


英语演讲翻译 篇1

youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind;it is not rosy cheeks , red lips and supple knees, it is a matter of the emotions : it is the freshness;it is the freshness of the deep springs of life.youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity of the appetite , for adventure over the love of ease.this often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20.nobody grows old merely by a number of years.we grow old by deserting our ideals.years wrinkle the skin , but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.worry , fear , self –distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust.en369.cnwhether 60 of 16 , there is in every human being ‘s heart the lure of wonders, the unfailing childlike appetite of what’s next and the joy of the game of living.in the center of your heart and my heart there’s a wireless station : so long as it receives messages of beauty , hope ,cheer, courage and power from men and from the infinite, so long as you are young.when the aerials are down , and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old ,even at 20 , but as long as your aerials are up ,to catch waves of optimism , there is hope you may die young at 80.thank you!青春







a lot of measures have been taken.planting trees helps improve and beautify the environment.besides, laws concerning environmental protection have been put into effect and achieved good results.however, the problem of environmental protection remains far from being solved.on the one hand, the environment pollution and 我们生活的世界变得越来越难以忍受,因为环境破坏的原因。例如,森林的破坏导致减少种植的土地和令人不快的天气。此外,人类正面临的问题和被污染的空气污染的水。



a lot of measures have been taken.planting trees helps improve and beautify the environment.besides, laws concerning environmental protection have been put into effect and achieved good results.however, the problem of environmental protection remains far from being solved.on the one hand, the environment pollution and 我们生活的世界变得越来越难以忍受,因为环境破坏的原因。例如,森林的破坏导致减少种植的土地和令人不快的天气。此外,人类正面临的问题和被污染的空气污染的水。


英语演讲稿精品范文2篇(附翻译)> 英语演讲稿一:

hiding power of a smile笑容的隐藏力量


i started my journey in california with a uc berkley 30-year longitudinal study that examined the photos of students in an old yearbook and tried to measure their success and well-being throughout their life.by measuring their student smiles, researchers were able to predict how fulfilling and long-lasting a subjects marriage will be, how well she would score on standardized tests of well-being and how inspiring she would be to others.in another yearbook, i stumbled upon barry obamas picture.when i first saw his picture, i thought that these superpowers came from his super collar.but now i know it was all in his smile.我的旅程开始于加州,以柏克莱大学从事30年期的纵贯研究,研究一本旧年鉴中的学生照片,试着衡量他们一生的成就和幸福。藉由衡量学生的微笑,研究人员能够预测研究对象的婚姻是否圆满及长久,他在标准化幸福评量中能得到多少分,以及他能为别人带来多少启发。在另一本年鉴中,我偶然发现了欧巴马的照片,当我第一次看到他的照片时,我认为这些超能力来自于他的超大衣领,但现在我知道这全来自于他的笑容。another aha!moment came from a 2010 wayne state university research project that looked into pre-1950s baseball cards of major league players.the researchers found that the span of a players smile could actually predict the span of his life.players who didnt smile in their pictures lived an average of only 72.9 years, where players with beaming smiles lived an average of almost 80 years.另一个啊哈!时刻,来自2010年wayne州立大学的研究项目,观察50年代前职棒大联盟球员的棒球卡,研究人员发现,球员微笑的宽度事实上可以预测他寿命的长度,相片中没有笑容的球员,平均寿命仅72.9岁,拥有灿烂笑容的球员,平均寿命将近80岁。the good news is that were actually born smiling.using 3d ultrasound technology, we can now see that developing babies appear to smile, even in the womb.when theyre born, babies continue to smile--initially, mostly in their sleep.and even blind babies smile to the sound of the human voice.smiling is one of the most basic, biologically-uniform expressions of all humans.在巴布亚新几内亚进行的研究中,paul ekman,世界上最知名的脸部表情研究者发现,即使是fore部落中的成员,他们完全与西方文化隔绝,也因他们不寻常的吃人仪式而众所皆知,他们就像你我一样,也会在某些情况下微笑。因此,从巴布亚新几内亚到好莱坞,一直到北京的现代艺术,我们经常微笑着。你用微笑来表达喜悦和满足。how many people here in this room smile more than 20 times per day? raise your hand if you do.oh, wow.outside of this room, more than a third of us smile more than 20 times per day, whereas less than 14 percent of us smile less than five.in fact, those with the most amazing superpowers are actually children who smile as many as 400 times per day.在这房间里,有多少人每天微笑超过20次?如果有的话请举起手。哦,哇!在这个房间外,超过三分之一的人每天微笑超过20次,不到14%的人每天微笑少于5次。事实上,拥有最惊人超能力的是孩童,他们每天微笑多达400次。

