


从英汉构词特点看英汉词义对比 篇1



作 者:吴溢 作者单位:江南大学,大外部,江苏,无锡,214122刊 名:考试周刊英文刊名:KAOSHI ZHOUKAN年,卷(期):“”(22)分类号:H3关键词:词义 词类 构词法 旧词转义法 词类转化法

从英汉构词特点看英汉词义对比 篇2

1 Introduction

1.1 Introduction to reduplication words

Language is like a mirror which reflects all kinds of changes in society.In the whole language system, any change is obviously reflected from words.With the rapid development of new things, new word-formations are also springing up.Words that are formed by the way of overlapping are called reduplications.Li Qing explains in his research paper that reduplications are new words formed by two or more than two components whose meanings and forms are similar[1].A more specific definition is that reduplication is a pattern where the double or multiple occurrence of a sound string, syllable, morpheme, or word exists within a larger syntagmatic unit[2].As for English reduplication, Wang Xiaotao and Guo Jinghong hold that English reduplications are compound words in which all the parts are same or similar in meaning and form[3].

Here are some basic types of Chinese reduplication words:exact reduplications, partial reduplications, rhyming reduplications.Fundamental types of English reduplications are exact reduplications, partial reduplications, lliterative reduplications, rhyming reduplications, female rime reduplications.The differences between these categories result from different vocabulary features between English and Chinese.

2 Contrast between English and Chinese Vocabulary

2.1 Word-formation

Chen Fang illustrates that English words are mainly derived from sound-changing, conversion, affixation, composition, shortening, blending, back-formation, and reduplication;while Chinese wordformation includes sound-changing, conversion, affixation, compounding, abbreviation, and reduplication[4].

2.1.1 Common word-formation

It is easy to find that English and Chinese have five common word-formations which are sounding-changing, conversion, affixation, compounding, abbreviation and reduplication.

Sound-changing is a way to form new words by changing words’pronunciation.Both English and Chinese can make new words by changing consonant and vowel.For example, “长”in the phrase“长短”is an adjective which means long, whereas“长”in“长大”is a verb which means to grow.In English, when the word“perfect”is pronounced as['pə:fikt], it is an adjective meaning excellent[5].When it is pronounced as[pə'fekt], it is a verb meaning to make something as good as you can.

Yang Xinzhang states, “A word can be converted from one word class into another without any morphological change[6].This method of word-formation is called conversion or zero derivation.”In English, taking the word“elbow”as an example:

He elbowed his way through the crowd.In this sentence, “elbow”is a verb whose meaning is to push someone with your elbow[7].

She jabbed him with her elbow.In this sentence, “elbow”is a noun that implies the joint between the upper and lower parts of the arm where it bends in the middle.

Chinese word class being not as strictly restricted as that of English, Chinese conversion is more flexible.For instance, Chen Fang use four sentences to illustrate Chinese conversion.

不准违章驾驶。 (Here, “准”is a verb signifying“allow”.)

他枪打得很准。 (Here, “准”is an adjective signifying“accurate”.)

他准能完成任务。 (Here, “准”is an adverb signifying“definitely”.)

准此办理。 (Here, “准”is a preposition signifying“according to”.)

Affixation is a way in which new words are formed by the combination of roots and affixes.Both English and Chinese have prefixes and suffixes.For example, “mis-”in“misunderstand”and“第”in“第二”are both prefixes;“-tive”in“creative”and“子”in“儿子”are both suffixes.

Compounding refers to the process of conjoining two or more free morphemes to form a new word.Compounding is one of the oldest ways of word-formation.For example, “fifteen”, “Sunday”, and“Monday”are respectively the compounds of“five”+“teen”and“moon”+“day”.As for Chinese, compounding is the major way to form new words.For instance, “目睹”and“拼命”are respectively the compounds of“目”+“睹”, “拼”+“命”.

Another common way of making a word is to abbreviate, or shorten, a longer word without changing its meaning.For example, UN is short for the United Nations and“流感”is short for“流行性感冒”.

The last common way of making a word is reduplication.As is introduced in part two, English and Chinese both have reduplication words, but English reduplication words are more diversified in terms of rhyme, while Chinese reduplication words are more various in terms of form and quantity.For example, Chinese words can be reduplicated like this:“楚楚动人”, “考虑考虑”, “写一写”and so on, yet English words cannot be reduplicated as the same as Chinese words.

