


bbs可行性分析报告 篇1







1.2 经济可行性










bbs可行性分析报告 篇2

Since it appeared, there are many names for this special language on the Internet.‘Netlish’and‘weblish’are plainly derived from English.‘Electronic language’consists of the language used in other electronic fields like the language used in the mobile short message service.The term“Netspeak”is a noun, and morphologically consists of two parts“net”+“speak”;“speak”here involves“writing as well as talking”.“‘Cyberspeak’and‘interactive written discourse’also can be found.[1]

And as for the domestic researches, many of them can be defined as“Network Chinese”, because when people communicate online, most of them use Chinese in chatting rooms or on BBS.Involving both‘speaking’and‘writing’, Network Chinese, defined as Chinese used on Internet when people communicate on line, is an alternative to‘netlish’‘weblish’‘cyberspeak’‘electronic language’‘interactive written discourse’and other more cumbersome locutions.

2 Classifications

As to the classifications of words in Network Chinese, there are many kinds of means to define them which have appeared in papers on this topic.But two main categories are used.Some of the researchers classify words in Network Chinese according to word formation like initialism, loanword, compounding and so on.And some focus on their figure of speech as metaphor.

First of all, frequently used words on colleges’BBS are abundant and diversified, so compounding of different means to classify them are needed in order to analyze them in detail.Then, a more comprehensive classification can give us a more vivid picture about the Network Chinese on colleges’BBS.

2.1 Alphabetic words

In this category, words are spelled alphabetical.As we know Chinese words are morphemic system, so it no very convenient to input words quickly because there are many homophony words in Chinese.As a result, we can find many Chinese phoneticized words in Network Chinese.Besides, it is easy to find many English words as students in Chinese colleges’are required to pass English qualification test like CET4 and CET6.Students naturally use many English words when they are chatting.What’s more, they are easy and like to accept new things and ideas from foreign countries, so they are more likely to use English words to express their ideas.As a result, there are a number of alphabetic words on colleges’BBS.

2.1.1 Pinyin words

2.1.1. 1 Pinyin onomatopoeias

Chinese phoneticized onomatopoeias are often used to express emotion like laugh such as“hoho”;“hehe”;“hiahia”“xixi”;“kaka”;“Haha (laugh) ”and cry“wuwu”.As we can find from the above examples, some Chinese phoneticized onomatopoeias do not have corresponding Chinese words like“hoho”;“kaka”.Chinese phoneticize syllables are used to imitate sounds independently.Examples can be found like“e (disgusting) ”;“o (reply to mean understand) ”;“R (surprising) ”.

2.1.1. 2 Pinyin initialism

Chinese phoneticized Initialism is not as strict as English Initialism, as Chinese is morphemic system.Some of the initialism is written in capitalization but most of them are small letter.And to written in capitalization or small letter, is random, on some degree Examples of Chinese phoneticized Initialism are“M (fool) ”“ST (gaffe) ”;“CB (cool) ”;“TCL (too ugly) ”.Most of initialism are written in small letter. (”r (people) ”;“xdjm” (sibling) ) .

2.1.2 English alphabetic words

2.1.2. 1 Abbreviation

In this sub-category, the most obvious characteristics are abbreviation as most of the examples fall in these two types.Among them initialism and clipping are firstly discussed, then loanword from English is picked out as it mainly includes some technical terms.

1) Initialism.On colleges’BBS, lots of English initialism are used.But they are not very strict English initialism in capitalization.“bf (boy friend, ) ”;“gf (girl friend) ;“btw (by the way) ”, “vs (versus) ”.English initialism on colleges’BBS are comparatively new and cover wide range of area.“GB (Game Boy) ”.

2) Clipping.The randomicity in clipping is obvious.Some of them highly rely on context because you can find them in the English clipping.“ft (faint) ”;”ppl (people) ”;“ofncoz (of course) ”;“msg (Message) ”;

3) Loanword from English.Loanwords are those words borrowed from one language into another one.Young people are sensitive with new things and new ideas or they like to pursuit and try something new.“BBS”which is also a loanword from English is hot and popular among young people.On colleges’BBS, various things are discussed among which topics such as national basketball association, new online games and so on are hot, such as BBS;NBA;PC;DC;DIY.