have you ever wondered why being around children who smile so frequently makes you smile very often? a recent study at uppsala university in sweden found that its very difficult to frown when looking at someone who smiles.you ask, why? because smiling is evolutionarily contagious, and it suppresses the control we usually have on our facial muscles.mimicking a smile and experiencing it physically help us understand whether our smile is fake or real, so we can understand the emotional state of the smiler.你有没有想过,为什么身处在经常微笑的孩子身边,也会让你经常微笑?最近在瑞典uppsala大学的一项研究发现,当看着正在微笑的人时是很难皱眉的。你会问为什么?因为微笑具有演化上的感染性,它能抑制我们平时对脸部肌肉的控制,模仿一个微笑并实际体验它,帮助我们了解我们的微笑是假是真,因此我们可以了解微笑者的情绪状态。in a recent mimicking study at the university of clermont-ferrand in france, subjects were asked to determine whether a smile was real or fake while holding a pencil in their mouth to repress smiling muscles.without the pencil, subjects were excellent judges, but with the pencil in their mouth, when they could not mimic the smile they saw, their judgment was impaired.最近在法国clermont-ferrand大学的一次模仿研究中,要求测试对象在口中含住一支铅笔抑制微笑肌肉时,判断一个微笑是真是假。不含住铅笔时测试对象有优秀的判断力,但当他们口中含着铅笔时,就无法模仿他们看到的笑容,他们的判断力就会受损。in addition to theorizing on evolution in the origin of species, charles darwin also wrote the facial feedback response theory.his theory states that the act of smiling itself actually makes us feel better--rather than smiling being merely a result of feeling good.in his study, darwin actually cited a french neurologist, guillaume duchenne, who used electric jolts to facial muscles to induce and stimulate smiles.please, dont try this at home.除了在《物种起源》中阐述进化论以外,达尔文还写了脸部回馈理论。他的理论阐述,微笑这个行为本身,事实上能让我们感觉更好,而不仅是感觉不错的一个结果。在他的研究中,达尔文事实上引用了法国神经学家guillaume duchenne的实验,他使用电刺激脸部肌肉,诱发及激起微笑产生。请不要在家里尝试这个。

in a related german study, researchers used fmri imaging to measure brain activity before and after injecting botox to suppress smiling muscles.the finding supported darwins theory by showing that facial feedback modifies the neural processing of emotional content in the brain in a way that helps us feel better when we smile.smiling stimulates our brain reward mechanism in a way that even chocolate--a well-regarded pleasure inducer--cannot match.在德国一项相关研究中,研究人员使用功能性核磁共振造影(fmri),拍摄在注射肉毒杆菌抑制微笑肌肉前后,对大脑活动进行测量的照片,这个发现支持达尔文的理论,显示当我们微笑时,脸部回馈会改变大脑中情绪部份的神经处理程序,在某种程度上帮助我们感觉更好。微笑刺激我们的大脑奖励机制,在某种程度上,甚至连巧克力,一个公认的快乐诱导物,都无法比拟。

british researchers found that one smile can generate the same level of brain stimulation as up to 2,000 bars of chocolate.(laughter)wait.the same study found that smiling is as stimulating as receiving up to 16,000 pounds sterling in cash.thats like 25 grand a smile.its not bad.and think about it this way: 25,000 times 400--quite a few kids out there feel like mark zuckerberg every day.英国研究人员发现,一个微笑可以使大脑产生与2000根巧克力棒相同程度的刺激。(笑声)等等,同样的研究发现,微笑造成的刺激跟得到16000英镑现金相同,一个微笑就像25000美金,还不错。再想想看,25000乘以400,世上不少孩子每天都有像mark zuckerberg的感觉(facebook创办人)。

and, unlike lots of chocolate, lots of smiling can actu ally make you healthier.smiling can help reduce the level of stress-enhancing hormones like cortisol, adrenaline and dopamine, increase the level of mood-enhancing hormones like endorphin and reduce overall blood pressure.而且,不像一大堆巧克力,大量微笑事实上可以让你更健康。微笑可以帮助降低提升压力荷尔蒙的含量,如皮质醇、肾上腺素和多巴胺,增加提升情绪荷尔蒙的含量,如脑内啡,并降低整体血压。


what fear can teach us恐惧可以教会我们什么

one day in 1819, 3,000 miles off the coast of chile, in one of the most remote regions of the pacific ocean, 20 american sailors watched their ship flood with seawater.1819年的某一天,在距离智利海岸3000英里的地方,有一个太平洋上的最偏远的水域,20名美国船员目睹了他们的船只进水的场面。

theyd been struck by a sperm whale, which had ripped a catastrophic hole in the ships hull.as their ship began to sink beneath the swells, the men huddled together in three small whaleboats.他们和一头抹香鲸相撞,给船体撞了 一个毁灭性的大洞。当船在巨浪中开始沉没时,人们在三条救生小艇中抱作一团。

these men were 10,000 miles from home, more than 1,000 miles from the nearest scrap of land.in their small boats, they carried only rudimentary navigational equipment and limited supplies of food and water.这些人在离家10000万英里的地方,离最近的陆地也超过1000英里。在他们的小艇中,他们只带了 落后的导航设备 和有限的食物和饮水。these were the men of the whaleship essex, whose story would later inspire parts of moby dick.他们就是捕鲸船essex上的人们,后来的他们的故事成为《白鲸记》的一部分。even in todays world, their situation would be really dire, but think about how much worse it would have been then.岸上的人根本就还没意识到出了什么问题。没有任何人来搜寻他们。我们当中大部分人没有经历过 这些船员所处的可怕情景,但我们都知道害怕是什么感觉。

