外研版小学英语三年级下册全模块教案 篇1
The alphabet.The ABC song.What’s your favourite song? It’s the ABC song.功能:
老师带领学生复习几首上学期学过的英文歌曲,然后教学单词favourite。教师为学生示范发音,告诉学生新单词的中文意思,适当举例讲解。听一首歌曲:The ABC song.3、课文教学
My/ His/ Her favourite toy is a car.功能:
谈论自己最喜欢的物品等 教学程序
a.老师画一幅彩虹图,选中其中的一种颜色对学生说:My favourite colour is purple.并写在黑板上。请学生用这个句型来介绍自己最喜欢的颜色。学生介绍完自己最喜欢的颜色后,老师任意挑几个学生,指着他们说His/ Her favourite colour is„
Module 2 Zoo
学习任务: What’s this? It’s a tiger.It’s big.What are they? They’re monkeys.They’s small.功能:
b.教师把猴子的简笔画补充完整,教授新单词:monkey。教师请学生边模仿猴子调皮的动作边读单词,可以请表演好的学生到前面展示。c.教学单词:tiger, lion, elephant d.教学句型:what are they? e.复习有关动物的单词。
3、课文教学 a.教师教学单词:fat, big, small b.教师把本课的挂图贴在黑板上,说:Do you like animals? Let’s go to the zoo.请学生认真地看图,然后向学生提问:What can you see in the picture? 教师引导学生使用完整的句子来回答。c.教师播放录音,提出问题: Which animals are bigs? What animals are small? What animals are fat.请学生带着问题听录音,两遍录音后,请学生回答问题。
学习任务: This tree is tall.That tree is tall.This monkey is thin.This monkey is fat.功能:
老师在黑板上分别画几个大物品和几个小物品,指着他们说: It’s big.或者: It’s small.3、课文教学。
a.教师把本科的挂图贴在黑板上,呈现活动1。老师指着挂图中的树问学生:What’s this? 教授新单词:tree.引导学生说:Look at the trees.this tree is tall.That tree is short.接着,老师指着猴子说: Look at the monkey.This monkey is thin.That monkey is fat.b.教授新单词:thin。
Module 3 playground
学习任务: I like football.I don’t like football.功能:
老师带领学生做游戏:mime and say.通过游戏,让学生初步接触本课的新单词。
c.老师在黑板上画一张快乐的脸和悲伤的脸,老师指着快乐的脸说:“I like football.”老师指着悲伤的脸说:“I don’t like football.” 教授“like, don’t like”。请学生反复操练句型。
学习任务: I like swimming.I don’t like skipping.功能:
老师告诉学生他们将再学习三种运动的名称。老师模仿 swimming的动作,说出这个单词,请学生边做动作边重复单词。用同样的方法教授skipping 和 riding bikes。然后接下来进行单词认读的游戏。老师把单词贴在教室的不同角落,老师说单词,学生快速指向单词。也可以教师模仿动作,学生边说单词边指向单词卡片。
MODULE 5 TIME Theme: Time Fuction: Talking about time and routines.Target Language:
I get up at seven o’clock.What’s the time, please? It’s half past seven.Vocabulary: get up, at, o’clock, go to school, have lunch, go home, watch TV, go to bed, time, half, past, have breakfast, have dinner Songs and Chant:
Listen to the clock.第一课时
学习任务:I get up at seven o’clock.功能:关于整点钟的时间表达法 教学程序:
热身复习后,老师在黑板上将十二个数字连线圈成一个钟面,问学生:“what’s this?” 全班学生掌握该单词后,老师将事先准备好的一长一短两个指针用磁铁贴到黑板上,时间显示为七点整,教师指着钟面说:“what’s the time? It’s seven o’clock.” 教授新单词:o’clock。教师随意拨动时针,比比看全班谁认读时间最快最准确。可以四个人一组进行活动,一个学生拨动时针,其他三个学生抢答时间,做此活动前,老师需提前布置学生准备好自制的简易时钟。
What’s the time, please? It’s half past seven.功能:
热身复习后,老师在全班教授句型:What’s the time, please?等全班都能熟读之后,老师请一个学生到教师前面来,老师是以全班学生提问:What’s the time,please? 教师前面的学生回答:It’s „ 继续操练几轮过后,老师讲表针拨成半点钟。请一位学生起来用英语表达半点钟。教师借此教授单词:half。教师辅以手势讲解:past。老师在出示几个半点钟时间,请学生在小组内进行问答。
老师把本课的挂图贴在黑板上,请学生在小组内讨论他们在聊什么。老师播放录音,请学生带着问题听录音。再次播放课文录音,请学生模仿跟读课文。学生两人一组操练课文内容。请几组学生在全班展示。教师把黑板上表盘的表针拨到五点半,问学生:What’s the time?学生回答:It’s half past five.然后教师模仿吃饭的动作,学生猜测:You have dinner at half past five.请学生两人一组利用提前制作好的表盘进行猜测与问答练习。
Module 6
Activities Unit 1
What do you do at the weekend?
What do you have at school? I have English and Chinese.What do you do at the weekend? I go swimming.功能:
教学用具:a recorder, word cards, pictures 教学程序:
2)老师出示一个大时钟,可以拨动时针、分针,以便显示不同的时间。借此复习时间的表达法“What’s the time? It’s...”可以老师问,学生答;也可以学生
1)老师出示一本日历,打开日历到今天的日期,并强调突出星期几,随后翻阅日历到周末,在周末出现的时候老师用愉快的口吻说:“It’s the weekend.I like the weekend very much.I go swimming at the weekend.What do you do at the weekend?”引导学生运用“I...at the weekend.”的句型回答问题。如果学生有困难,老师可以使用句型“Do you play football at the weekend?”来帮助学生回答:“YES,I do./No, I don’t.”然后引导学生用完整句子回答:“I play football at the weekend.”最后学生两人一组进行操练。2)老师出示Sam的图片,说:“I go swimming at the weekeng.How about Sam? Let’s take a look.”引入课文教学。
1)老师把本课的挂图贴在黑板上,播放录音或教学VCD,呈现SB Unit1活动1的内容。请学生看图或动画片仔细听课文的对话。听过第一遍录音后,老师可以提出一些问题,请学生带着问题听第二遍录音,例如:“What does Sam have at school? What does Sam do at the weekend?”听过第二遍录音后,请学生试着回答上述问题。听第三遍录音时,请学生打开书,边听边跟读,同时画出新单词。再次播放录音,请学生模仿跟读。最后,请学生以小组为单位分角色朗读并表演课文。
2)完成SB Unit1活动2。请学生两人一组,看着课文挂图进行回答,以此巩固课文内容。
3)完成SB Unit1活动3。请学生看九幅图画,并说出各个图画的内容。然后学生两人一组使用句型“What do you do at...o’clock in the morning/afternoon? I...”互相问答。几轮过后,交换角色。最后请几组学生在全班展示。
4、课后作业 个别完成
Unit 2
What does she do at the weekend?
What does Lingling have at school today? She has Music, Art and PE.What does she do at the weekend? She plays basketball.功能:
教学用具:a recorder, word cards, pictures 教学程序:
老师边出示Lingling的图片边说:“I go swimming at the weekend? What does she do at the weekend?”引导学生回答:“She...at the weekend.”如果学生回答有困难,可以使用句型“Does she play football at the weekend?”帮助学生回答:“Yes, she does.”同时引导学生使用完整句子回答:“She plays football at the weekend”.然后学生两人一组进行问答,操练句型。
1)老师把本课的挂图贴在黑板上,播放录音或教学VCD,呈现SB Unit1活动1的内容。请学生边看图或动画片边听课文录音。听过第一遍录音后,老师可以提一些问题,例如:“What does Lingling have at school today? What does she do at the weekend?”请学生带着问题听第二遍录音。第二遍录音过后,老师可以请理解了课文内容的学生向全班提出新的问题,全班学生回答。听第三遍录音时,请学生边看书边跟读,画出新单词,并试着找出新问题的答案。再次播放录音,请学生模仿跟读。然后请学生以小组为单位分角色表演课文。最后请几组学生到教室前面展示。
2)完成SB Unit1活动2。在此活动的基础上可以进行扩展练习,增加几张活动的图片,例如:弹钢琴、打羽毛球、荡秋千等。老师把图片贴在黑板上,请学生两人一组根据图片内容进行问答。也可以分别邀请几个学生到教室前面向全班提问,其他学生回答。3)完成SB Unit2活动3。请学生三人一组开展活动,学生A问学生B:“What do you do at the weekend?”学生B回答:“I...”然后学生C问学生A:“What does he/she do at the weekend?”学生A转述学生B的回答:“He/She...”学生三人一组练习,并互换角色。
1)学习SB Unit2活动4的歌曲。2)学习SB Unit2活动6的字母。
5、课后作业 个别完成
Module 7
Festivals Unit 1
We have a big family dinner.授课时数:一课时
Happy New Year!At Spring Festival, we have a big family dinner.功能:
表达节日问候以及描述过节时的风俗习惯 教学用具:a recorder, word cards, pictures 教学程序:
老师出示事先准备好的一些食物卡片,询问学生:“What do you like?”引导学生回答:“I like...”老师根据学生的回答把不同的食物卡片分发给学生。然后询问学生:“What have you got?”引导学生回答:“I’ve got...”或者学生以小组为单位回答:“We’ve got...”
