


小学生英语的脑筋急转弯 篇1


1, Which two words contain thousands of letters? Post office

2, What kind of dog does not bite or bark? A hot dog

3, Why do people go to bed? Because the bed won’t come to us.

4, What year is the best year for a kangaroo? Leap year

5, Why is Sunday is the strongest day in a week? Because the rest of the days are weak days.

6, What will break once you say it? Silence

7, What fruit is never found singly? Pear

8, What clothing is always sad? Blue jeans

9, What is heavier in summer than in winter? The traffic to the beach

10, When are people smartest? When it’s sunny, everything is brighter

11, How many legs do horses have? Six. Forelegs in the front, two in the back

12, What’s the poorest bank in the world? The river bank

13, Who is closer to you, your mom or your dad? Mom. Because dad is farther.

14, What is the smallest room in the world? A mushroom

15, What has nothing but a head and a tail? A coin. Head(正面) tail (反面)

16, What kind of water should people drink in order to be healthy?Drink well water.

17, Why is 10×10=1000 like your left eye? Because it’s not right.

18, What do you still keep after giving it to someone else? Your word

19, Take away my first letter, take away my second letter, take away all my letters, and I remain the same, what am I? a postman

20, What king belongs to a student? A ruler

21, How long is a shoe? A little more than a foot long.

22, What is black and white and red (read) all over? Newspaper

23, What has a tongue but can’t talk? An envelope

24, How do you feel today? With my hands, of course

25, What has four legs but only one foot? A bed

26, What has many tails(tales) but no head? A book of stories

27, What has three hands but only one face? A clock

28, Which can move faster, heat or cold? Heat. You can catch a cold

29, Who always drives his customers away? A taxi-driver

30, What’s the smallest bridge in the world? The bridge of a nose

31, Who will be your friend, a poor friend or a rich friend? A poor friend, because a friend in need is a friend indeed.

32, What colour is the wind? Blue. The wind blew.

33, Why is the library the highest building? Because it has the most stories.

34, What is the longest word in the English language? Smile

35, What part of London is in France? The letter “N”.

36, What makes a road broad? B

37, What letter stands for the ocean? C

38, What three letters turn a boy into a man? AGE

39, What starts with T, ends with T, and can be full of T? teapot

40, How can you change a pear into a pearl? L

41, What’s the end of the word? D

42, Why are girls afraid of the letter C? because it makes fat fact.

43, What letter is a kind of drink? T

小学生英语的脑筋急转弯 篇2

脑筋急转弯是一种人为创作的以问答为形式的极具娱乐性的语言及思维游戏。它形式简单, 却设题巧妙, 答案往往令人跌破眼镜, 为广大群众所喜好。脑筋急转弯巧妙地运用语言文字, 使提问与回答之间最大限度的背离, 突破人们的认知定势, 产生无尽的幽默。本文将结合关联理论及图式理论两大理论对脑筋急转弯进行认知解读。

2 两大认知理论:关联理论与图式理论

认知语言学是20世纪80年代在美国和欧洲兴起的新兴语言学流派, 处于不断的发展和完善过程中。在其发展的二十多年来, 不断得到专家学者的青睐与关注, 广泛运用于语言学的各个领域, 并取得了可喜的成果。

关联理论 (Sperber&Wilson, 1995) 是认知语用学的重要理论之一。关联理论认为, 言语和语境之间的关联性是理解说话者言语意图的关键。听话人在说话人提供的明示信息的基础上, 结合语境并寻求关联, 经过推理就可以明白说话人的交际意图, 从而获得一定的语境效果。关联的程度取决于话语所具有的语境效果和处理话语时所付出的努力这两个因素。在其他条件一致的情况下, 关联性和语境效果成正比, 和付出努力成反比。

图式是一个理论性的心理结构, 用来表征储存在记忆中的一般概念, 它是一种框架、方案或脚本。图试论认为人类的所有知识都是组合成单元的, 这些单元组合而成的结构就是图式。图式中的成分, 除了知识本身外, 还有如何使用知识的信息。因此, 每个图式都能和许多其他图式相互连接起来, 共同构成一个知识网络。在认知活动和语言使用中, 激活图式网络中的一个知识结点, 有利于该网络中其他知识的表征和提取。 (卢植:144-145)

3 脑筋急转弯的认知解释

脑筋急转弯, 顾名思义就是出题者“不怀好意地”让解题者的思维转几个弯, 经过一定的加工努力, 偏离常规思维模式才能获得正确答案, 此时提问和答案之间的背离便产生了幽默。


