


高一英语外研版作文 篇1


Module 1



地位 河南省东部




1、清明上河园(Qingming Riverside Landcape Garden)为一大型历史文化主题公园。

2、大相国寺(Daxiangguo Temple)以其传说闻名遐迩。

3、包公祠(Lord Bao Memorial Temple)每年吸引着众多


Dear Jack ,I’m glad to learn that you will come to visit Kaifeng.I’d like to tell you something about the city.Located in the east of Henan Province,Kaifeng is known as a famous ancient(古代的、古老的;古旧的,旧的)capital and an excellent(出色的;杰出的;优等的)tourist city of China.One of the most attractive(有吸引力的;引人注目的;妩媚动人的)places is the Qingming Riverside Landcape Garden,which has become a large historical and cultural theme(论题,话题,题目,主题,主题思想;题材)park.The Daxiangguo Temple is well-known for its legends(传说;传奇故事;传奇文学).The Lord Bao Memorial Temple built in

memory(记忆;记忆力)of Bao Zheng ,who was an honest official(官员、官方的,法定的;正式的)in the Song Dynasty ,attracts millions(百万;百万元)of people every year.I do hope you will have a good time here.Yours,②

Li Hua

高一英语外研版作文 篇2

新课程提倡学生在教师指导下进 行自主、合作、探 究的学习,让每一位学生能在课堂上感受到学习语言的喜悦和成就感,进而促进学生积极参与良性发展,提高语言综合运用能力。《义务教育英语课程标准》(2011版解读)对初一学生语言技能阅读的标准为:(1)能正确地朗读课文。(2)能理解并执行有关学习活动的简短书面指令。(3)能读懂简单故事和短文并抓住大意。(4)能初步使用简单的工具书。(5)课外阅读量应累计达到4万词以上。如何让学生随着知识和词汇的增加逐步提高阅读水平,增强阅读兴趣,养成良好的阅读习惯,就需要教师立足课堂教学,开展有效的阅读教学。在阅读教学中,我一般采用 以下四个 策略,即导入策 略、词汇策略、分析理解策略和课后巩固策略。


在现实教学中有相当一部分教师开始阅读课前,都会要求学生在家做好预习工作,将课文进行翻译,划出生字词等。学生在阅读过程中享受不到阅读文章的乐趣,更不用谈从中得到阅读技巧的提高。学生不了解阅读材料的背景知识,阅读在学生单个的沉默阅读活动中进行,学生没有阅读欲望和兴趣,思维的空间受到限制。随之而来的是 教师课堂 缺少创新 活力,效率得不 到提高。因此,如何导入阅读课,激发学生阅读兴趣 在开始上课前就显得尤为重要。根据阅读单元内容的不同,通常采用以下灵 活多变的 策略和方 法创设情 境,导入新课:

1.对故事性较强的阅读课文,以设问导入。如进行七年级下册(外研版新 标准)Module 8Story time教学时,学生通过学习unit1的故事,对Goldilocks这个小女孩非常感兴趣,想知道小女孩在进入小熊家之后发生了什么事,于是在上unit2阅读课时,我通过设计问题来引入阅读课文:What did Goldilocks do when she saw the three bears?Did Goldilocks go for a walk in the forest again?通过提问激起学生学习的兴趣,因为兴趣是促 成他们阅读的动力。

2.对学生感兴趣的话题,以讨论导入。如进行七年级上册(外研版新 标准)Module 5 My school day教学时,因为学生对贴近学习生活的话题比较感兴趣,因此上课时我以What is your school day like?为主线,让学生以小组为单 位进行讨 论,以表格的 形式将日 常的学习、生活时间、具体内容呈现在活动卡 上,讨论结束 后, 小组成员还可以到其他组参观其他成果,讨论的气氛变得相当热烈。这样对于转入阅读课文就很自然,学生的课堂状态很好,阅读欲望很高,阅读效率自然就高。