老师播放过春节的音乐或者爆竹声,带领学生进入课文的主题。等音乐完毕,老师问学生:“What is it about?”学生可以用中文说:“春节”。老师借机教授新单词“Spring Festival”。然后老师继续提出问题:“What do we say at Spring Festival? What do we have at Spring Festival?”请学生以小组为单位进行讨论,然后向全班汇报。
1)老师把本课的挂图贴在黑板上,通过播放录音或教学VCD呈现SB Unit1活动1的内容。请学生边看图或动画片边听课文录音,尽可能多地理解课文内容。听过第一遍录音后,老师可以提一些问题,请学生带着问题听第二遍录音,例如:“What’s the book about? What is Spring Festival? At Spring Festival, what do we have?”听过第二遍录音后,请学生试着回答上述问题。听第三遍录音时,请学生打开书,边听边跟读,同时画出新单词。老师讲解新单词,帮助学生理解课文。2)完成SB Unit1活动2。请学生再听课文录音并逐句跟读,老师注意纠正学生的语音。最后请学生分角色朗读并表演课文。邀请几组学生上前表演课文故事。学生也可以对课文故事进行改编。
4、课后作业 个别完成
1)听录音,朗读SB Unit1活动1的课文,并试着背诵。
Module 7
Festivals Unit 2
We have Christmas in England.授课时数:一课时 教学目标:
We have Christmas in England.We sing songs.We have a Christmas tree.We give presents.We eat peanuts and sweets.功能:
表达节日问候以及描述过节时的风俗习惯 教学用具:a recorder, word cards, pictures 教学程序:
2)请学生展示收集到的关于其他节日的图画,并在全班进行汇报交流。学生可以说:“At...we say...We have...”
1)老师播放SB Unit2活动4的圣诞歌曲,请学生欣赏。老师也可以在教室里挂一些圣诞小饰物来烘托气氛。欣赏歌曲过后,老师询问学生:“What festival is it?”引导学生回答:“Christmas.”老师教授新单词“Christmas”。
1)老师把本课的挂图贴在黑板上,播放录音或教学VCD,呈现SB Unit2活动1的内容。请学生边听录音边指出相应的图画。放第二遍录音前,老师提出一些问题,例如:“What are they? What do they say on Christmas Day? What do they do on Christmas Day?”请学生带着问题继续听录音,试着找到具体的答案。听第三遍录音时,请学生打开书,边听边跟读,同时画出新单词与难点。老师讲解新单词与难点,帮助学生理解并掌握课文内容。
4)完成SB Unit2活动3。把全班学生分成若干个三人小组。老师告诉学生他们将就节日庆祝展开讨论。每组对话都要和一种节日有关。
1)学习SB Unit2活动4的歌曲。老师出示圣诞节的图片营造出节日的气氛。2)学习SB Unit2活动6的字母。
Module8 Unit1 It’s hot in summer.一、教材分析
本课是《新标准英语》三年级起点第二册第八模块第一单元:《It’s hot in summer》,学生要学习并掌握季节和天气的单词,并通过一系列的课堂活动,创造语境,让学生把单词运用于句子中,学会用天气的单词描述季节,并介绍在该季节中适合进行的活动。
本课是《新标准英语》三年级起点第二册第八模块第一单元《It is hot in summer》,学生要了解四季的表达法:spring/summer/autumn/winter,同时要了解四季的主要天气特征:warm/hot/cool/cold,懂得四季中人们常见的活动:We fly kites in sping.等等。
五、教学重点:学习认识有关季节和天气的单词:spring, summer, autumn, winter, warm, hot, cool, cold.掌握 “It’s spring.It’s warm in spring.We fly kites in spring.”等新句型。
九、Teaching steps:(教学步骤)Step One: Warm up(课前热身)
1、Greetings.What ’ s the weather like today?What do you do at the weekend?等
2、Sing a song----We wish you a happy Christmas.(设计意图:以歌曲激发学生的学习兴趣,调动学习积极性。创设情景,通过师生,生生交流,帮助学生温习旧知,同时训练学生的听说能力,激发学生兴趣,培养学生在实际生活中运用语言的能力,为新课教学打下伏笔。)Step two:Look at the CAI.(欣赏四季,引入课题.)自动呈现教学主题“Seasons and weather”学生通过看卡通短片,浏览了一年当中四个季节的变换,认识有关季节和天气的单词,spring, summer, autumn, winter, warm, hot, cool, cold.教师板书课题: SEASONS AND WEATHER(设计意图:课件采用动画的形式进行教学。美丽的画面及可爱的人物形象,令人赏心悦目,使学生有如身临其境,从而激发学生的学习兴趣。学生可以一边欣赏动画,一边反复跟读操练。以这种方式引出新单词的学习,不但使学生感到有兴趣不觉得枯燥做作,而且给学生营造了一种相应的氛围。)Step Three: Presentation(新课学习)
T: Now.Everybody, Who can answer my questions?
How many seasons are there in a year? Ss: Four seasons.T: Very good!There are four seasons in a year.Now, What are they? Please say it in Chinese.Ss: 春, 夏, 秋, 冬.T: Yes!They are spring , summer, autumn and winter.教师板书: spring ,summer , autumn , winter
1、教师出示单词卡片,教授单词.并且采用多种方法进行练习,如开火车,回音壁,升降调, 看口型猜单词等.(设计意图:通过单词卡片、采用课件动画的形式进行教学。在教师的指导下学会这些单词。)
2、助多媒课件做游戏:猜猜看 What ’ s the season? 学习句型:It’s spring/summer/autumn/winter.(设计意图:利用课件巧妙、自然地引出本课与天气有关的新句型,学生初步从音、形、意上整体感知所学单词和句型。)
3、T:How do you feel in spring/summer/autumn/winter? Who can tell me? Ss:(学生做出很舒服的样子)T: Good!It’s warm in Spring!Follow me ’warm’(出示单词卡片,教授单词warm.并且一边读单词一边做出很舒服,暖和的表情,动作).学习:It’s warm in spring.It’s hot in summer.It’s cool in autumn.It’s cold in winter.(设计意图:通过形象有趣的表情,让学生理解不同天气有关的英语表达。整合学生所学知识,将活动与各个季节的特点相联系。在整体感知、学习的基础上,教师设计各种活动,帮助学生不断复习巩固新词,感知新句,学生在活动中运用所学语言进行交际,体验语言学习的过程,学生的思维能力,创新能力,合作能力在活动的过程中同时得到发展。)Step Four: Practices.(朗读操练)
1、Let’s chant
Spring, spring, spring, spring is warm.Summer, summer, summer ,summer is hot.Autumn, autumn, autumn, autumn is cool.Winter, winter, winter, winter is cold.(设计意图:设计这个活动,主要是帮助学生不断复习巩固新词。学生跟着节奏边拍手边读,简单易学,琅琅上口,同时轻松地复习巩固了单词。)
2、Play a game First time, the teacher do some actions, ask the students to guess it, what is teacher doing? go swimming, go cycling, play football, play basketball, play table tennis, watch TV.T: Then, this time, I say the words, you do the actions.T: Now, Please answer my question.What do you do at the weekend? S1: We go swimming at the weekend.S2: We play football at the weekend.S3: We...T: What do you do in Spring? S1:We go clcying in Spring.S3: We...(设计意图:教师根据教学内容的特点,采用了全身动作法、让学生根据自己的生活经验自主表演、大胆模仿踢球、投篮、乒乓球、游泳、骑车、看电视等各种运动动作,让学生在不知不觉中运用What do you do in„?句型,并能大方自然地运用于交际中。让学生自主选择自己喜欢的运动并主动与他人交流让学生在兴趣盎然的积极情感中习得语言。)Step Five:学习课文
1、Listen to the tape.Ask them to open their books.15
Look at activity 1: Listen, say and point.The first time, ask them just listen.The second time, ask them listen, point and repeat.完整地听对话一次,让学生尽可能记下主要句型的语音语调,并在书上标出。这样做,有助于语感的形成。
2、Read after the tape.Sentence by sentence(一句一句跟机仿读,帮助学生强化对语音语调及内容的记忆。齐声朗读,巩固、强化语音语调。)
3、Get some pairs to read.活动形式:请几对学生朗读,开展语音语调的仿读评价。通过评价,加强学生对语音语调的重视。
4、Listen and do it利用课件让学生听句子,然后选择正确的季节图片并说出所听到的句子。
(设计意图:游戏是英语课堂教学不可缺少的教学手段之一。“ Copy 不走样”是英语游戏中的经典,每一次都能极大地刺激学生的视听器,引导学生说一说,做一做,达到“教学做”统一。)Step Six: Make similar dialogues.(知识活用)
2、请用What’s your name? What’s your favorite season? What do you do in„? 完成这份调查表。
name favorite season What do you do in„?