2.1.2 Unique English word-formation

There are two ways of word-formation that are owned merely by English.They are blending and back-formation.These two ways are opposite to each other.A blend is a combination of parts of two words to form a third word which contains some of the meaning of each part.For example, “smog”is the blend of“smoke”and“fog”.On the contrary, back-formation refers to the removal of an affix from an existing word to form a new word.

2.2 Morpheme

2.2.1 Boundaries between words and morphemes

The conceptions of words and morphemes are very clear, at least in English.Because, to a large extent, the structures of words and morphemes are distinguishing.As Yang Xinzhang explains, a morpheme is the smallest linguistic unit that carries grammatical andor semantic meaning.And morphemes include free morpheme, bound morpheme, inflectional morpheme and derivative morpheme.Though there are prefixes like over-, super-, and suffixes likeship, -able, we know clearly whether they are words or morphemes once they appear in sentences.

Diversely, in Chinese, morphemes are Chinese characters.In ancient Chinese, “Almost every Chinese character can be used independently and freely.That is to say, every character amounts to nowadays word”[8].It is not until the appearance of bisyllablization of modern Chinese vocabulary that the boundary between word and morpheme becomes obvious.As a matter of fact, all common Chinese words can be treated as morphemes to make a word.Functional morphemes can be used independently, let alone notional morphemes.It is difficult to identify whether it is a morpheme or a word from the perspective of spelling.For example, who can tell if“家, 者, 子”are morphemes or words.Only when they are put into particular context or background, can people differentiate them.For instance, in the reduplication phrase“家家户户”, “家”in this phrase is a morpheme.However, in the sentence“我家在漳浦”, “家”is a word.

2.2.2 Location of morphemes

There is a huge disparity between English and Chinese words in terms of the location of morphemes.“By comparison, the locations of English morphemes are fixed, whereas those of Chinese morphemes are flexible.English prefixes and suffixes, just as their name implies, can only be placed before or after the stems.Even if a word is composed of roots, position of morphemes should not be exchanged”.As for exact reduplication words, there is no such a problem, because compositions are exactly the same.For example, the exchange of morphemes will not affect anything of“so-so”and“cha-cha-cha”.Nonetheless, as for partial reduplication words like“walkie-talkie”and“sooner-or-later”, the positions of“walkie”and“talkie”cannot be exchanged, so it is with“sooner-or-later”.The reason is that it is not quite idiomatic if they are“talkiewalkie”and“later-or-sooner”.

Dissimilarly, the positions of many Chinese morphemes can be changed without changing the meaning of the word.For example, as to the partial reduplication word“互惠互利”, it can be used as“互利互惠”.But for some words, changing the positions of morphemes will create a new word.For instance, “牛奶”and“奶牛”.

2.3 Affix

Zhang Jisheng elaborates that according to Western linguistic theories, affix is a kind of bound morpheme, including prefix, infix, suffix.Through the comparison between Chinese and English reduplication words, difference exists between English and Chinese have already been realized[9].Below is an expatiation about Chinese and English words from the perspective of affix.

2.3.1 The category

“There are two categories of English affix:derivational affix, inflectional affix.Derivational affix is a kind of bound morpheme which will change the characteristic or the meaning of a word when combined with a root”.For example, “-ly”changes the characteristic of a word and“dis-”changes the meaning of a word.Inflectional affix is a kind of bound morpheme that will change neither the characteristic of a word nor the meaning of a word.It only has grammatical function.So it is also called functional affix.For example, “-ing”behind the present progressive form of verbs and“-s”behind plural nouns are both inflectional affixes.

Apart from this, it is well-known that English chiefly comprises prefix and suffix.Up to know, whether there are infixes in English is still controversial.Some scholars insist that English indeed has infix.But most scholars negate that infix exists in English.

In contrast to English, as Chinese is unconstrained to the grammar rules such as subject and verb agreement or dominance relationship, there are no inflectional affixes in Chinese and generally speaking, Chinese affixes are derivational.

