


相关英文简称 篇1

A/D/V Analysis/Development/Validation 分析/发展/验证 AA Approve Architecture 审批体系 ACD Actual Completion Date 实际完成日期 ALBS Assembly Line Balance System 装配线平衡系统 ANDON


AP Advanced Purchasing 提前采购

API Advanced Product Information 先进的产品信息 APQP Advanced Product Quality Planning 产品质量先期策划 ATT Actual Tact Time 实际单件工时 BIQ Building in Quality 制造质量 BIW Body In White 白车身 BOD Bill of Design 设计清单 BOE Bill of Equipment 设备清单 BOL Bill of Logistic 装载清单 BOM Bill of Material 原料清单 BOP Bill of Process 过程清单

BPD Business Plant Deployment 业务计划实施 CAD Computer-Aided Design 计算机辅助设计

CAE Computer-Aided Engineering 计算机辅助工程(软件)DFA Design for Assembly 装配设计 DOE Design Of Experiments 试验设计 DOL Die Operation Line-Up 冲模业务排行 DPV Defect per Vehicle 单车缺陷数

DQV Design Quality Verification 设计质量验证 DRE Design Release Engineer 设计发布工程师 DRL Direct Run Loss 直行损失率 DRR Direct Run Run 直行率

DSC Decision Support Center 决策支持中心 ECD Estimated Completion Date 计划完成日期 EGM Engineering Group Manager 工程组经理 ELPO Electrode position Primer 电极底漆 ENG Engineering 工程技术、工程学 EOA End of Acceleration 停止加速

EPCL Engineering Production Cntrol Logistics 工程生产控制和后勤

EQF Early Quality Feedback 早期质量反馈 EWO Engineering Work Order 工程工作指令 FA Final Approval 最终认可 FE Functional Evaluation 功能评估

FEDR Functional Evaluation Disposition Report 功能评估部署报告

FFF Free Form Fabrication 自由形态制造 FIN Financial 金融的 FL

CARE Customer Acceptance Review Evaluation 用户接受度和审查评估

CAS Concept Alternative Selection 概念可改变的选择 CIP Continue Improve Process 持续改进

CIT Compartment Integration Team 隔间融合为组 CKD 进口件

CMM Coordinate Measuring Machines 坐标测量仪 CPV Cost per Vehicle 单车成本

CRW Controls/Robotics Welding 控制/机器人技术和焊接

CS Contract Signing 合同签订

CTD Cumulative Trauma Disadjust 累积性外伤失调 CTS Component Technical Specification 零件技术规格 CVIS Completed Vehicle Inspection Standards 整车检验标准

D/PFMEA Design/process failure mode effects analysis 设计/过程失效模式分析

DAP Design Analysis Process 设计分析过程 DES Design Center 设计中心

FMEA Failure Mode and Effects Analysis 失效形式及结果分析

FPS Fixed Point Stop 定点停

FTP File Transfer Protocol 文件传送协议 FTQ First Time Quality 一次送检合格率 GA General Assembly 总装

GA Shop General Assembly Shop 总装车间

Paint Shop 涂装车间

Body Shop 车身车间

Press Shop 冲压车间

GCA Global Customer Audit 全球顾客评审

GDT Geometric Dimensioning Tolerancing 几何尺寸及精度 GDS Global Delivery Survey 全球发运检查 GM General Motors 通用汽车 GMAP GM Asia Pacific 通用亚太

GME General Motors Europe 通用汽车欧洲

GMIO General Motors International Operations 通用汽车国际运作

GMIQ General Motors Initial Quality 通用汽车初始质量 GMPTG General Motors Powertrain Group 通用汽车动力组GMS Global Manufacturing System 通用全球制造系统 GP General Procedure 通用程序

GQTS Global Quality Tracking System 全球质量跟踪系统 GSB Global Strategy Board 全球战略部

HVAC Heating, Ventilation ,and Air Conditioning 加热、通风及空调

I/P Instrument Panel 仪表板 IC Initiate Charter 初始租约

ICD Interface Control Document 界面控制文件 IE Industrial Engineering 工业工程

IEMA International Export Market Analysis 国际出口市场分析

ILRS Indirect Labor Reporting System 间接劳动报告系统 IO International Operations 国际业务

IOM Inspection Operation Mathod 检验操作方法 IOS Inspection Operation Summary 检验操作概要 IPC International Product Center 国际产品中心 IPTV Incidents Per Thousand Vehicles 每千辆车的故障率 IQS Initial Quality Survey 初始质量调查 IR Incident Report 事故报告

