


外贸业务助理英文简历 篇1


name: student resume network nationality: chinese

current residence: guangzhou nationality: han

domicile: shaoguan height and weight: 160 cmkg

marital status: single age: 27 years old

job search intention and work experience

talent type: general job

position: human resources manager / director: manager,administrative / personnel category: manager, executive manager / director / head: head

work experience: 7 title: intermediate

job type: full-time date available: one month

salary: 5000—8000 hope that the working areas: guangzhou shaoguan, guangzhou

work experience: company name: guangzhou beginning and ending date of a electrical manufacturing firm :2010-01

company type: private enterprise industry:

positions: chief personnel manager

job description: 1, according to business development, the establishment of the company's human resources management and

administrative systems, to develop and improve the corporate governance rules and regulations.2, tissue preparation, review the functions of each department and job description manual, establish and improve the company's position system, and according to the different stages of business development, management recommended to the organization a reasonable proposal3, development of recruitment reserve program, the establishment of senior recruitment pipeline and network support personnel supply, timely development of the company for the supply of talent

4, to help enterprises to establish a reasonable incentive system and performance appraisal system, oversee the company's departments, senior positions with the implementation of the implementation of assessment indicators, statistical evaluation of the results of the review and appraisal summary report to guide performance improvement and communication work.5, formulate, oversee the implementation of staff training programs, assessment of training effectiveness, reasonable control of the training costs.6, for more than managers of company executives career planning and design;ensure echelon personnel take over.7, responsible for the overall planning, administration and human resources, performance evaluation, corporate culture and other aspects of system design and implementation, supervision, inspection, implementation of all the systems

8, reception of foreign visitors organize and related outreach;internal organization and coordination of different stages of development companies, departments and work in the affairs of the need for coordination of projects;

9, shaping, maintenance, development and dissemination of corporate culture, companies create a healthy human environment;according to the company at different stages of development, improve the organizational structure;

10, organization, coordination company annual meeting, staff activities, markets types of activities and meetings

reason for leaving:

company name: foshan, guangzhou branch of a ceramic chains beginning and ending date :2008-01 2009-12

company type: industry: real estate, construction, installation, decorating

positions: head of personnel

job description: 1.headquarters issued to convey a variety of documents, supervise the implementation of

2.the formulation and implementation of the system

3.offices, dormitories, the daily management of the warehouse

4.the payment of social insurance with policy implementation

5.the daily management of personnel work and feedback and the timely processing of

6.the labor contract signed with the management

7.to help control and reporting, general manager of recruitment needs, with the choice of effective hr recruitment channels

8.internal staff training and organization of work

reason for leaving:

company name: foshan ceramic production of a group(italian joint venture company)beginning and ending date :2006-01 2008-01

company type: industry: real estate, construction, installation, decorating

positions: president office of the chief, personnel assistantjob description: responsible for its three subsidiaries logistics personnel administration, internal staff mobility, enhance, entry, approval of leave and other work / department heads to assist the work of staff appraisal / development company human resource recruitment and management procedures / to establish corporate training plan, and

supervise the implementation / set up the company's corporate culture / responsible for the re-education and retraining of staff

reason for leaving: personal reason

company name: garments co., ltd.shaoguan a beginning and ending date :2004-04 ~ 2005-12

company type: industry:

positions: administration department administrative assistantjob description: responsible for more than 300 personnel

administration, new employee orientation and induction training, during

the period of good performance by the company designated as the internal auditors, and access to internal auditor certificate.reason for leaving: institutional restructuring


school: guangdong baiyun vocational technical college

highest level of education: college graduation date: 2004-07-01by major: computer network technology ii professional:

training: start date of termination date of schools(institutions)to obtain the certificate of professional certificate number2001-092004-06 guangdong baiyun vocational technical college computer network

2002-032002-06 secretary of guangdong baiyun vocational technical college training