2.1.2. 2 Homophones

“u (you) ”;“Y (WHY) ”;“ic (I see) ”;“CU (see you) ”;

2.2 Chinese words

There are as many as ten sub-categories under this category such as:popular etymology/folk etymology, Neologisms, loan translation/calque and so on.It is most likely to represent the diversity and individuation of Network Chinese on colleges’BBS.

2.2.1 Popular etymology

A folk/popular etymology is a kind of auditory malapropism---a popular but mistaken interpretation of the origin of a word or phrase.Examples in this category often express ironic meanings and persiflage.Take天才 (fool) as examples.Genius and idol are commendatory, but people give them new meanings of natural fool and vomitive object.

2.2.2 Neologisms

Because of the appearance of Internet, many new things such as new professions have emerged.As a result, many new and interesting names are come into being.For example:灌水 (post) ;昵称 (nickname) .

2.2.3 Semantic extension

Semantic extension refers to extension of the semantic range of a lexeme in a new concept:

领导 (wife) , 恐龙 (ugly girls online)

2.2.4 Loan translation

Many words in this category may have some relations withtechnical terms in the field of information technology.Almost all colleges’may have computer skills classes for students, so thatthey familiar to some of the basic concept and technical terms ofthe computer and Internet.For example:fire wall;mirror image;blacklist;E-mail.

2.2.5 Onomatopoeias

Some new words are added to imitate sounds.They are flexi-ble and vivid.厚厚, 和和 (laughing) , 啵 (kissing) , 切 (scorn) , 靠 (dissatisfied)

2.2.6 Transliteration

When Chinese people learn English at the very beginning, itis not usual to use transliteration to remember some English words.But in colleges’there are another interesting reason form stu-dents to use transliteration.

As we all know, some students, who are not English major buthave to study English in order to pass qualification test like CET4or CET6, use transliteration to make fun on purpose:秀 (show) , 粉丝 (FANS) , 黑客 (hacker)

2.2.7 Chinese dialect partial tone

Chinese dialects belong to Sino-Tibetan family of easternAsia.The Chinese (Sinitic) languages are spoken by more than 1000 million people, while refer to as dialects including:CantoneseGan, Hakka, Mandarin, Min, Wu, Xiang…

Although students speak Mandarin in schools, their own dia-lects still have some impact on their pronunciation.When theyhave classes, they may try to speak standard Mandarin as good aspossible.But when they chat or express their ideas on the BBS, they are more likely to or intent to use the pronunciations in theirdialects or even other dialects. (蓝 (male) ;绿 (female) ;稀饭 (like) ;木油 (none) ;亲耐的 (darling) ;了改 (understand) )

The Internet environment may let them feel relax to use theirdialects pronunciation, or they want to show their characteristics.What’s more, Chinese dialect partial tone is popular as a meansof humor.

2.2.8 Loanword from Hongkong, Taiwan and Japanese

Owing to the culture exchange, colleges’students can ac-cess to a number of material such as films, books, online gamesand so on.They imitate pronunciations in those films:“素 (yes) ”;“偶 (me) ;灰常 (very) ;收声 (shut up) ;they use thewords in other language especially Japanese which includes manyChinese words:大好 (favorite) ;大丈夫 (no problem) ;残念 (pity) , 米国 (America) .

2.2.9 Homophony misuse

Most of the university students were received formal pinyin ed-ucation systematically, so they are more likely to use pinyin inputtool, when they are chatting.As there are many homophony in Chi-nese, different words in same pronunciation will appear when theyinput pinyin.Unwilling to waste time to correct it, they’d better tochoose the word which comes up at the top instead of the rightspelling which needs time to find.[2]Examples are a lot:斑竹 (mod-erator) ;王八 (Internet bar) ;果酱 (overpaise) ;竹叶 (homepage)

2.2.10 Repetitions

In Chinese, there are a considerable number of meaning-re-教育, 学习, 保持tain) and so on.Their meanings are simile so they are consideredas repeated but they are different morphemes.[3]

The repetitions on BBS refer to the repetition of one same mor-pheme.Some people consider it is a kind of imitation of children’s words.Repetitions can make the language more soft, lovely andinteresting, so females are considered to use the repetitions more of-ten.

The formation of the repetition is repeating one of the mor-phemes in the original word, such as东东 (thing) , 片片 (photo-graph) , or making one morpheme word into a word by repeating themorpheme狗狗 (nickname of dogs or the nickname of Google) , 猪猪 (sleep) , 饭饭 (meal) .Their meaning may have some changebasing on their original meaning.