2.3.2 The nature

“The major function of English affix is to make a word.Many affixes, especially prefixes, have not only the grammatical function of symbolizing the characteristics of words but also have certain lexical meanings”[10].For example, “un-”means negative.When it is put before a word, the meaning of the word changes completely.The meanings of“happy”and“unhappy”are opposite.But the characteristic of the new word“unhappy”does not change.It is still an adjective.

As the meaning of suffix is not as clear as that of prefix, it only plays the role of symbolizing characteristic of a word.Generally speaking, suffix changes not only the meaning of a word but also the characteristic of a word.For example, “-ment”transforms the verb“move”into the noun“movement”and meanwhile the meaning is also transformed from“to change position”to“an act of moving something”.

By contrast, Zhang Yu says that Chinese affix has only grammatical meaning which is to symbolize a word and to indicate the characteristic of a word.Here is a typical example:some reduplicated suffixes such as“乎乎, 溜溜”just play the role of expressing emotions.“圆乎乎, 灰溜溜”all have such kind of suffixes.In addition to suffix, it is the same case with prefix and infix.For example, the prefix“老”in“老鹰”, “老师”, and“老公”has nothing to do with the meaning“old”.It only signifies that these words are nouns.

All in all, in terms of nature, English affix possesses the feature of showing meaning because English is a language that strongly reflects logic thinking;whereas Chinese affix possesses the feature of modifying a word because Chinese is a language that strongly reflects imaginal thinking.

3 Conclusion

Different languages, especially those belong to different language families have various word-formations.English and Chinese words are different in word-formations, morphemes and affixes.A contrastive study of English and Chinese vocabulary helps people recognize and find a variety of features of these two languages, which is beneficial to English teaching, student learning and other bilingual activities.


[1]李清.英汉重叠词对比研究[J].大连大学学报, 2004 (1) :46-48.

[2]连江.汉英叠词对比及翻译研究[J].齐齐哈尔大学学报, 2004 (11) :13-17.

[3]王晓涛, 郭京红.英语重叠词与汉语联绵词修辞对比研究[J].晋中学院学报, 2009 (6) :107-109.

[4]陈芳.英汉构词法比较[J].郧阳师范高等专科学校学报, 2007 (4) :129-131.

[5]Hornby A S.Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary[M].Oxford:Oxford University Press, 2004.

[6]Yang Xinzhang.An Introduction to Linguistics[M].Beijing:Higher Education Press, 2005.

[7]Pyles T, Algeo J.The Origins and Development of the English Language[M].New York:Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1982.

[8]张维友.英汉语重叠词对比研究[J].湖北大学学报:哲学社会科学版, 2007 (1) :57.

[9]张吉生.英汉词缀对比分析[J].外语教学, 2001 (2) :53-56.

从广告英语特点看英汉翻译策略 篇3

广告英语(English in advertising)作为一种应用语言,是英语文体的一种,有着自己独特的语言风格和特点。例如,广告英语用词优美,句式简洁有力,大量使用省略句、祈使句等特殊句式;修辭变化多端,常使用夸张(hyperbole)、双关(pun)、省略(ellipsis)、押韵(alliterationconsonance)等修辞手法以增强说服力;同时,广告英语具有大众化(popular)以及引人注意(impressive)等特点。

广告英汉翻译要成功,就要结合这些特点,使用相应翻译策略使广告翻译目的语(target language)与源语言(source language)等效。














例如,在对于双关这种修辞的翻译上,翻译界内有一种共识,即在写出原文之后,再在后面的括号里解释言外之意。在张鑫友的《高级英语学习指南》中,就对《高级英语》一书中The Trial That Rocked the World 一文中使用修辞手法的一句广告DARWEN IS RIGHT INSIDE的翻译中使用了括号里解释的方法。他译为:达尔文,没错——就在里面(这是小达尔文的服装店)。





[1]Nida, Eugene A & Taber,C.R.1969.The Theory and Practice of Translation. Leiden: E.J.Brill