3.对文化意识的话题,以视听形式导入。根据课文内容选出一些话题,用视听的形式呈现,吸引学生的注意力。如进行七年级下册(外研版新标准)Module 6Around town的教学时,通过课前 播放视频,让学生了 解英国首都伦敦的一些著名景点,从而进一步自然过渡到课文的学习。

从上述可知,无论采用哪种导入方 式,目的都是 为了激发学生的阅读兴趣和学习主动性,没有前面导入的铺垫,就不会有后面高效的阅读理解。


我们教师常见的词汇教学模式是:教师先把生词写在黑板上,或让学生看课本的词汇表,之后领读生词,直接告诉学生词义,然后给出例句,让学生记下例句,最后让学生拼写并记忆单词。这样,词语的意蕴,情感都没 有得到应有的开掘,如此的词汇教学,简单而缺乏生命力。那么,如何让学生有效地理解阅读文章中的重点词汇,使词汇教学活力四射呢?我认为,在阅读教 学中应该让词汇教学贯穿于整个阅读教学过程。


运用表演法进行词汇教学。表演法就 是教师运 用动作(body language)和表情来 教学具有 动感或感 情色彩的词汇。实际上,表演也是创设真实情景的有效手段之一,教师可以与学生一起做动作,促进学生积极参与词汇学习活动。如在学到 七年级下 册(外研版新 标准) Module 8Unit 2Goldilocks hurried out of the house时, 让学生进行与这个主题相关的词汇演绎活动,根据新单词asleep、return、cry、shout、jump、point at、in pieces,学生以两人为单位,一位学生读单词,另一位学生做动作, 这样既提高了单词记忆效率,又激发了学生学习后面阅读课文的兴趣,有效地促进了后面阅读课文的理解。


词汇的意义在于特定的语境中,只有在上下文中词义才能明确和具体,如果脱离语境进行词汇教学,即使学生记住了词汇的形式和意义,也很难将其运用于实际交际活动中。因此,词汇教学应融入句子和语篇的教学中,做到词不离句,句不离篇。教师应为学生创 设运用所学语言的语境,深化学生在语境中熟悉词义,掌握其用法,理解词汇的 意蕴。针对 学生学习 词汇的这 种倾向,在阅读教学中有意识地创设情境教学,让学生参与到学习理解生词的教学活动中,通过上下文的语境来理解识记,而不是死记硬背。在进行七年上册(外研版新标准)Module 7Computers的阅读单元时 ,我设计了一段话让学生猜词,You can use your computer to do lots of things on the Internet.you can listen to music or watch movies on it.You can search information.If you want to travel,you can buy train tickets on it.You can also check your email,or send emails to friends.When you are free,you can play lots of computer games.通过上下文语境的联系,大多数学生都能猜测、理解和掌握这些词语,在真正的语言环境中理解了词语的含义。


学生对阅读理解课中的词汇掌握不是单靠一两 个环节就可完成,需要不断地重复、加强和巩固。特 别是对于七年级学生来说,由于没有较多的英语知识积累, 学得快忘得快,因此需要以不同的方式不断呈现巩固。通常在教完一篇阅读课文后,让学生用所学的关键词汇来概括归纳或缩写课文,在语境中运用词汇,熟悉课文内容,巩固所学词汇,做到学以致用,切实地提高了他们的阅读理解能力。例如,学完七年级下册(外研版新标准)module 7的阅读单元,我就设计了短文填空,让学生运用刚学到的重要的单词、短语来完成短文。Quincy is a small town on the east coast of America,two presidents of the US were born here.Betty was also born there twelve years ago.She lived in a comfortable house with a big living room,a kitchen,a bathroom and three bedrooms.Behind the house ,there was a big garden with lots of trees and there was a small lake with fish in it.There was lots to do there,so Betty wasn’t bored.