2.3 Number

Number is a perfect means to express meanings with the sim-plest form which conforms to the economical requirement of theNetwork Chinese.The use of alphanumeric word and number par-tial tone are popular among young people, so it is not strange tofind abundant numbers in Network Chinese on colleges’BBS.Firstly, Alphanumeric Word is an expression consisting letters, words or numbers, which is widespread especially in cybertalk onthe Internet.[3] (”3x (thanks) ”;“3q (thank you) ”;“+U”;“B4 (Before) ”) .Secondly, Number Partial Tone is widely usedsuch as“58 (Good Night) ”;“70 (Kiss you) ”;“300 (Missyou) ”;“95 (Help me) ”

2.4 Emoticons or smiley

In face-to-face communication, these extra nonverbal expres-sions can help to express meaning while on the BBS.When peoplecommunicate on the Internet and can not see each other, it lacksthe facial expressions and body language which are so critical in ex-pressing personal opinions and attitudes in social relationships.Es-pecially university students, they want to show or emphasize theirideas, viewpoints and discussion with their nonverbal expressions.

Emoticons (’emotional’+‘icon’means icons with emo-tion or smiley) are combinations of certain punctuations (?, “, >, etc) , numerals (1, 2, 3, etc) , keyboard characters (a, b, c, etc) and/orspecial symbols (#, @, *, etc) , designed to convey an emotion, an ap-pearance, an action, an object and even the tone of chatting.Theyare typed in sequence on a single line, and placed at the end of achatting utterance.The two basic forms of emoticons express posi-tive and negative attitudes respectively::-) and:- (.

Now more and more emoticons are edited into pictures whichoften appears on colleges’BBS.For examples:And emoti-cons are used to compose pictures.

O (∩_∩) O哈哈~o (≧v≦) o~~好棒o () 〈) ) o唉 (*^__^*) 嘻嘻……

3.1 Features of network Chinese from linguistics aspects

3.1.1 Phonetic level

3.1.1. 1 Onomatopoeias

As we can see examples in the chapter 3, there are lots of onomatopoeias which not only written in Chinese characters but also in pinyin:嘻嘻, 咔咔, 呼呼;”hehe (laughing) ”;“hiahia (laughing) ”.Some of the Chinese words examples are not onomatopoeias originally, and can not be seen in formal articles like切 (despise) , 靠 (dissatisfied) .Onomatopoeias on BBS do not restrict in conventional ones but have enriched in order to imitate natural sounds to express various emotions.As there are different onomatopoeias to express people’s laugh at different degree:hoho, xixi, kaka, haha…

3.1.1. 2 Homophones

Homophones can be divided into different three groups.

1) From English to English—It refers to use one single letter to instead the relative word having the same pronunciation with it.For example, they use the letter“u”to stand for“you”.They may type“miss u”instead“miss you”to save time.“ic”doesn’t refer to the IC card in china, but means“I see”.

2) From Chinese to Chinese—Homophones from Chinese to Chinese in Internet dictions are misuse actually.Many students may use pinyin input tool to type, in order to make the communication on line more expeditious and instant and to make the language transmit meaning in a more lively and humorous way, the misuse homophones are continuously used and become popular.They use“大侠 (daxia) ”, a brave and capable person in Chinese culture, to mention a person who spend much time on line.“大虾 (daxia) ”is preferred compared to“大侠 (daxia) ”, for if one types pinyin“daxia”into the system, “大虾 (daxia) ”will appear firstly on the screen.

3) From Chinese to number—Numbers are not only used to express the quantity, but are given special meaning in Network Chinese, according to their Chinese pronunciation, to convey various ideas.And most of the numbers are used to imitate the similar sounds.For example, “5555... (wuwuwu..) ”stands for the weeping or crying sound‘呜呜 (wuwu...)

3.1.1. 3 Sound Repetitions

In some network Chinese phrases, some or all of the characters are repeated to add quantity and intensity.The words having the same sounds may make the word sound cute and humorous like and infant’s burbling.For examples:“东东 (things) ;猪猪 (sleep) ;片片 (picture) ;饭饭 (dinner) ;狗狗 (dog or Google) ;

The key point for the explanation of this phenomenon is that students are young.Youths show their peculiarities as a member of the new generation, featured with cuteness, innovation, and originality in their language.

