


一般过去时学习须知 篇1






在日常生活中,照片是记录生活,能带给人们对于过去的记忆的重要媒介。在教学一般过去时的巩固环节时,为了能够使得学生真正地将语法学习与他们的实际生活结合起来,让他们明白英语语法就在他们身边,而不仅仅是那些干巴巴的语法知识点,教师便可以充分利用照片这一重要的记录生活的媒介,并引导学生运用一般过去时来描述照片上的生活场景。在巩固环节,教师可以事先要求学生每人自带一张自己愿意和其他同学分享的照片,所带的照片要能够反映一定的生活场景。然后,在课堂上这样来引导学生:“Boys and girls,I am sure everyone has a picture that you want to share with other students.Now,it is your show time.Please show your pictures to us and tell us what happened on your pictures with the simple past tense.”通过这样的活动,不仅可以有效活跃初中英语语法课堂的气氛,而且还可以有效引导学生巩固一般现在时的用法,可谓一举多得。





一般过去时 篇2





例如:I had a word with Julia this morning.今天早晨, 我跟朱丽亚说了几句话。

He smoked many cigarettes a day until he gave up.他没有戒烟的那阵子, 抽烟抽得可凶了。


2.在行为动词前加didn’t, 同时行为动词还原

例如:1.I was a baby 13 years ago.

2.I didn’t know you were so busy.



例如:1.Were you a student 4 years ago?

2.Did Kate wash her clothes?


在一般过去时里常用的时间状语, 也可以说是信号词有:

in+过去时间, ago, two hours ago (一段时间+ago) , yesterday (句子开头或结尾) , the day before yesterday, last+year/night/month/week…, 具体时间 (如January, the fourth day) , just now, at that time, at the age of..., one day, once upon a time (从前) , this morning, long long ago (很久以前) 等。


1.表示过去一段时间内经常或反复的动作, 常与always, never等连用。

例如:Mrs.Peter always carried an umbrella.彼得太太过去老是带着一把伞。 (只是说明她过去的动作, 不表明她现在是否常带着伞。)


Mrs.Peter always carries an umbrella.彼得太太老是带着伞。 (说明这是她的习惯, 表明她现在仍然还习惯总带着一把伞)

2.有些句子, 虽然没有表示过去确定时间的状语, 但实际上是指过去发生的动作或存在的状态的话, 也要用过去时。

例如:I didn’t know you were in Paris.我不知道你在巴黎。 (因为在说话时, 我已经知道你在巴黎了。这句话指的是说话之前, 所以只能用过去时表示。实际上, 这句话暗指:But now I know you are here.)

I thought you were ill.我以为你病了呢。 (这句话应是在说话之前, 我以为你病了, 但是现在我知道你没病。)



1.直接加ed, 如,

work——worked, look——looked, play——played

2.以e结尾的单词, 直接加d, 如,

live——lived, hope——hoped, use——used

3.以辅音字母+y结尾的, 变y为i加ed, 如,

study——studied, carry——carried, worry——worried

4.以元音字母+y结尾的, 直接加ed, 如,

enjoy——enjoyed, play——played

5.以重读闭音节结尾的, 双写尾字母加ed, 如,

stop——stopped, plan——planned

关于不规则变化, 同学们现在可以就把书后的不规则动词表记牢, 在记的同时, 同学们最好能够动动脑筋, 找一下不规则动词表里那些动词的变化规律。虽然被称为“不规则动词”, 但只要细细观察, 还是会有规律可循, 比如, 以ay组合结尾的动词, 会有把ay变成aid而成为过去式的规律, 就像say—said, pay—paid, 但是这两个单词的过去式虽然是同一变化规律, 读音可不同, 同学们需要注意这一点。在背不规则动词表的时候, 一定要弄清楚动词的中文意思还有动词原形、过去式和过去分词这三种形式读音和拼写。如果你找到了不规则动词的变化规律, 再加上将变化后的各种形式的读音练得很熟, 那么, 当你能读得出来的时候, 写出该词的过去式或过去分词就是小菜一碟了。



Li Ming studied English this morning. (把此句变为一般疑问句)

( ) Did Li Ming studied English this morning?

( ) Does Li ming study English this morning?

( ) Was Li Ming studied English this morning?

( ) Did Li Ming study English this morning?


1.Mr.Mott is out.But he______here a few minutes ago.

A.was B.is C.will be D.would be

2.——Hi, Tom.

——Hello, Fancy.I______you were here.

A.don’t know B.won’t think C.think D.didn’t know

3.He promised to tell me by himself when I______.

A.come B.would come C.came D.had come



(×) Did Li Ming studied English this morning? (动词应该用原形)

(×) Does Li ming study English this morning? (时态应该用原句子的时态)

(×) Was Li Ming studied English this morning? (应该用助动词, 而不是be动词, 在用了助动词之后, 动词应变原型)

(О) Did Li Ming study English this morning?