2003-102003-10 beijing jingwei founder national training center for registered auditors iso9000: 2000 quality management internal auditor2007-082008-05 foshan productivity center human resources management iii


foreign language: english general

mandarin level: fluent cantonese level: expert

ability to work and other expertise

1, the development of human resources planning;first, human

resources management to ensure that enterprises and business development consistent with the strategic direction and goals;the second is to ensure that the various human resources management process and links to each other consultations.2, the preparation of human resource planning;the preparation of year(or six)degrees in human resources programs, such as the number of personnel, recruitment plan, a plan to cut labor costs and plans and

training programs.to ensure reasonable economic use of human resources in production and operation activities, horse equipment and running.3, job analysis and job design;enterprises in the development, according to job content, work number, so that both an employee or several employees, or the completion of the new job design, preparation of job description, job system.4, recruitment;for the development of production and operation of enterprises select the most suitable staff.5, evaluation and incentives;under evaluation staff performance indicators to evaluate the performance of work to develop methods and means of motivation, jiangqinfalan, jiangyoufalie, performance incentives for enterprises to make contributions.6, improve the personnel system;enterprises in the development and expansion, level of management will be increasingly required, and the corresponding need for substantial improvement of personnel management system to ensure the orderly development of enterprises.7, training and development;through various means of staff training, skills, work attitude training it to continuously improve the quality of staff, developing staff potential.8, dealing with labor disputes;correctly handle the employees and the company on wages, benefits, social security, working conditions and other conflicts and disputes, according to relevant national policies and regulations to coordinate the relationship between the two sides, protecting the interests of both.9, safety and security;to protect the safety of employees and reduce accidents by taking measures such as the system enter into, training and education, strengthen the protection facilities.10, daily;including for payment of social security payments,attendance of work, wage settlement, and monitoring the implementation of various systems, procedures and other work for retired employees

外贸业务助理英文简历 篇2


1 目前高职《英文外贸函电》课程课堂教学模式存在的问题

1.1 教学理论与实践脱节

目前, 诸多高职院校在进行《英文外贸函电》的教学中, 仍以传统的教师为课堂中心进行系统的、完整的理论知识的传授, 让学生被动的接受知识, 不明白知识在具体工作中的应用情况, 缺乏让学生在具体真实的外贸业务流程中操练英文函电的机会, 让学生感到“所学无用”, 难以提高学习兴趣, 难以形成学生的“职业技能”。

1.2 教学过程未能发挥学生的主观能动性

如何将学生的思维从“要我学”转变为“我要学”, 是摆在每一个高职教育者面前的难题。同时高职学生本身也存在基础知识差、学习自觉性不高、学习目标不明确等问题, 针对《英文外贸函电》这种对学生专业知识、英语水平、写作能力要求较高的课程, 很多学生感到学习难度很大。而我们传统的以教师讲授为主的教学模式很难发挥学生的主观能动性, 让学生容易产生厌学、弃学心理, 因此, 我们的《英文外贸函电》教学应尤其注重于学生的已知相结合, 从而充分发挥学生主观能动性。

2 外贸业务流程与《英文外贸函电》之间的关联

2.1 《英文外贸函电》课程的课程性质

《英文外贸函电》作为商务经纪与代理专业 (报关与货运代理方面) 的一本专业核心课程, 是一门融合国际贸易基础知识与英语写作的高层次应用语言课程, 是建立在进出口业务知识和英语语言知识基础之上的专业技能课。

2.2 外贸业务流程与《英文外贸函电》之间的关联

《英文外贸函电》课程的教学目标在于通过本课程的学习, 使学生充分利用已经掌握的英语语言基础知识的前提下, 融会贯通外贸专业知识, 培养具有良好的写作能力, 熟练掌握国际贸易知识, 并能在实际外贸业务中熟练操作。因此, 从某种程度上说, 《英文外贸函电》就是一种工具, 帮助学习者运用此工具顺利开展外贸业务, 完成外贸业务各流程的磋商, 最终实现业务成交。