(设计意图:《新课标》倡导要探究、自主、合作式的学习。在学习本课新句型时,这三者达到了高度地统一。“ 任务型教学”是一种“为用而学,用中学,学了就用”的新的教学途径。本课的扩展活动是要求学生表达自己在四季中进行的活动,在这里我采用自由互问法来讨论,尊重了学生的个人情感,并能更准确的体验知识语言。)Step Seven:Homework
2、Paint the four seasons.。
(设计意图:英语学习需要语境 ,发挥家庭的特殊作用,既有利于孩子与父母的交流,也可以监控学生学习情况。自制画(相)册能将课堂所学向课外延伸,提高学习兴趣“四季”是丰富多彩的,让学生在合作学习的基础上,动手调画出树在四季的不同颜色,答案可以是不一样的,教育学生热爱生活,保护大自然。)
Unit 1 It’s hot in summer.spring summer autumn winter warm hot cool cold Module8 Unit2 It’s hot and sunny today.一、教学内容
本课是《新标准英语》三年级起点第二册第八模块第二单元《It is hot and sunny today》,学生能认读单词:sunny/windy/rain/snow,能用“It is „today”描述天气,表演唱歌曲:Rain,rain,go away.二、教学对象 三年级学生
1、能会说、认读单词:sunny/windy/rain/snow, sping/warm summer/hot autumn/cool winter/cold;
2、能用It is „ today.描述天气;It is „ in sping.描述季节天气特征;We „in sping.介绍简单的季节活动。
3、表演唱歌曲:Rain,rain,go away.4、字母Rr,Ss,Tt的发音与书写
1、单词的发音和认读:sunny/windy/rain/snow,2、句型:It is windy/sunny/raining/snowing today.3、What do you do in sping /summer/autumn/winter?的拓展运用。
2、Guessing Game:检测巩固学生对sunny/windy/rain/snow的发音与反映情况。
3、Do you know : 知识走入生活,了解四季中的节日,拓展游戏。运用句型:It is in sunny/windy/rain/snow.认知层次设计:熟悉复习四季名称——练习检测发音——运用拓展(二)新授过程
Step1:Color Game:(Unit2Part5)活动设计:Colorful Seasons:五彩缤纷的季节。
Step2:重难点导入与导学(Unit2 Part1)以旧知引新知。由Unit1的季节天气复习与检测设置进入本课单词“sunny/windy/rain/snow”,句型“It is...and...today.”的情景,引导学生学习和认知新单词和句型。呈现、完成课文Part1.Step3:重难点操练:
1、Listening practice: Listening the sentences and find the new words.2、Writing practice: write the letters:Rr,Ss,Tt.Write the words;raining,sunny,snowing,windy.3、Reading practice: Learn,say,and act out the sentences.4、Game:火眼金睛Find the right words.(巩固练习)(三)、能力训练 Step1:Seasons and Weather.Describe seasons,weather and sports.(综合拓展练习)鼓励学生用学过的恰当句型来描述有关季节、天气、活动。如;I like...sping/summer/autumn/winter It is warm/hot/cool/cold/sunny/windy in spring/summer/autumn/winter.It is raining/snowing/warm/hot/cool/sunny/windy/today.I...in spring/summer/autumn/winter.Spring/summer/autumn/winter is red/green/yellow/white...ect.Step2:(Unit2 Part3)运用句型:A:What do you do in spring/summer/autumn/winter? B:I...in spring/summer/autumn/winter.Step3:德育渗透,情感升华。
学唱歌曲;Rain,rain,go away.(Unit2 Part3)学习在“Rain,rain,go away”的表演唱中结束,遵循“Starting in the high ,ending in the high”的教学理念。(五)、布置作业
1、Find more weather ,colors,sports in four seasons.2、Making a little dialogue about seasons and weather in pairs or groups.Let us show your dialogue in next class.Module 9 Possessions Unit 1
I’ve got a new book.授课时数:一课时
I’ve got a new book.Have you got a new book? Yes, I have./No, I haven’t.Has he got a sweater? Yes, he has./No, he hasn’t.功能:
教学用具:a recorder, word cards, pictures 教学程序:
老师热情地和学生打招呼问好,并一起演唱上一模块学习的英文歌曲“Rain,rain,go away.”
1)老师拿起一本英语书说:“I’ve got a book.”然后在教室里走动,拿起其他物品说:“I have got a...”并让学生转述:“You’ve got a...”老师告诉学生“I’ve”是“I have”的缩写形式。然后老师问学生:“Have you got a...?”帮助学生回答:“Yes, I have./No, I haven’t.”
2)老师出示几本精美的图书,向学生介绍。例如:老师指着一本科普书说:“It’s about science.”指着一本关于体育运动的书说:“It’s about sports.”请学生在小组内向小组成员介绍自己的书。
3、课文教学 1)老师把本课的挂图贴在黑板上,播放课文录音,呈现SB Unit1活动1的内容。请学生边听边看图。听第二遍录音前,老师可以提出一些问题,请学生带着问题、听录音,例如:“Who are talking in the pictures? What are they talking about? What is Lingling’s book about? What is Daming’s book about? Has Sam got a sweater? Has Tom got a sweater?”
3)在学生对课文内容比较了解、对重点内容进行了充分练习后,请学生脱离书本,以小组为单位编排表演课文故事。最后请几组学生到教室前面展示,请全班学生对他们的表演进行评价。4)通过开火车的形式练习句型“I’ve got a new book.Have you got a new book?”。5)完成SB Unit1活动3。请学生看课本上的图画所展示的事物。老师说出事物的名称,请学生指出对应的图画。
4、课后作业 个别完成
1)听录音,朗读SB Unit1活动1的课文,并试着背诵。
Module 9 Possessions Unit 2
She goes to school by bike.授课时数:一课时 教学目标:
Amy has got a bike.She goes to school by bike.Ms Smart hasn’t got a car.She walks to work.功能:
教学用具:a recorder, word cards, pictures 教学程序:
2)老师课前准备一大包东西带到课堂上来,请学生运用句型“Have you got...?”猜测包里有什么东西。如果包里果然有这样的东西,老师就要掏出来,直至包里的东西全部被猜中。
1)老师创设情景来呈现SB Unit2活动1的内容。老师在黑板的左上角画出一所学校的简笔画,在右是角画出一座办公大楼的简笔画,在黑板的下方分别贴上小汽车、公共汽车、自行车和步行的图片。老师介绍说:“Amy和Sam要去上学,Mr.Smart和Ms Smart要去上班,让我们一起来听听他们使用的是哪种交通方式呢?”老师播放课文录音,请学生仔细听,并试着找出问题的答案。2)老师指着Amy问全班同学:“How does Amy go to school?”引导学生回答:“She goes to school by bike.”以同样的方式练习其他。
4)完成SB Unit2活动3。请学生两人一组轮流指着不同的交通工具的图并介绍说:“My father/mother goes to work by...”可以请几组学生到教室前面进行展示。
1)学习SB Unit2活动4的韵诗。请学生边看图画边听韵诗的录音。老师播放录音,请学生边听边试着重复。带领学生脱离录音朗读韵诗,老师控制节奏。2)学习SB Unit2活动6的字母。注意纠正学生的发音。
5、课后作业 个别完成
1)听录音,朗读SB Unit2活动1的课文,并试着背诵。
Module 10 Position Unit 1
It’s on your desk.授课时数:一课时
教学目标: It’s in the box.It’s on your desk.It’s under the chair.功能:
教学用具:a recorder, word cards, pictures
老师变魔术。道具包括:两块相同的大手绢,一个乒乓球。课前老师将两块大手绢重叠缝合上,看上去像一块手绢,然后在下面的手绢中间剪出一个方型的洞。变魔术时,老师先让学生看看手绢,再看看乒乓球。老师将乒乓球放在桌子上,用手绢将球盖上,然后老师用手指弹弹乒乓球,以证明乒乓球还在下面。接着老师故作神秘地抓来一把风朝球上一甩,然后双手拿住手绢的下面两个角,将手绢向下拽,这时乒乓球已经进入到手绢的夹层当中,所以学生看到乒乓球从桌子上消失了。这时老师拿着手绢的一角,甩甩手绢,问学生:“Where is the ball?”学生进行猜测。老师指着手绢说:“It’s in it.”这时学生会感到很奇怪。老 师将手绢的四个角握在一只手上,只有一定要使有洞的一侧在里面,球会滑到中间的洞口,老师用另一只手将球从手绢中取出。魔术很受学生的欢迎,但老师务必要在课前操作熟练,才能在课堂上熟练演示。
3、课文教学 1)变完魔术后,老师出示Daming的头饰,告诉学生:“Today is Daming’s birthday.He’s very happy.Let’s sing a birthday song to him.” 2)唱完生日歌之后,老师接着问学生:“On my birthday, I got a present.It’s a dog.What present did you get on your birthday?”通过这种方式让学生试着理解“present”的意思。如果有学生会说“present”,请他/她来当小老师,教授此单词。
3)老师把本课的挂图贴在黑板上,通过播放录音或教学VCD呈现SB Unit1活动1的内容。通过看挂图和听录音使学生了解“on,in,under”的意思。
4、课后作业 个别完成
Module 10 Position Unit 2
Daming flies kites in the park.授课时数:一课时
Where does Daming fly kites? He flies kites in the park.功能:
教学用具:a recorder, word cards, pictures
老师发指令,学生做动作,复习运用“on,in,under”。指令内容可以滑稽有趣些,例如:“Put your nose on the pencil box.Put your hand on your head.Put your foot on the desk.”老师发出指令后,可以问学生:“Where’s your nose? Where’s your hend? Where’s your foot?”学生做出回答。
2、课文导入 老师问学生:“How many seasons are there in a year? What are they?”以此复习表示四季的单词。然后老师将表现四季的图片贴在黑板上,问学生:“What do you do in spring/summer/autumn/winter?”老师根据学生的回答继续问:“Where do you...?”