ISP Integrated Scheduling Project 综合计划 ITP Integrated Training Process 综合培训方法

ITSD Interior Technical Specification Drawing 内部技术规范图

IUVA International Uniform Vehicle Audit 国际统一车辆审核

JES Job Element Sheet 工作要素单 JIS Job Issue Sheet 工作要素单 JIT Just in Time 准时制 JPH Job per hour 每小时工作量

KCC Key Control Characteristics 关键控制特性

KCDS Key Characteristics Designation System 关键特性标识系统

KPC Key product Characteristic 关键产品特性 LT Look at 看

MFD Metal Fabrication Division 金属预制件区 MFG Manufacturing Operations 制造过程 MIC Marketing Information Center 市场信息中心 MIE Manufacturing Integration Engineer 制造综合工程师 MKT Marketing 营销

MLBS Material Labor Balance System 物化劳动平衡系统 MMSTS Manufacturing Major Subsystem Technical Specifications 制造重要子系统技术说明书 MNG Manufacturing Engineering 制造工程 MPG Milford Proving Ground 试验场 MPI Master Process Index 主程序索引 MPL Master Parts List 主零件列表

MPS Material Planning System 原料计划系统

MRD Material Required Date 物料需求日期

MSDS Material Safery Data Sheets 化学品安全数据单 MSE Manufacturing System Engineer 制造系统工程 MSS Market Segment Specification 市场分割规范 MTBF Mean Time Between Failures 平均故障时间 MTS Manufacturing Technical Specification 生产技术规范 MVSS Motor Vehicle Safety Standards 汽车发动机安全标准

NAMA North American Market Analysis 北美市场分析 NAO North American Operations 北美业务 NAOC NAO Containerization NAO货柜运输 NC Numerically Controlled 用数字控制 NOA Notice of Authorization 授权书 NSB NAO Strategy Board 北美业务部

OED Organization and Employee Development 组织和员工发展

OSH Occupational Safety Health 职业安全健康 OSHA Occupational Safety Health Act 职业安全与健康法案

OSHMS Occupational Safety Health Management System 职业安全健康管理体系

OSHS Occupational Safety Health Standards 职业安全标准

PA Production Achievement 生产结果

PAA Product Action Authorization 产品临时授权 PAC Performance Assessment Committee 绩效评估委员会

PACE Program Assessment and Control Environment 项目评估和控制条件

PAD Product Assembly Document 产品装配文件 PARTS Part Readiness Tracking System 零件准备跟踪系统 PC Problem Communication 问题信息

PCL Production Control and Logistics 生产控制和支持 PCM Process Control Manager 工艺控制负责人 PCR Problem Communication Report 问题交流报告 PDC Portfolio Development Center 证券发展中心 PDM Product Data Management 产品资料管理 PDS Product Description System 产品说明系统 PDT Product Development Team 产品发展小组 PED Production Engineering Department 产品工程部 PEP Product Evaluation Program 产品评估程序 PER Personnel 人员

PET Program Execution Team 项目执行小组 PGM Program Management 项目管理 PI People Involement 人员参与

PIMREP Project Incident Monitoring and Resolution Process 事故方案跟踪和解决过程

PLP Production Launch Process 生产启动程序 PMI Process Modeling Integration 加工建模一体化 PMM Program Manufacturing Manager 项目制造经理 PMR Product Manufacturability Requirements 产品制造能要求

PMT Product Management Team 产品车管理小组 POMS Production Order Management System 产品指令管理小组

POP Point of Purchase 采购点 PP Push-Pull 推拉

PPAP Production Part Approval Process 生产零部件批准程序



PPH Problems Per Hundred 百辆车缺陷数 PPM Problems Per Million 百万辆车缺陷数 PPS Practical Problem Solving 实际问题解决 PR Performance Review 绩效评估

PR/R Problem Reporting and Resolution 问题报告和解决 PRTS Problem Resolutionand Tracking System 问题解决跟踪系统

PSC Portfolio Strategy Council 部长职务策略委员会 PST Plant Support Team 工厂支持小组 PTO Primary Tryout 第一次试验 PTR Production Trial Run 生产试运行 PUR Purchasing 采购

PVD Production Vehicle Development 生产汽车发展 PVM Programmable Vehicle Model 可设计的汽车模型 QA Quality Audit 质量评审

QAP Quality Assessment Process 质量评估过程 QBC Quality Build Concern 质量体系构建关系 QC Quality Characteristic 质量特性

