


初二英语必会作文 篇1

1.I suppose he was sick 我猜他大概是病了。

2.Will it rain tomorrow? 明天会下雨吗?

3.No, I don’t think so 不,我想不会。

4.Do you really want to know what I think? 你真想知道我怎么想吗?

5.Please give me your advice 请给我提些建议。

6.I want to hear your opinion 我想听听你们想法。

7.What do you plan to do this Friday? 明天你打算干什么?

8.What are you doing next week? 下周你干什么?

9.I plan to go to the concert 我打算去听音乐会。

10.I’m thinking of going to my grandma’s 我想去外婆家。

11.I’ll go skiing if the weather permits 天气允许的话,我会去滑雪。

12.I suppose I can finish the project next year 我想我明年完成此工程。

13.I have no idea 我不知道。

14.It’s up to you 由你决定。

15.I’m considering buying a house 我想买套房子。

16.Hi, Jack, what lessons will you take this semester? 你好,杰克,这学期你选什么课?

17.Hi, Lucy I’ll take French and Economics 你好,露西,我想选法语和经济。

18.I’m taking Chinese and History 我将选中文和历史。

19.Do you plan to do some odd jobs? 你打算打工吗?

20.Yes, I’m applying to work at the library 是的,我在申请图书馆管理员的工作。

21.Good luck! 祝你好运。

22.It’s up to you 由你决定。

23.You have the final say 你说了算。

24.She insists that it doesn’t matter 她坚持说那没关系。

25.He’s made up his mind to quit his job 他已决定辞去他的工作。

26.I’ve decided not to sell the house 我决定不卖房子了。

27.I’m determined to leave 我决意要走了。

28.Have you decided? 你决定了吗?

29.No, I haven’t decided yet 不,还没有。

30.I’ve changed my mind 我改注意了。

31.It’s still undecided 还没决定。

32.Don’t hesitate any more 别在犹豫了。

33.Give me a definite answer, please 请给个明确的答复。

34.It’s really hard to make a decision 挺难做决定的。

35.I’m always making resolutions, like giving up smoking 我总在做出决定,比如戒烟。

36.Don’t shilly-shally/ Don’t dilly-dally 别犹豫不决。

37.Do you like traveling? 你喜欢旅游吗?

38.Yes, I’ve just come back from Scotland 是的,我刚从苏格兰回来。

39.How did you get there? 你怎么去的?

40.I got there by plane 我坐飞机去的。

41.Where did you visit? 你去参观了哪些地方?

42.I only had time to visit Edinburgh 我只有时间去爱丁堡。

43.How did you like it? 你喜欢那儿吗?

44.It’s fantastic 那儿棒极了。

45.Why did you go there? 你为什么去那儿?

46.I went there on business 我出差到那儿。

47.And do you have friends there? 你在那儿有朋友吗?

48.Yes, a lot of friends 是的,很多。

49.You must have enjoyed yourself 你一定玩的很开心。

50.Yes, and I took many pictures 是的,我还照了好多照片。

五年级英语知识点必会的英语句子 篇2

This is my mum,She is... 这是我的妈妈,她是...。

Is Yaoyao pretty today? Yaoyao今天漂亮吗?

Yes, she is. 是的,她是。

Is Yaoyao pretty today? Yaoyao今天漂亮吗?

Yes, she is. 是的,她是。

Where is the rabbit? 兔子在哪里?

It is in the grass. 它在草丛里。

This is my family. I have... 这是我的家庭。我有...。

There is a bridge in my park. 公园里有一座小桥。

Hi , Mary! 嗨,Mary!

Hello, Tom! 你好,Tom!

Mary, this is my grandma. Mary,这是我的奶奶。

Welcome. 欢迎。

This is Jack. my brother. 这是Jack,我的哥哥。

He is big. 他个子大大的。

My mom and dad. 我的妈妈和爸爸。

Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你们。

Nice to meet you too. 我也很高兴见到您们。

She is Linda,my sister. 她是LInda,我姐姐。

初二英语必会作文 篇3

 There is a bed, a desk and a chair in my bedroom.Lesson 2

 There are five balloons in my living room.Lesson 3

 There are some hamburgers and cakes on the table.Lesson 4

 Can you clean the table and chairs?