3、课文教学 1)老师问学生:“What does Daming do in spring/summer/autumn/winter?”老师播放录音或教学VCD,呈现SB Unit2活动1,请学生熟悉课文内容。老师再放录音,出示Daming活动的图片,请学生根据录音内容将图片贴在相应的季节图片处。
3)以小组为单位表演课文。学生可以分工合作,尽力创设情境,展示课文内容。4)完成SB Unit2活动2。老师根据黑板上的图片体温:“Where does Daming fly kites?”学生回答:“He flies kites in the park.”请学生在小组内针对其他图片进行练习。
5)完成SB Unit2活动3。请学生仔细看图和示例,了解题目意图,然后在小组内开展问答练习。
1)学习SB Unit2活动4的歌曲。放录音,请学生熟悉曲调和歌词。放朗读歌词的录音,请学生逐句跟读。再放歌曲录音,请学生跟唱。
2)学习SB Unit2活动6的字母。老师领读,学生跟读,注意纠正学生的发音。老师板书这些字母的大小写。
5、课后作业 个别完成
1)听录音,朗读SB Unit2活动1的课文,并试着背诵。
外研版小学英语三年级下册全模块教案 篇2
1.look good看起来不错 2.a hot dog一个热狗
3.three colas三杯可乐 4.two hamburgers 两个汉堡
5.A cola for me我要一杯可乐 6.lots and lots of cheese 许多许多奶酪 7.thirteen dollars十三美元 8.twenty-five cents二十五美分 9.Here you are 给你 10.Enjoy your meal!请慢
11.have your favourite dish吃你最喜爱的菜 12.Be careful!小心 13.my new shorts and shoes我的新短裤和新鞋 14.eat some meat吃一些肉 15.Let me take them.让我拿他们 16.come in 进来 17.have a seat就座 18.How much多少钱
19.all our food所有食物 20.some vegetables 一些蔬菜
21.make a restaurant menu 制作餐 厅菜单22.make a menu 制作菜单 23.orange juice橙汁 24.favourite dish最喜爱的菜 25.some soup 一些汤 26.on Thursday 在周四
二词形: 1.dollar(复数)dollars 2.careful(名词)care(副词)carefully 3.cent(复数)cents 4.enjoy(单三式)enjoys(现在分词)enjoying(形容词)enjoyable(名词)enjoyment 1.hear(同音词)here 2.hour(同音词)our 3.meat(词)meet 4.see(同音词)sea 5.for(同音词)four 6.there(同音词)their 7.know(同音词)no 8.write(同音词)right 9.by(同音词)buy 10.where(同音词)wear 11.two(同音词)too 12.dear(同音词)deer 13.who’s(同音词)whose 14.week(同音词)weak 15.I(同音词)eye 16.sun(同音词)son 17.cent(同音词)sent
三、数字 : one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety hundred thousand million
四、星期: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
五、月份: January February March April May June July August September October November December 二模块
1.have a picnic野餐 2.be going to=will将要、打算 3.in the park在公园 4.at half past twelve在十二点半
5.what time几点/什么时间 6.walk around the lake沿着湖走 7.a beautiful day一个好天 8.Let`s go!让我们走吧!9.be very noisy非常吵闹 10.under the tree在树下
11.be wet湿了 12.go home回家 13.after school放学后 14.have a party举行晚会 15.half past four四点半
16.in Harbin在哈尔滨 17.Go to the park to play去公园玩
18.play football with...和...踢足球 19.what about.....?....怎么样? 20.this afternoon今天下午 21.in my bedroom在我的卧室 22after dinner晚饭后 23.play chess下棋
24.go to bed上床睡觉 25.say goodnight说晚安 26,on Thursday在星期四 三模块
1.How are you?你好吗? 2.have a funny day玩得愉快=have agood time 3.a funny day愉快的一天 4.on Saturday在星期六 5.have a picnic野餐 6.in the park在公园里 7.send photos寄照片 8.in China在中国 9.write soon快些回信 10.Here are.....这些是......11.in this photo在这张照片里 12.in the tree(s)在树上 13.look at...看....14.look hungry看起来饿了 15.under the tree在树下 16.eat our picnic吃我们的野餐 17.in the water在水里 18.look out of....向....外面看 19.out of...往外.....20.on the train在火车上 21.wear a big hat戴一顶大帽子 22.go up the hill上山(go up向上走)23.go down the hill下山(go down向下走)24.come to the station来到车站 25.on the sea在大海上 26.the middle of the night午夜(the middle of...在...的中心)27.in the sky在天空 28.after the day白天过后 29.be wrong错的 30.be very bad真坏 31.spoil my fun破坏了我的快乐 四模块
1.make Daming`s birthday card做大明的生日卡片 2.birthday card生日卡片 3.at the supermarket 在超市 4.buy things买东西 5.have a birthday party举行生日聚会 6.Who can help me?谁能帮我? 7.carry everything搬东西 8.be careful小心 9.oh dear!哦天啊!10.fiy away飞走/飘走了 11.Happy Birthday!生日快乐!12.fall down掉落 13.What a mess!真乱!14.talk on the phone打电话/在电话说话 15.pick up捡起/拾起 16clean the stairs扫楼梯 17.wash the apples洗苹果 18.try to do sth.尽量做某事 19.get on the bus上公交车 20.get off the bus下车 21.drive the bus驾车 22.not at all一点也不 23.What a mess太糟糕 24.sit down坐下 25.stand up起立 26.walk to the blackboard走到黑板这儿
5.What a mess!真乱!【what是一个疑问词,但在这里它引导一个感叹句,除了what,还有how,也可引导感叹句。感叹句的构成为:What +a/an+形容词+可数名词单数+主语+谓语!或What+形容词+名词复数/不可数名词+主语+谓语!如:What a nice girl she is!她是多好的一个女孩啊!以How开头的感叹句,其构成为:How+形容词(副词)+主语+谓语!How+主语+谓语(这时how直接修饰谓语动词),如:How interesting the book is!这本书多么有趣啊!】 练习:A.多好的一个男孩啊!五模块
1.have a birthday party举行生日聚会 2.play the trumpet吹小号 3.come in进来 4.have a great birthday举行一个快乐的生日聚会 5.start to cross开始过马路 6.eat dinner吃晚餐
7.talk to.....和...说话 8.ride his bike骑她的自行车 9.start to rain开始下雨 10.do morning exercises做早操 11.get too hot变得太热 12.watch TV看电视
13.walk in the paek在公园走 14.start to snow开始下雪 15.listen to music听音乐 16.in the sky在天空 17.wave to向....挥手 18.wave to say goodbye挥手说再见 19.high up在...上面 20.in a plane在飞机里 21.call out 叫喊
22.get very dark变得非常黑 23.go to the park去公园 24.have an ice cream 吃冰激凌 25.wake up醒来 26.wake up from my dream从梦中惊醒 27.read a book看书
1.buy sb.sth.=buy sth.for sb.给某人买某物 2.be back回来 3.in China在中国 4.look interesting看起来很有趣
5.play baseball打棒球 6.It`s for playing baseball.它是关于打棒球的。7.give sb.sth=give sth.to sb.给某人某东西 8.Daming`s mum大明的妈妈 9.Simon`s family西蒙的家人 10.have a baseball team组建一支棒球队 11.baseball caps棒球帽 12.That one is for sb.那个是给某人的。
13.Simon`s little brother西蒙的小弟弟 14.ride one`s bicycle骑自行车 15.watch the game观看比赛 16.their favourite team他们最喜爱的队 17.It was a great game!这是一场很棒的比赛!
