……为…… 42.参考

43.提及,论及 44.由于;既然 Module 2 1.to one’s satisfaction 2.offer one’s hand 3.offer sb.sth.=offer sth.to sb.4.show/have respect for sb.=respect sb.5.give/send my respects to sb.6.in all respects 7.pass by 8.pass away 9.pass down 10.pass on 11.take...for granted 12.take it/things easy 13.take one’s time 14.in particular 15.be particular about/over...16.have an effect on...17.take up 18.when(1)sb.was about to do sth.when...=sb.was on the point of doing sth.when...某人正要干某事时,这时…….(2)sb.was doing sth.when...某人正在干某事时,这时……(3)sb.had(just)done sth.when...某人刚干完某事时,这时…… 19.apply(to sb.)for sth.20.apply sth.to sth.21.apply to...22.apply oneself to...23.sth.require doing/to be done 24.require sb.to do sth.25.require that...(should)do sth.26.in great demand 27.meet/satisfy one’s demand(s)28.demand to do sth.29.demand that...(should)do sth.30.in response to 31.make/give a response to 32.make/give no response to

Module 2

1.使某人感到满意的是 2.伸出手

3.为某人提供某物 4.尊敬某人

5.请代我向某人问好/致意 6.无论从哪方面来看 7.经过;从……旁经过 8.去世;(时间等)消磨掉,过去 9.把……一代传一代;流传 10.传递

11.认为…...理所当然 12.轻松,放松 13.慢慢来,不着急 14.尤其,特别地 15.对……讲究/挑剔 16.对……有影响 17.站好位置以备……


19.(向某人)申请某物 20.把……应用于…… 21.适用于…… 22.致力于……

23.某物需要被做…… 24.要求某人做某事 25.要求做某事 26.需求很大

27.满足某人的需要 28.要求做某事 29.要求某人做某事 30.作为……的回应 31.对…...做出反应 32.对…不予回答/理解

Module 3 1.on account of 2.on no account 3.take sth.into account =take account of sth.4.account for 5.lie-lay-lain-lying lie-lied-lied-lying lay – laid –laid – laying 6.The boy lying on the ground lied that his cock

Module 3


2.决不,在任何条件下都不 3.把某事考虑在内 4.做出解释,提出理由 5.平躺;位于 说谎,放置; 产卵

6.躺在地上的小男孩撒谎说他的公鸡下了一laid an egg 7.get into(a)panic 8.be at/in a panic 9.be curious about 10.out of curiosity 11.satisfy one’s curiosity 12.have connection with 13.have a direct/close/strong connection with 14.have sth./nothing to do with 15.be related to 16.to one’s astonishment 17.to one’s surprise 18.to one’s excitement 19.to one’s disappointment 20.to one’s sorrow 21.to one’s joy 22.to one’s satisfaction 23.warn sb.about/of sth.24.warn sb.not to do sth.=warn against doing sth 25.be determined to do sth.26.force sb.to do sth.=force sb.into doing sth 27.force sth.on/upon sb.28.play a trick on sb.29.make fun of sb.30.make up 31.be/feel in the mood for(doing)sth =be/feel in the mood to do sth.32.in a bad/good mood 33.be set in 34.set off 35.set out to do sth.36.set about doing sth.37.set sth.aside 38.set up 39.resemble … in…


7.陷入恐慌状态 8.在恐慌中

9.对……好奇,感兴趣 10.出于好奇

11.满足某人的好奇心 12.与…有联系/有关联

13.与…有直接/密切/牢固的联系 14.与…有关/与…无关 15.与…有关

16.令某人吃惊的是 17.令某人吃惊的是 18.令某人激动的是 19.令人失望的是 20.令人难过的是 21.令人高兴的是 22.令人满意的是 23.警告某人某事