3.1 歧义类脑筋急转弯

这种类型的脑筋急转弯常常是通过言语的歧义造成, 包括词汇歧义和句法歧义。

此类歧义脑筋急转弯的解读过程可分为两个阶段:第一解读阶段, 即根据出题者提供的“陷阱式”认知语境, 对问句进行相关的定势推导, 得出自己的答案。出题者通过举例或引导等方式逐步建构答题者的图式, 将其固定为某一个图式, 即定势图式, 这样答题者就被局限在相应的模式中, 无法跳出这种先入为主的模式。根据省力原则, 人们常常会首先想出一个最不费力的答案, 即不要付出太大努力就可得知的答案, 而不是寻求那种突破思维定势的答案。一开始, 答题者由于太局限于当时的认知语境, 蒙蔽了自己的双眼, 反而没有结合自己的百科知识。第二解读阶段, 即结合问句的正确答案和题目中的隐性刺激 (即陷阱) 重新审视问句, 寻求问句和答案的关联性, 解决两者表面上的不和谐性 (即提问与答案的背离) , 最终达到和谐。真正成功的脑筋急转弯就是一种跳跃式思维, 需要答题者从一个定势图式急转到一个与题目隐性刺激相关的图式中。解读过程如下:

(虚线表示隐含或暗含的意思, 无法从题目表面看出。)


(1) ——在各种各样有关“打”的活动中, 如:打电话、打野狗、打磕睡、打抱不平, 等等, 打什么最能让人出气?


“出气”是一个有歧义的词, 在问句的语境中人们往往会把它理解为“把心里的怨愤发泄出来”, 此外它还有“通气, 呼出气体”的意思, 出题者巧妙地运用了这种歧义, 将答题者一步一步引入早已挖好的陷阱中。第一解读阶段, 答题者慢慢进入了定势图式中, 即与“打”的活动和“发泄”两者相关的图式中。当答题者得知答案时, 将答案和问句中“出气”的另一意思“呼出气体”相结合成功地完成了第二阶段的解读。

3.2 误导性脑筋急转弯

此类脑筋急转弯的问句部分本身就存在着问题, 违背人类常识, 或选择问句选项中根本就没有提供正确的候选项, 无论如何回答都无法得到正确的答案。由于我们的知识积累不足, 或被出题者的言语误导, 最后得出错误的答案。例如:

(2) ——黑人生下的小孩, 牙齿是什么颜色的?


上例中提问牙齿是什么颜色的, 其前提必须是有牙齿。但才生下的小孩是没有牙齿的, 问题本身就是错误的, 所以无论我们回答是什么, 都不可能得出正确的答案。这类题从表面上看似简单, 实则暗藏一个陷阱。当我们进行第二解读时, 才意识到自己早已跳入出题者的圈套中。


3.3 相似性脑筋急转弯

此类脑筋急转弯利用单个或多个字词之间的相似, 或利用上下义关系, 对人们的认知定势进行反叛, 使答案与我们的思维定势产生巨大的差距, 从而产生一定的幽默效果。例如:

(3) ——什么车子寸步难行?


(4) ——什么样的门永远关不了?


(5) ——什么车最长?


以上三个例子都是利用字词间的相似性来达到对认知定势的反判, “风车”对“车”的背离, “球门”对“门”的变异, “堵车”对“车”的偏离, 无不让人称奇, 顿时产生一种幽默感。如果按照正常的思维方式, 根本无法得出正确的答案。该解读过程如下:

3.4 复杂脑筋急转弯

以上脑筋急转弯主要有两部分组成, 即问句与答案, 但有些脑筋急转弯较复杂, 包括三部分:问句, 答案和解释。这类脑筋急转弯仅凭问句和答案无法成功解读, 或是需要花费很大的努力才能建立起关联性, 必须结合解释部分一起解读。例如:

(6) ——猩猩最讨厌什么?

——平行线, 因为平行线永远没有香蕉 (相交) 。

单单看问句和答案, 无法建立起两者之间的关联, 更不用提解读, 可能还会引起答题者对答案的怀疑。仅仅根据问句和答案, 答题者只能建构起两个完全独立、毫无关系的图式, 缺乏连接两者之间的桥梁, 即两者之间根本没有共同的认知语境。但结合解释部分, 我们就可以成功地建立起两者之间的关系, 筑起两个图式之间的桥梁, 构建出一个新的图式, 其解读过程如下:

4 结语

迄今为止, 对脑筋急转弯的的研究主要有语言层面, 思维层面, 但是从认知层面的研究还不够深入。在揭示了脑筋急转弯的生成机制后, 人们是如何对脑筋急转弯进行认知解读, 如何理解提问和答案之间的背离, 如何建立两者之间的关联性, 成功理解脑筋急转弯, 本文运用关联理论和图式理论两大认知理论对这些问题一一做出了解答, 建构了对不同类型脑筋急转弯的解读图式。希望本文能为脑筋急转弯的认知解读带来一定的帮助, 丰富脑筋急转弯的研究。

摘要:脑筋急转弯, 一种极具娱乐性的语言和思维游戏, 设题巧妙, 通过提问与答案的背离, 产生无尽的幽默效果。一个成功的脑筋急转弯是对认知定势的巨大挑战, 与背离度成正比。文章利用关联理论和图式理论, 对不同类型的脑筋急转弯进行认知解读。



[1]Sperber, D.&D.Wilson.Relevance:Communication and Cognition[M].Oxford:Blackwell, 1986/1995.