[4]傅敬民 张顺梅 薛清·英汉翻译辨析·北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,2005





从英汉构词特点看英汉词义对比 篇4


英语构词转类法和英汉翻译词汇转译法都是英语中的语言现象, 英语构词法是一种扩大词汇的方法, 可以转变词汇的句法功能, 现代英语中, 词类之间的转换似乎更为便捷。英汉翻译词汇转译法是指通过改变原文中的某些词语的词类和句子成分, 从而准确传达原文意思。这两种方法都是英语学习中的方法, 这二者之间是否有所联系, 能够转换的词类是否也可以转类翻译?在平时的翻译过程中, 翻译者并不总是按照设想的进行翻译, 在英汉翻译中, 翻译源语和目标语之间是否有对等的较小语言单位, 也是翻译研究中的重点。并且, 在专业类的技工院校中, 翻译专业的学生都会接触和使用这两种方法, 探究这两种方法之间的联系和区别, 对指导技工院校的学生做好翻译工作很有帮助。

1 英语构词转类法

在英语的演化过程中, 英语的词汇发生了一些变化, 大部分词的词尾曲折变化消失, 英语构词转类法成为现代英语构词法中的最为简单、有效的方式。这种方式不会改变词的形态, 它只是对词类之间进行转换, 从一种词类转换成另一种词类, 从而赋予了该词新的意义, 使之成为了一个新词, 这种转换被称为构词转类法。这种构词转类法的特点是不需要借助词缀就完全可以实现此类的转换, 因此, 有的人称这种构词转类法为“零位后缀法” (derivation by zero suffix) , 也有的人称之为“零位派生法”, 但是, 这些派生词是否可以称为零派生, 在这一点上, 至今还存在着比较大的分歧。

在英语词汇中, 能够进行转换的词类大多是比较简单的词, 比如大部分的单音节的名词一般都有与它形式相同的动词, 如:walk n.—to walk;hunt n.—to hunt;s i g h t n.—t o s i g h t等。但是像一些真正意义的派生词 (derivatives) , 一般情况下不可以进行转类, 这是因为这些派生词具有明确的可以表示此类的词缀。一般来说, 复合词 (compounds) 要比派生词有更多的转类的情况, 这是因为复合词通常都是由两个单音节的复合词组成的, 比如:聚光灯照明, 突出醒目 (spotlight n.—to spotlight) ;加入黑名单 (blacklist n.—to blacklist) ;停顿 (to stand still—standstill) ;崩溃 (to break down—breakdown) 等, 这些都是由名词转换成动词, 或者是动词转换成名词的情况。因此, 在英语中, 转类法被称为高产构词法, 人们发现, 好像不管是什么形式的词, 也不论是什么词类的词, 大都可以进行词类转换。

2 英汉翻译词汇转译法

英汉互译的过程中, 某些句子是可以逐词对应互译的, 而某些句子则不能逐词对应互译。这种情况下, 只能把词类进行转译, 这样才会使翻译更加自然和通顺。英汉翻译词汇转译法就是在翻译过程中, 把原文中的某一个词进行词类转换, 转译成目标语中的另一词类, 这种方法可以保证词汇中的基本概念和意义不会发生变化, 所以, 在英汉翻译中, 英汉翻译词汇转译法是种常用的方法。这一方法在各类英汉互译的教材中均会提到, 著名学者郭著章在他的《英汉互译实用教程》中曾下过这样一个定义, 词类转译法就是在翻译的过程中, 由于两种语言在日常习惯表达和基本的语法上的不同, 在保证原文意思不发生变化的情况下, 需要改变译文的词类。

在英汉翻译的过程中, 许多的动词和名词都有着极其灵活的含义, 例如:aim (瞄准和目标) 、air (烘干和空气) 、act (行动和行为) 。在翻译的时候, 必须从译文的基本意思出发, 根据上下文的意思, 灵活处理。词类的转换是英汉互译中一个非常普遍的现象。这是因为, 第一, 英语中的某些词类在汉语中没有, 在翻译的时候, 必须进行转译;第二, 英语是属于印欧语系, 而汉语属于汉藏语系, 两者的语系不同。此外, 英语和汉语在语法结构和词汇方面还有很多的不同点, 所以, 在英汉互译的过程中, 很多时候, 很难将两种语言的词汇和结构一一对应。因此, 在英汉翻译的时候, 就不需要局限于原文的结构, 只需要在符合原文意思的前提下, 对原文中的某些词类和成分进行转换, 转换成汉语中的某些词类或者成分。例如:Xu Beihong’s drawing of horses are exceptionally good.就可以译成“徐悲鸿画马画得特别好”。