Lesson 5

 What can I do for you?

Lesson 7

 What time is it? It’s seven o’clock.Lesson 8

 It’s time for class.Lesson 9

 I like hamburgers, French fries and Coke.Lesson10

 What do we have for dinner? We have rice, chicken, beef, pork, carrots, eggplants, cucumbers and green peppers.Lesson 11

 It’s time to go to bed.Lesson 13

 How many words do you have? We have twenty-nine words.Lesson 14

 How many students are there in your class? Fifty students.Lesson 15

 How many classes do you have today? We have six classes today. What subjects do you like? I like music and art.Lesson 17

 What do you do in English classes? We listen and do.Lesson 19

 How many days are there in a week? There are seven days in a week.Lesson 20

 What day is today? Today is Monday.Lesson 21

 I have Chinese on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.Lesson 22

 When do you have PE classes? We have PE classes on Tuesday and Friday.Lesson 23

 What do you usually do on weekends?

 I usually go to the theme park on Saturdays.Lesson 25

 What would you like, Lisa? I’d like some bread and sausages.Lesson 26

 I like singing. Are you interested in drawing and painting? Yes, I am.Lesson 27

 I enjoy reading and watching TV. What are you interested in? I’m interested in singing and dancing.Lesson 28

 Are you good at swimming? No, I am not. Do you like skating? Yes.I like roller skating. What would you like to buy?

 I want to buy a ruler, a pencil-box and a notebook.Lesson 31

 We want to go to the Great Wall.Lesson 32

 Are they ducks? No, they aren’t.They are geese.Lesson 33

 What are these(those)? They are peacocks.Lesson 34

 What would you like to do? I’d like to go on the teacups.Lesson 35

初二英语必会作文 篇4

52.珊瑚 53.发现 1.2.participate 3.evaluate 4.arrange 5.chimpanzee 6.dolphin 7.sign 8.hunt 9.actor 10.actress 11.writer 12.collection 13.ski 14.windsurfing 15.frightening 16.underwater 17.spirit 18.explorer 19.sailor 20.Viking 21.voyage 22.ancestor 23.AD 24.further 25.persuade 26.unknown 27.eventually 28.present-day 29.deed 30.journey 31.lecture 32.brake 33.apologise 34.pollute 35.pollution 36.over-fishing 37.industrial 38.agricultural 39.chemical 40.ban 41.altogether 42.handle 43.department 44.solution 45.port 46.present 47.intelligence 48.intelligent 49.iceberg 50.seal 51.energetic penguin 54.1.55.crab 2.参加56.educate 3.评估

;评价 57.up-to-date 4.安排;准备 58.attraction 5.黑猩猩59.attract 6.海豚 7.符号

60.shark 8.打猎,猎杀,记号

61.discount 9.演员 62.trick 10.女演员11.作者,作家

63.melt 64.measure 12.收集,收取 65.length 13.滑雪66.schoolboy 14.风帆滑浪 令人惊恐的,67.centimetre 人的 骇68.barrel 15.在水下,共水下69.whirlpool 16.用的70.horrible 17.精神

71.float 18.探险家 72.terrify 19.水手,海员维京人,73.escape 74.terror 20.盗北欧海75.soul 21.航海,航空

76.survive 22.祖先,祖宗

77.recover 23.公元

78.scream 24.更远,较远79.sink 25.说服,劝服 不知道的,80.unable 26.的未知81.recognise 27.最终,终于

82.Oceania 28.当今的,83.opposite 29.行为,行动现代的84.net leak 30.旅行,旅程

85.stadium 31.讲授,演讲86.debate 32.制动器,刹车 87.local


88.shopkeeper 34.使污染 89.bay 35.污染36.过度捕捞

90.wildlife 37.工业的 disagree 38.农业的词组39.化学物

91.40.禁止 92.fill out

41.完全42.对付 部,系,局,部

93.water skiing 94.set sail

43.门 95.according to get 44.答案,解决办法45.港口,海港96.trouble into 46.演讲演示 97.make it to 47.智力,理解力 有才智的,98.in search of 99.the Antarctic 48.力强的