QCOS Quality Control Operation Sheets 质量风险控制 QE Quality Engineer 质量工程师

QET Quality Engineering Team 质量工程小组 QFD Quality Function Deployment 质量功能配置 QRD Quality, Reliability and Durability 质量、可靠性和耐久力

QS Quality System 质量体系 QUA Quality 质量

RC Review Charter 评估特许

RCD Required Completion Date 必须完成日期 RFQ Request For Quotation 报价请求

RGM Reliability Growth Management 可靠性增长小组 RONA Return on Net Assets 净资产评估 RPO Regular Production Option 正式产品选项 RQA Routing Quality Assessment 程序安排质量评定 RTTM Rigorous Tracking and Throughout Managment 严格跟踪和全程管理

SDC Strategic Decision Center 战略决策中心 SF Styling Freeze 造型冻结 SIL Single Issue List 单一问题清单

SIP Stansardized Inspection Process 标准化检验过程 SIU Summing It All Up 电子求和结束 SL System Layouts 系统规划

SLT Short Leading Team 缩短制造周期 SMART

SMBP Synchronous Math-Based Process 理论同步过程 SME Subject Matter Expert 主题专家

SMT Systems Management Team 系统管理小组 SNR


SOP Start of Production 生产启动 SOP Safe Operating Practice 安全操作规程 SOR Statement of Requirements 技术要求

SOS Standardization Operation Sheet 标准化工作操作单 SOW Statement of Work 工作说明 SPA Shipping Priority Audit 发运优先级审计 SPC Statistical Process Control 统计过程控制

SPE Surface and Prototype Engineering 表面及原型工程 SPO Service Parts Operations 配件组织 SPT Single Point Team 专一任务小组

SQA Supplier Quality Assurance 供应商质量保证(供应商现场工程师)

SQC Supplier Quality Control 供方质量控制 SQD Supplier Quality Development 供应方质量开发 SQE Supplier Quality Engineer 供方质量工程师 SQIP Supplier Quality Improvement Process 供应商质量改进程序

SSF Start of System Fill 系统填充

SSLT Subsystem Leadership Team 子系统领导组 SSTS Subsystem Technical Specification 技术参数子系统 STD Standardization 标准化 STO Secondary Tryout 二级试验 SUI


SUW Standard Unit of Work 标准工作单位 SWE Simulated Work Environment 模拟工作环境 TAG Timing Analysis Group 定时分析组 TBD To Be Determined 下决定

TCS Traction Control System 牵引控制系统 TDC Technology Development Centre 技术中心

TDMF Text Data Management Facility 文本数据管理设备 TG Tooling 工具

TIMS Test Incident Management System 试验事件管理系统

TIR Test Incident Report 试验事件报告

TMIE Total Manufacturing Integration Engineer 总的制造综合工程

TOE Total Ownership Experience 总的物主体验 TPM Total Production Maintenance 全员生产维护 TSM Trade Study Methodology 贸易研究方法 TT Tact Time 单件工时

TVDE Total Vehicle Dimensional Engineer 整车外型尺寸工程师

TVIE Total Vehicle Integration Engineer 整车综合工程师 TWS Tire and Wheel System 轮胎和车轮系统 UAW United Auto Workers 班组 UCL Uniform Criteria List 统一的标准表

UDR Unverified Data Release 未经核对的资料发布 UPC Uniform Parts Classification 统一零件分级 VAE Vehicle Assembly Engineer 车辆装配工程师 VAPIR Vehicle Progress Integration Review Team 汽车发展综合评审小组

VASTD Vehicle Assembly Standard Time Data 汽车数据标准时间数据

VCD Vehicle Chief Designer 汽车首席设计师 VCE Vehicle Chief Engineer 汽车总工程师

VCRI Validation Cross-Reference Index 确认交叉引用索引 VDP Vehicle Development Process 汽车发展过程 VDPP Vehicle Development Production Process 汽车发展生产过程

VDR Verified Data Release 核实数据发布 VDS Vehicle Description Summary 汽车描述概要 VDT Vehicle Development Team 汽车发展组

VDTO Vehicle Development Technical Operations 汽车发展技术工作

VEC Vehicle Engineering Center 汽车工程中心 VIE Vehicle Integration Engineer 汽车综合工程师 VIN Vehicle Identification Number 车辆识别代码 VIS Vehicle Information System 汽车信息系统

VLE Vehicle Line Executive 总装线主管 VLM Vehicle Launch Manager 汽车创办经理 VMRR Vehicle and Manufacturing Requirements Review 汽车制造必要条件评审 VOC Voice of Customer 顾客的意见 VOD Voice of Design 设计意见 VS Validation Station 确认站