3.1.2 Lexical level

3.1.2. 1 Acronyms

An acronym is the combinations of the initial letters of a noun phrases but they are different mainly in formation and pronunciation.There are different kinds of acronyms.

1) The acronyms of Chinese pinyin

In order to fasten their typing, net users create a lot of Chinese acronyms, imitating English acronyms, by taking the initial letters of Chinese pinyin for a certain word.In addition, they needn’t to choose the right Chinese character form homophonies which can save much time.

2) The acronyms of English words

BF (boy friend) , DIY (do it yourself) …In addition to meet the need of instant communication on line, there are two reasons for this phenomenon.Most of the students know some acronyms of English words in common use for almost all of them have learned English.

3.1.2. 2 Borrowing from other language

Another distinguished characteristic is the common use of borrowing words from other languages, most of which belong to English, and some of them borrow form Japanese as it has some characters similar to Chinese characters.

3.1.2. 3 Dialect

As students come from different areas, they may have their own dialects.Local flavor in language is a common phenomenon when communicate on the Internet.Mandarin Chinese is tone language.That is to say the meaning of a word depends on the tone used when pronouncing it.Students want to show their creativity and the sense of humor by using dialects’special pronunciations to replace standard Mandarin Chinese.

3.1.2. 4 The use of coinage

A lot of new words come out with the development of the media communication, for people on line not only want to communicate with others, but to show their creative ability or their characteristics even their mood to other by words.The creative coinages show the uniqueness and creativity of network Chinese.Some of these new words have been accepted by net users and become popular in real world, for examples:菜鸟 (Greenhand) , 飞鸟 (old bird) .

3.1.3 Semantic level

1) The meaning of words changed.As there are many new words, new meanings are also added to“old”words.So those words, though orthographically the same word we use in our real life, are semantically different in the context of the Internet communication.Some words are now used by Internet users with new meaning are widely accepted in real world.

2) Popular Etymology.It is very popular now and also regarded as paronomasia which is a kind of ironic to the mainstream culture and humor.Young people often want to create more etymology.

3.2 Features of diction from University internet culture as-pect

3.2.1 Personality

The restraints and restrictions on the Internet are less than that of in the real word.Students, who eager to express themselves more freely and pursuit creation and innovation, regard Internet or colleges’BBS as an ideal media for them.They want to show their personality by using or creating new words and make new linguistic rules.[4]Their language tends to be interesting and attractive by using expression created by them.This personalized way of speaking and writing Chinese can identify a person from his or her fellows.

They are generally well-educated;want to try new things and more flexible to accept to change and challenge.By create or use different or new words, they can be indeed seen as what they try to break the conventions of Chinese and create a new variation of Chinese to achieve better convenience in online communication.

3.2.2 Creativity

As young people now emphasize creativity as an absolute necessary quality, their creativities exert fully on Internet.With their creativities, they want to make innovation and want to challenge the conventions.

In addition, they use various means such as numbers, emoticons to make their content humor, lively and novel.

3.2.3 Informality

Young people like to enjoy life with relaxation and happiness which can be find form their expectation to works that is to work freely or work under relaxed and equal environment, so that informality is often adopted.

Informality can be reflected in the dictions using by students.The changes taken in grammar have proven it.In addition, colloquialism is very popular among Internet users.A lot of abbreviation can be spotted on line which can only be used on line instead of appearing in our formal writing.In addition, dialects are often used which can not be used in face-to-face conversation, especially the formal conversation.

3.2.4 Influences form foreign culture

As the culture exchanges and various channels, students access to foreign culture easily and in real time.Their idea, viewpoints and language are influenced by foreign cultures such as history background, customs or even values.All of these influences can find cures from dictions on colleges’BBS.[5]

3 Characteristics of Diction on Colleges’BBS

After analysis on the classification of dictions on colleges’BBS, the author wants to discuss features and their motivations odiction on the BBS.The author would like to discuss its featurefrom two aspects:linguistics aspect and university Internet cultureaspect.