著名教育家叶圣陶先生说:“教是为了不教”。吕叔湘先生也指出:“教学 ,教学,就是教学生学”。可见教师的主导作用还在于做好学生学习的向导,使学生不仅学到知识,而且懂得如何去学。

首先,要教会学生猜 测、概括或推 理的策略。教 师要指导学生选择合适的猜词技巧:根据上下文提供的内容猜测;根据题目来猜测。其次要鼓励学生对每一篇文章运用自己的背景知识来分析文中可能会出现的观点或情景。如在进行七年级下册(外研版新标准)Module 3Unit 2We are going to cheer the players这篇文章的教学时,要求学生讨论自己在周末或假期时打算做的事, 带着自己的计划走 入文中,感受be going to结构的用 法。

其次,要教给学生快 速阅读的 策略。例如,当学生阅读文章时,选用what、who、when、where、why和how提问方法就可以帮助学生快速理清文章脉络,了解主体及其情节发展脉络。这些问题可以引导学生在阅读中有意识地捕捉主要信息。

最后,要教给学生精读的策略。精读的目的在于理清句、篇的正确意思。当阅读遇到一些生词、难句,教会学生正确利用语境理解文章思想和内涵。如在进行七年级下册(外研版新标准)Module5Shopping中take一词教学中,因为之前已经接触过take的两种意思,这单元的出现已是第三种意思了,所以应该适当讲解。但还是通过句、篇理 解更为恰 当,如:1.Tom often takes a bike to school.2.I will take this T-shirt.3.Shopping usually takes a lot of time.通过以上句子的比较,让学生自己体验take在不同句子中的不同意思和用法。


在经过了导入和阅读阶段的训练,学生对文章的整体有了较好的理解。为了帮助学生构建知识框架,深化文章内涵领悟,教师有必要设计形式多样的练习,以巩固学习的效果,如:复述或角色表演、提炼文章、背 诵课文、书面表达等。如在学习七年级下册(外研版新标准) Module 8Unit 2Goldilocks hurried out of the house后, 可以让学生分组将故事情节进行表演,每位学生都参与到表演中,再次升华学习的内容,充分调动学生的学习兴趣。此外,七年级英语教材中,每个单元都有 一个话题。学生经过了以上阅读知识的输入和大量的练习 巩固后,可以根据每单元的话题,借鉴课文中背诵的经典词句,进行拓展性的书面写作,提高学生学习后的综合运用能力。

高一英语外研版作文 篇3

[关键词]七年级英语 阅读 教学策略

[中图分类号] G633.41 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 16746058(2015)190029


新课程提倡学生在教师指导下进行自主、合作、探究的学习,让每一位学生能在课堂上感受到学习语言的喜悦和成就感,进而促进学生积极参与良性发展,提高语言综合运用能力。《义务教育英语课程标准》(2011版解读)对初一学生语言技能阅读的标准为:(1)能正确地朗读课文。(2)能理解并执行有关学习活动的简短书面指令。(3) 能读懂简单故事和短文并抓住大意。(4)能初步使用简单的工具书。(5) 课外阅读量应累计达到4万词以上。如何让学生随着知识和词汇的增加逐步提高阅读水平,增强阅读兴趣,养成良好的阅读习惯,就需要教师立足课堂教学,开展有效的阅读教学。在阅读教学中,我一般采用以下四个策略,即导入策略、词汇策略、分析理解策略和课后巩固策略。



1.对故事性较强的阅读课文,以设问导入。如进行七年级下册(外研版新标准)Module 8 Story time 教学时,学生通过学习unit1的故事,对Goldilocks这个小女孩非常感兴趣,想知道小女孩在进入小熊家之后发生了什么事,于是在上unit2阅读课时,我通过设计问题来引入阅读课文:What did Goldilocks do when she saw the three bears? Did Goldilocks go for a walk in the forest again? 通过提问激起学生学习的兴趣,因为兴趣是促成他们阅读的动力。

2.对学生感兴趣的话题,以讨论导入。如进行七年级上册(外研版新标准)Module 5 My school day教学时,因为学生对贴近学习生活的话题比较感兴趣,因此上课时我以What is your school day like ?为主线,让学生以小组为单位进行讨论,以表格的形式将日常的学习、生活时间、具体内容呈现在活动卡上,讨论结束后,小组成员还可以到其他组参观其他成果,讨论的气氛变得相当热烈。这样对于转入阅读课文就很自然,学生的课堂状态很好,阅读欲望很高,阅读效率自然就高。