VSAS Vehicle Synthesis, Analysis and Simulation 汽车综合、分析和仿真

VSE Vehicle System Engineer 汽车系统工程师 VTS Vehicle Technical Specification 汽车技术说明书 WBBA Worldwide Benchmarking and Business Analysis 全球基准和商业分析

WOT Wide Open Throttle 压制广泛开放 WPO Work Place Organization 工作场地布置 WWP Worldwide Purchasing 全球采购 COMMWIP

Correction 纠错浪费

Overproduction 过量生产浪费

Material Flow 过度物料移动浪费

Motion 过度移动浪费

Waiting 等待浪费

Inventory 过度库存浪费

Processing 过度加工浪费 OA: 办公自动化 BBAC:北京奔驰 EGR:废弃再循环 OTS:本型本工程品 PCLC: 放气阀开启动力


相关英文简称 篇2

CIS简称CI,是英文CORPORATEIDENTITYSYSTEM 的缩写,准确的翻译是“企业识别系统”,CIS包括理念识别(MI)、行为识别(BI)和视觉识别(VI)三大系统。



CIS策划与实施,不是单一的平面设计,因为CIS 不仅仅是一个VI,而是由MI、BI、VI结合组成的整体系统,涉及到经济学、市场学、运筹学、心理学、公共关系学、大众传播学、统计学、语言学、民俗学、工商企业管理学等等,是一个塑造品牌系统工程。

CI是企业管理的一项系统工程。有的企业负责人认为,本公司已有名称、标志图案、商标,还搞什么CI策划。这是对CI片面理解的缘故,因为CI还涉及企业文化和企业实践的方方面面,是一个系统性很强的企业整体行为。由于不能了解这一点,有些广告公司承接的CI 只是停留在视觉形象设计的各项美工阶段,导致一些企业花了钱却看不到什么实效。重视CI的系统性,也就是许多人又把它称为“CIS”的原因。

































美国 TONSCI投资集团董事顾问



多年从事营销及策划,多家知名品牌提供顾问及策划营销服务,服务客户有以下: 1:康元集团





税务相关英文单词 篇3

营业税:business tax or turnover tax 消费税:excise tax or consumption tax 增值税:value added tax 关税:custom duty 印花税:stamp tax 土地增值税:land appreciation tax or increment tax on land value 个人所得税:individual income tax 企业所得税:income tax on corporate business 外商投资企业所得税:income tax on foreign investment enterprises 城市维护建设税:city maintenance construction tax 资源税:resource tax 房产税:house property tax 土地使用税:land use tax 车船使用税:operation tax of vehicle and ship 耕地占用税:farmland use tax 教育费附加:extra charges of education funds

State Administration for Taxation 国家税务总局

Yangzhou Taxation Training College of State Administration of Taxation国家税务总局扬州税务进修学院

Local Taxation bureau 地方税务局

外汇管理局:Foreign Exchange Control Board 海关:customs 财政局:finance bureau 统计局: Statistics Bureau

工商行政管理局: Administration of Industry and Commerce

出入境检验检疫局: Administration for EntryExit Inspection and Quarantine 中国证监会:China Securities Regulatory Commission(CSRS)劳动和社会保障部:Ministry of Labour and Social Security

tax returns filing 纳税申报 tax payable 应交税金

the assessable period for tax payment 纳税期限 the timing of tax liability arising 纳税义务发生时间 consolidate reporting 合并申报 the local competent tax authority 当地主管税务机关 the outbound business activity 外出经营活动 Tax Inspection Report 纳税检查报告 tax avoidance 逃税 tax evasion 避税 tax base 税基

refund after collection 先征后退 withhold and remit tax 代扣代缴 collect and remit tax 代收代缴

income from authors remuneration 稿酬所得

income from remuneration for personal service 劳务报酬所得 income from lease of property 财产租赁所得 income from transfer of property 财产转让所得 contingent income 偶然所得 resident 居民 non-resident 非居民 tax year 纳税年度

temporary trips out of 临时离境 flat rate 比例税率

withholding income tax 预提税 withholding at source 源泉扣缴 State Treasury 国库 tax preference 税收优惠

the first profit-making year 第一个获利年度

refund of the income tax paid on the reinvested amount 再投资退税 export-oriented enterprise 出口型企业

technologically advanced enterprise 先进技术企业 Special Economic Zone 经济特区

accept 受理

accounting software 会计核算软件 affix 盖章

application letter 申请报告 apply for reimbursement 申请退税

apply for a hearing 申请听证

apply for nullifying the tax registration 税务登记注销 apply for reimbursement of tax payment 申请退税 ask for 征求