3 高职《英文外贸函电》课程课堂教学模式改革的总体思路

高等职业教育课程体现了职业教育的价值取向, 直接影响着教学质量和学习者的身心发展。《英文外贸函电》要有助于培养学生的专业能力, 成为社会所需要的技术型、技能型人才。因此, 笔者认为, 《英文外贸函电》课程课堂教学模式改革的总体原则应该是:教师帮助、引导学生把“够用”、“实用”的教学内容转化成自身“会用”、“能用”的专业能力和学习能力。《英文外贸函电》课程改革的思路应该是:以学生职业技能为中心, 以外贸业务流程为导向, 以情景项目教学为过程的全新教学模式, 本文重点讨论的是“以外贸业务流程为导向”。

4 基于外贸业务流程的高职《英文外贸函电》课程课堂教学模式改革的具体实践

4.1 教学内容模块化

传统的《英文外贸函电》课程是以章节的形式、系统的介绍知识, 内容繁杂, 不适应具体工作环境, 学生难以掌握, 难以形成职业技能。因此, 应将教学内容模块化, 去粗取精, 根据外贸业务的基本流程, 也就是“建立业务联系——询盘——发盘——还盘——确认——下订单”六个基本步骤, 将教学内容分为六个模块。而其他枝节性的、非主要的内容则融入到六个教学模块的教学当中。

4.2 教学组织职业化

教师最好能把外贸公司一些真实的往来业务函电作为教学补充资料发给学生, 让他们结合教学内容, 展开对比、分析的思考过程, 从中去感悟真实的业务情景;另外, 师生共同进行“角色扮演”, 共同参与“贸易流程”的业务操作, 共同思考每一步所需要掌握的专业技能与英语表达。比如, 教师可以创设真实工作场景的学习情境, 把全班学生分成进口和出口公司两大组, 展开教学过程。每个大组内再根据具体情况设立相应的岗位, 学生结合《进出口业务》中的基本概念与业务环节, 分角色进行“市场调研, 寻找合作机 会——询盘——报盘”等业务过程。这个部分的关键在于, 学生要能分别从询盘和报盘的角度自如地进行口头和书面英语表达, 把专业理论知识和英语表达融合在一起, 需要分角色进行活动的学生互相之间反复操练, 最终达到形成学生职业能力的目。

4.3 教学手段现代化

作为应该紧跟时代脉搏的高职教育者, 应该充分发挥新媒体和互联网对教学的辅助作用。例如, 在《英文外贸函电》课程的教学过程中, 教师可以通过多媒体放映基于外贸实际工作情景的视频, 让学生体验真实的工作情景, 然后再以某一角色撰写英文外贸函电, 这样比让学生单纯的写函电更能激发学生的学习兴趣, 同时也能让学生明白真正意义上的“学以致用”。

4.4 考核方式任务化

笔者认为, 教学改革的关键是考核方式的转变。因为考核方式直接影响对教师所“教”和学生所“学”的内容的质量的评价方式。《英文外贸函电》是一门结合外贸知识的应用型语言课程, 考核应以学生是否能够胜任和完成外贸业务中具体的工作任务作为考核的评价依据, 而不是传统意义上的词汇和语法的掌握情况。在考核中, 教师可以给定学生一段有关外贸业务磋商的背景材料, 然后让其分析其中涉及到的函电类型, 然后再根据要求撰写有关英文外贸函电;教师在评价学生的考核结果时, 应重点关注函电本身的功能性, 也就是是否能够达到沟通业务的目的, 而非单词拼写、语法、句法是否准确。

5 结语

《英文外贸函电》是一门沟通外贸业务的专业技能课程, 内容丰富, 要求教师不仅要具有精深的英文知识, 同时要具有外贸业务的相关知识。另外, 由于当今国际贸易的迅猛发展和高职教育的特殊使命, 要求教师在教学过程中重点培养学生的职业技能, 这也是基于外贸业务流程的《英文外贸函电》课程课堂教学模式改革的引航灯和最终目的。


[1]隋思忠, 曾玲.外贸英语函电[M].大连:东北财经大学出版社, 2007.

[2]徐美荣.外贸英语函电[M].北京:对外经济贸易大学出版社, 2007.