we know how fear feels, but im not sure we spend enough time thinking about what our fears mean.我们知道恐惧的感觉,但是我不能肯定我们会花很多时间想过 我们的恐惧到底意味着什么。as we grow up, were often encouraged to think of fear as a weakness, just another childish thing to discard like baby teeth or roller skates.我们长大以后,我们总是会被鼓励把恐惧 视为软弱,需要像乳牙或轮滑鞋一样 扔掉的幼稚的东西。and i think its no accident that we think this way.neuroscientists have actually shown that human beings are hard-wired to be optimists.我想意外事故并非我们所想的那样。神经系统科学家已经知道人类 生来就是乐观


so maybe thats why we think of fear, sometimes, as a danger in and of itself.dont worry, we like to say to one another.dont panic.in english, fear is something we conquer.its something we fight.这也许就是为什么我们认为有时候恐惧,本身就是一种危险或带来危险。不要愁。我们总是对别人说。不要慌。英语中,恐惧是我们需要征服的东西。是我们必须对抗的东西,是我们必须克服的东西。

但是我们如果换个视角看恐惧会如何呢? 如果我们把恐惧当做是想象力的一个惊人成果,是和我们讲故事一样 精妙而有见地的东西,又会如何呢? its easiest to see this link between fear and the imagination in young children, whose fears are often extraordinarily vivid.在小孩子当中,我们最容易看到恐惧与想象之间的联系,他们的恐惧经常是超级生动的。when i was a child, i lived in california, which is, you know, mostly a very nice place to live, but for me as a child, california could also be a little scary.我小时候住在加利福尼亚,你们都知道,是非常适合居住的位置,但是对一个小孩来说,加利福尼亚也会有点吓人。

i remember how frightening it was to see the chandelier that hung above our dining table swing back and forth during every minor earthquake, and i sometimes couldnt sleep at night, terrified that the big one might strike while we were sleeping.我记得每次小地震的时候 当我看到我们餐桌上的吊灯 晃来晃去的时候是多么的吓人,我经常会彻夜难眠,担心大地震 会在我们睡觉的时候突然袭来。

and what we say about kids who have fears like that is that they have a vivid imagination.but at a certain point, most of us learn to leave these kinds of visions behind and grow up.我们说小孩子感受到这种恐惧 是因为他们有生动的想象力。但是在某个时候,我们大多数学会了 抛弃这种想法而变得成熟。

we learn that there are no monsters hiding under the bed, and not every earthquake brings buildings down.but maybe its no coincidence that some of our most creative minds fail to leave these kinds of fears behind as adults.我们都知道床下没有魔鬼,也不是每个地震都会震垮房子。但是我们当中最有想象力的人们 并没有因为成年而抛弃这种恐惧,这也许并不是巧合。

英语演讲翻译 篇2

1.1 Stylistic features

Stylistic features can be divided in different ways.In English Stylistics, stylistic features are classified into three levels.The first level comprises phonological and graphological features.The second level has two components—grammar and lexis.The third level is the level of semantics.Similarly, the book Patterns in Language:Stylistics for Students of Language and Literature categorizes stylistic features into five groups:phonology, graphology, syntax, lexis and grammar.

1.2 Translation principles

In China, the first comprehensive principle of translation was Yan Fu’s“three-character guide”, namely, the principle of“信、达、雅”.It“has been generally regarded as a plumb-line for measuring the level of translation and a goal for translators to strive after”.

In English, the prominent principles of translation are Alexander Fraser Tytler’s three principles of translation and Eugene Nida’s dynamic equivalence.In Tytler’s view, the three principles are“a translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original work;the style and manner of writing in a translation should be of the same character with that of the original;a translation should have all the ease of the original composition”.

2 Stylistic Features of English Political Speeches

A detailed study of EPS will be carried out mainly concerning three categories of language features:lexis, syntax and rhetoric.The deliberate omission of phonological features is due to the reason that this paper concentrates on the political texts themselves.The four selected political speeches are UK Prime Minister Blair’s Victory Speech for the Third Time (A) , Barack Obama’s speech Change Has Come to America (B) , President Bush’s Farewell Address to the Nation (C) , and new UK Prime Minister David Cameron’s Victory Speech (D) .

2.1 Lexical features

The lexical items of public speech are much more complicated than those of daily communication, especially in the following aspects:short or long, verbal or nominal, abstract or concrete.Those nominal or abstract words provide speeches with formality and seriousness, so that the speakers’credibility and dignity is increased.

2.1.1 Abstract nouns

Abstract nouns refer to abstract objects, that is, ideas or concepts.There are many such nouns in political speeches, because it is abstract concepts, qualities or attributes that speeches try to publicize or explain.So abstraction is needed in keeping with the solemnity of a speech.In addition, abstract nouns add to political speeches profundity and formality.


2.1.2 Personal pronouns

Personal pronouns are another noticeable feature.The most extensively used one is first person, both singular form and plural form.It is natural for the speaker to use“I”or“me”, because of himself and his ideas mentioned from time to time during the speech.And the first person in plural form has more magic power.“We”involves listeners in the speech and therefore renders the audiences feel closer to the addresser, which is easier for the addresser to win more support.