英语的脑筋急转弯 篇3



1.Why are dogs afraid to sunbathe?(狗为什么害怕日光浴?)

2.Why are politicians no longer con-cerned with snowball fights?(政客们为什么不再关注打雪仗了?)

3.What's the longest word in the world?(世界上最长的单词是什么?)

4.An old woman has lived in one-story house before.Her body is very short.Afterwards,she moves into a big building and lives in the ninth story.However,when she comes back home each time,she always takes an elevator to the sixth story and gets off,then she walks to the ninth story.Why?(有位老妇人,从前住平房。她个子非常矮。后来她搬进了一个很高的楼里,住在第九层,但是每次回家,她总是乘电梯到第六层就下来,然后走到第九层。为什么?)

5.What will you break once you say it?(什么东西一说出来就打破了?)

6.Who works only one day every year?(谁一年只工作一天?)


1.They don't want to be hot-dog.(因为它们不想变成热狗。)

2.The cold war is over.(冷战结束了。)

3.Smiles.Because there's a mile between the letter“s”.(微笑。因为两个“s”间有一英里长。)

4.Because she was too short to press the seventh,eighth and ninth buttons.(她太矮了,够不着第七、八、九层的按钮,只能够着第六层的。)


6.Santa Claus.(圣诞老人。)




1.Who is closer to you,your mom or your dad?(谁跟你比较亲密,你的妈妈还是你的爸爸?)

2.Why are young men unwilling to date the daughter of the Fortunes?(小伙子们为什么不愿意和福琼家的小姐约会?)

3.What letter is an animal?(什么字母是一种动物?)

4.What letter is a question?(什么字母是一个问题?)

5.What letter is a vegetable?(什么字母是一种蔬菜?)


1.Mom is closer,because Dad is father.(“father”音同“farther”。)

2.句中所指“小姐”该称Miss,而“Miss Fortune”(福琼小姐)音同“misfortune”(不幸),有哪个小伙子会愿意和“不幸”约会呢?

3.It's the letter B!(“B”,音同“bee”。)

4.It's the letter Y!(“Y”,音同“why”。)

5.It's the letter P!(“P”,音同“pea”。)




1.How do you feel today?(由于feel的多义,此问可有两种理解:一是最常见的理解,即“你今天感觉如何?”再一就是“你今天如何(用什么)摸?”后面的理解应该说是很“偏”,但也正因为如此,便有了脑筋急转弯的效果。)

2.What month do soldiers hate?(士兵憎恨哪个月?)

3.Why is the library the highest building?(为什么图书馆是最高的建筑物?)

4.What stays hot even if it is put in a fridge?(什么东西即使放在冰箱里也热?)

5.How many feet are there in a yard?(此处应理解为“院子里有多少只脚?”而不是“一码(或一个院子)有多少英尺?”。)

6.Will liars be honest after they die?(骗子死了之后会诚实吗?)


1.With my hands,of course!(当然是用手了!)


3.It has the most stories.(它的里面藏着的“story”(故事,又有楼层义)最多。)

4.Hot pepper辣椒。(其中“hot”有两个意思:热或者辣。即使把辣椒放在冰箱里它也辣。)

5.It depends on how many people stand in the yard.(这取决于院子里有多少人。)

娱乐消遣的英语脑筋急转弯 篇4

2. What is in the middle of the night? A: G

3. What letter is a question? A: Y

4. What letter is a part of the head? A: I

5. What letter sounds a useful insect? A: B

6. What letter is neither I nor he? A: U

7. What letter is an exclamation of surprise? A: O

8. What letter is a large body of water? A: C

9. What part of a clock is always old? A: the second hand

10. What has four legs but can’t run? A: bed , desk

11. I have hands and a face, but I can’t touch or smile, what am I? A: watch, clock

12. What question can you never answer “yes” to “?”? A: Are you asleep?

13. What begins with T, ends with T, and full with T? A: teapot

14. What comes twice in a moment, once in a minute and never in a hundred years? A: M

15. What tables de we often see in fields? A: vegetable

16. Which two words can be pronounced fast and quick? A : fast, quick

17. Which is the longest word in English? A: smiles

18. What is white when it is dirty? A: blackboard

19. What is that which you break by even naming it? A: silence

比较简单的英语脑筋急转弯 篇5

47. Though I dance at a ball. I am nothing at all. A: a shadow

48. What is it you can touch, and also you can fell; It has neither size nor shape, but just the same, it’s real . A: the air