3.对文化意识的话题,以视听形式导入。根据课文内容选出一些话题,用视听的形式呈现,吸引学生的注意力。如进行七年级下册(外研版新标准)Module 6 Around town的教学时,通过课前播放视频,让学生了解英国首都伦敦的一些著名景点,从而进一步自然过渡到课文的学习。




1. 表演呈现,感悟词汇的趣味

运用表演法进行词汇教学。表演法就是教师运用动作(body language)和表情来教学具有动感或感情色彩的词汇。实际上,表演也是创设真实情景的有效手段之一,教师可以与学生一起做动作,促进学生积极参与词汇学习活动。如在学到七年级下册(外研版新标准)Module 8 Unit 2 Goldilocks hurried out of the house时,让学生进行与这个主题相关的词汇演绎活动,根据新单词asleep、return、cry、shout、jump、point at、 in pieces,学生以两人为单位,一位学生读单词,另一位学生做动作,这样既提高了单词记忆效率,又激发了学生学习后面阅读课文的兴趣,有效地促进了后面阅读课文的理解。


词汇的意义在于特定的语境中,只有在上下文中词义才能明确和具体,如果脱离语境进行词汇教学,即使学生记住了词汇的形式和意义,也很难将其运用于实际交际活动中。因此,词汇教学应融入句子和语篇的教学中,做到词不离句,句不离篇。教师应为学生创设运用所学语言的语境,深化学生在语境中熟悉词义,掌握其用法,理解词汇的意蕴。针对学生学习词汇的这种倾向,在阅读教学中有意识地创设情境教学,让学生参与到学习理解生词的教学活动中,通过上下文的语境来理解识记,而不是死记硬背。在进行七年上册(外研版新标准)Module 7 Computers的阅读单元时 ,我设计了一段话让学生猜词, You can use your computer to do lots of things on the Internet. you can listen to music or watch movies on it. You can search information. If you want to travel, you can buy train tickets on it. You can also check your email, or send emails to friends. When you are free, you can play lots of computer games.通过上下文语境的联系,大多数学生都能猜测、理解和掌握这些词语,在真正的语言环境中理解了词语的含义。

3. 阅读后的词汇巩固

学生对阅读理解课中的词汇掌握不是单靠一两个环节就可完成,需要不断地重复、加强和巩固。特别是对于七年级学生来说,由于没有较多的英语知识积累,学得快忘得快,因此需要以不同的方式不断呈现巩固。通常在教完一篇阅读课文后,让学生用所学的关键词汇来概括归纳或缩写课文,在语境中运用词汇,熟悉课文内容,巩固所学词汇,做到学以致用,切实地提高了他们的阅读理解能力。例如,学完七年级下册(外研版新标准)module 7 的阅读单元,我就设计了短文填空,让学生运用刚学到的重要的单词、短语来完成短文。Quincy is a small town on the east coast of America, two presidents of the US were born here. Betty was also born there twelve years ago. She lived in a comfortable house with a big living room, a kitchen , a bathroom and three bedrooms . Behind the house ,there was a big garden with lots of trees and there was a small lake with fish in it . There was lots to do there, so Betty wasnt bored.


著名教育家叶圣陶先生说:“教是为了不教”。吕叔湘先生也指出:“教学 ,教学,就是教学生学”。可见教师的主导作用还在于做好学生学习的向导,使学生不仅学到知识,而且懂得如何去学。

首先,要教会学生猜测、概括或推理的策略。教师要指导学生选择合适的猜词技巧:根据上下文提供的内容猜测;根据题目来猜测。其次要鼓励学生对每一篇文章运用自己的背景知识来分析文中可能会出现的观点或情景。如在进行七年级下册(外研版新标准)Module 3 Unit 2 We are going to cheer the players这篇文章的教学时,要求学生讨论自己在周末或假期时打算做的事,带着自己的计划走入文中,感受be going to 结构的用法。