2.2 Syntactic features

2.2.1 Sentence structures

Casual speeches tend to use short sentences.But a glance at the four samples reveals that those sentences vary much in length.Take Tony Blair’s Speech as an example.The longest sentence has107 words while the shortest has only 4 words.“Such sharp variation in length reflects the emotional state of mind of the speakers and their effort to evoke an active response from the audience”.The average length is 31 words per sentence in Blair’s speech, which is obviously longer than that (about 8 words per sentence) of casual conversation.

2.3 Rhetorical features

Concerning semantic devices, metaphor and simile are most used in EPS.A metaphor, “like a simile, makes a comparison between two different elements, but unlike a simile, this comparison is implied rather than stated”.For example,

(1) …share some thoughts on the journey that we have traveled together. (C)

The use of parallelism is the most prominent of the rhetorical devices in speeches.In parallel construction it is necessary to balance word with word, phrase with phrase, clause with clause, sentence with sentence.The parallelism makes the speeches clear, consistent and compelling.The quoted speeches are shining examples of this device.

(2) And I’ve listened and I’ve learned, and I think I have a very clear idea what… (A)

Antithesis is the deliberate arrangement of contrasting words or ideas in balanced structural forms to achieve force and emphasis.Speakers employ antithesis to crystallize their key ideas.The example below illustrates the point that this rhetorical device lends extra impact and the force of the emphasis to the political speeches.

(3) It’s the answer spoken by young and old, rich and poor, Democrat and Republican, black, white, Latino, Asian, Native American, gay, straight, disabled and not disabled. (B)

3 Translation Strategies According to the Stylistic Features

According to Nida, “translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning, and second in terms of style”.Therefore, the primary task in the translating process is to understand the source language and then select appropriate words to convey the source language.This paper analyses Chinese versions of the given examples and provides some revised versions.

3.1 Translation of abstract nouns

3.1.1 Conversion of nouns

Nouns derived from verbs can be translated into verbs.In English there is a tendency of verbal nominalization.In the process of translation, the conversion of English nouns into Chinese verbs is a matter of common occurrence.Look at the following examples.

(4) …where we are met with cynicism, and doubt, and those who tell us that we can’t, (B) A:


译文B:当我们遇到嘲讽和怀疑, 当有人说我们办不到的时候,

In the clause of the example, “cynicism”, “doubt”and“those…”share the same subject, “we”.But there are two differentsubjects, “我们”and“有人”, in Version B.With the change ofsubjects, the vigor is weakened.Then we try to keep the originalsubject so that the clause will be“当我们遭到嘲讽和怀疑, 当我们遇到说我们办不到的人”.In view of the inappropriate words inVersion A, the author suggests her translation as follows:“倘若有人嘲讽、怀疑、说我们办不到”.

Besides the conversion into verbs, nouns can be changed intoadjectives.In general, nouns that can be converted to adjectiveshave the corresponding adjectives.And often the nouns are after thepreposition“of”like“a period of consequence”in the samples.While translating, we should change the nouns into adjectives tomake the Chinese sentences smooth.

The first decade of this new century has been a period of consequence. (C) A:21



The noun“consequence”has three meanings in the diction-ary.A close examination of the sentence may get that the wordmeans“importance”here.Apparently, it is impracticable to keepthe part of speech of“consequence”unchanged.The requirementof smoothness and expressiveness entails the conversion of“conse-quence”into an adjective.In the two versions, “并不寻常的”and“重要的”both convey the original meaning to the readers.But“关键的”is the most widely used in Chinese political speeches.In theauthor’s opinion, the sentence should be“新世纪的前十年是相当关键的时期”.

3.1.2 Conversion of sentence structure

The structure of the sentences should be rearranged when they begin with abstract nouns.From the four samples, it is noticeable that abstract nouns play as the subject of sentences, which seems unacceptable to Chinese people because they are accustomed to taking living things as the center and considering that the subject of a sentence must be human beings or other organisms.Therefore, when abstract nouns are the subject of sentences, the sentence patterns should be changed to make the Chinese expressions center around living things.In the samples, we have the following exam- (6

(6) This is the belief that gave birth to our Nation. (C)

译文A:美国, 正是基于这样的信念诞生的。


“lief gave birth to our Nation”.Keeping the original structure, theChinese sentence will be“这样的信念养育了我们国家”, whichis inferior to the translation of the converted structure.In Chinesepolitical speeches, “中国”and“我国”enjoys a high appearance, so it is better to translate“our Nation”into“美国”than“我们的国家”.Furthermore, here“belief”does not mean“religious belief”but“an idea”, so it should be translated into“信念”like VersionA.In all, Version A is better than Version B.

3.2 Translation of personal pronouns

EPS are often given to the public so that personal pronouns are made the most of to shorten the distance between the speaker and the audience.Hence in translating personal pronouns, translators should take the magic power of personal pronouns into consider-ation.