49. What nation is a teacher’s nation? A: Explanation

50. We are very large though we seen small, we float on high and never fall, we shine like jewels in the night, but in the day are hid from sight. What are we? A: starts

51. I am something that is full of holes and yet can hold water. What am I?A: a sponge

52. What kind of table has no legs? A: timetable

53. What has a neck but no throat? A: a bottle

54. What has an eye but can not see? A: a needle

55. What are the most difficult ships to conquer? A: hardships

56. What carries his house with him? A: a snail or tortoise

57. What room can no one enter? A: mushroom

58. What is the most disagreeable month for soldiers? A: a long march

59. What is the worst weather for rats and mice? A: when it rains cats and dogs

英语脑筋急转弯 篇6

2. why are dogs afraid to sunbathe?狗为什么害怕日光浴?

3. why is the pig always eating?猪为什么没完没了地吃?

4、why are politicians no longer concerned with snowball fights?政客们为什么不再关注打雪仗了?

5、why dont women get bald as soon as men?为什么总是男人比女人先秃头?

6、what can pierce ones ears without a hole?什么东西不用打洞就可以在耳朵上穿孔?

7. whats the longest word in the world?世界上最长的单词是什么?

8. why does time fly?时间为何飞逝?

9. where can a dog get another tail?狗去哪里可以再弄到一条尾巴?


1. they make a little food go a long way.因为它们脖子长,一点点食物都要走很长的路才能咽下去。

2. they dont want to be hot-dog.因为它们不想成为热狗。

3. hes making a hog of himself.它想成为一只肉猪。

4、the cold war is over.冷战结束了。

5、because women wear hire longer.因为女人头发留得长。


7. smiles. because theres a mile between the letter s.微笑。因为两个字母s中间隔了一里。

8. to get away from all those who are trying to kill it.为的是甩掉所有要谋杀它的人。

脑筋急转弯 篇7

A shepherd had 18 sheep. He kept 1/3 on the right side of the field and the rest on the left side. All but nine sheep were killed by an epidemic. How many sheep did the shepherd have left?

一个牧羊人原来有18只羊,他把其中的1/3 放在田野的右边,余下的留在左边。其中9只羊因流行病死掉了。这个牧羊人留下几只羊?




Mr Slow, Mr Medium, Mr Fast, and Mr Speed must cross a rickety rope bridge in 17 minutes. The bridge can carry at most two people at a time. Furthermore, it’s dark, and there is only one flashlight; any single person or pair of people crossing the bridge must have the flashlight with them. (The bridge is too wide for the flashlight to be thrown; it must be carried across.)

Each man walks at a different speed. A pair traveling together must walk at the rate of the slower man. Mr Slow can cross the bridge in at most 10 minutes; Mr Medium can cross in 5 minutes; Mr Fast can cross in 2 minutes; Mr Speed can cross in 1 minute. How do all four men get across the bridge in 17 minutes?

Slow先生,Medium先生,Fast 先生和Speed先生必须在17分钟通过一条摇摆的粗绳桥。桥一次最多能通过两个人。此外,天很黑,而且只有一個手电筒;不管是一个人还是两个人同时过桥都要有手电筒。(桥太宽,手电筒不能从一头抛到另一头;必须有人带它过桥)。



Mr Fast and Mr Speed cross first, taking two minutes. Mr Fast returns with the flashlight, taking two minutes. Mr Slow and Mr Medium cross, taking ten minutes. Mr Speed returns with the flashlight, taking one minute. Mr Fast and Mr Speed cross again, taking two minutes.

答案:Fast先生和Speed先生先通过,用2分钟;Fast先生把手电筒带回去,又用了2分钟;Slow先生和Medium先生同时过桥,用10分钟;Speed先生把手电筒带回去,用1分钟。最后Fast 先生和Speed先生同时通过,用2分钟。总共用时17分钟。


Crows were about to destroy the entire harvest in my orchard, so I fetched my rifle and took a shot at them. Of course, I didn’t hit any, but half of them flew away. However, ten crows soon came back. Later that day I took another shot at them, and once more half flew away and later ten crows came back. That evening I took yet another shot at them, and again half flew away and ten came back. When I counted the crows I discovered much to my horror—That there were as many as there were to start with. How many were there?


Answer:There were 20 to start with. Half of them (10) flew away but 10 came back every time.