五年级下册英语教案外研版 篇3
bedroom卧室living room客厅;起居室study书房kitchen厨房bathroom卫生间phone电话table桌子bed床sofa长沙发fridge冰箱find找到them他们
二、Let’s spell:
u-e [ju:] use使用cute可爱的excuse原谅,道歉tube管道mule骡子
u [?] cut切us我们fun开心up向上bus公共汽车mum妈妈duck鸭
Where are the keys?钥匙在哪里?Are they on the table?它们在桌子上吗?
No, they aren’t.不,它们不是。 They’re in the door.他们在门里。语法点:1. are开头的句子属于一般疑问句,回答是yes或no,然后根据句子的开头进行颠倒变化。
Be(is, am, are)的用法口诀
变疑问,往前提,句末问号莫丢弃。变否定,更容易,be(am, is, are)后not莫忘记。
句型:Is she in the living room?她在起居室里吗?
Yes, she is.是的,她是。No, she isn’t.不,她不是。
1.地点类:in the study在书房; in the kitchen在厨房; in the bathroom在浴室;
in your desk在你的课桌里; in your hand在你手里; on the table在桌子上;under the table在桌子下; on the fridge在冰箱上;near the phone在电话旁边;on the bed在床上
2.动作类:watch TV看电视read a book看书have a snack吃点心
have a nap睡一会儿open the door开门look at看
Go to the living room. Watch TV去客厅,看电视
Go to the study. Read a book去书房,读书
Go to the kitchen. Have a snack去厨房,吃零食
Go to the bedroom. Have a nap去卧室,睡觉
Go to the bathroom. Take a shower.去浴室,洗澡
1.Is she in the living room ?她在客厅里吗?
No , she isn’t.不,她不在。 / Yes, she is.是,她在。
2. Are they near the phone ?它们在电话旁边吗?
No , they aren’t .不,它们不在。 / Yes, they are.是的,它们在。
3. Where is the cap ?帽子在哪里?It’s on the bed.它在床上。
4. Where are the keys ?钥匙在哪儿?
Are they on the table ?它们在桌子上吗?
No , they aren’t . They’re in the door .不,不在。它们在门上。
5. Where are the keys?钥匙在哪儿?They’re on the fridge.它们在冰箱上。
6. Open the door, please.请打开门。 OK.好的
7. Is she in the study?她在书房里吗?
No, she isn’t .不,她不在。 /Yes, she is.是,她在。
8. Is it in your hand ?它在你的手里吗?
外研版小学英语三年级下册全模块教案 篇4
Unit 1
He’s a doctor.Teaching Aims: Review the sentence pattern “This is my…”
Review the words: grandpa, grandma, friend, father, mother, brother, sister.Learn to say “He’s / she’s… He’s / she’s a ….” Importance and Difficulties: Distinguish “He’s …” from “She’s …” Students Analysis: “He’s / She’s …” are not difficult in their pronunciation, do more exercises to differ them from each will enough.Teaching Aids: Tape recorder
a doll
head ornaments
Teaching Procedures: Step 1: Warming up Sing to greeting.Review colors: Show color cards and ask the Ss “What color?”
Review some words: Show some cards and ask the Ss “What’s this?” Let’s count.(From one to twelve.)Step 2: Revision Teacher shows cards and Ss look and say “Father….” Sticker these cards on the blackboard and read after T.Read the words group by group.Ss say: “This is my father….”
Ss review to say: “This is my school bag….” Learn the word “friend.” Read after teacher.Learn to say “This is my friend.” Step 3: Presentation Teacher points to several Ss and says “She’s … / He’s …” Explain with gestures.Write “She’s …” and “He’s…” on the blackboard.Read the sentence pattern.T shows some head ornaments, Ss look and try to say “She’s Lingling.He’s Daming….” Read “She’s Lingling.He’s Daming.…” after T.Ask some Ss to go to the front and stand in a line.Ss look and say “She’s…” / “He’s…” Step 4: Consolidation Teacher makes a model.Ss try to introduce his friend like “She’s… / He’s …”.Teacher points and says “She’s a pupil.” Or “He’s a pupil.” Ss learn to say.Teaching Notes:
Module 1:
Unit 2
She’s a nurse.Teaching Aims: 1.Review the points of the module.2.Learn to introduce a people like “She’s…/ She’s a nurse.” 3.Do the exercises of the module.Importance and Difficulties: He’s / She’s a pupil.Words: doctor, pupil, teacher.The exercises of the module.Students Analysis: We have learnt many words in the module: father, mother, brother, sister, grandpa, grandma, friend, pupil, doctor and so on, so it is necessary to review them in today’s lesson, and put the words in the sentence patterns: This is my…/ He’s/she’s…
Teaching Aids: Tape recorder a big pencil
a doll
head ornaments
Teaching Procedures:
Step 1: Warming up Sing to say hello.Review the chant: Where’s the pencil? Ss say the chant together.Put a pencil in different place, Ss look and answer teacher’s question “Where’s the pencil?”
Put a school bag on the desk, ask “Where’s the school bag?” Ss answer.Put a big pencil in / on / under the school bag, Ss look and say its location.Step 2: Revision Review the sentence “Look at the tree.” And “Look at the window….”
Review the sentence “So many birds.” And the sentence pattern “So many…” Review to say “Let’s count.” Count from one to twelve.Look the cards and answer “Father / mother / …” quickly.Introduce those cards like “This is my brother./ …” Look and say “This is my pencil….” Review the chant:
She, she, she.She’s Amy.3 He, he, he.He’s Daming.Read the chant after T.Say your classmates’ name.(She’s… / He’s …)Step 3: Presentation Teacher points several Ss and says “She’s a pupil./ He’s a pupil.” Learn the word “pupil.” Ss read the word.Some Ss stand up, the others look and say “She’s a pupil./ He’s a pupil.” Look at the head ornaments and say “She’s a pupil./ He’s a pupil.” Teacher shows the card and says “He’s a doctor.” Learn the word “doctor.” Step 4: Do the exercises Activity book: Exercise 2 on page 7
Exercise 3 on page 9
Teaching Notes:
Unit 1
Where’s the bird? Period 1 Teaching Aims: Understand the meaning of the text.Review the sentence pattern “A cat is in the box./ Where’s my pen?” Describe the location like “It’s in / on/ under..” Importance and Difficulties: The sentence pattern: “A cat is in the box.” Try to ask: “Where’s the orange cat?”
Students Analysis:
We have learnt the pattern “Where’s the…?”last week, so it is a consolidation of last period, just add some new points: Where’s the orange cat?
Teaching Aids: Tape recorder
a doll Pictures
Teaching Procedures:
Step 1: Warming up Greeting to Ss with a song.A TPR game: Listen and do.T: “Stand up!Sit down!Open your book!Point to the window.Point to the door….” Step 2: Revision Show four cards.T: “What’s this?” / “This is …” Read the four words in high and low voice.Read fast.T: “If you know, please stand up and read it fast.” Show the wall chart.Describe the location of the pen or the cat in the wall chart.Step 3: Presentation T points to the wall chart and asks: “Where’s the pen?” Ss answer: “It’s …” Write the two sentences on the blackboard: Where’s the pen? It’s in the hat.Read them after T in correct pronunciation and intonation.Ask several Ss to repeat.5 Read group by group.Step 4: Practice Ss ask T: “Where’s the pen?” T answer.Group 1 ask, group 2 answer from teacher’s points.Change.Group 2 ask and group 1 answer.Practice with your partner.Show some dialogues.Step 5: Presentation T draws 3 pictures on the blackboard: A red pen is in the hat.A green pen is on the hat.A yellow pen in under the hat.T asks: “Where’s the green pen?”….Ss answer.Write the 2 sentences on the blackboard.Read after T.Ask several Ss repeat it.Read group by group.Step 6: Practice T points to the picture, Ss ask: “Where’s the yellow pen?”… T answer.Group 1 ask and group 2 answer, then change.Practice with partner.Show your dialogue.Step 7: Consolidation A game: Look and guess.“Please look at my mouth, and guess the sentence.”