24.警告某人不要做某事 25.决心做某事 26.强迫某人做某事 27.把…强加于某人

28.拿某人开玩笑,捉弄某人 29.嘲笑某人;取笑某人


32.情绪不好/很好 33.以…为背景

34.出发;引爆,使爆炸 35.开始做某事


37.把某物放在一边;省出; 38.建立;设立;创立 39.在…方面像…

Module 4 1.hide sth.from sb.Module 4

1.隐藏某物不让人发现; 对某人隐瞒某事 2.come to an end 3.put an end to 4.bring...to an end 5.in the end 6.date back to=date from 7.dress up 8.dress up as...9.dress up in red 10.dress sb.(oneself)11.be dressed in white 12.make...with...13.make...on...14.consist of 15.give up 16.give away 17.give back 18.give in to 19.give off 20.give out 21.take in 22.take off 23.take on 24.take place 25.take up 26.There is/was no need for sb.to do 27.There is no possibility that...… 28.There is no doubt that...29.There is no point in doing sth.2.完结 3.结束,终止 4.使…结束 5.终于;最后 6.追溯到,开始于 7.装扮;打扮 8.装扮成… 9.穿上红色的衣服 10.给某人穿衣 11.穿着白色衣服 12.用…在…做标记 13.在…上做…记号 14.由…组成;由…构成 15.放弃 16.赠送

17.归还;恢复健康 18.向…让步,屈服于

19.发出,放出(气体,气味等)20.分发(试卷等),筋疲力尽 21.收留


25.开始从事;继续,接下去 26.某人没有必要做… 27.不可能… 28.毫无疑问… 29.做某事没有意义 Module 5 1.retire from 2.perform one’s promise 3.perform an operation on sb.4.have an advantage over 5.have an advantage in 6.take advantage of 7.to sb’s advantage 8.have the advantage of 9.give sb.a guarantee 10.under guarantee 11.on the increase 12.together with 13.increase by 14.increase(from…)to 15.by chance 16.take a chance/chances 17.protest against/about/at 18.declare sth.(to be)sth.19.declare war on/against sb.20.declare against 21.declare for 22.declare that...23.So what? 24.rise to one’s feet 25.pick up 26.That’s not the point 27.to the point 28.off the point 29.There’s no point in...Module 5

1.从…退休,从…退役 2.履行承诺 3.给某人做手术 4.比…有优势 5.在…方面占优势 6.利用 7.对某人有利 8.有…的优势 9.给某人保证/承诺 10.在保修期内 11.正在增加

12.加之,连用;和,与 13.增加了(表示增加的比率)

14.(从…)增长到…(表示增加后的结果)15.偶然的,意外的,碰巧 16.碰运气/冒险 17.反对…,抗议…

18.宣布某物是…,断言…为… 19.对…宣战 20.表示反对… 21.表示赞同 22.声明,郑重地说

23.(非正式)那又怎样呢?结果怎样? 24.站起身

25.把…扶起来;接某人;收听;好转 26.那不是关键;没有说到点子上 27.很得要领的;中肯的 28.离题的


Module 6 1.protect...from/against...2.prevent...from stop...from keep...from 3.be worthy of sth 4.sth.be worthy of being done =sth.be worthy to be done 5.on the spot 6.in good condition 7.in bad/poor condition 8.on one condition 9.on condition that 10.on no condition 11.in danger of 12.out of danger 13.be in fashion 14.be/go out of fashion 15.take aim at 16.aim sth.at 17.aim at 18.aim to do 19.be aimed at 20.involve sb.in 21.be involve in 22.focus on 23.focus one’s attention/eyes on 24.be concerned with 25.as/so far as I’m concerned 26.as far as sth.is concerned 27.stand for 28.set up 29.set about 30.set off 31.set down 32.set out(+ to do)

Module 6

1.保护…免受 2.阻止某人做某事 3.值得…,配得上… 4.某事值得做

5.当场,在现场 6.状况良好,保存得好 7.状况不佳,破烂不堪 8.有一个条件 9.只要, 如果,条件是 10.绝不 11.有…的危险 12.脱离危险 13.在流行 14.不流行/过时 15.瞄准 16.用…瞄准…

17.针对,瞄准;目标是做… 18.旨在做…,意欲做…,打算做… 19.目的是;旨在;针对 20.使某人卷入

21.涉及到,卷入,专心于 22.注意,集中于 23.把注意力/目光集中于 24.与…有关,涉及 25.就我而言,依我看来 26.就某事而言 27.代表,象征 28.建立;成立

外研版必修一教案 篇6

1,知识目标:learn the new words: surprise, everywhere, restaurant , different, dancing, weekend and learn the new sentences: there is a Chinatown in new york.we saw Chinese dancing.we ate in a Chinese restaurant.2,技能目标:the students can describe the places 3,情感目标:love china and know some knowledge about Chinatown.,教学重难点:

Where „„.go? What „..see? What„„eat?