And I thank you for the countless acts of courage, generosity, and grace. (C)


In the literal sense, “你们”keeps loyalty to the original, but it fails to meet the requirement of the context.Translating“you”into“大家”would be better.In Chinese“大家”can be the replacement of the second person in plural form.In comparison, as“你们”extends the distance, “大家”creates an intimate relationship between the speaker and the audience

3.3 Translation of long and complex sentences

3.3.1 Sequential translation

Sequential translation is applicable to many sentences in EPS, because the adverbials are often placed in the front of sentences, which is consistent with Chinese habitual expression.So basically, these sentences can be translated in the original order.But for thecoherence, it is a necessity to add or omit some words.For example,

(8) When the bombs fell on our harbor and tyranny threatened the world, she was there to witness a generation rise to greatness and a democracy was saved. (B) A:

译文A:二战时期炸弹袭击我们的海港, 独裁专制威胁全球, 安妮见证了一代美国人的英雄本色, 他们捍卫了民主。

译文B:当炸弹袭击了我们的海港, 独裁专制威胁到全世界, 她见证了美国一代人的伟大崛起, 见证了一个民主国家被拯救。

The word order in the English sentence is identical with that in Chinese, thus the sentence is translated into Chinese by means of sequential translation like the two versions.Most words are same in the two versions except the translation of“a democracy”.As a countable noun, here“a democracy”refers to“a country which has this system of government”.Hence it should be transferred into“民主国家”in Version B rather than“民主”in Version A.And it is more proper to render“greatness”into“英雄本色”than“伟大崛起”.Accordingly, the author revises the translation as follows:

二战时期炸弹袭击我们的海港, 独裁专制威胁全球, 安妮见证了一代美国人的英雄本色, 他们捍卫了民主国家。

3.3.2 Reverse translation

In EPS there are sentences, whose sequence is dramaticallydifferent from that of Chinese.Therefore, reverse translation is em-ployed.In English, the most important information tends to be putin the front of the sentence, followed by condition, cause, time andso on.Conversely, in Chinese, such information is placed after con-dition or other information.Therefore, in English-Chinese transla-tion, the position of clauses has to be rearranged so that the sen-tence needs to be reversed. (9)

I would not be standing here tonight without the unyielding support of my best friend for the last 16 years, the rock of our family and the love of my life, our nation’s next first lady, Michelle Obama. (B) A:·

译文A:我要感谢下一位第一夫人米歇尔·奥巴马。她是我家的中流砥柱, 是我生命中的最爱。没有她16年来的坚定支持, 今晚我就不可能站在这里。

译文B:如果没有一个人的坚决支持, 我今晚就不会站在这里, 她是我过去16年来最好的朋友、是我们一家人的中坚和我一生的挚爱, 更是我们国家的下一位第一夫人:米歇尔·奥巴马。

Version A reverses the sentence while Version B keeps the original.Just a glance of them tells that Version A is more fluent.The main information of this English sentence is“I would not be standing here tonight without the support”with“Michelle Obama”in the end to arouse suspension.In fact, Chinese people are liable to put the main information at the end of a sentence.Therefore, it is necessary to reverse the word order like Version A, but the translation of“my best friend”is missing in the version.So the author ad-

我要感谢下一届第一夫人米歇尔·奥巴马。她是我的挚友, 是我家的中流砥柱, 是我一生的最爱。没有她16年来的坚定支持, 今晚我就不可能站在这里。

3.3.3 Division

In English many long sentences are formed with clauses orphrases while most Chinese sentences are short and precise, payingmore attention to word order.When the relations between clausesare comparatively loose, the technique of division is often used, bywhich the long sentence is divided into several short sentences.Some words are added or omitted when necessary.And sometimes, the sequence of the sentence needs changing.

(10) Afghanistan has gone from a nation where the Taliban harbored al-Qaeda and stoned women in the streets to a young democracy that is fighting terror and encouraging girls to go to school. (C) A:

译文A:阿富汗已经由恐怖主义的天堂转变成一个尚未成熟的民主国家, 那里的人们正和恐怖主义战斗。此外, 女孩子上学也得到了应有的尊重。

译文B:阿富汗, 从一个塔利班袒护基地组织、妇女当街遭乱石致死的国家, 转变为一个对抗恐怖主义、支持女孩子们走进校门的年轻民主国家。

Indeed using“的”before“国家”can translate the English sentence into Chinese like Version B, but the long and complex modifiers are a block for the audience to understand while listening.So it is better to translate the main clause first and then the modifiers like Version A.However, Version A fails to translate the first attributive clause, which must be added like“阿富汗已经由恐怖主义的天堂转变成一个尚未成熟的民主国家。之前, 在阿富汗塔利班袒护基地组织, 妇女当街遭乱石袭击, 而现在, 人们正和恐怖主义对抗, 女孩也能走进校园。”

3.4 Translation of rhetorical devices

When translating these devices, translators should try to keepthe original images, cultural elements and vividness to the fullestextent.But it is improper to borrow ornate expressions for the pur-suit of liveliness.Below are the examples.