Teaching Notes
Unit1 Where is the orange cat? Teaching Aims: 1.Review the sentence pattern “Where’s the orange cat?”
2.Learn to guess the location of object with “Is it under/ in / on…?” Notes: Importance and Difficulties: Use the sentence: “Is it under / in / on the bed?” to ask the location.Students Analysis: It is not easy for the kids to use the sentence: “Is it under / in / on the bed?” to ask the location.Use the same thing to change its location each time will easier to the kids.Teaching Aids: Tape recorder tape a doll book
Cards school bag
Teaching Procedures:
Step 1: Warming up Sing a hello song to greet with each other.Play a guessing game.“Please look at my gestures, and then guess the animal I mime.” Step 2: Revision Answer teacher’s question accord to the card.“What’s this?” / “Is it a monster?”
Read the four words: doll, bear, bed, and balloon.A game: I hide, you guess.“Look, I hide a card;please guess what the card is.” Look and answer.(Teacher put some stationery, and asks the location.)Write the four sentences on the blackboard: Where’s the cat?
It’s in the box.Where’s the orange cat?
It’s under the box.Read after teacher and correct their pronunciation and intonation.Ask several students read them.7 Read the four sentences group by group.Step 3: Presentation and practice Teacher hides a school bag, a book, and a box under the table.Then put a pen in one of them.(in the school bag, on the box, or under the book…)Ss try to guess the location of the pen.“Is it …?” Write the two sentences on the blackboard: Is it under the bed?
Yes, it is.Read after teacher.Ask several students read it.Read fast group by group.Continue to play the game.Step 4: Consolidation Read the 4 sentences after teacher again.Play a game: Hear and read fast.(Listen to teacher’s sentence, and then read it fast group by group.)Step 5: Ending
Summarize the class.Sing and say goodbye.Teaching Notes:
How many green birds? Teaching Aims: Learn the numbers: 11 and 12.Understand the sentences “Look at the tree.” “So many birds!” and “Let’s count.” Importance and Difficulties: The pronunciation of “eleven and twelve”.The sentence “Look at the tree.”
Students Analysis: In fact, most students have learnt the words: eleven and twelve already, but most of them didn’t catch the right pronunciation of the sound /v/, pay more attention here in class.Teaching Aids: Tape recorder
a doll
Teaching Procedures:
Step 1: Warming up Sing and say hello.Review the chant.Read the chant together with gestures.Review the four words: balloon, bed, bear, and doll.(A game: T writes the four words on the blackboard, and then read three of them;Ss say the word T doesn’t read.)Step 2: Presentation and practice A game: Listen and do.(T: “Point to the ceiling.Point to the window.Stand up!Open your book.Sit down!Close your book.Look at the door.”)
T makes gesture to explain the sentence “Look at the door.” Continue to play the game.(Look at the teacher.Look at the ceiling.Look at the floor.Look at the window….)T shows several cards and asks “What’s this?”(tree)Teach the new word “tree”.Read and mime a tree.T: “Look at the tree.” Get the Ss to look at the tree card.9 Write the sentence “Look at the tree.” On the blackboard.Read and make gestures.Stick the wall chart on the blackboard.Get the Ss to look at the big tree.T: “Look at the tree.So many birds!”
Make gesture to explain the phrase “so many…”.Write “So many birds!” on the blackboard.Read after T and then read together.T: “Oh, how many birds? Let’s count.” Teach “Let’s count.”
Write it on the blackboard.Read and correct their pronunciation.Count the birds in the tree together.“OK, now, let’s count, how many birds? One, two, and three…” Teach the number eleven and twelve.T: “How many birds?” Ss: “Twelve birds.” Step 3: Consolidation Read the sentence on the blackboard again.Fast reaction: Listen to teacher’s sentence and repeat it fast group by group Teaching Notes:
Module 4:
Unit 1
This is my head.Teaching Aims: 1.Understand the meaning of the module.2.Learn the three new words: head, mouth, eye.3.Can survey like: This is my head / mouth / …
Importance and Difficulties: 1.The pronunciation of “mouth”.2.Do the survey.Students Analysis: This module is funny, the kids like to show their body.The problem is the three words’ pronunciation, like /e/, /ai/ and “th”.Practice more here.Teaching Aids: Tape recorder
cards CD-ROM
Teaching Procedures:
Step 1: Warming up Sing to greeting each other.Sing a song.Step 2: Revision Review some words: Bus, doctor, dress, nurse, driver, coat A game: I do, you say.Read them fast.Review to say: “She’s / He’s ….” Review to say: “This is his / her….” Step 3: Presentation T shows a picture of a head.T asks: “What’s this?” Ss try to answer.(a head)
Learn to say “head”.Point your head and read “head” in a little game.Read head in a chant.Learn to say “This is my head.”
Learn the word “mouth” and “eye” in the same way.Learn to say “This is my mouth / eye.” Step 3: Practice Read the 3 words again.Fast reaction: I say, you point.I point, you say.T points, Ss say “This is my head/…” Step 5: Consolidation Get the Ss to say “This is my pencil./ …”
Listen to the tape and try to understand the text.Read the text after the tape-recorder.Teaching Notes:
Module 4:
Unit 2
These are your legs.Period 1 Teaching Aims: Understand and try to say the sentence: “These are…” Review the words and learn a new body word: leg.3.Learn a song: Heads, shoulders.Importance and Difficulties: 1.The pronunciation of the sentence: “These are…” 2.The English song: Heads, shoulders.Students Analysis: “These are …” is a difficult point to the kids, make simples first and then let them find the order of “these are +-s”, it will be a great help.Teaching Aids: Tape recorder
cards stationery
Teaching Procedures:
Step 1: Warming up Greeting each other.Words game: Ask and answer.Review to say “This is his / her….” Step 2: Revision Review these body words in a game: ask and answer.Review to survey “This is my / your….” Step 3: Presentation T points to an eye and asks: What’s this? Ss: This is an eye.T points to the other eye and asks: What’s this? Ss: This is an eye.T asks: How many eyes do you have? Ss: Two eyes.T points to her eyes and say “These are my eyes.”
Ss learn to say “These are my eyes.” Ss say the sentence one by one.Write the sentence on the blackboard.T points to her legs and says “These are my legs.” Ss point to their legs and say “These are my legs.” Ss learn to say the word “leg”.T point to ears, Ss look and say “These are my ears.” Step 4: Practice A game: T point, Ss look and say: This is my head./ These are my eyes...T shows a pencil to Ss, Ss: This is a pencil.T shows 4 pencils to Ss, Ss: These are pencils.T shows more stationery and asks Ss: What’s this? / What are these? A game: I show, you say.I say, you show.Step 5: Learn the song CD-ROM: Listen to the song
Turn to page 17 and read the words of the song.Sing follow T sentence by sentence and do the actions.Sing the song together with CD-ROM.Teaching Notes:Module 5:
Unit 1
They’re cows.Period 1 Teaching Aims: 1.Understand the meaning of the module.2.Learn four new words: cow, pig, chicken and egg.3.Understand “What are they? They are …”
Importance and Difficulties: 1.Try to speak “What are they? They are…”
2.The pronunciation of the words: chicken and egg.Students Analysis: Animals always the children’s favorite, but today’s animals are not easy to catch.We can make the words into some chant, so that it will be easier to catch them.Teaching Aids: Tape recorder
cards CD-ROM
wall chart
Teaching Procedures:
Step 1: Warming up Sing the song
Greeting each other.Step 2: Revision Review words: a game: Ask and answer chant T points, Ss look and say “This is my head…./ These are my ears….”T shows some stationery, Ss look and say “This is a pencil…./ These are erasers….” Step 3: Presentation Turn to page 18.Observe the pictures and listen to teacher.Get the Ss to understand the text.Learn the word “cow”:
A.Observe picture 2.B.Learn the new word “cow”.C.Get the Ss count “How many cows?”