audit 审核

author’s remuneration 稿酬;稿费 averment 申辩 bill/voucher 票证 bulletin 公告 bulletin board 公告牌 business ID number 企业代码 business license 营业执照 call one’s number 叫号

carry out/enforce/implement 执行 check 核对

check on the cancellation of the tax return 注销税务登记核查 checking the tax returns 审核申报表 city property tax 城市房地产税

company-owned 公司自有的

conduct an investigation/investigate 调查 construction contract 建筑工程合同]c consult;consultation 咨询< consulting service/advisory service 咨询服务 contact 联系 contract 承包 copy 复印;副本 deduct 扣除

delay in filing tax returns 延期申报(缴纳)税款 describe/explain 说明 document 文件;资料 examine and approve 审批

extend the deadline for filing tax returns 延期税务申报 feedback 反馈

file tax returns(online)(网上)纳税申报 fill out/in 填写

foreign-owned enterprise 外资企业 hearing 听证

ID(identification)工作证` Identical with the original 与原件一样 IIT(Individual income tax)个人所得税 Implementation 稽查执行 income 收入;所得

inform/tell 告诉

information desk 咨询台 inspect 稽查

inspection notice 稽查通知书 instructions 使用说明

invoice book(purchase)发票购领本 invoice 发票

invoice tax control machine 发票税控机 legal person 法人代表

letter of settlement for tax inspection 稽查处理决定书 list 清单

local tax for education 教育地方附加费 lunch break

make a supplementary payment 补缴

make one’s debut in handling tax affairs 初次办理涉税事项 manuscript 底稿

materials of proof 举证材料 material 资料 modify 修改

modify one’s tax return 税务变更登记

Nanjing Local Taxation Bureau 南京市地方税务局 Notice 告知 nullify 注销

office building 办公楼

office stationery 办公用品

on-the-spot service 上门服务

on-the-spot tax inspection 上门稽查 opinion 意见

original value 原值

pay an overdue tax bill 补缴税款 pay 缴纳

penalty 处罚

penalty fee for overdue payment 滞纳金 penalty fee 罚款

personal contact 面谈

post/mail/send sth by mail 邮寄 procedure/formality 手续 proof material to backup tax returns 税收举证资料 purchase 购领 real estate 房产 receipt 回执;反馈单 record 记录

reference number 顺序号

register outward business administration 外出经营登记 relevant materials of proof 举证资料 rent 出租 reply/answer 答复

sell and pay foreign exchange 售付汇 service trade 服务业 settlement 处理 settle 结算 show/present 出示

special invoice books of service trade 服务业发票 stamp 公章

submit a written application letter 提供书面申请报告 supervision hotline 监督电话 tax inspection bureau 稽查局 tax inspection permit 税务检查证 tax inspection 税务稽查 tax law 税法 tax officer 办税人

tax payable/tax applicable 应缴税 tax payment assessment 纳税评估 tax payment receipt 完税凭证 tax payment 税款 tax rate 税率

tax reduction or exemption 减免税 tax registration number 纳税登记号 tax registration certificate 税务登记证 tax registration 税务登记

tax related documents 涉税资料 tax return/tax bill 税单

tax return forms and the acknowledgement of receipt 申报表回执 tax returns 纳税申报表 tax voucher 凭证 the accounting software 会计核算软件

the acknowledgement of receipt 送达回证

the application for an income refund 收入退还清单 the author’s remuneration 稿费

the business ID number 企业代码

the certificate for outward business administration 外出经营管理证明 the certificate for exchange of invoice 换票证 the deadline 规定期限

the inspection statement/report 检查底稿 the legal person 法人代表

the letter of statement and averment 陈述申辩书

the online web address for filling tax returns 纳税申报网络地址 the penalty fee for the overdue tax payment 税款滞纳金 the penalty notice 处罚告知书 the real estate 房产

the registration number of the tax returns 纳税登记号 the special invoice of service trade 服务业专用发票 the special nationwide special invoice stamp 发票专用章 the special nationwide invoice stamp 发票专用章 the State Administration of Taxation 国家税务局 supervision of taxation 税收监督 tax inspection department 税务稽查局 tax inspection permit 税务检查证 tax officer 办税人员

tax return form 纳税申报表格

tax voucher application for the sale and purchase of foreign exchange 售付汇税务凭证申请审批表

the use of invoice 发票使用 trading contract 购销合同

transportation business 运输业

under the rate on value method 从价 urban house-land tax 城市房地产税