最后,要教给学生精读的策略。精读的目的在于理清句、篇的正确意思。当阅读遇到一些生词、难句,教会学生正确利用语境理解文章思想和内涵。如在进行七年级下册(外研版新标准)Module5 Shopping中take 一词教学中,因为之前已经接触过take的两种意思,这单元的出现已是第三种意思了,所以应该适当讲解。但还是通过句、篇理解更为恰当,如:1. Tom often takes a bike to school . 2. I will take this T-shirt. 3. Shopping usually takes a lot of time. 通过以上句子的比较,让学生自己体验take在不同句子中的不同意思和用法。


在经过了导入和阅读阶段的训练,学生对文章的整体有了较好的理解。为了帮助学生构建知识框架,深化文章内涵领悟,教师有必要设计形式多样的练习,以巩固学习的效果,如:复述或角色表演、提炼文章、背诵课文、书面表达等。如在学习七年级下册(外研版新标准)Module 8 Unit 2 Goldilocks hurried out of the house后,可以让学生分组将故事情节进行表演,每位学生都参与到表演中,再次升华学习的内容,充分调动学生的学习兴趣。此外,七年级英语教材中,每个单元都有一个话题。学生经过了以上阅读知识的输入和大量的练习巩固后,可以根据每单元的话题,借鉴课文中背诵的经典词句,进行拓展性的书面写作,提高学生学习后的综合运用能力。


[ 参 考 文 献 ]

[1]陈琳, Simon Greenall. 新标准英语初一上、下学生用书[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 2013.


高一英语外研版作文 篇4



English class


II. language points

1.What are the main differences between Junior High School and Senior High School?

(tell) the difference between A and B _____________

Be different from ______________

For example, _________________________________________


2. Are Senior High teachers similar to Junior High teachers?

Be similar to _____________________________

For example,____________________________________

3. Describe your attitude to studying English.

(北京春): In order to change attitude _________ employing women, the government is bringing in new laws.

A. aboutB. of C. towards D. on

4. What do you find most difficult about English?

Find + O + adj.

Eg 我发现英语语法很容易。_____________________________

5. Ms Shen’s method of teaching is nothing like that of the students of my Junior High School.

1) nothing like __________________________

Eg. There is nothing like home. __________________________________

2) that 代替method 以避免重复

Eg. 中国的人口比日本的人口多。___________________________________

Few pleasure can equal __________of a cool drink on a hot day. (NMET )

A. some B. any C. that D. those

Equipped with modern facilities, today’s libraries differ greatly from _______(上海春)

A. those of the past B. the past

C. which of the past D. these past

6. Today we introduced ourselves to each other.

Introduce vt. 用于__________________ 结构。

(04全国卷II) When first _______ to the market, these products enjoyed great success.

A. introducing B. introduced

C. introduce D. being introduced

7. In other words, there are three times as many girls as boys.

1) in other words _______________

2) A is …… times as adj as B.

Eg 这间房子是那间的五倍。___________________________



It is reported that the United States uses ________ energy as the whole of Europe.

A. as twice B. twice much C. twice much as D. twice as much

8. I don’t think I will be bored in Ms Shen’s class.

在有些句子中,位于宾语从句的否定词not被转移到主句中,称为“否定转移”。这样的动词有:think, suppose, believe, imagine, expect, seem, appear.

Eg 我认为他并不幸福。____________________________.



9. I’m looking forward to doing it.

Look forward to ________________

Eg. _______________________________

10.Would you mind answering the questions for me?

答语:______________ _______________ _________

_______________ ___________________ ___

11. Oh really? So have I.

“So + 系动词/助动词/情态动词 + 主语 ” 结构 表示_________

否定用neither/ nor

“ so + 主语+系动词/助动词/情态动词” 表示__________________

(上海97) – David has made great progress recently.

----- ___________, and ___________________.