4 Conclusions

4.1 Problems for the dictions on colleges’BBS

1) Language Violence.As anonymity characteristic of the Internet, some students insult and assault others without taking responsibility by using fescennine and venomed words.They create and spread those words on the colleges’BBS, which will spoil the open and healthy environment and the standard of the BBS.[6]

2) Irregularity of the dictions.Some students can separate the virtual environment form the real world as they are used to using irregular words or expressions, which can not be accepted to appear in their test or papers.In additional, as the dictions change rapidly, some may find it not very easy to understand some words or phrases, then smooth communication will be threaten.

4.2 My view on diction on colleges’BBS

After analysis on the diction on colleges’BBS, I have a vivid and comprehensive picture of diction and find interesting examples, which I did not find before although I am a university student and often use BBS.

I think it can show the creativity of the students as they create so much interesting new words, phrases and expression which make communication on the Internet dynamic and informative And it can express the personality, values, and lifestyles and so on among colleges’students.

Tolerant should be give to it, as it is a variety of the language.They are not inferior.

摘要:Network Chinese has been developing quickly and has attracted attention and research increasingly these years.This thesis' s study and analyses are based on the dictions on colleges' BBS" because that the characters of the Network Chinese are more obvious and centralized in dictions on colleges' BBS and the students are one of the most active users.The author firstly classifies the diction with the dictions physical characteristics and combining use of other two means:word formation and rhetoric.In addition, the author also introduces a important words type-emoticon.As to the characteristics of the dictions on colleges' BBS, the author analyzes them linguistical ly and culturally.


[1]王国峰.从词汇和句法角度对网络英语的研究[J].海外英语, 2011 (1) .

[2]王建文.网络语言的现状、分类、流行及发展趋势探析[J].怀化学院学报, 2007, 26 (9) :62-64.

[3]王朝频.A Study of Network Chinese[D].北京:北京语言大学, 2006

[4]刘晴.网络语言的文化表现初探[J].番禺职业技术学院学报, 2007, 6 (1) :22-25.

[5]罗英侠.论网络语言对汉语言文化的影响[J].安徽文学, 2007 (1) .

BBS积分制度 篇3


如何获取声望 :方式1 用户每增加100积分可得到1点声望。方式2 用户每篇精华帖也能得到一点声望.(精华帖评定方法,版主把认为好的文章短消息给管理员,由管理员来评定)

声望的用处 :有些帖子需达到一定声望才能进入(如,论坛组织线上线下活动,用户自发组织活动,用户限制人群看帖等),用户声望每达到一定级别能获取一次相应的奖励(奖励唯一性,相对声望只能领取一次相对应奖励)声望只会升不会减。(奖励为虚拟勋章,勋章有效期为3-7天)


如何获取金币 做论坛任务 完善用户资料 新手报道发帖 其他板块发帖回帖(灌水区,问答区除外)发帖增加2金币,回帖增加1金币。

金币用处 可以在专门的版块换取相应奖励,换取商品后金币消耗。

奖励商品种类:实体商品(医疗器械 生活用品)虚拟商品(打折卡,优惠卡)精神商品(专门为网友设置一个版块区域,放置照片,修复照片,照片处理等)线下活动(医院免费体检)


如何获取积分 用户发表帖子,帖子被版主评为优秀,版主能给发帖人加积分(积分增加范围5-15点积分由版主酌情给予)没发一帖增加2点积分,每回一帖增加1点积分((灌水区,问答区除外))用户每增加100积分可得到1点声望。


发无意义水贴扣10积分10金币,帖丢入回收站,恶意灌水者,扣10积分,10金币,严重违规者丢入禁言区,扣除20积分,20金币。论坛捣乱者直接封ID IP。


BBS心得体会 篇4






BBS灌水检讨书 篇5





bbs可行性分析报告 篇6

随着全球化趋势的加强和社会结构转型的加快, 90后新生深受影响, 其思想价值观呈现多元化特点。如果说70后大学生是比较传统的一代, 80后是从传统走向现实的一代, 那么90后大学生就是在传统与现实交织中的一代, 因此其关注的热点问题与以往70后、80后大学生存在较大不同。