3 英语构词转类法和英汉翻译词汇转译法

英汉翻译的目的是把原文中的意思准确表达出来, 翻译的过程既要考虑原文的意义, 又要考虑转译的风格。所以说, 英汉互译的过程是一个语义传达的过程, 只要在翻译过程中, 能够真实地表达原文的意思, 是否重视词汇的词类变化就不是那么的重要了。但是, 并不是说毫无意义, 我们了解这两种语言在用词上存在哪些相同点和不同点, 有助于我们在翻译过程中, 更好地完成翻译任务。下面, 笔者将详细地对英语构词转类法和英汉翻译词汇转译法进行对比。

(1) 转类为动词

1) 名词——动词

在现代英语的使用中, 名词的使用范围非常广, 据学者张韵斐在1986年做的统计显示:名词占了词汇总量的73.6%, 形容词占了17%, 而动词仅占8.6%。在使用过程中, 名词不仅可以用作主、宾、表, 还可以用作定语和状语。此外, 在词缀构词法中, 构成动词的词缀也非常少, 主要有-ize、-fy、-en等。名词数量的绝对优势造成了动词的词义缺项, 而可以弥补这一缺陷的就是名词——动词的转类词, 这类词在英语中比较常见, 像:house n.—to house;water n.—to water等。在英语中, 转类词主要是研究名词转类为动词, 因为这类词在英语中数量之多, 且发展势头很猛。汉语中动词很多, 而英语往往只有一个, 因此, 在翻译时, 可以将一个一个英语的名词直接译成汉语的动词。一般情况下, 一些具有动作意味的单音节名词常常被转译成汉语中的动词, 尤其是在记叙文和描写文中出现时。例如:As the week drew to a close, the enemy rout was complete.一周快结束时, 敌人彻底溃退了。The sight and sound of our jet planes fi lled me with special longing.看到我们的喷气式飞机, 听见隆隆的机声, 我特别神往。

2) 形容词——动词

形容词转译为动词是英语构词法中比较常用的方法, 这样转译后, 动词既可以用作及物动词, 表示“to make...Adjective”, 也可以用作不及物动词, 表示“to become...Adjective”。比如:strong adj.—to strong (使……变强;变强) ;dry adj.—to dry (使……变干;变干) 。某些形容词只能转化为及物动词, 像:free adj.—to free (释放;使自由) ;bare adj.—to bare (暴露) 等等。

3) 副词——动词

在英语构词法中, 副词转类成动词的现象也比较常见, 像:to further (促进) 、to out (外出) 、to up (提高、举起) 等, 英译汉的情况如:The new houses are built too near to us.这些新房子建造得太靠近我们了。

(2) 转类为名词

1) 动词——名词

在构词法中, 名词主要是由动词转化来的, 这些来自动词的名词主要表示状态和动作, 例如:smell (嗅觉) 、want (需要) 等。这些名词一般情况下可以和to take、to make等连用。在英汉互译中, 这类短语一般都是译成动词, 在汉语中相当于“动词+一+动词”, 例如:She gave a pleasant smile to the guest.她对客人温馨地笑了一下;The design aimed at automatic operation, easy regulation, simple maintenance and high productivity.设计的主要目的是自动操作、调节方便、维护简易、生产率高。

2) 形容词——名词

构词法中另外一种比较常见的现象是形容词转换成名词, 主要分为两种形式, 一种是完全转化, 如:native (本地人) , 转化成the native’s language或者是a returned native;另一种形式是部分转化, 如:the poor (穷人) 、the sublime (高尚的事物) 。英汉互译中的形式如:Both the compounds are acids.The former is strong, the latter weak.这两种化合物都是酸, 前一种是强酸, 后一种是弱酸。

4 结语

英语构词转类法和英汉翻译词汇转译法都是比较常见的语言现象, 都是根据句子需要, 在遵从原来意思的基础上, 不改变任何词形变化, 选择词性的方法。但是, 一般情况下, 构词转类法主要是用于单音节词汇上, 构词方法比较简单, 翻译词汇转译法多是为了满足目标语言的规律、读者习惯, 应用范围非常广泛, 相当于一种调节性的规则。比较两种转译法的联系和区别, 有助于人们更好地掌握词性特征和翻译技巧, 提高他们的翻译水平。


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