According to the level of the students, choose the best way to teach the knowledge.教教学设计 Step1: Warmer 1.Sing the song: the great wall of china.2.Review the past tense(大屏幕出示动词原形,让学生说出它们的过去式)see-saw have-had go-went eat-ate are-were is,am-was speak-spoke Step 2: Learn the new words.1.The teacher show the card and have the students try to read them.2.If they can’t read them, the teacher teach.3.Play the game:pass the cards.4.Read the words together and the teacher write the words on the blackboard.(当教到chinatown时老师及时的把课题写在黑板上)Step 3.learn the part 1: listen,point and find

“spoke,ate,went, saw”.1.The teacher take out a letter and read it.Then have the students say out the place, at last the teacher show a picture about the Chinatown.(播放唐人街的视频)

2.Ok, listen, daming went to the chinatowm, can guess :what did he see? What did he eat? And what did he do? Then the students guess the answer so that the students can understand the meaning of the letter.3.Listen and fill in in the blanks.There is a big Chinatown in New York.4.Listen and repeat, check the answers.(播放课文录音)5.Find out the past tense and write down the words.6.Have the students retell the letters: had-went-were-spoke-ate-was-saw-liked.7.Show the results.Step 4 : Describe the place.1.The teacher show a picture about tuha oil base.Then have the students make a new dialogue.Eg: where did you go last Sunday? I went to„.What did you see? I saw „.What did you eat? I ate„..2.The teacher show another pictures and have the students make a new dialogue in pairs.(出示公园的图片,让学生用英语表达上周去哪了,看到什么,吃了什么„)3.Show the results.Step 6.homework 1.Finish the part 4 in activity book.2.Write an email to your friend.板书设计

Module2 Unit 1 There is a big Chinatown in New York.We ate in a Chinese restaurant.We saw Chinese dancing.教学反思:复习过去式可以让学生在下面的课文学习中得心应手。为

高中英语外研版必修五单词表 篇7

1.have …in common 有相同的特点43.look n.外观;外表;样子

2.linguist n.语言学家44.criticize vt.批评

3.make a difference 有影响,使不相同45.standard adj.标准的4.accent n.口音46.reference n.参考;查阅

5.obvious adj.显然的;显而易见的6.motorway n.(英)高速公路

7.underground n.(英)地铁

8.subway n.(美)地铁

9.get around 四处走动(旅行)

10.flashlight n.(美)手电筒;火把

11.queue vi.(英)排队(等候)

12.confusing adj.令人困惑的;难懂的13.preposition n.介词

14.compare vt.比较

15.omit vt.省略

16.variety n.种类

17.differ vi.不同;有区别

18.settler n.移民;定居者

19.be similar to 与……相似

20.remark n.评论;讲话

21.variation n.变化

22.have difficulty(-in)doing sth.做某事有困难

23.steadily adv.不断地;持续地

24.satellite n.卫星

25.flick n.轻打;轻弹;抖动

26.l switch n.开关

27.ead to 引起;导致

28.structure n.结构;体系

29.rapidly adv.迅速地

30.announcement n.声明;宣告

31.linguistics n.语言学

32.edition n.(广播、电视节目的)期;版

33.cute adj.逗人喜爱的34.add vt.加;增加

35.in favour of 同意;支持

36.present vt.陈述;提出(观点、计划等)

37.refer to...as …称……为……

38.attempt n.努力;尝试

39.simplify vt.简化

40.combination n.组合;结合41.thanks to 幸亏,多亏

42.distinctive adj.与众不同的Module2

47.intellectual adj.脑力的;思维的,需用才智的48.48.satisfying adj.令人满意的49.stressful adj.充满压力的;紧张的50.accountant n.会计

51.barber n.理发师

52.biochemist n.生物化学家

53.electrician n.电工;电器技师

54.miner n.矿工

55.volunteer n.志愿者

56.offer vi.(主动)提出(愿意做某事)