由于90后是生长在互联网的时代中的, 他们谈论的话题的关键词主要包括“亲、宅、腐、DOTA、i Phone”等;他们每天必须面对的可能不是书本纸张, 而是网络和手机。这种现状下, 我们对90后大学生关注的热点问题采取网络和现实相结合的方式进行调研, 可以较为准确了解和把握他们的思想动态, 能够为上级决策和开展大学生思想政治教育提供参考与依据, 使思想政治教育更加贴近实际、贴近生活、贴近大学生, 进一步增强针对性和实效性, 更好地服务于大学生成长成才。基于此, 笔者选取北京师范大学论坛 ( 、西南政法大学论坛 ( 、大连理工大学论坛 ( 、青海大学论坛 ( 、湖南大学论坛 ( 、南开大学论坛 ( 六个设置了新生板块的大学论坛作为内容分析的对象, 就“90后新生关注的热点问题”先后组织了3次集体访谈, 每次访谈为6人, 并详细记录了访谈中学生提到的共127热点问题。笔者力图通过对论坛内容和访谈记录的深入分析, 归纳出大一新生关注的具有代表性和趋向性的问题。


笔者通过对论坛内容和访谈结果的分析、综合后发现, 90后新生关注的热点涉及的内容大体可分为国内外大事、高校教育、社会道德、人生价值、就业、情感六个方面, 具体情况总结如下:


访谈中, 学生提到的与国内外大事相关的热点问题共有11个, 占全部问题的8.66%, 在高校的论坛的新生板块中发布的帖子中, 几乎没有与国内外大事相关的话题。将访谈和论坛的主题帖子内容进行汇总发现, 90后大学生关注的热点问题中涉及的国外大事主要的有:外国换届选举、反恐问题、全球气候等问题, 涉及国内大事的主要有:中国的国际地位、社会腐败问题、物价上涨问题、社会分配不公问题、食品、医药安全问题等。

在访谈中, 关乎国家和民族利益的大事, 访谈对象表现出了高度的政治热情和社会责任感。他们对每一事件都会拥有自己的见解和看法, 他们爱国, 对于国内外每件大事都以不同的形式积极关注, 积极参与。

值得指出的一点是, 在涉及农业农村等方面的问题, 来自农村的学生比城市的学生更为关注, 有少部分同学表示一直关注每年的中央一号文件并会进行全文阅读。但在访谈过程中, 提到与农业相关的问题时, 来自城市的学生尽管之前没有进行关注, 但仍会积极参与对这个问题的讨论。这给大家的一个重要启示就是:农业、农村和农民问题一直是我国经济社会发展的重大问题, 问题的解决需要社会各界的强烈关注, 高校学生也不能例外。因此, 在高等教育工作者以后的工作过程中, 应着力注重培养学生对农业、农村和农民问题的关注意识, 进而引导学生——无论是城市学生还是农村学生——进入农村就业、下到基层锻炼。长此以往, 无论是对学生本人还是对国计民生都大有益处。


涉及高校教育的问题共有39个, 占全部问题的30.70%, 比例较高, 说明学生对这一问题的关注度强。有关高校教育的问题主要有:中国高等教育体制改革政策、教育收费问题、重学历和轻能力问题、高校扩招、做人与做学问之间的关系问题等。由此可见, 大学生对高校深化教学改革和教育创新十分关注并尝试过积极的思考。由访谈对象提出的一些具有建设性的意见来看, 90后大学生已经逐渐把步入社会, 参与社会实践, 加强与社会的紧密联系, 以培养自身的综合能力, 提高自身整体素质作为大学阶段学习生活的最高目标, 他们会有意识地参与学校组织的社会实践活动, 或者利用假期自己寻找一些社会兼职工作。

从这一点来看, 我们的高校教育就有了新的要求。例如, 如何更好地为学生提供勤工助学的机会, 如何更好地知道学生进行社会实践, 如何更好地知道学生的就业和创业, 等等。进而培养大学生各方面的能力, 提高大学生综合素质和全面发展。

其中一个值得警醒的问题就是, 访谈对象对高校中存在的学术腐败问题表现出相当程度的关注, 并且大部分学生认为校园内存在学术腐败现象, 个别大学生认为问题“很严重”。


涉及“社会道德”主题词的问题共有16个, 占全部问题的12.59%, 说明90后大学生依然对社会道德风尚保持了较大的关注度, 尤其很多大学生都对一些公民道德模范表示出敬佩之情。但同时, 他们也看到了社会上的道德滑坡现象, 并且在这一点上深受网络影响, 尤其是微博和论坛成为他们获得消息的最主要来源。