A. so he has; so you have B. so he has; so have you

C. so has he; so have you D. so has he; So you have

12.cover 词义知多少

She covered her eyes with her hand. ______________

The Red Army covered 25 thousand li during the Long March. _________

How many pages have you covered? ____________

The city covers ten square miles. _________________

He was sent to cover the Olympics. _________________

Secondary school in the US usually covers seven years. ____________

III. Grammar

1. Fill in the blanks with the present simple tense or the present continuous tense

1) I’ll thank you if you ______ ( give ) me a lift.

2) There _______ ( go ) the bell.

3) You___________ (always forget) the important things.

5) The train __________ ( arrive)

6) The meeting ________ ( begin) at seven.

7) The boys __________ ( play) football now.

8) Tomorrow we ________( start ) for Beijing.

9) The Yangtze River _________(flow) into the Pacific Ocean.

10) We _______ (study ) French with a foreign teacher this term.

11) The earth ________ ( move) round the sun.

12) My father ________ (go) abroad in a week.

13) I ________(visit) my grandparents once a week。

2. Adjectives ending in –ing and –ed

1)The classrooms are _________ (amazing / amazed)

2)The English class is really __________ (interesting / interested)

3)Some students were __________ (embarrassed / embarrassing)

4)I don’t think I’ll be _____________ (bored / boring) in Ms.Shen’s class.

5) 这女孩对她的生日礼物非常满意

The girl was very ________ with her birthday present.

6) 这是一场令人吃惊的比赛

This is an _____________ match.

7) 那个受惊的女孩开始哭起来

The ________ girl began to cry.

8). 听到这个坏消息他们大为吃惊

They were _______ to hear the bad news.

9) 这个故事是那么有趣以至每个人都对它很感兴趣

The story is so _________ that everyone is _________ in it.(interest)

10) The high school life is ________ and I’m completely _______ by it (amaze)

11) I think mathematics is really ______ and I’m very _____ with the lesson. ( bore )

12) The woman was very _____ when seeing the ______ lion. ( frighten)

13) Some of us became ______ of the _____ lecture and began to talk with each other. ( tire )

14) He was very _____ at the _______ news. ( disappoint ).

15) Don’t feel ____ if you can’t answer the question. It ‘s not ______ ( embarrass)

16) Children became _____ on hearing the ______ result. ( excite )

The little girl was deeply _____ by the ______ story. (move )

17) It wasn’t _______, but there was a ______ look on her face. (surprise)

高一英语外研版作文 篇5

This is the first module of Student’s Book 1.Also it’s the beginning for Li Kang, a new high school student. What he saw and what he felt are the main parts of the reading passage. The topic is familiar to all the new students at Senior High School, which can arouse their sympathy and make them want to learn and express themselves. At the same time, this module also shows the content of courses, teaching methods and the students’ attitudes to studies at Senior High to encourage all the students to value the time, try to realize their dreams and make great contributions to our country.


In this part, students are demanded to introduce themselves, which is a good preparation for all the new high school students after a long summer vacation. Students can talk about their life, their former schools and their opinions about the subjects according to the ﹙ocabulary and questions in the textbooks.


This part contains a passage about Li Kang’s first day at Senior High. The passage gives us detailed description about Li Kang’s new school, new class, his first English class and his feelings. The topic is close to the life of new high school students.


This part is about ﹔evision of the present tenses: the present simple tense and the present continuous tense. Students should learn to sum up what they have learned by doing exercises.


Listening has always been a difficult point for most the students. In this part, the students will learn the new words and word formation first, which makes a good preparation for listening. At the same time, the students will consolidate the words by listening.


This part contains an important grammar point: Adjectives ending in-ing and-eD. Students should know the different meanings and functions between these two kinds of adjectives and make sure of the pronunciation of the words with-ed endings.


Students are asked to talk about the life and studies of the students at US high school according to the pictures and what they have known. At the same time, the students should write a reply to the email from Martha, an American student. That shows how to use English well is the most important thing.


A language is learned for communication. In this part, students will learn some everyday English and the expressions to keep the conversation going. In “CULTURAL CORNER”, students are asked to read the short passage to learn and compare the American and Chinese school systems. They also can learn something about school systems in other countries by learning.