[3]马成荣.职业教育课程开发及项目课程设计——基于IT类专业的研究[M].江苏:科学技术出版社, 2006, (9) .

外贸业务助理个人简历 篇3


姓 名:

性 别:女

民 族:汉

籍 贯:浙江温州

























外贸业务主管英文简历 篇4

Name:Mr. emalled

Nationality:China (Mainland)

Current Place:Guangzhou

Height/Weight:166 cm 60 kg

Marital Status:Single

Age:44 years

Career Objective

Application type:Jobseeker

Preferred job title:Foreign Trade / Import-Export Manager / Supervisor: Marketing Manager 、Foreign Trade/Import-Export Specialist/Assistant: Sales Supervisor 、English Translator: Sales Representive

Working life:18Title:Senior title

Job type:Full timeExpected Start date:In a day

Expected salary:

Preferred working place:Guangzhou Shenzhen Hainan

Work experience:

Companys name:Guangzhou Jia Yue Leather Goods Com., LtdBegin and end date: -03--11Enterprise nature:Private enterprisesIndustry: Garment/Textile/Leather/ShoesJob Title:Marketing Manager Job description:Our Company is a professional manufacturer of cases & handbags. I was a marketing manager. My duty is development & management, supervise & coordinate. My work is develop & maintain & follow up service our customers in USA / EU / Japan. I was in charge of our customers information searching & develop/ part drawing & email translation / quotation / purchase order / samples / bulk & mass products / delivery / payment / claim / Service after sale / all in a line. I was in charge of plan & organize & attend Canton Fair Show.I have experience at E-trade. such as: ebay, taobao,etc. Reasons for leaving:Development Companys name:Frameway Seiko Tooling FactoryBegin and end date: -03-2009-03Enterprise nature:Soly foreign funded enterprisesIndustry: Furniture/Home Appliances/Crafts/Toy/JewelryJob Title:Marketing Supervisor Job description:Our factory is a professional manufacturer of metal stamping moulds and products. We fabricated metal stamping mould and products for our customers all over the world. I was a Marketing Supervisor. My duty is development & management, supervise & coordinate. My work is develop / maintain / follow up service customers. I follow up our customers in USA & EU & Japan. I was in charge of our customers information Searching, email & products drawing translation / quotation / purchase order / samples / bulk & mass products / delivery / payment / claim / Service after sale / follow up / all in a line. Project Coordinator . Reasons for leaving:Development Companys name:BaoBang Handbag MillBegin and end date: -03-2006-03Enterprise nature:Soly foreign funded enterprisesIndustry: Furniture/Home Appliances/Crafts/Toy/JewelryJob Title:Sales Representative Job description:Our Mill is a professional manufacturer of cases & handbags. I was a Sales Representative. My duty is develop & maintain & follow up service our customers in USA / EU / Japan. I was in charge of our customers information searching & develop/ part drawing & email translation / quotation / purchase order / samples / bulk & mass products / delivery / payment / claim / Service after sale / all in a line. Reasons for leaving:Development Companys name:Juntingkang Metal Goods FactoryBegin and end date: -03-2004-03Enterprise nature:Soly foreign funded enterprisesIndustry: Furniture/Home Appliances/Crafts/Toy/JewelryJob Title:Merchandiser Job description:Our factory is a special manufacturer of belt buckle. We made belt buckle by zinc alloy / bronze / aluminum. I was a merchandiser. My work is develop / maintain / follow up service customers. I follow up our customers in Europe / India / Japan. My work description: Clients email & products drawing translation / quotation / purchase order / samples / bulk & mass products / payment / claim / service after sale. Reasons for leaving:Development Companys name:CITS Lijiang Sub-Branch in Yunnan provinceBegin and end date: -09-2003-03Enterprise nature:State-owned enterprisesIndustry: Hotel/TravelingJob Title:English Guide Job description:I was a speaking English tour guide for foreign tourists. I met more than 3000 tourists from European / American and Southeast Asia . I made them satisfied of their tour in lijiang. I guide tourists Explore in Lijiang ancient town, Jade dragon snow mountain, Tiger leaping gorge, Lugu lake women kingdom / etc. Reasons for leaving:Development Companys name:Haikou HuaFeng Tourism Development Company LimitedBegin and end date: 1994-07-1999-09Enterprise nature:Soly foreign funded enterprisesIndustry: Hotel/TravelingJob Title:Assistant Manager Job description:I was a assistant Manager and Cashier in Haikou HuaFeng Tourism Development Company Limited. Our company run video game in the major city in China and Myanmar. Reasons for leaving:Development Companys name:Haikou HuaFeng Tourism Company LimitedBegin and end date: 1993-07-1994-07Enterprise nature:Sino-foreign joint venturesIndustry: Finance/Investment/SecuritiesJob Title:Asistant Manager and Cashier Job description:I was a broker in Hainan Tongyi Financial Investment Consultant Com., Ltd. I sale futures trade contract to our customers. I promoted financial future trade to our customers. Reasons for leaving:Development