57.signal n.信号

58.in particular 尤其;特别

59.sheer adj.垂直的;陡峭的60.on average平均

61.in theory 理论上;从理论上来说

62.in practice 实际上;在实践中

63.respect vt.遵守

64.toll n.(事故、疾病等的)伤亡人数

65.bend n.弯曲处;弯道

66.circular adj.圆形的67.direct vt.指挥

68.pass by 经过

69.take… for granted 以为……理所当然

70.encounter n.相遇;邂逅

71.profound adj.(影响)深刻的;极大的72.have an effect on 对……产生影响

73.mission n.任务;职责;使命

74.take up 站好位置以备……

75.vertical adj.垂直的76.take notice of 注意到

77.temporary adj.暂时的;临时的78.freezer n.冰箱

79.freeze vi.冻住;冻僵

80.contract n.合同;契约

81.earn vt.挣(钱)

82.permanent adj.长久的;永久的;永恒的83.salary n.工资;薪水

84.staff n.全体职员;员工

85.sign vt.签字;签署

86.agent n.代理人;经纪人

87.analyst n.分析家;分析师

88.apply vi.申请

89.deduction n.推理;推断

90.organizational adj.组织的91.post n.工作;职位

92.chef n.厨师

93.require vt.需要

94.renewable adj.(合同)可续签的95.essential adj.必不可少的;绝对重要的96.model n.模特

97.shot n.(电影、电视或照片的)镜头

98.in response to 作为……的回应

99.grateful adj.感激的;感谢的100.available adj.可获得的101.database n.数据库;资料库

102.demand n.要求;需要

103.bioinformatician n.生物信息学(研究)者

104.traditional adj.传统的105.youngster n.年轻人

106.suffer vi.遭受(痛苦)

107.pathologist n.病理学家

108.double vi.加倍

109.leisure n.休闲

110.individual n.个人

111.fitness n.健康

112.outgoing adj.外向的113.personality n.个性;性格


114.biography n.(由他人撰写的)传记156.penny n.(硬币)便士;(美)分

115.fantasy n.幻想;想象157.force vt.强迫;迫使

116.have connection with 与……有联系 / 有关联158.pilot n.领航员

117.detective n.侦探159.vivid adj.(描述)生动的;逼真的118.solve vt.解决160.establish vt.确立;确定;建立119.murderer n.凶手;谋杀犯161.reputation n.名誉;名望;声望

120.account n.叙述;描写;报道

121.run away(秘密地)逃跑

122.companion n.同伴;伙伴

123.raft n.木排;木筏

124.pour vi.(雨)倾盆而下

125.shelter n.遮蔽物;栖身之地

126.paddle vi.用桨划(小船)

127.lie vi.说谎;撒谎

128.panick vt.(panicked, panicked)(使)恐慌;(使)惊慌失

129.curious adj.好奇的130.tie vt.(用绳、带等)绑;系;拴

131.rope n.绳子

132.beard n.胡须

133.fright n.恐惧;害怕

134.crawl vi.爬行;匍匐前进

135.terrified adj.非常害怕的;极度恐慌的136.trunk n.树干

137.play a trick on sb.捉弄某人,对某人恶作剧

138.make up 编造(说法、解释等)

139.outline n.外形;轮廓

140.disturb vt.打

141.comedy n.喜剧

142.romantic adj.浪漫的;关于爱情的143.fiction n.虚构或幻想出来的事

144.review n.(影视、音乐)评论

145.be / feel in the mood(for sth./ to do sth.)有意(做某事);有(做某事的)心情

146.set(a play, novel, etc.)in 设置(戏剧、小说等的)背景

147.resemble vt.与…相似

148.create vt.塑造;创作

149.exception n.例外

150.warn vt.警告

151.shallow adj.浅的152.adolescent n.青少年

153.determined adj.坚决的154.make one’s fortune 发财

155.set off 出发;启程


162.carnival n.狂欢节204.import vt.引进;进口163.Christian adj.基督教的205.master n.主人

164.ghost n.鬼;幽灵206.abolish vt.废除

165.costume n.服装;戏装;化妆服207.magnificent adj.华丽的;富丽堂皇的166.hide vt.掩藏;躲藏208.celebration n.庆典;庆祝167.confusion n.杂乱;混乱209.freedom n.自由