This part is about how to use what has been learned in real life. Students may discuss first and try to write a brochure ゛bout their school.


The important words, experessions and grammar points are listed in this part, which is ヽonvenient for the students to master them.オ

Ⅱ.Three-Dimensional Goals

1. Knowledge and Skills

(1)Enable the students to master the important words, understand the passage and learn something about the school.

(2)Master some adjectives ending in -ing and -ed and the differences between these two kinds of adjectives.

2. Process and Methods

(1)Learn independently and learn something about the school guided by the teacher.

(2)Inquiry and activity. Students should know how to describe their schools and try to know something about the school systems home and abroad.

(3)Thinking practice is helpful for the students to have a right attitude to language study.

3. Emotion and Values

Students should love their new schools, new classes and their classmates. They also can attend all kinds of English activities and have right attitude to language study.オ

Ⅲ.Teaching Important Points

To learn something about school systems, master important words and phrases, improve reading and writing abilities.オ

Ⅳ.Teaching Difficult Point

How to improve Ss’ ability to listen and speak.オ

Ⅴ.Teaching Aids

the multimedia

the blackboardオ

Ⅵ.The Time

Seven periods

The First Period:Introduction

The Second and Third Period: Reading and Vocabulary

The Forth Period: Grammar 1, Listening and Vocabulary

The Fifth Period: Grammar 2, Pronunciation

The Sixth Period: Speaking, Writing

The Seventh Period: Everyday English and Function, Cultural Corner, Task

The First Period

The General Idea of This Period

This is the first module of Student’s Book 1.〢lso it is a beginning for a new high school student. High school period is a time of discovery, learning and hard work. Showing thoughts about the first day at Senior High can cause the students’ interests and arouse sympathy.

Teaching Aims

1. Review the following words about subjects:

biology,chemistry,English,Japanese,ゞeography,Russian,history,IT(Information Technology), Chinese, mathematics, physics, PE(Physical Education)

2. Improve the students’ ability to speak by describing their school life.

Teaching Important Point

Make the students free to talk in and after class about their school life.

Teaching Difficult Point

How to finish the task of speaking.

Teaching Aid

the multimedia

Teaching Procedures

c Step 1 Greeting and Lead-in

T: Good morning/afternoon, everyone.

S: Good morning/afternoon, Mr/Ms....

T: Sit down please. Now you’re high school students. From now on, I’m your English teacher. Pleased to meet all of you. This is the first day of your high school life. What’s your feeling now? Are you excited to be a high school student?

S: This is the first day of my high school life. I feel very excited and surprised. All the things in this school are new to me. I think I will study hard and work here.

T: Good. High school is very important in one’s life. It is a period full of creation, dreams, discovery and hard work. I hope all of you will make good use of it. But, now I want to know something about you and your junior high school life. First, Introduce yourself to us one by one using three sentences.

S: Hi, my name is...and I am sixteen. I like reading novels, especially stories about people from other countries. I don’t enjoy singing, nor do I like computers.

S: I am 15 years old and I love skiing. Other favorite hobbies are reading and singing. I like popular music but I think that rock music is too loud.

S: Hi there. I am...and I really like computers. I surf the Internet all the time and that I like playing computer games. I don’t like playing football and I hate hiking.


cStep 2 Speaking

T: Well done. I think all of you have done it very well. Now what about your junior high school life? You can look at words on the screen first.

biology,chemistry,English,Japanese,geography,Russian,history,Chinese,IT(Information Technology), mathematics, physics, PE(Physical Education)

First let’s group subjects together.

Science subjects: biology, chemistry, IT, mathematics, physics

Languages: English, Japanese, Russian, Chinese

Now you can say something about your school life according to the following questions.

1. Which of the science subjects do you study at your school?

2. Which languages do you study at your school?

3. Which are your favorite subjects? Why?

S: When I was in junior high school, we studied biology, chemistry, IT, mathematics and physics. We also learn another language, English besides Chinese. I like English because in English class I can learn many interesting cultures, customs and stories about English speaking countries. I can talk to foreigners in English. I feel wonderful.