理解100.watch out make a living 49.冰山,浮冰 50.海豹100.51.有活力的 企鹅

101.all at once

pick up

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54.55.蟹56.教育 57.现代的,吸引人的地方,新式的 吸引人之物 58.59.吸引 60.鲨鱼





68.圆桶69.漩涡 可怕的,70.恶的 令人厌


72.令人感到恐惧 73.逃脱,逃跑 74.灵魂75.幸存,生存下来76.痊愈,康复 77.尖声喊叫,78.下沉,沉没惊呼

79.不能的,80.辨认出 不会的 81.大洋洲对立的人 反义词(物);





87.88.店主,店东 89.海湾,湾90.野生生物 意见不合,不同


91.92.填写 93.滑水 94.启航

95.根据,依照陷入麻烦,困境 陷入



100.谋生101.注意 102.突然,忽然


1.Unit 8单词 2.adventure 3.desert 4.canoe 5.safari 6.hike 7.presenter 8.major 9.wild 10.tiring 11.raft 12.extra 13.optional 14.horizon 15.organization uncomfortabl16.e 17.route 18.porter 19.luggage accommodat20.ion 21.hostel 22.maximum 23.altitude 24.differ 25.footprint 26.anxious 27.extreme snowboardin28.g 29.snowrafting 30.gymnastics 31.similarity 32.exactly 33.risk 34.excitement 35.various 36.flow 37.equipment 38.dull 39.preference 40.jog 41.traveler 42.emperor 43.court 44.amaze 45.goods 46.confuse 47.fuel 48.wealthy author 49.50.dictation Unit 8单词

51.statement 1.奇遇历

;冒险的经52.quantity 2.53.professor 3.沙漠独木舟;荒原54.hunter 舟



4.56.Norwegian 5.游猎57.preparation 6.徒步旅行;探险旅游 58.sledge 7.节目主持人;远足 较严重的59.shock 要的


60.goal 8.61.ambition 9.野生的10.令人疲劳的;狂热的62.exhausted 63.hopeless 11.木排64.cheerful 12.特别的,;木筏可选择的额外的65.distant 制的;非强66.within 13.67.sadness 14.地平线

68.function 15.团体不舒服的;组织;69.patience 在的


70.nationality 16.71.aim 17.路线;路程 72.Arctic 18.行李搬运工 19.行李73.transport 20.住所;住处


21.旅社;招待所 75.disadvantage 22.最大的;76.staff 23.高度;海拔最多的 77.survival 24.不同于;有区别

78.shelter 25.脚印;足迹79.philosophy 26.忧虑的; 词组limit 27.极度的;担心的极端的80.28.单板滑雪 81.take off white-water 29.动力雪橇滑降30.体操;体操训练 82.rafting 31.相似性;83.right now bungee 32.确切地;类似性 精确地

33.冒……的危险 84.jumping 34.兴奋;激动不同的; 85.in order to 样的

各种各86.upside down 35.87.turn up 36.流动;涌出 88.back out 37.配备;设备 89.get across 38.暗淡的;偏爱;迟钝的 东西 较喜欢的90.in turn 39.91.break out put into 40.慢跑41.旅客;旅行者

92.prison 42.皇帝93.stand by


94.on one’s way 44.使惊愕(惊奇)95.break down 45.商品;物品 96.run out of 46.使困惑 carry on 47.燃料 48.富有的