D.Learn to say “They are cows.”
E.Say it group by group.F.T asks: What are they? Ss answer.G.Learn to say “What are they?”
H.Say it one bye one.Learn the other new words: pig, chicken, egg.Picture 3: pig---pigs Picture 4: chi ken---chickens Picture 5: egg---eggs Word games: A.Chant
B.Left and right Step 4: Practice Page 19: activity 2.Read after T.Read group by group.Read the conversation one by one.Blackboardwriting:
Teaching Notes:
Module 5:
Unit 2
It’s thin.Period 1 Teaching Aims: Learn the new words.Understand the text.Importance and Difficulties: The new word “thin”.The meaning of the text
Students Analysis: The text is not easy to the kids, actually they cannot express their meaning like this, today’s key points is learn to describe the things, like “It’s thin/ fat/ little/ pink” etc.Teaching Aids: Tape recorder
cards stationery
Teaching Procedures:
Step 1: Warming up Sing to greeting.Sing a song.Step 2: Revision Words chant: Ask and answer chant Watch the CAI and review the sentence patterns: What are they? They are cows.Game: T imitates the animal’s voice;Ss guess “What are they?” Step 3: Presentation Observe the wall chart of the text.Learn to say: mother pig, father pig … Watch the card and learn to say “baby pig”.Look at the father pig and learn the new word: fat.Look at the mother pig and learn the new word: thin.Count: How many baby pigs? Six.17 Look at the baby pigs and learn the new words: big, little Read those words and do the actions after T.Watch the card and learn the new word “pink”.Step 3: Practice Review the colors.T points, Ss read the words.T says the word, Ss do the actions.T do the actions, Ss says the word.Words chant.Watch the pictures and say: This is a panda.It’s fat.This is a monkey.It’s thin.This is a baby pig.It’s little.This is a father pig.It’s big.Blackboardwriting:
Teaching Notes:
Module 6:
Unit 1
These snacks are short.Period 1 Teaching Aims: 1.Understand the meaning of the module.2.Learn four animal words: snake, giraffe, elephant, lion 3.Try to understand and learn “long, short, tall, and short”.Importance and Difficulties: Understand the 2 meaning of the word “short”.The pronunciation of “giraffe”.Students Analysis: The four animal words“snake, giraffe, elephant, lion” is not popular as “dog、cat、fish and fish”, there will be more time to read them out.Especially the pronunciation of “giraffe and elephant”.Teaching Aids: Tape recorder
cards CD-ROM
wall chart
Teaching Procedures:
Step 1: Warming up Greeting each other.Review: cow, pig, chicken, egg Step 2: Revision Review “They’re …”
Read activity 2 on page 19.Express time: Describe the picture on page 20.(The pig’s family)
(The chicken’s family)Step 3: Presentation Lingling and Amy went to the zoo today.Learn the word: zoo
Learn to say: Let’s go to the zoo.Observe picture one and find the animal.Learn the new word: snake Read the word after T and correct Ss’ pronunciation.Read the word in a little game: High and low voice Learn the new words “giraffe, elephant, lion” in the same way.Game: Fast reaction Game: I say, you do./ I do, you say.Point and say: They’re snakes.…
Look at the picture and try to understand “long, short, tall”.Read those words.Game: I do, you say.T do the actions, Ss say the word.Step 4: Ending Read all the words together.Sing to say goodbye.Blackboardwriting:
Teaching Notes:
Module 6:
Unit 2
They’re little and cute.Period 1 Teaching Aims: Learn the new words “cute” and “scary”.Try to say: The baby lions are cute.The mother lion isn’t cute.It’s scary.Importance and Difficulties: 1.Try to introduce the lion’s family.2.The pronunciation of “isn’t”.Students Analysis: “Cute and scary” are adjective verbs.We can understand their meanings by our activities easily.The difficult point is their pronunciations.Teaching Aids: Tape recorder
cards stationery
Teaching Procedures:
Step 1: Warming up Sing to greeting each other.Words game: Ask and answer chant Step 2: Presentation T: Amy and Lingling went to the zoo.They are watching the lions.Learn to express: baby lion Count: “How many baby lions?”
Write “The baby lions ” on the blackboard.Read after T.Observe the baby lions and learn the new word: cute.Learn to say: “The baby lions are cute.” Read row by row.21 Observe the mother lion and learn the new word: scary.Learn to say: “The mother lion isn’t cute.It’s scary.” Correct the pronunciation of “isn’t”.Read the sentence team by team.Step 3: Practice Text: Listen to the tape.Understand the meaning of the text.Try to read the text.Read the text after T sentence by sentence.Read the text by themselves.Page 24: Activity 2 Look and say.Blackboard-writing:
Teaching Notes:
第三册Module7 Unit1 There is a cat in this tree.一、教材分析:
语言知识目标:全体学生会运用there is,horse.、语言技能目标:全体学生能认读there is,horse.全体学生能说There is a girl in this photo.She’s riding a horse.I can’t see her face.情感态度价值观:通过体验There is 的重音,初步感知中外文化异同。并调动学生积极参与各种课堂教学活动。
1、重点:初步熟悉句型:There is …
I.Warm-up 利用课前1分钟,跟学生Free talk.能说出带ing的动词词组。“木头人”游戏用来复习现在进行时句型。选择一名同学躲在讲台桌后,让他做出五个词组的动作,然后,我说:“Freeze!”他就定格好某一个动作。全班同学齐问他:What are you doing?我则让同学们来猜
3.听音找词。通过这个环节,让学生自己来找出老师读到的单词或者词组。生词老师会用字母拼出来,让学生初步认识单词,只要求学生会跟读。词组是学过的,老师会直接读出来。让学生找出来,并做出相应动作。看谁速度快!II.Presentation 1.播放活动一的录音,让学生跟着节奏跟读。你能说出你听到的那些单词吗? 2.播放活动二的视频,请学生认真看。试着理解课文内容。问学生What are Sam,Amy and Daming doing? 3.师说There are so many photos in ActivityTwo.Let’s see what are in these photos?请学生带着问题再次听录音,同时圈出There is…并试着找出问题的答案。4.播放视频,请学生模仿跟读。
1.自己画一幅某人正在做某事的图片,用There is….和正在进行时进行描述。There is a boy in this photo.He’s swimming.2.Homework:
回家后找一些你家中比较有特点的照片,试着用There is…in this photo.He’s ….进行描述。下节课把那些照片带过来,跟大家分享一下吧!板书设计:
Module7 Unit1 There is a horse in this photo.reading a book
riding a bike
There is _________in this photo.swimming
playing football
______________.drinking milk
Module 8 Unit1 There’s a pair of shorts under that duck.教学目标
1、Knowledge of the language(语言知识与能力目标)a.’s a pair of shorts under that duck.b.a pair of, shorts,shirt.2、Emotion attitude(情感目标)
There’s a pair of shorts under that duck.教学过程设计
A、Warming up.(热身)a.Greeting—Sing the song<> b.展示活动1的挂图,问学生小狗在干什么? B.Presentation and Practice(新知呈现与操练)
1.展示活动2的挂图,先请学生看图,看是否能尝试用“There be ”描述图片内容。2.教师播放录音和动画,请学生边看动画或边听录音便看图,告诉学生听完后回答下面的问题:Daming的鞋子到哪去了呢?(被鸭子穿走了。)3.再次播放动画或录音,请学生逐句跟读。要引导学生注意到指示牌“Beach Pool”,即海滩泳池,教师要给学生解释:“这里是允许游泳的海滩,因为这里有安全措施。
4.这里的“a pair of,over there“都只能要求学生理解。5.最后播放录音,请学生完整跟读。训练巩固
Module 8 Unit2 There are two footballs under my desk.教学目标
1、Knowledge of the language(语言知识与能力目标)a.’s a pair of shorts under that duck.b.a pair of, shorts,shirt.2、Emotion attitude(情感目标)
There’s a pair of shorts under that duck.教学过程设计
A、Warming up.(热身)a.Greeting—Sing the song<> b.展示活动1的挂图,问学生小狗在干什么? B.Presentation and Practice(新知呈现与操练)
1.展示活动2的挂图,先请学生看图,看是否能尝试用“There be ”描述图片内容。2.教师播放录音和动画,请学生边看动画或边听录音便看图,告诉学生听完后回答下面的问题:Daming的鞋子到哪去了呢?(被鸭子穿走了。)3.再次播放动画或录音,请学生逐句跟读。要引导学生注意到指示牌“Beach Pool”,即海滩泳池,教师要给学生解释:“这里是允许游泳的海滩,因为这里有安全措施。
4.这里的“a pair of,over there“都只能要求学生理解。5.最后播放录音,请学生完整跟读。训练巩固
Step1 : Chant Tiger, tiger ,big big tiger Snake, snake, short short snake Elephant, elephant, long nose elephant Giraffe, giraffe, tall tall giraffe These ____are ___.Step 2 闯关游戏:
拯救美亚公主 Animals are our friends.(动物是我们的朋友)Love animals(爱护动物)Protect animals(保护动物)Are they long? Yes, they are.These snakes are short.These snakes are long.The giraffes are tall.I am short.The elephants are very big.Thank you!I’m Mei Ya(美亚公主).* Kerry How many animals can you see? How many animals can you see? How many ping-pong balls in the classroom? How many footballs in the classroom? How may basketballs in the classroom?