I believe that is the best way to get the strong government that we need, decisive government that we need today. (D)

译文:我认为, 这是构建我们所需要的强大政府的最佳途径, 是构建今天我们需要的果断政府的最佳途径。

“The strong government that we need”and“decisive govern-ment that we need today”share the similar structure to make em-phasis.And the Chinese sentence not only imitates the structurebut also repeats“是构建……的最佳途径”to reflect the emphasis.

4 Conclusion

According to the stylistic features of EPS, this paper focuseson translation of abstract nouns, personal pronouns, long and com-plex sentences, and rhetorical devices.In translation of abstractnouns, there is conversion of nouns into verbs or adjectives and conversion of sentence structure.In regard to translation of long and complex sentences, this paper introduces sequential translation, reverse translation and division.And the main point of translation o rhetorical devices is to translate the rhetorical devices with appropriate words.

From the previous discussion in Chapter Four, we can find thatliterature translation has a priority over free translation, that is, when the former can translate the meaning of the speeches faithful-ly, expressively and elegantly, there is no need to employ the latter.


[1]Feng Cuihua.English Rhetorical Options[M].Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 1995.

[2]Nida E A, Taber C R.The Theory and Practice of Translation[M].Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2001.

[3]Thornborrow, Joanna&Wareing, Shan.Patterns in Language:Sty listics for Students of Language and Literature[M].Beijing:For eign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2000.

[4]Tytler, Alexander Fraser.Essay on the Principles of Translation3rd Edition[M].London:John Benjamins Publishing Corporation, 1813.

[5]Xu Jianping.A Practical Course of English-Chinese and Chi nese-English Translation[M].2nd Ed.Beijing:Tsinghua Universi ty Press, 2003.

[6]Xu Youzhi.English Stylistics[M].Beijing:Higher Education Press, 2005.

[7]冯庆华.文体翻译论[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 2002.

浅析演讲稿日汉翻译策略 篇3


中图分类号:H365.9 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1671-864X(2016)05-0165-01



演讲稿属于重内容的文本,即注重信息的表达,其翻译要求语言具有极高的精准度,而且对专业术语上的翻译要求绝不会低于法律方面的专业水准,因此译者在翻译过程中须贯彻“理解到位、表述通顺”的翻译总原则。功能目的论学者认为,所有翻译活动必须遵循两个翻译总原则:第一,翻译目的决定了翻译各方面的交互作用;第二, 接受对象不同,翻译目的也不同。政治演讲稿中最关重要的是接受对象,其终极目的是使接受对象理解政治演讲的目的,并被演讲内容及情绪所感染,因此必然要求政治演讲稿的译文要与原文达到同样的效果。此外,演讲稿的翻译要注意以下四个方面:第一,用词简短。把长词尽量换为短词;第二,用句简洁。演讲稿要求句子简洁凝练,尽可能把长句拆分为短句;第三,人称代词的使用。据调查显示,观众对具有人称代词的演讲内容产生的反应要明显大于缺乏人称代词的演讲;第四,考虑听众的共鸣。演讲稿不需要追求太大的幽默效果,但必须考虑对观众的感染效果。

















这样译文更符合中文的语法习惯。虽然对译文进行了补充,但此句的翻译完全体现了功能目的论的三大法则: 忠于原文,连贯且有目的。同时说明了在政治演讲稿的翻译过程中增译有助于听众对译文的理解。而且根据演讲稿翻译标准的第三条我们可以知道, 观众对具有人称代词的演讲内容产生的反应要明显大于缺乏人称代词的演讲。因此,笔者在对原文进行翻译的时候,恰当地补充了主语,追求更高的翻译效果,以期达到观众共鸣。





三 小结




[1]李长栓编著.非文学翻译理论与实践[M]. 中国对外翻译出版公司, 2004


英语演讲稿带翻译 篇4

Once I read a piece of news report. It says, "A middle school student in a remote mountainous area was doing his revision at home one day. His brother, whose age excelled school age, was playing and drawing on the paper with his elder brother's pencil at his side. Suddenly the younger brother raised his head thoughtfully, his little eyes were winking, and said to his brother seriously, "When will it thirty-second, brother?" The elder brother looked at his innocent younger brother and said with a smile, "What are you going to do on that thirty-second?" "Papa promised me to send me to school," said his younger brother. His brother, the middle school student looked at his lovely brother and his heart seemed to be stitched with needles. My God! My parents were working day and night in order to be able to afford my schooling. They were exhausted. How could they afford my younger brother's schooling? Oh, thirty-second ...

My dear friends, hearing this, didn't you feel sorry for them? We share the same native land, the same blue sky under the sun. Why cannot they be given lesson at school, sitting in the bright and big classroom? We are used to saying that education goes first before vitalizing the country. But now the country's fiscal solvency and material resources are not ample enough. What should we do? It requires that we should be of one heart and exert our efforts for our motherland.



初中英语演讲稿带翻译 篇5

Today smoking is a widespread habit ali overthe world. Not>

However, smoking is harmful toone’s ,health.It contributes a lot of lung cancer, from which many people havedied in the past years. It can also cause many other diseases. In aword, if you smoke, you do have a much greater chance of losingyour health. Furthermore, scientific research shows that smoking isnot>’t smoke,don’t start.Give upsmoking for the sake of your health, for the sake of yourfamily, and for the sake of the whole world.