168.extend vt.延长210.unite vt.联合169.pretend vi.假装

170.come to an end 完结

171.dress up 装扮;打扮

172.firearm n.火器

173.empire n.帝国

174.memory n.记忆

175.revive vt.复兴;再兴起;再流行

176.council n.地方议会;政务委员会

177.book vi.预订

178.wander vi.漫步;闲逛

179.elegant adj.优美的;高雅的180.magic n.魅力;魔力

181.era n.时代;年代

182.calendar n.日历;月历

183.dove n.鸽子

184.bean n.豆子

185.flour n.面粉

186.garlic n.大蒜

187.onion n.洋

188.peas n.豌豆

189.pork n.猪肉

190.sausage n.香肠

191.consist of 由……组成;由……构成192.herb n.(叶或种子用作调味品的)药草,芳草

193.ingredient n.(烹调用的)原料

194.relaxing adj.使人放松的195.whistle n.哨子

196.tasty adj.美味可口的197.parade n.(庆祝)游行

198.multicultural adj.多文化的;跨文化的199.plantation n.农庄;庄园

200.mark vt.标志(着)

201.trade n.贸易

202.transport vt.运输;运送

203.landowner n.地主;土地拥有者

211.origin n.起源

Module 5

212.athletics n.田径运动

213.rugby n.橄榄球214.bat n.球拍;球棒215.club n.高尔夫球棒

216.net n.网217.pitch n.(足球、橄榄球等)球场

218.ring n.拳击台219.stadium n.体育场;运动场

220.track n.跑道221.tracksuit n.运动服222.trainer n.运动鞋;教练员

223.retire vi.退休

224.perform vi.表现225.retirement n.退休226.background n.背景227.brand n.商标;牌子228.sportswear n.运动服装;休闲服装

229.logo n.(公司或组织的)标识;标志

230.on the increase 正在增加

231.advantage n.优势;长处

232.guarantee vt.保证

233.purchase vt.购买

234.designer n.设计师

235.gymnast n.体操运动员

236.slogan n.标语

237.specific adj.具体的;特定的238.symbol n.符

239.marathon n.马拉松

240.score vi.& vt.得分

241.ministry n.(政府的)部

242.final n.决赛

243.champion n.冠军

244.quality n.特性;品德;品性

245.ultimate adj.最后的246.rise to one’s feet 站起身

247.victory n.胜利

248.dramatically adv.戏剧性地

249.protest vi.抗议

250.declare vt.宣布

251.borough n.(自治)区

252.competitor n.竞争者;对手

253.tough adj.费力的;棘手的;困难的Module 6

254.endanger vt.使……处于险境;危及296.energy n.能源255.reserve n.保护区;保护圈297.waste vt.浪费

256.habitat n.栖息地298.monitor vt.监测257.extinct adj.灭绝的;绝种的299.set up 建立;设立258.struggle n.挣扎;斗争

259.wildlife n.野生生物

260.protect vt.保护

261.poacher n.盗猎者;偷猎者

262.antelope n.(藏)羚羊

263.battle n.战斗

264.plateau n.高原

265.ideal adj.理想的266.shawl n.披肩

267.herd n.牧群;兽群

268.worth prep.值……钱

269.skin vt.剥皮;去皮

270.spot n.(某事发生的)准确地点;现场

271.raid n.& vt.(警方的)突击搜查

272.confiscate vt.没收

273.condition n.(-s)环境;情况

274.meanwhile adv.同时

275.dealer n.(尤指买卖贵重商品的)商人

276.aim n.目标;目的277.reptile n.爬行动物

278.involve vt.涉及;包括

279.live adj.活的280.lay vt.产卵;下蛋281.wonder n.奇迹

282.insect n.昆虫

283.mammal n.哺乳动物

284.bald n.秃(头)的285.be concerned about sth.关心某事;担心某事

286.whale n.鲸

287.ibis n.鹮

288.feed on(动物)以……为食

289.brink n.边缘

290.extinction n.灭绝;绝种

291.initial n.首字母

292.stand for代表293.branch n.分支机构;办事处294.continent n.大陆;洲