1.解析:几分钟前发生的动作, 应该用一般过去时。应选A。

2.解析:虽然句中没有明确的时间状语, 但是可以通过上下文语境判断出, 我说这话之前不知道, 但是现在知道了, 表示过去的动作, 要用过去时态。所以选D。

“一般过去时”教学纪实 篇3




T:When we hear this song, it will remind us of the year of2008.As we know, the year of 2008 is very important to our Chinese!There are many remarkable things.

Yesterday evening I looked back on the year of 2008.One of the most exciting moments was the Beijing Olympics.Now let’s look back on the first scene.

(Show some pictures about the Beijing Olympics and talk about them.)

T:Let’s look back on the whole course.

(Show the passage with different past verbs and time adverbials on the screen.)

Yesterday evening I looked back on the year of 2008.One ofthe most exciting moments was the Beijing Olympics.When people passed on the torch in Paris in April last year, Jin Jing protected the torch not to be robbed by others.On August8th, 2008, Li Ning lighted the main torch in the Bird’s Nest.The opening ceremony became the most unforgettable moment!However, on August 18 th, Liu Xiang left the Bird’s Nest.It made us disappointed.And there was a famous swimming star all over the world, Michael Phelps.Just one day ago, he got the eighth gold medal in the Water Cube.We had so many interesting and exciting moments to remember.I think the Beijing Olympics is the most successful in history.

T:OK.From the passage we know when we talk about the past things, we should use the Simple Past Tense.Today we will learn the grammar———The Simple Past Tense.


New drills

1.Present the new drill in the simple past tense.

T:There are many winners in the Beijing Olympics.Look at this picture.Do you know her? (Show a picture of Liu Zige.)


T:Her name is Liu Zige.Was she a swimming player lastyear?

Ss:Yes, she was.

T:Did she get the gold medal?

Ss:Yes, she did.

T:When did she get the gold medal?

Ss:She got the gold medal on August 14th.

(Show a picture of Wang Hao and Ma Lin.)

T:Who are they?

Ss:They are Wang Hao and Ma Lin.

T:Were they tennis players in 2008?

Ss:No, they weren’t.

T:Did Wang Hao get the gold medal?

Ss:No, he didn’t.

T:Who beat him and got the gold medal?

Ss:Ma Lin.

T:Well-done.Now let’s look at the drills.

(Show the drills on the screen.)

2.Practice the new drill.

Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of given verbs.

Yesterday evening I (look) back on the year of2008.One of the most exciting moments (be) the Beijing Olympics.When people (pass) on the torch in Paris in April last year, Jin Jing (protect) the torch not to be robbed by others.On August 8th, 2008, Li Ning (light) the main torch in the Bird’s Nest.The opening ceremony (become) the most unforgettable moment!However, on August 18th, Liu Xiang (leave) the Bird’s Nest.It (make) us disappointed.And there (be) a famous swimming star all over the world, Michael Phelps.Just one day ago, he (get) the eighth gold medal in the Water Cube.We (have) so many interesting and exciting moments to remember.Ithink the Beijing Olympics is the mostsuccessfulin history.


Task:Write a short passage.

T:There is another most exciting moment in 2008.It makesall the Chinese excited.Now let’s look back on the second scene.Six years ago, Yang Liwei went into space by Shenzhou V.It was the first time of our Chinese to go into space.

(Show pictures of Yang Liwei.)

T:In 2005, Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng flew to space by Shenzhou VI.They worked and lived in space for 5 days and nights.

(Show pictures of Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng.)

T:Last year, Zhai Zhigang, Liu Boming and Jing Haipeng flew to space by Shenzhou VII.Zhai Zhigang finished walking in space for the first time of our Chinese.

All the Chinese cheered for it and the whole world paid more attention to it.

(Show pictures of Zhai Zhigang, Liu Boming and Jing Haipeng.)

T:Now write a short passage about Shenzhou VII according to the pictures and the chart in groups.Then report your passages.

(Show some pictures and the chart, go around and offer help.)

T:Who can report your passage?


(Ask other Ss to present their passages.)

T:Excellent.“A small step by Zhai Zhigang in space is a big step in the history of the Chinese Nation”, we are proud of them and our country.As teenagers, we should study harder to make our country more beautiful and stronger.


Chant and sum up

T:Please look at the chant on the screen and read it together.


动词一般过去时, 表示过去发生的事;

be用was或用were, have, has变had;谓语动词过去式, 过去时间做标志;

一般动词加-ed, 若是特殊得硬记。

否定句很简单, 主语之后didn’t添;

疑问句也不难, did放在主语前;

如果谓语之前有did, 谓语动词需还原;

动词若是was, were, 否定就把not添。

T:Excellent!What have we learnt in this lesson?Who cansum up?


T:Today we have learnt the Simple Past Tense and the past form of the verbs and different drills.I hope you can remember and use them clearly.

巧设作业:继续紧扣前面创设的情境, 仍以2008年中国发生的重大事件为背景, 让学生回顾在他们心目中记忆犹新、铭刻在心的事件, 巧用一般过去时, 书写一篇小短文, 进一步巩固本堂课的学习内容。


Think about an important thing which happened in 2008and write a passage about it.