Educational Background

Name of School:Hainan Normal University

Highest Degree:BachelorDate of Graduation:1993-07-01

Name of Major 1:English EducationName of Major 2:

Education experience:Start dateEnd dateEducation organizationMajorsCertificateCertificate No19553-091993-07Hainan Normal UniversityEnglish EducationBachelor

Language Ability

Foreign Language:EnglishLevel:perfect

Language ability:I proficient in English, I good at Japanese.

经典外贸业务员英文简历 篇5




经典外贸业务员英文简历外贸业务员英文 简历 范文(一)

name: zhu min

english name : adam chu

personal data:

sex: male

age: 46

height: 168 cm

weight: 55kg

blood type: a

marital status :

single native place

: suzhou, jiangsu , china

email: wtojob@ wtojob.cn msn: wtojob@wtojob.cn office phone: ****-******** mobil: 136********

educational background

major: international trade

graduate school: shanghai foreign trade instituteeducation:

1985.2-1988.10 nanjing normal university majored english language

1989.2-1990.10 shanghai foreign trade institute

majored international trade

academic main courses:

management/marketing/international trade,import/export business, foreign trade english, computer skill and so on

english skills:

have a good command of both spoken and written english.computer abilities:

外贸业务员英文 简历 范文(二)

skilled in use of windows / office 2000

self assessment:

good professional skills.team work spirit.high liability and attribution.nice characters.self-motivated, respond well in high-pressure

atmosphere.energetic, adaptable and able man,cooperative and honest to others

employment experience :

1993/2—1997/12 worked in st.mila co.,(russia), sold leather coats in russian market and lived in moscow city.1998/2-2000/10 worked in masterstaff travel co.,(russia), managed overseas chinese traveling.2001/2-2003/12 worked in alfa group co.,(russia)in charge of hotel service for overseas chinese lives.2004/9-2005/6 worked in wujiang jinfeng wood door co., manage overseas market business.2005/7-2006/2 worked in dongguan jinzhong electric co., managed all exporting business.position wanted:

to obtain a challenging position as a sales manager for overseas market

外贸业务员英文 简历 范文(三)

Name: ***

English Name : Adam Chu

Personal Data:

Sex: male

Native Place: Suzhou, Jiangsu , China

Email: wtojobh@wtojob..com.Office phone: 0577-65597777 Mobil: ***

Educational Background

Major: International Trade

Graduate school: Shanghai Foreign Trade InstituteEducation:


Nanjing Normal University

Majored English Language


Shanghai Foreign Trade Institute

Majored International Trade

Academic Main Courses:

Management/Marketing/International Trade,Import/Export Business, Foreign Trade

English, Computer Skill and so on

English Skills:

Have a good command of both spoken and written English.Computer Abilities:

Skilled in use of Windows / Office 2000

Self Assessment:

Good professional skills.team work spirit.high liability and attribution.nice characters.self-motivated, respond well in high-pressure

atmosphere.energetic, adaptable and able man,cooperative and honest to others

Employment Experience :

