17 得到奖学金


17 得到奖学金

17 得到奖学金 篇1


Dear Tracy,Congratulations!The day on 5 of May is a rewarding day.You received a scholarship from Boston University and scholarship by which you may enter the master program there.Your experience encourages all students who work hard on study and chase for their goals.This also opened a door for your bright future.I wish you achieve all your targets in future.Yours sincerely,Amy

Dear Amy,Thanks for your letter.This is a big reward to me and it encourages me to achieve my next goal.I am looking forward to my new life in Boston.I will always remember your support.With your and other friends’ friendship and good wishes, I believe my study in Boston will be as rewarding.I wish you the best too.Sincerely,Tracy

Dear Amy,Thanks for your letter.This scholarship is a big reward and helps me to continuously chase my dream in Boston.I believe this new stage, I will gain more knowedge and have a wonderful experience in my student life.Thanks again and I wish you all the best too.Tracy