小学英语演讲稿带翻译 篇6

Today some students spend too much time enjoy their lives such as eating, clothing, traveling and so on. Others spend too much time reading books of small value and little importance. A lot of time has been wasted. They have no idea that waste of time means wasting of one’s life.

While we are young and full of vigor, let’s work hard.




英语演讲翻译 篇7

1 医学英语的翻译标准

医学翻译就是医学科学信息的跨文化传播,目的在于介绍国外先进的医学科技经验和技术,使不同国家和民族能够进行医学科技和文化的交流。对于翻译的原则或标准, 不少中外翻译家提出了各自的主张,可谓是仁者见仁,智者见智:如严复的“信、达、雅”,傅雷的“神似”说,钱钟书的“化境”说,许渊冲的“三美”说,刘重德的“信、达、切”;泰特勒(Alexander F·Tytler)的三原则“译文应完全传达原文的思想;译文的风格和笔调应与原文一致;译文应像原文一样流畅”,美国翻译家奈达(Eugene A·Nida)的“动态对等、功能对等”[1],英国翻译家纽马克(Peter Newmark)的语义/交际翻译理论(Semantic/Communicative translation)等等。医学英语属于科技英语的范畴, 根据弗米尔(Hans J·Vermeer)的目的论(Skopos theory),翻译医学英语同翻译其它文本一样,译文应忠实于原文,准确传达原文的信息[2]。阎庆甲认为应把“明确”、“通顺”、“简练”三者作为科技翻译的医学英语特点及翻译标准[3]。韩其顺等则认为“忠实”和“通顺”今天已成为公认的两条翻译标准[4,5]。作为科技英语范畴之一的医学英语,虽有其自身特点,但“忠实”和“通顺”这两条公认的翻译标准仍然是适用的。因此我们可以以“忠实”和“通顺”作为医学英语翻译的基本标准。译文必须概念清楚,数据无误,传达原文的信息内容。同时译文必须规范、通俗易懂,符合译入语民族的语言和文化习惯。

2 医学英语特点及其翻译

医学英语作为一门非常有特色的学科,主要描述和讨论医学科学事实,提交医学研究成果,传授医学知识等等。具有其独特的词汇体系和句法特征。如词汇量大,一词多义, 复杂长句多,长句和从句出现频率高,很少使用人称等特点。下面就医学英语的词汇和句式的特点及其翻译作详细阐述。

2.1 词汇特点及翻译

来源于希腊和拉丁语的派生词。据统计,医学术语75%以上来源于希腊语和拉丁语,这些词是希腊语和拉丁语的派生词。派生词是用一个现成的词或词根加上另一些本身并不单独存在但有固定意义的词素所构成。它具有词义的单一性和准确性,词的构成显示词的意义,分段式构成易于记忆,词根及词缀潜能巨大等特点[6]。由于派生词是按照规则由词素以一定的方式构成,因而只要理解其中的各个组成部分,通常情况下就能推断出词的意思。例如:前缀ecto-“外部的”,可构成ectotoxin(外毒素), ecto-genesis(体外发生),ectopia(异位)等等。词根cyto-“细胞”,可构成cytology(细胞学),erythrocyte(红细胞),leucocyte(白细胞)等等。后缀-itis表示“……炎”,如arthritis(关节炎),hepatitis(肝炎),hephritis(肾炎)等等。由此可见,掌握拉丁语及希腊语词缀对于理解、记忆并翻译这些医学术语词汇是极其重要的。它可以使我们在记忆有限词缀的前提下掌握无限专业术语,有效地提高阅读能力及扩大词汇量,从而提高翻译水平。

一词多义。一词多义是英语中十分突出的特点。英语中有大量的词既用于日常英语, 又是医学英语中的常用词汇。但在医学英语中,其词义已发生变化,具有一词多义的特点。确定词义很重要,同一单词在不同的语言环境中往往有不同意义,有时甚至词义相差甚远。因此容易导致理解的错误,也是翻译的一个难点,而衡量是否选准的重要标志就是看其表达的意思是否符合医学习惯[7]。如general一词,与另外不同的词搭配可具有不同的词义,所以翻译时必须根据英语的不同搭配关系和有关医学知识来判断词义。例: general check-up普查; general round总查病房; general anesthesia全身麻醉; general peritonitis弥漫性腹膜炎; general hospital综合性医院; general practitioner普通医生。在医学英语中,这种一词多义的现象非常普遍。在翻译时,要根据上下文和逻辑关系,从一个词或词组的基本意思出发,进一步引申词义,最后选择合适的表达。如果逐词死译,就会使译文晦涩难懂,甚至导致错误。