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49.50.口述;听写51.陈述 52.量;数量

53.教授54.猎人 55.皮;皮肤


59.震惊60.目的;惊骇 61.志向;;目标抱负

62.疲惫的 63.没有希望的 64.愉快的65.远出的,在,高兴的 在…………久远的内部里 面 ,66.67.悲哀68.运转,忧伤起作用 69.耐心,忍耐力

70.国籍71.目标 ,目的 72.北极73.运输,北极地区 74.观察不利条件,运送观测 , 不利


庇护所,生存 79.哲学 词组边界

;限度 80.81.起飞 82.激流漂流 83.就在此刻蹦极


87.出现,到场 决定不履


91.发生,爆发92.关进监狱 坚持(某种)说93.法94.在途中 95.损坏,不能运转


继续做某事 Unit 9单词 1.ferry 2.minibus 3.cyclist 4.motorist 5.pedestrian 6.jam 7.actually 8.benefit 9.flat 50.racer 51.sunlight

52.kindergarten 53.northwest 54.southeast 55.chapter 56.impression 57.reliable 58.golf


1.渡船 51.阳光,日光 2.小巴 52.幼儿园,幼稚园 3.骑自行车的人 53.西北,西北方 4.驾驶汽车的人 54.东南,东南方 5.行人 55.章节 6.阻塞,拥挤 56.印象,感觉 7.实际地,真实地 57.可靠的 8.得益,好处 58.高尔夫球(运9.平的 动)10.方便的,便利的59.操作人员,接线Unit 9单词

10.11.convenient 12.therefore 13.bicycle 14.parking 15.convenience 16.hopeful neighbourho17.od 18.wherever 19.thief 20.chip 21.insert 22.indeed consequenc23.e 24.arrest 25.bone 26.argue 27.baggage 28.platform 29.belt 30.ambassador 31.sensitive 32.grey 33.gentle 34.fierce 35.vocabulary 36.accent 37.interpreter 38.likely 39.schedule 40.timetable 41.foolish 42.responsibility 43.hostess 44.non-smoking 45.case 46.suitcase 47.content 48.petrol 49.gas solar

59.60.operator 61.appreciate 62.essay 63.shopping 64.highway 65.construction 66.pavement 67.crossroads 68.amount 69.physical 70.motor 71.figure 72.engine 73.per 74.centigrade 75.addicted 76.admit 77.occupy 78.somehow 79.whichever 80.suit 81.damage 82.nowhere 83.crossing 84.tunnel 85.plus 86.frequent fare 词组87.88.traffic jam

89.fed up 90.work out 91.rely on 92.air hostess 93.pull up 94.pull out 95.so far 96.take place carbon 97.monoxide 98.go up on average

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11.12.所以,因此 13.自行车 14.停车场15.方便,便利

16.有希望的 17.街坊,无论在何处,邻近地区 论到哪里 无18.19.贼,小偷集成电路片,片 硅20.21.插入,嵌入22.当然,确实 23.后果,结果

24.逮捕,拘留 25.骨头26.争辩,争吵

27.行李 28.站台,月台29.带子

30.大使敏感的,的 能理解31.32.灰色的,灰白的 33.和善的,温和的 34.残忍的,凶猛的 35.词汇,词汇量36.重音,口音

37.译员,口译者 38.可能的39.时间表,40.时间表 进度表 41.愚蠢的负责,责任,职 责 42.43.女主人44.禁止吸烟的 45.大箱子

46.手提箱,皮箱47.内容 48.(英)汽油 气体;煤气;汽 49.油太阳的,的 太阳光


62.散文 63.购物64.公路

65.建造,建筑业 66.人行道67.十字路口

68.数量 69.身体的,70.马达,发动机物质的

71.数字,数目 72.发动机,引擎73.每,每一

74.摄氏(度)75.沉溺于……的 76.承认,供认77.居住;占有 78.以某种方式


82.都不交叉路口,横道 人行83.84.地道,隧道85.加,加上 86.时常发生的 票价,车费 词组 87.88.交通阻塞不愉快的,塞车的 ,厌烦

89.锻炼身体,做运90.动 91.依赖,依靠 92.(空中小姐车车辆)停止,停93.(火车)94.出站 驶离车站,95.迄今为止96.发生