1993/2--1997/12 worked in St.Mila Co.,(Russia), sold leather coats in Russian market and lived in Moscow city.1998/2-2000/10 worked in Masterstaff

Travel Co.,(Russia), managed overseas Chinese traveling.2001/2-2003/12 worked

外贸业务员英文简历带翻译 篇6


性别: 女

学历: 大专 政治面貌: 0

生日: 1992-08-15 民族: 汉族

婚姻状况: 未婚 籍贯: 河南 辉县

身高: 160 公分 体重: 49 公斤

专业: 商务英语 工作经验: 2 年

期望工作地点: 新乡市


行业/职位: 其它 外贸业务员 期望月薪: 8000元 工作性质: 全职


学校名称: 焦作师范高等专科学校 专业: 商务英语 就读时间: 2010-09-11 至 2013-06-01 获得学历: 大专


语种: 英语 能力: 良好


公司名称: 慈溪市长岭电器有限公司

工作时间: 2015-07-12 至 2014-02-15

公司规模: 保密

所在部门: 销售部

工作分类: 销售 销售代表

职位月薪: 保密

工作描述: 公司是生产型企业,有自己的销售团队,参加各类展会,电话联系客户,出差拜访客户,展厅接待客户

公司名称: 新乡市博源净水材料有限公司

工作时间: 2015-06-18 至 2016-12-29

公司规模: 200~500人

所在部门: 外贸部

工作分类: 销售 外贸专员

职位月薪: 保密


公司名称: 深圳市华测检测技术股份有限公司上海分公司

工作时间: 2014-09-29 至 2015-05-31

公司规模: 保密

所在部门: 纺织业务部

工作分类: 销售 销售代表

职位月薪: 保密

工作描述: 上市公司,检测机构,服装、鞋类、箱包测试,主要负责和各类品牌或企业联系,出差拜访客户,参加各类服装展


外贸助理个人简历 篇7

目前所在: 白云区 年 龄: 21

户口所在: 湖南 国 籍: 中国

婚姻状况: 未婚 民 族: 汉族

培训认证: 未参加 身 高: 160 cm

诚信徽章: 未申请 体 重: 50 kg

人才测评: 未测评


人才类型: 应届毕业生

应聘职位: 外语翻译:英语翻译助理或客服,贸易:,客服专员/助理(非技术):

工作年限: 0 职 称: 无职称

求职类型: 全职 可到职日期: 随时

月薪要求: 1500-- 希望工作地区: 广州,深圳,东莞


广州市至盛冠美家具公司 起止年月:-09 ~ -04

公司性质: 民营企业 所属行业:家具/家电/工艺品/玩具/珠宝

担任职位: 外贸助理

工作描述: 在职期间协同其他外贸人员一起完成公司任务

离职原因: 工作环境

盛园酒店 起止年月:2009-07 ~ 2009-09

公司性质: 民营企业 所属行业:服务业

担任职位: 客户服务

工作描述: 负责日常客户服务,记录顾客所点菜品、酒水时,写清日期、桌号、用餐人数等。

离职原因: 学习


毕业院校: 湖南化工职业技术学院

最高学历: 大专 获得学位: 毕业日期: 2010-07

专 业 一: 商务英语 专 业 二: 日语

起始年月 终止年月 学校(机构) 所学专业 获得证书 证书编号

2007-09 2007-10 湖南化工职业技术学院 商务英语 普通话二乙 -


外语: 英语 优秀 粤语水平: 一般

其它外语能力: 日语一般

国语水平: 优秀




2、计算机水平: 6月19日参加全国计算机高新技术办公软件应用模块(Windows XP平台Office XP系列)操作员考试,成绩优秀,能熟练掌握word,Excel,PPt,Office等办公操作软件,具备Windows XP环境下文字处理、图文混排及表格操作能力。



















我知道当今信息时代计算机和网络的重要性,所以在学好专业的同时,我通过了计算机办公软件中级考试,成绩优秀,具备Windows XP环境下文字处理、图文混排及表格操作能力。





上一篇:蔬菜 食品配送合同下一篇:学校家长会家长心得