冠名术语。医学英语中的解剖结构、疾病、手术、临床检验等冠以人名、地名成为冠名术语,如tularemia(土拉菌病)(Tulare是加利福利亚的一个地方,该病就是在此地首先发现)。冠名术语中为数最多的数人名冠名术语,一般由两部分构成,前一部分是姓名,后一部分常常为syndrome(综合征),disease(病),test(试验),reagent(试剂),method(法),reaction(反应),operation(手术),instruct(指示剂),treatment(疗法),theory(说)等等。在翻译人名冠名术语时一定要注意准确性、规范性和统一性。我国名词委外国科学家译名委员会提出了“名从主人,约定俗成,服从主科,尊重规范”等原则审定和协调译名。所谓名从主人是指人名冠名术语的人名部分的类型,拼写等应随主人而定,医学冠名术语多以音译为主就是体现了这个原则。典型的例子有“Gram’s method(革兰氏法),照规范译法应为“革兰姆氏法”,为什么没改,沿用至今,这就是“译语从俗”的原则。

2.2 句式特点及翻译


频繁使用被动语态。在医学英语中被动语态使用较多。其原因在于科技文章主要论述客观存在的事实和科学论断,并且希望强调和突出所论述的事物,因此谓语动词常采用以客观事物为主体的被动语态。在英语医学文献中,由于人们所关注的是行为的对象,即疾病和患者,而不需要明确行为者本身,即医务和科研人员,所以多用被动语态[8]。但在翻译时,不一定都要译成被动语态。一般可以用以下几种方法处理:①保留被动句式,翻译为“被、由、为、受到、得到、经过”句式。如:例1 It is believed that this process is carried out by certain cells.译为:我们认为这个过程是由某些细胞完成的。例2 The pitfalls in both methods of the operation are well documented.译为:两种手术方法的缺陷已得到充分证实。②如果被动句的主语(即受动者,行为对象)是无生命的事物,而行为者又不具体时,就可以直接译成汉语主动句,这时,一般可以保留原文中的主语,作为汉语主动句中的主语,后面再直接接上谓语。如: 例3 When hepatocytes are transformed into malignant cells, they may secret IGF- and promote malignant hepatocyte proliferation by an autocrine mechanism. 译为:当肝细胞转化为恶性细胞时,可以分泌IGF-Ⅱ并以自分泌的形式刺激肝细胞增殖。例4 In multicellular organisms, the majority of the cells continue to be bathed in fluid, spoken of as extracellular or tissue fluid. 译为:在多细胞机体内,大多数细胞一直浸浴在称为细胞外液或组织液的体液之中。③使用“It”引导的句式。由于医学英语只注重客观事实、实验结果或有关理论,而不注重个人的态度和情感。所以,在医学英语中大量使用“It”引导的句式,从而使句子结构严谨、层次分明便于理解。It引导的被动语态惯用句型,通常采用如下译法:

It is known that…译为:众所周知……

It is found that…译为:据发现……,有人发现……

It is generally accepted that…译为:普遍认为……

It is estimated that…译为: 据估计……

It has been proved that…译为:已经证明……

It has been illustrated that…译为:据图表所示……


例句:Those patients who become asymptomatic with the onset of jaundice and whose diagnosis was not made until they become jaundiced find it curious that they were ambulatory when they felt “terrible” but confined to bed when they feel well.

分析:①句中的主句是Those patients;②主句中的主语those patients后面有两个定语从句修饰,一个是who…jaundice另一个是whose…jaundiced;③其中第二个定语从句中还包含一个由until引导的时间状语从句;④主句的谓语动词find后为复合宾语结构(it是形式宾语,curious是宾语补足语),由that引导的they...well宾语从句说明形式宾语it的具体内容;⑤宾语从句还含有两个when引导的时间状语从句,其中第一个状语从句分隔了宾语从句中两个并列的谓语were ambulatory but confined to bed。译文:那些虽有黄疸而无其他症状的病人以及那些在黄疸出现后才被诊断的病人对此都觉得奇怪:即当初他们感到“极不舒服”时,却可以四处走动,而现在感觉良好,却必须卧床休息。

例句:There seems little doubt, therefore, that when a peptic ulcer is in a stage of causing symptoms, direct exposure of it to hydrochloric acid will usually induce typical ulcer pain[10].

分析:①本句含有三处分隔现象:首先,that引导的同位语从句通常应紧跟与其所修饰的名词doubt之后,但这里被插入语therefore所分隔;其次,同位语从句本身是一个主从复合句型, that没有直接像通常那样直接跟着其主句direct exposure…ulcer pain,而是被when引导的时间状语从句所分隔;再则,句中exposure与其搭配的介词to被后置定语of it所分隔,此处的it指代peptic ulcer;②本句的主句There seems little doubt,而在翻译时语序作了调整,放在句尾,以更符合汉语表达的习惯。译文:因此,在消化性溃疡处于症状期时,如溃疡直接接触到盐酸通常会引起溃疡疼痛,这一点似乎没有什么疑问。

3 结语



[1]Eugene A.Nida,Cgarles Taber.The Theory and Practice ofTranslation[M].Leiden:E.J.Bril.1969:12.

[2]Hans J.Vermeer.A Skopos.Theory of Translation(SomeArgument for and against)[M].Heidelberg:TEXTcon-TEXT-Verlag,1996:104.








刍议英语翻译中的广告翻译 篇8

【关键词】英语翻译 广告翻译 分析




