S: We also studied science subjects such as biology, physics, chemistry, etc. We also learned English because with the development of society, English is becoming more and more popular. But I think physics is important because learning physics well can deal with many things in our everyday life.

S: But I think physics is difficult because I find I can understand what the teacher says in the class but after class I find it difficult to work out the problems by myself. So I can not get good marks in physics.

S: Of all these subjects, I would like to study Information Technology. Because I think Internet is a magic world and I can learn a lot of knowledge. In the IT class I can get a lot of skills to surf on line.

cStep 3 Practice

T:I think all of you have done a good job. Let’s move to another exercise which needs your creation, that is to say, you should be creative enough to make dialogues according to the situations given. Work in pairs to prepare them and then I’ll ask some of you to act your dialogues out, are you clear?

Ss: Yes.

(The teacher hands out several cards.)

Situation 1: A and B meet for the first time at the beginning of term, what will they say?

Situation 2: Two students are talking ゛bout American English and British English.

Situation 3: A: a stranger who doesn’t know the way to the People’s Park

B: a policeman

Situation 4: A: a farmer who is growing cabbages

B: aboy who is asking the farmer how to grow them

Situation 5: Two students are talking about their coming winter holidays.

Situation 6: Two students are talking about their hobbies.

The sample dialogue according to situation 1.

A: Hello, I’m Bill. What’s your name?

B: Harry.

A: Which school were you at last year?

B: Center School.

A: Really? So was my friend Bob White. Do you know him?

B: Sure. We were in the same class.

A: Well, it’s getting late. I must be off now. Nice to meet you.

B: Nice meeting you. Bye-bye.

c Step 4 Summary and Homework

In this class, we have done a lot of speaking. You have introduced yourselves and said something about your school life. All of you have done well. In this class you may understand that if you try to speak in English, you will do it well. Preview the reading material “My First Day at Senior High”.

cStep 5 The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard

Module 1 My First Day at Senior High

The First Period

Science subjects: chemistry, biology, physics, mathematics, IT

Languages: English, Japanese, Russian, Chinese

I like_________ because _________.

I think __________is important/difficult because__________ .

I would like to study_________ because__________ .

c Step 6 Activity and Inquiry

Steps Students’ Acting Teacher’s Organizing

1 Introduce themselves. Try to encourage every student to speak.

高二英语外研版下学期英语作文 篇6

As we all know, most of us middle school students feel somehow nervous whenever we’re taking an important exam. There is no doubt that exams are important to us students, but it’s more important to have a right attitude towards them. As a matter of fact, exams are no more than a means of evaluating, therefore, there is no need to worry too much about the results. Only studying hard very day and making good preparations for exams can we avoid suffering from the pressure of exams.

We’d better go out for a walk or do some outdoor exercise before exams. Besides, having enough sleep can make us full of energy and make it possible for us to perform well in the exam, A hot bath or a cup of hot milk before going to bed night help you have a sound sleep.

So, my suggestion is: don’t worry about exams, try to relax yourself.

高一英语外研版作文 篇7





1 . 礼貌性用语。礼貌性用语主要是包括在姓名称呼方面、见面问候方面的语言用法,这一类交际性用语应该在编排教材中进行一定的交际习惯解说,以便学生和教师能够对文化方面进行重视。例如教材中的“Everyday English And Making Conversation”中就包含对日常英语以及简单对话的正确使用。

2.习俗性用语。习俗性用语主要是在宴请朋友、居住等方面的对话,比如教材中的“Foreign Food”这一章节就是对外国常见的普遍性食物进行介绍,并穿插着朋友间的对话更能够让学生在学习过程中去使用这类生活性对话。

3.专业知识用语。专业知识用语主要是包含一些简单的科普性知识,例如“The Conquest of the universe”就是关于一些简单的科普性知识,主要是让学生能够多方面了解一些科学常识,也能够掌握一些关键词汇。