部分学生对社会道德观点偏激, 认为社会上存在许多不公平和不合理的现象, 这一点已经严重影响了他们的人生观, 个别学生有时会出现自卑和逃避的心理。


涉及“人生价值”的问题最少, 共有6个, 占到4.72%。由于人生阅历尚不丰富, 面对复杂多变的社会现实, 大一新生很难提出自己确切的人生价值之所在。经过观察和访谈, 笔者认为此群体总体人生目标明确、积极向上, 但存在利己主义、享乐主义。


涉及就业的问题有31个, 占全部问题的24.40%。具体包括:求职应聘问题、考研考公问题。

几乎所有的受访对象都认为当今大学生存在一定程度的“贬值”现象, 特别是金融危机过后, 企业的容纳能力减弱, 让90后大学生在入学伊始就感到了就业压力, 对未来有一定的担忧。工作的不稳定和不确定因素迫使90后大学生们不得不“学乖”。对于成长阶段衣食无忧、备受宠爱的90后们来说, 能够在毕业之时拥有一份稳定且有竞争力的工作至为重要。因为唯有这样, 才能获得安全感和归属感, 甚至优越感, 进而实现自我发展。


情感问题自始至终是大学生们绕不开的话题, 这也在本次研究中得到了充分体现, 相关问题共有24个, 占18.89%。大一新生情感问题表现的较为复杂, 并没有研究前笔者预期的那么单一。

90后新生普遍自控能力较弱, 大一很难走出高中时期被动接受的学习态度, 突然来到环境宽松许多的大学之后, 不少的新生提到了“空虚”这个词语, 空余时间不知道该做些什么, 这就为情感问题的出现提供了客观条件。加之90后新生的内心世界正处于从“不成熟”向“成熟”的过渡时期, 对待自己的请感问题容易出现大喜大悲的极端情绪, 从而会对新生的学习、生活造成较大影响, 甚至于会出现违法犯罪现象。

总之, 调查表明, 90后新生对社会的基本状况和趋势的认识是比较理性的, 一些认识焦点的形成和转移, 与现实社会的变化节奏是合拍的。但同时也存在着一些问题, 需要采取一些措施来解决。



高校管理者和学生工作者要善于运用需要原则、期望理论、价值目标和激励手段, 通过情感教育, 帮助学生塑造优良的人格, 引导、启发学生发现和完善自己。尤其是90后大学生个性鲜明, 思维活跃, 更应把情感教育放在突出地位。通过在教育过程中尊重和培养学生的社会性情感品质, 发展他们的自我情感调控能力, 促使他们对学习、生活和周围的一切产生积极的情感体验, 形成独立健全的个性与人格特征。同时, 学校应通过各种手段, 加强对大一新生的心理健康教育、咨询和辅导, 以利于学生从刚入学起就养成良好的心理品质, 从而为以后求学、求职, 乃至人生的和谐健康发展打下良好的基础。


首先, 应重视教师本身的导向作用。教师是学生的楷模, 教师队伍的形象如何将直接决定刚刚来到大学的90后新生将来的人生观和价值观的形成和发展。因此, 一定要发挥高校思想政治工作者和任课教师在各方面的表率作用, 树立起良好的“师德”, 从而为引导学生的思想动向打下坚实的基础。

其次, 应重视导向方式的多样化。应该针对大一新生的特点, 有针对性地开展他们喜闻乐见、愿意主动参与的活动和议题, 引导学生的关注点, 比如对农业、农村、农民的关注, 对国家大事的关注等等。

最后, 应重视利用重大事件和重要节日。每逢国家有重大事件和重要节日, 全国上下都会开展相应的活动, 高校也不例外。思想的形成是一个很缓慢的过程, 如果能切实把重大事件和重要节日利用好, 毫无疑问会取得事半功倍的效果。


如今以网络为代表的新媒介已经走进90后新生学习、生活的方方面面。笔者在调查过程中发现自己所负责的一个专业89人共有87台笔记本电脑, 如此之高的普及率着实让我大吃一惊, 手机更是普及到人手至少一部。这就要求高校管理者和思想政治工作者改进方法, 主动利用网络、手机等新媒体形式, 与学生发飞信、转微博、聊QQ等。这样一来, 既可以拉近与学生之间的距离, 又可以及时了解学生思想动向, 以便切实开展好自己的工作。