Step3: watch and answer: listen the passage and number the pictures 听录音,给下面的课文图片排序号。
Step4: listen and number: 1 2 3 4 Look at the pictures carefully and finish the sentences.同学们请认真看图来完成对话吧!
Step 5:look and say: Lingling, there’s a basketball under my chair.Oh no!Sorry There are two footballs under my desk.Oh, there are two footballs under my desk.Lingling, there are five ping-pong balls here.Oh, it’s Daming.Ha ha….Let’s read passage and repeat.孩子们让我们来跟读吧!
Step6: Let’s read the passage one by one.孩子们,我们来玩排火车读课文嘞!show time Look at the pictures carefully and finish the sentences.同学们请认真看图来完成对话吧!
Step7: look and say: These ____are ___.pencils pencils short long These girls are tall.These girls are short.These pencils are short.These pencils are long.These trees are short.These trees are tall.The tigers are big.The cats are small.勇敢的小朋友们,我们美丽的可爱的美亚小公主正被恶毒的魔王困在阴森的城堡万神殿里,希望聪明,机智, 勇敢,有爱心的你帮帮她吧!时间紧迫,赶快行动吧!第一关 Hi,欢迎你来到我神秘的黄金宫殿,我是殿神--阿比西,想营救公主,先要过我这一个关,想打败我们,那就看看你能不能采集到8朵血木菊。Who can read? 谁会读? snake elephant giraffe tiger Who can read? 谁会读? long tall small short 第二关 Hi,欢迎你来到我神秘的白金,我是殿神--古拉齐,想营救公主,看看你的本领,能否说出每组不同类的单词.赢得3朵血木菊。elephant snake zoo long giraffe short they he she 第一关 第三关 Hi,欢迎你来到我神秘的紫铜宫,我是殿神--克里司,想营救公主,还要过我这一个关,想打败我们,那就看看你能不能采到这7朵毒玫瑰。* 家庭作业
Unit 1
I like football.Period 1 Teaching Aims: 1.Understand the meaning of the module.2.Learn to use the sentence patterns “I like…” and “We like…”
Importance and Difficulties: Distinguish “I” and “we”.Use “I like…” and “We like…” in daily life.Students Analysis: I have mentioned “I like ×××” many times in the past periods, so it’s not a difficult thing for them to express “I like…”(just chance the names to things is ok.)In this period we should distinguish “I & We”, make gestures can do it.Teaching Aids: Tape recorder
cards pictures
wall chart
Teaching Procedures:
Step 1: Warming up Greeting each other.Revision:
a.The words of animals.b.The sentence pattern: Let’s…
(Pay more attention on “Let’s sing.” And “Let’s dance.”)Step 2: Presentation T makes some gestures and say: “I like football.” Ss guess the meaning of the sentence.Write the sentence on the blackboard and read.Learn to express “I like…”(Sports)Learn to express “I like…”(Color)Express: I like…(animals)
Tell “I like…” to your classmates.T makes some gestures and say: “We like football.” Ss guess the meaning of the sentence.Write the sentence on the blackboard and read.Learn to express “We like…”(Sports)Learn to express “We like…”(Color)Express: We like…(animals)
Tell “We like…” to your classmates.Tell the story of the text, and ask them retell it.Step 3: Practice Find “I like …” and “We like…” in the text.Read these sentences.Say and do after T: I like… We like… Fast reaction.Game: Look T’s gestures and say the sentences Page 31: Activity three
(Look at the pictures and say sentences.)Blackboard-writing:
Teaching Notes:
Unit 2
What’s your favorite sport? Period 1 Teaching Aims: 1.Learn to say “sport, colour, and animal.”
2.Understand the sentence “What’s your favourite sport?” then try to speak it out.Importance and Difficulties: The pronunciation of “favourite”.Can answer the question: What’s your favourite sport?
Students Analysis: After learning: I/ We/ They like…, today’s task is asking one’s hobby: What’s your favourite sport? And we can chance the “sport” into colour/ animal and so on.Teaching Aids: Tape recorder
Teaching Procedures:
Step 1: Warming up Sing to greeting.Step 2: Revision 1.Review these sentence patterns: I like football.We like football.They like football.2.CAI: Show some pictures, Ss look and say.3.Page 31: Activity two: Reading.4.Game: Gestures and sentences.Step 3: Presentation Game: Guessing Review some colors.Learn to say the word: color Review some animals.Learn to say the word: animal Review some sports.30 Learn to say the word: sport Game: Who’s calling me?
Read the 3 new words again row by row.T: “What’s your favorite sport?” Make the Ss understand it.Write it on the blackboard.Learn to read it.Correct the pronunciation of the word “favorite”.Say the sentence one by one.Blackboard-writing:
Teaching Notes:
Module 10:
Unit 1
Let’s play football!Period 1 Teaching Aims: 1.Understand the meaning of the module.2.Learn to say the phrases: play football / basketball / ping-pong/ go swimming 3.Can say the right phrase according to the actions or pictures.Importance and Difficulties: The pronunciation of “ basketball”.Students Analysis: Even though sports are the first time we meet, the kids are familiar the sports name, such as: football, ping-pong and so on.Except learn to say the sports name, I should also tell them: do more exercises after class!Have a good healthy is the most important thing in everyone’s life!
Teaching Aids: Tape recorder
cards pictures
wall chart
Teaching Procedures: Step 1: Warming up Sing to greeting each other.Words chant: fat, thin, big, little, long, short, tall… animal words Step 2: Presentation T: Today, Sam and Daming have some sports.Show the wall chart.Observe picture one and learn the new word: football Introduce them some message about football.Write the word on the blackboard.Read after T.Game: High and low voice Learn the new word “basketball” in the same way.Game: T points, Ss read.(group by group)Learn the new word “ping-pong” and “swimming” in the same way.32 Step 3: Practice Look the teacher’s gestures and guess the meaning of “play”.Learn the new word: play.Little game: Bomb Learn to say: play football / basketball / ping-pong Look at the picture and learn to say “go swimming”.Read and do the actions.Game: I say, you do./ I do, you say.Page 27: activity 3
(Read the words)
(Look the picture and say the phrase.)Blackboardwriting:
Teaching Notes:
Module 10:
Unit 2
Let’s sing!Teaching Aims: Review the sports.Learn to say “sing” and “dance”.Importance and Difficulties: The pronunciation of “tired.” Use “Let’s sing/ dance” freely.Students Analysis: We have two different sounds of “dance”, the American sound and the English sound, we choose the one which is in our tapes.And I also will let them know the differences of the word “dance”.Teaching Aids: Tape recorder
Teaching Procedures:
Step 1: Warming up Step 2: Revision 1.Show them some animal cards and ask: “What are they?” “They’re…” 2.Show them the balls, ask: “What’s this? This is …” 3.Stick the pictures of balls on the blackboard.4.T points, Ss read the words group by group.5.T does the actions, Ss look and say the phrase group by group.6.Review to say the whole sentence “Let’s play….” 7.Open the books, read the text on page 26.8.Read the activity 2 on page 27.9.Activity 3 on page 27: Listen to the teacher’s words, and number the pictures.10.Point and say: “Let’s play…./ Let’s go…” Step 3: Presentation 1.T: “Let’s play football.No, I’m hot.”
2.Review to say “No, I’m hot.” 3.Learn to say “No, I’m tired.” 4.Read row by row.5.T shows a picture and teaches the new word “sing.” 6.Get the Ss say: Let’s sing.7.Makes a gesture, and learn to say: “Let’s dance.”
8.Write the sentence on the blackboard: Let’s sing and dance.9.Read after T.Step 4: Practice 1.Turn to page 28, try to read the text.2.Read the text after T.3.Page 29: Chant.(Look and say.)
(Read and chant.)Blackboard-writing:
小学英语外研版三年级起点第六册Module 1 Unit 1教案08-16